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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capacidade dinâmicas das corretoras de valores mobiliários no Brasil: uma análise sob a perspectiva de processos e rotinas de busca e inovação

Costa, Fabiana Vieira da 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiana Vieira da Costa.pdf: 1490415 bytes, checksum: 1d5d8c0f16fa83e287f1d87b51826d86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Through the analysis of securities brokers in the highly turbulent Brazilian Market, the dissertation aimed to identify and analyze dynamic capability elements and evidences in processes and routines of innovation. The literature on dynamic capabilities is still inconclusive and controversial, especially with regard to the understanding of how companies develop this kind of capability. In this sense this work is a contribution to the discussion of the processes involved in the development of dynamic capability. The method used in the research has a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, which involved the use of a semi-structured questionnaire. There were nine interviews with executives from firms with diversified ages: some founded in the 1930s, others in the 1960s, another group from 1990s, along with some that have less than 5 years in the market. On top of those interviews, additional documents have complemented the data set. The technique used for data analysis was content analysis, according to interpretative analysis of Gil Flores (1994). Three meta-categories were analyzed: environment dynamics, dynamic capability evidence, and processes and routines of innovation. The former category is related to research s first specific aim, which was the identification of the environment dynamics and the factors that explain this dynamism, such as technological and other relevant resources, threats and opportunities, adaptation to environmental changes. The meta-category that follows is related to research s second specific aim, which was the analysis of dynamic capability evidences in accordance with technological resources used, new business segments, innovation practice, and opportunities for innovation. The latter meta-category is related to research s third specific objective, which was to identify and analyze the elements of processes and routines that search for innovation. For this aim, six categories were identified: frequency of new processes, organization s memory, operating routine changes, implementation of innovation, organizational structure and innovation, and motivation for innovation. The research has found that the development of dynamic capabilities in securities brokerage depends on how they respond to environmental changes, how they make investments in technology, and also which routines are implemented for innovation and implementation of their products and services. Despite acting in the same market, differences in the business management were identified among them, so it was possible divide the brokers into three distinct groups: i) brokers who present the development of dynamic capability, have well-defined strategies, are pro-active, and continuously invest in technology and innovation of products and services, ii) firms in which managers are already reflecting on their actions and strategies in order to develop dynamic capability that can cope with changes in the environment; and iii) firms that are lagging behind, a bit far in dynamic capability development. / Esta dissertação visou, através da análise das corretoras de valores mobiliários no mercado brasileiro, inseridas em um ambiente altamente turbulento, identificar e analisar os indícios e os elementos de capacidade dinâmica por meio de processos e rotinas de busca e inovação. A literatura acerca de capacidade dinâmica ainda é inconclusiva e controversa, principalmente no que se refere à compreensão de como as empresas desenvolvem essa capacidade. Nesse sentido, este trabalho é uma contribuição à discussão a respeito dos processos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da capacidade dinâmica. O método empregado na pesquisa seguiu uma abordagem qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva, o que envolveu a preparação de roteiro semiestruturado. Foram realizadas nove entrevistas com executivos de corretoras fundadas em diferentes épocas, algumas na década de 1930, 1960, 1990 e outras com menos de 5 anos de mercado. Além das entrevistas, foram utilizados registros documentais. A técnica adotada para análise dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo, segundo análise interpretativa de Gil Flores (1994). Foram analisadas as seguintes metacategorias: dinamismo do ambiente, indícios de capacidade dinâmica e processos e rotinas de busca e inovação. A primeira metacategoria está relacionada ao primeiro objetivo específico, que consistiu em identificar o dinamismo do ambiente e os fatores que explicam esse dinamismo, como recursos tecnológicos, relevância de outros recursos, ameaças e oportunidades, e adequação às mudanças no ambiente. A segunda metacategoria está relacionada ao segundo objetivo específico, que consistiu em analisar os indícios de capacidade dinâmica de acordo com os seguintes aspectos: recursos tecnológicos utilizados, busca de novos segmentos de atuação, prática de inovar e oportunidades de inovação. A terceira e última metacategoria está relacionada ao terceiro objetivo específico, que consistiu em identificar e analisar os elementos de processos e rotinas de busca e inovação. Nesse objetivo, as categorias identificadas foram: frequência de novos processos, memória da organização, mudanças nas rotinas operacionais, implementação da inovação, estrutura organizacional e inovação e motivação da inovação. Os resultados encontrados sinalizam que o desenvolvimento da capacidade dinâmica nas corretoras de valores mobiliários depende da maneira como elas respondem às mudanças do ambiente, dos investimentos em tecnologia e, ainda, das rotinas implementadas para a inovação e implementação de seus produtos e serviços. Apesar de atuarem no mesmo mercado, foram identificadas diferenças na gestão do negócio, de modo que foi possível agrupar as corretoras em três distintos grupos: i) grupo das corretoras que apresentam o desenvolvimento de capacidade dinâmica, possuem estratégias bem definidas, são corretoras proativas e realizam quase que continuamente investimentos em tecnologia e inovação de produtos e serviços; ii) este grupo vem fazendo um esforço em apresentar características evidenciadas de capacidade dinâmica, em alguns momentos percebem-se as transformações realizadas por essas corretoras, nota-se que os gestores já estão refletindo sobre suas ações e suas estratégias, e que as mudanças no ambiente já estão sendo readequadas no dia a dia de suas rotinas; iii) o terceiro grupo está um pouco distante em realçar características de capacidade dinâmica.

