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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les recours administratifs en matière de relations professionnelles au Québec : le cas du Commissariat au placement

Audet, Michel, Audet, Michel 23 February 2024 (has links)
L’État moderne intervient de plus en plus dans tous les secteurs d'activités d'une collectivité. Ce vaste mouvement de socialisation rend de plus en plus complexes les relations qui s'établissent entre l'État et les citoyens. La problématique du droit administratif étant le paradoxe entre ce pouvoir discrétionnaire de l'État et le respect des libertés individuelles par le biais de la "justice", les cours de justice traditionnelle par leur lourdeur bureaucratique et leur lenteur, ont fait la preuve d'une certaine inefficacité pour trancher les litiges entre citoyens et État. C'est pourquoi le législateur a créé des tribunaux dits administratifs afin de rendre une justice efficace, peu coûteuse et expéditive. Les relations du travail n'ont pas échappé à ce mouvement interventionniste et à la prolifération des tribunaux administratifs. L'industrie de la construction, également, a été l'objet de nombreuses interventions de l'État au cours des dernières années. L'objectif de cette recherche se veut une analyse des structures et du fonctionnement du commissariat au placement dans l'industrie de la construction afin d'en tirer certaines leçons quant à son efficacité administrative et juridique. Ce tribunal administratif d'appel, créé en vertu d'une loi en 1978, fut le résultat des nombreuses tergiversations entourant le fameux règlement sur le placement des salariés de l'industrie de la construction au Québec. Le cadre de référence relatif à cette recherche, élaboré à partir de l'évolution des écoles de pensée en droit administratif, a permis d'inventorier un ensemble de caractéristiques d'ordre juridique et administratif. Ces caractéristiques ont servi à la cueillette des données et à l'analyse. Le bilan qui en résulte est le suivant. Le commissariat au placement se veut un tribunal modèle quant aux structures, aux objectifs et aux moyens. Le bilan est également positif en ce qui a trait au budget, à la manipulation des dossiers, à l'accessibilité, aux délais, à la non-exclusivité d'emploi, à la juridiction, aux caractères public et impartial de la procédure ainsi qu'à la souplesse et à l'absence de formalisme. La rémunération des commissaires, la compétence de certains et le non-respect de la règle d'audi alteram partem s'avèrent des points négatifs au bilan de l'efficacité. Ces résultats sont intéressants en autant que des recherches semblables seront effectuées auprès d'autres tribunaux administratifs en matière de relations du travail. C'est ainsi que des leçons intéressantes pourront être tirées sur la spécificité des tribunaux administratifs dans le domaine des relations professionnelles.

Managing Boundaries, Healing the Homeland: Ecological Restoration and the Revitalization of the White Mountain Apache Tribe, 1933 – 2000

Tomblin, David Christian 01 June 2009 (has links)
The main argument of this dissertation is that the White Mountain Apache Tribe's appropriation of ecological restoration played a vital role in reinstituting control over knowledge production and eco-cultural resources on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in the second half of the twentieth century. As a corollary, I argue that the shift in knowledge production practices from a paternalistic foundation to a community-based approach resulted in positive consequences for the ecological health of the Apachean landscape and Apache culture. The democratization of science and technology on the reservation, therefore, proved paramount to the reestablishment of a relatively sustainable Apache society. Beginning with the Indian New Deal, the White Mountain Apache slowly developed the capacity to employ ecological restoration as an eco-political tool to free themselves from a long history of Euro-American cultural oppression and natural resource exploitation. Tribal restoration projects embodied the dual political function of cultural resistance to and cultural exchange with Western-based land management organizations. Apache resistance challenged Euro-American notions of restoration, nature, and sustainability while maintaining cultural identity, reasserting cultural autonomy, and protecting tribal sovereignty. But at the same time, the Apache depended on cultural exchange with federal and state land management agencies to successfully manage their natural resources and build an ecologically knowledgeable tribal workforce. Initially adopting a utilitarian conservation model of land management, restoration projects aided the creation of a relatively strong tribal economy. In addition, early successes with trout, elk, and forest restoration projects eventually granted the Tribe political leverage when they sought to reassume control over reservation resources from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Fish and Wildlife Service. Building on this foundation, Apache restoration work significantly diverged in character from the typical Euro-American restoration project by the 1990s. While striving toward self-sufficiency, the Tribe hybridized tribal cultural values with Western ecological values in their restoration efforts. These projects evolved the tripartite capacity to heal ecologically degraded reservation lands, to establish a degree of economic freedom from the federal government, and to restore cultural traditions. Having reversed their historical relationship of subjugation with government agencies, the Apache currently have almost full decision-making powers over tribal eco-cultural resources. / Ph. D.

