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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ce qu'un corps peut devenir : cartographie entre danse et philosophie / What a Body can Become : cartography between Dance and Philosophy

Potrovic, Laura 27 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse n'explore pas ce qu'est le corps, mais ce qu'un corps peut devenir. Elle explore le corps comme un événement en train de se faire à travers les concepts tels que le Corps sans Organes (Antonin Artaud, Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari), le bodying (Erin Manning), le corps en train de se faire (Erin Manning) et le devenir (Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari). Ce que tous ces concepts ont en commun est l'état de devenir. Ici, le corps devient, et en tant que tel - c'est un verbe, une activité, une force. Cette thèse explore non seulement le corps comme une force de devenir, mais elle explore également le devenir de cette force - au niveau moléculaire, expérientiel et relationnel. Comme le dit Manning, un corps est toujours plus qu'un corps. Ici, nous essayons d'aborder les devenirs physiques, expérientiels et relationnels d'un corps en mouvement. Ce qui bouge le corps de l'état d'être vers l'état de devenir est le mouvement. Cette thèse tente de montrer comment le mouvement ne s'arrête jamais. Nous bougeons toujours, donc, il y a une continuité de devenir. Un corps n'est jamais uniquement une forme, il est une force-forme. Le mouvement est celui qui ouvre le corps vers son devenir de force(s). Un corps en mouvement n'est pas une forme d'expression, mais une force d'expressivité. Le mouvement fait le corps, par conséquent, le corps lui-même est un mouvement. Nous ne dansons pas avec le corps, nous dansons le corps lui-même. Le corps est une partition, un corps-partition, de son devenir. / This thesis does not explore what body is, but what a body can become. It explores the body as event-in-making throughout the concepts such as Body without Organs (Antonin Artaud, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari), bodying (Erin Manning), body-in-making (Erin Manning). What all of those concepts have in common is the same state - a state of becoming. Here, body becomes, and as such - it is a verb, an activity, a force. This thesis does not only explore the body as a force of becoming, but it also explores the becoming of that force - at the molecular, experiential and relational level. As Manning says, a body is always more-than one. Here, we are trying to approach the physical, experiential and relational becomings of a body in movement. That which moves the body from the state of being into the state of becoming is movement. This thesis is trying to show how movement never stops. We always move, therefore, there is a continuity of becoming. A body is never just a form, but a force-form. Movement is that which opens the body toward its becoming of force(s). A moving body is not a form of expression, but a force-field of expressivity. Movement makes the body, therefore, the body itself is a movement. We are not dancing with the body, we are dancing the body itself. The body is a score, a body-score, of its own becoming.

Le corps maternel : le lieu de la métaphysique / The maternal body : the place of metaphysics

