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Cannabisanvändande ungdomar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med socialarbetareDahlgren, Hanna, Dahlgren, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att erhålla en djupare kunskap om ungdomars användning av cannabis. För att göra detta utgår denna studie från en kvalitativ intervjumetod där vi har intervjuat fyra socialarbetare samt en polisman. Samtliga informanter har erfarenhet av arbete med ungdomar som brukat cannabis. För att analysera resultaten som uppkommit under intervjuer har vi valt att använda oss av de teoretiska perspektiven social konstruktionism samt utvecklingspsykopatologi. Vidare har vi i studien använt risk och skyddsfaktorer för att analysera vilka faktorer som kan påverka att en ungdom använder sig av cannabis. Resultaten pekar på att bakomliggande faktorer vid bruket är psykisk ohälsa, neuropsykiatrisk diagnos såsom ADHD eller ADD och en problematisk hemmiljö. I resultatet diskuteras vidare om riskfaktorer såsom en bristande skolgång samt huruvida könet har någon betydelse eller skillnad bland de som använder sig av cannabis som berusningsmedel. Ett av de viktigaste resultaten som framkommer är att psykisk ohälsa är den vanligaste gemensamma riskfaktorn hos de ungdomar som använder sig av cannabis och som blir aktuella på socialtjänsten. Nyckelord: cannabis, socialarbetare, social kontruktionism, socialtjänst, ungdomar / The aim of this study was to obtain a deeper understanding of young people's use of cannabis. To do that is this study made out of a qualitative interview method where we have interviewed four social workers and one policeman. All informants have experience of working with young people who used cannabis. To analyse the findings raised during the interviews, we have chosen to use the theoretical perspectives of social constructionism and the development of psychopathology. Furthermore, we have in the study used the risk and protective factors to analyse the factors that can influence a young person use of cannabis. The result indicates that the factors behind the use of cannabis are mental illness, neuropsychiatric diagnosis as ADHD or ADD and a problematic home. This result further discussion of risk factors such as a lack of schooling and whether sex has any significance or difference among those who use cannabis as an intoxicant. One of the main results that emerge is that mental illness is the most common risk factor for young people who use cannabis, and who is current to the social services. Keywords: cannabis, social constructionism, social service, social worker, young people
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Prospective cohort study of cannabis use, predisposition for psychosis, and psychotic symptoms in young peopleHenquet, Cécile, Krabbendam, Lydia, Spauwen, Janneke, Kaplan, Charles, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, van Os, Jim 28 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To investigate the relation between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms in individuals with above average predisposition for psychosis who first used cannabis during adolescence.
Design: Analysis of prospective data from a population based sample. Assessment of substance use, predisposition for psychosis, and psychotic symptoms was based on standardised personal interviews at baseline and at follow up four years later.
Participants: 2437 young people (aged 14 to 24 years) with and without predisposition for psychosis.
Main outcome measure: Psychotic symptoms at follow up as a function of cannabis use and predisposition for psychosis at baseline.
Results: After adjustment for age, sex, socioeconomic status, urbanicity, childhood trauma, predisposition for psychosis at baseline, and use of other drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, cannabis use at baseline increased the cumulative incidence of psychotic symptoms at follow up four years later (adjusted odds ratio 1.67, 95% confidence interval 1.13 to 2.46). The effect of cannabis use was much stronger in those with any predisposition for psychosis at baseline (23.8% adjusted difference in risk, 95% confidence interval 7.9 to 39.7, P = 0.003) than in those without (5.6%, 0.4 to 10.8, P = 0.033). The risk difference in the “predisposition” group was significantly greater than the risk difference in the “no predisposition” group (test for interaction 18.2%, 1.6 to 34.8, P = 0.032). There was a dose-response relation with increasing frequency of cannabis use. Predisposition for psychosis at baseline did not significantly predict cannabis use four years later (adjusted odds ratio 1.42, 95% confidence interval 0.88 to 2.31).
Conclusion: Cannabis use moderately increases the risk of psychotic symptoms in young people but has a much stronger effect in those with evidence of predisposition for psychosis.
