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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A planta térrea moderna : estratégias formais na obra de Mario Roberto Alvarez

Giugliani, Bruno January 2016 (has links)
No decorrer do século XX, a arquitetura moderna transformou as relações entre o edifício e a cidade, permitindo aos arquitetos repensar a Planta Térrea das edificações como um espaço fundamental de conciliação entre ambos. Esta é a cota do projeto onde ajustes à estrutura formal do objeto arquitetônico são inevitáveis, e onde se faz implícita a coordenação do programa funcional dos pavimentos superiores com os fluxos e condicionantes do ambiente urbano. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar e explicitar as estratégias formais relevantes encontradas no aparato teórico e prático do arquiteto Mario Roberto Álvarez, utilizadas na construção formal dos pavimentos térreos de seus edifícios em altura. Como procedimento metodológico foi adotado o estudo de caso de obras selecionadas do arquiteto, visando reconhecer e classificar as operações formais envolvidas na concepção dos projetos. Pretende-se, através da sistematização do conhecimento acumulado, reunir material teórico e gráfico que contribua para o reconhecimento das operações formais envolvidas no projeto da planta térrea de edifícios em altura. / During the twentieth century, modern architecture has transformed the relationship between the building and the city, allowing architects to rethink the Ground Floor plan as a key area of reconciliation between them. This is the level of the project where adjustments to the formal structure of the architectural object are inevitable, and where it is implied the coordination of the functional program of the upper floors with the flows and constraints of the urban environment. This research aims to identify and clarify the relevant formal strategies found in the theoretical and practical apparatus of the architect Mario Roberto Alvarez, used in the formal construction of the ground floors of his high-rise buildings. It was adopted the case study of selected works of the architect as methodological procedure, aiming to recognize and classify formal operations involved in the design of these projects. It is intended, through the systematization of accumulated knowledge, gather theoretical and graphic material that contributes to the recognition of formal operations involved in design of the Ground Floor plan of high-rise buildings.

A greve de inquilinos de 1907 em Buenos Aires e o fenômeno do conventillo como metáfora de uma sociedade em transformação

Silva, Henrique De Aro January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de analisar a Greve de Inquilinos de 1907 em Buenos Aires, movimento grevista de cunho anarquista que obteve grande repercussão. Organizado por moradores dos Conventillos (cortiços), o movimento reivindicava melhores condições de moradias, além da redução do preço dos aluguéis. Ao nos aprofundarmos nesse contexto percebemos que por trás de um verniz glamourizado de cidade rica e européia Buenos Aires escondia uma face em ebulição, repleta de pobreza e conflitos políticos. De modo que as condições adversas desse meio excludente e seus implicadores acabaram por dar origem à uma cultura política de caráter marginal junto à população mais pobre. Passando pela análise de periódicos, documentos oficiais, da verificação das transformações urbanas de Buenos Aires, enxergamos na mobilização dos inquilinos, e no surgimento dos conventillos, o ponto de partida para uma percepção mais profunda daquele projeto de sociedade, que privilegiava, sobretudo, a manutenção de um status quo. Nosso referencial teórico abrange três eixos principais, que passam pelas teorias da marginalidade de Aníbal. Quijano, José. Nun e Lucio Kowarick, pela análise dos discursos políticos de J. G. A. Pocock, e chegando aos estudos culturais urbanos, de Angel Rama e Beatriz Sarlo. / This work analyzes the Huelga de Inquilinos of 1907 in Buenos Aires, an anarchist strike movement of great repercussion. Organized by residents of the conventillos (tenement houses), the movement demanded better housing conditions, besides the reduction of rents price. When we delve deeper into this context we realize that behind a glamourized varnish of rich and European city Buenos Aires hid a boiling face, full of poverty and political conflicts. Thus, the adverse conditions of this exclusionary medium and its implicators eventually gave rise to a marginal political culture among the poorer population. Going through the analysis of periodicals, official documents, the verification of the urban transformations of Buenos Aires, we see the mobilization of the tenants, and the emergence of the conventillos, the tip of an iceberg that allows us to have a deeper perception of that project of society, which privileged , Above all, the maintenance of a status quo. Our theoretical reference encompasses three main axes, which pass through the marginality theories of Anibal Quijano, José Nun and Lucio Kowarick, by the analysis of political discourses of J. G. A. Pocock, and arriving at the urban cultural studies, of Angel Rama and Beatriz Sarlo.

