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Jung's Answer to Job : a question of interpretationCoonan, Patricia M. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Sexual polarity and some implications for christian theology : a Jungian viewLysack, Michael David January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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The Enduring Mythological Role of the Anonymous Source Deep ThroatHamilton, Shana Lyris 02 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Deep Throat is one of the most famous anonymous newspaper sources in American journalism. He is known for helping Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the Watergate scandal that led to President Richard Nixon's impeachment and resignation in 1974. Deep Throat's identity was a source of curiosity until he was revealed in 2005 as the former number two figure at the FBI, William Mark Felt. This thesis will show that, despite Felt's notoriety, Deep Throat was not an indispensable part of Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate coverage, speaking with Woodward 16 times about Watergate during the reporters' coverage. Deep Throat was important to the Watergate story because he kept it alive. Deep Throat inspired numerous publications, which all served to create his mythic status. Many attempted to guess his true identity, although Woodward and Bernstein refused to confirm most guesses. An enduring Deep Throat legacy is that his nickname has become synonymous with deep background - a source that cannot be quoted or named. There was no clear consensus as to how people felt about Felt's role as Deep Throat. There were many negative and positive reactions when he revealed himself. His family sided with him; Nixon associates were unhappy with him. However, more than 30 years after the Watergate scandal, Deep Throat was still big news. No matter what people thought about him, they paid attention and they knew the story.
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Nostalgia: Movement and Stasis in Contemporary American PoetryHay, Rebecca Cecilia 14 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A remarkable amount of award-winning contemporary American poetry incorporates nostalgia as a prominent idea discussed. This poetry appears to use nostalgia as means to a greater end. In other words, nostalgia, while a dominant theme within different works, is more a way to treat concepts such as representation and memory, more so than the work being an actual commentary on nostalgia itself. Given the poetry's predominant concept, it seems poets such as Carl Dennis, Natasha Trethewey and Ted Kooser could be representative of a literary historical moment. This moment is one which comments heavily on the past's presence within the present. While each poet's writing is heavily influenced by nostalgia, I posit the theory that these poets are speaking to a greater literary historical moment found in both the literature itself as well as current trends in literary theory. It is not that these poets are writing to a specific theory, rather, their Pulitzer-prize winning poetry is rooted in a trend of yearning for the past. As overt a connection between contemporary poetry's treatment of nostalgia and nostalgia theory itself, little, if any, literary criticism has connected these two. In his essay "Theorizing Nostalgia Isn't What It Used to Be," Paul Grainge contends, "Since the late 1980s, when memory became a topic of concerted critical interest, nostalgia has been taken up in critiques of reactionary conservatism, in accounts of retro phenomena, in relation to the growing memorial tendencies in Europe and America, and as central to particular theories of postmodernism" (20). Grainge continues on to describe two forms nostalgia takes: "mood" and "mode." Similarly, Svetlana Boym suggests nostalgia as either "reflective" or "restorative" (41). This type of current scholarship addressing nostalgia seems to set up a nostalgic reading of texts as more the end game of the literature—the literature is nostalgic. However, if literature then ends as only nostalgic, there seems to be a lack of nostalgic theory's breadth. Dennis, Trethewey and Kooser all address this gap through their poetry—expanding the notion of nostalgia as being more the vehicle leading one through the landscape of memory. Suggesting nostalgia as merely reflective or restorative, as Boym and Grainge have done, seems to create a sense of nostalgia as stagnant rather than as a dynamic movement within the literature, and even the act of recollection itself. The three poets addressed in my project all suggest at some level that this residue of the past can lead one to see that perhaps experience itself delights in memory. Furthermore, nostalgia's dependence upon present memory indicates not just a longing for the past, but rather the past's presence in the present. The act of remembering serves as a type of catalyst which transforms memories to manifestations in present circumstance.
