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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dresde et les Wettin (1697-1756) : ascension d'une dynastie, construction d'une capitale / Dresden and the House of Wettin (1697-1756) : rise of a Dynasty, Growth of a Capital

Saudraix, Philippe 05 March 2011 (has links)
En 1697, Auguste le Fort, électeur de Saxe, est élu et couronné roi de Pologne : c'est le début de soixante-six ans d'union personnelle de la Saxe et de la Pologne. Cette période est caractérisée par l'ascension et le changement de l'identité de la dynastie des Wettin albertins. Celle-ci est désormais royale et catholique, elle peut mener une politique de grande envergure grâce à la situation géopolitique de la Pologne et elle s'insère dans le réseau des grandes familles souveraines d'Europe (Habsbourg, Bourbons) ainsi que dans l'Église d'Empire. Tout cela, les Wettin l'expriment par leur investissement dans leur ville-résidence et capitale, Dresde : ils y bâtissent des palais, des jardins en signe de leur splendeur royale, ils y restaurent l'Église catholique, ils y rassemblent de prestigieuses collections et y organisent de somptueuses fêtes. Toutefois, la dynastie n'est pas le seul acteur de la ville-résidence et elle n'est pas le seul moteur des transformations qui affectent Dresde dans la première moitié du xviiie siècle. Outre la noblesse proche de l'électeur par sa position dans l'État ou à la cour, il faut tenir compte des bourgeois (au sens juridique du terme) et des institutions communales, qui profitent de la présence de la dynastie, de son administration et de sa cour, qui en sont fiers, mais qui mettent en avant l'identité luthérienne de Dresde. Cependant, les Wettin travaillent à l'embellissement de tout l'espace urbain, parce que toute la ville-résidence est à la fois le miroir et l'écrin de l'électeur de Saxe et roi de Pologne. / In 1697, Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, was elected and crowned King of Poland : the event marked the beginning of the personal union of Saxony and Poland, which lasted sixty-six years. The characteristics of this period were the rise of the House of Albertine Wettin and a considerable dynastic change. The dynasty was henceforth catholic and of royal dignity ; the Wettin could lead a large-scale politics thanks to the geopolitical position of Poland, join the network of the great European sovereign families (Habsburg, Bourbons) and the Imperial Church. The Wettin expressed this change in Dresden, their residence and capital in Saxony : here, they built palaces and gardens which gave evidence of their royal magnificence, they restored the Catholic Church, gathered prestigious collections and organized great ceremonies. However, the dynasty was neither the only actor of the residence, nor the only factor of the changes which affected Dresden in the first half of the eighteenth century. Besides noblemen who owed their nearness to the Elector to their political position, we have to take in account the burgers (in the legal sense of the term) and the communal institutions : they took advantage and were proud of the presence of the dynasty, its administration and its court, but insisted on the Lutheran identity of Dresden. Nevertheless, the Wettin aimed at the beauty of the urban space, since all the residence and capital was at once the mirror and the case of the Elector of Saxony and King of Poland.

