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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du rôle des chélateurs calciques sur les oscillations du potentiel membranaire neuronal : approche expérimentale et théorique

Roussel, Céline 03 May 2006 (has links)
Les neurones sont des cellules excitables capables de coder et transmettre l’information sous forme d’oscillations du potentiel membranaire. Cette activité électrique est produite par une modification des flux ioniques transmembranaires. Les neurones constituent un exemple d’oscillateur cellulaire dont la dynamique non linéaire permet l’apparition d’une activité électrique complexe. Dans ce système, les ions calciques sont des messagers intracellulaires importants. Ils servent de médiateur entre un signal électrique et un signal chimique, par une modulation de l’activité enzymatique de certaines protéines. Ils interviennent dans de nombreuses fonctions neuronales, dont l’excitabilité électrique. Un des mécanismes mis en place par les neurones pour contrôler l’homéostasie du calcium intracellulaire provient de protéines cytoplasmiques capables de lier les ions calciques. Ces protéines jouent un rôle de « tampon » du calcium. Cependant, toutes leurs fonctions n’ont pas encore été mises en évidence. C’est l’objectif de notre travail. Nous avons voulu comprendre le rôle joué par une protéine « tampon » particulière, la calrétinine, sur le mode de décharge électrique d’un neurone où elle est exprimée en abondance, le grain cérébelleux. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé une approche théorique et expérimentale. Au niveau théorique, nous avons élaboré un modèle mathématique de l’activité électrique du grain cérébelleux, prenant en compte la chélation du calcium intracellulaire. Il permet de clarifier le rôle de la chélation du calcium intracellulaire sur les oscillations du potentiel membranaire. La modélisation de l’activité électrique du grain cérébelleux repose sur le formalisme développé par Hodgkin et Huxley pour l’axone géant de calmar. Dans ce contexte, l’application de la conservation de la charge au circuit équivalent de la membrane cellulaire fournit un système d’équations différentielles ordinaires, non linéaires. Dès lors, notre modèle nous a permis d’étudier l’impact des variations de la concentration de chélateur calcique sur les oscillations du potentiel membranaire. Nous avons ainsi pu constater qu’une diminution de la concentration en chélateur calcique induisait une augmentation de l’excitabilité électrique du grain cérébelleux, sans altérer le régime d’oscillations. Par contre, en augmentant fortement la concentration en chélateur calcique, nous avons montré que le grain cérébelleux changeait de dynamique oscillatoire, montrant des transitions d’un mode de décharge périodique régulier vers des oscillations en salve du potentiel membranaire. Au niveau expérimental, nous avons vérifié les résultats prévus par le modèle théorique. Nous avons ainsi montré que des grains de souris transgéniques déficientes en calrétinine présentaient une excitabilité électrique accrue par rapport aux grains contrôles. Puis, en restaurant un niveau de chélation calcique normal dans ces grains, par perfusion intracellulaire de chélateur calcique, nous montrons qu’ils retrouvent un niveau d’excitabilité normal. Ensuite, nous avons introduit dans des grains cérébelleux de souris sauvages, une forte concentration en chélateur calcique exogène. Conformément aux résultats théoriques, nous avons pu observer des transitions vers des oscillations en salve du potentiel membranaire. Enfin, nous avons montré que l’absence de calrétinine affecte les paramètres morphologiques du grain cérébelleux des souris transgéniques déficientes en calrétinine. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent que le mode de décharge des cellules excitables peut être modulé d’une façon importante par les protéines liant le calcium. De ce fait, des changements dans le niveau d’expression et/ou dans la localisation subcellulaire des protéines liant le calcium pourraient aussi jouer un rôle critique dans la régulation de processus physiologiques contrôlés par l’excitabilité membranaire. De plus, les mécanismes que nous avons mis en évidence pourraient être à l’origine d’un nouveau principe de régulation de la signalisation dans les circuits neuronaux et pourraient jouer un rôle fonctionnel dans le contrôle du codage de l’information et de son stockage dans le système nerveux central.