Effets de la formation bureautique sur les motivations à la pratique et à l'utilisation des nouveaux acquis dans leur travail chez des employés de la régie de l'assurance-automobile du Québec

Cardinal, Élise 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2015

Interface of history and fiction : the Zimbabwean liberation war novel

Muwati, Itai 11 1900 (has links)
The research examines the interface of history and fiction. It predominantly focuses on historical fiction on the Zimbabwean liberation war written in Shona, Ndebele and English and published after the attainment of political independence in 1980. Historical fiction on the liberation war is both biographical and autobiographical. Consequently, the study comes to the conclusion that historical fiction is a veritable stakeholder in the history issue in Zimbabwe. It becomes another type or source of history that cannot be papered over when dealing with the nation’s history. In a nation where liberation war history is not only taken seriously, but is also a vigorously contested terrain, historical fiction becomes part of those discursive contestations, particularly on nation and nationalism. It is in this regard that the study problematises the interface of history and fiction by reasoning that historical fiction published in the early 1980s largely advances a state-centered perspective which views history, nation and nationalism in positive terms. This discourse uses history in order to argue for a single nation that derives its identity from the heroic and symbolic guerrilla characters. Nationalism is exclusively presented as humanising and as being the sole legitimate political brand capable of leading the nation. On the other hand, historical fiction written in English and published in the late 1980s onwards represents alternative historical truths that contest nationalism and debunk official definitions of nation. This discourse leads to the pluralisation of perspectives on nation and nationalism. The focus on historical fiction published in three languages used in Zimbabwe is a conscious attempt to transcend ethnicity in critical scholarship. Discussing novels in Shona, Ndebele and English, which are the three main languages in Zimbabwe, makes it possible for the study to draw reasoned conclusions on the bearing of time, language, region and background among others on historical representation. This undertaking brings to the fore how literature responding to similar historical processes appears moderately conjunctive and principally disjunctive. Correspondingly, it also shows various trends in the development of liberation war fiction in Zimbabwe. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Ett främmande element i nationen : Svensk flyktingpolitik och de judiska flyktingarna 1938−1944 / A Foreign Element within the Nation : Swedish Refugee Policy and the Jewish Refugees 1938−1944

Kvist Geverts, Karin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim is to increase our understanding of the mechanisms of social categorization and discrimination, as well as the connection between them. This has been accomplished by examining Swedish refugee policy towards Jewish refugees during the Second World War and the Holocaust, as conducted by The Foreigner’s Bureau of the National Board of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 1938−1944. The study also compares the Swedish refugee policy with that of Denmark, Switzerland, Great Britain and the United States. The investigation is guided by such concepts as social categorization, discrimination, antisemitism, organizational culture and established practice. The primary sources are documents, minutes and personal dossiers; <i>Svensk författningssamling</i> (legislation) and articles in <i>Sociala Meddelanden</i> (the National Board’s official journal).</p><p>The main conclusions are that Sweden was not perceived as a country of immigration, based partly of the widespread fear that too many Jewish refugees would create a “Jewish Question”. Swedish authorities discriminated against Jewish refugees on grounds of “race” through a process of categorization. This process began already in the 1920’s, and gradually transformed the definition of “Jew” from a religious to a “racial” definition, based on the Nuremberg Laws. The differentiation of Jewish refugees in official statistics ceased in September 1943, yet it continued secretly until February 1944, encompassing the Norwegian and Danish Jews as well. One important result shows that the shift in policy – from discrimination to large scale reception – was a slow process where this differentiating practice and antisemitic perceptions remained operative. What is defined as an antisemitic background bustle is used to explain how moderate antisemitic expressions were perceived as “unbiased” and “normal” within the Swedish society. Though Sweden’s refugee policy seems similar to that of other countries surveyed, the shift in policy stands out as unique in comparison.</p>

