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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fastighetsmäklare i pandemin : En studie av pandemins påverkan på fastighetsmäklaryrket / Real Estate Agent in the pandemic : A study of the impact the pandemic makes on the Real Estate profession

Hansen Pedersen, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
När pandemin var ett faktum i mars 2020 var det osäkert i vilken utsträckning det skulle påverka Sverige. Men som resten av världen drabbades Sverige hårt av pandemin. Både Folkhälsomyndigheten och mäklarbranschen var tidigt ute med information om åtgärder en kunde genomföra för att begränsa smittan. Syftet med uppsatsen var att svara på hur mäklare i Stockholm har påverkats av pandemin, och vilka åtgärder som implementerats i de olika delarna av förmedlingsprocessen för att minska smittspridningen. Ämnet är mycket relevant i den nuvarande situationen och syftar till att ge en översikt över de råd och rekommendationer som kom från myndighet och branschen, samt hur väl fastighetsmäklarna följde dem i praktiken. Dessutom ville jag undersöka vad mäklarna tycker om framtiden när det gäller dessa åtgärder som har genomförts och hur yrket kan påverkas på lång sikt. Med utgångspunkt i de olika delarna av förmedlingsprocessen och den regelbundna kontaktenmellan mäklare och kunder, har mäklare varit tvungna att vidta åtgärder i alla delar av förmedlingsprocessen för att minska smitta av covid-19. Från den första kontakten till visning,kontraktsskrivning och tillträde har mäklare vidtagit åtgärder som att erbjuda handdesinfektion,undvika fysisk kontakt, hålla avstånd, använda munskydd och erbjuda alternativ till visning. Användning av privata visningar har ökat, liksom ökning i digitala visningar som VR- visning och online visning. Även om hela världen vill att allt ska återvända till det som det var före pandemin, är tron och hoppet att vissa åtgärder har kommit för att stanna, och det med fördel. Den digitala utvecklingen samt underlättande arbete för mäklare när spekulanter bokar in sig till visning, tror mäklare vill fortsätta. Med fördel också åtgärder om hygien. Även om mäklarna tar sitt ansvar vill de också att betona att alla har ett ansvar för att smittan inte sprids. / When the pandemic was a fact in March 2020, it was uncertain to what extent it would affect Sweden. But like the rest of the world, Sweden was hit hard by the pandemic. Both the Swedish Public Health Agency and the brokerage industry gave information early on with measures that could be implemented to limit the infection. The purpose of the thesis was to answer how brokers in Stockholm have been affected by the pandemic, and what measures have been implemented in the various parts of the brokerage process to reduce the spread of infection. The topic is very relevant in the current situation andI wanted to provide an overview of what information came from the government and the industry, as well as how well the real estate agents followed them in practice. In addition, I wanted to investigate what brokers think about the future in terms of these measures that have been implemented and how the profession can be affected in the long term. Based on the different parts of the brokerage process and the steady contact between brokers and clients, brokers have had to take measures in all parts of the brokerage process to reduce covid-19 infection. From the first contact to viewing, contract writing and getting the keys,brokers have taken measures such as offering hand disinfection, avoiding physical contact, keeping their distance, using mouth guards and offering alternatives for viewing. The use of private views has increased, as has the increase in digital views such as VR viewing and onlineviewing. Although the whole world wants everything to return to what it was before the pandemic, the belief and hope that certain measures have come to a halt, and that with advantage. The digital development as well as more automatic work for brokers when speculators book in for viewing online, brokers want to continue. Advantageously also measures on hygiene, the brokers want to continue. Even if the brokers take their responsibility, they also want to emphasize that everyone has a responsibility to ensure that the infection does not spread.

