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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinamização do ônus da prova: teoria e prática / Making the burden of proof dynamic: theory and practice

Camilo José d'Avila Couto 04 May 2011 (has links)
Pesquisa desenvolvida na área do direito processual civil por intermédio de análise bibliográfica, baseada na averiguação de legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência pátria e estrangeira, pertinentes à teoria e prática da dinamização do ônus da prova e, em efeito, ao dogma do ônus da prova. Dinamizar o ônus da prova é atribuir o caráter dinâmico ao referido dogma, permitindo ao magistrado, quando da utilização da regra de julgamento, transformar a regra estática de distribuição do ônus da prova em algo dinâmico, ativo, observando determinados elementos conceituais e estruturais. A dinamização do ônus da prova é um instrumento jurídico que soluciona a impossibilidade de se formular um critério geral de distribuição do ônus da prova que satisfaça todas as hipóteses de aplicação do direito diante da existência de incerteza, de dúvida quanto à situação fática, quando do provimento final do juiz, momento em que deverá decidir sobre um fato incerto. Como indica sua própria denominação, retrata a capacidade de ser flexível, sendo sua maior característica a adaptabilidade aos casos concretos para garantir o direito material de quem o realmente tem, estando assim em perfeita sintonia com o princípio da efetividade da tutela jurisdicional. A teoria da dinamização do ônus da prova não objetiva conceder aos magistrados amplos poderes a ponto de permitir arbitrariedades. Contudo, confere-lhes, diversamente da distribuição rígida, pré-estabelecida e em abstrato, considerável grau de poder interpretativo, pois para aplicá-la, é necessário, diante da ausência de certeza oriunda da inércia da respectiva parte na produção da prova ou de sua insuficiência, utilizar a regra de julgamento sob enfoque, após analisar as circunstâncias específicas do caso concreto. Para isso é condição imprescindível a averiguação de qual das partes tem maior facilidade fática e jurídica na produção da prova, se uma das partes está em situação de desigualdade econômico-financeira e/ou técnica perante a outra, se a prova é complexa, bem como se a prova a ser produzida configura uma prova diabólica para a parte onerada. Em síntese, à luz dos preceitos constitucionais da inafastabilidade da jurisdição, da igualdade entre as partes, do direito à prova, do devido processo legal, identificar quais situações em que os critérios fixos estabelecidos pela lei quanto à distribuição do ônus da prova não se mostram adequados e eficazes para atingir o seu fim. A parte teórica está estruturada sob uma visão publicista do processo, com destaque à atividade processual das partes dimensionada em uma concepção cooperativa de processo. Ponto marcante desta pesquisa é aquele que identifica e imputa ao magistrado, essencialmente na fase do saneamento do processo, o dever de informar às partes de que, naquele caso concreto, poderá aplicar a dinamização do ônus da prova, caso seja necessário utilizar a regra de julgamento do ônus da prova, advertindo-as quanto às consequências de eventual inércia e do dever de colaboração na busca da verdade. Este dever consiste em um meio teórico, aliado à prática procedimental, que permite ao magistrado alertar às partes que a dinamização do ônus da prova poderá ser aplicada no momento oportuno, como regra de julgamento e, ao mesmo tempo, cientificá-las quanto à postura que devem adotar em âmbito de produção de provas, permitindo-lhes que exercite de forma plena o direito constitucional à produção de provas e, ainda, evitando que o direito constitucional à ampla defesa e contraditório seja transgredido. Este dever de informação específica se harmoniza com o princípio fundamental do processo civil expresso na cláusula constitucional do due process of law. A teoria da dinamização do ônus da prova operacionaliza um parodoxo de extrema relevância para a ciência jurídica, expresso na possibilidade do aumento de certeza versus possibilidade de diminuição das desigualdades na ausência de certeza fática. A regra de juízo ganha ainda mais relevância em um modelo de processo no qual a verdade não é um de seus escopos, como o nosso modelo e estrutura de processo civil. A pesquisa está dividida em quatro partes principais. Na primeira, o tema da prova é apresentado sob a concepção de direito, de dever e de ônus. Na segunda, o dogma do ônus da prova é analisado sob a ótica da modernidade. Na terceira, estão fixados os elementos conceituais e estruturais, bem como os fundamentos da aplicabilidade, inclusive de lege lata, da teoria e da prática da dinamização do ônus da prova. Na última parte são apresentadas as perspectivas de inserção da dinamização do ônus da prova no direito positivo brasileiro, em âmbito do processo civil. / The present research was carried out in the area of legal process by conducting a review of literature and consulting the current legislation, doctrine, homeland and foreign jurisprudence, which concerns to the theory and practice of the dynamism of the burden of proof and by a certain extent, to the dogma of the burden of proof. Making the burden of proof dynamic is to attribute a vigorous character to the referred dogma, allowing the magistrate when one is to judge to transform the static rule of burden of proof distribution into something flexible, active, by observing certain conceptual and structural elements. Making the burden of proof dynamic is a jurisdictional instrument that could solve the impossibility of formulating a general criterion of its distribution, fulfilling all hypotheses of Law practice when one is before uncertainty, doubt as for the phatic situation or the judges final word, in a moment when one is to decide on an uncertain fact. As it is indicated by its own meaning, it depicts the capacity of being flexible, being its greatest feature the adaptability to concrete cases in order to guarantee the material right of those who really deserve it, thus being in perfect harmony with the principle of the effectiveness of legal protection. The burden of proof dynamism theory does not aim at granting the magistrate a broad power and not even permit arbitrarinesses. However, it is conferred to them, differently from the rigid, pre-established and abstract distribution, a considerable degree of interpretative power, because in order to apply it, it is necessary, before the lack of decision making which comes from the irrespective idleness of proof production or from its insufficiency, adopt the judgment rule in focus, after specific circumstances of the concrete case have been previously analyzed. For that, it is paramount the checking of which part has a greater phatic and jurisdictional ease in proof production, if one of the parts is in a social-economic and/or technical unequal level in comparison to each other, if the proof is complex, as well as if the proof to be produced turns out to be a diabolic test to the responsible part. In short, in the light of the constitutional precepts, of the right to the proof, of the due legal process of law, it can be said that to identify in which situation pre-established criteria by law concerning the burden of proof are not suitable enough to meet its end. The theoretical part of this paper is based on a publicist view of the legal process, highlighting the legal process of the partscontextualized in a cooperative conception of the legal process. A remarkable point of this research is the argument that identifies and attributes the magistrate essentially when solving a legal process the obligation to inform one that in a concrete case, it would be possible to make the burden of proof dynamic, in case it is necessary to adopt the rule of the burden of proof judgment, warning about the tentative consequences of an eventual inertia and about the duty to collaborate when seeking the truth. This obligation goes hand in hand with a theoretical environment and with the procedural practice, which permits the magistrate to warn one that making the burden of proof dynamic may be applied in an appropriate moment as a judgment rule, and at the same time, make them aware of how to behave in a situation of proof production, letting one widely exercise the constitutional right to proof production, and furthermore, avoiding that the constitutional right to a better defense be violated. This duty of providing specific information goes in harmony with the fundamental principle of the legal process expressed in the possibility of raising certainty versus the possibility of decreasing inequality in the absence of phatic sureness. The rule of judgment becomes even more relevant in a legal process model where the truth is not one of its scopes, as our model and structure of legal process format. This research is divided into four main parts. The first one, the proof theme is introduced under the conception of right, duty and burden. In the second part, the burden dogma is analyzed in the light of modernity. In the third segment, structural and conceptual elements are defined, as well as the foundations of applicability, the lege lata concept, the theory and practice of making the burden of proof dynamic. In the last part, the application perspectives of the burden of proof dynamics in the positive Brazilian Law are introduced, in a legal process milieu.

