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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TIPQC Breastfeeding Promotion Projects Monthly Huddle on each of the 10 Steps for Successful Breastfeeding

Schetzina, Karen, Ware, Julie, Morad, Anna 01 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Stressa-Mindre - En studie om offentlig amning

Kehler, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
I denna studien undersöktes det om det går att använda produktdesign för att minska stressen för mammor vid offentlig amning. Syftet med studien var att hjälpa mammor att stressa ned och målet var att ta fram ett designförslag i form av en produkt för att uppfylla syftet.För att kunna lyckas med detta har användarcentrerad design legat till grund. Metoderna som använts är intervju, observation och enkät, och dessa gjordes på målgruppen nyblivna mammor. Vidare har studien krävt en marknadsundersökning för att se vilka produkter som redan existerar på marknaden. Även normkreativ design har använts för dels att uppmärksamma vilka problem som kan uppstå vid offentlig amning och samtidigt rikta kritik mot samhället för de alltför utbredda attityder om amning och dels för att föra studien framåt med hjälp av idégenereringar. Slutsatsen är, att det att behöva visa sig inför andra är den största orsaken till stress för mammorna vid amning. Självklart känner inte alla mammor så, men enligt flertalet av respondenterna i denna studien var detta deras största bekymmer när de vistades i andra miljöer än hemmet. Slutprodukten är ett designförslag på hur detta problemet skulle kunna lösas. Då alla individer är olika och har olika krav och åsikter kan inte en produkt behövas till alla, men enligt studien finns det en målgrupp för produkten. / This study examines whether product design can be used to reduce the stress for mothers during public breastfeeding. The purpose of the study was to help mothers to stress down, and the goal was to produce a design proposal in the form of a product with the purpose to succeed in this.In order to succeed, user-centered design has been the basis for the used methods, utilizing interviews, observations and questionnaires. this have been performed on the target group consisting of new mothers. Furthermore, the study has required a market research to see which products already exist on the market. Norm creativity design has also been used to pay attention to the problem of public breast-feeding and to criticize the society regarding the current attitudes on this, but also to help progression of the study by creation of ideas.In conclusion the biggest cause of stress for the mothers during public breastfeeding is having to bare yourself in the company of others. Of course, it is not a problem for all mothers, but in this study the majority of the respondents on whom the study is based, had dread of this. The end product is a design proposal on how this problem could be solved. Since all individuals are different, have different requirements and opinions, not all are in need of such a product, but according to the study there is a target group needing such help.

Faktorer som bidrar till helamning : en litteraturöversikt / Factors contributing to exclusive breastfeeding : a literature review

