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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Burnout, coping and sense of coherence in an engineering organisation

Viljoen, Alana 09 May 2013 (has links)
Burnout can occur in any occupation and is a risk in the modern world of work. The objective of the study was to investigate how burnout, coping and sense of coherence are related and influence each other in an engineering environment. A Cross-sectional survey design was used in this descriptive study. The convenience sample consisted of 118 engineers and scientists at various levels in a global engineering organisation that is based in South Africa. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Coping Orientations to the Problems Experienced (COPE) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) questionnaires were administered for this quantitative study. A theoretical relationship was proved by means of a literature study and an empirical relationship proved that there is indeed a relationship between the constructs and that focus and venting of emotions as well as SOC are predictors of emotional exhaustion and cynicism. SOC also proved to be a predictor of professional efficacy. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Transpersonal practices as prevention intervention for burnout amongst HIV/AIDS coordinator teachers

Johnson, Sharon Mary 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The impact of transpersonal psychology techniques presented in Capacitar workshops as a prevention intervention for burnout amongst HIV/Aids coordinator teachers has not been studied to date in South Africa. This research project utilised a mixed-method approach in a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design. Educators from South Metro, who were HIV/Aids co-ordinators in their schools, were invited to attend six days in total of Capacitar workshops. Measures of their levels of stress and burnout were taken before and after the intervention. Thirty teachers volunteered to take part in the workshops and 27 completed the training. A control group (n=27) was chosen from a group of teachers in the Central and South Metros of the Western Cape, South Africa. The Capacitar workshops were presented by facilitators who had been trained and accredited by Dr Pat Cane, founder of Capacitar International, California, USA. The overall theoretical perspective adopted in the transformative approach was transpersonal psychology. While equal priority was given to both the quantitative and qualitative legs of the study, the quantitative data were gathered first. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used to measure anxiety and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) was used to measure three dimensions of burnout: personal, work and client burnout. The means of the intervention and control groups of teachers were found to be similar on the BAI and CBI prior to the intervention. After the workshops, there were significant reductions in anxiety, personal and work burnout in the post-test measures of the intervention group. There were also significant differences in personal and work burnout of teachers between the intervention and control groups. Although reduction in the levels of anxiety and client burnout (working with children) was evident in the intervention group, this was not significant. The control group showed no significant improvement on any measures and in some cases, levels of burnout increased. Qualitative data in the form of global analysis of focus group interviews provided insights into the experience of workshop delegates, and their teaching contexts. To cope with work and personal stressors, teachers turned to physical (n=29), mental (n=17) and spiritual activities (n=15), with many (n=19) using negative coping tools. Individual line sketches, a collage of outliers and mind maps, together with portraits of delegates, highlighted the context and experiences in the Capacitar workshops. As a result of exposure to transpersonal practices, HIV/Aids coordinator teachers were first able to start the process of healing themselves, and then turn to their families, learners and the community at large to share the tools offered. The qualitative data also yielded sixteen themes: Increased consciousness; personal empowerment; role empowerment as carers; emotional intelligence; mindfulness; heart coherence; processing traumatic pain; multiculturalism; self-acceptance; light heartedness; interconnectedness, sharing; forgiveness; holistic, right