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O complexo econ?mico-industrial da sa?de (CEIS) no Brasil: padr?o de distribui??o territorial e caracter?sticas s?cio-profissionais - potencialidades e desafios (1994-2012)Borges, Isabel Caldas 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T11:53:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O presente estudo analisa o sistema de sa?de no Brasil a partir da no??o de Complexo Econ?mico-Industrial da Sa?de (CEIS). O objetivo central ? caracterizar o CEIS e, neste particular, enfatizar a distribui??o territorial dos estabelecimentos e dos empregos, no per?odo 1994-2012. A hip?tese de pesquisa ? que, independentemente do Subsistema analisado (I - Ind?stria qu?mica e biotecnologia; II - Ind?stria mec?nica, eletr?nica e de materiais; e, III - Servi?os de sa?de), a distribui??o territorial do CEIS no Brasil mostra-se concentrada tanto inter-regionalmente (?nfase sobre o Sudeste), quanto intrarregionalmente (na Bahia, em Pernambuco e no Cear?). Quanto ?s caracter?sticas s?cio-profissionais comparadas, a hip?tese ? que estas se mostram em desfavor para o Nordeste e Rio Grande do Norte. A metodologia do estudo inclui uma revis?o bibliogr?fica situando o CEIS num ambiente de transforma??es mundiais (reestrutura??o, globaliza??o e financeiriza??o), bem como no contexto nacional de altera??o do papel do setor p?blico e privado neste complexo. Al?m disso, o trabalho realiza um estudo quanti-qualitativo tendo por base a Rela??o Anual de Informa??es Sociais (RAIS), publicada pelo Minist?rio do Trabalho e do Emprego (MTE). Os resultados obtidos confirmam a hip?tese de pesquisa, pois a despeito de ind?cios de ?novas? movimenta??es na distribui??o territorial e no perfil s?cio-profissional, a concentra??o dos estabelecimentos e empregos do CEIS na regi?o Sudeste ? mantida; os estados da Bahia, Pernambuco e Cear? mant?m suas posi??es de destaque regionalmente; e, a remunera??o m?dia dos profissionais do CEIS no Nordeste segue inferior ? m?dia nacional, sendo isto particularmente verdadeiro para o Rio Grande do Norte. / This study examines the health system in Brazil from the notion of Economic and Industrial Health Complex (CEIS). The main objective is to characterize the CEIS and in this particular, emphasize the territorial distribution of establishments and jobs in the period 1994-2012. The research hypothesis is that regardless of the reporting subsystem (I - Chemical industry and biotechnology II - Mechanical engineering, electronics and materials; and III - Health services), territorial distribution of CEIS in Brazil shows up concentrated both inter-regionally (emphasis on the Southeast), as intrarregionalmente (Bahia, Pernambuco and Cear?). As for the socio-professional characteristics compared, the hypothesis is that these are shown in disfavor for the Northeast and Rio Grande do Norte. The study methodology includes a literature review placing the CEIS in an environment of global changes (restructuring, globalization and financialization), as well as in the national context of changing role of public and private sector in this complex. In addition, the work makes a quantitative and qualitative study based on the Annual Social Information (RAIS), published by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE). The results confirm that the states of Bahia , Pernambuco and Cear? retain their prominent positions regionally ; and the average remuneration of CEIS professionals in the Northeast follows below the national average , and this is particularly true for the Rio Grande do Norte.
