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Teacher attitudes toward IT and IT-use : A case study of four teachers of English using IT in Swedish Compulsory SchoolWerngren, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Abstract Through an analysis of four case-studies, this essay aims to provide some recent data related to what extent information technology (IT) and ICT-tools are used in schools. It takes a closer look at some of the problems teachers can encounter in connection with computers, lap-tops, tablets and so on. The focus of the essay has been placed mainly on answering questions related to two areas; • What kind of attitudes do teachers express toward IT and its use? • How does the reality involving IT and IT-use actually look like in schools? The methodology used to acquire the information was based on R. H. Bernard's format for semi-structured interviews. Further, the study also brings up issues that can be worthwhile to elaborate on, and, how to better predict the future of IT in schools. Two factors were brought into view that seems vital to deal with in order for computers and IT to function well in a school-setting: • A sufficient quantity of the technological tools that are implemented • Access to updated and professional training in the tools being used This study also confirmed that IT in school is still very much characterized by trials, errors and experimenting, much like University professor Säljö stated eleven years ago. (Säljö, 2002)
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Is Problem-Based Learning (PBL) An Effective Teaching Method? : A Study Based on Existing Research / Är PBL en effektiv undervisningsmetod? : En studie baserad på existerande forskningPagander, Lisa, Read, Jason January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the empirical research supporting the effectiveness, orineffectiveness of PBL as a teaching method. Secondly, if PBL is an effective method, what does researchsay about the relevance of PBL in connection to the Swedish secondary school curriculum. We took an indepth,critical look at the existing research to find any commonalities or any major contradictory findings.Results show that there is contradictory evidence regarding the effectiveness of PBL as a teachingmethod with the majority of support for PBL coming from the educational medicine field. Results also showthat very little research exists concerning how PBL relates to the guidelines set out in the Swedish Schoolcurriculum (GY11).After presenting the results we discuss the implications that PBL present as a teaching method, aswell as major problems encountered, and how these findings relate to the teaching profession in Sweden.Lastly, we discuss how further research could be beneficial to support the use of PBL.
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Från bärs till brass : En studie om hur skolpersonal uppfattar elevers inställning till droger i två kommuner / From booze to wooze : A study on how school staff perceive pupils attitude to drugs in two municipalitiesOlsson, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
The aim for this study is to examine how school personnel perceive adolescents attitude towards drugs and narcotics in general and, in this case, cannabis in particular over a time period of about eleven years. The study focuses on two smaller municipalities to determine whether the previous big city problems of drugs now also effects smaller cities. In the light of a world where cannabis has been liberalized in many countries, both in Europe and America, the question rises of how this will affect the Swedish youth and the Swedish schools. By the two cases examined in this study, one can determine that cannabis has been liberalized in the sense of it being more accepted among the adolescents even if the amount of people using not has risen notably during the examined period. This raises the question what this means for the school personnel, such as mentors, principals and school nurses. In the two cases examined in this study we can determine that the biggest difference in their case is how you must talk to the students about cannabis and how you must present the dangers of using it. Earlier it seems to have been easier to motivate a student not to smoke by mostly talking about how it affects your health negatively. Today, according to some of the respondents, the teachers and other personnel has to be more prepared to face counterargument from students concerning the use of cannabis and whether it is dangerous or not.
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"Vad det hela faller på är flera saker..." : En diskursanalytisk studie utifrån mellanstadielärares utsagor om muntlighetsundervisningen i den svenska skolans svenskämne / “It All Comes Down to Several Things…” : A discourse-analytic study of Swedish intermediate-school teachers’ views on oracy education in the Swedish subjectSöderberg, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to better understand how oracy education is viewed by a selection of active intermediate-school teachers in the school-subject Swedish. Oracy in the intermediate-school level of education is a subject which is rarely researched and this study thus seeks to broaden the base of knowledge available to future studies. Data was gathered through internet-based interview questions sent to respondents from a selection of Swedish schools as well as teacher students. This was then analysed through a discourse-analytic method. Through the use of this method, common themes were identified within many of the respondents’ answers which in turn pointed to some discourses about oracy. What I found was that common topics circled around the pupils and the classroom climate, Oracy in education and time in both a resource- and fairness perspective. These made up for three main discourses in the material: A preparatory-activities discourse concerning how the pupils are to be prepared for oracy education. This was separated into two discussions about: (1) the maturity of the pupils and (2) teaching proper preparation strategies. A benefits discourse centring on how the student benefit from oracy education. The respondents’ statements point towards there being two benefits of oracy education: (1) its role in providing a well-rounded education and (2) it acting towards their own personal maturity as speakers. A resource discourse which addresses the time-aspect of a teacher’s practice. Two main parts of this discourse focused on: (1) how teachers save time by taking notes during oral examination forms and (2) The problems with fairness faced when time constraints force an oral exam to be split into more than one period.