探索員工服務行為內涵之研究─以房仲業者為例 / The exploratory study of employee’s service behaviors: example of real estate brokerage industry

林琬真, Lin, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
服務業已成為國家經濟發展的重要基礎,如何提供良好的服務來滿足顧客,也成為相當重要的議題。而在組織中,員工面對顧客所展現的態度及行為皆代表著組織,員工服務的行為與經驗在與顧客互動的過程中,影響顧客對服務品質的認知,再者,房屋仲介業在服務業中具有相當重要的地位,房仲業者分店數全台已達五千多家,僅次於便利商店,因此本研究將以房仲業者為例,進行員工服務行為之內涵之探索,並探討房屋仲介業務人員,在銷售價格高低不同之房屋時,或面對不同類型的顧客需求時,所展現的服務行為內涵是否具有相同、相異之處。   本研究以台北市之房屋仲介業業務人員為研究對象,深度訪談49位具有8個月以上服務經驗之房仲業務人員與店主管,並將訪談內容逐字稿轉為可研究的項目 (item),依內容相似性作分類,共產生10種不同的服務行為類別。研究結果顯示,不論房仲業務人員在銷售價格較高或較低的房屋時,或是其面對自住型或投資型需求之顧客時,大多會展現出公司所規定之服務行為;然而,當其在銷售價格較高的房屋時,與當其面對投資型需求(而非自住型需求)之顧客時,尚會展現出公司未明文規定之服務行為。 / Service industry has become an important foundation for national economic development. So how to provide better service to make customer satisfied has become an important issue. In service organization, employee’s behaviors and attitude toward customers are on behalf of organization. And employee’s service behavior in the process of interacting with customer will influence how customer perceives service quality. What’s more, the real estate brokerage industry plays an important role in service industry. The number of stores of real estate brokerage industry in Taiwan is more than 5,000 stores, only less than the number of convenience stores. Therefore, this study used the salespersons in real estate brokerage industry as sample to explore the first-line employee service behaviors. And this study discussed the similarities and differences in service behaviors when salesperson sold the houses with higher or lower price, and faced customers with different needs.   This study used a sample of the salespersons of real estate brokerage industry in Taipei. After interviewing 49 salespersons, whose working experience is more than 8 months, the study turned the transcripts into analyzable items. By the similarity of the items, this study classified the items into 10 categories. The result is that no matter the salespersons sold the house with higher or lower price, or faced customer need of consumption or investment, they mostly provided the organization expected customer service behaviors. But when they sold the house with higher price, or faced the customer need of investment, they even provided the more customer service behaviors which are not required.