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O exerc?cio profissional do assistente social na educa??o superior: a particularidade da dimens?o educativa na assist?ncia estudantilSouza, Fabr?cia Dantas de 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-20T23:07:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / Este trabalho trata acerca do exerc?cio profissional do assistente social na Educa??o Superior, na perspectiva de demarcar a particularidade da dimens?o educativa na pol?tica de assist?ncia estudantil, executada no ?mbito das Institui??es Federais do Ensino Superior (IFES) no Rio Grande do Norte. A apreens?o e an?lise desse objeto constitui-se como o objetivo geral dessa disserta??o, na perspectiva de compreender a particularidade da dimens?o educativa nesse espa?o sociocupacional, a partir das a??es pedag?gico-interpretativas materializadas no contexto do atendimento aos educandos. Para tanto, mapeamos e caracterizamos as IFES do RN e localizamos a inser??o do Servi?o Social em seus quadros t?cnico-profissionais, identificando as condi??es objetivas e subjetivas de trabalho, bem como as a??es desenvolvidas pelos assistentes sociais, na perspectiva de apreender as a??es pedag?gico-interpretativas que particularizam a dimens?o educativa desenvolvidas no exerc?cio profissional do assistente social na assist?ncia estudantil. Nossa an?lise fundamenta-se no m?todo cr?tico-dial?tico, com a utiliza??o da pesquisa bibliogr?fica, documental e de campo, com abordagem de natureza essencialmente qualitativa, tendo como sujeitos de pesquisa 08 (oito) assistentes sociais que atuam diretamente na pol?tica de assist?ncia estudantil nas IFES do Estado, localizadas nas 04 (quatro) mesorregi?es do RN. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados question?rios de pesquisa, encaminhados por meio eletr?nico ?s participantes contendo quest?es abertas e fechadas, que foram analisadas a partir da t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do. As an?lises realizadas revelaram que a dimens?o educativa do exerc?cio profissional est? presente no cotidiano profissional das participantes de maneira muito t?mida. O impedimento para a realiza??o de atividades educativas pode estar relacionado aos fatores de precariza??o das rela??es de trabalho nas IFES, decorrentes da sobrecarga de trabalho ou da dificuldade de atribuir ? pr?tica profissional o reverso da compet?ncia burocr?tica, determinada pela compet?ncia cr?tica da atua??o profissional. / This work is about the professional practice of social worker in higher education with a view to demarcating the particularity of the educational dimension in student assistance policy carried out in the framework of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) in Rio Grande do Norte. The seizure and analysis of this object is constituted as the general objective of this dissertation, in order to understand the peculiarity of the educational dimension that sociocupacional space, from the pedagogical-interpretative actions materialized in the context of service to students. Therefore, we mapped and characterized the RN IFES and locate the inclusion of social services in their technical and professional staff, identifying the objective and subjective conditions of work as well as the actions undertaken by social workers with a view to apprehending the pedagogical- actions interpretative that particularize the educational dimension developed in the professional practice of social workers in student assistance. Our analysis is based on the critical-dialectical method, with the use of literature, documentary and field, with essentially qualitative approach, having as research subjects eight (08) social workers who work directly in the student assistance policy in IFES State, located in 04 (four) RN mesoregions. For data collection survey questionnaires were used, forwarded electronically to participants with open and closed questions, which were analyzed from the content analysis technique. The analyzes revealed that the educational dimension of professional practice is present in the daily work of participants in a very shy way. The impediment to the realization of educational activities may be related to factors precariousness of labor relations in IFES, resulting from work overload or difficult to assign to professional practice the reverse of bureaucratic competence, determined by the critical competence of professional practice.
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Efeito de um programa de exerc?cio funcional associado ? terapia laser de baixa intensidade na dor, capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida em indiv?duos com fibromialgia: ensaio cl?nico randomizado duplo-cegoMaciel, Daniel Germano 02 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-03T22:49:32Z
