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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affärsänglars investeringsmotiv och investeringsstrategier

Holst, Richard, Thorstensen, Martin January 2010 (has links)
För företag som är i behov av externt kapital och extern kompetens med ett stort kontaktnät, kan en affärsängel vara till stor hjälp. I utbyte mot kapital och egen kompetens får affärsängeln delar av det investerade företaget, som den i sin tur förväntar sig få finansiell avkastning på.Författarna har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning genom att intervjua affärsänglar med syftet att undersöka de investeringsmotiv och investeringsstrategier som de har vid sina investeringar. Författarna ger även en grundläggande sammanfattning av vad affärsänglarna beaktar vid en investering och vad de generellt har för uppfattning av vad det innebär att vara en affärsängel. Slutsatserna som analysen låg till grund för var att det inte alltid är avkastningen som är det viktigaste investeringsmotivet. Att vara delaktig och medverka till de investerade företagens utveckling var ett mer förekommande svar på frågan om affärsängelns syn på investeringsmotiv. Affärsänglarnas investeringsstrategier är att de vill delta aktivt i de investerade företagen och bidra med den kompetens och erfarenhet de besitter. Relationen med entreprenören var lika viktig som företagets produkt. / For companies that are in need of external capital and external expertise with a large network, a business angel can be very helpful. In exchange for capital and self-competence the business angel gets a share of the invested company, which it in return expects to get financial returns. The authors have conducted a qualitative study by interviewing business angels with the aim to examine the investment motive and investment strategies that they have on their investments. The authors also give a basic summary of what business angels account for in an investment and what they generally have the perception of what it means to be a business angel. The conclusions of the analysis was based on that it is not always the return of the investment that is the most important investment motive. Being involved and help the invested companies’ development was a more appropriate response to the question of the business angels approach to investment motives. The business angels investment strategies are that they want to participate actively in the invested companies and help with the skills and experience they possess. The relationship with the entrepreneur was as important as its product.

Finansiering av startup - Den traditionella eller nya vägen? : En jämförelse mellan crowdfunding och traditionella finansieringsmetoder

Sohl, Alexander, Bergholm, Tim January 2019 (has links)
Crowdfunding as it looks today has had rapid growth in popularity as a financing alternative for start-ups. By seeking capital from a large number of private investors who will invest a smaller amount of money, the financing market has changed and access to capital has increased. This study has made a comparison between the different funding options. The aim of this study is to compare the development of companies financed by crowdfunding against companies traditionally financed to evaluate which approach is the strongest. Furthermore, the authors intend to identify risks with crowdfunding and to observe trends. The study has been conducted through a quantitative method with a deductive approach where the data is collected mostly from the companies annual reports. The result of the study shows that the companies that are traditionally financed have a higher level of sales and sales growth. One trend that the study has shown is that after the company's first two years, sales, sales growth and operating profit from companies financed through crowdfunding begin to decline.

Business Angel Investment Portfolios : eine empirische Studie des Erfolges von Business Angel Investments aus Sicht aktiver Privatinvestoren im deutschsprachigen Raum /

Bomholt, Jan. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Sankt Gallen, University, Fiss., 2006.

Der informelle Beteiligungskapitalmarkt in Deutschland Rahmenbedingungen, Netzwerke und räumliche Investitionsmuster

Wallisch, Matthias January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: München, Univ., Diss., 2009

Private equity funds

Lamacz, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
LAMACZ, L. Private equity funds. Brno: Mendel University in Brno. 2014 The subject of this diploma thesis is investing through Private equity funds. Based on the research of factors that affect the profitability of private equity funds, the author has drawn up an investment recommendation. The research subject is relation between profitability and the denominated currency of the fund, Morningstar rating, the level of market capitalization, dividend yield and domicile of the fund. In diploma thesis, the author also compares the profitability of investments in the sector and regionally focused private equity funds with profitability of investments in stock indexes focused on the same sectors and regions. The thesis also offers an analysis of supply of private equity funds in the US market and analysis of the impact of financial crises that began in the fall of 2007 on the profitability of private equity funds. The final part is devoted to the presentation of the results attained and their discussion with other authors' similar themes.

Affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar : En kvalitativ studie om distinktionen mellan kvinnors och mäns företagande / Investment processes and objectives of business angels : A qualitative study on the distinction between women's and men's entrepreneurship

Nyman, Hanna, Johansson, Mimmi January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar - En kvalitativ studie om distinktionen mellan kvinnors och mäns företagande Författare: Hanna Nyman och Mimmi Johansson Handledare: Hans Landström Examinator: Per-Ola Ulvenblad Nyckelord: Affärsänglar, investeringsprocesser, målsättningar, drivkrafter, könsskillnader Problemformulering: Hur skiljer sig affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar åt beroende på affärsängelns och entreprenörens kön? Om skillnader förekommer, vad är orsaken till dessa? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur investeringsprocesser och målsättningar ser ut beroende på om affärsängeln respektive entreprenören är kvinna eller man. Studien syftar också till att skapa förståelse för varför det förekommer skillnader mellan könen, förutsatt att skillnader föreligger. Metod: Uppsatsen har en abduktiv forskningsansats och är en kvalitativ studie. Den teoretiska referensramen har samlats in genom vetenskapliga artiklar och kurslitteratur. Vidare har det empiriska materialet samlats in genom åtta intervjuer med fyra affärsänglar, varav två är kvinnor och två är män. Första intervjutillfällena har genomförts med ostrukturerade frågor och andra intervjutillfällena med mer strukturerade frågor. Till sist har empirin analyserats utifrån tre nivåer med hjälp av analysmodellen Gioia. Slutsats: Slutsatsen som kan dras i den här studien är att affärsängelns eller entreprenörens kön inte påverkar affärsängelns bedömningar. Könet har heller inte visat sig påverka affärsänglarnas målsättningar, då skillnader i målsättningarna mellan investeringarna berodde på vad det var för typ av företag och inte på könet. Ytterligare en slutsats är att investeringsprocesserna är individuella från en investering till en annan. Trots att studien inte har påvisat skillnader finns det ändå en tro att könsskillnader föreligger på grund av att marknaderna är ojämställda. / Title: Investment processes and objectives of business angels - A qualitative study on the distinction between women’s and men’s entrepreneurship Authors: Hanna Nyman and Mimmi JohanssonTutor: Hans Landström Examiner: Per-Ola Ulvenblad Keywords: Business angels, investment processes, objectives, driving forces, gender differences Research question: How do the investment processes and objectives of business angels differ depending on the gender of the business angel and the entrepreneur? If there are differences, what is the reason for these? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe how investment processes and objectives look depending on whether the business angel or entrepreneur is a woman or man. The study also aims to create an understanding of why there are differences between the sexes, assuming that differences exist. Methodology: The essay has an abductive research approach and is a qualitative study. The theoretical frame of reference has been collected through scientific articles and course literature. Furthermore, the empirical material has been collected through eight interviews with four business angels, of which two are women and two are men. The first interview sessions were conducted with unstructured questions and the second interview sessions with more structured questions. Finally, the empirical evidence has been analyzed based on three levels using the Gioia analysis model. Conclusion: The conclusion that can be drawn in this study is that the gender of the business angel or entrepreneur does not affect the business angel's judgments. Gender has also not been shown to influence the business angels' objectives, as differences in the objectives between the investments depended on the type of company and not on gender. Another conclusion is that the investment processes are individual from one investment to another. Although the study has not shown differences, there is still a belief that gender differences exist because the markets are unequal.

BUSINESS ANGELS IN SWEDEN : The entrepreneur as an Investment Project and Capital Seeker

Karlsson, Gabriel, Johansson, Elin, Arwidsson, Mathias January 2006 (has links)
Bakgrund Entreprenörer som startar nya företag kommer troligtvis att behöva antingen kapital, eller kompetens i hur ett företag drivs, men mest sannolikt är att de behöver både och. Affärs-änglar är individer som investerar sina privata pengar mestadels i företag som befinner sig i en utvecklingsfas eller en tidig tillväxtfas. Affärsänglar kan också bidra med icke-finansiella resurser till företag såsom kompetens, färdigheter, kunskap och erfarenhet. Problem/Syfte Vad kan entreprenörer som är i behov av både kapital och kompetens göra för att hitta den ”rätta” affärsängeln, hur kan entreprenören attrahera denna, samt vilka faktorer är avgö-rande för att en arbetsrelation med en affärsängel ska bli lyckad? Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån entreprenören som investeringsobjekt så väl som kapitalsökare, beskriva olika faktorer som entreprenörer kan beakta för att öka sina möjligheter till att inleda och genomföra ett lyckat samarbete med en affärsängel. Slutsats Vi fann ett antal faktorer som kan påverka utgången av en arbetsrelation med en affärsäng-el. Dessa är den personliga relationen, att entreprenörens behov stämmer överens med vad affärsängeln kan erbjuda, överensstämmande avsikter, och ett väl genomarbetat aktieägar-avtal. / Background Entrepreneurs who start a new venture will probably need either capital, or competence in how to run a business, but most likely they need them both. Business angels are individuals who invest their private money in companies in a start-up or early growth phase. Business angels can also contribute non-financial resources to companies such as competence, skills, knowledge and experience. Problem/Purpose What can entrepreneurs who are in need of both capital and competence do to find the “right” business angel, how can they attract these investors, and which factors are decisive for a successful working relationship with a business angel? The purpose of this thesis is, with a starting point in the entrepreneur as an investment project and capital seeker, to de-scribe a number of factors entrepreneurs can consider in order to increase their possibilities in initiating and carrying out a successful working relationship with a business angel. Conclusion The authors found a number of factors affecting the outcome of a working relationship with a business angel. These are the personal relationship, a match between the entrepre-neur’s needs and the business angel’s competence, an agreed agenda, and a thoroughly worked out shareholder agreement.