Johansson, Hanna, Bjurdalen, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Enligt World Health Organizations rekommendationer bör kvinnor uteslutande amma sina barn under de första sex levnadsmånaderna. Amning medför kortsiktiga och långsiktiga hälsofördelar för både mamman och barnet och innebär miljömässiga och ekonomiska vinster både på individ och samhällsnivå. Trots detta sjunker amningsfrekvensen och det är i skrivande stund bara en tredjedel av världens spädbarn som helammas upp till sex månaders ålder. I Sverige har andelen helammade barn minskat under de senaste 30 åren och frekvensen fortsätter att sjunka. Detta är ett stort folkhälsoproblem där barnmorskan har en central uppgift i sitt arbete att främja och stödja kvinnor till amning.  Syftet var att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till att kvinnor helammar sitt barn. Vald metod var en integrativ litteraturöversikt med en flerstegsprocess framställd av Whittemore och Knafl. Sexton artiklar inkluderades i resultatet, varav åtta kvantitativa, sjukvalitativa och en av mixad metod. All data insamlades via databaserna PubMed och CINAHL under våren 2023. I resultatet sammanställs fem kategorier som svarar på syftet: aktivt stöd från barnmorskan genom hela vårdkedjan, stöd från partner och omgivning, bemötande och motivation, kunskap och evidensbaserad information samt skyddsfaktorer och riskfaktorer till helamning. Slutsatsen var att kvinnor helammar i större utsträckning när de haft ett aktivt stöd från barnmorskan genom hela vårdkedjan. Ett individanpassat stöd med respekt för kvinnans autonomi var viktigt. Motivationen att helamma ökade i de fall barnmorskan uppmuntrade och stärkte kvinnornas upplevelse av självförmåga samt visade tilltro till deras nya roll som ammande mödrar. Att ha en stödjande partner samt att kvinnorna fick adekvat och evidensbaserad information om amning var också avgörande. Inkonsekventa och motsägelsefulla amningsråd minskade förtroendet för vårdgivarna och påverkade amningen negativt. Gemensamma riktlinjer för amningsstöd bör utformas inom vårdverksamheten och varje barnmorska bör hålla sig uppdaterade kring evidensbaserad kunskap om amning. / World Health Organization recommend women to exclusively breastfeed their children until the age of six months. Breastfeeding contributes to short-term and long-term health benefits for both the mother and child and entails environmental and economic gains at an individual and societal level. Despite this, breastfeeding rates are decreasing and currently only one third of the children worldwide are exclusively breastfed up to the age of six months. In Sweden, exclusive breastfeeding has decreased over the last 30 years and continues to do so. This is a major public health problem where midwives play a central role in their work to promote and support women to breastfeed. The aim was to investigate which factors contribute to women exclusively breastfeeding their children. The chosen method was an integrative literature review based on Whittemore and Knafl´s multi-stepprocess. Sixteen articles were included in the results, eight quantitative, seven qualitative and one of mixed method. All data were collected via the databases PubMed and CINAHL in the spring of 2023. The results compiled five categories: active support from the midwife throughout the care-chain, supportive partner and friends, treatment and motivation, knowledge and evidence-based information as well as protective factors and risk factors for exclusive breastfeeding. Women exclusively breastfeed longer when they recieve active support from midwives throughout the entire care-chain. Individuaized care and respect for womens autonomy was important. The motivation to breastfeed increased when the midwife encouraged and strengthened the womans self-efficacy and showed trust in their new role as breastfeeding mothers. Having a supportive partner as well as receiving adequate and evidence-based information about breastfeeding from midwives were also important. Inconsistent breastfeeding advice from care givers negatively affected their motivation. It is important that midwives create common guidelines for support and remain updated on evidence-based breastfeeding knowledge.

Kvinnors upplevelser av amningsstöd från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal / Women's experiences of breastfeeding support from healthcare professionals

Axelsson, Linda, Tronhage, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att amma sitt barn i minst sex månader efter födseln ses som mest fördelaktigt för barnets hälsa och även ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Ändå så är det inte många som faktiskt helammar efter sex månader.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av amningsstöd av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal.  Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med en integrerad analys enligt Kristensson (2014). Systematisk sökning av litteratur skedde i databaserna CINAHL, PsycInfo och PubMed.  Resultat: I denna studie inkluderades totalt 12 originalstudier publicerade mellan åren 2017- 2021 med totalt 443 kvinnor inkluderade. Ett tema, två kategorier och 10 underkategorier identifierades. Det tema som identifierades var Ammande kvinnors upplevelser av amningsstöd från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och de två kategorierna som identifierades var Positiva upplevelser av amningsstöd och Negativa upplevelser av amningsstöd. Resultatet av studien visar att kvinnor generellt uppskattar det stöd de fått om amning av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Dock upplevs stödet som bristande hos majoriteten både under graviditeten och efter barnet är fött.  Slutsats: Kvinnorna beskrev att de hade både positiva och negativa upplevelser av amningsstöd. För att kvinnor ska ha förutsättningar att fortsätta amma behöver de få tillgång till kontinuerligt stöd från hälso- och sjukvården under graviditet samt postpartum. Mer forskning krävs inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård för att kunna implementera nya arbetssätt som främjar amningsstöd. / Background: To breastfeed an infant six months after birth is beneficial for the infant’s health and positive from a public health perspective. Despite several advantages, few mothers breastfeed their child exclusively until the child is six months old.  Aim: The aim was to investigate women’s experiences of breastfeeding support from healthcare professionals.  Methodology: A qualitative literature review with an integrated analysis was performed according to Kristensson (2014). The included literature was obtained from the databases CINAHL, PsycInfo and PubMed.  Results: This study included a total of 12 original studies published between the years 2017- 2021 with a total of 443 women included. One theme, two categories and 10 subcategories were identified. The theme identified was Breastfeeding women's experiences of breastfeeding support from health care professionals and the two categories identified were Positive experiences of breastfeeding support and Negative experiences of breastfeeding support. Women generally appreciate the breastfeeding support they received from healthcare professionals. However, support was perceived as lacking by the majority both during the pregnancy and after the child was born.  Conclusion: The women described that they had both positive and negative experiences of breastfeeding support. To enable women to continue breastfeeding they need continuous support from the healthcare system during pregnancy and postpartum. More research is required within Swedish healthcare to be able to implement new working methods that promote breastfeeding support.