“Handle all Matters with Speed and Courtesy” : Japanese Patent Agents in International Patenting Activities (1922-1940)

Xie, Yunting January 2024 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Japanese patent agents’ business in international patenting activities during the interwar period. The patent system in Japan has been open to foreign inventors since the country became a signatory of the Paris Convention in 1899. According to the Patent Law, all patents from abroad had be submitted to the Patent Office through the hands of the local agents. The key brokering role of these agents in international technology transfer around the patent system, however, has long been overlooked. This thesis investigates their technology intermediation using a mixed method: employing a fine-tuned Optical Character Recognition (OCR) model and natural language processing tools, I create a new dataset including the agents recorded in all patents granted in Japan from 1922 to 1940. Additionally, guided by the macro, quantitative analysis, this thesis also rediscovers various scattered primary sources to reconstruct the agents’ business scope and individual career. This thesis employs the theories on brokers and brokerage from sociology and anthropology, particularly examining the agents’ position in the international information network through the analytical lenses of brokers, gatekeepers and compradors. The main findings are that a specialized subdivision of this occupation focused specifically on the international patenting activities during these two decades, and a few of the most prestigious agents managed to balance their domestic and foreign clienteles. They actively aided foreign patentees in filling applications in Japan and finding local buyers for their inventions. Their business also extended to the neighboring countries, and particularly to Manchukuo, as the intellectual property protection institutions were slowly established in this region, simultaneously with the expansion of the Japanese Empire. As the only established specialist group in East Asia, these agents were an organic part of the emerging international professional community. Among these agents, the foreigners working in Japan and their successors sought to connect directly with international clients, while the large local patent agents relied more on transnational liaisons to reach foreign inventors.

Conflits d’intérêts et courtage immobilier au Québec : un constat mitigé sur l’état du droit, 50 ans après l’entrée en vigueur de la première Loi sur le courtage immobilier

Lafrenière, Isabelle 01 1900 (has links)
La période de prospérité immobilière qu’a vécue le Québec a attiré de nombreuses personnes vers la pratique du courtage immobilier. Certains ont malheureusement choisi d’exercer cette « profession » pour les mauvaises raisons et sans se soucier des règles et valeurs régissant l’industrie du courtage immobilier au Québec, dont la protection est confiée à l’Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (ci-après : « Organisme » ou « OACIQ ». Ainsi, à l’ère où la question des conflits d’intérêts, et plus particulièrement ceux existants chez nos élus, envahie littéralement les médias, il nous a semblé pertinent d’étudier le concept de conflit d’intérêts à travers la Loi sur le courtage immobilier en vue de faire un constat sur l’état du droit. Dans la première partie de notre exposé, nous traiterons des fondements et origines de l’expression « conflit d’intérêts » ainsi que son évolution à travers le temps, jusqu’à présent. Cette première partie, également consacrée au lexique, nous permettra de comprendre l’étymologie des termes « conflit », « intérêt » et de l’expression « conflit d’intérêts ». Finalement, nous analyserons certaines lois et décisions traitant du sujet. Dans la seconde partie de notre mémoire, nous nous pencherons sur la place occupée par le conflit d’intérêts dans la Loi sur le courtage immobilier. L’historique des diverses versions de cette Loi, l’évolution des dispositions ainsi que les décisions du Comité de discipline de l’OACIQ concernant le conflit d’intérêts y seront étudiés. Nous conclurons ce mémoire par une synthèse de nos recherches et en proposant des modifications législatives à la Loi sur le courtage immobilier. / The real estate boom in which we found ourselves in recent years has attracted many people to the real estate brokerage practice. Unfortunately, some have chosen to practice this “profession” for the wrong reasons and without regard to the rules and values governing the real estate brokerage industry in Quebec, whose protection is entrusted to the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec. Thus, in a period in which the concept of conflict of interest and particularly those existing in our government, literally invade the medias, it seemed appropriate to us to question the meaning of that term through the Real Estate Brokerage Act in order to make a statement on the law. In the first part of our thesis, we will step back in time, to find the foundations and origins of the conflict of interest as well as its evolution over time, until today. The first part, also a study of the particular lexicon, will give us the opportunity to understand the etymology of the term "conflict", "interest" and "conflict of interest". Finally, we will analyze some laws and decisions concerning this topic. In the second part of our work, we will look at the place assigned by the Real Estate Brokerage Act to the conflict of interest. The history of the various versions of this Law, the evolution as well as the decisions issued by the Disciplinary Committee of sections concerning the conflict of interest will be studied. We will conclude with a summary of our research and will provide possible solutions, including legislative amendments to the Real Estate Brokerage Act.