Teoria da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova no processo do trabalho / Theory of dynamic distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law

Pires, Líbia da Graça 29 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a distribuição do ônus da prova no processo trabalhista pretendendo a aplicação da teoria da distribuição dinâmica do onus probandi neste ramo processual especial. Na primeira parte do trabalho são examinadas questões relativas aos direitos fundamentais, bem assim aos princípios constitucionais processuais, com relevo especial ao direito constitucional à prova. Na sequência serão estudadas as matérias relativas ao ônus da prova na teoria geral do processo, suas dimensões, os poderes instrutórios do juiz, a teoria clássica da distribuição do ônus da prova, bem assim as especificidades da inversão da prova no processo do trabalho. Segue-se a abordagem com a apresentação de teoria dinâmica do ônus da prova e sua recepção pelo direito brasileiro, apontando ainda alguns projetos legislativos que já positivam sua adoção no Brasil. Por fim, e considerando a necessidade de superação das regras estáticas do ônus da prova no direito processual do trabalho propõe-se a adoção das regras dinâmicas, partindo da necessidade de efetividade da tutela jurisdicional e concretização dos princípios da igualdade substancial, tudo em observância ao direito fundamental a um processo do trabalho justo e igualitário. Serão, ainda, abordadas algumas decisões jurisprudenciais da Justiça do Trabalho que aplicam o ônus dinâmico da prova. / The present thesis addresses the distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law aiming to apply the theory of dynamic distribution of the onus probandi in this branch of special procedural law. In the first part of this paper, issues related to the fundamental rights, as well as procedural constitutional principles, will be assessed, with special emphasis to the constitutional right to poof. Subsequently, matters related to the burden of proof in general procedural theory, its dimensions, the instruction powers of the judge, the classic theory of distribution of the burden of proof, as well as the specificities of the inversion of the proof burden in labor procedural law will be analyzed. Then, an approach to the dynamic theory of the burden of proof and its reception in Brazilian law is presented, highlighting some legislative projects that already indicate the positive adoption in Brazil. Finally, and considering the urge to overcome the static rules of the proof burden in labor procedural law, we propose the adoption of the dynamic rules, from the standpoint of the need for effectiveness in jurisdictional custody and materialization of the principles of substantial equality, in observance of the fundamental right to a fair and equalitarian labor proceeding. And yet, some case law rulings of the Labor Justice applying the principle of dynamic burden of proof will be addressed.

