201 |
Agroneg?cio e redes territoriais urbano-rurais: Plantio comercial de eucalipto por produtores neorrurais em Valen?a-RJ. / Agribusiness and urban-rural area networks: commercial planting of eucalyptus producers neorrurais in Valen?a/RJ.Silva, Thiago Lucas da 06 May 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-17T14:41:25Z
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2011 - Thiago Lucas Alves da Silva.pdf: 6733852 bytes, checksum: 8d95823b573c83ccacdd750dea8233f3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T14:41:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011 - Thiago Lucas Alves da Silva.pdf: 6733852 bytes, checksum: 8d95823b573c83ccacdd750dea8233f3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-05-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / During the last few years, Rio de Janeiro state has been a special place for the trying of expansion
of eucalyptus commercial plantation, stimulated mostly by paper and cellulose and steel companies
and by other wood requesting ones. This way, the aim of this research was to discuss the expansion
of eucalyptus plantation for commercial ends in the city of Valen?a, which is located in Medio
Para?ba region. That region is considered one of the most dynamic regions of the state because it
has an important metal-mechanic pole, a great transport logistic and because it is between the most
important metropolis (S?o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) in Brazil (FUSCO, 2003; MARAFON, 2005).
That region, despite of its strong urban-industrial character, has a state very significant cattle rising,
specially related to milk, which is mostly developed in the city of Valen?a, our empiric research
space limit, considering the ranges of Rio de Janeiro state (MADAN?LO, 2008). However, in the
opposite direction of the tendencies of eucalyptus plantation expansion in other states, especially the
ones which has limits with Rio de Janeiro (ES, SP and MG), we have observed in Valen?a an
increasing of eucalyptus plantation which is not associated to the great urban-industrial enterprises,
which are, the great paper and cellulose or steel companies. From this on, capitalized new-rural
producers have been important social actors for the development of that form/content of expansion
for the eucalyptus plantation, using the demand for wood from the companies in the region, the
activities related to the urban space and also the local agro-business itself. Such social phenomenon
in course, analyzed in our previous researches, seems singular to us up to this moment, specially
related to previous researches in the range of Social Sciences. That is why we used numerous of
theoretical references, articulating and using concepts ? territory, net, urban-rural relation, agrobusiness ? as guidelines for our interpretation. / Nos ?ltimos anos, o estado do Rio de Janeiro tem sido palco da tentativa de expans?o do plantio
comercial de eucalipto, incentivado em grande parte pelas empresas do setor de papel e celulose,
sider?rgicas e outras demandantes de madeira. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi
discutir a expans?o do cultivo de eucalipto para fins comerciais no munic?pio de Valen?a, situado na
Regi?o do M?dio Para?ba. Esta regi?o ? considerada uma das mais din?micas do estado, pois possui
um importante polo metal-mec?nico, uma ?tima log?stica de transportes e est? entre as metr?poles
(S?o Paulo e Rio de Janeiro) mais importantes do pa?s (FUSCO, 2003; MARAFON, 2005). Esta
regi?o, apesar de ter um forte car?ter urbano-industrial, possui ainda uma pecu?ria bastante
significativa numa escala estadual, especialmente no que se refere ? pecu?ria leiteira, que tem no
munic?pio de Valen?a, nosso recorte espacial emp?rico, o seu maior produtor (MADAN?LO, 2008).
Por?m, na contram?o das tend?ncias de expans?o da monocultura do eucalipto em outros estados,
notadamente os que fazem divisa com o Rio de Janeiro (Esp?rito Santo, S?o Paulo e Minas Gerais)
temos observado em Valen?a/RJ um crescimento do plantio de eucalipto n?o associado aos grandes
empreendimentos urbano-industriais; ou seja: as grandes empresas do setor celul?sico-papeleiro ou
sider?rgicas. Com isso, produtores neorrurais capitalizados t?m sido importantes atores sociais no
desenvolvimento dessa forma/conte?do de expans?o do plantio de eucalipto, se valendo da
demanda de madeira por parte das industriais da regi?o, de atividades ligadas ao espa?o urbano,
mas tamb?m do pr?prio agroneg?cio local. Tal fen?meno social em curso e por n?s pesquisado nos
parece bastante singular at? o presente momento, principalmente no que se refere ? realiza??o de
pesquisas anteriores, no ?mbito das Ci?ncias Sociais. Por isso, lan?amos m?o de uma gama de
referenciais te?ricos, articulando e utilizando territ?rio, rede, rela??o urbano-rural e agroneg?cio
como conceitos norteadores da nossa interpreta??o.