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DanielGermanoMaciel_DISSERT.pdf: 1593169 bytes, checksum: 5afe86923f3e38d947bd98013d678865 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-11T21:40:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-02 / A fibromialgia ? uma doen?a que apresenta dor musculoesquel?tica cr?nica e difusa associada a fadiga, dist?rbio do sono, problemas cognitivos e baixos n?veis de condicionamento f?sico. Trabalhos recentes mostram bons resultados tanto com a pr?tica de exerc?cios funcionais quanto com a utiliza??o da terapia laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI) para reduzir os sintomas dessa popula??o. Por?m, n?o foram encontradas evid?ncias que associem as duas formas de terapia no tratamento da fibromialgia. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos de um programa de exerc?cios funcionais associado ? TLBI na dor, desempenho funcional e qualidade de vida de indiv?duos com fibromialgia. M?todos: Trata-se de um ensaio cl?nico randomizado e duplo-cego composto por 22 mulheres divididas em dois grupos de forma aleat?ria em blocos: grupo placebo (n=11) que foi submetido a um programa de exerc?cios funcionais associado a TLBI placebo; e o grupo laser (n=11) que foi submetido ao mesmo programa de exerc?cios associado a TLBI ativa. O programa de exerc?cio teve dura??o de dois meses e frequ?ncia de tr?s vezes semanais. A TLBI (808nm; 100mW; 4J e 142,85 J/cm2 por ponto) foi aplicada imediatamente ap?s cada sess?o de exerc?cio em diferentes pontos dos m?sculos quadr?ceps (8), isquiotibiais (6) e tr?ceps sural (3), bilateralmente. Todos os indiv?duos foram submetidos a avalia??es pr? e p?s interven??o quanto a: dor (locais, intensidade e limiar), desempenho funcional (equil?brio, testes funcionais), desempenho muscular (flexibilidade e vari?veis isocin?ticas), depress?o e qualidade de vida. A an?lise estat?stica foi realizada por meio do SPSS 20.0 adotando um intervalo de confian?a de 95%. Resultados: Pode-se observar que houve uma redu??o da dor e melhora do desempenho funcional e muscular, da depress?o e qualidade de vida em ambos os grupos (p<0,05), por?m, sem diferen?as significativas entre eles (p>0,05). Conclus?o: O programa de exerc?cio funcional foi eficaz na melhora da dor, desempenho funcional e qualidade de vida de indiv?duos com fibromialgia. No entanto, a TLBI n?o promoveu um incremento nos efeitos positivos proporcionados pelo exerc?cio. / Background: Fibromyalgia is a disease that presents chronic and diffuse musculoskeletal pain associated with fatigue, sleep disturbance, cognitive problems and low levels of physical conditioning. Recent studies have shown good results both with the practice of functional exercises or with the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to reduce the symptoms of this population. However, no evidence was found associating both forms of therapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Objective: To investigate the effects of a LLLT associated with an exercise program on pain, functional capacity and quality of life of individuals with fibromyalgia. Methods: It was performed a randomized, double-blind clinical trial with 22 women randomly divided into two blocked groups: placebo group (n = 11) who went through a functional exercise program associated with placebo LLLT and the laser group (n = 11), who underwent the same functional exercise program associated with active TLBI. The exercise program occurred in two months and three times a week. The LLLT (808nm; 100mW; 4J e 142,85 J/cm2 per point) was applied right after each exercise program session in different points of quadriceps (8), hamstrings (6) and sural tr?ceps (3), bilaterally. Both groups were submitted to an evaluation of pain (sites, intensity and threshold), functional capacity (balance, functional tests), muscle performance (flexibility and isokinetic variables), depression and quality of life, before and after the intervention. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 adopting a 95% confidence interval. Results: It was observed that there was a reduction of pain and depression levels and an improvement of functional capacity, muscular performance and quality of life in both groups (p<0.05), but with no significant differences among them (p>0.05). Conclusion: The functional exercise program was effective on pain relief, better functional capacity and quality of life of individuals with fibromyalgia. However, LLLT did not promote an increase on the positive effects caused by the exercise.
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Efetividade e seguran?a do treinamento muscular inspirat?rio na asma: ensaio cl?nico randomizadoSilva, Ivanizia Soares da 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-09-19T21:45:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / Introdu??o: A asma ? uma das doen?as cr?nicas mais prevalentes do mundo e ? considerada um s?rio problema de sa?de p?blica. O seu tratamento se baseia em alcan?ar e manter um bom controle da doen?a. No entanto, na ?vida real?, o controle sub?timo da asma ? frequente. Nesse sentido, o treinamento muscular inspirat?rio (TMI) pode ser uma boa alternativa para complementar a tradicional terapia medicamentosa. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade e seguran?a do TMI em indiv?duos com asma. M?todos: Trata-se de ensaio cl?nico randomizado, duplo-cego. A amostra foi composta por 29 indiv?duos asm?ticos divididos em dois grupos: 14 participantes do grupo com carga leve (C15%) e 15 no grupo de treinamento com carga moderada (C50%). O TMI foi realizado 5 dias por semana, durante 6 semanas, com aparelho POWERbreathe?. As sess?es consistiram de 30 repeti??es duas vezes por dia. Os indiv?duos do C15% treinaram com carga de 15% da press?o inspirat?ria m?xima (PIm?x), enquanto o C50% treinou com 50% da PIm?x. Inicialmente, os participantes foram submetidos a avalia??es da fun??o pulmonar. Em seguida, foram aplicados o Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ, Question?rio de Qualidade de Vida em Asma) e Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ, Question?rio de Controle da Asma). A for?a muscular respirat?ria foi obtida pela PIm?x e pela press?o expirat?ria m?xima (PEm?x). Foram avaliados ainda o n?vel de dispneia antes e ap?s o teste da caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6), atrav?s da escala de Borg CR10, e a capacidade funcional pela dist?ncia percorrida no TC6 (DTC6). Por fim, um di?rio de treinamento foi utilizado para registro de eventos adversos e ades?o as sess?es de TMI. As avalia??es foram realizadas no in?cio do estudo, ap?s 6 semanas de treinamento e seis semanas ap?s a cessa??o do treinamento. Resultados: Ap?s 6 semanas de TMI, a PIm?x aumentou 20,7 cmH2O e 33,1 cmH2O nos grupos C15% e C50%, respectivamente. A PEm?x mostrou um ganho de 10,4 cmH2O no grupo C50% e 8,1 cmH2O no grupo C15%. No AQLQ, foi observada uma prov?vel melhora cl?nica (acima de 0,5) em dois dom?nios (limita??o de atividade e fun??o emocional) no grupo C15% e em todos os dom?nios no grupo C50%. No grupo C50%, houve ainda uma potencial redu??o de 1,13 e 1,42 pontos na escala de Borg CR10 antes e ap?s o TC6, respectivamente. Ao final do TMI, n?o houve diferen?a no controle da asma, DTC6 e fun??o pulmonar para ambos os grupos. Durante o per?odo de treinamento, nenhum volunt?rio foi hospitalizado ou admitido em um servi?o de emerg?ncia, nem houve relato de crise asm?tica devido ao TMI. A ades?o ao TMI n?o foi analisada, uma vez que a grande maioria dos participantes n?o registraram as sess?es realizadas no di?rio de treinamento. Seis semanas ap?s a cessa??o do TMI, apenas 31% dos participantes retornaram para a avalia??o. Assim, n?o foi poss?vel incluir os efeitos da reversibilidade do treinamento em nossos resultados. Conclus?es: Em indiv?duos com asma, o TMI domiciliar com carga leve e moderada mostrou-se seguro e eficaz para aumentar a for?a dos m?sculos respirat?rios e melhorar a qualidade de vida. Al?m disso, o treinamento com carga moderada reduziu o n?vel de dispneia. / Background: Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world and is considered a serious public health problem. Asthma treatment is based on achieving and maintaining adequate disease control. However, in "real life", suboptimal control of asthma is frequent. In this sense, inspiratory muscle training (IMT) may be a good alternative to complement traditional drug therapy. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the IMT in people with asthma. Methods: This was a double-blind randomized controlled trial. The sample consisted of 29 people with asthma divided into two groups: 14 participants in the low load group (L15%) and 15 in the moderate load group (L50%). IMT was performed 5 days a week for 6 weeks with POWERbreathe? device. The sessions consisted of 30 repetitions twice a day. The L15% group trained with a load of 15% of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), while L50% group trained with 50% of MIP. Initially, the participants were submitted to pulmonary function assessments. Then, the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) were applied. Respiratory muscle strength was obtained by MIP and by maximal expiratory pressure (MEP). The Borg CR10 scale and the distance walked in six-minute walk test (6MWD) were used to assess degree of dyspnea and functional capacity, respectively. Finally, a training diary was used to record adverse events and IMT adherence. Assessments were performed at baseline, after 6 weeks of training and six weeks after cessation of training. Results: After 6 weeks of IMT, MIP increased 20.7 cmH2O and 33.1 cmH2O in the L15% and L50% groups, respectively. MEP showed a gain of 10.4 cmH2O in the L50% group and 8.1 cmH2O in the L15% group. AQLQ showed a probable clinical improvement (above 0.5) in two domains (limitation of activity and emotional function) in the L15% group and in all domains in the L50% group. In the L50% group, there was a potential reduction of 1.13 and 1.42 points on the Borg CR10 scale before and after the 6MWT, respectively. At the end of the IMT, there was no difference in asthma control, 6MWD and pulmonary function for both groups. During the training period, no volunteers were hospitalized or admitted to an emergency department, nor was there an asthmatic crisis due to IMT. Adherence to IMT was not analyzed, since the majority of participants did not record the sessions performed in the training diary. Six weeks after cessation of IMT, only 31% of participants returned for evaluation. Thus, it was not possible to include the effects of training reversibility on our results. Conclusions: In individuals with asthma, home IMT with a low and moderate load proved to be safe and effective in increasing respiratory muscle strength and improving quality of life. In addition, moderate-load training reduced the level of dyspnea.