Teoria da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova no processo do trabalho / Theory of dynamic distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law

Líbia da Graça Pires 29 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a distribuição do ônus da prova no processo trabalhista pretendendo a aplicação da teoria da distribuição dinâmica do onus probandi neste ramo processual especial. Na primeira parte do trabalho são examinadas questões relativas aos direitos fundamentais, bem assim aos princípios constitucionais processuais, com relevo especial ao direito constitucional à prova. Na sequência serão estudadas as matérias relativas ao ônus da prova na teoria geral do processo, suas dimensões, os poderes instrutórios do juiz, a teoria clássica da distribuição do ônus da prova, bem assim as especificidades da inversão da prova no processo do trabalho. Segue-se a abordagem com a apresentação de teoria dinâmica do ônus da prova e sua recepção pelo direito brasileiro, apontando ainda alguns projetos legislativos que já positivam sua adoção no Brasil. Por fim, e considerando a necessidade de superação das regras estáticas do ônus da prova no direito processual do trabalho propõe-se a adoção das regras dinâmicas, partindo da necessidade de efetividade da tutela jurisdicional e concretização dos princípios da igualdade substancial, tudo em observância ao direito fundamental a um processo do trabalho justo e igualitário. Serão, ainda, abordadas algumas decisões jurisprudenciais da Justiça do Trabalho que aplicam o ônus dinâmico da prova. / The present thesis addresses the distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law aiming to apply the theory of dynamic distribution of the onus probandi in this branch of special procedural law. In the first part of this paper, issues related to the fundamental rights, as well as procedural constitutional principles, will be assessed, with special emphasis to the constitutional right to poof. Subsequently, matters related to the burden of proof in general procedural theory, its dimensions, the instruction powers of the judge, the classic theory of distribution of the burden of proof, as well as the specificities of the inversion of the proof burden in labor procedural law will be analyzed. Then, an approach to the dynamic theory of the burden of proof and its reception in Brazilian law is presented, highlighting some legislative projects that already indicate the positive adoption in Brazil. Finally, and considering the urge to overcome the static rules of the proof burden in labor procedural law, we propose the adoption of the dynamic rules, from the standpoint of the need for effectiveness in jurisdictional custody and materialization of the principles of substantial equality, in observance of the fundamental right to a fair and equalitarian labor proceeding. And yet, some case law rulings of the Labor Justice applying the principle of dynamic burden of proof will be addressed.

Příčinná souvislost v medicínskoprávních sporech a Koncept ,,ztráty naděje,, / Casual link in medical disputes and ,,loss of chance,, concept

Loucká, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the responsibility associated with the provision of health care, specifically it deals with the problem of causal link in medical disputes, its peculiarities, its obstacles related to its proving and possible ways of burden-of-proof- easement in relation to causation, including in particular the loss of chance concept. Second section of the thesis is dedicated to the brief introduction to the issue of liability, as a specific phenomenon necessary for the functioning of the human community, which is in the provision of health care represented not only by civil liability, but also by ethical disciplinary or labour liability. Legal liability is however clearly the dominant and most efficient instrument to regulate the conduct of the legal norm addressees. Legal liability, defined as secondary legal obligation, arising as a result of a breach of the primary legal obligation, is described in the third section of this thesis according to its basic structural elements. These basic structural elements are: infringement, emergence of damage, fault and finally causal link between the unlawful conduct and the damage. Crucial attention is paid to the causal link, to the specification of the causal link concept, to the requirement for level of proof in the Czech legal system and also in...

