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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Increased efficiency of experience feedback between production and budget / Effektivisering av kunskapsflöden mellan produktion och kalkyl

Johansson, Viktor January 2015 (has links)
The construction industry has during many years been regarded as a problematic industry. As a result of this the government 2002 set up a commission with the aim to discourage negative trends in the industry. The commission acknowledged the problem with work activities being reconstructed between projects. As a result of this the experience being acquired in one project did not come to use in the next. In the construction industry it is a well-known fact that around 10% of the cost of production can be categorized as error and controls. The most of the errors that occur can be eliminated with better planning. A tool to be used is experience feedback which purpose is to use the knowledge gained from earlier projects to predict future projects. The purpose of this study is to examine and highlight problems that can occur when experience shall be fed back between production and budget with the aim to present suggested improvements. The study is divided into three questions where the first question investigates which data is relevant from production in order to make well motivated production budgets. The second question explores, in a collaboration with SM Entreprenad AB, which conditions there are today regarding experience feedback between production and budget. The third and final question reviews improvements to be made. The first question is being answered with literature as reference while the second and third has its focus on interviews. The results of the study shows that a budget is constructed with earlier projects as reference where data mainly regarding time, used amount of material as well as used material/equipment are the central variables that need to be fed back to budget. The situation at SM Entreprenad today is that they more or less are not feeding back any data from production with the aim to make well motived budgets. The study shows regarding improvements to be made that there are a lot of data to be used, but they lack routines in order to use this data.

Energy performance of buildings / methodologies for experimental verification

Weber, Tim January 2004 (has links)
QC 20110617

Methodology for the modelling of thermally activated building components in low exergy design

Schmidt, Dietrich January 2004 (has links)
There is still an obvious and indisputable need for an increase in the efficiency of energy utilisation in buildings. Heating, cooling and lighting appliances in buildings account for more than one third of the world’s primary energy demand and there are great potentials, which can be obtained through better applications of the energy use in buildings. This thesis focuses on the development of methods and models for heat and mass transfer processes in buildings, which have a vital impact on the energy utilisation. These models can be used in optimisation procedures aiming at increasing efficiency in the energy use, i.e. at minimising consumption of the necessarily supplied high quality energy, i.e. exergy, in buildings. Through the use of the method of analysing exergy flows in buildings, similar to the analysis applied on other thermodynamic systems, such as power stations, it is possible to identify the potential of increased efficiency in energy utilisation. It has been shown that calculations based on the energy conservation and primary energy concept alone are inadequate for gaining a full understanding of all important aspects of energy utilisation processes. Thus, a method for exergy analyses, based on a combination of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, is presented and an assessment tool has been developed for a better understanding and design of energy flows in buildings. Ventilation heat losses account for a significant fraction of the overall heating energy use in buildings. The implementation of natural ventilation strategies allows for the possibility of supplying indoor space with the required fresh air volume, without any fan power. Because of the ability to create high air flows, the use of natural ventilation can be beneficial to for night cooling processes. All in all, it is important to estimate the expected air flow rates during the design and planning stage of a building. That is why a model, based on earlier published works on single sided natural ventilation on tilting windows, has been developed for natural cross ventilation conditions with tilting windows. There are also building service system solutions which can help to reduce exergy consumption caused by the heating and cooling of rooms. The thermally activated building components are examples of these systems; they use very low temperature differences between the heat carrier medium and the room to be tempered. Earlier derived models of such systems are not always satisfactory for the design of all system configuration or new regulation strategies. The developed macro element modelling (MEM) approach is based on research conducted on the modelling of dynamic heat flows in solid constructions with discrete resistances and capacitances. In this work, it has been expanded by the simultaneous modelling of heat carrier flows and used on the thermally activated components. A methodology for modelling thermally activated components has been developed and verified. Optimised resistance-capacitance (RC) networks combined to so-called macro elements are used to model the solid parts of the system, the fluid temperatures are calculated under the precondition of a linear variation of mass node temperature between the calculation nodes. It has been demonstrated and verified that the MEM method is generally suitable for modelling the dynamic behaviour of combined systems with a heat carrier flow and solid construction parts with substantial heat storage capacity.