Dynamics Of Early Stages Of Transition In A Laminar Separation Bubble

Suhas, Diwan Sourabh 02 1900 (has links)
This is an experimental and theoretical study of a laminar separation bubble and the associated transition dynamics in its early stages. The separation of a laminar boundary layer from a solid surface is prevalent in very many flow situations such as over gas turbine blades (especially in the low-pressure turbine stage) and the wings of micro-aero-vehicles (MAVs) that operate at fairly low Reynolds numbers. Flow separation occurs in such cases due to the presence of an adverse pressure gradient. The separated shear layer becomes unstable due to the presence of an inflection point and presumably transitions to turbulence rapidly. Eventually, there is reattachment back to the solid surface further downstream, if conditions are right. The region enclosed by the shear layer is called a laminar separation bubble and has been a subject of many studies in the past. The present experiments have been conducted in a closed-circuit wind tunnel. A separation bubble was obtained on the upper surface of a flat plate by appropriately contouring the top wall of the tunnel. Four different techniques were used for qualitative and quantitative study viz. surface flow visualisation, smoke flow visualisation, surface pressure measurements and hotwire anemometry. Response of the bubble to both natural as well as artificial (impulsive excitation) disturbance environment has been studied. Linear stability analyses (both Orr-Sommerfeld and Rayleigh calculations), in the spatial framework, have been performed for the mean velocity profiles starting from an attached adverse pressure gradient boundary layer all the way up to the front portion of the separation bubble region (i.e. up to the end of the dead-air region where linear evolution of disturbances could be expected). The measured velocity profiles (both attached and separated) were fitted with analytical model profiles for doing stability calculations. A separation bubble consists of aspects of both wall-bounded and wall-free shear layers and therefore both viscous and inviscid mechanisms are expected to be at play. Most of the studies in the literature point to the inviscid instability associated with the shear layer to be the main mechanism. The main aim of the present work is to understand the exact origin of the primary instability mechanism responsible for the amplification of disturbances. We argue that at least up to the front portion of the bubble, the instability mechanism is due to the inflectional mode associated with the mean velocity profile. However, the seeds of this inviscid inflectional instability could be traced back to the attached boundary layer upstream of separation. In other words, the inviscid inflectional instability of the separated shear layer should be logically seen as an extension of the instability of the upstream attached adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer. This modifies the traditional view that pegs the origin of the instability in a separation bubble to the free shear layer outside the bubble with its associated Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism. Our contention is that only when the separated shear layer has moved considerably away from the wall (and this happens near the maximum height of the mean bubble) that a description by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability paradigm with its associated scaling principles could become relevant. We also propose a new scaling for the most amplified frequency for a wall-bounded shear layer in terms of the inflection point height and the vorticity thickness, and show its universality. Next, we theoretically investigate the role played by the re-circulating region of the separation bubble in the linear instability regime. In the re-circulating region near the wall, associated with the so-called wall mode, the production of disturbance kinetic energy is found to be negative. This is a very interesting observation which has been cursorily noted in earlier studies. Here we show that the near-wall negative production region exerts a stabilising influence on the downstream travelling disturbances. A theoretical support for such a mechanism to exist close to the wall is presented. It is shown that the stabilising wall-proximity effect is not a peripheral aspect but has a significant effect on the overall stability especially for the waves close to the upper neutral branch. We demonstrate the appropriateness of inviscid analysis for the stability of the separated flow velocity profile away from the wall, by comparing the numerical solutions of Rayleigh and Orr-Sommerfeld equations. Following this, the analytical consequences of the Rayleigh equation such as the inflection point criterion and the Fjortoft criterion are derived for the wall-bounded inflectional velocity profiles. Furthermore, we also discuss the relevance of the negative production region towards flow control and management for the wall-bounded flows. It appears fruitful to divide the separation bubble region into two parts with respect to the nature of disturbance dynamics: one outside the mean dividing streamline (which behaves as an amplifier) and the other inside the bubble corresponding to the re-circulating region (having oscillator type characteristics). To explore the oscillator-like behaviour of the bubble further, we have carried out spatio-temporal stability analysis of the reversed flow velocity profiles and determined the conditions for the onset of absolute instability. We contend that the presence of the negative production region for the upstream travelling waves has a restraining effect arresting the tendency of the flow (both wall-free and wall-bounded) to become absolutely unstable and thereby requiring a particular threshold of the backflow velocity to be crossed for its realisation. Moreover, the delay in the onset of absolute instability for a wall-bounded profile as compared to a free shear layer is attributed to a certain ‘negative-drag’ effect of the wall on the overall flow which increases the group velocities for the wall-bounded flows. A related theme in the literature regarding the dynamics of laminar separation bubbles is the so-called ‘bursting’ of the bubble wherein there is a sudden increase in the length and height of the bubble as some critical conditions are reached. Bubbles before bursting are termed as ‘short’ bubbles and those after bursting as ‘long’ bubbles. In this work, we provide a criterion to predict bursting which is a refinement over the existing criteria. The proposed criterion takes into account not just the length of the bubble but also the maximum height and it is shown to be more universal in differentiating short bubbles from the long ones, as compared to the other criteria. We also present a hypothesis regarding the sequence of events leading to bubble bursting by relating its onset to the instability of the re-circulating region. For this we observe that as the amount of backflow velocity is increased for a reversed flow velocity profile, the inflection point moves inside the mean dividing streamline and this happens before the onset of absolute instability. This causes a vorticity maximum to develop inside the re-circulating region which could lead to the instability of the closed streamlines with respect to two-dimensional cylindrical disturbances. The actual bursting process may be expected to involve non-linear interactions of the disturbances and the long bubble could be a nonlinearly saturated state of the instability of the re-circulating region. In order to explore the three-dimensionality associated with the bubble, extensive surface flow visualisation experiments have been performed. The surface streamline pattern is obtained for the entire span of the plate for three different freestream velocities. The patterns have been interpreted using topological ideas and various critical points have been identified. It is shown that the arrangement of critical points satisfies the ‘index theorem’ which is a topological necessity and the streamline patterns are ‘structurally stable’. An interesting observation from these patterns is the presence of three-dimensionality upstream of the separation line close to the wall even though the oncoming flow is nominally two-dimensional. Using the critical point theory, we propose a hypothesis which could be used to construct a semi-empirical model wherein the critical points are assigned with a quantity called ‘strength’ for determining the extent of upstream influence of a given separation line. Finally, we derive a necessary condition for the existence of inviscid spatial instability in plane parallel flows. It states that for spatial instability the curvature of the velocity profile should be positive in some region of the profile. This includes Rayleigh’s inflection point theorem (which was proposed and proved by Rayleigh for temporal instability) as a special case. It thus provides a rigorous basis for applying the inflection point criterion to the flows in the framework of spatial stability theory (which we have used extensively in the present thesis). Moreover, the condition derived here is more general as it also includes velocity profiles with the curvature positive everywhere which are excluded by Rayleigh’s theorem in the temporal framework. An example of such a profile is presented (Couette-Poiseuille flow with adverse pressure gradient) and it is shown that this flow is an exceptional case which is temporally stable but spatially unstable. Eigenvalue calculations as well as energy considerations suggest that the mechanism governing instability of this flow is inviscid and non-inflectional in character. This is a new result which could have important implications in understanding the instability dynamics of parallel flows.