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Nature of science i skolans tidigare år - Intervjuer med lärare som integrerat Linnés 300-årsjubileumCarlberg, Anna, Myrup, Lisa January 2008 (has links)
För att alla elever ska kunna uppnå scientific literacy bör man utgå från barnens erfarenheter där naturorienterade ämnen, NO, knyts till ett sammanhang – en kontext. I kontexten synliggörs naturvetenskapens mänskliga sida, och därmed visa att NO är mer än fakta. Elever behöver lära om naturvetenskapen, vilket kallas nature of science, NOS. Vårt syfte är att ta reda på hur lärare aktualiserar nature of science genom ett Linné-tema. I vår kvalitativa studie har vi intervjuat åtta lärare som undervisar i grundskolans tidigare år om deras tankar kring undervisning om naturvetenskapen. De visar ingen didaktisk medvetenhet om NOS men tillämpar det i stor utsträckning i ett temaarbete kring Linné-året 2007. I en analys (efter Lederman 2004) visar vi att de konkretiserar de mänskliga aspekterna av naturvetenskapen så att eleverna får uppleva hur en forskare arbetar. / Enabling all pupils to acquire scientific literacy it is suggested to start from their experiences, where science content will make sense within the context. In this context it is of importance that the human aspect of Science is shown, making it is possible to show that science isn’t merely facts. Pupils are in need of learning about Science, called nature of science, NOS. Our task is to find out how teachers pursue nature of science in inquiry based education on Carl Linnaeus. In the qualitative study we interviewed eight teachers in early primary school on their thoughts on teaching about Science. They do not show any didactic awareness of NOS though they use it in large extent in working with Linnaeus. In analysis (from Lederman 2004), we can show that teachers engage in the humanistic aspect of science, in which pupils experiences the work of a scientist.
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KojanStenbäck, Carl Gustav January 2018 (has links)
I mitt projekt ville jag använda mig av den skogsmark som finns på och runtom tomten. Jag ville att den nya skolan skulle integrera med skogen. Skolan i skogen, eller skogen i skolan. En skolvardag uppe bland träden och nere i marknivå. I utformningen och planeringen inspererades jag av "kojan" och hade ambitionen att byggnaden skulle vara en fridfull, men samtidigt en lekfull och inspirerande plats som ska kunna ge energi och motivation till eleverna. I utformningen så har ambitionen varit att skapa platser för koncentration, men också platser som ska gynna kreativiteten. I byggnaden finner man också genomgående element hämtat från "kojans" kvaliteter såsom "kryp in", "uppe bland träden", växtlighet, klättra. Materialet är helt i trä. Konstruktionen är pelare och balkar, där taket består av trianglar i diamant struktur som böljar genom hela byggnaden. Detta för att skapa en spänning, dynamik, lekfullhet, energi och en ambition att hitta ett intressant förhållningssätt till "kojan" och naturens formspråk.
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A Comparative Analysis of the Concept of Individuality in the Thought of C.G Jung and Sri AurobindoMarsh, Richard Putnam 01 January 1959 (has links) (PDF)
Various issues engage the attention of thinkers during various eras in history. Among those which have occupied commentators on the contemporary state of humanity are the problem of individuality--its origin, its nature, its significance for mankind as a whole--and a problem not unrelated to this: namely, the question of what may result from a cross fertilization of Eastern and Western ways of thought
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A Hegelian Catholic? Carl Schmitt between concrete order and political theologyShaw, Carson J. 05 February 2024 (has links)
This dissertation’s aim is to evaluate the Hegelian and Catholic foundations of Carl Schmitt’s National Socialist theory of law. In 1934 Schmitt called his theory “concrete order thinking,” in contrast to both normative and decisionist theories of law. On the one hand, Schmitt positively described Hegel’s state as a “concrete order of orders” where corporations mediated between state and civil society. Despite the incompatibility of the National Socialist concepts of the Führer principle and racial identity with Hegel’s theory, Schmitt saw in the National Socialist triadic structure (State, Movement, People) a common Hegelian heritage that overcomes the dualistic principles of state vs. civil society found in liberalism. On the other hand, going beyond this Hegelian heritage, Schmitt affirmed that a defense of concrete orders requires maintaining the proper distinction between a pluralism of concrete orders and a universalist divine order. After examining the Hegelian National Socialist jurist Karl Larenz’ view that Schmitt’s concrete order theory is made more coherent by rejecting an eternal divine order, I entertain the alternative hypothesis that the Catholic perspective makes concrete order theory more coherent. Under this hypothesis, I explore the political theology in Schmitt’s earlier writings and those of his Catholic contemporaries, where appeal is made to an analogy of proportionality between church and state as “perfect societies” to uphold the distinction between divine order and plural human “concrete orders.” I argue that this appeal excessively separates divine and concrete orders and fails to see them as united through an analogy of image and archetype. At this juncture I turn to corrective supplements by Schmitt’s contemporaries who explicitly emphasized the need to conjoin church and state more intrinsically. The most promising such avenue emphasizes the paradigm of Christ as a model for the relation of church and state. Once this Christological framework is affirmed, the immanence of the Führer principle and Hegelian state personality, as well as the separation entailed in analogy of proportionality, must fall away as incompatible with concrete order thinking. To some extent Schmitt recognizes this framework himself, but it is, I argue, insufficiently articulated and leaves his thought incomplete.