Proyecto Nutriburguer / Project Nutriburger

Meoño Rivadeneyra, Franco Andre, Padilla Centurion, Milagros Estefanny, Quispe Manosalva, Shirley Yohara, Ramirez Piscoya, Paulo Cesar 30 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto consiste en la producción y comercialización de hamburguesas elaboradas a base de sangrecita de pollo para prevenir y combatir la anemia en las personas que la padecen. El proyecto muestra la viabilidad de su ejecución, en base a la investigación realizada en Lima Metropolitana a los NSE “A”,”B” y ”C ”, cuyo resultado nos permitió conocer el grave problema que enfrentan las familias peruanas al combatir una enfermedad latente en nuestra sociedad como lo es la anemia. Esto se debe a la falta de información y conocimiento acerca de productos alimenticios que puedan prevenir este mal. Así mismo, se pudo detectar que muchos padres de familia desconocen el valor nutricional que aporta la sangrecita de pollo, la preparación del alimento y como debe ser consumido para prevenir y combatir la anemia. Finalmente, se descubrió que los padres buscan una manera de darle a su familia alimentos fáciles de preparar y que aporten las suficientes proteínas que el cuerpo necesita. Para poder realizar este proyecto se hizo un análisis de nuestro mercado potencial: consumidores, proveedores, competidores y otros factores externos a la empresa. Además, se utilizaron supuestas hipótesis y experimentos para comprobar la aceptación de nuestro producto. También se pusieron en marcha los siguientes planes: Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el Plan Financiero. Los cuales contienen las estrategias necesarias para la ejecución de este proyecto. / The present project consists in the production and commercialization of hamburgers made with chicken blood to prevent and fight anemia in people who suffer from it. The project shows the feasibility of its execution, based on the research carried out in Metropolitan Lima to the NSE “A”, “B” and “C”, whose result allowed us to know the serious problem faced by Peruvian families in fighting a disease latent in our society as is anemia. This is due to the lack of information and knowledge about food products that can prevent this disease. Likewise, it was found that many parents are unaware of the nutritional value provided by chicken blood, the preparation of food and how it should be consumed to prevent and fight anemia. Finally, it was discovered that parents are looking for a way to give their family easy-to-prepare foods and provide enough protein that the body needs. In order to carry out this project an analysis of our potential market was made: consumers, suppliers, competitors and other factors external to the company. In addition, supposed hypotheses and experiments were used to check the acceptance of our product. The following plans were also implemented: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan, Corporate Social Responsibility Plan and the Financial Plan. Which contain the necessary strategies for the execution of this Project. / Trabajo de investigación

Modelo de negocio basado en hamburguesas saludables: Mr. Legu / Business model based on healthy burgers: Mr. Legu

Chicana Llamas, Gerald Jair, Díaz Espinoza, Kiara Jimena, Mas Alva, Pier Jhordan, Vásquez Pérez, Mabel Sofía, Velazco Chavez, Linda Liliana 04 December 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, el Perú se ha ubicado como el tercer país con mayor índice de personas con sobrepeso y una de las principales causas de esto fue el incremento del acceso a comida rápida. Este tipo de alimentación logró posicionarse en la vida de los jóvenes y, dada la coyuntura actual, pudieron identificar el daño que se estaban haciendo. A raíz de esto, se inició una tendencia que implica llevar un estilo de vida saludable, un cambio positivo que aportaría en la vida de las personas en diferentes aspectos. Sin embargo, se identificó que una de las principales complicaciones al iniciar con este proceso era los antojos que surgían en el día a día, además de que los jóvenes no suelen dedicarle tanto tiempo a la cocina. Es así como se planteó una posible solución, un producto