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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Management capacity development to support business growth : a grounded theory study in German SMEs

Treutler, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Understanding how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) support their growth strategies through the development of management capacity (MC) is of fundamental importance, particularly given the central role SMEs play in the economies of their respective countries, and the fact that there is a lack of research and useful theories in this specific field. The objective of this study is to develop a framework for MC development (MCD) in growth-oriented SMEs. This study builds on grounded theory by conducting 14 interviews with key informants: 12 founders/CEOs and 2 top managers of German SMEs (and former SMEs). Data analysis was performed by using the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti. The major findings of the study are that, contrary to previous SME HR research, most companies in this study had formal processes for HR practices in place, and there was clear evidence of certain forms of strategic plans, the pursuit of strategic objectives and the taking of strategic decisions manifested itself. In addition, most participants considered their organisation to have an alignment between growth strategy and MCD strategy. However, implementing it into business practice was perceived as extremely challenging. This study thus contributes to the field of SHRM literature by showing how MC is instantiated in SMEs. Furthermore, there is, arguably, a valuable practical application of the research study as it provides growth-oriented SMEs with a clear and logical framework from which to develop MC pro-actively as a major facet of their growth strategy.

The ability of the South African Small Medium Enterprise Development Programme to promote economic growth and employment

Jessup, Dylan January 2008 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Business Studies Unit--Durban University of Technology, 2008 / The ability of the South African Small Medium Enterprise Development Programme to promote economic growth and employment. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) offers the Small Medium Enterprise Development Programme (SMEDP) incentive grant programme to qualifying manufacturers in South Africa. The status of the progress of this incentive grant programme is unknown. The DTI alluded to an impact study in the 2004 DTI Annual Report but no further reference or publication of results of the impact study has been made. The objectives of the study are to investigate the following three criteria of the SMEDP and to develop benchmarks and recommendations for future incentive grants offered by the DTI. • Rationale for implementation of SMEDP; • Exploration of SMEDP merits; and • Measure of SMEDP success. The study is a secondary analysis design with both qualitative and quantitative components. The qualitative component allows the researcher to reflect on the process by which the incentive programme under investigation came into being, whilst the quantitative component allows for comment on the result of the process as per the markers developed in the qualitative component of the design. There were 152 sample cases used in the study. The outcome measures are the output measures stated in the Medium Term Strategic Plan which are: • The number of jobs sustained. v i • The number of jobs created. • The number of Greenfield’s projects supported. • The fixed investment in Rand terms. • The improvement in employment levels. The DTI achieved certain of the stated objectives. The empirical data analysed confirms the achievement of these objectives. There is scope for further empirical investigation for the future development of incentive grants. The contribution of the SMEDP to economic growth and employment growth is evident and such government interventions should be continued. The recommendations from the study include further investigation into the following areas to improve the benefits provided by manufacturing incentive programmes: • Limit the incentive to a specified Rand value per job created; • Volume driven turnover growth not price driven turnover growth; • The continued inclusion of expansions in future programme; and • Specified sector programmes i.e. textile sector.

企業成長歷程與能耐建構之關聯研究-以紡織帽製造出口業H公司為例 / A Case Study on the Competence Building and Business Growth