brain healing; changing brain patterns; mind-body-spirit integration and a return to wholeness. The results of this study showed both quantitatively and qualitatively that transpersonal psychological techniques mediated burnout amongst HIV/Aids coordinator teachers in Metro South, Western Cape Education Department, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town. Recommendations are made in the light of the findings and the limitations of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die impak van transpersoonlike sielkundige tegnieke wat aangebied is in Capacitar werkswinkels, as „n voorkomings-intervensie rakende uitbranding op onderwysers wat as MIV/Vigs ko-ordineerders funksioneer, is nog nie voorheen in Suid-Afrika ondersoek nie. Hierdie navorsingsprojek het „n kwantitatiewe-kwalitatiewe benadering gebruik met ‟n vooren natoets kwasi-eksperimentele ontwerp. Opvoeders van die suidelike metropool/grootstad wat werk as MIV/Vigs ko-ordineerders in hulle skool, is uitgenooi om altesaam ses dae van die Capacitar werkswinkels by te woon. Die deelnemers se vlakke van stres en ooreising is voor en na die intervensie gemeet. Dertig onderwysers was gewillig om deel te neem aan die werkwinkels en sewe-en-twintig het die opleiding voltooi. „n Kontrole groep (n=27) is gekies vanuit „n groep onderwysers in die sentrale en suidelike metropool van die Wes-Kaap, Suid- Afrika. Die Capacitar werkswinkels is aangebied deur geakkrediteerde fasiliteerders wat opgelei is deur dr. Pat Cane, die stigter van Capacitar Internasionaal, California, VSA. Transpersoonlike sielkunde is die oorhoofse teoretiese perspektief wat gehandhaaf is in die transformatiewe benadering. Alhoewel gelyke prioriteit verleen is aan beide die kwantitatiewe en die kwalitatiewe komponente van die studie, is die kwantitatiewe data eerste ingesamel. Die “Beck Anxiety Inventory” (BAI) en die “Copenhagen Burnout Inventory” (CBI) is gebruik om die drie dimensies van uitbranding te bepaal: Persoonlike-, werk- en kliëntooreising. Daar is vasgestel dat die gemiddeldes van die intervensie en die kontrole groepe dieselfde is vir die BAI en die CBI meet-instrumente voordat die intervensie aangebied is. Betekenisvolle verskille is gevind met die na-toets vir die intervensie-groep, naamlik die vermindering van angs, persoonlike- en werks-ooreising. Daar is ook betekenisvolle verskille getoon in persoonlike en werksuitbranding tussen die intervensie en die kontrole groepe. Alhoewel nie betekenisvol nie, het daar „n duidelike vermindering in die vlakke van angs en kliënt-ooreising (werk met kinders), voorgekom in die intervensie-groep. Die kontrole groep het geen betekenisvolle verbetering getoon met betrekking tot enige van die meet-instrumente nie, en in sommige gevalle het die vlakke van uitbranding toegeneem. Kwalitatiewe data in die vorm van die globale analise van fokusgroep-onderhoude het insigte verskaf rakende die ervaring van die deelnemers, en hul kontekste van onderrig. Onderwysers het fisiese (n=29), intellektuele (“mental”) (n=17) en spirituele aktiwiteite (n=15) gebruik, om werk-en persoonlike stressors te hanteer en vele opvoeders het (n=19) negatiewe hanteringmeganismes gebruik. Individuele lyn-sketse, „n collage/plakskildery van uitlopers en geheue-kaarte, tesame met foto-weergawes van die deelnemers het die konteks en belewings van die Capacitar werkwinkels gekenmerk. As gevolg van die blootstelling aan die transpersoonlike gebruike was dit in die eerste plek vir die MIV/Vigs onderwysers moontlik om self innerlike genesing te ervaar, en ook om hul familie, die leerders en die gemeenskap te bemagtig met die aangebode toerusting. Sestien tema‟s is geïdentifiseer met die kwalitatiewe studie: Verhoogde bewustheid; persoonlike bemagtiging; rol-bemagtiging as deernisvolle persoon; emosionele intelligensie; gefokusde belewing (“mindfulness”); sin vir koherensie; die verwerking van traumatiese pyn; multi-kulturalisme; lighartigheid; onderlinge verbondenheid; mededeelsaamheid; vergewing; holistiese, regterbrein-genesing; veranderde breinpatrone; liggaam-siel-gees integrasie en die herstel van heelheid. Die resultate van beide die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe benadering het getoon dat transpersoonlike sielkundige tegnieke uitbranding bekamp onder onderwysers wat as MIV/Vigs ko-ordineerders werk in die suidelike metropool, Wes-Kaap departement van onderwys, Mitchells Plain, Kaapstad. Aanbevelings word aangebied in die lig van die bevindings, asook die beperkings van die studie.