Stabilitly analysis of large structures founded on rock : an introductory study

Johansson, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
Previous investigations of Swedish and international dams have shown difficultiesto assess the safety against failure in rock foundations. The problem was alsogiven additional interest in connection to the recent construction of the newbridge at Traneberg in Stockholm. This project was created in order to increasethe knowledge in the subject of stability analysis of large structures founded onrock, and how they should be performed in order to describe the safety in areliable way. This thesis covers the first half of this project. The objectives of the thesis were todescribe the knowledge and current state of practice in the subject with a literaturestudy, and with a case study of the arch dam at Krokströmmen show the problemsfor stability analyses where foundation and structure interact. The objective wasalso to produce a foundation for future work. At Krokströmmen arch dam, previous three dimensional finite element analyseshave been performed (Johansson and Palmgren 1996). In these analyses, thestiffness of the foundation was not considered. Based on the results from theseanalyses, stability was analytically analyzed for each monolith by Stille et al.(2002). The results indicated low factors of safety for the central monoliths. As aconsequence, a reinforcement slab was constructed to increase stability. In order to show how varying stiffness and non-linear resistance of the foundationaffects stability, a quasi three dimensional finite element analyses were carriedout. In these analyses, five of the central monoliths were first analyzed separately.Thereafter, the reaction forces were adjusted to fit the results from the analyses byJohansson and Palmgren (1996). The monoliths were thereafter coupled togetherwith assumptions of equal deformations and constant total reaction forces for thefive monoliths. Through an iterative procedure, constant deformation and newredistributed reaction forces were obtained. These forces were used to discuss thestability for one of the monoliths in detail. This thesis shows that the problem is more complex than described in the Swedishdam safety guidelines, RIDAS (Svensk Energi 2002), and the Swedish bridgedesign code, BRO 2004 (Vägverket 2004). An accurate analysis of the stability ina rock foundation under large structures demands a more refined approach, whichconsiders the specific features associated with rock mechanical problems. Thecase study showed that the interaction between foundation and structure can beconsiderable; deformations and reaction forces acting on the foundation wereredistributed when the stiffness of the foundation was considered. Furthermore,the resistance is a function of deformation. These aspects are necessaryconsidering if stability should be determined with high confidence. An additional question which was identified and brought up for discussion wasthe possibility of time-dependent deformation in the foundation at Krokströmmendue to creep and cyclic loading, which in turn can affect the long term stability. / QC 20101203