廖雪靜, Liao, Hsueh Ching Unknown Date (has links)
摘要:紡織產業由於時尚潮流的千變萬化,再加上資訊與通訊科技快速演進,致使消費者較以往可以透過多元管道,輕易地獲得廣泛時尚流行的資訊與商品;甚至在物流通路系統及購物平台逐年更迭,日新月異的經營模式環境的變換下,時尚商品的買與賣之間已經不再像過去需要花費很長時間。如今甚至有選購後24小時到貨的服務,而這些消費模式都是為了因應消費者對於商品的快速需求而創新改變的策略。 企業追求成長,是企業經營的永恆課題。企業透過內部資源、資訊、與外部環境的交換與整合,形成網絡關係。而今企業的經營,正如同前述的情況一般,除了必須掌控影響企業成長的因素之外,對於全球市場的疾速變化與複雜的外部環境所帶來的衝擊,亦須洞灼機先找出因應解決的對策。如此環繞企業的內外因素相互關聯所帶來的結果即是為了追求企業成長時所亟需瞭解與掌握的議題。而在成長策略管理的思惟體系中,有由外而內的「機會基礎成長策略」,以及企業憑藉自身資源由內而外的「能耐基礎成長策略」,由於前者受制約於外部的機會因素較大,對於個別企業的影響難以歸納總結做為參考。本研究將透過個案公司的成長歷程,分析該公司在各個階段因應外部環境變遷所採取的資源配置與策略活動,同時對應其核心能耐,從而提出兩者關聯的質性探討。 本研究目的在探討企業成長策略的思惟中,除了面對外部環境、競爭者所帶來的衝擊之外,更重要的是思考企業在意識到外部機會形成或存在時,評估企業的資源、核心能耐是否足以掌握該機會;如果無法回應時則必須善用自身資源以建構新的能耐來克服外部阻礙,且透過知識管理的模式在企業內形成能耐建構能力,以持續性、系統性的能耐建構機制來制定成長策略,延伸企業成長的核心能耐,使企業得以能耐建構基礎維持持續成長的動能。 【關鍵字】 企業成長、能耐基礎、核心競爭力、知識管理、能耐建構能力

El gobierno corporativo y el crecimiento de las pymes familiares dedicadas a la consultoría de contabilidad en Lima Metropolitana, 2020 – 2021

Macedo Buendia, Renato Enrique 30 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito académico analizar la influencia de las prácticas del gobierno corporativo en el crecimiento de las pymes familiares dedicadas a la consultoría de contabilidad en Lima Metropolitana, 2020 – 2021. En ese sentido, en el primer capítulo se presentó el marco teórico que sirve como base para llevar a cabo el presente estudio, puesto que se abordaron temas relevantes sobre el gobierno corporativo, crecimiento y la empresa familiar. Además, se revisaron los antecedentes de las variables antes mencionadas con la finalidad de ofrecer un panorama holístico al lector. En el segundo capítulo, se exhibió una revisión de la literatura que permitió complementar los antecedentes expuestos en el capítulo anterior. En el tercer capítulo, se indicó la metodología empleada la cual fue no experimental, de tipo explicativo y con un enfoque cuantitativo; así como, el instrumento aplicado. En el cuarto capítulo, se presentó el análisis e interpretación de la información recopilada a través de los cuestionarios aplicados al total de la muestra y se discutieron dichos resultados con lo planteado por diferentes académicos expertos en las materias estudiadas. Asimismo, se validaron las hipótesis planteadas en el presente estudio a través de diferentes análisis estadísticos. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo, se presentaron las conclusiones y recomendaciones producto del trabajo de investigación. / The present research work has the academic purpose of analyzing the influence of corporate governance practices on the growth of family SMEs engaged in accounting consulting in Metropolitan Lima, 2020 - 2021. In this sense, the first chapter presented the theoretical framework that serves as the basis for carrying out this study, since it will address relevant issues on corporate governance, growth and the family business. In addition, the antecedents of the aforementioned variables were reviewed in order to offer a holistic overview to the reader. In the second chapter, a review of the literature was presented that complements the background presented in the previous chapter. In the third chapter, the methodology used was indicated, which was non-experimental, explanatory and with a quantitative approach; as well as, the applied instrument. In the fourth chapter, the analysis and interpretation of the information collected through the questionnaires applied to the entire sample was presented and these results were discussed with the statements made by different academic experts in the subjects studied. Likewise, the hypotheses raised in the present study were validated through different statistical analyzes. Finally, in the fifth chapter, the conclusions and recommendations resulting from the research work were presented. / Tesis