Mothers' perceptions of factors contributing to exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months at Mugodeni Grace Health Centre in Limpopo Province

Maponya, Nyabana Martha January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / BACKGROUND: Exclusive breastfeeding in South Africa to date has not seen progress. The data that is available show that most mothers do initiate breastfeeding immediately after delivery of the baby, but its continuation to the first six months is still a challenge. Although its benefits to the mother and baby are mostly known, it is not translated into positive outcomes as recommended by WHO i.e. to feed the baby with breast milk only, no water, no solids except for medicines that have been prescribed for the first six months. OBJECTIVES: To explore and describe perceptions of breastfeeding mothers regarding factors contributing to exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months at Mugodeni Grace Health centre. METHODS: A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive phenomenological method was used in the study, which was conducted at Mugodeni Grace Health Centre. The convenience sampling strategy was used to recruit participants and the sample size was determined by data saturation. Face-to-face in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine participants in Xitsonga, using an interview guide and were audio taped with the consent of the participants and transcribed verbatim. Data was analysed using Tesch open coding approach. RESULTS: Three themes and nine subthemes emerged from the data analysis, which includes maternal knowledge of breastfeeding, support systems for exclusive breastfeeding and social and cultural influences leading to non-exclusive breastfeeding CONCLUSION: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is a societal issue, which need the involvement of society as a whole to perceive it differently for it to be successful, a family-centred approach in which the father has a role to be part of it to assist and support the mother. Continuous support from the family and health facilities by knowledgeable health practitioners is desired. The study revealed that some nurses were practising wrong breastfeeding practices in front of community members. This made mothers to lose confidence in them as people who can be consulted in case of breastfeeding challenges. Cultural beliefs and myths should be handled in a culturally sensitive manner. Working mothers should be taught to negotiate and make a plan for breastfeeding with the employer during pregnancy and to know of their rights at work viii regarding breastfeeding. Mothers should be taught to breastfeed for eight to twelve times per day. They should also be taught about the causes of crying in babies and shown practical skills on how to latch and how to calm the crying baby.

Developing a Culturally Grounded Breastfeeding Assessment for Low-Income, African American Women

Reno, Rebecca, Reno 22 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Making use of expertise: a qualitative analysis of the experience of breastfeeding support for first-time mothers

Leeming, D., Williamson, I., Johnson, Sally E., Lyttle, S. 05 April 2013 (has links)
No / There is now a body of research evaluating breastfeeding interventions and exploring mothers' and health professionals' views on effective and ineffective breastfeeding support. However, this literature leaves relatively unexplored a number of questions about how breastfeeding women experience and make sense of their relationships with those trained to provide breastfeeding support. The present study collected qualitative data from 22 breastfeeding first-time mothers in the United Kingdom on their experiences of, and orientation towards, relationships with maternity care professionals and other breastfeeding advisors. The data were obtained from interviews and audio-diaries at two time points during the first 5 weeks post-partum. We discuss a key theme within the data of 'Making use of expertise' and three subthemes that capture the way in which the women's orientation towards those assumed to have breastfeeding expertise varied according to whether the women (1) adopted a position of consulting experts vs. one of deferring to feeding authorities; (2) experienced difficulty interpreting their own and their baby's bodies; and (3) experienced the expertise of health workers as empowering or disempowering. Although sometimes mothers felt empowered by aligning themselves with the scientific approach and 'normalising gaze' of health care professionals, at other times this gaze could be experienced as objectifying and diminishing. The merits and limitations of a person-centred approach to breastfeeding support are discussed in relation to using breastfeeding expertise in an empowering rather than disempowering way. / British Academy. Grant Number: 37524