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A articula??o educa??o profissional e desenvolvimento territorial pelo Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres: perspectiva e possibilidades / Vocational education and territorial development by Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres: perspective and possibilities.PALASIOS, Paulie Ceres 18 June 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-09T21:13:57Z
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2012 - Paulie Ceres Palasios.pdf: 1522905 bytes, checksum: 69ffa94fdf132a99c854d452de39229b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-09T21:13:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2012 - Paulie Ceres Palasios.pdf: 1522905 bytes, checksum: 69ffa94fdf132a99c854d452de39229b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-06-18 / This research aimed to analyzing the role of Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres in the social and economic territorial development of Vale de S?o Patr?cio, in the state of Goi?s, Brazil. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted to alumni of the Instituto and to different actors and agencies of development within the limits of Vale de S?o Patr?cio. The results demonstrated there is participation of this institution in the development of the region. But the results also showed a number of possibilities for the action of IF Goiano - Campus Ceres through the functions attributed to it by legislation 11.892/2008. / Este estudo teve como escopo a an?lise da inser??o e atua??o do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres no desenvolvimento territorial do Vale de S?o Patr?cio, Goi?s. Para tanto foram aplicados question?rios e feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas a diferentes atores e ag?ncias de desenvolvimento local/regional no ?mbito do Vale de S?o Patr?cio, bem como egressos dos cursos do IF Goiano - Campus Ceres. Os resultados demonstraram que h? participa??o dessa institui??o no desenvolvimento da regi?o. No entanto, os resultados tamb?m mostraram muitas possibilidades para a??o do IF Goiano - Campus Ceres em seu territ?rio diante das atribui??es que lhe confere a Lei 11.892/2008.
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Výzvy pro CIO / Challenges for CIOKouřimský, Vlastimil January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of the chosen current trends of ICT. The CIO represents the crucial person of the whole thesis. The aim of the thesis is to describe and comment on the connection of the role of the CIO with trends and challenges he/she has to face in recent times. To fulfill this aim it is necessary to realize the current trends through the integration of surveys of the renowned companies dealing with the ICT market. The field overhang of these studies dedicated to technologies is essential. The benefit of the thesis consists of the connection of the business and ICT at the CIO level. The abstraction from technical specifications of the particular trend as well as from the managerial point of view creates an image of the challenges for the CIO in the company context. The introductory part of the thesis reflects the position of ICT in companies and creates an image of the internal connection of the company as a whole. The core of the main part of the thesis contains chapters dedicated to the trends in particular: data analysis, content analysis, social business, big data, ICT security and education. Each of these main chapters describes the current state of the ICT field and its role in the company context. The last part of each main chapter deals with the benefit and the role of the CIO for the mentioned field. CIO's influence on the challenge, allies and possible risks of the trend are mentioned. At the end of the thesis the benefit of the CIO for the company and his/her role of facing challenges which come from the ICT field are evaluated. CIO plays an important role as a responsible person for particular challenges. Nevertheless, as it is apparent from the thesis, the CIO is not the only important part of the system that is necessary to create the maximum from each challenge.
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Neither Cogs nor Wrenches: Workers, Unions, and the Political Economy of AutomationParker, Adam Michael January 2023 (has links)
In this dissertation project, I make three separate contributions to the study of the political economy of automation which center the agency of workers and society over technological change. The papers presented here each take a historical approach, both to contextualize modern debates over new technologies and to describe political responses that may have fallen out of contemporary awareness.
In the first paper, I examine the origin of the term “automation” to reveal the ways that this concept has been shaped by social and political imperatives. I then propose a new definition and conceptualization of automation which respect this reality and open new avenues for research into this form of technological change.
In the second paper, I examine the role played by the occupational structure of unions in determining their responses to automation. Drawing on a comparison of the cases of 1) the AFL-CIO and its Industrial Union Department and 2) New York Typographical Union No. 6 from approximately 1950–1975, I show that industrially-organized unions are more receptive of automation than are unions organized along craft lines.
In the final paper, I examine the role that the different approaches to labor force control adopted by craft unions play in shaping both their responses to new technologies and their inclusion or exclusion of women workers. Through a comparison of the histories of the typographical unions in the United States and the United Kingdom over 150 years, I show that unions adopting an apprenticeship-based system of labor force control are both more resistant to new technologies and more exclusionary of women than are unions adopting a strategy of incorporation. Taken together, these papers show that workers and unions have been neither helpless cogs nor implacable wrenches in the machinery of technological change.