202 |
Efeito do exerc??cio vibrat??rio e cicloergom??trico sobre diferentes sistemas corporais em jovens sedent??riasSilva, Rog??rio Wagner da 01 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-06T11:49:41Z
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RogerioWagnerdaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 2085584 bytes, checksum: 26857f1b5fc2d61521d37f92336f20dd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-06T11:49:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
RogerioWagnerdaSilvaTese2016.pdf: 2085584 bytes, checksum: 26857f1b5fc2d61521d37f92336f20dd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-01 / For some time it has become common to use the whole body vibration training (IVC)
for its benefits in a short period of time per session. This study evaluated the changes
introduced in the body composition, bone mineral density, in hematological variables
and the interleukins IL2, IL4, IL6, IL10, IFN-?? and TNF-??; resulting from training
sessions and detraining after physical exercise in vibrating platform and a stationary
bike. The final sample of 26 young sedentary women after divided into two groups:
Vibration Group (GV) age 20.77 ?? 2.86 years and body mass index (BMI) 22.72 ??
3.67 and Ergometry Group (GE) aged 20.62 ?? 4.35 years and body mass index (BMI)
21.31 ?? 4.18, both performed two distinct training programs, with 06 weeks of
exercises and 06 weeks of detraining. Assessment and reassessment was carried
out in three stages (T1, T2 and T3) predetermined to evaluate the changes in
parameters that could be the result of conducted training. After compilation and
analysis of data, significant changes in body composition were observed in bone
mineral density, even in white blood count series. Significant response (p <0.050) in
the collection times were identified in both groups for the variables: Hemoglobin and
MCH; also we observed strong tendency to MCHC. Were also detected changes to
IL2 was identified significant alteration being T1 and T2 (P <0.011) and between T1-
T3 (P <0.003). While IFN-?? the major change came only between T1 and T2 (P
<0.003). The results for IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-?? has been found that these
cytokines have different responses according to the type of physical activity
undertaken between groups (GV x EG) and also over time (T1, T2 and T3). These
results lead us to conclude that there is physiological adaptation to training and
detraining independent of the type of exercise performed. / H?? algum tempo tem se tornado comum ?? utiliza????o do treinamento de vibra????o de
corpo inteiro (VCI) por seus benef??cios em um curto per??odo de tempo por sess??o.
Este estudo avaliou as altera????es promovidas na composi????o corporal, na
densidade mineral ??ssea, nas vari??veis hematol??gicas e nas interleucinas IL2, IL4,
IL6, IL10, IFN-?? e T NF-??; resultantes de sess??es de treinamento e do
destreinamento ap??s o exerc??cio f??sico realizado em plataforma vibrat??ria e bicicleta
ergom??trica. A amostra final foi de 26 mulheres jovens e sedent??rias que depois de
divididas em dois grupos: Grupo Vibra????o (GV) idade 20,77 ?? 2,86 anos e ??ndice de
Massa Corporal (IMC) 22,72 ?? 3,67 e Grupo Ergometria (GE) idade 20,62 ?? 4,35
anos e ??ndice de Massa Corporal (IMC) 21,31 ?? 4,18, ambos realizaram dois
programas distintos de treinamento, com 06 semanas de exerc??cios e 06 semanas
de destreinamento. Foi realizada a avalia????o e as reavalia????es em tr??s momentos
(T1,T2 e T3) pr??-determinados para avaliar as altera????es nos par??metros que
pudessem ser resultantes do treinamento realizado. Ap??s a compila????o e analise
dos dados, n??o foram observadas altera????es significativas na composi????o corporal,
na densidade mineral ??ssea, nem mesmo na s??rie branca do hemograma.
