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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le co-investissement par des Business Angels et des Capital-investisseurs dans les jeunes entreprises technologiques et trajectoires de croissance : approche en termes de gouvernance d'entreprise et études de cas comparatives / Coinvestment by Business Angels and Venture Capitalists in the young technological ventures and venture growth : perspective in terms of corporate governance and comparative case studies

Cohen, Laurence 04 December 2017 (has links)
En phase d’amorçage, les jeunes entreprises technologiques à la recherche de ressources pour financer leur développement peuvent solliciter les business angels (BAs) et capital-investisseurs (CIs). Notre recherche porte sur le type d’investissement (BAs seuls, BAs et CIs en co-investissement séquentiel ou simultané) mis en œuvre et amène la question de la nature et de la qualité des relations et interactions entre les différentes catégories d’investisseurs et l’entrepreneur, dans le sens où ces investisseurs peuvent influencer la dynamique de croissance et être à leur tour influencés par cette dynamique. Celle-ci suppose que les rythmes et l’intensité des trajectoires de croissance des jeunes pousses de haute technologie n’ont rien de déterministes, mais se développent de façon dynamique dans le champ de l’interaction entre les principaux apporteurs de ressources. Nous mobilisons conjointement la théorie d’agence et les approches cognitive et effectuale pour analyser le co-investissement par BAs et CIs. Nous avons mené une étude de cas multiples à visée comparative auprès de trois jeunes entreprises de la région Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne. Nous avons montré que, quand les schémas cognitifs des BAs et/ou de l’entrepreneur sont proches de celui du CI, les relations et interrelations peuvent se déployer à moindre coût cognitif en phase préinvestissement et que le co-investissement séquentiel ou simultané peut prendre place. Nos résultats révèlent qu’un financement par BAs est associé à une trajectoire de croissance plus lente et qu’un co-investissement séquentiel permet de stabiliser la trajectoire de croissance sans pour autant que l’entreprise rencontre une très forte croissance. Nous mettons aussi en évidence que lorsque les BAs et/ou les CIs perçoivent le fort potentiel de croissance de la jeune entreprise, très tôt dans le processus d’investissement, les CIs ont avantage à intégrer les BAs qui ont une expérience spécifique comme leur passé entrepreneurial et leur connaissance du secteur. L’approche prédictive de ces trois acteurs : entrepreneur, CIs et BAs favorise la mise en œuvre d’un un co-investissement simultané. Dans ce contexte, les investisseurs (BAs et CIs) peuvent être des partenaires actifs au côté de l’entrepreneur et contribuer à ce que la jeune entreprise rencontre une trajectoire de croissance forte voire d’une hyper-croissance. / In their seed, young technological ventures seeking resources to finance their development may seek business angels (BAs) and venture capitalists (VCs). Our research shall include the type of investment (only BAs, BAs and VCs in sequential or simultaneous co-investment) implemented and this leads to the question of the nature and the quality of the relations and interactions among various categories of investors and the entrepreneur, in the sense that these investors may influence the dynamic of growth, and be themselves influenced by that dynamic. It implies that the pace and intensity of the venture growth of the young technological ventures do not have any kind of determinism, but they develop rather in a dynamic manner within the field of the interaction between the main providers of resources. We jointly mobilize agency theory and cognitive and effectual approaches in order to analyse the co-investment of BAs and VCs. We conducted a multiple-case study with a comparative aim concerning three young companies of the Rhône-Alpes Region. We have shown that, when the cognitive schemes of the BAs and / or the entrepreneur are close to that of the VC, the relations and interrelations can occur to a lesser cognitive cost during the pre-investment phase and that the sequential or simultaneous co-investment may take place. Our results indicate that a funding by BAs is associated with a slower venture growth and that a sequential co-investment allows the stabilisation of the venture growth without a very high growth for the company. We are also highlighting that when the BAs and / or the VCs recognize the high growth potential of the young company very early in the investment process the VCs really need to integrate the BAs who have a specific experience, like their entrepreneurial past and their knowledge of the sector. The predictive approach of these three stakeholders: entrepreneur, VCs and BAs promotes the implementation of a simultaneous co-investment. In this context, the investors (BAs and VCs) can serve as active partners alongside the entrepreneur and help ensure that the young company follows a high venture growth, or even a hyper growth.

Der informelle Beteiligungskapitalmarkt : eine empirische Analyse /

Brettel, Malte. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Wiss. Hochschule f. Unternehmensführung (WHU), Habil.-Schr.--Vallendar, 2003.