L'éclatement générique et l'imaginaire des formes géométriques dans les oeuvres de Kateb Yacine / The generic bursting and the imagination of geometrics forms in the works of Kateb Yacine

Medadjelia, Mohammed Ramzi 13 December 2016 (has links)
Kateb Yacine est un écrivain qui suscite des questionnements et mystères quant à la portée sémantique et structurelle de ses écrits. Porte-étendard de la conscience insoumise, son oeuvre est une tentative de reconstitution du passé à travers une écriture engagée, propre à penser et à agir debout. Son oeuvre se trouve au carrefour d’obsessions personnelles, de mythes collectifs et de l’histoire millénaire de l’Algérie. Sa vie même se recompose au sein de ses oeuvres marquées par l’éclatement poétique. le personnage de Nedjma qui est tout au plus une figure constante dans l'imaginaire katébien, suggère la forme géométrique de l'étoile comme une sorte d'alternative au mouvement concentrique de la temporalité narrative. L'éclatement des formes passe passe résolument par l'étoile qui concentre en elle la passion amoureuse, la pésie, le mythe et l'histoire. La figure de Nedjma a permis à Kateb d'exterioriser la complexité de ses débats personnels ainsi collectifs, en les approfondissant / Kateb Yacine is a writer who sparks questions and mysteries about the semantic and structural scope of his writings. Flagship of the rebellious conscience, his works is an attempt to rebuild the past trough engaged writing, able to think and to act up. His work lies at the crossroads of personal obsessions, collective myths and ancient history of Algeria. His life even decomposes in his works marked by poetic burst. the character of Nedjma is at most a constant figure of Katebian imaginary, suggests the geometric shape of the star as an alternative of the concentric motion of narrative temporality. The explosion of forms is resolutely through the star which concentrates in itself passionate love, poetry, myth and history. Nedjma figure allowed Kateb externalizing and deepening the complexity of his personal and collective discussions