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Democratizing the Criminal: Jury Nullification as Exercise of Sovereign Discretion over the Friend-Enemy DistinctionDelaune, Timothy A. 01 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines jury nullification - the ability of American juries in particular criminal cases to ignore or override valid law to be applied to defendants by acquitting them in cases in which the facts are undisputed or clear - as an exercise of sovereignty over the friend-enemy distinction as those terms are defined by Carl Schmitt. It begins with a biography of Schmitt and a description of his concept of sovereignty as ultimate decisional power. It then discusses sovereignty in the American context, with particular attention to the principles of the Founding and the nature of the fictively constructed American people. It next applies Schmitt's concept of decisional sovereignty to the American context, concluding that sovereignty in America is diffuse, and its exercise by particular governmental actors is to some degree cloaked, and that the sovereignty of the American people, while crucial to the founding moment, is largely latent in ordinary times. This application of Schmitt to sovereignty in America also demonstrates the deep tension between democratic popular sovereignty and rule-of-law liberalism.
The dissertation then turns to Schmitt's understanding of the distinction between friend and enemy as the central political axis, and argues that the criminal in the American context is functionally the enemy, if not the absolute enemy of the polity. It then discusses in detail the mechanics and history of jury nullification, ultimately concluding that jury nullification both operates at the crucial political moment at which enemies are generated (or not) through the application of criminal law to defendants, and is an act of popular sovereignty, intended by the Founders to help preserve a balance between democracy and liberalism by maintaining a central political role for the people.
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Karl Dal’haus, Izbrannye trudy po istorii i teorii muzyki [Ausgewählte Arbeiten über die Geschichte und Theorie der Musik]: , hrsg., aus dem Deutschen übers., mit einem Nachwort versehen und kommentiert von Stepan B. Naumovič, redigiert von Marina Raku, Vorwort von Michael HeinemannMischtschenko, Michail P. 18 November 2022 (has links)
ier drucken die Mitteilungen einen Text ab, der 2019 im vierten Heft der Zeitschrift des Verbands russischer Komponisten, Muzykal’naâ akademiâ (im Englischen bekannt unter dem Titel Music Academy), erschienen ist. Der russische Musikwissenschaftler Michail P. Mischtschenko [Mihail P. Miŝenko] bespricht darin eine Publikation mit bekannten und bedeutenden Texten von Carl Dahlhaus,
die nicht weniger als die erste russischsprachige Ausgabe dieses Materials ist. So unumgänglich Dahlhaus auch in unseren Breitengraden bleibt, zeigt die folgende Besprechung, was für ein Ereignis dieser ‚erste Kontakt’ in Russland ist: Dahlhaus’ Bedeutung steht auch dort außer Frage, aber – wie Mischtschenko zeigt – wird diese Auseinandersetzung unter völlig anderen Vorzeichen geführt; nicht zuletzt solchen Vorzeichen, die von den Nachwirkungen des Kalten Kriegs zeugen.
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