Respostas significantes (p < 0.05) nos tempos de coleta foram identificadas em
ambos os grupos para as vari??veis: Hemoglobina e HCM; observamos forte
tend??ncia para CHCM. Tamb??m foram detectadas altera????es para IL2 foi
identificada altera????o significante ente T1 e T2 (P<0,011) e entre T1-T3 (P<0,003).
Enquanto para IFN-?? a altera????o importante apareceu somente entre T1 e T2
(P<0,003). Os resultados para IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 e TNF-?? mostraram que, estas
citocinas inflamat??rias, apresentam respostas diferentes de acordo com o tipo de
atividade f??sica realizada entre os Grupos (GV x GE) e tamb??m ao longo dos tempos
(T1, T2 e T3). Estes resultados nos levam a concluir que existe adapta????o fisiol??gica
ao treinamento e ao destreinamento independente do tipo de exerc??cio f??sico
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O princ?pio da igualdade no direito previdenci?rio brasileiro : uma proposta de distribui??o equ?nime das presta??es previdenci?rias em fun??o do g?neroBoeira, Alex Perozzo 20 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:33:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-20 / O princ?pio da igualdade, norma fundamental do Estado Social Democr?tico brasileiro, assume especial relevo quando se analisa o modelo de distribui??o de benef?cios previdenci?rios em fun??o do g?nero. A realiza??o do direito ? previd?ncia social, direito fundamental de segunda dimens?o, deve orientar-se pela isonomia no acesso aos bens jur?dicos, com vistas ? maior concretiza??o poss?vel. A m?xima j? h? muito preconizada de tratar igualmente os iguais e, em consequ?ncia, desigualmente os desiguais exige, na perspectiva material do aludido postulado, que se afira a adequa??o do modelo atual de concess?o de benef?cios previdenci?rios afetados pelo g?nero. As esp?cies previdenci?rias em quest?o - aposentadoria por tempo de contribui??o e aposentadoria por idade - diferenciam homens e mulheres para a sua frui??o, demandando, em s?ntese, trinta e cinco anos de tempo de contribui??o para homens e trinta para mulheres, ou sessenta e cinco anos de idade para homens e sessenta anos para mulheres. Nesse desiderato anal?tico, diversos fatores hist?rico-sociol?gicos e jur?dicos (quer sob o vi?s doutrin?rio, jurisprudencial ou puramente normativo) devem ser sopesados, examinando as mudan?as de paradigma em rela??o ? participa??o e ? integra??o da mulher ?s mais diversas fun??es sociais e conduzindo a um cen?rio de composi??o da igualdade previdenci?ria. As vari?veis demonstram, em ?ltima an?lise, a impropriedade do quadro atual e a consequente disparidade na outorga das aposentadorias a homens e mulheres, segurados do regime geral de previd?ncia social. O crit?rio orientador de qualquer modifica??o no sistema deve convergir para a origem comum do direito envolvido e assumir como norte a raz?o de ser dos direitos fundamentais: a pessoa como valor fundamental, independentemente de sexo ou g?nero. Considerando, ent?o, a experi?ncia da legisla??o anterior a 1991, a possibilidade de recrudescimento das exig?ncias legais, a representatividade econ?mica, a participa??o dessas duas esp?cies de benef?cios no contexto do regime geral de previd?ncia, bem como todas as demais condicionantes que atuam sobre esse direito (? aposentadoria) em forma??o, algumas altera??es normativas podem ser propostas. As sugest?es principiam com a redu??o da idade ou do tempo de contribui??o para homens, perpassam pela majora??o desses requisitos para mulheres e mesclam redu??o para homens com majora??o para mulheres at? o termo m?dio. Prosseguem tamb?m com a formula??o de tabelas de transi??o para a minora??o dos impactos ?s popula??es atingidas, contemplando ainda a eleva??o dos atuais limites de idade e de tempo de contribui??o e facultando, ao final, a aplica??o das novas regras apenas para novos segurados.