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Skolorna finns inte till för att ge partierna en kampanjarena, snarare tvärtom : Politisk opinionsbildning och politikers verkan/medverkan i svensk grund- och gymnasieskola – Nu och Då (1946-2016) / The purpose of our school system isn´t to give political parties somewhere to campaign; the purpose is rather the opposite : Political opinion forming and politicians prescence at Swedish schools - now and then (1946-2016)Armblad, Robert January 2016 (has links)
This masters’ thesis aim is to find out what has been the historical (1946-2016) and current political and judicial discourse and regulations in Sweden when it comes to political opinion forming and the presence of political parties at Swedish schools and also if the Swedish schools and politicians have been working accordingly to these regulations. By primarily analyzing historical and present curriculums from the Swedish school system and documents from the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman (Justitieombudsmannen) I have found that the discourse and with it the rules and regulations has changed over time. I have also found both historical and present situations when the rules and regulations on the subject have not been applied.
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Digital methods in English Education / Digitala metoder i engelsk undervisningFeldt, Zanna, Mekkelholt, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Our study explores Swedish teachers' experience with digital reading methods during English lessons and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The study is qualitative and based on zoom interviews with four 4-6 English teachers from two different schools. The results show that some students who have problems understanding texts benefitted from being able to listen to the texts with the help of digital tools. However, even if this helps the students, there is the risk of overusing such listening aids. The results also show that the benefits of digital teaching methods outweigh the drawbacks. Most of the negative aspects were about the administration of the programs they used and how the teachers want to control and prevent distractions that come with the use of digital tools.
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Vad kan man egentligen tro? : En läroboksanalys av läroböckers etikavsnitt utifrån breda och tunna etiska begrepp. / What can one actually believe? : A Textbook analysis of the ethics and morals chapter in textbooks using broad and thin ethics.Lejon, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The following essay examines if five Swedish textbooks aimed for religious studies in upper secondary school might show similar flaws to those presented by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate in their review of religious studies conducted in 2012. The method used in this essay is a qualitative study of Swedish textbooks influenced by Lantz definition of wide and thin ethics. This in practice means that I have analysed the five Swedish textbooks using thin and broad ethics while conducting the analysis of the five. The purpose of the essay was to see if the flaws presented in “Mer än vad du kan tro” regarding ethics and moral education might be present in Swedish textbooks as well. My essay shows that four out of the five Swedish textbooks included in the study show signs of the flaws presented in “Mer än vad du kan tro” and that the books apply thin and broad ethics to a varying degree.