nutritivo y de fácil preparación que ayudaría a reemplazar la comida rápida, y nació Mr. Legu. Mr. Legu es un modelo de negocio que ofrece hamburguesas hechas a base de legumbres y cereales, un alimento que se tiene que freír u hornear, pero continúa siendo saludable. Los sabores elegidos inicialmente, de acuerdo con un estudio previo, fueron lentejas y garbanzos, pero se ofrecerán diferentes opciones de sabores que permitan que todos los usuarios puedan disfrutarlas. Es importante destacar que el Ministerio de Salud promueve el consumo de legumbres por su alto valor nutricional, es por eso que Mr. Legu las eligió como insumo principal. Además, las hamburguesas son preparadas con una variedad de verduras que mejoran su sabor y se pueden complementar de distintas maneras, por lo que se sugieren recetas que permiten a los usuarios decidir con qué consumirlas. El objetivo principal de Mr. Legu es ofrecer una alternativa rápida, fácil y divertida que ayudará a las personas a que puedan continuar con su proceso de cambio o a mantener un estilo saludable. Antes de iniciar con el emprendimiento, se hicieron diferentes estudios del prototipo, del modelo de negocio, un concierge y también una evaluación de los competidores directos. Además, se utilizaron diferentes herramientas relacionadas a Start Ups, la metodología de Design Thinking y algunas técnicas relacionadas a la evaluación financiera del proyecto. Todo esto se realizó con la principal finalidad de que las hamburguesas saludables de Mr. Legu logren tener el alcance deseado y sean la primera opción de los usuarios gracias a la buena reputación y publicidad de los produtos que ofrece. En el presente trabajo de investigación se han desarrollado todas las etapas necesarias para iniciar con este modelo de negocio. / In recent years, Peru has become the third most overweight country and one of the main causes of this was the increase in access to fast food. This type of food managed to position itself in the lives of young people and, given the current situation, they were able to identify the damage that was being done. As a result of this, a trend that implied leading a healthy lifestyle began, a positive change that would contribute to people's lives in different aspects. However, it was identified that one of the main complications when starting this process was the cravings that emerged in their daily routine, in addition to the fact that young people do not usually spend so much time in the kitchen. Thus, a possible solution was proposed, a nutritious and easy to prepare product that would help replace fast food, and Mr. Legu began. Mr. Legu is a business model that offers hamburgers made from legumes and cereals, a food that has to be fried or baked, but is still healthy. The flavors initially chosen, according to a previous study, were lentils and chickpeas, but different options will be offered so that all users can enjoy them. It is important to note that the Ministry of Health of Peru promotes the consumption of legumes because of their high nutritional value, which is why Mr. Legu chose them as his main ingredient. The hamburgers are prepared with a variety of vegetables that improve their flavor and can be complemented in different ways, so recipes are suggested in order to allow users decide what to consume them with. The main objective of Mr. Legu is offer a quick, easy and fun alternative that will help people to continue with their change process or to maintain a healthy style. Before starting with the entrepreneurship, different studies were made, one of the prototype, other of the business model, a concierge and also an evaluation of the direct competitors. Moreover, different tools related to Start Ups, the Design Thinking methodology and some techniques related to the financial evaluation of the project were used. All this was done with the main purpose of making Mr. Legu's healthy burgers achieve the desired reach and be the first choice of users thanks to the good reputation and publicity of the products it offers. In the present paper all the necessary stages have been developed to begin with this model of business. / Trabajo de investigación