Leadership Skills for Success of Home Health Care Agencies

Yankah, Andrina 01 January 2016 (has links)
Small business managers often lack the leadership skills necessary to sustain their businesses beyond 5 years. The United States Small Business Administration reported that more than 65% of small business owners, including home health care agency managers, fail within the first 5 years of operation. Guided by Burns and Bass's transformational leadership theory, this multiple case study explored leadership skills that managers in home health care agencies need to sustain their new businesses beyond 5 years. The purposeful sample comprised of 3 managers from 3 different home health care agencies within a 75-mile radius of Baltimore, Maryland, that had demonstrated success in surviving past 5 years. Semistructured interviews, agencies' quality assurance plans and policies were reviewed, and procedural documents related to leadership skills were gathered as data. Yin's 5-step data analysis technique was used to identify key themes. Member checking enhanced the credibility of data interpretation. Themes that emerged from data analysis were business management, knowledge and performance, and transformational leadership. Study findings may contribute to positive social change by providing practical guidance to home health care managers, which may improve their agencies' viability and delivery of patient care. Business implications include the provision of long-term employment to workers and safety assurance to patients' families.

Inovační faktory ovlivňující růst malých a středních podniků / Innovation Factors Influencing the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Emterprises

Koudelková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Disertation work deals with innovative factors influencing the growth of small and medium enterprises. In this work are two main objectives related to the topic of work. The first one is definition of innovation activity on the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the South Moravian Region and the second one is analyzing the determinants of determining the internal environment of a company seeking to generate innovation podiku. Objectives and hypotheses were established on the basis of the literature search, with emphasis not only on business growth, but also on innovation. Primary research combines the use of qualitative and quantitative methods. The results obtained from statistical analyzes of primary research are presented in partial and general conclusion. This work consists methodological steps for small and medium-sized enterprises with an interest in growing their businesses. For a comprehensive view the work offers the disertatiton work the possibility of further expansion of research and outline the benefits of the individual spheres of professional life


Christopher James Debenham (16649193) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p>An investigation of the dynamics governing the growth and development of the space industry with forecasts of the expected state and trajectory of the space industry under various policy tests and scenarios.</p>

Management capacity development to support business growth. A Grounded Theory Study in German SMEs

Treutler, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Understanding how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) support their growth strategies through the development of management capacity (MC) is of fundamental importance, particularly given the central role SMEs play in the economies of their respective countries, and the fact that there is a lack of research and useful theories in this specific field. The objective of this study is to develop a framework for MC development (MCD) in growth-oriented SMEs. This study builds on grounded theory by conducting 14 interviews with key informants: 12 founders/CEOs and 2 top managers of German SMEs (and former SMEs). Data analysis was performed by using the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti. The major findings of the study are that, contrary to previous SME HR research, most companies in this study had formal processes for HR practices in place, and there was clear evidence of certain forms of strategic plans, the pursuit of strategic objectives and the taking of strategic decisions manifested itself. In addition, most participants considered their organisation to have an alignment between growth strategy and MCD strategy. However, implementing it into business practice was perceived as extremely challenging. This study thus contributes to the field of SHRM literature by showing how MC is instantiated in SMEs. Furthermore, there is, arguably, a valuable practical application of the research study as it provides growth-oriented SMEs with a clear and logical framework from which to develop MC pro-actively as a major facet of their growth strategy.

New money, new problems : A qualitative study of the conflicts between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in Sweden