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Risk- och skyddsfaktorer, attityder och cannabisbruk : En enkätundersökning med gymnasieungdomar från en kommun i MellansverigeBjörklin, Alexandra, Johansson, Erika January 2014 (has links)
Ungdomar lever inom en social kontext vilken direkt samt indirekt påverkar deras ställningstaganden gentemot cannabis. För att motverka att bruket ska öka i framtiden bör man se över vilka risk- samt skyddsfaktorer som påverkar deras attityder samt bruk av drogen. Idag råder en oro över att legaliseringsdebatten runt om i världen kan resultera i en negativ följd i form av allt mer liberala attityder bland den yngre generationen. Syftet med denna studie är därav att undersöka relationen mellan ungdomars attityder, eventuella bruk och de risk- samt skyddsfaktorer vilka finns i deras sociala omvärld. Resultatet från föreliggande studie visar att ungdomarna i den berörda kommunen har en restriktiv inställning gentemot cannabis dock visas en liberalare attityd bland de som testat substansen. Tillgången bör däremot ses som ett existerande problem då en stor del av respondenterna idag kan få tag på cannabis och problematiken kan ligga i den höga frekvensen av vänner som testat. Respondenternas alkohol- och tobaksbruk bör även ses som en betydande riskfaktor.
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Efeitos do uso da Cannabis sativa durante a gestação sobre o desenvolvimento pulmonar: estudo experimental em camundongos / Effects of Cannabis sativa during gestation on lung development: an experimental study in miceBelotti, Luciano 19 June 2019 (has links)
A Cannabis sativa é a droga ilícita usada com maior frequência por gestantes. O Delta9-tetrahidrocanabinol é o canabinóide principal responsável pelos efeitos psicoativos agindo principalmente nos receptores canabinóides 1 no cérebro. O consumo de Cannabis durante a gestação pode afetar o sistema endocanabinóide causando impactos na fase implantacional e no desenvolvimento fetal. Além disso, o Delta9- tetrahidrocanabinol é uma substância que pode atravessar a barreira feto-placentária e estar presente no leite materno. Sabe-se, no entanto, que qualquer estímulo ou insulto em um período crítico de desenvolvimento embrionário-fetal pode representar consequências mais tarde na vida. A fumaça de Cannabis contém elementos tóxicos prejudiciais semelhantes aos da fumaça de cigarro, logo o uso crônico de Cannabis tem sido associado a efeitos deletérios sobre o sistema respiratório. Embora vários estudos abordarem os efeitos da exposição à Cannabis sativa, escassos são aqueles que estudam a exposição gestacional e seus efeitos na prole. Além disso, os efeitos da Cannabis sativa sobre o desenvolvimento pulmonar são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os efeitos do uso da Cannabis sativa no desenvolvimento pulmonar da prole de camundongos, cujas mães foram expostas no período de gestação e analisar os efeitos no próprio tecido pulmonar dessas mães. Camundongos fêmeas grávidas (BALB/c) com aproximadamente 3 meses foram expostas à fumaça de Cannabis sativa ou ar filtrado por um período de 13 dias. Após as exposições os pulmões e os fetos das fêmeas grávidas foram coletados e o perfil inflamatório pulmonar avaliado no lavado broncoalveolar. As análises morfologia tecidual foram conduzidas e avaliadas utilizando os parâmetros estereológicos do volume pulmonar total, volume total e densidade de volume dos compartimentos pulmonares (parênquima pulmonar, vias aéreas, vasos sanguíneos, espaços aéreos alveolares, septos alveolares, áreas de superfície total e densidade de superfície dos alvéolos). Adicionalmente foram incluídas as análises de dissector físico para a estimativa de volume médio alveolar, densidade numérica e o número total de alvéolos para as proles com 20 e 60 dias de idade. As análises estereológicas das fêmeas grávidas mostraram um aumento significativo no volume total pulmonar, no volume total dos septos e no volume total dos espaços aéreos alveolares, quando comparados com as fêmeas grávidas expostas ao ar filtrado (grupo controle). Nos fetos com 18 dias de idade gestacional, houve uma diminuição significativa no volume total pulmonar, no volume total e na densidade de volume de sacos alveolares, no volume total e na densidade de volume de mesênquima, quando comparados com o grupo controle. Na prole com 20 dias de idade, houve um aumento no volume total, na densidade de volume e de superfície das vias aéreas, quando comparados com o grupo controle. Na prole com 60 dias de idade, houve um aumento no volume total do espaço aéreo alveolar, na densidade de volume do espaço aéreo alveolar, na densidade de superfície dos septos alveolares e na estimativa do número total de alvéolos, quando comparados com o grupo controle. Já os parâmetros de densidade de volume dos septos alveolares, área de superfície total dos septos alveolares e espessura dos septos alveolares, mostraram-se diminuídas quando comparados com o grupo controle. Os resultados mostraram que a exposição à fumaça de Cannabis é capaz de induzir alterações morfológicas no tecido pulmonar de camundongos (BALB/c) fêmeas grávidas e nas suas respectivas proles / Cannabis sativa is the illicit drug most frequently used by pregnant women. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the main cannabinoid responsible for psychoactive effects and acts mainly on the cannabinoid 1 receptors in the brain. Cannabis use during pregnancy can affect the endocannabinoid system causing impacts on the implantation phase and fetal development. In addition, Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol is a substance that can cross the fetal-placental barrier and be present in breast milk. It is known, however, that any stimulus or insult in a critical period of embryonic-fetal development can have consequences later in life. Cannabis smoke contains harmful toxic elements similar to those of cigarette smoke, so chronic use of Cannabis has been associated with deleterious effects on the respiratory system. Although several studies address the effects of exposure to Cannabis sativa, few are those who study gestational exposure and its effects on offspring. In addition, the Cannabis sativa effects on lung development are poorly understood. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of Cannabis sativa on the mice offspring lung development whose mothers were exposed during the gestation period and to analyze the effects on the lung tissue of these mothers. Pregnant female mice (BALB / c) with approximately 3 months were exposed to Cannabis sativa smoke or filtered air for 13 days. After the exposures the lungs and fetuses of the pregnant females were collected and the lung inflammatory profile evaluated in the bronchoalveolar lavage. The tissue morphology analyzes were conducted and evaluated using the stereological parameters of total lung volume, total volume and volume density of lung compartments (lung parenchyma, airways, blood vessels, alveolar air spaces, alveolar septa, total surface areas and alveoli surface density). In addition, physical dissector analyzes were used to estimate the mean alveolar volume, numerical density and the total number of alveoli for offspring at 20 and 60 days of age. Stereological analyzes of pregnant females showed a significant increase in total lung volume, total septal volume and alveolar air spaces total volume when compared to pregnant females exposed to filtered air (control group). In fetuses with 18 days gestational age, there was a significant decrease in total lung volume, total volume and volume density of saccules, total volume and volume density of mesenchymal stroma when compared to the control group. In the 20-day-old offspring, there was an increase in total volume, volume density and surface density of airway when compared to the control group. In the 60-day-old offspring, there was an increase in total alveolar airspace volume, alveolar airspace volume density, alveolar septal surface density, and total alveolar number estimation, as compared to the control group. The alveolar septa volume density, alveolar septa total surface area and alveolar septa thickness were decreased when compared to the control group. The results showed that exposure to Cannabis smoke is able to induce morphological changes in the lung tissue of pregnant (BALB / c) mice and their respective offspring
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Från bärs till brass : En studie om hur skolpersonal uppfattar elevers inställning till droger i två kommuner / From booze to wooze : A study on how school staff perceive pupils attitude to drugs in two municipalitiesOlsson, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
The aim for this study is to examine how school personnel perceive adolescents attitude towards drugs and narcotics in general and, in this case, cannabis in particular over a time period of about eleven years. The study focuses on two smaller municipalities to determine whether the previous big city problems of drugs now also effects smaller cities. In the light of a world where cannabis has been liberalized in many countries, both in Europe and America, the question rises of how this will affect the Swedish youth and the Swedish schools. By the two cases examined in this study, one can determine that cannabis has been liberalized in the sense of it being more accepted among the adolescents even if the amount of people using not has risen notably during the examined period. This raises the question what this means for the school personnel, such as mentors, principals and school nurses. In the two cases examined in this study we can determine that the biggest difference in their case is how you must talk to the students about cannabis and how you must present the dangers of using it. Earlier it seems to have been easier to motivate a student not to smoke by mostly talking about how it affects your health negatively. Today, according to some of the respondents, the teachers and other personnel has to be more prepared to face counterargument from students concerning the use of cannabis and whether it is dangerous or not.