A Study of some Factors in Mechanistic Railway Track Design

Skoglund, Kjell Arne January 2002 (has links)
<p>This thesis is composed of three main parts: The first part that uses classic track models as a basis for further developments, the second part that deals with constitutive behaviour of granular materials and the third part that describes the development of a new triaxial cell apparatus and the testing of a ballast material using this apparatus.</p><p>The description of classic track models is focused on the beam-on-elastic-foundation model (abbr. BOEF model), which make use of the Winkler foundation, and a simple beam element model with linear discrete support. The shortcomings of the BOEF model is discussed: It assumes a continuous foundation, a continuously welded track, the weight of the track ladder is not incorporated, linear support which imply prediction of tension in the uplift regions, no shear deformation in the rails is taken into account, it cannot predict stresses and strains within the granular layers. While some of the shortcomings may easily be incorporated others are not: Especially to remove tension in the uplift zones, and to calculate stresses and strains in the granular layers. The latter actually requires a continuum approach. A track model that approximately eliminates the tension in the uplift regions has been developed for a single axle load. As expected, the model shows that the length of the uplift zone and the amount of uplift have higher values than predicted by the BOEF model. The model may be useful when considering contact problems in the track, for instance in a buckling-of-rails analysis.</p><p>For the BOEF model a tool that makes use of dimensionless sensitivity diagrams has been developed. The method will in an easy way provide the new maximum track reactions when one or more track parameters are changed. It is hoped that this tool will prove very helpful in a design process, at least as a first step. Dimensionless sensitivity diagrams have been worked out for rail deflection, rail moment, rail seat load, tensional rail base stress and vertical stress between sleeper and ballast. The parameters considered are the design wheel load, rail moment of inertia, position of neutral axis in the rail, sleeper spacing, sleeper width and the length of the sleeper that carries the vertical load. The dimensionless sensitivity diagrams for the BOEF model may be used both for a single axle load and for a double axle load. Also for a beam element model with linear discrete support the dimensionless sensitivity diagrams may be used, but only for a single axle load which is located directly above one of the supports, i.e. a sleeper. For the beam element model the diagrams for the rail deflection, rail seat load and vertical stress between sleeper and ballast are almost identical to the ones for the BOEF model, while the diagrams for the rail moment and tensile rail base stress are somewhat different.</p><p>A beam element model with Euler-Bernoulli beam elements resting on nonlinear discrete supports was developed for a single axle load. The discrete supports, which were located at the sleeper positions, were modelled by a two-parameter power function. The model takes advantage of a measured load-deflection relationship, which is also modelled by a two-parameter power function. These latter parameters are generally found by regression of the measured data, while the two parameters for the discrete supports are found as part of the overall solution to the problem. The present version of the model only takes into account a short track section and further development of the model is therefore needed. The track ladder weight and a no tension option in the uplift region are not incorporated in the present version. The model is useful when the BOEF model cannot be used because of nonlinear track response.</p><p>Regarding constitutive behaviour it is argued that the plastic strain per load cycle in a well functioning railway track must be very small and normally below 1/100 000 of the elastic strain per load cycle. If also the hysteresis of the material during a load cycle is small, then an elastic approximation could be justified when it comes to calculating the stresses. The plastic strains may then be detached from the stress-strain calculation and modelled separately on the basis of laboratory or field measurements. </p><p>Several elastic constitutive models are described: The Hooke's law generalised to three dimensions, the cross anisotropic elastic model, two versions of the k-model, and two hyperelastic models. </p><p>The general elasto-plastic framework with isotropic hardening is also described. The basics of repeated loading of a frictional system is described by analogy to a simple model with springs and frictional sliders. This model can be viewed as the basis for the pure kinematic multisurface model by Mróz and Iwan. Through energy considerations in cyclic loading of the frictional system the concept of reclaimed plastic strain is rejected.</p><p>The concept of initial stresses and strains is discussed. It is argued that initial stresses cannot be large in the upper part of a road or railway embankment. The main reason for this is that granular materials cannot self equilibrate stresses through tension.</p><p>The development and construction of triaxial equipment for testing railway ballast in its original grading is described. The specimens are 300 mm by 600 mm (diameter by height). A new and direct way of applying the confining load was developed, which allowed faster variation of the confining stress. A new instrumentation concept was invented where instrumentation rings are fastened to material particles instead of being attached to the outer membrane or to plugs embedded in the material. This arrangement measures the horizontal deformation. The vertical deformation has to be measured over the whole specimen length as resilient particle rotations prevented on-sample instrumentation.</p><p>A test series on Vassfjell railway ballast was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the new apparatus and to characterise the ballast material. The overall performance of the apparatus was found to be good with a reliable repeatability, but some modifications were suggested to improve the loading procedure in the beginning of the load steps.</p><p>The test series on Vassfjell ballast was rather limited and no advanced modelling of the results was found to be appropriate. Instead an isotropic linear elastic approach was followed. Moisture was added, to the natural retention capacity, to some of the specimens. It was found that the added moisture only slightly affected the mechanical behaviour of the material. A somewhat denser grading was also tested, but the observed effect on the material properties was limited.</p>