204 |
Modelagem computacional da intera??o entre discord?ncias parciais a 90 graus e a superf?cie (111) do sil?cioOLIVEIRA, Arnaldo Cesar Almeida 31 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-13T20:23:03Z
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2014 - Arnaldo Cesar Almeida Oliveira.pdf: 1706735 bytes, checksum: e15df5900be5e8087531ffa6a80e066e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-13T20:23:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2014 - Arnaldo Cesar Almeida Oliveira.pdf: 1706735 bytes, checksum: e15df5900be5e8087531ffa6a80e066e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-10-31 / CAPES / Understanding the structural properties of dislocations is essential since these defects govern the processes plastic deformation of materials. Particularly in semiconductors, these studies are important given the relevance of these materials for microelectronics. In this work, our focus will be the 90o partial dislocations in silicon. For the theoretical study of atomic-scale crystal dislocations, we use simulations based on semi-empirical quantum-mechanical methods closely linked to the tight-binding treatment, since it considers in its formulation that crystalline electronic states can be described in terms of atomic orbitals: Density Matrix Method Tight-Binding Order-N (DMTB). This method has a low computational cost which allows us to work with very large systems atoms in structures representation -including thousands of sites. In short, we describe how to produce and represent the 90o partial dislocations in Si, we consider three models for its core structure: a unreconstructed where the atoms have an almost fivefold coordination; a model reconstructed with period equal to the perfect lattice; and a model with twice period comparing with the perfect lattice. Finally, we calculate the range in energy of the system with the distance between the dislocations and the free surface of Si. / Compreender as propriedades estruturais de discord?ncias cristalinas ? fundamental uma vez que estes defeitos governam os processos de deforma??o pl?stica em materiais. Particularmente em semicondutores, esses estudos s?o importantes dada a relev?ncia desses materiais para a microeletr?nica. Neste trabalho nosso foco ser?o as discord?ncias cristalinas parciais a 90o em sil?cio. Para o estudo te?rico em escala at?mica das discord?ncias cristalinas, usamos simula??es baseadas em metodologias quanto-mec?nicas semi-emp?ricas atrav?s de um m?todo intimamente ligado ao tratamento tight-binding, uma vez que considera em sua formula??o que os estados eletr?nicos cristalinos podem ser descritos em termos de orbitais at?micos: M?todo da Matriz Densidade Tight-Binding de Ordem-N (DMTB). Este m?todo tem um custo computacional baixo o que permite que trabalhemos com sistemas muito grandes de ?tomos na representa??o das estruturas ? com milhares de s?tios inclusive. Em suma, descrevemos como produzir e representar as discord?ncias parciais a 90o em Si consideramos tr?s modelos para sua estrutura de caro?o: um n?o reconstru?do onde os ?tomos possuem uma coordena??o quase qu?ntupla; um modelo reconstru?do com per?odo igual ao per?odo da rede perfeita; e um modelo com per?odo dobrado em rela??o ao da rede perfeita. Por fim, calculamos a varia??o da energia do sistema com a dist?ncia entre as discord?ncias e a superf?cie livre do Si.