Behovet av en avskalad mäklartjänst : Behöver traditionella mäklare anpassa sin mäklartjänst? / The need for a stripped-down brokerage service : Do traditional brokers need to adapt their brokerage service?

Brito, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hela 2000-talet har gått präglats av en intensiv digitalisering. Detta har påverkatmånga branscher. Fastighetsmäklarbranschen har haft en trög utveckling relativt till singrannbransch, finansbranschen. Tidigt under 2000-talet dök flertalet verksamheter som hadevisionen att digitalisera mäklarbranschen ytterligare och göra den mer effektiv. Dessa aktörerkan ha varit alldeles för tidigt ute på bollen. De inte har utvecklats och vuxit som mångatrodde. Marknaden verkade inte vara redo för en mer digital bostadsaffär. Den analogamäklaren har således vuxit och fler människor i Sverige väljer att anlita en när man ska säljasin bostad. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns ett behov för traditionellafastighetsmäklarföretag att börja erbjuda en avskalad mäklartjänst likt de digitala mäklarnastjänst i syfte att möte en eventuell konkurrens från dessa aktörer. Metod: Studien utgår från en blandning av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie utifrån endeduktiv ansats. Det vill säga att studien från den sekundära data som har samlats in i deinledande avsnitten när det empiriska resultatet, den primära data, samlades in. Denna databestår av svar från intervjuer som gjordes via telefon som sedan analyserades och ställdes motden sekundära data för att bekräfta eller säga emot den. Detta är således en komparativ metod. Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten pekar mot att det i dagsläget inte är nödvändigt förtraditionella fastighetsmäklarföretag att hitta snabba lösningar för att möta konkurrensen fråndigitala mäklare. Detta eftersom de digitala mäklarföretagen inte är definitiva konkurrenter,utan endast substitut till den traditionella mäklartjänsten. Däremot visar resultaten att de precisnämnda resultaten inte är något för traditionella mäklare att luta sig tillbaka på. Det är såledesendast en tidsfråga innan mäklarbranschen blir mer digitaliserad och kommer kräva att allaaktörer anpassar sig. Studiens bidrag: Studien ger en djupare förståelse över de digitala mäklarnas situation ochdess konkurrenskraft. Studien har bidragit med att ge en inblick i hur mäklartjänsten kommerbehöva utvecklas och vad som kommer att behövas för att det ska bli en lyckad mäklartjänstmed digitala spår. Framtida forskning: Ett förslag på framtida forskning i ämnet är att undersöka vad somkommer krävas av den mer digitala mäklartjänsten för att lyckas inge tryggheten som är såviktig för konsumenterna. Ett annat förslag är att undersöka detta på internationell nivå, dådenna studie har avgränsats till den svenska mäklarbranschen. / Background: During the 2000s the world has undergone an intensive digitalization. However,the real estate industry has developed slowly relative to the financial industry. In the early2000s, several digital brokerage firms appeared with the goal to further digitalize the Swedishreal estate industry. These firms may have been too early because the industry did not seemmature enough. The industry did not seem ready for a more digital housing transaction. Theanalogue broker has thus grown and more people in Sweden choose to hire one when sellingtheir home. Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there’s a need for traditional realestate companies to start offering a stripped-down brokerage service like the digital brokers’service, in order to meet any competition from the digital brokers. Method: The study is based on a mixture of a qualitative and a quantitative study based on adeductive approach. That is, the collected empirical results, the primary data, where based onthe secondary data that has been collected in the introductory sections. The primary dataconsists of responses from interviews conducted by telephone which were then analyzed andset against the secondary data confirm or contradict it. This is thus a comparative method. Result and conclusion: The results indicate that it is currently not necessary for traditionalreal estate companies to find quick solutions to meet the competition from digital brokers.This is because digital brokerage firms are not definitive competitors, but only substitutes forthe traditional brokerage service. However, the results show that the just mentioned results arenot something for traditional brokerage to lean on. It is thus only a matter of time before thebrokerage industry becomes more digital and will require all firms to adapt. Contribution of the thesis: The study provides a deeper understanding of the situation of thedigital broker and its competitiveness. The study has helped to provide an insight into how thebrokerage service will need to be developed and what will be needed for it to be a successfulbrokerage service a digital track. Future research: A proposal for future research in the subject is to investigate what will berequired of the more digital brokerage service in order to succeed in providing the security thatis so important to consumers. Another proposal is to investigate this at an international level,as this study has been limited to the Swedish brokerage industry.