Tensile and Compressive Creep of Young Concrete : Testing and Modelling

Atrushi, Dawood Soliman January 2003 (has links)
<p>The thesis deals with experimental and numerical modelling to characterize early age tensile and compressive creep and its associated stress relaxation - which are very important properties in stress simulation of early age concrete. For this purpose a comprehensive work was carried out involving construction of a new tensile creep test equipment and development of test procedures to generate basic experimental data.</p><p>The experimental program is subdivided into four series. Each of the series involves one varying parameter, which is relevant to the time-dependent behaviour of early age HPC. Most of the tests are repeated to check the reproducibility of the test results. The reproducibility of the test results for the BASE concretes confirmed that the experimental setup is reliable, and that it can be used to determine tensile creep of concrete at early ages.</p><p>An extensive test program has been performed on HPC, with w/b = 0.40. The primary parameters studied were concrete ages at loading (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 days), stress/strength levels (20-80%), and temperature levels (20, 34, 40, 57 and 60 oC) in addition to the effect of silica fume (0-15%) on tensile creep. The testing apparatus was new and significant efforts were devoted to develop reliable procedures in terms of accuracy and reproducibility. In parallel, compressive creep tests were conducted on a separate testing apparatus, and the results are compared to tensile creep behaviour.</p><p>It was found that the instantaneous deformation under tension is smaller than under compression, and that the corresponding creep curves also are different. Creep in tension is found to be lower initially, but an almost linear rate is soon established which is much higher than in compression. The consequence is greater creep magnitude and thus greater creep coefficient in tension than in compression. The tests on non-linearity showed that the proportionality limit between stress and sealed tensile creep strain is about 60% of the strength. Creep tests under isothermal temperatures showed that, as for compressive creep, the sealed tensile creep accelerates for temperatures higher than 20 oC. In addition, the maturity principle describes this effect reasonably well, for the tested loading ages of about 3 days.</p><p>The relatively large amount of experimental data, available in this study, has been used to investigate mathematical models. Comprehensive test results from the TSTM apparatus are analyzed with respect to creep and relaxation, where the effect of temperature on creep and relaxation is emphasized. Simulations of self-induced stresses are performed using the creep model denoted the Double Power Law (DPL). As solution method, the theory of linear viscoelasticity with aging is used. The model (M-DPL) is modified to take into account the effect of irrecoverable creep.</p><p>For increasing temperatures during the hardening phase, the transient creep, which takes place during heating is taken into account by an additional creep term. Its contribution to stress relaxation was found to be up to 10%. This transient creep term is considered to be irrecoverable during the subsequent temperature decrease. The modified model captures the various characteristics of sealed creep and describes the tensile behaviour at early ages more accurately than the original Double Power Law.</p><p>The effect of relaxation is found to be relatively large and significant in development of selfinduced stresses. Under isothermal temperature of 20 oC, the relaxation increases to about 40% of the fictive elastic stresses after 3 days and remains about constant after that. On the other hand, presentation of relaxation under realistic temperature histories is much more complicated, because the stresses change from compression to tension. This might also lead to increased tensile stresses because compressive creep reduces compressive stresses, but increases the subsequent tensile stresses. Underestimation of creep in this early period will lead to underestimation of the cracking risk.</p><p>Creep development at very early ages has an important effect in determination of the creep model parameters. After an evaluation of the test results using six loading ages (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 days) it was concluded that an optimal test program should include at least 3 loading ages, in which the loading ages 1 and 2 must be included.</p><p>Furthermore, the test results indicate that partial replacement of cement with silica fume (5-15%) increases the sealed tensile creep. However, the reference concrete without silica fume dose not fit to this systematic pattern.</p>

Bostadsanpassningsbidrag i Norrköpings kommun / Housing adjustment allowances in Norrköping

Andersson, Sonja January 2003 (has links)
<p>Funktionshindrade personer har möjlighet att få sin bostad anpassad så ett de kan leva ett självständigt liv i ett eget boende. Anpassningen betalas av kommunen genom ett bostadsanpassningsbidrag. De senaste åren har, inom Norrköpings kommun, kostnaderna för bostadsanpassningsbidrag ökat kraftigt och överstigit den budget som tilldelats. Syftet med den här rapporten är att undersöka hur andra kommuner arbetar med handläggning och upphandling av bostadsanpassningsärenden. En del frågor rör även åldersfördelningen. </p><p>För att få en uppfattning om hur arbetet med bostadsanpassningsbidrag bedrivs ute i kommunerna har jag valt att göra en enkätundersökning. Kommunerna i undersökningen är valda efter invånarantal, jämförbara med Norrköping. Jämförelsen med andra kommuner visar att i stort sett alla jobbar på samma sätt när det gäller upphandlingar och ersättningsformer. Det går inte att säga att en ersättningsform är mer kostnadseffektiv än en annan när det gäller bostadsanpassningar. Kostnaden per ärende varierar stort hos de olika kommunerna. Jag kan konstatera att Norrköping ligger bland de som har den högsta kostnaden. </p><p>Löpande räkning är den absolut vanligaste ersättningsformen. I ända upp till 90 % av alla ärenden i vissa kommuner används denna ersättningsform. Annars svarar de flesta att de också tillämpar löpande räkning med takpris och fast pris på anbud. Åldersfördelningen ser likadan ut i kommunerna i undersökningen. Genomsnittet av andelen personer över 75 år är 58 % och den överensstämmer med den siffra jag kom fram till i åldersfördelningen för bostadsanpassningsbidrag i Norrköpings kommun. Däremot ligger kostnaden för dessa ärenden något högre i Norrköping. Gemensamt för samtliga tillfrågade är att de anser att det byggs alltför lite anpassade bostäder för äldre. Detta återspeglar sig i ökade kostnader för bostadsanpassningsbidrag. I stora drag arbetar de tillfrågade kommunerna på samma sätt med handläggning av ärenden. </p><p>För att komma tillrätta med de höga kostnaderna för bostadsanpassningsbidrag i Norrköpings kommun krävs att en mer omfattande undersökning görs. Enskilda ärenden skulle behöva jämföras för att se hur andra kommuner har beslutat, handlagt och upphandlat liknande fall.</p>