Studies on Vortex Breakdown in a Closed Cylinder with a Rotating Endwall

Sarasija, S January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Swirling flows abound in nature and numerous engineering applications. Under conditions which are not completely understood, the swirling cores could undergo a sudden enlargement of their vortex core, leading to a ’vortex breakdown’. The physics of vortex breakdown and strategies to control it have been active areas of research for nearly half a century. There are many competing theories of vortex breakdown in the literature; broadly, these are surmised on similarities to flow separation, hydrodynamic instability or transition from a supercritical to a subcritical state. However, a rational criterion for vortex breakdown continues to be elusive. One of the most well known criteria in the literature is the one due to Brown and Lopez (1990) based on an inviscid vortex dynamics model which suggests that the helix angle of the velocity vector should enclose the helix angle of the vorticity vector. However it appears that this only suggests that the stream surface would diverge and not necessarily constitute a condition for breakdown. In this work, we propose a new criterion based on helicity (scalar product of velocity and vorticity vectors) for characterizing breakdown since it has fundamental topological interpretations relating to change in linkages of vortex lines. In particular, it is suggested that the breakdown location corresponds to the location where helicity becomes zero. We study the problem of vortex breakdown in a cylindrical container with a rotating top lid in order to clarify and elucidate our hypothesis. We present results from Direct Numerical Simulation of this problem for three different Reynolds numbers and evaluate the utility of our proposed helicity criterion. Our studies indicate that helicity is indeed a better choice for characterizing vortex breakdown.

Explosions de cycles : analyses qualitatives, simulations numériques et modèles / Limits cycles explosions, qualitative analysis, numerical simulations and models

Mégret, Lucile 25 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur de nouvelles explosions de cycles (orbites périodiques), l'étude de leur structure par l'analyse qualitative, leur mise en évidence par simulation numérique (Auto, Xpp) et la discussion de leur pertinence dans des modèles mathématiques dans les neurosciences. De telles explosions se produisent dans les systèmes dynamiques lents-rapides. La plupart des neurones sont excitables, dès 1940, Hodgkin identifia trois classes fondamentales d'axones excitables distinguées par leurs réponses à un courant injecté d'amplitude variable. A l'aide de la fonction de Lambert, nous étudions la transition entre les types I et II par des explosions de cycle incomplètes, initiées par une bifurcation de Hopf singulière et qui se terminent dans une bifurcation homocline dans des systèmes une variable rapide/une variable lente. Vient ensuite une étude poussée du système de Hindmarsh-Rose. Il s'agit d'un système deux variables rapides/une variable lente qui produit des oscillations en salves (ou bursting). Nous généralisons la notion d'ensembles candidats-limites-périodiques (clp) aux systèmes tridimensionnels, il s'agit des ensembles invariants du système à la limite singulière. A l'aide de ces derniers, nous obtenons une description très fine de la déformation du cycle limite jusqu'à l'addition d'un nouveau spike au burst. Nous finissons par une étude de la minimalité du modèle de F. Clément et J.-P. Françoise. Ce dernier est un système 4D qui modélise l¿activité des neurones à GnRH. Nous étudions un système une variable rapide/deux variables lentes qui reproduit certaines des caractéristiques du modèle 4D, notamment des Mixed-Modes oscillations. / This thesis is focussed on the analysis of novel explosions of limit cycles (periodic orbits). We provide a study of their structure by qualitative analysis, exhibit evidences of their existence by numerical simulations (Auto, Xpp) and propose a discussion of their relevance in mathematical modeling for neurosciences. Such explosions occur in the slow-fast dynamical systems. Most of neurons are excitable, Hodgkin (1940) identified three fundamental classes of excitable axon distinguished by their responses to a current of variable amplitude injected. Using the Lambert function, we study the transition between types I and II by incomplete explosion of cycle. This explosion, produced by a planar vector field with one fast/one slow variable, is initiated by a singular Hopf bifurcation and ends via a homoclinic bifurcation. The next chapter proposed a study of the Hindmarsh-Rose system. This system, composed of one fast/ two slow variables, is well known to produce square wave bursting oscillation. We generalize the notion of candidate-limit-perodic sets (CLP-sets) to three-dimensional systems. A CLP-set is an invariant set of the system in the singular limit. Using these, we get a very acurate description of the limit cycle deformation under the variation of a parameter until the addition of a new spike to burst. Finally, we propose a study fot the minimality of the model introduced by F. Clement and J.-P. Françoise. The latter is a 4D system that models the activity of GnRH neurons. We study a system composed by one fast /two slow variables that reproduces some of the features of the 4D model, including Mixed-Modes oscillations.