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Efeitos do uso de Cannabis sativa sobre o desenvolvimento do baço e timo em prole de camundongos (BalbC) durante a gestação / Effects of Cannabis sativa on the development of spleen and thymus in offspring mice (BalbC) during pregnancyLima, Daiana Aparecida Souza 11 September 2018 (has links)
Cannabis sativa (maconha) é a droga ilícita mais conhecida e utilizada em todo o mundo. Recentemente, o uso recreativo da droga por jovens aumentou muito, especialmente entre as gestantes. Estudos indicam que seu uso na gestação causa efeitos fetotóxicos adversos, no entanto, poucos estudos avaliam esses efeitos durante este período crítico sobre o desenvolvimento do sistema imunológico. Neste estudo, avaliamos o impacto da exposição gestacional à fumaça de maconha resultante da queima de cigarros sobre o desenvolvimento do baço e do timo de proles de camundongos BalbC. Utilizamos um modelo que se aproxima das reais condições de uso humano (inalação) sob os aspectos de dose e média exposição. Camundongos fêmeas gestantes (n = 20) foram expostas ao fumo da maconha ou ao ar filtrado (grupo controle) do 5,5° ao 17,5° dia gestacional (DG) por 5 minutos diariamente. Para isso, foi utilizado um aparelho para inalação da fumaça desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, onde os cigarros de maconha (200mg de Cannabis sativa) foram queimados e a fumaça conduzida para a câmara de exposição dos animais (exposição somente inalatória). Os baços e timos das proles foram coletados no 18,5° dia gestacional (DG), 20° e 60° dias pós-natais (DPN) para a realização das análises histológica e histoquímica. Avaliações morfológicas e quantitativas dos órgãos foram realizadas utilizando-se métodos estereológicos e por meio da semi quantificação de fibras do sistema colágeno. Os resultados indicam um aumento no peso corporal dos animais com 60 DPN cujas mães foram expostas ao fumo de Cannabis sativa durante a gravidez. Os machos com 60 DPN expostos apresentaram redução no volume total do timo, assim como em seus principais compartimentos, medula e córtex, onde também foi observado um aumento de fibras do sistema colágeno, quando comparados aos animais controles. Além disso, o baço desses animais também apresentou redução significativa em seu volume, porém não houve redução significativa no volume total da polpa vermelha. Machos e fêmeas com 60 DPN do grupo exposto apresentaram redução no volume total da polpa branca e aumento de fibras do sistema colágeno na região das trabéculas do parênquima do baço. Em suma, a exposição gestacional à maconha causa efeitos fetotóxicos que podem ser observados por alteração no baço e no timo da prole (sendo os efeitos distintos para machos e fêmeas) e estas alterações se tornam mais marcantes com o avanço da idade do animal, com potencial comprometimento da resposta imune nesses indivíduos. / Cannabis sativa (marijuana) is one of the most well-known and used illicit drugs worldwide. Recently, recreational use of that drug among young people has increased greatly, especially among pregnant women. Studies indicate that its use in pregnancy causes adverse fetotoxic effects, however there are few studies evaluating the effects of marijuana use during this critical period on the developing immune system. In this study, we evaluated the impact of gestational exposure to smoke marijuana resulting from burning cigarettes on the spleen and thymus development of BalbC mice offspring. We have used a model that approximates the real conditions of human use (inhalation) under the dose and medium exposure aspects. Pregnant mice (n=20), were exposed to marijuana smoke or filtered air (control group) from 5.5° to 17.5° gestational day (GD) for 5 minutes daily. Thus, we used a smoke inhalation apparatus developed in our laboratory where the marijuana cigarettes (200mg of Cannabis sativa) were burned and conducted to exposure chamber reaching the animals (nose-only exposure). Spleen and thymus of the offspring were collected on the 18.5° gestational day (GD), 20° and 60° postnatal day (PND) for the histological and histochemical analysis. Morphological and quantitative evaluations of these organs were performed using stereological methods and semi quantification of collagen fibers. The results indicate an increase in the mice body weight at PND 60 whose mothers were exposed to Cannabis sativa smoke during pregnancy. The PND 60 males from exposed group showed lower thymus total volume, as well as its main compartments such as medulla and cortex, where collagen fibers was also observed, when compared with males from the control group. Also, the spleen of these animals also presented a significant reduction, however no significant reduction was showed in the total volume of the red pulp. In addition, males and females from the exposed group at PND 60 presented reduction in total volume in the white pulp and increased of collagen fibers in the trabeculae region of the spleen. In summary, gestational exposure to marijuana causes fetotoxic effects that can be observed due to alteration in the spleen and thymus of the offspring (the effects being different for males and females), and these changes being marked with the advancement of the age, with potential impairment of the immune response in these individuals.