Tomada de decisão conjunta entre modo e destino para carga de grãos no sul da província de Buenos Aires

Tapia, Rodrigo Javier January 2015 (has links)
O transporte de grãos é de importância para a economia da Argentina. Atualmente, 84% dos grãos produzidos pelo país são transportados em rodovias, afetando sua competitividade devido a sua grande influencia nos custos.Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a tomada de decisão de modo e destino dos consolidadores de grãos do Sul da Província de Buenos Aires. A partir de uma pesquisa de preferência declarada, conclui-se que a escolha de modo e destino é feita em conjunto. As variáveis relevantes para a escolha foram o preço FreeAlongsideShip no porto, o custo, a distância e a frequência do serviço. Os resultados estão em consonância com o encontrado na literatura, onde se destaca a modelagem conjunta e comportamental de diferentes etapas dos modelos de transporte e a inclusão de variáveis logísticas. Além disso, foram estimadas as elasticidades de cada alternativa e estudadas as curvas de iso-utilidade. Finalmente, foi realizada uma simulação de políticas de preço para a ferrovia, estudando a sua fatia de mercado, sua potencial arrecadação e o gasto total em transporte. / Agricultural trade is of great importance for Argentina. Nowadays, most of the crops transported by truck, affecting its competitivity because of its influence in direct costs. This study aims to analyze the choice process of the grain consolidatorsfromthe south of Buenos Aires province. From a stated preference survey, we conclude that the choice of mode and destination is made simultaneously. The relevant variables for the selection were the Free Alongside Ship price at the port, freight cost, distance and frequency. The results were consistent with those found in the literature, where behavioural joint modeling of different steps of transport models and the inclusion of logistics variables stand out. Moreover, price elasticities were estimated and iso-utility curves were studied. Finally, train price policies simulations were made observing market shares, expected incomes and total expenditures in transportation.

La noticia policial: una lectura moderna de violencia: Santiago y Buenos Aires, 1900-1920

Rivera Aravena, Carla January 2010 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo tiene por propósito analizar cómo la prensa moderna construye y reproduce una ‗cultura de la violencia‘ a partir de la inserción de determinados discursos o representación sobre la transgresión, en las ciudades de Santiago y Buenos Aires entre 1900 y 1920. Estos discursos de la transgresión que se instalan a través de la noticia policial construyen un imaginario que ayuda, por una parte, a la naturalización del discurso hegemónico y del control social, pero, por otra parte, expone los límites de la modernidad; es decir, la tensión entre el tan anhelado orden y progreso y una periferia llena de pobreza y ‗atraso‘, en donde la violencia no es más que una práctica cotidiana de comunicación. Este ejercicio de apropiación escritural de la violencia - que instalan las publicaciones escritas a través de la noticia policial- es una forma a partir de la cual la modernidad intenta racionalizarla, deslegitimando las prácticas violentas establecidas, pero dando origen asimismo a nuevas formas y expresiones de ellas. Pues la violencia, entendida como un bien cultural, queda sujeta al relativismo que impone el cambio de normas y valores, y a la mutación de principios jurídicos, éticos y políticos de las colectividades humanas.

Tomada de decisão conjunta entre modo e destino para carga de grãos no sul da província de Buenos Aires

Tapia, Rodrigo Javier January 2015 (has links)
O transporte de grãos é de importância para a economia da Argentina. Atualmente, 84% dos grãos produzidos pelo país são transportados em rodovias, afetando sua competitividade devido a sua grande influencia nos custos.Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a tomada de decisão de modo e destino dos consolidadores de grãos do Sul da Província de Buenos Aires. A partir de uma pesquisa de preferência declarada, conclui-se que a escolha de modo e destino é feita em conjunto. As variáveis relevantes para a escolha foram o preço FreeAlongsideShip no porto, o custo, a distância e a frequência do serviço. Os resultados estão em consonância com o encontrado na literatura, onde se destaca a modelagem conjunta e comportamental de diferentes etapas dos modelos de transporte e a inclusão de variáveis logísticas. Além disso, foram estimadas as elasticidades de cada alternativa e estudadas as curvas de iso-utilidade. Finalmente, foi realizada uma simulação de políticas de preço para a ferrovia, estudando a sua fatia de mercado, sua potencial arrecadação e o gasto total em transporte. / Agricultural trade is of great importance for Argentina. Nowadays, most of the crops transported by truck, affecting its competitivity because of its influence in direct costs. This study aims to analyze the choice process of the grain consolidatorsfromthe south of Buenos Aires province. From a stated preference survey, we conclude that the choice of mode and destination is made simultaneously. The relevant variables for the selection were the Free Alongside Ship price at the port, freight cost, distance and frequency. The results were consistent with those found in the literature, where behavioural joint modeling of different steps of transport models and the inclusion of logistics variables stand out. Moreover, price elasticities were estimated and iso-utility curves were studied. Finally, train price policies simulations were made observing market shares, expected incomes and total expenditures in transportation.