內戰下的上海市社會局研究(1945-1949) / A Study of Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs during the Chinese Civil War, 1945-1949

李鎧光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以上海市社會局為主體,探討其從1945年10月至1949年4月間各項業務執行的情況及其市民生活的關係。首先從社會局的職權與人事談起,社會局最早成立於1927年7月,負責農工商業相關行業的註冊、處理勞資糾紛與相關統計。一年後職權增加了對人民團體和社會福利機構的管理,也負責各種度量衡器具的檢定,戰後再增加糧食管理及書報影劇審查兩項工作。就人事方面而言,社會局局長以吳開先在任的時間最長,同時他也出任市黨部的執行委員會委員。另外針對1948年社會局全體公務員的學經歷進行分析,發現49歲以下的職員占絕大多數,以學歷而言,超過半數的男性職員受過不同程度的高等教育,女性職員是以中學學歷者占多數,附屬機構的公務員則更年輕,學歷也相對較低。與戰前的社會局相比最大的特點在小學以下的成員大幅減少和隨著局長異動而大量換人的情形也不復存在。 本研究的其他部分皆與社會局如何執行它的職權有關,分為四大主題:(1)報紙、雜誌、通訊社審查;(2)電影戲劇審查;(3)調整工資及調解勞資爭議;(4)對人民團體的管理。 在報紙、雜誌、通訊社審查部分,共舉行了三次大規模清查措施,只有1949年3-4月的「報刊總清查」才有比較主動的抽查措施。在獲准發行的報紙與雜誌中有一個特點,就是越晚獲得許可的刊物轉呈次數越多,可見社會局沒有最終決定權。在沒有獲得發行的報紙與雜誌中,社會局常以「申請手續不完整」的理由(包括各種文字)讓申請案無法通過,數量上甚至多過發行後才被查禁的。 社會局對電影影片的審查是某種形式上的複審,重點是核對內政部發給的准演執照是否相符。劇團、票房和俱樂部審查強調的重點是表演內容,包括所有劇本、科白與節目流程都要申請核准方能表演。總計3202部電影中未通過審查的只有28部,凡是有墮落的、不符現實的場景與情節都會被要求刪減或修改。劇本審查方面,可能出於受戰爭影響無暇創作或比較容易通過審查,大多以重演舊的劇目為主。 工人工資的調整以市政府每月發佈的生活費指數乘上1937年6月的底薪為計算方式,與糧食價格互相比較,貨幣購買力逐確實漸下降,使得多數工人不足以養家活口,所以勞資爭議越來越多。而就勞資爭議進行分析,以有沒有發生罷工停業分為兩類,有罷工停業的案件有589件,沒有罷工停業的則有5521件。就行業類別來看,與上海的產業結構相符,以紡織業最多。從具體的個案討論中,社會局確實努力促成和解,但卻沒有能力預防與阻止勞資爭議與暴力衝突。 人民團體分為資方的同業公會、勞方的工會、與一般民眾的社會團體,三者的數量在戰後四年間皆有顯著的成長。從電影院公會的例子可以看出,公會與社會局爭執的焦點在票價的調整,還有公會也必須負責各種臨時性或經常性的賑災捐款。相關資料也顯示,社會局對於勞工福利設施推行不力,也無法控制工會基層組織,在那些被共產黨吸收的工會中,社會局只能在警察局取締之後,解散工會再加以重組,無法有效防止共產黨的滲透。社會團體的問題在於社會局僅僅做到登記的工作而無法加以有效的管理,即使是國民黨成立的團體也是如此。 整體來說,社會局在這四年的時間裡,雖然進行很多種的社會統計,也透過機關刊物向民眾進行法令宣傳,但被動的登記成效比較好而主動執行力不足,其中又以無法有效防止勞資爭議與積極管理各種人民團體為主要缺點。 / This thesis draws on archival data from Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs (Shehui ju 社會局) to examine how this organization undertook its duties between October 1945 and April 1949 (the period of the Chinese Civil War), as well as its impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Founded in July 1927, the Bureau was initially responsible for the registration of agricultural and industrial sectors, resolution of wage disputes, and compilation of business statistics. It was subsequently burdened with additional duties, including the oversight of civic organizations and social welfare institutions, examination of measurement tools, regulation of foodstuffs, and censorship of publications. The thesis begins with a discussion on the Bureau’s administrative structure and personnel. Director Wu Kaixian had the longest incumbency of all the staff members, and also served as a commissioner in the Executive Committee of the KMT’s City Party Office. In terms of the backgrounds of public servants who worked at the Bureau, the data collected indicates that in the year 1948 most were less than 49 years of age. Over half of the male civil servants had received various higher education degrees, while the most of the women merely had secondary educations. The staff members of the Bureau’s affiliated institutions were generally younger and had lower educational levels. The period covered by this study differed from the prewar years in witnessing fewer people with only preliminary educational background, while personnel changes became less relevant following the appointment of new Directors. The rest of the thesis centers on how the Bureau executed its authority and carried out its duties, with the subject matter being divided into the following four categories: 1) Censorship of newspapers, magazines, and news agencies; 2) Censorship of motion pictures and dramas; 3) Reconciliation of wage and labor disputes; 