Burnout, work engagement and sense of coherence in nurses working at a central hospital in KwaZulu Natal

Maturure, Talent 03 1900 (has links)
The key objective of this study was to determine the relationship between burnout (measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS)), work engagement (measured by the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale), and sense of coherence (measured by the Orientation of Life Questionnaire developed by Antonovsky (1987)). A quantitative study using a cross-sectional survey research design was conducted on a randomly selected sample (N = 178) of nurses at a central hospital in Kwa-Zulu Natal. A theoretical relationship was established between the variables. The empirical relationship revealed statistically significant negative relationship between burnout and work engagement. A statistically significant negative relationship was also established between burnout and SOC. The findings add valuable knowledge to industrial and organisational psychology and can be applied to promote employee and organisational wellness. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

An investigation of burnout amongst medical social workers working in children's wards

Lukelelo, Nomvuyo 04 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Master of Arts in Social Work (Welfare Programme management) / Thesis (MA(MW))--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Medical social workers working in children's wards are more prone to burnout because of the stressful nature of their work. Because social work requires emotional involvement, it is not uncommon for workers to be emotionally drained and frustrated, which might lead to burnout. Stress amongst social workers is an important issue, as a stressed workforce can negatively affect the quality of service. This study was undertaken with the aim of providing guidelines for handling stress amongst medical social workers working in children's wards, in order to promote job satisfaction and enhance work performance. Chronically ill children who are hospitalised, often suffer from behavioural and emotional problems that require social work intervention, which in turn puts pressure on the social worker. Concurrent stressors on the children and their families may exhaust their normal coping capacity and further complicate the child's adaptation to hospitalisation. The role of the medical social worker is to provide social support to the child and the family in order to promote positive coping in the child during and after hospital treatment. The demands put on the social worker by hospitalised children can cause stress, which could adversely affect their work performance and job satisfaction. Social workers therefore, have to carefully select an appropriate practice framework when dealing with hospitalised children. This entails the selection of appropriate perspectives, theories and models to ensure effective intervention. These frameworks provide structure and directive to social work intervention, and combined with supervision, can promote job satisfaction amongst medical social workers. The study was undertaken amongst medical social workers working in paediatric wards within hospitals in the Cape Metropolitan area. The empirical study focused on an investigation of factors, which might contribute to the experience of burnout amongst the social workers. Work-related stressors playa major role in increasing the likelihood of burnout amongst social workers. If these stressors are not properly dealt with they might lead to burnout amongst medical social workers, which will have a direct bearing on the child's benefit from medical services. A combination of both organisationally based and individually based strategies should be implemented in order to overcome job-related stress and to prevent burnout. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mediese maatskaplike werkers wat in kindersale werk, is meer geneig tot uitbranding as gevolg van die stresvolle aard van hulle werk. Maatskaplike werk vereis emosionele betrokkenheid. Dit is dus nie ongewoon vir maatskaplike werkers om emosioneel gedreineerd en gefrustreerd te voel nie. Laasgenoemde is kenmerke van uitbranding. Oormatige stres by maatskaplike werkers kan 'n negatiewe uitwerking op die kwaliteit van hul dienslewering hê. Hierdie navorsingstudie was onderneem met die oog op die daarstelling van riglyne vir die hantering van stres by mediese maatskaplike werkers, wat in kindersale werk om sodoende werkstevredenheid en -verrigting te bevorder. Kroniese siek kinders wat gehospitaliseer word, presenteer dikwels met gedrags- en emosionele probleme wat uiteraard tydens intervensie addisionele druk op die maatskaplike werker plaas. Gepaardgaande stressors kan daartoe lei dat pasiënte en hul gesinne afwyk van hul normale funksionering wat weer die pasiënt se hanteringsvermoë en aanpassing by die hospitaalopset belemmer. Die rol van die mediese maatskaplike werker is om sosiale ondersteuning aan bogenoemde partye te gee ten einde positiewe hanteringsvermoë tydens en na mediese behandeling, by pasiënte te vestig. Die eise wat deur pasiënte aan maatskaplike werkers gestel word kan stres veroorsaak wat hul werksverrigtinge en tevredenheid negatief kan affekteer. Maatskaplike werkers moet dus versigtig te werk gaan in die keuse van 'n gepaste praktykraamwerk vir intervensie ten opsigte van gehospitaliseerde kinders. 'n Verantwoordbare keuse van perspektiewe, teorieë en modelle lê ten grondslag van effektiewe maatskaplike werk intervensie. Hierdie raamwerke bied struktuur en rigting aan maatskaplike werk intervensie. Laasgenoemde, tesame met Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za superviste kan werkstevredenheid onder mediese maatskaplike werkers bevorder. Stressors wat met werk verband hou, speel 'n groot rol in die toename van uitbranding onder mediese maatskaplike werkers. Indien hierdie stressors nie effektief hanteer word nie, kan dit tot uitbranding by maatskaplike werkers ly wat dan weer die pasiënt se benutting van mediese dienste negatief beïnvloed. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit tien mediese maatskaplike werkers wat werksaam was in paediatriese sale in hospitale binne die Kaapse Metropool. Tydens 'n empiriese ondersoek is gefokus op faktore wat moontlik aanleiding kan gee tot die uitbranding van maatskaplike werkers. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat 'n kombinasie van strategieë van beide die orgarusaste en die persoon geïmplementeer moet word om werksverwante stres te oorkom en dus uitbranding by mediese maatskaplike werkers te voorkom.