Efficient Implementation of 3D Finite Difference Schemes on Recent Processor Architectures / Effektiv implementering av finita differensmetoder i 3D på senaste processorarkitekturer

Ceder, Frederick January 2015 (has links)
Efficient Implementation of 3D Finite Difference Schemes on Recent Processors Abstract In this paper a solver is introduced that solves a problem set modelled by the Burgers equation using the finite difference method: forward in time and central in space. The solver is parallelized and optimized for Intel Xeon Phi 7120P as well as Intel Xeon E5-2699v3 processors to investigate differences in terms of performance between the two architectures. Optimized data access and layout have been implemented to ensure good cache utilization. Loop tiling strategies are used to adjust data access with respect to the L2 cache size. Compiler hints describing aligned memory access are used to support vectorization on both processors. Additionally, prefetching strategies and streaming stores have been evaluated for the Intel Xeon Phi. Parallelization was done using OpenMP and MPI. The parallelisation for native execution on Xeon Phi is based on OpenMP and yielded a raw performance of nearly 100 GFLOP/s, reaching a speedup of almost 50 at a 83\% parallel efficiency. An OpenMP implementation on the E5-2699v3 (Haswell) processors produced up to 292 GFLOP/s, reaching a speedup of almost 31 at a 85\% parallel efficiency. For comparison a mixed implementation using interleaved communications with computations reached 267 GFLOP/s at a speedup of 28 with a 87\% parallel efficiency. Running a pure MPI implementation on the PDC's Beskow supercomputer with 16 nodes yielded a total performance of 1450 GFLOP/s and for a larger problem set it yielded a total of 2325 GFLOP/s, reaching a speedup and parallel efficiency at resp. 170 and 33,3\% and 290 and 56\%. An analysis based on the roofline performance model shows that the computations were memory bound to the L2 cache bandwidth, suggesting good L2 cache utilization for both the Haswell and the Xeon Phi's architectures. Xeon Phi performance can probably be improved by also using MPI. Keeping technological progress for computational cores in the Haswell processor in mind for the comparison, both processors perform well. Improving the stencil computations to a more compiler friendly form might improve performance more, as the compiler can possibly optimize more for the target platform. The experiments on the Cray system Beskow showed an increased efficiency from 33,3\% to 56\% for the larger problem, illustrating good weak scaling. This suggests that problem sizes should increase accordingly for larger number of nodes in order to achieve high efficiency. Frederick Ceder / Effektiv implementering av finita differensmetoder i 3D på moderna processorarkitekturer Sammanfattning Denna uppsats diskuterar implementationen av ett program som kan lösa problem modellerade efter Burgers ekvation numeriskt. Programmet är byggt ifrån grunden och använder sig av finita differensmetoder och applicerar FTCS metoden (Forward in Time Central in Space). Implementationen paralleliseras och optimeras på Intel Xeon Phi 7120P Coprocessor och Intel Xeon E5-2699v3 processorn för att undersöka skillnader i prestanda mellan de två modellerna. Vi optimerade programmet med omtanke på dataåtkomst och minneslayout för att få bra cacheutnyttjande. Loopblockningsstrategier används också för att dela upp arbetsminnet i mindre delar för att begränsa delarna i L2 cacheminnet. För att utnyttja vektorisering till fullo så används kompilatordirektiv som beskriver minnesåtkomsten, vilket ska hjälpa kompilatorn att förstå vilka dataaccesser som är alignade. Vi implementerade också prefetching strategier och streaming stores på Xeon Phi och disskuterar deras värde. Paralleliseringen gjordes med OpenMP och MPI. Parallelliseringen för Xeon Phi:en är baserad på bara OpenMP och exekverades direkt på chipet. Detta gav en rå prestanda på nästan 100 GFLOP/s och nådde en speedup på 50 med en 83% effektivitet. En OpenMP implementation på E5-2699v3 (Haswell) processorn fick upp till 292 GFLOP/s och nådde en speedup på 31 med en effektivitet på 85%. I jämnförelse fick en hybrid implementation 267 GFLOP/s och nådde en speedup på 28 med en effektivitet på 87%. En ren MPI implementation på PDC's Beskow superdator med 16 noder gav en total prestanda på 1450 GFLOP/s och för en större problemställning gav det totalt 2325 GFLOP/s, med speedup och effektivitet på respektive 170 och 33% och 290 och 56%. En analys baserad på roofline modellen visade att beräkningarna var minnesbudna till L2 cache bandbredden, vilket tyder på bra L2-cache användning för både Haswell och Xeon Phi:s arkitekturer. Xeon Phis prestanda kan förmodligen förbättras genom att även använda MPI. Håller man i åtanke de tekniska framstegen när det gäller beräkningskärnor på de senaste åren, så preseterar både arkitekturer bra. Beräkningskärnan av implementationen kan förmodligen anpassas till en mer kompilatorvänlig variant, vilket eventuellt kan leda till mer optimeringar av kompilatorn för respektive plattform. Experimenten på Cray-systemet Beskow visade en ökad effektivitet från 33,3% till 56% för större problemställningar, vilket visar tecken på bra weak scaling. Detta tyder på att effektivitet kan uppehållas om problemställningen växer med fler antal beräkningsnoder. Frederick Ceder

High-Resolution Computational Fluid Dynamics using Enriched Finite Elements

Shilt, Troy P. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

A Discontinuous Galerkin - Front Tracking Scheme and its Optimal -Optimal Error Estimation

Fode, Adamou M. 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Suppression of Singularity in Stochastic Fractional Burgers Equations with Multiplicative Noise