4) Governance of civic organizations. Three large-scale censorship campaigns involving newspapers, magazines, and news agencies were undertaken, but only the “General Censorship” from March to April 1949 witnessed proactive measures. In considering censored newspapers and magazines, it seems especially noteworthy that the latter publications were released more often than being transferred, which suggests that the Bureau did not have the authority to make final decisions. The reason given by the Bureau for banning certain newspapers and magazines from publication was usually “incomplete application procedure.” The quantity of such publications was even greater than those banned after publication. The Bureau’s process of re-examining motion pictures focused on the validity of licenses issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The criteria of censorship adopted by theatres, box offices, and clubs placed greater emphasis on performance content, including scripts, voiceover, and program rundowns. Of 3,202 movies examined by the Bureau, only 28 failed to pass, with discouraging and unrealistic scenarios usually being deleted or modified. Most of the adopted scripts were somewhat dated, perhaps due to wartime lack of creativity and productivity. The adjustment of the labor wages was based on the product of the government-issued monthly cost of living index multiplied by salary levels of July 1937. Against the background of rising food prices, purchasing power parity proved relatively low, which rendered blue-collar workers less able to sustain their families and sparked increasing wage disputes. Such conflicts can be categorized by whether or not they resulted in strikes, with those triggering strikes numbering 589 and those that did not 5,521. Like Shanghai’s overall industrial structure, the textile industry led others in terms of such disputes. The Bureau did intervene by trying to promote reconciliation, yet it failed to prevent such disputes and resulting acts of violence. Civic organizations included employers’ associations, labor unions, and ordinary social groups formed by citizens. The number of all three kinds of organizations increased significantly during the four years of the Chinese Civil War. As can be seen in the case of the Cinema Association, the major point of conflict between Bureau and the Association centered on adjustments of ticket prices and the Association’s assuming responsibility for all kinds of charitable donations on a regular or temporary basis. The records reveal that the Bureau was not serious about the welfare infrastructure for laborers, and proved unable to control the grassroots organization of the labor unions. The Bureau could not prevent the Communist Party from exerting increasing influence over unions, but did dissolve them after police crackdowns and then attempted to reorganize them. The main issue with these civic organizations was that the Bureau was only in charge of registration yet proved unable to manage effective mobilization, a phenomenon that applied even to those organized by the KMT. In conclusion, the thesis argues that during the four years covered by this study, despite the fact that the Bureau was able to compile extensive sociological statistics and disseminate rules of law via its publications, its ability to execute policy decisions turned out to be far less effective. Moreover, the Bureau could not effectively suppress labor disputes and mobilize relevant civic organizations.