Die toepassing van die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie aan maatskaplike werkers in 'n geestesgesondheidsopset

Jeftha, Ellen Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to investigate the sources of stress and burnout in the social work profession and specifically in mental health settings. In order to achieve this, a literature study is undertaken which identified the sources of stress and burnout as external and internal stresses. External stresses can be identified as the administrative function of supervision, the educational function of supervision, and the relationship between the supervisor, the social worker and the client, aspects in the social work profession and the organisation. The personality and gender of the social worker are discussed as internal sources of stress. Social workers' experiences of stress and burnout are explored against the background of the socio-economic and political changes after the first democratic election in 1994 in South Africa. The literature review also indicated that there are peculiar stresses in mental health settings due to the clients' mental conditions. An exploratory study was undertaken in which 17 social workers in the Peninsula, working in mental health settings, participated. Information on the research topic was obtained by means of anonymous questionnaires. A group interview was arranged to ensure that all the questionnaires were received. It was found that since the 1994 democratic election, social workers worked under more stressful circumstances due to limited resources, restructuring, decreased manpower, a higher caseload, deinstitutionalisation of mental patients and an increased amount of uncertainty with regard to job security. Aspects in the social work profession that caused the most stress were identified as insufficient salaries and limited opportunities for promotion. The participants revealed uncertainty with regard to their future in the social work profession. Social workers acknowledge the importance of the supportive function of supervision but are also of the opinion that individuals should take responsibility to address burnout. Strategies that can be used by the social worker, the organisation and the supervisor to address burnout, are discussed. On the basis of the results and conclusion of the study, recommendations are made to supervisors, as well as further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word ondersoek ingestel na die bronne van stres en uitbranding in die maatskaplikewerkberoep en spesifiek in 'n geestesgesondheidsopset. Ten einde hierin te slaag, word 'n literatuurstudie onderneem en word die bronne van stres en uitbranding geïdentifiseer as eksterne stressors soos byvoorbeeld die administratiewe funksie van supervisie, die onderrrigfunksie van supervisie, die verhouding tussen die supervisor en die maatskaplike werker, die klientsisteem, aspekte in die maatskaplikewerkberoep en die organisasie, en interne stressors waaronder die maatskaplike werker se persoonlikheid en geslag bespreek is. Die sosio-ekonomiese en politieke veranderinge wat ingetree het na die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 in Suid-Afrika is in ag geneem en maatskaplike werkers se belewing van stres en uitbranding is teen hierdie agtergrond verder ge-eksploreer. Die literatuurstudie dui aan dat eiesoortige stressors in 'n geestesgesondheidsopset bestaan wat hoofsaaklik verband hou met die unieke kliëntsisteem en hul siektestoestand. 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem waartydens maatskaplike werkers in die skiereiland wat in 'n geestesgesondheidsopset werk, betrek is. Inligting is bekom deur middel van anonieme vraelyste. 'n Groeponderhoud het verseker dat al die vraelyste terug ontvang is. Daar is bevind dat maatskaplike werkers onder meer stresvolle omstandighede voor die 1994 verkiesing vanwee beperkte hulpbronne, herstrukturering, verminderde mannekrag, verhoogde gevalleladings, deïnstitusionalisering van pasiënte en groter onsekerheid met betrekking tot werksekuriteit. Aspekte in die maatskaplikewerkberoep wat die meeste stres veroorsaak is onder andere onvoldoende vergoeding en beperkte bevorderingsgeleenthede. Die respondente weerspieël 'n onsekerheid met betrekking tot hul toekoms in die beroep. Maatskaplike werkers erken die belangrikheid van die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie, maar is ook van mening dat individue 'n verantwoordelikheid het om self uitbranding aan te spreek. Strategieë wat die maatskaplike werker, die organisasie en die supervisor kan aanwend om uitbranding aan te spreek word derhalwe bespreek. In die lig van die bevindinge van die ondersoek, word aanbevelings aan supervisors gemaak ten opsigte van verdere navorsing.