Li, Juan, Abrahamsson, Jan Tony January 2011 (has links)
New ventures started by entrepreneurs need access to the right amount of financial resourcesin order to grow and expand businesses. Venture capital financing and partnerships withventure capital firms is a common route for entrepreneurial companies to acquire the neededfinancing for growing the venture, which in turn benefits a country’s economy as a whole.The partnership between the venture capital firm and the entrepreneur may involve conflicts,due to different goals and objectives towards the business, difference in management stylesand personal background as well as task and contextual conflicts, to mention some examples.We discovered a knowledge gap regarding conflicts between venture capital firms andentrepreneurs in Sweden and hence our aim with this study is to provide an answer on howventure capital firms and entrepreneurs are dealing with these potential conflicts in Sweden.To find out the answer, we reviewed selected and relevant literature on the subject andadapted a theoretical framework, based on existing literature. In terms of methodologicalapproach, we chose to be constructionists by following the abductive approach, in order toeffectively answer our research question and be able to add and complement our theoreticalframework, based on our empirical findings.Our empirical findings consists of four valuable interviews with venture capital firmmanagers and another four interviews with entrepreneurial CEOs and/or company founders,to get the view of both parties involved in venture capital partnerships. Based on ourempirical findings, our main conclusion is that the venture capital partnership often suffersfrom lacking communication from either or both parties, which could start or worsen theconflicts. Many of these problems are also derived by the vastly different backgrounds ofventure capital firm managers compared to entrepreneurs.Additionally, our study notes a tendency for less patience for conflicts among venture capitalfirms compared to entrepreneurs, as venture capital firms are willing to replace the currentCEO or make an early exit the venture or even liquidate its shares, if they deem problems assevere. On the other hand, entrepreneurs want to keep the dialogue going and seem to havemore patience. To mitigate the conflicts in the venture capital partnership, based on ourfindings, we propose that venture capital firms should hire managers or consultants with amore technical background when evaluating and working with certain entrepreneurs.Furthermore, venture capital firms may need to be more dynamic in terms of their controlmeasurements as opposed to being overly static on a long-term business plan which may getoutdated or lose relevancy.Entrepreneurs, nonetheless, need training and support in many cases, to understand how tocommunicate in business contexts and write business plans in order to facilitate thecollaboration with their venture capitalists.

CSR-arbete i SMEs med fallstudie av företag X- möjlig CSR-policy / CSR in SMEs with a Case Study of Company X : possible CSR Policy

Johansson, Emelie, Ravelli, Josefine, Olofsson Wermäng, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har CSR blivit ett alltmer vedertaget begrepp, både inomföretagssektorn men också i samhället. CSR agerar idag verktyg för främjandet av hållbarutveckling och dess allt mer framträdande roll på marknaden tillsammans med företags behovav att förhålla sig till de marknadsanpassade förändringar som sker. Det har skapat ett behovav att företag implementerar, men också förstår vikten av att inneha att engagemang församhällsansvar. Uppsatsen ger en bred teoretisk referensram kring CSRs främsta grundpelarevilka beskrivs ur ett socialt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv där varje område är likaviktigt för ett lyckat CSR-arbete. Idag råder det mindre forskning om CSR inom SMEs, änvad det gör i multinationella företag. Det har lett till att uppsatsen främst syftar till attbehandla CSR-arbete inom SMEs med förhoppning av att kunna ta fram en CSR-policy förvalt fallföretag och en implementeringsmodell för CSR-arbete till liknande företag. Attanvända CSR som ett strategiskt verktyg inom SMEs kan vara det som idag urskiljersamhällets syn på ett företag som tar sitt samhällsansvar gentemot ett som inte gör det trots attde i grunden agerar med likadana metoder.Den empiriska undersökning som ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultat baseras på enintervju med vald nyckelperson från företag X. Respondentens svar på ställda frågor hartillsammans med teori om CSR resulterat i en framtagen CSR-policy för företag X baserat påföretagets verksamhet, dess värderingar och resurser. Resultatet i form av policyn visar attföretag X bör tänka på att bedriva CSR-arbete utifrån ett ekonomiskt ansvar medutgångspunkt ur företagets arbetssätt, handel samt hur de ser på etik och moral. De bör ävenagera ur ett miljömedvetet perspektiv med ett hållbart framförande vilket anspelar påföretagets påverkan på miljön, både i Sverige och i produktionsländer vid frakt av varor, samttillämpning av socialt ansvar genom att se efter sina anställda och övriga intressenter som pånågot sätt har en relation till verksamheten. Uppsatsen resulterar också i framtagen modell förliknande företag att följa vid implementering och uppföljning av CSR-arbete.Uppsatsens slutsats påvisar att resultatets bidrag ännu inte kan mätas men att det är av högrelevans att företag X, genom uppsatsens bidrag, kan komma att integrera CSR i sinkärnverksamhet och på så sätt stå sig höga på marknaden gentemot konkurrenter. Samtidigtsom de tar samhällsansvar, säkerställer och kvalitetssäkrar produktion och tillverkning samtexpanderar till att bli en verksamhet som lever upp till de förväntningar som finns från bådekonsumenter och samhället.

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