L'agir stratégique dans l'intermédiation financière de type brokerage : un essai de modélisation selon la perspective SaP

Gialdini, Laurence 07 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse se propose d'étudier une activité et des organisations singulières, le brokerage et les sociétés d'intermédiation financière de type Prestataire de Service en Investissement - encore appelée récemment société de bourse - sur EURONEXT France. L'idée est d'éclairer, à partir des pratiques des acteurs qui y sont impliqués et leurs interactions avec leur environnement, le processus de formation de la stratégie entendu comme agir stratégique ou " strategizing " dans la perspective de la Strategy-as- Practice. Ce type d'organisation, inséré dans le système financier aujourd'hui très prégnant économiquement et socialement, nous semble particulièrement intéressant car au centre de développements en microstructure et en sociologie de la finance mais peu observé du point de vue du management stratégique. Il est soumis à des transformations importantes depuis deux décennies ayant pour conséquences, plus ou moins apparentes, des tensions internes voire des dérapages.

Os migrantes mineiros vendedores de mandioca nas ruas de São Paulo / Migrants from Minas Gerais that sell cassava on the streets of São Paulo

Gonçalves, Maria Creuza 25 February 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo o migrante mineiro vendedor de mandioca em carrinho-de-mão porta a porta nas ruas da metrópole paulista. O objetivo do trabalho foi desvendar o conteúdo da forma da inserção desse trabalhador migrante mineiro na metrópole paulista. A investigação foi se delineando em torno dos migrantes mineiros que apresentam uma especificidade na forma de organização da venda de mandioca porta a porta que despertou nosso interesse.Os vendedores de mandioca se organizam por alojamento de parentes como forma de arregimentar turma para venda de mandioca porta a porta. Baseado no estudo empírico, de tipo qualitativo conduzimos a pesquisa, em três alojamentos na metrópole paulista. A forma de inserção desses migrantes na metrópole está balizada nas mudanças nas condições gerais do mercado de trabalho e na forma de procurar trabalho na metrópole paulista a partir dos anos de 1990. Neste período se acentua o encolhimento do número de postos de trabalho, a deterioração nas condições gerais do mercado de trabalho, a ampliação do trabalho precário, informal. Desaparecem as filas nas portas das fábricas e aumentam os postos de serviço de intermediação de mão-de-obra para recolocar trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho. No caso dos vendedores de mandioca as redes sociais se conformam como redes de parentesco que se articulam na metrópole e constituem o mercado de intermediação de mão-de-obra caipira para trabalhar na Metrópole paulista. Estes vendedores de mandioca subvertem a ordem e inserem qualificações caipiras na ordem do trabalho metropolitano. / This study has as object the migrant from Minas Gerais that works as door-to-door seller of cassava in cart-hand in the streets of the metropolis of São Paulo and aims to unveil how the migrant worker is integrated in this city. The analysis prioritizes the migrant who presents a specific form of organization in the door-to-door sale of cassava. The sellers of cassava are organized by relative lodging as a way to form a team for door-to-door cassava sale. The research was based on a qualitative empirical study conducted in three lodging in the metropolis. The economic integration of these migrants in the metropolis has occurred from the 1990s, during a period of changes in the general labor market conditions in the metropolis of São Paulo. This period is marked by the shrinking number of jobs, the deterioration in general labor market conditions, the expansion of informal and precarious work. The queues on the doors of the factories disappear and the brokering service to repositioning the workers into the labor market increases. In the case of cassava sellers the social networks conform as kinship networks that fit in the metropolis and constitute an intermediation market of rural migrant manpower to work in São Paulos Metropolis. These cassava sellers subvert the order and enter rural qualifications in the order of the metropolitan labor.