Verwantskap van sin vir koherensie met werkstres, algemene gesondheid en sielkundige uitbranding by bestuurders / The realtionship of sense of coherence with workstress, general health and psychological burnout at managerial level

Diedericks, Johanna Catharina 11 1900 (has links)
Die studie foku.s op die verwantskap tussen sin vir koherensie as 'n intrinsieke hanteringsbron aan die een kant, en elk van streshantering, algemene gesondheid en sielkundige uitbranding aan die antler kant. Vraelyste wat hierdie veranderlikes meet is aan 200 bestuurders gegee om te voltooi. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon aan dat bestuurders met 'n hoi! sin vir koherensie goeie algemene gesondheid geniet. Die bestuurder met 'n hoi! sin vir koherensie behoon dus meer e.ffektief te junksioneer in die werksiruasie as die bestuurder met 'n lae sin vir koherensie. Voons is ook bevind dar 'n hoi! sin vir koherensie nie noodwendig aanleiding gee tot lae vlakke van stres of van sielkundige uitbranding nie. Aanbevelings word gedoen oor hoe om die negatiewe gevolge van stres en sielkundige uitbranding te venninder en algemene gesondheid te bevorder, ten einde die bestuurder se potensiaal optimaal benut. / This study focuses on the relationship between sense of coherence as an intrinsic coping mechanism. and work stress, general health and psychological burnout. To measure these variables, questionnaires were completed by 200 managers. The findings of this study indicate that managers with a high sense of coherence experience good general health. The manager with a high sense of coherence should therefore junction more efficiently in a work situation·than the manager with a low sense of coherence. It was also found that a high sense of coherence does not necessarily lead to low levels of stress nor of psychological burnout. Recommentfations are made on how to reduce the negative effects of stress and psychological burnout and how to improve general health in order to make optimal use of the manager's potential. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCom (Bedryfsielkunde)

Pracovník v nízkoprahových službách / Social worker in youth drop-in centres / services

Jandová, Martina Ania January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Social worker in youth drop-in centres / services" in the theoretical part delineates borders of the field ,,drop-in service" and describes the importance of contact workers in terms of reaching the true sense of the youth drop-in service. In the practical part it answers the research question: "Which positive and negative factors influence motivation for remaining in this field?" The answer has been found using open coding analytical tool of the Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory in responses of (the representative sample of) ten social workers, which have been active in youth drop-in service longer than two years. The important output from the practical part of the diploma thesis is the finding that there are many motivation factors, which can be influenced by social workers themselves or by their direct and/or indirect superiors. Final part of the diploma thesis presents the list of factors. They are classified from the point of view "we can/cannot do something with it". There is also recommendation for supporting the motivation of the social workers to remain in the youth drop-in services, especially by weakening negative factors and strengthening the positive ones.

Exploration of work dysfunctions within the workplace based on the participants' lived experience and meanings

Mongale, Kealogetswe Maureen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study aimed at exploring the “lived experiences” and “meanings” of employees who had been diagnosed with work related stress, anxiety, depression and/or burnout, referred to as work dysfunctions. The researcher wished to create an opportunity and safe environment that would allow the participants to have their “voices and stories” told, heard and understood. The researcher adopted social constructionism as an epistemological framework for dialogue with the participants. Five in-depth, semi-structured conversational interviews, using the qualitative research approach and the case study method, were conducted. Participants’ selection was effected through purposive sampling. The thematic content analysis method was used to analyse the data and later align it to the relevant literature. Thematically analysed content was reconstructed into individual participants’ stories. The conversational and relational process with the researcher also generated new meanings and insights beneficial for the participants. The rich and in-depth information around their unique experiences and realities contributed towards a better understanding of work dysfunctions and also towards the improvement of the well-being interventions. It is also argued that additional insights from the study would add value to the organisational incapacity management process of employees with work dysfunctions. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Consulting Psychology)