205 |
Problemas ambientais e econ?mico-sociais do monocultivo de eucalipto em Concei??o da Barra (Norte do Esp?rito Santo) / Environmental and socio-economic problems related to the monoculture of eucalyptus trees in Concei??o da Barra (North of Esp?rito Santo)SALGADO, Iliany Maria 07 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-18T18:21:30Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
2015 - Iliany Maria Salgado.pdf: 52312576 bytes, checksum: 03fb11d7c71832fb496baf3f93018dcd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-18T18:21:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2015 - Iliany Maria Salgado.pdf: 52312576 bytes, checksum: 03fb11d7c71832fb496baf3f93018dcd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-07 / This research has as its main objective to introduce and analyze the environmental and socio-economic problems that have taken place in Concei??o da Barra - a city situated in the north region of Esp?rito Santo State - as a consequence of introduction of an exhaustively debated and quite controversial economic activity ? the monoculture of eucalyptus trees. The theme approach is based on a case study from Concei??o da Barra, which will update and complement the discussions presented in 1995 as subject of the author?s dissertation, as requirement for Master's Degree in Environmental and Forest Science at UFRRJ. This compendium introduces a real and updated socio-economic profile of the city of Concei??o da Barra, along with its environmental status and the performance of reforestation companies present in the area like ?FIBRIA? and ?SUZANO PAPEL e CELULOSE?. This research intends to resume the study of the area analyzed twenty years ago and to investigate, with the use of a more advanced methodology, the present features of the eucalyptus monoculture in Concei??o da Barra, as well as the environmental and socio-economic problems derived from such economic activity. It aims to compare past and present Concei??o da Barra contexts and to identify whether the problems detected in the past have been solved, whether new environmental practices have been adopted for the promotion of sustainable development, and whether all the demands related to improving the population's life quality have been met by the reforestation companies in the area. Two pieces of field research have taken place in Concei??o da Barra for data inventory. As for the methodology, qualitative research was selected. We interviewed representatives of the local political community, Town Hall workers, social activists, leaders of ?quilombola? communities, rural producers fostering reforestation, and also employees of reforestation companies living in rural and urban areas. The results obtained signal to the monoculture of eucalyptus trees as being a true originator of serious problems in Concei??o da Barra from environmental and socio-economic points of view, and reinforced the hypothesis that in the two last decades, new circumstances have aggravated the scenario causing a decadence process to the city. / A proposta deste trabalho de pesquisa constitui-se, primordialmente, em apresentar e analisar os problemas ambientais e econ?mico-sociais ocorridos no munic?pio de Concei??o da Barra - localizado no norte do estado do Esp?rito Santo - em decorr?ncia da introdu??o de uma atividade econ?mica bastante discutida atualmente e geradora de v?rias pol?micas - o monocultivo de eucalipto. A abordagem da tem?tica ser? feita a partir de um estudo de caso do respectivo munic?pio, que atualizar? e complementar? as discuss?es desenvolvidas na disserta??o apresentada pela autora em 1995, na UFRRJ, como requisito obrigat?rio para a finaliza??o do curso de Mestrado em Ci?ncias Ambientais e Florestais. O comp?ndio mostrar? o perfil s?cio econ?mico atual e ver?dico do Munic?pio de Concei??o da Barra, seu status ambiental e a atua??o das empresas reflorestadoras que trabalham na ?rea: FIBRIA e SUZANO PAPEL e CELULOSE. Os objetivos pretendidos com a pesquisa ? retomar a ?rea estudada h? vinte anos e investigar, com metodologia mais avan?ada, as caracter?sticas atuais do monocultivo de eucalipto no munic?pio de Concei??o da Barra e os problemas ambientais e econ?mico-sociais derivados dessa atividade econ?mica, comparando a atual conjuntura ambiental e econ?mico-social de Concei??o da Barra com o cen?rio constatado e analisado h? duas d?cadas, buscando identificar se os dist?rbios, outrora detectados, foram solucionados; se novas pr?ticas ambientais foram adotadas para a promo??o do desenvolvimento sustent?vel e se todas as demandas, pertinentes ? melhoria da qualidade de vida da popula??o do munic?pio, foram atendidas pelas empresas reflorestadoras que operam na ?rea. Foram realizados dois trabalhos de campo no Munic?pio de Concei??o da Barra para a execu??o do invent?rio de dados. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, com a realiza??o de conversas e entrevistas consistentes com representantes da pol?tica local, funcion?rios da Prefeitura Municipal, participantes dos movimentos sociais que agem no munic?pio, lideran?as das comunidades quilombolas, agricultores, produtores rurais participantes do fomento florestal e diversos habitantes do meio rural, empregados das reflorestadoras e alguns habitantes do espa?o urbano. Os resultados obtidos sinalizam que o monocultivo de eucalipto trouxe, verdadeiramente, s?rios problemas para Concei??o da Barra tanto sob o ponto de vista ambiental quanto o econ?mico-social e ratificam a hip?tese de que nas ?ltimas duas d?cadas, novas circunst?ncias agravaram esse cen?rio acarretando uma decad?ncia no munic?pio.