Le référencement : contribution à l'étude de la nature juridique d'un contrat majeur de la grande distribution / Listing agreement : contribution to the study of the legal nature of a major contract for mass distribution

Vallas, Philippe 23 September 2014 (has links)
Le référencement est la technique contractuelle d'approvisionnement majeure de "la grande distribution". Apparue dans les années 70, elle partage son nom avec une pratique du "e-commerce" avec laquelle elle n'a, pourtant, aucun rapport. C’est un mode de regroupement de la puissance d'achat, reconnu par un arrêt du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Strasbourg du 29 septembre 1983 comme une relation tripartite, dans laquelle la structure de regroupement (référenceur) en vertu d'un "contrat d'affiliation" ou "de groupement" négocie des conditions de ventes, dans un "contrat de référencement" avec les fournisseurs, dont ses membres (distributeurs) pourront directement se prévaloir pour conclure des contrats "d'achat/vente". Ces différentes phases sont liées, ce qui en fait un "contrat complexe" et "sui generis". Elle se révèle polymorphe, ce qui a donné lieu à de multiples hypothèses fonctionnelles : contrat unilatéral, mandat, contrat de commission, courtage, stipulation pour autrui, et ses effets peuvent impacter l'ordre public économique. A l’étude, règles contractuelles et règles de concurrences interagissent entre elles au détriment d'une nécessaire sécurité juridique, d'où la recherche d'éléments sur lesquels bâtir un régime stable. On les trouve dans la "globalisation des avantages", formant la cause du référencement, et la "commission de gestion", qui forme celle de l’intervention du référenceur. La confrontation de leurs conditions de validité aux hypothèses émises se révélant peu satisfaisante, nécessite de s'orienter vers une approche sociétaire du problème, seule à même de répondre, valablement, à la question de la nature du référencement et de son régime juridique. / Listing agreement is the major contractual supply technique used by mass retailing. It appeared in the 1970s, and shares its name with an e-commerce practice, with which it has no connection. It is a way to consolidate purchasing power, recognised by the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Strasbourg on 29th September 1983 as a tripartite relationship, in which the consolidating structure (index specialist) negotiates the terms and conditions with the suppliers in a indexing contract, using a registration contract or syndicate contract, which its members (distributors) can directly rely on to conclude purchase or sale contracts. These different phases are linked, which makes a “complex contract” and “sui generis”. This technique shows itself to be multipurpose, which gives rise to numerous functional situations such as unilateral contracts; agents; agency fees; brokerages; stipulations for a third party; and it can also have an impact on the public economic order. Through studies one realises that contractual and competition rules interact with each other to the detriment of a necessary judicial structure, thus leading to the research of elements on which a stable regime can be created. One can find these elements in the globalisation of advantages, which is the reason for indexing, and in agency fees, which is the reason for the index specialist’s involvement. The confrontation of conditions of validity with the various situations is unsatisfactory, which makes it necessary to turn towards an institutional approach, the only way to adequately respond to the question of indexing’s nature and legal regime.