Del Aguila, Ursula 26 January 2017 (has links)
Cette étude traque le corps maternel dans l’histoire de la métaphysique. Chez Platon, il oscille entre chôra, nourrice du vivant, et matrice animale qui gouverne le corps féminin Mais la chôra, n’est pas
« Triton Genos » mais premier environnement de l’être qui est exproprié dès son origine. S’en suit l’errance du corps maternel fondatrice de la métaphysique. La volonté d’effacer le corps maternel est au cœur de la métaphysique définie comme haine et jalousie à l’égard de ce corps. Aristote théorise l’engendrement en soi mais inaugure la tradition de l’infériorisation des femmes due à leur matrice que la médecine gréco-­‐latine entérine. Le christianisme comme « métaphysique des sexes » invente une figure du corps maternel purifié avec la Vierge Marie. Aux XVIIe et XVIIIème siècles, le sujet possède son corps et ses enfants et assombrit la dignité de la personne. Le corps maternel agonise et ce matricide dit la nouvelle économie libidinale qui perpétue l’enfouissement renouvelé de la mère. Le corps qui arrive est machine, sans organes et sans utérus. Un corps fabriqué, instrument de soi, qui célèbre la naissance sans mère. Le corps auto-­‐engendré dit le phantasme masculin d’en passer sans le corps maternel. Son analyse dans la cartographie des philosophes femmes du XXème siècle, universaliste, différentialiste, queer, cyborg, est incontournable. Le point culminant de notre étude mesure les enjeux actuels des biotechnologies, phase finale de l’effacement du corps maternel puisqu’elles tendent à l’externaliser et à l’assujettir. Devant le commencement radical qu’ouvre la naissance qui se fait grâce à la chair matricielle pensante des femmes, ne faudrait-­‐il pas bâtir la nouvelle métaphysique sur une ontologie de la vie basée sur l'ordre symbolique de la mère, seule issue possible pour sortir du désordre de la pensée ? / This study seeks to uncover the maternal body in the history of Metaphysics. In Plato, it varies between the chora, nurse of the living and the animal matrix which rules the feminine body. However, the chora is not « triton genos » but the first environment of the being who is expropriated from its origins. The maternal body can begin to wander and Metaphysics lays on that wandering. The Will of erasing it is at the heart of Metaphysics defined as hatred and jealousy. Aristotle thinks through the Begetting in itself but also ushers in the tradition of devaluing Women’s bodies in particular their womb, which is exactly what the Greek Latine Medicine confirms. The Christianity as “Metaphysics of the Sexes” invents a purified figure of the maternal body with the Virgin Mary. With the XVII and XVIIIe centuries, the subject owns his body and his children and this darkens the Dignity of the Person. The maternal body is dying and this matricide illustrates the upcoming libidinal Economy that perpetuates the burial of the Mother. The new body is a machine, without organs and without a womb. This manufactured body, tool of the Self, celebrates the Birth without the Mother. The self-begotten body represents the male fantasy to procreate without the female body. Analysis of it in the cartography of Women Philosophers, alternately universalist, differentialist, queer, cyborg is highly needed. The climax of this study measures the actual stakes of Biotechnologies, considering them as the final step of a large and global Erasing of the maternal body in an attempt to externalise and enslave it. In front of the radical beginning that opens Birth, made possible by the female thinking matrix flesh, why not build a new metaphysics upon the Symbolic Order of the Mother, this is the only way to leave forever the original Disorder of philosophical Thinking?

Pour une théorie non-dualiste de la poésie (1960-1989) / For a Non-Dualist Theory of Poetry (1960-1989)

De Francesco, Alessandro 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude présente l'un des parcours possibles d'analyse comparée sur la création poétique de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle, en tâchant, sous l'égide de la notion de non-dualisme, de parvenir à la formulation de concepts qui puissent contribuer à redéfinir les épistémologies d'action propres à la poésie des années 1960-80 mais aussi, en perspective, de l'extrême contemporain. Cette approche de littérature générale nous amène à étudier des ouvrages d'auteurs hétérogènes, relevant du domaine moderniste francophone (Jean Daive, Michel Deguy, André du Bouchet, Denis Roche, Claude Royet-Journoud, etc.), germanophone (Paul Celan), et italien (Antonio Porta, Andrea Zanzotto, etc.), ainsi que de la poésie sonore (Bernard Heidsieck, Henri Chopin, Ernst Jandl, etc.) et de la poésie concrète, conceptuelle et minimaliste d'aire euro-américaine (Vito Acconci, Robert Barry, Aram Saroyan, etc.), dans la conscience qu'une proposition de théorie de la poésie ne saurait être formulée sans rendre compte des entrecroisements entre de multiples pratiques qui résultent, d'après l'étude des textes, étroitement reliées. Étant donnée la perspective théorique qui caractérise cette thèse, une attention particulière est consacrée aux interactions entre poésie, poétique et philosophie, la French Theory d'une part et la pensée de Wittgenstein de l'autre constituant les deux apports principaux pour la formulation des concepts proposés. Cette étude souhaite enfin offrir une proposition alternative de théorie de la poésie moderne, et elle est par conséquent en dialogue critique avec d'autres approches de ce genre, notamment celles de Jean-Marie Gleize, de Michael Hamburger et d'Henri Meschonnic. / This study proposes a comparative analysis of the poetry of the second half of XXth century. It aims, through the notion of non-dualism, to formulate concepts able to redefine the epistemologies of action of poetry from the 1960s to the 1980s but also, in a general perspective, of contemporary poetry. As a typical approach in general literary studies and literary theory, this thesis investigates the work of heterogeneous authors, with a focus on French (Jean Daive, Michel Deguy, André du Bouchet, Denis Roche, Claude Royet-Journoud, etc.), German (Paul Celan) and Italian modernism (Antonio Porta, Andrea Zanzotto, etc.), as well as sound poetry (Bernard Heidsieck, Henri Chopin, Ernst Jandl, etc.) and Euro-American concrete, conceptual and minimalist poetry (Vito Acconci, Robert Barry, Aram Saroyan, etc.). This choice is due to the scientific awareness that a proposition of a theory of poetry has to be formulated all the way through multiple approaches that result, thanks to text analyses, as deeply intertwined. Given the theoretical perspective of this dissertation, a specific attention is brought on the interactions among poetry, poetics and philosophy, French Theory and Wittgenstein being the two main inputs. Finally, this thesis wishes to offer an alternative proposition for a modern theory of poetry and it is therefore in a constant critical dialogue with other studies of the same genre, such as those of Jean-Marie Gleize, Michael Hamburger and Henri Meschonnic.