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An Investigation of the Factors Contributing to the Development of Poorly Defined IS Strategies for Firms in the United StatesLacaden, Karen B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Although empirical research has shown that a clearly defined information system (IS) strategy has a positive impact to a firm’s performance and a poorly defined IS strategy has a negative impact to a firms’ performance, firms still develop poorly defined IS strategies. Further compounding the problem, research has revealed that 87% of the business executives believe information systems are a critical enabler to their firms' strategic realization, yet only 33% of business executives involve the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in their firm’s business strategy development. The main goal of this research study is to empirically identify factors which impact development of an IS strategy. This research analyzed the relationship of factors which included organizational mindfulness, CIO and senior management team relationship, and CIO capability to the firm’s level of IS strategy definition.
A total of 80 senior leaders completed a web-based survey instrument containing previously validated and refined questions. The questions were answered using a five-point Likert scale. The survey results were analyzed using statistical methods including Pearson’s Correlation, Cronbach’s alpha and linear regression. The statistical results revealed that the factors accounted for 50% of the variance in the level of information system strategy definition. Further, this research study identified five variables which include CIO knowledge of the business, communication ability, informal interaction, trust, and top management support that potentially predict the levels of IS strategy definition. Six variables which include openness, extraversion, political savvy, Top Management Team (TMT) knowledge of IS, formal interaction and reluctance to simplify interpretations were not identified as potential predictors of levels of IS strategy definition. This research study discusses the methodology; data collection and analysis; results of the three research questions and overarching question; and the conclusions, implications, and recommendations. Several future studies are required to provide additional qualitative and quantities findings to better understand the results of this study.
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La NAACP et le Parti communiste face à la question des droits civiques, 1929-1941Curie, Fabien 20 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet la lutte pour les droits civiques dans la période qui va de la crise économique de 1929 jusqu'à l'entrée en guerre des États-Unis en 1941, et ce à travers l'examen du rôle joué par la National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) d'une part et le parti communiste américain (CPUSA) de l'autre. Si ces deux organisations se firent d'abord concurrence, s'opposèrent même parfois, comme ce fut le cas lors de l'affaire Scottsboro, certains rapprochements s'esquissèrent un peu plus tard, dans la période du Second New Deal, notamment à l'occasion du National Negro Congress, tandis que la syndicalisation des ouvriers noirs devenait possible grâce à la fondation d'une nouvelle confédération syndicale, le Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). La NAACP et le PCUS, deux organisations que tout semblait séparer, furent donc amenées à se " rencontrer " autour de la question noire, et à modifier sensiblement certaines habitudes, comportements, ou réflexes. Alors que la NAACP se rapprochait du peuple noir, les militants communistes, en acquérant sur le terrain une expérience concrète, aidèrent le Parti à modérer sa rhétorique révolutionnaire. On pourrait dire aussi que la concurrence entre la NAACP et le PC constitua une sorte de préfiguration du mouvement pour les droits civiques des années cinquante et soixante.