BUSINESS ANGELS IN SWEDEN : The entrepreneur as an Investment Project and Capital Seeker

Karlsson, Gabriel, Johansson, Elin, Arwidsson, Mathias January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund</p><p>Entreprenörer som startar nya företag kommer troligtvis att behöva antingen kapital, eller kompetens i hur ett företag drivs, men mest sannolikt är att de behöver både och. Affärs-änglar är individer som investerar sina privata pengar mestadels i företag som befinner sig i en utvecklingsfas eller en tidig tillväxtfas. Affärsänglar kan också bidra med icke-finansiella resurser till företag såsom kompetens, färdigheter, kunskap och erfarenhet.</p><p>Problem/Syfte</p><p>Vad kan entreprenörer som är i behov av både kapital och kompetens göra för att hitta den ”rätta” affärsängeln, hur kan entreprenören attrahera denna, samt vilka faktorer är avgö-rande för att en arbetsrelation med en affärsängel ska bli lyckad? Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån entreprenören som investeringsobjekt så väl som kapitalsökare, beskriva olika faktorer som entreprenörer kan beakta för att öka sina möjligheter till att inleda och genomföra ett lyckat samarbete med en affärsängel.</p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Vi fann ett antal faktorer som kan påverka utgången av en arbetsrelation med en affärsäng-el. Dessa är den personliga relationen, att entreprenörens behov stämmer överens med vad affärsängeln kan erbjuda, överensstämmande avsikter, och ett väl genomarbetat aktieägar-avtal.</p> / <p>Background</p><p>Entrepreneurs who start a new venture will probably need either capital, or competence in how to run a business, but most likely they need them both. Business angels are individuals who invest their private money in companies in a start-up or early growth phase. Business angels can also contribute non-financial resources to companies such as competence, skills, knowledge and experience.</p><p>Problem/Purpose</p><p>What can entrepreneurs who are in need of both capital and competence do to find the “right” business angel, how can they attract these investors, and which factors are decisive for a successful working relationship with a business angel? The purpose of this thesis is, with a starting point in the entrepreneur as an investment project and capital seeker, to de-scribe a number of factors entrepreneurs can consider in order to increase their possibilities in initiating and carrying out a successful working relationship with a business angel.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>The authors found a number of factors affecting the outcome of a working relationship with a business angel. These are the personal relationship, a match between the entrepre-neur’s needs and the business angel’s competence, an agreed agenda, and a thoroughly worked out shareholder agreement.</p>

Financiamento para empreendedores tecnológicos : estudo de casos múltiplos no Estado de Sergipe