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Lärare med förmåga, samarbetsvilja, kunskap och kompetens : En diskursanalys av Skolinspektionens tematiska kvalitetsgranskningar / Teachers with skills, cooperativeness, knowledge, and qualifications : A discourse analysis of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate’s thematical quality auditsGötborg, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Skolinspektionens roll som granskande myndighet och granskningarnas effekter på skola, lärare och undervisning kan studeras från flera olika perspektiv. I denna studie ligger fokus på Skolinspektionens tematiska kvalitetsgranskningar. Med utgångspunkt i en Foucault-inspirerad diskursanalys undersöks vilka diskurser om lärare som konstrueras av Skolinspektionens tematiska kvalitetsgranskningar gällande undervisning i grundskolan mellan år 2014 - 2018? Dessutom diskuteras hur de framträdande diskurserna kan förstås utifrån dess kontext som en del av ett växande granskningssamhälle. Studiens resultat visar att det går att uppfatta tre framträdande diskurser – diskursen om lärarens förmåga, diskursen om lärarens kunskap och kompetens och diskursen om lärarens kollegiala samarbete. Samtliga dessa tre konstrueras som en konsekvens av den mer övergripande diskursen om den framgångsrika undervisningen. I studiens resultatdiskussion problematiseras dessa diskurser när de sätts i relation till det växande granskningssamhället, den marknadsstyrda skolan (genom New Public Management) och skollagens skrivning om utbildning på vetenskaplig grund. I studien argumenteras för att de diskurser som konstrueras i Skolinspektionens skrivningar samtliga bär spår av just dessa tre perspektiv som i studien kallas för diskursiva formationer. / The role of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate as an auditing authority and the effect of the audits on teachers, schools and teaching could be studied from various perspectives. In this study, the thematical quality audits from the Swedish Schools Inspectorate are in focus. Based on a Foucault-inspired discourse analysis, the discourses constructed in the thematical quality audits a regarding compulsory school during the years 2014-2018 are examined. Furthermore, the understanding of the constructed discourses is discussed relative to the audit community being their context. The result of the study shows that three main discourses could be seen as being constructed through the studied material. The discourse about the teacher skills, the discourse about the teacher knowledge and qualifications and the discourse about the teacher cooperativeness. All three are constructed as a consequence of the discourse about the successful teaching. In the study, the three discourses are also discussed relative to the growing audit community, the market-driven school (through New Public Management) and the scientific basis on which all education should be based according to the education act. The study argues that there are traces of these three perspectives in the discourses that are possible to view as constructed in the audits.
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Historiebruk som historiemedvetande i den mångkulturella skolan / Uses of History as Historical Consciousness in the Multicultural SchoolJuth, Simon, Nilsson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
The first aim of this SAG is to present and study three different researchers: Dahl (2021),Thorp (2016) and Johansson (2012) on how the subject of the use of history can beimplemented into history teaching and evolve students' way of thinking towards a betterhistorical consciousness. The second aim of this paper is to reflect on how the term uses ofhistory can be best implemented in a multicultural classroom. The third aim is to determinehow the terms use of history, historical consciousness and multiculturalism is defined inacademic research. To make these definitions we used the researchers Aronsson (2002),Karlsson (1999), Nordgren (2006, 2016), Rüsen (2004), Jeismann (1979), Koselleck (2004),Jensen (2003) and Runblom (2006). The material we have been using are doctoraldissertations and licentiate degrees which have been gathered from the digital platformsResearchgate, ERIC and DiVA. In our paper’s result the focus has been to present and reflectthe theoretical approaches that each researcher has obtained through their respective studiesregarding multicultural education, uses of history and historical consciousness. These resultsbecame the basis of a discussion of advantages and disadvantages regarding the optimal wayto construct an education plan for teachers. In our conclusion we presented the case that noneof the researchers' work was complete in itself and can be used in conjunction with each otherto better create a whole sided perspective on the best plan for history teaching. We also cameto the conclusion that terms uses of history, historical consciousness and multiculturalismcan be defined in a variety of ways. There are some disputes between each researcher in howthe relation between historical consciousness and uses of history can be defined. Thoughmost of them agree that multiculturalism includes a variety of aspects such as normality,individuality and that creation of identity is a big part of the multicultural classroom.
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Why is religious education so difficult to teach? : A textual study of the researchers and the Swedish schools inspectorates’ perspectives on religious education in Sweden / Varför är religionskunskapsämnet så svårt att undervisa? : Ett text studium av forskares och Skolinspektionens perspektiv på religionskunskapsundervisning i SverigeMuir, Hollie January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to examine and discuss the attitudes presented from different players involved in the development of religious education (RE) for upper secondary school in Sweden, and see if and what solutions are presented for solving these problems. A qualitative content analysis was used in order to investigate the different players, the Swedish schools inspectorate and the different researchers involved in the development of RE,attitudes and criticism towards religious education in Sweden.This study has shown that there are many fundamental issues with religious education in Sweden in such areas as different attitudes from both teachers and students towards RE, teachers competence in RE and towards the goal and criteria in the curriculum “outlooks onlife” (Swedish: Livsåskådningar). However, this essay has also proven that there have been no clear solutions presented by any of the players as to solving the issues of RE in Sweden, leaving a gap between schools, teachers and the other players involved in the development of religious education in Sweden.
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