Masud, Sadia January 2024 (has links)
Inspired by studies on the regularity of solutions to the fractional Navier-Stokes system and the impact of noise on singularity formation in hydrodynamic models, we investigated these issues within the framework of the fractional 1D Burgers equation. Initially, our research concentrated on the deterministic scenario, where we conducted precise numerical computations to understand the dynamics in both subcritical and supercritical regimes. We utilized a pseudo-spectral approach with automated resolution refinement for discretization in space combined with a hybrid Crank-Nicolson/ Runge-Kutta method for time discretization.We estimated the blow-up time by analyzing the evolution of enstrophy (H1 seminorm) and the width of the analyticity strip. Our findings in the deterministic case highlighted the interplay between dissipative and nonlinear components, leading to distinct dynamics and the formation of shocks and finite-time singularities. In the second part of our study, we explored the fractional Burgers equation under the influence of linear multiplicative noise. To tackle this problem, we employed the Milstein Monte Carlo approach to approximate stochastic effects. Our statistical analysis of stochastic solutions for various noise magnitudes showed that as noise amplitude increases, the distribution of blow-up times becomes more non-Gaussian. Specifically, higher noise levels result in extended mean blow-up time and increase its variability, indicating a regularizing effect of multiplicative noise on the solution. This highlights the crucial role of stochastic perturbations in influencing the behavior of singularities in such systems. Although the trends are rather weak, they nevertheless are consistent with the predictions of the theorem of [41]. However, there is no evidence for a complete elimination of blow-up, which is probably due to the fact that the noise amplitudes considered were not sufficiently large. This highlights the crucial role of stochastic perturbations in influencing the behavior of singularities in such systems. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Trajectory planning and control of collaborative systems : Application to trirotor UAVS. / Planification de trajectoire et contrôle d'un système collaboratif : Application à un drone trirotor

Servais, Etienne 18 September 2015 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est de proposer un cadre complet, du haut niveau au bas niveau, de génération de trajectoires pour un groupe de systèmes dynamiques indépendants. Ce cadre, basé sur la résolution de l'équation de Burgers pour la génération de trajectoires, est appliqué à un modèle original de drone trirotor et utilise la platitude des deux systèmes différentiels considérés. La première partie du manuscrit est consacrée à la génération de trajectoires. Celle-ci est effectuée en créant formellement, par le biais de la platitude du système considéré, des solutions à l'équation de la chaleur. Ces solutions sont transformées en solution de l'équation de Burgers par la transformation de Hopf-Cole pour correspondre aux formations voulues. Elles sont optimisées pour répondre à des contraintes spécifiques. Plusieurs exemples de trajectoires sont donnés.La deuxième partie est consacrée au suivi autonome de trajectoire par un drone trirotor. Ce drone est totalement actionné et un contrôleur en boucle fermée non-linéaire est proposé. Celui-ci est testé en suivant, en roulant, des trajectoires au sol et en vol. Un modèle est présenté et une démarche pour le contrôle est proposée pour transporter une charge pendulaire. / This thesis is dedicated to the creation of a complete framework, from high-level to low-level, of trajectory generation for a group of independent dynamical systems. This framework, based for the trajectory generation, on the resolution of Burgers equation, is applied to a novel model of trirotor UAV and uses the flatness of the two levels of dynamical systems.The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the generation of trajectories. Formal solutions to the heat equation are created using the differential flatness of this equation. These solutions are transformed into solutions to Burgers' equation through Hopf-Cole transformation to match the desired formations. They are optimized to match specific requirements. Several examples of trajectories are given.The second part is dedicated to the autonomous trajectory tracking by a trirotor UAV. This UAV is totally actuated and a nonlinear closed-loop controller is suggested. This controller is tested on the ground and in flight by tracking, rolling or flying, a trajectory. A model is presented and a control approach is suggested to transport a pendulum load.

Framgångsrik hållbarhetskommunikation - vad är det? : En tematisk analys av Naturkompaniet, Systembolaget och MAX Burgers hållbarhetskommunikation på Instagram

Oskarsson, Jessica, Markén, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how companies perceived as sustainable by consumers engage in sustainability communication on social media. An abundance of information is common in today's digitized society - how do you as a company push through the noise - especially, with a serious message that does not belong on social media? The basis for determining which companies succeed in their sustainability communication is based on the Sustainable Brand Index Report from 2022. The selection and criteria resulted in three companies from three different industries for our analysis: Naturkompaniet, Systembolaget and MAX Burgers. We have reviewed all companies' Instagram and after the selection, 5 Instagram posts from each company are analyzed. The analysis is based on theories about sustainable communication, emotions and cognitive load on the part of the recipient. Models that are explained and intended to be the basis for results and analysis are the Affect–reason–involvement model (ARI model) and the Communication via Syncretic and Analytic Cognition Scale (CASC scale) as well as the Limited Capacity Model of Motivated Mediated Message Processing (LC4MP). To answer the research question "How do Systembolaget, Naturkompaniet and MAX Burgers present their sustainability communication on Instagram?" and the sub-question "How do Systembolaget, Naturkompaniet and MAX Burgers use emotional aspects and how do they take into account the recipients' cognitive load in their sustainability communication on Instagram?" in relation to the theories, we use a thematic content analysis. The analysis resulted in four overarching themes found: Behavior Change, Memorable, Encouraging and Serious Undertone. The conclusion is that companies that carry out successful sustainability communication present their messages in a simple way which is easy to understand, often with humorous elements and relatable factors.