Business Angel Investment Portfolios : eine empirische Studie des Erfolges von Business Angel Investments aus Sicht aktiver Privatinvestoren im deutschsprachigen Raum /

Bomholt, Jan, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
St. Gallen, Univ., Diss., 2006. / Diss.Nr. 3197.

Metoda budování IT start-upu / A method for building an IT startup company

Grosser, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis focuses on founding and evolution of information technology startups. Special attention is given to the personality of the founder and the options of financing a startup in the Czech Republic. A survey among the students of the University of Economics, Prague regarding the general awareness of the issues related to the founding of a startup and the main obstacles to it is an integral part of the thesis. The main contribution of the thesis is a method for building up the IT startups, which may serve as a hand-book for potential future founders. As a secondary contribution, this thesis serves as a compact overview of the issues related to startups, especially to the person of the founder and financing possibilities in the Czech Republic.

Rizikový kapitál v mezinárodním podnikání / Risk capital in international business

Kučerová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with risk (venture) capital as an alternative source of funding mainly for small and medium-sized innovation-oriented enterprises. The aim of the first part is to provide an overview of the venture capital investment system. In addition to the theoretical introduction, the emphasis is on the analysis of the Czech venture capital market. Due to the membership of the Czech Republic in the EU, the Czech market is put in broader context of pan-European venture capital market and its regulation. In the final section, obstacles are identified that hinder the development of this market in the Czech Republic. Subsequently, the measures are introduced that could remedy the current situation.

Business Angels v České republice / Business Angels in the Czech Republic

Kešner, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation thesis concentrates on Venture Capital in the form of Business Angel investments in innovative companies in the Czech Republic. Primarily, the general knowledge of the Business Angel investments among entrepreneurs and students, the utilization rate of angel investments and the terms of cooperation between investors and entrepreneurs were analyzed. The main objective of this work is to design a methodological procedure of optimal cooperation between Business Angels and innovative entrepreneurs that has had a positive impact on the prosperity of all stakeholders. The theoretical framework summarizes the importance of Venture Capital as a source of funding new and innovative technology companies. Moreover, it focuses on realized research concerning angel investment in the USA and Great Britain. The primary research was realized in the form of interviews with investors and entrepreneurs, who had raised capital from Business Angels. As well, was realized five year long research among the students of universities all over the Czech Republic via questionnaire. Based on the analysis of secondary research and results from qualitative and quantitative research, were designed a normative model, descriptive model and methodology of cooperation between Business Angels and entrepreneurs. The proposed models and methodology respect the international practice, and the outputs have been tailored to the Czech environment as well.

Venture Capital -The Current State of the Swedish Market

Makomaski, Kristofer, Johansson, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har risk kapitalmarknaderna stått inför flera signifikanta problem. Den svenska VC industrin har minskat med över 60 % sedan Dotcom-kraschen. Antalet aktiva VC- företag har minskat i antal från 100-200 till endast 5-10 större VC-företag. Jämför man dagens marknad med hur den såg ut innan Dotcom-kraschen, så fanns det betydligt fler aktiva företag inom den svenska VC-industrin. Nya finansieringsformer har trätt in på marknaden som bland annat Evergreen fonder och crowd-funding. Den svenska VC-industrin har kännetecknats av en "rensning" av marknaden var tionde år, och var femte år uppstår en mindre krasch på marknaden. De svenska riskkapitalaktörerna har tagit en högre risk än vad som faktiskt var motiverat. Syndikatinvesteringar görs för att undvika investerarnas enskilda risk. Detta fenomen kan illustreras genom de två lyckosamma Svenska investeringarna, Spotify och iZettle. Riskkapitalmarknaden har varit karakteriserad av legala hinder vilket skapat flera stora problem. Trots detta finns det positiva trender och förändringar som idag genomförs på marknaden. Dett kommer lyfts fram ytterligare i arbetet. Bland annat har det diskuterats att införa ett skatteavdrag vilket anses vara fördelaktigt för riskkapitalbolagen. Detta arbete fokuserar huvudsakligen på de olika finanseringsformerna och de olika marknadsaktörerna. Fokus ligger på utvecklingen av industrin och dess aktuella trender, men även på den kommande framtiden. Studien är baserad på intervjuer med marknadsaktörer och på befintlig forskning vilket ger en god insikt i den Svenska riskkapitalbranschen.