Kvinnors upplevelser av amningssvårigheter : en litteraturöversikt / Women´s experiences of breastfeeding difficulties : a literature review

Enqvist, Linn, Gårdmarker, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
De flesta kvinnor uttrycker en önskan att amma sitt barn. Amningsfrekvensen är dock sjunkande både i Sverige och internationellt. WHO rekommenderar helamning i sex månader och delamning tills dess att barnet är två år eller äldre. Amningssvårigheter är vanligt förekommande och påverkar kvinnans upplevelser samt deras beslut att avbryta eller fortsätta amningen. Amning ingår i barnmorskans kompetensområde, vilket betonar vikten av att öka förståelsen för kvinnors upplevelser av amningssvårigheter. Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av amningssvårigheter. Vald metod var en litteraturöversikt med systematisk metod. Databassökningen utfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL där 15 artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna genomgick en kvalitetsgranskning och det tillämpades en integrerad analysmetod i kombination med en induktiv ansats. Artiklar ifrån olika delar av världen inkluderades i resultatet. Identifierade huvudteman var Bristande kunskaper kring amning, Erfarenheter av stöd samt Upplevda känslor och hantering av amningssvårigheter. Underteman var Betydelsen av stöd, Avsaknad och negativt upplevt stöd, Strategier och hjälpmedel för fortsatt amning, Konfrontation av känslor vid avbruten amning samt Psykologisk påverkan. Slutsatsen berörde vikten av förberedelse samt tillgången till information och kunskap kring amning. Svårigheter med amning kunde uppstå när kvinnor kände sig oförberedda och saknade tillräcklig kunskap. Resultaten indikerade att kvinnornas upplevelse av amning och dess utfall påverkades av hur de upplevde stödet som de erbjöds samt sin tilltro till den egna förmågan att amma. Både vårdpersonalens stöd och det sociala stödet spelade en betydande roll. Barnmorskan har möjlighet att främja amning vid amningssvårigheter genom att erbjuda stöd och rådgivning på ett sätt som upplevs positivt av kvinnan. / The majority of women express a desire to breastfeed their infants. However, breastfeeding rates are declining both in Sweden and internationally. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding with complementary foods for two years or older. Breastfeeding difficulties are prevalent and significantly impact women's experiences, influencing their decisions to discontinue or persevere with breastfeeding. Given that breastfeeding falls within the realm of midwifery competence, it underscores the importance of enhancing understanding regarding women's experiences with breastfeeding challenges. The aim was to illustrate women´s experiences of breastfeeding difficulties. The chosen methodology was a literature review with a systematic method. Database searches were conducted in PubMed and CINAHL, resulting in the inclusion of 15 articles. The articles underwent quality assessment, and an integrated analysis method was applied in conjunction with an inductive approach. Articles from various parts of the world were included in the results. Identified main themes were Insufficient knowledge about breastfeeding, Experiences of support and Perceived emotions and coping with breastfeeding difficulties. Subthemes included the Significance of support, Absence and negatively perceived support, Strategies and tools for continued breastfeeding, Confrontation of emotions during interrupted breastfeeding and Psychological impact. Conclusion addressed the significance of preparation and access to information and knowledge regarding breastfeeding. Difficulties with breastfeeding could arise when women felt unprepared and lacked sufficient knowledge. The results indicated that women's experience of breastfeeding and its outcomes were influenced by how they perceived the support offered to them and their confidence in their ability to breastfeed. Both healthcare professionals' support and social support played an important role. The midwife has the opportunity to promote breastfeeding in cases of breastfeeding difficulties by providing support and guidance in a manner perceived positively by the woman.