Kundorientering : Ledarens roll och provisionens inverkan

Flat, Emelie, Nisan, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera hur ledare jobbar för att åstadkomma ett kundorienterat klimat på en arbetsplats med ett provisionsbaserat lönesystem. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts i den här studien. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer gav oss det empiriska underlaget som analyserades med hjälp av den systematiska, strukturerade och abduktiva metoden Well-grounded theory. Resultatet presenteras i empirin med hjälp av mönster som upptäckts. Resultat & slutsats: Vi har överlag kommit fram till att praktiken i stora drag stämmer överens med teorin. De intervjuade ledarna har en överensstämmande uppfattning om kundorienteringens innebörd, men har vissa skiljaktigheter i bland annat deras syn på provisionens inverkan. Ledarens roll ansågs även i praktiken vara avgörande för att de anställda ska vara kundorienterade. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien har utförts med inriktning på enbart fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Vi skulle gärna se en fortsatt forskning kring provisionens inverkan på kundorienteringen i branscher med förhållandevis mindre försäljningar, för att se om det skiljer sig åt. Vidare skulle en studie som liknar vår kunna göras på de anställda för att se om uppfattningen mellan ledare och anställd är annorlunda. Det vore också intressant att få in kundernas uppfattning och undersöka om den överensstämmer med ledarnas och de anställdas uppfattning. / Aim: The aim of this study is to study how leaders are working to achieve a customer-oriented climate in a workplace with a commission -based salary system. Method: A qualitative approach was used in this study. Semi - structured interviews gave us the empirical data that were analyzed using the systematic, structured and abductive method Well- grounded theory. The results are presented in the empirical data using patterns that were located. Result & Conclusions: We have generally concluded that the practice is closely matching what prevails in the theory. The interviewed managers and scientists have a consistent view of customer orientation significance but have some differences as well, in particular their views on the impact of commission. The role of the leadership was also considered essential for employees to be customer-oriented. Suggestions for future research: The study was conducted focusing only on the real estate business. We would like to see further research on the commission impact on customer orientation in industries with relatively minor sales, to see if it differs. Moreover, a study similar to ours could be made on the employees to see if the perception between managers and employees is different. It would also be interesting to add the customers’ opinions and compare these with the managers and the employees’ opinions.

Bologna, Bachelor & Co

Stemmler, Joachim 15 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Der mit dem Bologna-Prozess einsetzende strukturelle Umbruch an den Hochschulen in den Jahren nach 2000, insbesondere die damit verbundene Einrichtung neuer BA/MA-Studiengänge, erzwang ein Umdenken der Bibliotheken über den bisherigen -mitunter unbefriedigenden- Vermittlungsprozess von Informationskompetenz im Rahmen der nunmehr konkret eingeforderten Schlüsselqualifikationen („Soft Skills“).

Brokering anime : how to create a Japanese animation business bridge between Japan and India

Mihara, Ryotaro January 2017 (has links)
This thesis ethnographically examines the globalising of the Japanese animation (anime) business in the context of the creative industries, of Japan's politico-economic position in Asia, and of brokerage. Influencing the world's entertainment, creators, and youth culture, anime is one of the crucial lenses through which one can examine Japan's presence in the world. Despite the prevalent assumption that anime is globally popular, this thesis highlights the precarious performance of the anime business overseas, and examines it through an entrepreneurial anime business project trying to bridge the Japanese anime business into the Indian market. The ethnography of the project centres on its founding entrepreneur, focusing on how he tried to ally with insiders in the Japanese anime sector and the Indian market. The thesis's 12-month fieldwork accompanied his business in Japan (Tokyo) and India (Delhi), revealing a perspective of the entrepreneur as a broker who intermediates between the discrepant positions of his stakeholders to keep his business afloat. It also highlights the two most critical discrepancies: the dichotomies of art versus commerce (one of the central topics in creative industries studies) and the 'Japanese' versus 'Indian' ways of doing business (one of the prominent topics in Japan's political economy vis-à-vis the Asian region). The ethnography found the entrepreneur's liminal dual agency in bridging, blurring and reorienting the dichotomies was a driving force carrying his business forward. This thesis counterbalances previous anthropological studies on the creative industries (including anime) that tend to advocate the centrality of creators and fans, by focusing on the businessperson in a creative project. It also suggests that the broker is a crucial point of reference when examining how to create workable compromises between art and commerce, and allowing Japanese and Asian businesspeople to get along. The thesis also enhances our understanding of entrepreneurship by revealing most of its function as brokerage.