High Performance Scientific Computing over Hybrid Cloud Platforms

Calatrava Arroyo, Amanda 16 December 2016 (has links)
Scientific applications generally require large computational requirements, memory and data management for their execution. Such applications have traditionally used high-performance resources, such as shared memory supercomputers, clusters of PCs with distributed memory, or resources from Grid infrastructures on which the application needs to be adapted to run successfully. In recent years, the advent of virtualization techniques, together with the emergence of Cloud Computing, has caused a major shift in the way these applications are executed. However, the execution management of scientific applications on high performance elastic platforms is not a trivial task. In this doctoral thesis, Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3) has been developed. EC3 is an open-source tool able to execute high performance scientific applications by creating self-managed cost-efficient virtual hybrid elastic clusters on top of IaaS Clouds. These self-managed clusters have the capability to adapt the size of the cluster, i.e. the number of nodes, to the workload, thus creating the illusion of a real cluster without requiring an investment beyond the actual usage. They can be fully customized and migrated from one provider to another, in an automatically and transparent process for the users and jobs running in the cluster. EC3 can also deploy hybrid clusters across on-premises and public Cloud resources, where on-premises resources are supplemented with public Cloud resources to accelerate the execution process. Different instance types and the use of spot instances combined with on-demand resources are also cluster configurations supported by EC3. Moreover, using spot instances, together with checkpointing techniques, the tool can significantly reduce the total cost of executions while introducing automatic fault tolerance. EC3 is conceived to facilitate the use of virtual clusters to users, that might not have an extensive knowledge about these technologies, but they can benefit from them. Thus, the tool offers two different interfaces for its users, a web interface where EC3 is exposed as a service for non-experienced users and a powerful command line interface. Moreover, this thesis explores the field of light-weight virtualization using containers as an alternative to the traditional virtualization solution based on virtual machines. This study analyzes the suitable scenario for the use of containers and proposes an architecture for the deployment of elastic virtual clusters based on this technology. Finally, to demonstrate the functionality and advantages of the tools developed during this thesis, this document includes several use cases covering different scenarios and fields of knowledge, such as structural analysis of buildings, astrophysics or biodiversity. / Las aplicaciones científicas generalmente precisan grandes requisitos de cómputo, memoria y gestión de datos para su ejecución. Este tipo de aplicaciones tradicionalmente ha empleado recursos de altas prestaciones, como supercomputadores de memoria compartida, clústers de PCs de memoria distribuida, o recursos provenientes de infraestructuras Grid, sobre los que se adaptaba la aplicación para que se ejecutara satisfactoriamente. El auge que han tenido las técnicas de virtualización en los últimos años, propiciando la aparición de la computación en la nube (Cloud Computing), ha provocado un importante cambio en la forma de ejecutar este tipo de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, la gestión de la ejecución de aplicaciones científicas sobre plataformas de computación elásticas de altas prestaciones no es una tarea trivial. En esta tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3), una herramienta de código abierto capaz de llevar a cabo la ejecución de aplicaciones científicas de altas prestaciones creando para ello clústers virtuales, híbridos y elásticos, autogestionados y eficientes en cuanto a costes, sobre plataformas Cloud de tipo Infraestructura como Servicio (IaaS). Estos clústers autogestionados tienen la capacidad de adaptar su tamaño, es decir, el número de nodos, a la carga de trabajo, creando así la ilusión de un clúster real sin requerir una inversión por encima del uso actual. Además, son completamente configurables y pueden ser migrados de un proveedor a otro de manera automática y transparente a los usuarios y trabajos en ejecución en el cluster. EC3 también permite desplegar clústers híbridos sobre recursos Cloud públicos y privados, donde los recursos privados son complementados con recursos Cloud públicos para acelerar el proceso de ejecución. Otras