Nascer em hospital amigo da criança no Rio de Janeiro: um fator de proteção ao aleitamento materno? / Is Being Born in Baby-Friendly Hospitals a Protective Factor for Breastfeeding?

Paula Florence Sampaio 31 March 2010 (has links)
Apesar de existirem evidências suficientes sobre benefícios do aleitamento materno (AM), apenas 35% das crianças são amamentadas exclusivamente até o quarto mês de vida. Visando estender esta prática, OMS/UNICEF lançaram a Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança (IHAC), que estabelece sistema de credenciamento para maternidades de acordo com grau de incentivo ao AM. Esta dissertação pretende investigar a efetividade da IHAC na duração de dois tipos de aleitamento materno: exclusivo (AME) e predominante (AMP) entre crianças usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de estudo transversal, sendo a população de estudo constituída de 811 mães de crianças menores de 5 meses de idade, selecionadas aleatoriamente em cinco UBS na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A variável de exposição foi categorizada em local de nascimento ocorridos em HAC, naqueles em vias de receber titulação (EVHAC) e naqueles sem titulação. Os desfechos considerados foram duração do AME e do AMP, que inclui também crianças em AME (AMEP). Na análise dos dados, optou-se pelo modelo log-log complementar, que permitiu recompor experiência longitudinal da coorte através do recordatório alimentar de 7 dias e da informação da idade das mesmas, caracterizando abordagem tipo current status data. Mesmo após controle por variáveis sociodemográficas, relativas ao estilo de vida e aos aspectos psicossociais maternos, à utilização dos serviços de saúde, idade e saúde da criança, houve maior duração do AME e AMEP em crianças nascidas em HAC e EVHAC. As taxas de AME e de AMEP são mais de duas vezes maiores entre recém-nascidos que nasceram em HAC e EVHAC. Tal efeito diminui ao longo da idade da criança, mantendo-se evidente até quatro (EVHAC) e dois (HAC) meses de vida quando se considera AME e até dois (EVHAC) e cinco (HAC) meses quando se considera AMEP. Os resultados confirmam a efetividade da IHAC nesta clientela,especialmente na manutenção de AME e AMEP nos primeiros meses de vida. Estes também sugerem necessidade de fortalecimento da IHAC e maior integração entre maternidades e UBS, visando garantir aleitamento exclusivo até seis meses de vida / Although there are sufficient evidences about breastfeeding (BF) benefits, only 35% of infants worldwide are exclusively breastfed during the first four months of life. As an effort to extend BF duration, WHO/UNICEF launched the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), which establishes hospitals accreditation as Baby-Friendly Hospitals (BFH) when it meets the Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding. This dissertation aims to investigate the effectiveness of the BFHI on exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and exclusive plus predominant breastfeeding (EPBF) duration. This is a cross-sectional study with collected information throughout interviews of 811 mothers of children under 5 months old, randomly selected at five health centers in Rio de Janeiro. Exposure variable was classified according to hospitals compliance with the Ten Steps. There were three possible status: accredited hospitals (BFH), working in becoming BFH or certified hospitals (CBFH) and hospitals without BFHI accreditation or certification. Outcomes were EBF and EPBF duration. Data was analyzed by complementary log-log transformation models, which allowed capture cohort longitudinal experience through 7-day feeding recordatory and infants age (current status data). Even after adjusting analysis for sociodemographic, life style and psychological maternal factors, health services use and babies age and state of health, there was longer duration of EBF and EPBF of infants born in BFH and CBFH. EBF and EPBF rates were twice higher in newborns born in BFH and CBFH. This protective effect on EBF and EPBF decreases along childs age and its noticed until four (CBFH) and two (BFH) months of age when EBF is considered and until two (CBFH) and five (EBF) months for EPBF. The finding indicates the effectiveness of BFHI in maintaining EBF and EPBF through the first months of life in this population. In order to extend BF duration until six months of life, as recommended by WHO, it would be necessary not only to strengthen the BFHI but also to develop and encourage more actions in favor of breastfeeding, focusing on primary health care facilities

Nascer em hospital amigo da criança no Rio de Janeiro: um fator de proteção ao aleitamento materno? / Is Being Born in Baby-Friendly Hospitals a Protective Factor for Breastfeeding?