Igreja como partido: capacidade de coordenação eleitoral da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus

Nascimento, Claudia Cerqueira do 21 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Claudia Cerqueira do Nascimento (claudiacerqn@gmail.com) on 2018-02-05T12:02:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_final_ClaudiaCerqueira.pdf: 4761881 bytes, checksum: a82f27d5df756e42cba3acefb1a5199c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2018-02-05T12:07:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_final_ClaudiaCerqueira.pdf: 4761881 bytes, checksum: a82f27d5df756e42cba3acefb1a5199c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-05T12:58:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_final_ClaudiaCerqueira.pdf: 4761881 bytes, checksum: a82f27d5df756e42cba3acefb1a5199c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-21 / Religião influencia voto? A participação dos evangélicos tem suscitado esta questão com cada vez mais intensidade. No âmbito acadêmico, cientistas sociais de diversas áreas têm se debruçado sobre este fenômeno para tentar compreender o chamado ‘voto evangélico’. Esta tese tem como objetivo contribuir com esta literatura ao tentar responder a seguinte pergunta: A Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) influencia o voto de seus fiéis? Ao associar o comportamento da igreja com o papel de um partido político, evidencio sua capacidade de coordenação ao analisar aspectos como organização interna, territorialidade e seu envolvimento com o PRB. Ao analisar estes aspectos, elaboro um modelo de brokerage da igreja e verifico sua validade. A fim de verificar a eficácia da coordenação exercida pela Igreja Universal, a análise empírica testa a seguinte hipótese: locais de votação mais próximos a um templo da IURD apresentam um incremento de voto no PRB. Para tanto, foi construído um banco original, onde constam dados sobre as igrejas e locais de votação geolocalizados nos municípios de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, além de resultados eleitorais entre o período de 2008 a 2016. Este estudo apresenta o primeiro teste empírico para verificar a associação estatística entre o brokerage da IURD e o vote share no PRB. De acordo com o resultado do teste aplicado, existe um efeito positivo no vote share do PRB em áreas de influência onde existe um templo da IURD; contudo, quando consideradas as características do eleitorado, este efeito se reduz – o que faz sentido, se considerarmos os múltiplos fatores que influenciam na tomada de decisão de um eleitor. / Does religion influence voting? The evangelic participation in politics has given room to this question with increasing intensity. Social scientists have sought to understand 'evangelic votes'. This thesis seeks to contribute to the existing literate by answering: does the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus – UCKG) influence its congregation’s votes? The church’s ability to coordinate voters is seen by analyzing aspects such as internal organization, territoriality, and, engagement with PRB. From this, I derive a brokerage model for the church and empirically test the following hypothesis: locations close to UCKG churches imply an increase in total votes obtained by the Republican Party of Brazil (Partido Republicano do Brasil – PRB). I compiled an original dataset containing: church information; voting locations for the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro; and electoral outcomes between 2008 and 2016. This result is in line with the theory that several factors effect electorate behavior. This study presents the first empirical test to verify statistically the association between UCKG brokerage and PRB vote share. Results indicate there is a positive and statistically significant association between PRB vote share in areas of influence where there is a UCKG temple. However, the relationship decreases considering the electorate characteristics.

Analýza a návrh rámce webové aplikace pro obchodování na kapitálových trzích / Analysis and design of scope web aplication for trading on capital markets

Jarolín, Michael January 2013 (has links)
Thesis is focused on trading information systems in capital markets. The aim of this thesis is to analyze trading information systems and create model of hypothetical online trading platform. The model should consolidate the knowledge of the existing solutions for trading in the capital market. The thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part provides a basic description of trading information systems in the capital market. Second, analytic part of the thesis is focused on structure of brokerage trading information system. The first analysis is focused on analyze portfolio of the current trading platforms offered by brokerage. The second analysis is focused on analyze internal functionality structure of the selected group of trading platform. The aim of this analysis is to find and describe the portfolio functionalities of trading platforms and identified the basis or standard functionalities of trading platforms. Resulting data from second analysis are important for third part for this thesis. Third, main part of this thesis is devoted on creating model of hypothetical online trading platform. This part consist several sets of models and together created one complex model of hypothetical online trading platform.