A s??ndrome de Burnout em estudantes de ci??ncias cont??beis : pesquisa na cidade de S??o Paulo

Guimar??es, Erotides Rocha 28 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erotides_Rocha_Guimaraes.pdf: 1104687 bytes, checksum: b9261fd97edeb2da0dfbac411492304b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-28 / Many times, the entrance to higher education is the moment when students start to have contact with their future careers, aiming to graduate and become professionals in their chosen area. Nowadays, the future accountant professional will find a globalized and competitive job market, with many types of demands. Graduating is not a guarantee for professional success, because students will need opportunities for starting a career, aiming to update and stand out. Such students, whose academic and professional life usually conflict, may have certain behaviors that may lead to the Burnout Syndrome. In this context, the aim of this research was to verify the prevalence of social demographic, work and academic patterns in last year students of Accountancy undergraduate courses in S??o Paulo city, exposed to the Burnout Syndrome. This was an analytical empirical research, involving 419 Accountancy students from seven private universities from S??o Paulo city. It was used the MBI-HSS (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey) questionnaire, adapted by Carloto and C??mara (2006). It was possible to verify socio demographic, work and academic patters, and significant divergences among the groups who work in external auditing companies, in accountancy area in other companies, interns and the ones who were not working during the research. After changing three dimensions concerning the research variables, the following results were stated: 194 students (46,30%) showed changes in the dimension Emotional Exhaustion (EE), 47 (11,22%) in Disbelief (DE) and 131 (31,26%) in Professional Efficiency (PE). The subjects were divided in three groups, according to the number of dimensions that showed changes. In Group 1, 276 subjects (67%) showed changes in EE. In Group2, 67 subjects (16%) showed changes in EE and in one of the other dimensions. In Group 3, 17 subjects (4,05%) showed a degree of exposure in those three dimensions at the same time. Moreover, it was possible to verify the following results. For subjects in Group 1, working in auditing companies and studying at Centro Universit??rio Assun????o (UNIFAI) permit more exposure. The subjects from Universidade Mackenzie showed, in all groups, bigger chances of exposure to the Burnout Syndrome. The same goes for subjects in Group 3, who study at Universidade S??o Judas Tadeu. To sum up, It was identified that, for all subjects from the three groups, the feeling of not being skilled can enhance the chances of exposure to the Burnout Syndrome / Muitas vezes a entrada no ensino superior ?? o momento em que os estudantes iniciam o aprendizado profissional, para concluir o curso escolhido e tornarem-se profissionais atuantes na ??rea escolhida. O futuro contador encontrar?? um mercado com exig??ncias de toda ordem. O fim da gradua????o, n??o garante o sucesso profissional; o estudante deve ter uma oportunidade para a inser????o na carreira, buscando se atualizar e se destacar. Esse estudante, cujas vidas acad??mica e profissional por vezes conflitam, poder?? apresentar comportamentos que denunciam o adoecimento pela S??ndrome de BURNOUT. Este estudo busca verificar a preval??ncia de fatores s??cio-demogr??ficos, laborais e acad??micos em ultimoanistas do curso de Ci??ncias Cont??beis expostos ?? S??ndrome de BURNOUT. A pesquisa ?? emp??rico anal??tica, com 419 estudantes de Ci??ncias Cont??beis de sete Institui????es de ensino Superior privadas da cidade de S??o Paulo. Foi usado o question??rio MBI-HSS (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey), adaptado por Carloto e C??mara (2006). Foram constatados fatores s??cio-demogr??ficos, laborais e acad??micos e as diferen??as significativas entre os grupos que trabalham em empresas de auditoria externa, de contabilidade, que atuam na ??rea cont??bil das demais empresas, estagi??rios e os que n??o trabalhavam ?? ??poca da pesquisa. A aferi????o das altera????es tr??s dimens??es relativas ??s vari??veis de pesquisa revelou os seguintes resultados: 194 estudantes (46,30%) demonstraram altera????o na dimens??o Exaust??o Emocional (EE), 47 (11,22%) na Descren??a (DE), e 131 (31,26%) na Efic??cia Profissional (EP). Os sujeitos foram divididos em 3 grupos conforme o n??mero de dimens??es que apresentou altera????es. O grupo 1 possui 276 sujeitos (67%) que mostraram altera????o na EE. O grupo 2, com 67 sujeitos (16%) mostrou altera????es na EE e em alguma outra das dimens??es. O grupo 3, com 17 sujeitos (4,06%) mostrou um grau de exposi????o nas tr??s dimens??es de forma concomitante. ?? poss??vel apresentar os seguintes resultados: Para os sujeitos do grupo 1, trabalhar em empresas de auditoria externa e estudar no Centro Universit??rio Assun????o (UNIFAI), possibilita maior exposi????o. Os sujeitos da Universidade Mackenzie apresentaram em todos os grupos maiores chances de exposi????o ?? S??ndrome. Isto tamb??m ?? real para os sujeitos do grupo 3 que estudam na Universidade S??o Judas Tadeu. Identificou-se que, para todos os sujeitos dos tr??s grupos a sensa????o de n??o estarem capacitados aumenta as chances de exposi????o ?? S??ndrome de BURNOUT