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Efeitos da exposição gestacional à fumaça decorrente da queima de Cannabis sativa na placenta murina / Effects of gestational exposure to smoke from burning Cannabis sativa on the murine placentaSilva, Iran Augusto Neves da 07 March 2018 (has links)
A Cannabis sativa, genericamente conhecida por maconha é uma das drogas ilícitas mais utilizadas no mundo. Por ser considerado inofensiva em alguns países seu uso recreativo é liberado, o que tem aumentado em grandes proporções do uso desta substância, incluindo mulheres gestantes. A gestação é um período em que ocorrem alterações dinâmicas fisiológicas consideráveis na mãe, placenta e feto e com isso, os processos de absorção, distribuição e eliminação de drogas utilizadas pode ser muito variável. O que torna a utilização de desta droga mais perigosa nesse período. Diversos desfechos gestacionais negativos estão associados a seu uso, porém pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos envolvidos nesta associação. Assim, neste estudo avaliamos experimentalmente utilizando um modelo animal, se os desfechos gestacionais negativos podem estar associados a alterações placentárias. Resumidamente, fêmeas gestantes de camundongos foram expostas a fumaça proveniente da queima da Cannabis diariamente durante a gestação via inalação, mimetizando o uso por humanos. No 18,5° dia da gestação (a termo) foram eutanasiadas e as placentas coletadas apara avaliação estereológica. Os resultados mostram que a o consumo da cannabis em baixa dose pode provocar alterações na estrutura da placenta. Há um aumento significativo em seu volume total decorrente do aumento no volume do labirinto, além disto o volume de capilares fetais está aumentados e a barreira inter-hemal fica mais fina. Estas alterações apesar de sugerirem um mecanismo compensatório, o crescimento fetal normal não é mantido / Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana or pot, is one of the most used ilicit drug in the world. In some countries its recreational use is legal because this drug is not considered harmful to health. Legalization of its use has increased the number of users of this drug including pregnant women. Gestation is a period of physiological dynamic changes in the mother, fetus and placenta, thus the process of absorption, metabolism and excretion is different. Association between negative gestational and fetal outcomes and gestational exposure to marijuana is described in the medical literature, however little is known about the mechanisms involved. Taking this into account, in this study we investigated experimentally, using in a animal model that mimics human use, if the negative gestational outcomes could be associated to placental structural and functional changes. Briefly, pregnant mice were exposed during gestation to either filtered or marijuana smoke by inhalation and at gestational Day 18 (at term) they were euthanized and placentas collected for stereological analysis. Our preliminary results indicate that the use of cannabis sativa during pregnancy is associated to structural changes in the placenta. Placental total volume is increased and is due to increases in the volume of the labyrinth. In the labyrinth the volume of fetal capillaries and their surface area are increased and the interhemal membrane thickness decreased. These changes suggest a compensatory mechanism however, they fail to support the fetal normal growth.