Gilles Deleuze y la inversión del platonismo

Martínez Mellado, Asunción 23 October 1987 (has links)
With this study we analyse and expound the leitmotif that underlies G. Deleuze's philosophy. M. Foucault stated: "The XXI century will be Deleuzian". We will centre on G. Deleuze's first period works, above all on Différence y répétition, Logique du sens, L'Anti-Oedipe and Mille plateaux. In this works Deleuze establishes the foundations of all his further thought. It is a question of showing the way Deleuze carries out the Nietzschean proposal of reversing Platonism. Reversing Platonism is for Deleuze Thinking about the future. This Deleuzian attempt to make a real and positive philosophy of what is to become will be the subject of the first part of "The adventure of difference".The Adventure of Difference has two main moments: a) the construction of a transcendental empiricism, underlain by an aesthetics or ontology of intensity and b) the drawing up of a metaphysics of eventuation and ghost.In the second part, we tackle the reducing to practice of that philosophy in "the sqizoanalysis: a theoretical proposal, a war machine".Deleuze and F. Guattari state that squizoanalysis aims at: the capitalist machinery, its rational pathology and the irrational ground it builds upon. As well as the revolutionary mechanisms or war machine used to fight against repression powers that sap and undermine from the inside desire and the social.This task, that is by no means outside the reversal of Platonism, gets updated in two phases, the one named "Adventures and misfortunes of desire" (true history is the history of desire, Deleuze said); and the one called "The machine-like unconscious: a thousand plains do not make a mountain".In the first part, Deleuze y Guattari suggest a machine-like conception of the unconscious and of desire. L'Antioedipe develops this conception. In the second part Deleuze carries out what we might call the building, the own creation of the said unconscious, worked out in Mille Plateaux. Several approaches, several plateaux, make up the new system: rhizomatic, process of stratification, pragmatics, micropolitics, nomadology, will become now the figures of squizoanalisys. In Mille plateaux, squizoanalysis is presented as a map, a network, a diagram of lines of power that cross reality. Finally it should not be forgotten that squizoanalysis has a political and revolutionary side, or even better, it intends to be a revolutionary practice of political-wishing liberation and of free experimenting. "Thinking is experimenting, creating!" ¡What better reversal of Platonism!Terms: abstract machine, agencyment, body without organs, consistency plane, countenancing, war machine, reversal of Platonism, squizoanalysis, difference, repetition, micropolitics, nomadology. / .El objetivo de este estudio es analizar y exponer el motivo que recorre toda la filosofía de G. Deleuze.Su amigo M. Foucault, anunció: "El siglo XXI será deleuziano". Nos centraremos en las obras de la primera etapa, sobre todo en "Différence y répétition", "Logique du sens", "L'Anti-Oedipe " y "Mille plateaux" En ellos Deleuze sienta los fundamentos de todo su pensamiento posterior. Se trata de exponer cómo Deleuze realiza en la práctica la propuesta nietzscheana de llevar a cabo la inversión del platonismo. Invertir el platonismo es para Deleuze pensar el devenir.La tentativa deleuziana de hacer una verdadera y positiva filosofía del devenir será el tema de la primera parte "La aventura de la diferencia".La aventura de la diferencia consta de dos momentos principales: a) la construcción de un empirismo trascendental al que subyace una estética u ontología de las intensidades y b) la elaboración de una metafísica del acontecimiento y del fantasma. En la segunda parte, abordamos el momento de la puesta en práctica de dicha filosofía en "El esquizonálisis: una propuesta teórico práctica, una máquina de guerra".Deleuze y F. Guattari afirmar que el esquizoanálisis tiene por objetivo: la máquina capitalista, su patología racional y la irracionalidad sobre la que se levanta; así como los mecanismos revolucionarios o máquina de guerra con la que luchar contra los poderes de la represión que socavan y minan desde dentro el deseo y lo social. Esta tarea, que en absoluto es ajena a la inversión del platonismo, se actualiza en dos etapas, la titulada "Las aventuras y desventuras del deseo" (La verdadera historia es la historia del deseo, dirá Deleuze); y la titulada "El inconsciente maquínico: Mil planicies no hacen una montaña"En la primera parte, Deleuze y Guattari proponen una concepción maquínica del inconsciente y del deseo. Ésta es desarrollada en L'Antioedipe. En la segunda Deleuze lleva a cabo lo que podríamos llamar la construcción, la creación misma de dicho inconsciente, elaborada en Mille Plateaux. Diversas aproximaciones, diversos plateaux, forman el nuevo sistema: rizomática, estratoanálisis, pragmática, micropolítica y nomadología, serán ahora las figuras del esquizoanálisis. En Mille plateaux, el esquizoanálisis se nos presenta como una cartografía, diagrama o mapa de las líneas de fuerza que atraviesan lo real. Finalmente no hay que olvidar que el esquizoanális tiene una vertiente política y revolucionaria, o mejor, pretende ser un ejercicio revolucionario de liberación político-deseante y de libre experimentación. ¡Pensar es experimentar, crear! ¡Qué mayor inversión del platonismo!