Movie theater ticket order system: (MTTOS)

Chiu, Chun-Kai 01 January 2004 (has links)
This project is a movie theater order system. This system allows people to get movie information and purchase tickets on the Internet. This project is based on a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which introduces a controller servlet to provide a single point of entry to the web system and encourages more reuse and extensibility of the code.

Portföljoptimering med courtageavgifter / Portfolio optimization with brokerage fees

Fan, Kevin, Larsson, Rasmus January 2014 (has links)
Ever since it was first introduced in an article in the Journal of Finance 1952, Harry Markowitz’ mean - variance model for portfolio selection has become one of the best known models in finance. The model was one of the first in the world to deal with portfolio optimization mathematically and have directly or indirectly inspired the rest of the world to develop new portfolio optimization methods. Although the model is one of the greatest contributions to modern portfolio theory, critics claim that it may have practical difficulties. Partly because the Markowitz model is based on various assumptions which do not necessarily coincide with the reality. The assumptions which are based on the financial markets and investor behavior contain the simplification that there are no transaction costs associated with financial trading. However, in reality, all financial products are subject to transaction costs such as brokerage fees and taxes. To determine whether this simplification leads to inaccurate results or not, we derive an extension of the mean-variance optimization model which includes brokerage fees occurred under the construction of an investment portfolio. We then compare our extension of the Markowitz model, including transaction costs, with the standard model. The results indicate that brokerage fees have a negligible effect on the standard model if the investor's budget is relatively large. Hence the assumption that no brokerage fees occur when trading financial securities seems to be an acceptable simplification if the budget is relatively high. Finally, we suggest that brokerage fees are negligible if the creation of the portfolio and hence the transactions only occurs once. However if an investor is active and rebalances his portfolio often, the brokerage fees could be of great importance. / Harry Markowitz portföljoptimeringsmodell har sedan den publicerades år 1952 i en artikel i the journal of Finance, blivit en av de mest använda modellerna inom finansvärlden. Modellen var en av dem första i världen att hantera portföljoptimering matematiskt och har direkt eller indirekt inspirerat omvärlden att utveckla nya portföljoptimeringsmetoder. Men trots att Markowitz modell är ett av de största bidragen till dagens portföljoptimeringsteori har kritiker hävdat att den kan ha praktiska svårigheter. Detta delvis på grund av att modellen bygger på olika antaganden som inte nödvändigtvis stämmer överens med verkligheten. Antagandena, som är baserad på den finansiella marknaden och individers investeringsbeteende, leder till förenklingen att transaktionskostnader inte förekommer i samband med finansiell handel. Men i verkligheten förekommer transaktions-kostnader som courtageavgifter och skatter nästintill alltid vid handel av finansiella produkter som t.ex. värdepapper. För att avgöra om modellen påvisar felaktiga resultat på grund av bortfallet av courtageavgifter härleds en utvidgning av Markowitz modell som inkluderar courtageavgifter. Utvidgningen av Markowitz modell jämförs sedan med originalmodellen. Resultaten tyder på att courtageavgifter har en försumbar effekt på originalmodellen om investeraren har en stor investeringsbudget. Slutsatsen är därför att, förenklingen att inga courtageavgifter förekommer är en acceptabel förenkling om investeringsbudgeten är stor. Det föreslås slutligen att courtageavgiften är försumbar om transaktionen av aktier endast sker en gång. Men om en investerare är aktiv och ombalanserar sin portfölj flitigt, kan courtageavgifterna vara av stor betydelse.

Bologna, Bachelor & Co: Die Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz als Vermittlerin von Informationskompetenz

Stemmler, Joachim 15 June 2011 (has links)
Der mit dem Bologna-Prozess einsetzende strukturelle Umbruch an den Hochschulen in den Jahren nach 2000, insbesondere die damit verbundene Einrichtung neuer BA/MA-Studiengänge, erzwang ein Umdenken der Bibliotheken über den bisherigen -mitunter unbefriedigenden- Vermittlungsprozess von Informationskompetenz im Rahmen der nunmehr konkret eingeforderten Schlüsselqualifikationen („Soft Skills“).

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