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Évaluation de l’impact de l’usage régulier de cannabis sur le fonctionnement rétinien par la mesure de l’électrorétinogramme / Evaluation of the impact of the regular cannabis use on the retinal functioning by the measure of the electroretinographySchwitzer, Thomas 07 November 2016 (has links)
Un des obstacles majeurs de la recherche en neurosciences est la difficulté d’accéder de manière directe au fonctionnement du cerveau afin de comprendre les mécanismes biologiques à l’origine des dysfonctionnements cérébraux dans les troubles psychiatriques. En tant qu’extension anatomique et développementale du système nerveux central, la rétine pourrait permettre d’offrir un accès indirect aux fonctions neurologiques cérébrales. Ainsi, l’investigation de la fonction rétinienne apporte l’unique opportunité d’étudier de manière objective un réseau neuronal complexe présentant des similarités avec celui du cerveau. Le cannabis est une substance neurotoxique identifiée comme modulant la transmission synaptique cérébrale par l’intermédiaire du système cannabinoïde mais les mécanismes précis à l’origine de ces anomalies sont peu connus. La première partie de ce travail consiste à présenter les bases neurobiologiques et les hypothèses physiopathologiques justifiant l’étude de la fonction rétinienne chez les usagers de cannabis, en se basant sur la présence du système cannabinoïde dans la rétine et son implication dans la régulation de la libération synaptique de neurotransmetteurs. La seconde partie discute l’intérêt de l’étude de la fonction rétinienne dans la recherche en psychiatrie avec des méthodes électrophysiologiques. Enfin, la dernière partie présente les dysfonctions rétiniennes présentes chez les usagers de cannabis, après un usage aigu ou régulier, évaluées par les techniques électrophysiologiques comme l’électrorétinogramme. Toutes ces données renforcent la pertinence de la rétine comme site d’investigation du cerveau et ouvrent éventuellement la perspective au développement de marqueurs fonctionnels / One of major obstacles in neuroscience research is the difficulty of directly accessing the brain function to understand the biological mechanisms underlying brain dysfunctions in psychiatric disorders. As an anatomical and developmental extension of the central nervous system, the retina could afford to offer an indirect access to brain neurological functions. Investigating the retinal function provides the unique opportunity to study in an objective way a complex neuronal network which shares similar properties with the brain. Cannabis is a neurotoxic substance identified as modulating brain synaptic transmission through the cannabinoid system, but the precise mechanisms underpinning these anomalies are poorly understood. The first part of this work is dedicated to present the neurobiological basis and pathophysiological hypotheses justifying the study of retinal function in cannabis users and is based on the presence of the cannabinoid system in the retina and its involvement in the regulation of synaptic neurotransmission. The second part discusses the interest of the study of retinal function with electrophysiological methods in psychiatric research. The last part presents the retinal dysfunctions detected in cannabis users, after acute or regular use, and assessed by electrophysiological techniques such as electroretinogram. All these data reinforce the relevance of the retina as a site of brain investigation and possibly open the prospect for the development of functional markers
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Uso de substâncias psicoativas por motoristas profissionais no Estado de São Paulo / Psychoactive substances use by profesional drivers in São Paulo StateSinagawa, Daniele Mayumi 31 March 2015 (has links)
No mundo os acidentes de trânsito são responsáveis pela morte de aproximadamente 1,2 milhão de pessoas por ano. No Brasil, em 2014, foram mais de 44 mil óbitos no trânsito. O uso de substâncias psicoativas na direção é considerado um importante fator contribuinte para a ocorrência destes acidentes. Além do álcool, as drogas ilícitas mais utilizadas em nosso país são a anfetamina, a cocaína e a cannabis. As anfetaminas e a cocaína são utilizadas por motoristas de caminhão, que consomem para se manterem acordados por muitas horas e estão propensos a dormir ao volante. Portanto, há necessidade de conhecer o problema para que as autoridades competentes possam implementar políticas públicas relacionadas ao uso de drogas por motoristas e assim, minimizar os acidentes de trânsito no Brasil. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência do uso de substâncias psicoativas (anfetaminas, cocaína e cannabis) entre motoristas de caminhão que trafegavam em rodovias do Estado de São Paulo, através de análises toxicológicas em urina e correlacionar com dados sociodemográficos e ocupacionais. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional do tipo transversal e a coleta dos dados foi realizada entre os anos de 2008 e 2012. Participaram do estudo 1.316 motoristas que, após assinarem o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e responderem a um questionário sobre dados sociodemográficos e ocupacionais, forneceram uma amostra de urina. Essas amostras foram analisadas por imunoensaio e por cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Resultados: Das amostras coletadas, 7,8% (n=103) apresentaram resultados positivos para uma ou mais drogas pesquisadas e/ou seus metabólitos, dos quais 3,4% foram resultados positivos para anfetamina, 2,8% para cocaína e 1,1% para cannabis. O 0,5% restante correspondeu aos casos com mais de uma droga. Com exceção do ano de 2008, as três drogas pesquisadas foram encontradas em todos os anos da pesquisa. Os resultados das análises toxicológicas se distribuíram de formas distintas de acordo com algumas variáveis: a idade, o tempo de profissão e o estado civil estiveram associados com o uso de drogas, enquanto o vínculo empregatício, a etnia e a escolaridade não apresentaram associação. Em relação à viagem, estiveram associados ao consumo de drogas a distância e o tempo de descanso noturno. O descanso diurno, o tempo total e o viajado, as horas de direção sem descanso, o número de ocupantes e o tipo de carga não apresentaram correlações significativas com o uso de drogas. Também não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre o consumo de drogas e doenças como hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus e estresse, nem com a prática de atividades físicas. Por outro lado, essa associação foi encontrada com o consumo de álcool, referido pelos caminhoneiros. Conclusão: os resultados indicam o uso de substâncias psicoativas por caminhoneiros e que este uso está associado com a idade, o tempo de profissão e o estado civil, assim como com a distância percorrida e o tempo de descanso noturno / Traffic accidents are responsible for approximately 1.2 million deaths per year worldwide. In Brazil, there were more than 44,000 traffic-related deaths in 2014. The use of psychoactive substances while driving is considered a major contributing factor to the occurrence of these accidents. In addition to alcohol, the most used illicit drugs in our country are amphetamines, cocaine and cannabis. Amphetamines and cocaine are commonly used by truck drivers to stay awake for several hours because they are likely to sleep while driving. Therefore, it is necessary to understand better this problem in order to help authorities implement public policies related to drug use by drivers and thus minimize traffic accidents in Brazil. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of psychoactive substance (amphetamines, cocaine and cannabis) use among truck drivers in the highways of the State of Sao Paulo by toxicological analysis in urine and to correlate it with sociodemographic and occupational data. Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional study in which data collection was carried out between 2008 and 2012. This study included 1,316 drivers who provided a urine sample after signing a consent form and answering to a questionnaire with sociodemographic and occupational data. The urine samples were analyzed by immunoassay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results: Of the total samples collected, 7.8% (n = 103) were positive for one or more tested drugs and/or its metabolites, with 3.4% positive for amphetamine, 2.8% for cocaine and 1.1% for cannabis. The remaining 0.5% corresponded to cases with more than one drug. The three drugs were found during most of the study period, except in 2008. Toxicological findings were distributed differently according to some variables: age, employment period and marital status were associated with drug use, while the employment type, ethnicity and education were not. Travel length and night rest period were also associated with drug use. Daytime rest period, travel length period, driving time without rest, number of occupants and freight content did not correlate significantly with drug use. In addition, there was no statistically significant association between consumption of drugs and diseases (such as hypertension, diabetes and stress) or physical activity. However, the association between alcohol use (reported by truck drivers) and drug use was found. Conclusion: The results indicate that the use of psychoactive substances by truck drivers is common and this use is associated with age, employment period and marital status, as well as distance traveled and night rest period
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Fumaça na nuvem: a busca por \'maconha\' no Google e no Facebook / Smoke in the cloud: the search for pot on Facebook and GoogleLang, Marina 29 January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe um estudo sobre o interesse dos usuários de internet na Cannabis sativa, ou maconha, a partir da recuperação de buscas de usuários no sistema Google e sobre discussões na comunidade virtual do Facebook Quebrando o Tabu. O texto é dividido em três partes: na primeira, se apresenta a história da cannabis no Brasil e no mundo; na segunda, são expostos os mecanismos de buscas e as redes sociais; na terceira, há aplicações das metodologias propostas. Nesta última parte, usam-se dados do mecanismo de busca e análise de discurso da comunidade para traçar as especificidades dos usuários de internet na pesquisa e discussão sobre a maconha no Brasil. Deseja-se, de tal modo, contribuir para o debate acadêmico com a incorporação de análise e dados, além da reflexão sobre questões de legalização e descriminalização da cannabis no país. / This dissertation proposes a study about the interest of internet users on Cannabis sativa (also known as marijuana), based on the retrieval of search query logs in Google system and about the discussion on the Facebook page named Quebrando o Tabu. The text is composed of three parts: the first one presents the history of Cannabis in Brazil and around the world; the second one shows both search engine and social media; the third one develops the proposed methodologies. This last part uses search engine data and discourse analysis to set the distinctiveness of Brazilian internet users into research and discussion about Cannabis. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the academic debate by embodying data and analysis into the reflection about legalization and decriminalization of marijuana in Brazil.
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