策展創新:借力使力以創意回應情境制約 / Creation behind curation: creative response to constraints through brokerage

何冠廷, Ho, Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
當創新不再被視為全新的發明,而更近似於既有資源的重新組合,資源重組(recombination)便成為創新的重要來源。當企業的資源有限時,有一派學者主張運用隨創(bricolage)概念,就地取材地為既有資源賦予全新價值。不過,當組織內部的資源不多,重組之後所得到的創新也相對有限。因此,另一派學者主張從組織外部連結跨域資源,整合各方之長的仲介(brokerage)觀點,在許多知名企業紛紛採用之後,霎時之間蔚為主流。然而,過去對於仲介的研究,大多聚焦於資源重組的過程,卻忽略了企業所面臨的情境制約(constraint)。 有別一般的困難,制約根深蒂固於情境(context)之中,涵蓋的範圍極廣,單一企業往往難以獨力排除,故問題解決(problem-solving)的思維不易奏效。企業如何在制約之下發展創新,是過去的研究較少著墨之處,因此我們對於企業如何回應制約的瞭解相當有限。本研究由制約對創新者的影響切入,強調創新者如何在制約之下仲介資源,並且創意地回應制約,進而發展出「借力使力」的仲介方式,不僅化解制約的阻礙,也透過資源的重新整合,從既有的資源中創造新的價值。 本研究選擇國內某知名媒體集團A公司旗下的B集團為個案公司,B集團深耕活動事業多年,媒體背景為其建立廣博的社會網絡,使其在仲介各方資源時更加順利,因而發展出與眾不同的創意回應。本論文的研究問題為:「企業在面臨制約的情況下,如何仲介資源以回應制約?」本研究以個案公司在2009年底至2010年初所舉辦的梵谷畫展作為研究個案,深入企業以訪談法蒐集資料,採用詮釋型的質性研究方法,分析策展人如何仲介各方資源,借力使力地回應情境制約,使展覽順利舉辦。最後,本研究從策展人回應制約的仲介歷程中,歸納出三種創意回應的設計原則。本研究於學理上的貢獻有二:首先,本研究呈現創新者在制約之下的仲介歷程,補強過去研究較少著墨之處,進而豐富仲介理論的內涵;其次,本研究將創新者透過仲介作為回應制約的過程,作為一種創意回應的形式,進而豐富了創意回應的理論意涵。 / When innovation is regarded as resources combination rather than novel invention, recombination therefore becomes the origin of innovation. One school demonstrated the concept of 『Bricolage』, which transfers existed resources into new values, however, it would be limited if resources are insufficient. The other school referred to 『Brokerage』, which brokers the resources outside the organization and creates new combinations through diversified resources. Nevertheless, most of relative researches focus on the process of recombination, which led to disregarding the constraints met by enterprises. Unlike normal barriers or challenges, constraints in the context are hard to removed for enterprise with insufficient resources. Due to the pervasive effectiveness of constraints, the problem-solving concept may not work well when it is applied to this issue. That is to say, how enterprises innovate under constraints is the issue neglected by past researches. Hence, this research mainly focuses on how innovator brokers diversified resources to respond to constraints creatively. Then we find that a type of brokerage named 『leverage through brokerage』. By this type of brokerage, innovators could respond to the effectiveness of constraints, and create new values through the recombination of existing resources. This research chooses B group, which belongs to a leading media company in Taiwan, as our research case. Rather than ineffective problem-solving ability of enterprise, this research cuts to the point from the effects to innovators in such constraints. B group has devoted into curation industry for many years, it tends to be easier to broker resources from different stakeholders and develop unique creativity since its media background and wide social networks. This research explains: When an enterprise confronts constraints, how does it broker resources to respond such constraints? This research chose 『Van Gogh exhibition』 held from 2009 to 2010 as a case study, adopting deeper research by interviews and using interpretation as qualitative research method, trying to analyze how curator broker resources from different stakeholders and leverage them to respond constraints. Finally, this research generalizes three creative responses as design principles from the curator's responding process to the constraints. The findings of this research demonstrate two academic contributions: (1) Different from past research, this case focuses more on the process of the brokerage when an enterprise try to innovate under constraints, therefore enriches the Brokerage theory. (2) This case concludes the process of curator's responding to constraints through brokerage as a way of creative response, hence complements the creative response theory.