¿Y tú de donde sos? : Estudio cualitativo sobre el uso específico del tuteo en el habla montevideana

Duarte Favaro, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Esta investigación presenta un análisis cualitativo sobre la variedad del tuteo existente en Montevideo, capital de Uruguay. Se hace un previo repaso sobre algunos conceptos teóricos de lingüística, como son la pragmática y el estudio de la cortesía, entre otros. Seguidamente, se presenta una introducción a la historia primero, y la actual situación después, de las formas pronominales de tratamiento de más frecuente uso en las dos principales ciudades de la zona del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires y Montevideo. Se muestra que en Montevideo, capital de Uruguay, en contextos semiformales, es frecuente la utilización de la forma T-V, variante que combina el pronombre tú con formas verbales conjugadas correspondientes al pronombre vos. Esta variante genera equilibrio entre el voseo, de carácter familiar, y el uso del usted, más estrictamente formal. Partiendo de la premisa de que, según lo expuesto en alguna investigación anterior (Weyers 2009), las formas en Vos estarían desplazando al uso del T-V, el cual, a su vez tendería a desaparecer, se ha planteado la discusión de que esto no corresponde con la realidad, y que este último uso goza de vigencia. Se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo mediante un estudio de campo que pretende responder a algunas hipótesis nuestras que tienen que ver con por quiénes es usada la forma T-V, teniendo en cuenta las variables de género, edad, y nivel socio-educativo de los hablantes, y en qué contextos esta forma es utilizada. El método que se ha utilizado es el de participante-observador en interacciones conversacionales suscitadas en Montevideo, en contextos reales como son diálogos en tiendas, reuniones, etc. Se transcribieron los fragmentos de diálogos en los cuales la variante de tuteo característica del habla montevideana fue empleada, y se diseñaron tres tablas a modo de presentar una clasificación de los hablantes que utilizaron esta forma, según las variables mencionadas líneas arriba, y, finalmente, se seleccionaron para un análisis más detallado los diálogos que se consideraron más relevantes. Mediante estos ejemplos concretos, se han establecido las bases para un estudio mayor, el cual pruebe que la variante T-V, lejos de estar siendo cada vez menos utilizada, se encuentra, al contrario, establecida en el habla de los montevideanos.

Cosmopolitan Imperialism: Mann, Sarmiento, and the Origins of Universal Education in Nineteenth-Century Boston and Buenos Aires

Zumaglini, Carolina 23 June 2014 (has links)
To reveal the theories and practices that linked education to the development within the cities of Boston and Buenos Aires, and in turn to the development of US and Argentina nationalism, “Cosmopolitan Imperialism” centers on two education reformers, Horace Mann (1776-1859) and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888). Mann and Sarmiento formed part of a supra-national community where liberal intellectual elites created a republic of letters, or perhaps better said, a republic of schools. As different versions of education branched out from a common Atlantic origin during the nineteenth century, Mann and Sarmiento searched for those ideas that better fit their national projects, a local project that started in the cities and moved to the interior parts of the country. In Boston and Buenos Aires, modern nationalism intertwined with imperial projects. This dissertation thus analyzes nationalism and reform in the nineteenth-century as an imperial project led by cosmopolitan intellectual elites. While we might expect to find Mann and Sarmiento’s ideas on education to be centered on their national experiences, looking to Europe for inspiration, this dissertation shows that it was quite the opposite. Educational ideas developed within an interconnected network and traveled within the North-South axis connecting Boston with Buenos Aires. This framework moves the focus from the interchange of ideas between America and Europe and places it within the American continent. At the same time, it allows us to consider Latin American and the US as both creators and recipients of educational ideas. There is a traditional way of talking about nationalism and reform in the nineteenth-century, especially in terms of education and educational policies. It is common to imagine that in the US, and even more certainly in Latin America, educated elites looked to the so-called West for inspiration. The argument is that they ended up adapting foreign models to their local and internal contexts. This dissertation challenges that idea and shows that different versions of education developed from a shared Atlantic milieu in which reformers in certain cities saw themselves as part of the same cosmopolitan empires.