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A din?mica s?cio-hist?rica brasileira sob o galope contido da pol?tica de assist?ncia social no meio ruralMartins, Paulo Roberto 08 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Servi?o Social (servico-social-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-10-06T20:16:53Z
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Paulo Roberto Martins - Disserta??o.pdf: 1278248 bytes, checksum: ea7a78a1e4d25cf3239be8795c034e84 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / El tema de este estudio es la pol?tica de asistencia social enfocada en el medio rural, delimitando el an?lisis en el municipio de Alegrete en Rio Grande do Sul, espec?ficamente en el asentamiento del MST "Novo Alegrete". El objetivo general de esta disertaci?n es investigar la materializaci?n de la pol?tica de asistencia social, considerando la din?mica socio-hist?rica brasile?a en el medio rural, a trav?s del acceso a sus servicios p?blicos ofrecidos a la rural, a fin de contribuir en la posible ampliaci?n y en la planificaci?n de acciones para esta pol?tica. Se busca responder al siguiente problema de investigaci?n: ?Cu?l es el impacto de la din?mica socio-hist?rica capitalista en la materializaci?n de la pol?tica de asistencia social en medio rural? La investigaci?n es de tipo cualitativo, de car?cter exploratorio, se refiere en el m?todo dial?ctico cr?tico, as? como sus categor?as de an?lisis (historicidad, contradicci?n y totalidad) como base te?rica. Como categor?as explicativas de la realidad se utiliza: proceso subsistencia; necesidad de infraestructura y servicios; preconcepto; din?mica estructural de atenci?n; prestaci?n de los servicios de la pol?tica de asistencia social y las condiciones de trabajo de los profesionales; que surgieron del an?lisis de las informaciones obtenidas junto a los (as) participantes de la investigaci?n. Los datos fueron obtenidos a trav?s de la entrevista semiestructurada con gestor, profesional t?cnico de la pol?tica de asistencia social y usuarios que viven en el medio rural, utilizando el an?lisis de contenido como t?cnica para captar los elementos emergidos de los testimonios de los sujetos entrevistados. En lo que se refiere a los resultados de la investigaci?n, demostraron que el impacto de la din?mica socio-hist?rica brasile?a en el medio rural brasile?o es el mantenimiento de la desigualdad social, principalmente de la concentraci?n de la propiedad en manos de pocos propietarios, adem?s, los indicadores sociales revelan que la pobreza es estructurante al propio desarrollo del capitalismo. El pacto con las ?lites agrarias se ha mantenido y con ello los proyectos que visan democratizar la sociedad brasile?a todav?a est?n "maneados", bloqueados por las fuerzas conservadoras que sostienen sus intereses a trav?s de la reproducci?n de la pobreza del Esta din?mica influye directamente en la materializaci?n de la pol?tica de asistencia social el medio rural, donde a?n se ve la dificultad de su inserci?n, limitando sus actividades a la atenci?n individual, los (as) profesionales tienen que dividirse entre la poblaci?n urbana y del campo, que debido a la intensa demanda de los primeros, acaban quedando en segundo plano. / O tema deste estudo ? a pol?tica de assist?ncia social voltada para o meio rural, delimitando-se a an?lise no munic?pio de Alegrete no Rio Grande do Sul, especificamente no assentamento do MST ?Novo Alegrete?. O objetivo geral desta disserta??o ? investigar a materializa??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia social, considerando a din?mica s?cio-hist?rica brasileira no meio rural, atrav?s do acesso aos seus servi?os p?blicos oferecidos a popula??o rural, afim de contribuir na poss?vel amplia??o e no planejamento de a??es para esta pol?tica. Busca-se responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: Qual o impacto da din?mica s?cio-hist?rica capitalista na materializa??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia social no meio rural? A pesquisa ? de tipo qualitativa, de car?ter explorat?ria, referencia-se no m?todo dial?tico cr?tico, bem como suas categorias an?lise (historicidade, contradi??o e totalidade) enquanto base te?rica. Enquanto categorias explicativas da realidade utiliza-se processo de subsist?ncia; necessidade de infraestrutura e servi?os; preconceito; din?mica estrutural de atendimento; presta??o dos servi?os da pol?tica assist?ncia social e condi??es de trabalho dos profissionais; que emergiram da an?lise das dos (as) participantes da pesquisa. A coleta de dados se deu atrav?s da entrevista semi-estruturada com gestor, profissional t?cnico da pol?tica de assist?ncia social e usu?rios que vivem no meio rural, onde utilizou-se a an?lise de conte?do enquanto t?cnica para captar elementos emergidos das falas dos sujeitos entrevistados. No que se refere aos resultados da pesquisa, demonstraram que o impacto da din?mica s?cio-hist?rica brasileira no meio rural brasileiro ? a manuten??o da desigualdade social, principalmente da concentra??o da propriedade nas m?os de poucos propriet?rios, al?m disso, os indicadores sociais revelam que pobreza ? estruturante ao pr?prio desenvolvimento do capitalismo. O pacto com as elites agr?rias vem mantendo-se e com isso os projetos que visam democratizar a sociedade ainda est?o ?maneados?, contidos pelas for?as conservadoras que sustentam seus interesses atrav?s da reprodu??o da pobreza do campo. Esse din?mica influencia diretamente na materializa??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia social para o meio rural, onde ainda se v? a de sua inser??o no meio rural, restringindo suas atividades a atendimento individuais, os (as) profissionais t?m que dividir-se entre a popula??o urbana e do campo, que devido a intensa demanda dos primeiros, acabam ficando em segundo plano.
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