Dokumenthanteringssystem inom byggbranschen / Document handling system within the building trade

Olovsson, Nils-Göran January 2003 (has links)
<p>One of the aims of this report has been to make an inventory of the building trade market to see which document handling systems that are available. The secondary aim was to document the users´ demands on the systems and other demands such as quality assurance. After this, the document handling systems Byggnet and Lotus Notes, which are rather complex systems, have been analysed. Finally a recommendation has been made. </p><p>In the inventory of the marketthe internet has been used because it is there the latest information can be found. This because document handling systems are rather new and there are therefore no other literature written yet. To get the users´ demands on the systems several interviews have been made. </p><p>The result of the inventory is that there are six different document handling systems available today. And the recommendation is that Byggnet is an appropriate system to use.</p>

Avfall på byggarbetsplatsen : statistik som hjälper platschefen / Waste at the building site : statistics to help the local manager

Svensson, Johanna January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this report is to find a model of statistics for construction and demolition waste, which makes it useful for the local manager at the building site. The intention with the model is that it will be used as a support of the local manager, to direct his project towards reduced strain of the environment. The model will also be used to make it easier to control that the claims from authority and aims for the environment are achieved. </p><p>To familiarise with the subject waste handling within the building and construction sectorI have done a literature search. I have also been studying rules and regulations regarding the waste handling. The main investigation is based on interviews with local managers. I have also spoken to waste contractors to get their view in the subject. To get to know how the local manager want the statistics formed I have made an opinion poll. </p><p>The investigations have indicated that it is unusual that the statistics is used at the building site at all. Among the local managers there are an interest thought in having the statistics as a result of the separation of construction and demolition waste and an encouragement to go further with it. </p><p>Economical information was in great demand in the statistics, because economy control most of the manager’s work. The local manager experiences that the accessibility of checking up how much of the waste that goes to deposition is good. In fact this is a problem, as part of the unsorted waste goes to deposition in next stage. Most of the statistics of the waste contractors don’t specifying how much.</p>

Vårdprogram för kulturhistoriska byggnader : En studie / Maintenance for cultural buildings

Ljungstrand, Niclas January 2004 (has links)
<p>Det finns olika system för att hantera och delge information till fastighetsägare och förvaltare. Dessa system är idag oftast pappersbaserade, oftast en pärm med information. Med den digitala tekniken kan man idag göra dessa handlingar mer attraktiva och lättillgängliga. </p><p>Denna rapport, som är resultatet av mitt examensarbete, belyser vad ett vårdprogram är, hur det upprättas och vad det bör innehålla. Dessutom påvisas i rapporten hur man kan använda moderna IT-verktyg för att förenkla framställningen och redovisningen av vårdprogram. </p><p>Den metod som använts i arbetet är inläsning av material och samtal med en arkitekt. Dessutom har jag utfört ett antal intervjuer med personer som arbetar med vårdprogram. </p><p>Dessa intervjuer visar att de som förvaltar byggnader utan större kulturhistoriskt värde ofta använder IT-teknik i sitt arbete, medan de som förvaltar byggnader med dokumenterat kulturhistoriskt värde knappt använder IT över huvud taget. Flera av de jag intervjuat har svårt att se några fördelar alls med det traditionella systemet. </p><p>En förutsättning för att införa den nya tekniken är att personalen får utbildning och att investeringar görs i program och hårdvara. Viktigt att tänka på är även att risken att förlora information kan vara större, t.ex. genom en diskkrasch, än med det traditionella systemet. Därför är det viktigt att man noga tänker igenom hur införandet ska genomföras.</p>

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