Affärsänglars investeringsmotiv och investeringsstrategier

Holst, Richard, Thorstensen, Martin January 2010 (has links)
För företag som är i behov av externt kapital och extern kompetens med ett stort kontaktnät, kan en affärsängel vara till stor hjälp. I utbyte mot kapital och egen kompetens får affärsängeln delar av det investerade företaget, som den i sin tur förväntar sig få finansiell avkastning på.Författarna har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning genom att intervjua affärsänglar med syftet att undersöka de investeringsmotiv och investeringsstrategier som de har vid sina investeringar. Författarna ger även en grundläggande sammanfattning av vad affärsänglarna beaktar vid en investering och vad de generellt har för uppfattning av vad det innebär att vara en affärsängel. Slutsatserna som analysen låg till grund för var att det inte alltid är avkastningen som är det viktigaste investeringsmotivet. Att vara delaktig och medverka till de investerade företagens utveckling var ett mer förekommande svar på frågan om affärsängelns syn på investeringsmotiv. Affärsänglarnas investeringsstrategier är att de vill delta aktivt i de investerade företagen och bidra med den kompetens och erfarenhet de besitter. Relationen med entreprenören var lika viktig som företagets produkt. / For companies that are in need of external capital and external expertise with a large network, a business angel can be very helpful. In exchange for capital and self-competence the business angel gets a share of the invested company, which it in return expects to get financial returns. The authors have conducted a qualitative study by interviewing business angels with the aim to examine the investment motive and investment strategies that they have on their investments. The authors also give a basic summary of what business angels account for in an investment and what they generally have the perception of what it means to be a business angel. The conclusions of the analysis was based on that it is not always the return of the investment that is the most important investment motive. Being involved and help the invested companies’ development was a more appropriate response to the question of the business angels approach to investment motives. The business angels investment strategies are that they want to participate actively in the invested companies and help with the skills and experience they possess. The relationship with the entrepreneur was as important as its product.

The institutional determinants of private equity involvement in business groups - The case of Africa

Hearn, Bruce, Oxelheim, L., Randøy, T. 03 December 2020 (has links)
Yes / This study examines the governance attributes of post-IPO (initial public offering) retained ownership of private equity in business group constituent firms in contrast to their unaffiliated counterparts, in 202 newly listed firms in 22 emerging African economies. We adopt an actor centered institutional-theoretic perspective in rationalizing institutional voids and the advantages of maintained governance by both business angels (BA) and venture capital (VC) private equity. Our findings reveal private equity retain higher post-IPO ownership in business group constituents compared to unaffiliated firms and that this is inversely moderated in the context of improving institutional quality – where this is particularly strong in case of foreign VC as opposed to domestic VC or BA. Our result adds to the literature on multifocal corporate governance mechanisms and the institutional determinants of private equity investment.


陳欣儀, Chen,Shin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
創業天使(business angel)是一種新興的融資管道。以往創新產業利用創投事業募集創業基金,進行投資的工作。近年來創投的生態漸漸改變,除了資金挹注集中在營運中後期,創投事業也不再扮演提供管理諮詢的關鍵者角色。這時,創業天使的出現,不僅解決創業公司種子期資金不足的窘境,且積極涉入公司經營、提供產業諮詢,以增加企業的附加價值。 以往創投事業及創業公司的文獻中,僅就資本利得稅對雙方的投入影響作討論。而Elitzur and Gavious(2003)則試著加入創業天使的角色,利用三方模型衡量創業天使的加入能否對創投與創業公司間因道德危機問題產生的無效率有所改善。 本文以Elitzur and Gavious(2003)文章為基礎,加入政府的租稅政策,藉以衡量政府的介入是否對三方的投入有所助益。本文研究結果發現,只要政府課徵資本利得稅,將會使三方的投入水準減低;即使採取預算平衡的租稅政策,仍無法改變投入無效率以及創新產業收入過低的情況。因此,在現實社會中,政府不應課過重的資本利得稅,以期能使整個產業營收增加。如果採取對創投事業及創業天使資本利得補貼並搭配對投資之課稅,政府的原意乃是提高各行為參與者之資本利得,以增進效率水準;然而因課稅的過程中產生誘因降低的情況,最終反而會使三方的資本利得減少。唯有對單一參與者個別給予資本利得補貼並搭配課徵對誘因沒有影響的總額進入稅,才會使整個計畫的利得增加,達到有效率的投資水準。是故,政府的租稅政策對創業天使、創投事業及創業公司三者並不一定會達到較有效率的結果。

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