configuraciones híbridas, como el empleo de diferentes tipos de instancias y el uso de instancias puntuales combinado con instancias bajo demanda son también soportadas por EC3. Además, el uso de instancias puntuales junto con técnicas de checkpointing permite a EC3 reducir significantemente el coste total de las ejecuciones a la vez que proporciona tolerancia a fallos. EC3 está concebido para facilitar el uso de clústers virtuales a los usuarios, que, aunque no tengan un conocimiento extenso sobre este tipo de tecnologías, pueden beneficiarse fácilmente de ellas. Por ello, la herramienta ofrece dos interfaces diferentes a sus usuarios, una interfaz web donde se expone EC3 como servicio para usuarios no experimentados y una potente interfaz de línea de comandos. Además, esta tesis doctoral se adentra en el campo de la virtualización ligera, mediante el uso de contenedores como alternativa a la solución tradicional de virtualización basada en máquinas virtuales. Este estudio analiza el escenario propicio para el uso de contenedores y propone una arquitectura para el despliegue de clusters virtuales elásticos basados en esta tecnología. Finalmente, para demostrar la funcionalidad y ventajas de las herramientas desarrolladas durante esta tesis, esta memoria recoge varios casos de uso que abarcan diferentes escenarios y campos de conocimiento, como estudios estructurales de edificios, astrofísica o biodiversidad. / Les aplicacions científiques generalment precisen grans requisits de còmput, de memòria i de gestió de dades per a la seua execució. Este tipus d'aplicacions tradicionalment hi ha empleat recursos d'altes prestacions, com supercomputadors de memòria compartida, clústers de PCs de memòria distribuïda, o recursos provinents d'infraestructures Grid, sobre els quals s'adaptava l'aplicació perquè s'executara satisfactòriament. L'auge que han tingut les tècniques de virtualitzaciò en els últims anys, propiciant l'aparició de la computació en el núvol (Cloud Computing), ha provocat un important canvi en la forma d'executar este tipus d'aplicacions. No obstant això, la gestió de l'execució d'aplicacions científiques sobre plataformes de computació elàstiques d'altes prestacions no és una tasca trivial. En esta tesi doctoral s'ha desenvolupat Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3), una ferramenta de codi lliure capaç de dur a terme l'execució d'aplicacions científiques d'altes prestacions creant per a això clústers virtuals, híbrids i elàstics, autogestionats i eficients quant a costos, sobre plataformes Cloud de tipus Infraestructura com a Servici (IaaS). Estos clústers autogestionats tenen la capacitat d'adaptar la seua grandària, es dir, el nombre de nodes, a la càrrega de treball, creant així la il·lusió d'un cluster real sense requerir una inversió per damunt de l'ús actual. A més, són completament configurables i poden ser migrats d'un proveïdor a un altre de forma automàtica i transparent als usuaris i treballs en execució en el cluster. EC3 també permet desplegar clústers híbrids sobre recursos Cloud públics i privats, on els recursos privats són complementats amb recursos Cloud públics per a accelerar el procés d'execució. Altres configuracions híbrides, com l'us de diferents tipus d'instàncies i l'ús d'instàncies puntuals combinat amb instàncies baix demanda són també suportades per EC3. A més, l'ús d'instàncies puntuals junt amb tècniques de checkpointing permet a EC3 reduir significantment el cost total de les execucions al mateix temps que proporciona tolerància a fallades. EC3e stà concebut per a facilitar l'ús de clústers virtuals als usuaris, que, encara que no tinguen un coneixement extensiu sobre este tipus de tecnologies, poden beneficiar-se fàcilment d'elles. Per això, la ferramenta oferix dos interfícies diferents dels seus usuaris, una interfície web on s'exposa EC3 com a servici per a usuaris no experimentats i una potent interfície de línia d'ordres. A més, esta tesi doctoral s'endinsa en el camp de la virtualitzaciò lleugera, per mitjà de l'ús de contenidors com a alternativa a la solució tradicional de virtualitzaciò basada en màquines virtuals. Este estudi analitza l'escenari propici per a l'ús de contenidors i proposa una arquitectura per al desplegament de clusters virtuals elàstics basats en esta tecnologia. Finalment, per a demostrar la funcionalitat i avantatges de les ferramentes desenrotllades durant esta tesi, esta memòria arreplega diversos casos d'ús que comprenen diferents escenaris i camps de coneixement, com a estudis estructurals d'edificis, astrofísica o biodiversitat. / Calatrava Arroyo, A. (2016). High Performance Scientific Computing over Hybrid Cloud Platforms [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/75265 / TESIS