Innovative policies to manage demand in service systems with limited capacity

Phumchusri, Naragain 10 November 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents innovative demand management techniques for service systems with limited resources. The first study analyzes demand management policies of animal shelters with limited Kennel space as a set of interacting stochastic queueing systems. In practice, there are two main policies being used, which we call "Kill" and "No-Kill" policies. In a "Kill" system, animals may be euthanized if a shelter is full. Many shelters have moved to a "No-Kill" policy, where they avoid killing for space and adopt other approaches to reduce supply and demand mismatch. Our goal is to provide insights on how No-Kill policies, such as coordination, adoption and neutering campaigns, help reduce the animals' killing rate so that the shelter management can choose the way to effectively solve their problems. In the second part, we consider a topic of demand management for the Sports and Entertainment (S&E) industry, called "Scaling the house", i.e., how to divide seats into zones for different prices to maximize revenue across the venue. From the data obtained from several performance venues in the U.S., we find ticket demand is impacted by locations of seats as well as by price. We characterize closed-form solutions for the optimal two-dimensional zoning decision (with row and column cuts) and the one-dimensional decision (with row cuts), and explore when each model should be applied. The third study considers pricing as a tool to manage demand for the S&E tickets. We develop dynamic pricing with demand learning models where demand is also affected by time left until the show dates. Since the show's popularity is usually uncertain to the seller, we propose a method to learn the overall popularity via Bayesian updates. We perform computational experiments to understand properties of the model solutions and identify when demand learning is most beneficial.

Spécification et analyse formelles des politiques de sécurité dans un processus de courtage de l'informatique en nuage / Formal specification and analysis of security policies in a cloud brokerage process

Guesmi, Asma 01 July 2016 (has links)
Les offres de l’informatique en nuage augmentent de plus en plus et les clients ne sont pas capables de lescomparer afin de choisir la plus adaptée à leurs besoins. De plus, les garanties de sécurité proposées parles fournisseurs restent incompréhensibles pour les clients. Cela représente un frein pour l'adoption dessolutions de l’informatique en nuage.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un mécanisme de courtage des services de l’informatique en nuage quiprend en compte les besoins du client en termes de sécurité.Les besoins exprimés par le client sont de deux natures. Les besoins fonctionnels représentent lesressources et leurs performances. Les besoins non-fonctionnels représentent les propriétés de sécurité etles contraintes de placement des ressources dans le nuage informatique. Nous utilisons le langage Alloypour décrire les offres et les besoins. Nous utilisons l'analyseur Alloy pour l'analyse et la vérification desspécifications du client. Le courtier sélectionne les fournisseurs qui satisfont les besoins fonctionnels et nonfonctionnelsdu client. Il vérifie ensuite, que la configuration du placement des ressources chez lesfournisseurs respecte toutes les propriétés de sécurité exigées par le client.Toutes ces démarches sont effectuées avant le déploiement des ressources dans le nuage informatique.Cela permet de détecter les erreurs et conflits des besoins du client tôt. Ainsi, on réduit les vulnérabilités desressources du client une fois déployées. / The number of cloud offerings increases rapidly. Therefore, it is difficult for clients to select the adequate cloud providers which fit their needs. In this thesis, we introduce a cloud service brokerage mechanism that considers the client security requirements. We consider two types of the client requirements. The amount of resources is represented by the functional requirements. The non-functional requirements consist on security properties and placement constraints. The requirements and the offers are specified using the Alloy language. To eliminate inner conflicts within customers requirements, and to match the cloud providers offers with these customers requirements, we use a formal analysis tool: Alloy. The broker uses a matching algorithm to place the required resources in the adequate cloud providers, in a way that fulfills all customer requirements, including security properties. The broker checks that the placement configuration ensures all the security requirements. All these steps are done before the resources deployment in the cloud computing. This allows to detect the conflicts and errors in the clients requirements, thus resources vulnerabilities can be avoided after the deployment.

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