Dokazování v civilním řízení (vybrané otázky) / Evidence in civil proceedings (selected problems)

Zezulka, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The object of this master's degree thesis is to present a view of the evidence in civil proceedings. The document concerns the process of evidencing from both theoretical and practical point of view as it provides factual and material information which is crucial for the meritory decision of a court. The thesis is divided into three main chapters. There is also an introductory part situated in the very beginning of the paper which concerns the main reasons why the author chose this particular topic and describes overall importance for society. Furthermore, the thesis is ammended by a conclusion at the end of the paper. It comprises a subjective evaluation of the current legal basis and proposes possibilities of improvement of the Czech Civil Procedure Code. The first chapter focuses on the general description of the process of evidencing. It provides a legal definition of the concept of evidencing in connection with an explanation of other basic terms such as the subject of evidence, principles of evidence, a legal concentration etc. The role of the court, its main tasks and the level of maximum permitted initiative in civil proceedings are also taken into account. The second chapter concentrates on procedural obligations of the parties to litigation. Legislature imposes a certain procedural...

Důkazní břemeno o protiprávním jednání poskytovatele zdravotních služeb / The burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider

Slezáková, Alžběta January 2019 (has links)
The burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider Abstract This thesis describes a burden of proof and the distribution of the burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider between the parties to the dispute. Particular emphasis is put on cases in which patient as party burdened by the burden of proof is unable to prove unlawful conduct of the health service provider or other elements of the obligation to pay damages because the health service provider violated his obligation to properly maintain medical records. This thesis is composed of eight chapters. Chapter One is introductory and describes the civil liability which can arise out of the provision of health services. It presents cases of strict liability and also liability for fault. Chapter Two deals with the unlawful conduct of the health care service provider. Besides the general introduction, attention is paid to medical malpractice and other typical cases of unlawful conduct related to the provision of health services. Chapter Three examines other elements of the obligation to pay damages in cases of medical malpractice. Chapter Four deals with the procedural obligations of the parties to the dispute, especially with the duty of assertion and evidence and the burden of assertion. Chapter Five is...

Povinnost tvrzení a povinnost důkazní ve sporném občanskoprávním řízení / Duty of pleading and duty of proof in the contetious civil proceedings

Nováková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis topic is Duty of pleading and duty of proof in the contentious civil proceedings. The hereby stated obligations belong to the basic concepts of procedural law. If the interested party fulfils both obligations together with bearing the corresponding burdens, it increases its chance of success in a dispute. Supposing it was inactive, its inactivity might be reflected in the dispute result. My thesis aim was to deal with essential obligations in civil proceedings within eight chapters. In chapter one I mention historical excurcus where I introduce how the above stated obligations were adjusted in the previous civil procedural law regulations. It is only an outline of the historical development. Chapter two I briefly devote to the current concept - de lege lata. In the subsequent chapter three I deal with the burden of pleading and burden of proof in both types of declaratory proceedings namely in contentious and non-contentious proceedings. Where the contentious proceedings require higher activity of the interested parties in comparison with the interested parties in the non- contentious proceedings. Chapter four is focused on detailed description of both procedural obligations and to them corresponding burdens. Besides other various theories of burden of proof are stated here. And also...

Internprissättning : Bevisbörda, dokumentationskrav och rättssäkerhet

Pettersson, Oskar January 2005 (has links)
As the globalization of companies increases day by day, the need for a clear and comprehensible legislation to overcome the problems with transfer pricing transactions increases as well. Incorrect pricing in transfer pricing situations between companies with close economic ties to each other makes countries risk parts of their taxation income. Swedish legislation uses the internationally accepted arm’s length principle to regulate the transfer pricing transactions. Through the correction rule, the rule is upheld that the pricing between two companies with close economic ties to each other must apply to the same conditions as it would have been if it was between two companies without close economic ties to each other. To ensure that enough material is provided to base the assumption whether or not the correction rule has been followed or not, Swedish legislation provides a number of paragraphs to regulate the matter. The legislation is spread all over and is hard to interpret. The question rises whether this is against the rule of legal certainty or not. The taxation authority has provided a proposition on new legislation with tougher documentation requirements where it also wants to give itself part of the power by through directions exactly define what the documentation shall include. Yet again the question is raised whether or not this is against the rule of legal certainty or not. / I takt med att globaliseringen av företag ökar, ökar också behovet av en klar och tydlig lagstiftning för att överkomma problemen med internprissättningstransaktioner. Vid oriktig prissättning vid transaktioner mellan företag i ekonomisk intressegemen-skap riskerar länder att gå miste om delar av sin skattebas. Svensk lagstiftning använder sig av den internationellt accepterade armlängdsprincipen för att reglera internprissättningstransaktioner. Genom korrigeringsregeln regleras att prissättningen mellan två företag i ekonomisk intressegemenskap måste ske under samma förutsättningar som skulle ha gällt mellan två företag utan ekonomisk intressegemenskap. För att få underlag till huruvida korrigeringsregeln har följts eller inte finns ett antal lagrum i svensk rätt som reglerar dokumentationskrav. Denna lagstiftning är spridd och anses vara svårtolkad. Frågan uppstår om detta strider mot rättsäkerheten. Skatteverket har kommit med ett förslag på ny lagstiftning med skärpta dokumentationskrav där man dessutom vill ge sig själv delar av makten att genom föreskrifter exakt bestämma vad dokumentationen skall innehålla. Återigen väcks frågan om det-ta är förenligt med rättssäkerheten.