Intrinsic Properties and Ion Channels Contributing to Dual Frequency Oscillations

Snyder, Ryan Richard 22 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Topics in Stochastic and Biological Modeling

Whitman, John A. 20 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Detailed numerical characterization of the separation-induced transition, including bursting, in a low-pressure turbine environment

Babajee, Jayson 08 November 2013 (has links)
La turbine basse-pression est un composant essentiel d'un turboréacteur car elle entraine la soufflante qui génère la plus grande partie de la poussée dans la configuration actuelle des turboréacteurs à double flux. Dans la perspective d'accroître son rendement en termes de consommation de carburant, il y a une recherche permanente dans la réduction du nombre d'aubage (c'est-à-dire la réduction de la masse) qui implique un chargement plus élevé par aube de rotor. Cet environnement est caractérisé par un écoulement dont le nombre de Reynolds est faible ainsi qu'une large diffusion le long de la partie aval de l'extrados. Par conséquent, l'écoulement le long de cette surface est potentiellement sujet à une séparation laminaire qui, suivant le statut de la bulle de recirculation, pourrait causer une diminution de la performance aérodynamique (sillages plus larges et plus profonds). La présente thèse de doctorat se concentre sur l'investigation du phénomène de la transition induite par séparation dans les écoulements de turbines basse-pression. L'accent est mis sur les prédictions numériques basées sur une approche CFD RANS utilisant le modèle innovant de transition γ-Reθt à deux équations de transport (la première équation pour l'intermittence numérique et la seconde équation pour le nombre de Reynolds dont la longueur caractéristique est l'épaisseur de quantité de mouvement au début de transition γ-Reθt). Neuf aubes différentes de rotor de turbine basse-pression constituent une base de données de référence et couvrent les plages de fonctionnement de différents nombres de Reynolds de sortie isentropique, de nombres de Mach de sortie isentropique, d'intensités de turbulence d'entrée, avec ou sans sillage provenant d'une rangée d'aubes amont et avec deux configurations de rugosité locale. Une première analyse de cette base de données met en évidence l'effet de la séparation sur le début de la transition et sur les performances. La définition d'une corrélation a été tentée et permet de lier le taux de diffusion d'un aubage au nombre de Reynolds de sortie isentropique à la condition de « Bursting ». Une méthodologie numérique fiable et robuste a été établie afin de prédire la transition dans le cas d'un écoulement amont uniforme. Les résultats sont en bon accord avec les mesures expérimentales même si il a été nécessaire d'adapter les conditions limites dans le but de prédire une séparation laminaire numériquement pour des aubages fortement chargés et fia fort taux de diffusion uniquement. La résolution des profils de vitesse de la couche limite permet d'obtenir une évaluation détaillée des paramètres de la topologie de l'écoulement. Cela fournit une information sur l'épaisseur de quantité de mouvement qui est le paramètre principal définissant les corrélations de transition. La technique « Chimère » des maillages recouvrants est utilisée pour faciliter la modélisation des moyens de contrôle passif pour déclencher la transition. C'est une technique appropriée pour l'implémentation de géométries simples ou plus élaborées. / The Low-Pressure Turbine is a critical component of an Aero-Engine as it drives the Fan which produces most of the thrust in the current turbofan configuration. In order to increase the eficiency in terms of fuel consumption, there is a continuous research for blade count reduction (i.e. mass reduction) which entails a higher loading per rotor blade. It is well-known that this environment is characterised by a low Reynolds number low condition associated with high diffusion along the aft region of the suction side. Consequently, the flow along this surface is prone to laminar separation which, depending on the status of the separation bubble, would lead to detrimental decrease in the aerodynamic performance (larger and deeper wake). The present PhD thesis focuses on the investigation of the separation-induced transition phenomenon occurring in a Low-Pressure Turbine environment. The emphasis is put on the numerical predictions based on a CFD RANS approach using the innovative γ-Reθt transition model based on transport equations for the numerical intermittency (γ) and the transition onset momentum thickness Reynolds number (γ-Reθt). Nine Low-Pressure Turbine rotor blades form a comprehensive experimental reference database and cover a significant range of different isentropic outlet Reynolds numbers, isentropic outlet Mach numbers, inlet turbulence intensity levels, with or without incoming wakes and with two local roughness configurations. A first analysis of this database stresses the effect of the separation on the transition onset and on the performance. A correlation definition is attempted and allows to link the diffusion rate of a blade to the isentropic outlet Reynolds number at bursting. A reliable and robust numerical methodology is established to predict the transition in the case of uniform upstream flow. The results are in good agreement with the experiments even though it was necessary to adapt the boundary conditions to predict the laminar separation numerically for highly-loaded and strong diffusion rate blades only. The resolution of the boundary layer velocity profiles allows to have an in-depth examination of the flow topology parameters. This gives proper information on the momentum thickness which is the main driving parameter of transition correlations. The Chimera technique for overlapping meshes is used to ease the modelling of passive control devices to trigger transition. It is a decent technique to implement standard geometries or more elaborate designs.