Massoni, Bruno dos Santos Lochetta 26 April 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Technological entrepreneurs have played an important role in economic development, assisting in growth sectors and boosting the gross domestic product. The emergence and perpetuation of technology-based companies may be favored by capture of adequate financial resources, whether in the traditional financial market, either through development institutions to strengthen research and development or through new forms of these funds. Technology companies are facing difficulties in accessing a number of prerequisites in lending in traditional financial institutions, such as transaction assurance, the organization's lifetime, terms and interest rates on loans. These companies usually do not have a very long history, or a grand past, but have prospects for a future that can be very promising. Given the importance of technology-based companies for economic development, as well as on the difficulties these companies finance their activities, the aim of this study is to investigate which sources of financing used by technology entrepreneurs in the state of Sergipe to capture the resources to develop their activities. To this end, have been held six interviews with managers of technology-based companies in the state of Sergipe in order to analyze the financing mechanisms used by them. This study is characterized as qualitative, in which the exploratory research strategy used for data collection a script for semi-structured interviews. From the analysis of the data it was possible to verify that the Sergipe TBC making little use of traditional sources of credit, and between alternative is the subsidy the most used to develop innovation projects. Angel investors are desired, but not used, may not be interested or for disagreement with the proposals received. Crowdfunding and venture capital are not part of the prospects of the companies surveyed, either through unfamiliarity as their ability to use or using the projection in the distant future, respectively. It was observed that the approval of a grant announcement allows approval in other lines of credit as working capital, financing and credit cards. It was also noted that in projects financed with subsidy there is little concern about its commercial and financial success, while also having the desire to succeed, but the product coming from this project can not receive adequate attention, and be replaced by another project of that same TBC, perhaps funded by a new of a subsidy funding. The subsidy offers the opportunity for a rapid formation of a professional team but that does not turn into a hold that team. It was noticed that one of the main difficulties of entrepreneurs is the lack of skills in commercial and administrative aspects, which are aggravated by insufficient support of incubators and technology parks. One of the most important and common difficulties for the surveyed entrepreneurs is the delay in the release of funds approved which entails the loss of the ideal time for the development and subsequent launch of innovative product. / Os empreendedores tecnológicos exercem um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento econômico, auxiliando no crescimento de setores e impulsionando o produto interno bruto do país. O surgimento e a perpetuação das empresas de base tecnológica pode ser favorecido pela captação de recursos financeiros adequados, seja no mercado financeiro tradicional, seja através de instituições de fomento para o fortalecimento da pesquisa e desenvolvimento, ou ainda através de novas formas de captação destes recursos. Empresas de base tecnológica se deparam com dificuldades de acesso a uma série de pré-requisitos na concessão de crédito em instituições tradicionais, como por exemplo, garantias de operação, tempo de vida da organização, prazos e taxas de juros nos financiamentos. Essas empresas geralmente não têm um histórico muito longo, ou um passado grandioso, mas têm perspectivas de um futuro que pode ser muito promissor. Diante da importância das empresas de base tecnológica para o desenvolvimento econômico, assim como diante das dificuldades destas empresas financiarem suas atividades, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar quais as fontes de financiamento usadas pelos empreendedores tecnológicos do Estado de Sergipe para captarem os recursos necessários para desenvolverem suas atividades. Para tal, foram realizadas seis entrevistas com os gestores de empresas sergipanas de base tecnológica com o objetivo de analisar os mecanismos de financiamento utilizados por eles. Este estudo se caracteriza como de natureza qualitativa, no qual a estratégia de pesquisa exploratória utilizou para a coleta dos dados um roteiro de entrevistas semiestruturado. A partir da análise dos dados foi possível verificar que as EBT de Sergipe pouco utilizam as fontes tradicionais de crédito, e entre as fontes alternativas, a de subvenção é a mais utilizada para desenvolver projetos de inovação. Investidores anjos são desejados, mas não utilizados, seja por não haver interessados ou pela discordância com as propostas recebidas. Crowdfunding e capital de risco não fazem parte das perspectivas das empresas pesquisadas, seja por desconhecimento quanto a sua possibilidade de uso ou pela projeção de utilizar em um futuro distante, respectivamente. Foi possível observar que a aprovação em um edital de subvenção possibilita a aprovação em outras linhas de crédito como capital de giro, financiamentos e cartões de crédito. Também foi observado que em projetos financiados com subvenção há pouca preocupação quanto ao seu sucesso comercial e financeiro, apesar de também haver o desejo de sucesso, mas o produto oriundo desse projeto pode não receber a devida atenção e ser substituído por outro projeto daquela mesma EBT, financiado talvez por uma nova verba de subvenção. A subvenção oferece a oportunidade de uma formação rápida de uma equipe de profissionais mas que não se transforma em uma retenção dessa equipe. Foi percebido que uma das principais dificuldades dos empreendedores é a falta de habilidades em aspectos comerciais e administrativos, que são agravados pelo insuficiente apoio de incubadoras e parques tecnológicos. Uma das dificuldades mais relevantes e comuns para os empreendedores pesquisados é a demora na liberação de recursos aprovados que acarreta a perda do momento ideal para o desenvolvimento e o consequente lançamento de produto inovador. / São Cristóvão, SE

Faktory hodnoty start-up projektů pro investory v České republice a metody oceňování / Value drivers of startup projects relevant for venture capital investors in the Czech Republic and valuation methods

Habrnal, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The main objective was to create a normative model of determining the value of early stage for companies in the seed and start up stage. The model should be applicable to entrepreneurs and investors, taking into account the assessment of the value of qualitative factors. Another aim was to identify the significant factors affecting the value of early stage companies in the seed and start up stage, i.e. at a time when there are no or very little revenues. Based on a research among investors and other experts on the valuation of early stage companies and venture capital, the most significant factors were not only identified, but also determined by their weight. The quality of evaluating investment opportunities has a major impact on the profitability of the investor´s capital. Current knowledge of the key value drivers and the mechanisms of valuation can help businesses to set realistic expectations when trying to raise capital to finance the startup of the project. It is therefore necessary to provide a clear methodological framework applicable to both parties of investing. The actual research was divided into two phases - individual interviews with investors and questionnaires. It was confirmed that the most crucial factors are those associated with quality management and company founders.

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