Internprissättning : Bevisbörda, dokumentationskrav och rättssäkerhet

Pettersson, Oskar January 2005 (has links)
<p>As the globalization of companies increases day by day, the need for a clear and comprehensible legislation to overcome the problems with transfer pricing transactions increases as well. Incorrect pricing in transfer pricing situations between companies with close economic ties to each other makes countries risk parts of their taxation income.</p><p>Swedish legislation uses the internationally accepted arm’s length principle to regulate the transfer pricing transactions. Through the correction rule, the rule is upheld that the pricing between two companies with close economic ties to each other must apply to the same conditions as it would have been if it was between two companies without close economic ties to each other.</p><p>To ensure that enough material is provided to base the assumption whether or not the correction rule has been followed or not, Swedish legislation provides a number of paragraphs to regulate the matter. The legislation is spread all over and is hard to interpret. The question rises whether this is against the rule of legal certainty or not.</p><p>The taxation authority has provided a proposition on new legislation with tougher documentation requirements where it also wants to give itself part of the power by through directions exactly define what the documentation shall include. Yet again the question is raised whether or not this is against the rule of legal certainty or not.</p> / <p>I takt med att globaliseringen av företag ökar, ökar också behovet av en klar och tydlig lagstiftning för att överkomma problemen med internprissättningstransaktioner. Vid oriktig prissättning vid transaktioner mellan företag i ekonomisk intressegemen-skap riskerar länder att gå miste om delar av sin skattebas.</p><p>Svensk lagstiftning använder sig av den internationellt accepterade armlängdsprincipen för att reglera internprissättningstransaktioner. Genom korrigeringsregeln regleras att prissättningen mellan två företag i ekonomisk intressegemenskap måste ske under samma förutsättningar som skulle ha gällt mellan två företag utan ekonomisk intressegemenskap.</p><p>För att få underlag till huruvida korrigeringsregeln har följts eller inte finns ett antal lagrum i svensk rätt som reglerar dokumentationskrav. Denna lagstiftning är spridd och anses vara svårtolkad. Frågan uppstår om detta strider mot rättsäkerheten.</p><p>Skatteverket har kommit med ett förslag på ny lagstiftning med skärpta dokumentationskrav där man dessutom vill ge sig själv delar av makten att genom föreskrifter exakt bestämma vad dokumentationen skall innehålla. Återigen väcks frågan om det-ta är förenligt med rättssäkerheten.</p>

Revealing the Man behind the Curtain : Proving Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration

Österlund, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
There is unanimity within the arbitration community that corruption is disrupting international trade and that arbitrators must not let arbitration be a safe forum for enforcement of contracts tainted by such illicit acts. Due to the hidden nature of corruption, often hiding behind an agency agreement, the most challenging question facing arbitrators has shown to be how to handle the rules of evidence. Awards show that there is an inconsistency in the treatment of the burden and standard of proof as well as the significance given to circumstantial evidence. Two trends can be spotted where the first approach is to argue that the seriousness of the accusations calls for a heightened standard of proof. The second trend is to argue that the seriousness to the contrary calls for a pragmatic approach to the rules of evidence, allowing a less rigid view on the standard of proof and use of circumstantial evidence or even a shift in the burden of proof. The focus of the thesis is on evidentiary aspects of corruption cases and how arbitrators have dealt with these challenges. The overall question is how arbitrators should handle the rules of evidence in corruption cases from a lege ferenda perspective. It is argued that the inconsistency in the handling of proof is sometimes misguided and that there are reasons to agree on a common starting point for applying the rules of evidence to corruption cases. Arbitrators should realise the frightening fact that it is their weighing of the evidence which is usually decisive for the outcome and accordingly there is a responsibility to conduct this operation carefully. The tools and procedural flexibility to reveal corruption exist even if there is no perfect solution on how to do it.

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