Ett främmande element i nationen : Svensk flyktingpolitik och de judiska flyktingarna 1938−1944 / A Foreign Element within the Nation : Swedish Refugee Policy and the Jewish Refugees 1938−1944

Kvist Geverts, Karin January 2008 (has links)
The aim is to increase our understanding of the mechanisms of social categorization and discrimination, as well as the connection between them. This has been accomplished by examining Swedish refugee policy towards Jewish refugees during the Second World War and the Holocaust, as conducted by The Foreigner’s Bureau of the National Board of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 1938−1944. The study also compares the Swedish refugee policy with that of Denmark, Switzerland, Great Britain and the United States. The investigation is guided by such concepts as social categorization, discrimination, antisemitism, organizational culture and established practice. The primary sources are documents, minutes and personal dossiers; Svensk författningssamling (legislation) and articles in Sociala Meddelanden (the National Board’s official journal). The main conclusions are that Sweden was not perceived as a country of immigration, based partly of the widespread fear that too many Jewish refugees would create a “Jewish Question”. Swedish authorities discriminated against Jewish refugees on grounds of “race” through a process of categorization. This process began already in the 1920’s, and gradually transformed the definition of “Jew” from a religious to a “racial” definition, based on the Nuremberg Laws. The differentiation of Jewish refugees in official statistics ceased in September 1943, yet it continued secretly until February 1944, encompassing the Norwegian and Danish Jews as well. One important result shows that the shift in policy – from discrimination to large scale reception – was a slow process where this differentiating practice and antisemitic perceptions remained operative. What is defined as an antisemitic background bustle is used to explain how moderate antisemitic expressions were perceived as “unbiased” and “normal” within the Swedish society. Though Sweden’s refugee policy seems similar to that of other countries surveyed, the shift in policy stands out as unique in comparison.

這片土地是⸢我們的⸥: 台灣原住民族和政府共同管理的研究 / This Land is “Our” Land: A Study of Indigenous-State

葛明麗, Emily Grubb Unknown Date (has links)
過去幾十年來,當地社區,科學家和政府官員不得不面對日益惡化的環境惡化以及對可持續發展和資源利用日益增長的需求。 近年來,為了解決日益增長的問題,土地和資源共同管理的概念越來越受歡迎。 共同管理通常被定義為⸢兩個以上的社會行為者之間談判,界定和保證公平分享給定領土,地區或一套自然資源的管理職能,權利和責任的情況⸥ (Borrini et al. 2000) 。 更具體地說,森林共同管理是指分享責任的領域和資源與森林有關的請況。 在理論上,森林共同管理的好處不僅應該是環境,而且應該是社會經濟。 在本論文中,我將對台灣的共同管理案例研究,十多年前成立的太魯閣國家公園合作管理委員會,以及另一個最近新出現的魯凱族和 台灣林業局。 為了提供台灣共同管理協議的示範框架,我還將討論加入加拿大國家公園管理的共同管理。 我將在台灣和加拿大的相關殖民時期追溯土著國家關係的歷史和演變,以更好地了解當前原住民族和國家共同管理工作的基礎。 本論文還將討論國際原住民族權利制度的出現在台灣制定本國原住民族政策方面發揮的作用。 我將了解原住民如何適應台灣國家公園和森林管理工作的政策和決策框架。 在評估原住民族與中央政府在這方面的權力關係的性質時,我的目的是回答以下問題:台灣當地原住民族如何與台灣政府達成共同管理協議? 在分析歷史和國際背景,政策框架和每個案例的具體細節時,我將就台灣當局與原住民部落未來的共同管理工作提出建議。 / Over the past several decades, local communities, scientists, and government officials have had to contend with increasing environmental degradation and the growing need for sustainable development and resource use. In more recent years, in order to address these rising concerns, the concept of co-management of land and resources has become increasingly popular. Co-management is commonly defined as “a situation in which two or more social actors negotiate, define, and guarantee amongst themselves a fair sharing of the management functions, entitlements and responsibilities for a given territory, area or set of natural resources” (Borrini et al. 2000). More specifically, forest co-management refers to situations in which the area and resources for which responsibility is being shared are forest-related. In theory, the benefits of forest co-management should not only be environmental, but socioeconomic as well. In this thesis, I will conduct two case studies of co-management in Taiwan, the Taroko National Park co-management committee, which was established over a decade ago, and another more recently emerging case of co-management between Rukai indigenous peoples and the Taiwan Forestry Bureau. In order to provide a model framework for Taiwanese co-management agreements, I will also discuss co-management as it has been incorporated into Canadian national park management. I will trace the history and evolution of indigenous-state relations across the pertinent periods of colonization in both Taiwan and Canada to better understand the foundations upon which current indigenous-state co-management efforts have been constructed. This thesis will also touch upon the role that the emergence of an international indigenous rights regime has played in shaping domestic indigenous policies in Taiwan. I will identify how indigenous peoples fit into the policy and decision-making frameworks of Taiwan’s national park and forest management efforts. In assessing the nature of power relations between indigenous peoples and the central government in this context, I aim to answer the following question: how do local Taiwanese indigenous peoples engage in co-management agreements with the state government of Taiwan? Upon analyzing the historical and international contexts, the policy frameworks, and the specific details of each case, I will posit suggestions for future co-management efforts between the Taiwanese state government and indigenous communities.