Paula Florence Sampaio 31 March 2010 (has links)
Apesar de existirem evidências suficientes sobre benefícios do aleitamento materno (AM), apenas 35% das crianças são amamentadas exclusivamente até o quarto mês de vida. Visando estender esta prática, OMS/UNICEF lançaram a Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança (IHAC), que estabelece sistema de credenciamento para maternidades de acordo com grau de incentivo ao AM. Esta dissertação pretende investigar a efetividade da IHAC na duração de dois tipos de aleitamento materno: exclusivo (AME) e predominante (AMP) entre crianças usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de estudo transversal, sendo a população de estudo constituída de 811 mães de crianças menores de 5 meses de idade, selecionadas aleatoriamente em cinco UBS na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A variável de exposição foi categorizada em local de nascimento ocorridos em HAC, naqueles em vias de receber titulação (EVHAC) e naqueles sem titulação. Os desfechos considerados foram duração do AME e do AMP, que inclui também crianças em AME (AMEP). Na análise dos dados, optou-se pelo modelo log-log complementar, que permitiu recompor experiência longitudinal da coorte através do recordatório alimentar de 7 dias e da informação da idade das mesmas, caracterizando abordagem tipo current status data. Mesmo após controle por variáveis sociodemográficas, relativas ao estilo de vida e aos aspectos psicossociais maternos, à utilização dos serviços de saúde, idade e saúde da criança, houve maior duração do AME e AMEP em crianças nascidas em HAC e EVHAC. As taxas de AME e de AMEP são mais de duas vezes maiores entre recém-nascidos que nasceram em HAC e EVHAC. Tal efeito diminui ao longo da idade da criança, mantendo-se evidente até quatro (EVHAC) e dois (HAC) meses de vida quando se considera AME e até dois (EVHAC) e cinco (HAC) meses quando se considera AMEP. Os resultados confirmam a efetividade da IHAC nesta clientela,especialmente na manutenção de AME e AMEP nos primeiros meses de vida. Estes também sugerem necessidade de fortalecimento da IHAC e maior integração entre maternidades e UBS, visando garantir aleitamento exclusivo até seis meses de vida / Although there are sufficient evidences about breastfeeding (BF) benefits, only 35% of infants worldwide are exclusively breastfed during the first four months of life. As an effort to extend BF duration, WHO/UNICEF launched the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), which establishes hospitals accreditation as Baby-Friendly Hospitals (BFH) when it meets the Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding. This dissertation aims to investigate the effectiveness of the BFHI on exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and exclusive plus predominant breastfeeding (EPBF) duration. This is a cross-sectional study with collected information throughout interviews of 811 mothers of children under 5 months old, randomly selected at five health centers in Rio de Janeiro. Exposure variable was classified according to hospitals compliance with the Ten Steps. There were three possible status: accredited hospitals (BFH), working in becoming BFH or certified hospitals (CBFH) and hospitals without BFHI accreditation or certification. Outcomes were EBF and EPBF duration. Data was analyzed by complementary log-log transformation models, which allowed capture cohort longitudinal experience through 7-day feeding recordatory and infants age (current status data). Even after adjusting analysis for sociodemographic, life style and psychological maternal factors, health services use and babies age and state of health, there was longer duration of EBF and EPBF of infants born in BFH and CBFH. EBF and EPBF rates were twice higher in newborns born in BFH and CBFH. This protective effect on EBF and EPBF decreases along childs age and its noticed until four (CBFH) and two (BFH) months of age when EBF is considered and until two (CBFH) and five (EBF) months for EPBF. The finding indicates the effectiveness of BFHI in maintaining EBF and EPBF through the first months of life in this population. In order to extend BF duration until six months of life, as recommended by WHO, it would be necessary not only to strengthen the BFHI but also to develop and encourage more actions in favor of breastfeeding, focusing on primary health care facilities

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