Beprotybės interpretacija Gilles Deleuze'o filosofijoje / The interpretation of unreason in Gilles Deleuze's philosophy

Karvelytė, Kristina 23 May 2005 (has links)
The interpretation of unreason in Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophy Deleuze argues that all philosophy must originate itself from violence. The violence in thought is evoken by problems, which aren‘t given but constituted in mind. The fundamental problem of thought is incapacity to think itself, the malaise of mind, stupidity or madness. The dogmatical image of thought takes the common form of an 'Everybody knows . . .' , and in the following way disassociates itself from the problem - it merely dislodges madness from discourse of reason. Deleuze shows that the problem of madness should be included into image of thought, if transforming it simultaneously. The work points out, how Deleuze solves this properly transcendental qestion: how is unreason possibile? The thinker offers three perspectives, three points of view to reflect this problem. It can be seen from a point from highland or platonical tradicion, from a point of surface or virtual philosophy which Deleuze founds in the works of stoics, Leibniz, Nietzsche and Lewis Carrol and from a point of depths into which plunges Artaud. To each of these modes of mind thereby can be diagnosed distinct disease: maniac depresion or paranoia to idealism, active form of schizophrenia- to virtual philosophy and passive form of schizophrenia – to the thinking of depths. The research shows up how eventualy this triad turns to strict disjunction between traditional image of thought and the thought which is able to think of madness, becomings... [to full text]

A schizoanalytic reading of paradise lost and the waste land

Duffy, Clifford January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

A schizoanalytic reading of paradise lost and the waste land

Duffy, Clifford January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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