Změny v náplni práce výchovného poradce na běžné základní škole po zavedení inklusivního vzdělávání. / Changes in the role of a regular elementary school counsellor after the implementation of an inclusion model.

Medová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part, the author derives from the historical findings of Educational Counselling Facilities in the Czech Educational system. Furthermore, she focuses on the definition of Educational Counselling Facilities before the introduction of the new concept of Individual Integration in 2016, including the working methods of school guidance counsellor. The author defines the terms of Individual Integration in detail and deals with the amendment and its consequences in the work of school guidance counsellors and teachers. The practical part includes an empirical research based on semi-structured interviews with school guidance counsellors. The author summarizes the findings of her questionnaire survey carried on among schoolteachers. In the final part, the author specifies the changes in the working methods of school guidance counsellors after the implementation of the new concept of Individual Integration starting from 1st September 2016. The author also clarifies the impact of the Individual Integration concept on the everyday responsibilities of the teachers and the educational facilities from their point of view.

O compartilhamento de informações positivas como instrumento de redução da assimetria de informação na concessão do crédito bancário no Brasil

Mendonça, Daniel Henrique de 21 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Henrique de Mendonca.pdf: 648601 bytes, checksum: 65cf6cc99fbe5f4d508f0c8760990e40 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-21 / The main aim of this study is to analyze the new legislation adopted in Brazil (Law nº 12,414/2011), which regulates the functioning of the credit positive information sharing market in the light of the asymmetric information theory and the international experience, highlighting similarities and differences as well as their possible impact on performance of the bank loans local market. For this, it was performed an intensive bibliography review on the literature existent about asymmetric information, with special attention to the role played by sharing data on individuals and companies, and the role of credit bureaus as a tool developed to reduce adverse selection and moral hazard problems. A presentation of the international experience is used as a way of highlighting the empirical aspect of the theory as well as serve as a comparison model to analyze the main points of the new Brazilian legislation in the light of the results already measurable in other economies. Special attention is given to the experience of Hong Kong, whose the creation of an effective information sharing framework is considered a recent international benchmarking. One of the main conclusions is that the implementation of this mechanism is an important step forward in structuring the national financial system, but its impact in reducing interest rates, reducing delinquency rates and increasing of the credit amount available must occur in the medium and long term / O objetivo principal do presente trabalho é analisar a nova legislação aprovada no Brasil (Lei nº 12.414/2011) que regulamenta o funcionamento do mercado de compartilhamento de informações positivas de crédito à luz da teoria sobre assimetria de informações e da experiência internacional, destacando similaridades e diferenças, bem como seus possíveis impactos no desempenho do mercado de empréstimos bancários local. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica intensa sobre a literatura existente que trata da assimetria de informações, com especial atenção ao papel desempenhado pelo compartilhamento de dados sobre pessoas físicas e jurídicas, e a atuação dos birôs de crédito como instrumentos desenvolvidos para reduzir os problemas de seleção adversa e risco moral. Uma apresentação da experiência internacional é utilizada como forma de ressaltar o aspecto empírico da teoria, bem como servir de modelo de comparação para analisar os principais pontos da nova legislação brasileira à luz de resultados já mensuráveis em outras economias. É dada uma especial atenção na experiência de Hong Kong por ser considerado benchmarking internacional recente na criação de uma estrutura de compartilhamento de informações eficiente. Uma das principias conclusões diz respeito ao fato de que a implantação desse mecanismo é um avanço estruturante importante dentro do sistema financeiro nacional, porém, seus impactos na redução das taxas de juros, na redução da inadimplência e no aumento do volume de crédito disponível devem ocorrer no médio e longo prazo

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