中學教師付出-回報不成比例、人生意義與職業倦怠的關係. / Relations among investment-reward imbalance, meaning of life, and burnout among Chinese secondary school teachers / 中學教師付出回報不成比例、人生意義與職業倦怠的關係 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhong xue jiao shi fu chu-hui bao bu cheng bi li, ren sheng yi yi yu zhi ye juan dai de guan xi. / Zhong xue jiao shi fu chu hui bao bu cheng bi li, ren sheng yi yi yu zhi ye juan dai de guan xi

January 2007 (has links)
A three-phase study was conducted. In the first phase, individual interviews were conducted with 15 secondary school teachers to develop indigenous items for assessing teacher burnout and lack of reciprocity. In the second phase, 187 secondary school teachers were included to determine the items of newly-developed instruments and to examine their psychometric properties. In the third phase, the aims were to examine the validity and reliability of each measurement, to analysis the relations between teacher burnout and demographic variables, and to explore the relationship among lack of reciprocity, ERI, meaning of life and teacher burnout in a sample of 509 teachers from 25 secondary schools in Changchun, China. / According to the relationship between teacher burnout and demographic variables, results indicated that younger teachers reported more EE and DP. Teachers of junior rank reported more burnout. Teachers who taught Chinese, mathematics and English reported more experience of EE than teachers who taught other subjects. / Based on the social exchange theory of burnout, the effort-reward imbalance (ERI) model, and the existential theory of burnout, the purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship among investment-reward imbalance, meaning of life, and burnout among Chinese secondary school teachers. As one of the key variables in this study, investment-reward imbalance included two operational definitions which were named lack of reciprocity and ERI. / Limitations, theoretical and practical implications of the findings were also discussed. / Results showed that, based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the newly-modified Burnout Measurement consisted of three subscales: emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP), and reduced personal accomplishment (RPA). The self-developed Reciprocity Scale included three dimensions, namely, reciprocity in the relationship with students, intangible reciprocity in the relationship with the school, and tangible reciprocity in the relationship with the school. All measurements in this study were found to possess good validity and reliability. / Structural equation modeling was used to test a set of hypothetic models of the relationship among lack of reciprocity, ERI, meaning of life and teacher burnout. Results showed that, lack of reciprocity in the relationship with students positively influenced FE and RPA. Lack of intangible reciprocity in the relationship with the school was positively associated with RPA. Lack of tangible reciprocity in the relationship with the school was positively associated with EE. Among the three dimensions of lack of reciprocity, lack of reciprocity in the relationship with students is a more important predictor to teacher burnout than other components. ERI was positively associated with EE. Considering the two operational definitions of investment-reward imbalance in the prediction of teacher burnout, lack of reciprocity predicted RPA better than ERI, while ERI predicted EE better than lack of reciprocity. Meaning of life was negatively associated with EE, DP and RPA. In addition, results supported the hypothesis that EE influenced DP on the structure of teacher burnout. / 李歆瑤. / Advisers: Patrick S. Y. Lau; Alvin S. M. Leung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-03, Section: A, page: 0875. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 138-153). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Li Xinyao.

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