206 |
CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICERS EVOLVING ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES "From Operational to Strategic"Aluebhosele, Dandy, Anobah, George January 2009 (has links)
<p>The Chief information officer (CIO) position has been seen as very important to every organization; this includes organizations that have either outsourced or Insourced their IT function. Various studies have shown that this role emerged as a critical executive position in most organization which helps to shape organizations strategy. CIO has a major responsibility of aligning IT with business strategy that leads to an organization achieving a higher competitive advantage. This work describeD the various roles of the CIO in organizations with a special focus on IT-business strategy alignment.</p><p>Based on our investigations from previous research, case studies and current interviews with CIOs, we were able to see that the CIO roles are shifting from operational to more strategic one. The CIO is seen to be the bridge between IT strategy and business strategy. As a result of this, they have close collaboration with the CEOs in order to be successful in aligning IT strategy to the business objectives. In view of this, the CIO plays the role of both the chief architect who designs future possibilities for business and the technology provocateur (Intelligent officer) that aligns IT with business.</p>
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CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICERS EVOLVING ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES "From Operational to Strategic"Aluebhosele, Dandy, Anobah, George January 2009 (has links)
The Chief information officer (CIO) position has been seen as very important to every organization; this includes organizations that have either outsourced or Insourced their IT function. Various studies have shown that this role emerged as a critical executive position in most organization which helps to shape organizations strategy. CIO has a major responsibility of aligning IT with business strategy that leads to an organization achieving a higher competitive advantage. This work describeD the various roles of the CIO in organizations with a special focus on IT-business strategy alignment. Based on our investigations from previous research, case studies and current interviews with CIOs, we were able to see that the CIO roles are shifting from operational to more strategic one. The CIO is seen to be the bridge between IT strategy and business strategy. As a result of this, they have close collaboration with the CEOs in order to be successful in aligning IT strategy to the business objectives. In view of this, the CIO plays the role of both the chief architect who designs future possibilities for business and the technology provocateur (Intelligent officer) that aligns IT with business.
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Faculty Senate Minutes December 7, 2015University of Arizona Faculty Senate 26 January 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
209 |
A articula??o da instrumentalidade no exerc?cio profissional do assistente social em Natal/RNCortes, Sarah Tavares 26 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
SarahTC_DISSERT.pdf: 3482770 bytes, checksum: df0e9c6516c155935154cb058bac629a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-06-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Presents the discussion of practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality (formative; theoretical and intellectual; investigative; technical-instrumental; and ethical-political) Social Work from research in social and occupational areas in which they operate social workers in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. Chapters expose positions, experiences and reality of the respondents and the theoretical constructs and analytical, to understand: the evaluation of the training process, relating the teaching practice, the role of knowledge and the importance of research in professional practice of social workers, the seizure of technical-instrumental dimension, articulating demands, duties, powers and instruments, as elements that comprise it, and finally the ethical-political dimension, discussing the challenges of ethics and materialization of the ethical-political in daily work. In this sense, the dissertation sought add to production and academic debate about the work of the social worker, as well as contribute to their own professional practice, revealing how professionals articulate the practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality in their daily work / Apresenta o debate das dimens?es pr?tico-sociais que comp?em a instrumentalidade (formativa, te?rico-intelectual, investigativa, t?cnico-instrumental e ?tico-pol?tica) do Servi?o Social, a partir da pesquisa com os/as assistentes sociais que se inserem nos espa?os s?cio-ocupacionais na cidade de Natal no Rio Grande do Norte. Os cap?tulos exp?em as posi??es, as viv?ncias e a realidade dos/as entrevistados/as e as constru??es te?rico-anal?ticas, visando compreender: a avalia??o do processo de forma??o, relacionando o ensino da pr?tica, o papel do conhecimento e a import?ncia da investiga??o no exerc?cio profissional do assistente social; a apreens?o da dimens?o t?cnico-instrumental, articulando demandas, atribui??es, compet?ncias e instrumentos, como elementos que a integram; e por fim a dimens?o ?tico-pol?tica, debatendo os desafios da ?tica e da materializa??o do projeto ?tico-pol?tico no cotidiano profissional. Nesse sentido, a disserta??o de mestrado busca alimentar a produ??o acad?mica e o debate acerca do trabalho do assistente social, bem como contribuir para o pr?prio exerc?cio profissional, revelando como os profissionais articulam as dimens?es pr?tico-sociais que comp?em a instrumentalidade no seu cotidiano de trabalho
210 |
O Processo de revis?o do benef?cio de presta??o continuada-BPC: uma l?gica de exclus?o ou inclus?o socialRamos, Deriscl?ia Rodrigues 22 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-22 / This research comprises a study about the social assessment performed by the Social Worker in the review process of the Benefit of Continued Installment. The Benefit of Continued Installment was implemented in 1996 and guarantees a minimum salary to the deficiency person and to an elder with sixty five years or more and that proves not to have ways to support neither himself/herself nor his/her own family. It is a demand to include in the BPC that the maximum income of a family does not exceed ? of minimum salary and that every two years this benefit to be revised to evaluate its continuity based in its original conditions. This study was carried out in the municipality of Natal/RN, with thirteen social workers, being the collection of data performed through interviews and social assessments of the users that count with the benefit. The results show that the users selected by the criterion of the income, present a profile of poverty and deprivations demonstrated through several situations survived in its daily life, indicative of vulnerability. It was demonstrated that the Social workers has relative autonomy in the evaluations along with the users and that it denotes the necessity of inclusion. However, by following the imposed criteria, it corroborates with the logic of exclusion. So, it is identified in the Municipality of Natal/RN, following the orientation given the politics of social work at national level, the implementation of revision of the BPC, for the social workers, from rigorous processes of selection and exclusions / Esta pesquisa compreende um estudo sobre a avalia??o social realizada pelo Assistente Social no processo de revis?o do Benef?cio de Presta??o Continuada. O Benef?cio de Presta??o Continuada come?ou a ser implementado em 1996 e garante um sal?rio m?nimo ? pessoa portadora de defici?ncia e ao idoso com sessenta e cinco anos ou mais e que comprove n?o possuir meios de prover a pr?pria manuten??o e nem de t?-la provida por sua fam?lia. ? exig?ncia para inclus?o no BPC que a renda m?xima da fam?lia n?o ultrapasse ? de sal?rio m?nimo per capita e a cada dois anos o benef?cio ? revisto para avalia??o da continuidade das condi??es que lhe deram origem. A pesquisa foi realizada no munic?pio de Natal/RN, com treze assistentes sociais, sendo a coleta de dados efetuada atrav?s de entrevistas e das avalia??es sociais dos usu?rios indicados ao corte do benef?cio. Os resultados revelam que os usu?rios selecionados pelo crit?rio da renda apresentam um perfil de pobreza e priva??es, demonstradas atrav?s de diversas situa??es vivenciadas em seu cotidiano, indicativas de vulnerabilidade. Demonstrou que o assistente Social possui relativa autonomia nas avalia??es junto aos usu?rios e que denota a busca pela inclus?o, mas, ao seguir os crit?rios de seletividade impostos, corrobora com a l?gica de exclus?o. Assim, identifica-se no munic?pio de Natal/RN, seguindo a orienta??o dada ? pol?tica de assist?ncia social no ?mbito nacional, a implementa??o da revis?o do BPC, pelos assistentes sociais, a partir de processos de sele??o rigorosos e excludentes
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