Mesoscopic Models of Stochastic Transport / Active Particles, Molecular Motors and Resistive Switching

Radtke, Paul Kaspar 08 May 2018 (has links)
Transportphänomene treten in biologischen und künstlichen Systemen auf allen Längenskalen auf. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir sie für verschiedene Systeme aus einer mesoskopischen Perspektive, in der Fluktuationen physikalischer Größen um ihre Mittelwerte eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir die persistente Bewegung aktiver Brownscher Teilchen mit zusätzlichem Drehmoment, wie sie z.B. für Spermien oder Janus Teilchen auftritt. Wird ihre Bewegung auf einen Tunnel variierender Breite beschränkt, so setzt im thermischen Nichtgleichgewicht Transport ein; ungerichtete Fluktuationen des rauschhaften Antriebs werden gleichgerichtet. Hierdurch wird ein neuer Ratschentyp realisiert. Im zweiten Teil untersuchen wir den intrazellulären Cargotransport in den Axonen von Nervenzellen mithilfe molekularer Motoren. Sie werden als asymmetrischer Ausschlussprozess simuliert. Zusätzlich können die Cargos zwischen benachbarten Motoren ausgetauscht werden. Dadurch lassen sich charakteristische Eigenschaften des langsamen axonalen Transports mit einer einzigen Motorspezies reproduzieren. Bewerkstelligt wird dies durch die transiente Anbindung der Cargos an rückwärtslaufende Motorstaus. Im dritten Teil diskutieren wir resistive switching, die nicht volatile Widerstandsänderung eines Dielektrikums durch elektrische Impulse. Es wird für Anwendungen im Computerspeicher ausgenutzt, dem resistive RAM. Wir schlagen ein auf Sauerstoffvakanzen basierendes stochastisches Gitterhüpfmodell vor. Wir definieren binäre logische Zustände mit Hilfe der zugrunde liegenden Vakanzenverteilung und definieren Schreibe- und Leseoperationen durch Spannungsimpulse für ein solches Speicherelement. Überlegungen über die Unterscheidbarkeit dieser Operationen unter Fluktuationen zusammen mit der Deutlichkeit der unterschiedlichen Widerstandszustände selbst ermöglichen es uns, eine optimale Vakanzenzahl vorherzusagen. / Transport phenomena occur in biological and artificial systems at all length scales. In this thesis, we investigate them for various systems from a mesoscopic perspective, in which fluctuations around their average properties play an important role. In the first part, we investigate the persistent diffusive motion of active Brownian particles with an additional torque. It can appear in many real life systems, for example in sperm cells or Janus particles. If their motion is confined to a tunnel of varying width, transport arises out of thermal equilibrium; unbiased fluctuations of the noisy drive are rectified. This way, we have realized a novel kind of ratchet. In the second part, we study intracellular cargo transport in the axons of nerve cells by molecular motors. They are modeled by an asymmetric exclusion process. In a new approach, we add a cargo exchange interaction between the motors. This way, the characteristics of slow axonal transport can be accounted for with a single motor species. It is explained by the transient attachment of cargos to reverse walking motors jams. In the third part, we discuss resistive switching, the non-volatile change of resistance in a dielectric due to electric pulses. It is exploited for applications in computer memory, the resistive random access memory (ReRAM). We propose a stochastic lattice hopping model based on the on oxygen vacancies. We define binary logical states by means of the underlying vacancy distributions, and establish a framework of writing and reading such a memory element with voltage pulses. Considerations about the discriminability of these operations under fluctuations together with the markedness of the resistive switching effect itself enable us to predict an optimal vacancy number.

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