Nonlinear momentum compaction and coherent synchrotron radiation at the Metrology Light Source

Ries, Markus 26 May 2014 (has links)
Das Thema der vorgelegten Dissertation ist der quasi-isochrone Betrieb der Metrology Light Source zur Erzeugung kurzer Elektronenpakete mit der damit verbundenen Emission von kohärenter Sychrotronstrahlung. Die Metrology Light Source wurde schon in der Planungsphase auf den quasi-isochronen Betrieb ausgelegt. Es stehen Quadrupol-, Sextupol- und Oktupolmagnete zur Verfügung, um die drei führenden Ordnungen des sogenannten momentum compaction factors zu kontrollieren. Der Schwerpunkte der Arbeit ist nichtlineare, longitudinale Strahldynamik, insbesondere die sogenannten "alpha-buckets". Der Vergleich zwischen analytischen Ansätzen, numerischen Simulation und experimentellen Daten wird vorgestellt und diskutiert. Desweiteren wurde die Stromlimitierung durch die Bursting-Instabilität an der Metrology Light Source untersucht. Der Großteil der Messungen ist dabei an der Metrology Light Source durchgeführt worden mit komplementären Messungen am Elektronenspeicherring BESSY II. / The subject of this thesis is the operation of an electron storage ring at a low momentum compaction to generate short electron bunches as a source for coherent synchrotron radiation. For this purpose the Metrology Light Source is ideally suited, as it is the first light source designed with the ability to adjust the three leading orders of the momentum compaction factor by quadrupole, sextupole and octupole magnets. Therefore, new opportunities to shape the longitudinal phase space arise. Focus will be put on beam dynamics dominated by nonlinear momentum compaction, in particular the generation of a new bucket type "alpha-buckets" and possible applications. Relation of analytical theory, numerical simulations and experimental data will be presented and discussed. In addition, the current limitation due to the bursting instability at the Metrology Light Source bunches will be investigated. The majority of measurements were conducted at the Metrology Light Source complemented by measurements at the BESSY II storage ring.

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