Constructing Childhood: Place, Space and Nation in Argentina, 1880-1955

Malone, Melissa 01 July 2015 (has links)
During the vastly transformative stages of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, notions of the urban and definitions of childhood mutually intersected to create and define a modern Argentine landscape. The construction of new urban environments for children defined and reflected larger liberal elites’ definitions of childhood writ large. To better understand the production of this modern childhood in Argentina, this dissertation examines its other through the spatial-discourses behind constructions of childhood for the socio-economic lower classes - children who largely did not meet the expectations of the elite. I employ the use of both published and archival sources, from 1880 to 1955, providing textual analyses of the language of reformers – primarily state and municipal authorities, pedagogues, hygienists, philanthropists and urban planners – alongside spatial analyses of the built environment, including kindergartens, playgrounds, and open-air schools within the city of Buenos Aires, as well as a healthcare facility and themed park in the province of Buenos Aires. Urban intellectuals, educators and overall reformers increasingly considered play as paramount to children’s physical and psychological development, focusing on where children played, how they played and what their play meant. Childhood became a contested ideological space, constructed and negotiated alongside notions of Argentine national identity. By moving beyond textual analyses of professionals’ discourses, this dissertation not only contributes to our understanding of Argentine childhood, but also points to ways in which the built environment embodies modern notions of childhood.

Bearing Witness in the Face of 'Overwhelming Evil': The Role of the <i>Buenos Aires Herald</i> During the Argentinean Dictatorship

Dieckman, Lisa Ann 23 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de eficiencia y elaboración de propuestas de mejora de la GIRSU en municipios del SO de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires y de Cataluña a través de modelos integrados por DEA y RNA

Cavallin, Antonella 20 September 2019 (has links)
En el presente estudio doctoral se aborda el tema de la Gestión de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (GIRSU) con el objetivo de describir los sistemas y analizar la eficiencia en la gestión táctica de los mismos. Para ello, se seleccionaron dos regiones de interés, el Sudodeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (SOBA) y Cataluña, a partir de los cuales se recolectaron los datos necesarios de 18 y 19 municipios respectivamente, para evaluar la eficiencia relativa de los mismos mediante el análisis DEA. Se realizaron diferentes modelos DEA, con rendimientos constantes y variables, para obtener distintos resultados, así como las recomendaciones necesarias para llevar los municipios hacia la eficiencia. Los resultados indican a Bahía Blanca como la única localidad del SOBA que registra la máxima eficiencia en todos los análisis, y a Terrasa en la región de Cataluña. Posteriormente, se utilizan los resultados obtenidos en DEA para entrenar Redes Neuronales Artificiales y formular modelos de Regresión Lineal, que ayuden en la toma de decisiones de largo plazo, respecto a la proyección de aumento de generación de RSU así como la planificación inicial de recursos para que los municipios del SOBA migren a un sistema de GIRSU que valorice los RSU, como el instalado en Cataluña. Los resultados muestran que sólo las localidades de Bahía Blanca, Carmen de Patagones, Laprida, Monte Hermoso y Villalonga, necesitarían ampliar su capacidad actual de camiones para migrar a un sistema por contenedores (además de adaptarlos con la tecnología necesaria), mientras que, en cuestión de disponibilidad de personal, todas las localidades muestran estar sobradas y preparadas para migrar a dicho sistema. / In the present thesis, the tactical management of Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSW) is addressed with the aim of describing the system and analyzing its efficiency. For this, two regions of interest were selected, the Southeast of the Province of Buenos Aires of Argentina (SOBA) and Catalonia, Spain. For this purpose, data from 18 and 19 municipalities respectively for each region was collected to evaluate the relative efficiency through the DEA analysis. Different DEA models were applied with constant and variable yields to obtain different efficiency results as well as the recommendations to enhance the efficiency of the municipalities. The results indicate that Bahia Blanca is the only SOBA locality that registers maximum efficiency in all the performed analyses. Similarly, Terrasa is the efficient locality in the region of Catalonia. Later, the results obtained in DEA were used to train Artificial Neural Networks and to formulate models of Linear Regression that support the decision-making process in the long run, considering the expected increment in the MSW generation waste. In order to migrate to a system that recovers the resources from waste, as it is performed in Catalonia), the municipalities from the SOBA Bahía Blanca, Carmen de Patagones, Laprida, Monte Hermoso, and Villalonga need to expand the current capacity of trucks to migrate to a system by containers (in addition to adapting them with the necessary technology). However, in regard to the availability of personnel, the localities do not require to make any adjustment.

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