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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temperature and Frequency Dependent Conduction Mechanisms Within Bulk Carbon Nanotube Materials

Bulmer, John Simmons 01 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of Thermal Stress in Carbon/Glass Hybrid and Glass Nanocomposite under Resistive Heating

Gnanasekar, Vignesh Kumar January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Electronic and Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes: Spin-orbit Effects and External Fields

Diniz, Ginetom S. 11 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.


Oluwaseun Peter Omole (17002056) 03 January 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Due to the vast increase and versatility of Additive Manufacturing and 3D-printing, in this study, the mechanical behavior of implementing both continuous and short carbon fiber within Nylon and investigated for its effectiveness within additively manufactured prints. Here, 0.1wt% of pure nylon was combined with carbon nanotubes through both dry and heat mixing to determine the best method and used to create printable filaments. Compression, tensile and short beam shear (SBS) samples were created and tested to determine maximum deformation and were simulated using ANSYS and its ACP Pre tool. SEM imaging was used to analyze CNT integration within the nylon filament, as well as the fractography of tested samples. Experimental testing shows that compressive strength increased by 28%, and the average SBS samples increased by 8% with minimal impacts on the tensile strength. The simulated results for Nylon/CF tensile samples were compared to experimental results and showed that lower amounts of carbon fiber samples tend to have lower errors.</p>

Direkter Drucksensor unter Verwendung von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren-Nanokompositen / Direct pressure sensor using carbon nanotubes nanocomposite

Dinh, Nghia Trong 08 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Dehnungsmessstreifen können Carbon nanotube (CNT)-basierte Komposite zusätzlich eine ausgeprägte Druck-abhängigkeit des Widerstandes aufweisen. Deshalb können Drucksensoren aus CNT-Nanokomposite ohne den Einsatz von Verformungskörpern wie z. B. Biegebalken aufgebaut werden. Die möglichen Anwendungsgebiete für diese direkt messenden Sensoren wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit bei drei industriellen Anwendungen wie z. B. bei Robotergreifarmen gezeigt. Die Zielstellung dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines neuartigen Sensors aus CNT-Nanokomposite. Unter Verwendung von Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-Epoxidharz und interdigitalen Elektroden soll der Sensor auf wenigen Quadratzentimetern Drücke im Megapascal-Bereich und somit Kräfte im Kilonewton-Bereich messen können. Durch die Auswahl geeigneter Werkstoffe und die Modellierung mit der Finite Element Methode wurde der Sensorentwurf durchgeführt sowie der Messbereich abgeschätzt. Die Herstellung der MWCNT-Epoxidharz-Dispersion erfolgte durch mechanische Mischverfahren. Anschließend wurden aus der Dispersion druckempfindliche Schichten mit der Schablonendrucktechnik hergestellt. Dabei wurden die Herstellungs-parameter und besonders der Füllstoffgehalt der MWCNTs variiert, um deren Einflüsse auf das mechanische, thermische und elektrische Verhalten zu untersuchen. Die Charakterisierung der mechanischen Kenngrößen erfolgte mit Zugversuchen und dynamisch-mechanischer Analyse. In den Untersuchungen zeigen die MWCNT-Komposite eine signifikante Steigerung der Zugfestigkeit und eine Erhöhung der Glasübergangstemperatur gegenüber reinem Epoxidharz. Die Abhängigkeiten der Druckempfindlichkeit und der Temperaturempfindlichkeit vom Füllstoffgehalt wurden untersucht. Eine besonders hohe Druckempfindlichkeit, aber auch Temperaturempfind-lichkeit wurde bei Proben mit geringem Füllstoffgehalt (1 wt% und 1,25 wt%) festgestellt. Es ist also wichtig, die richtige Materialkombination für diese Art Sensor zu finden. Die realisierten Sensoren liefern zuverlässige Antwortsignale bei wiederholten Belastungen bis zu einer Belastung von 20 MPa (entspricht 2 kN). Zusätzlich wurde der Temperatureinfluss in einem Bereich von −20 °C bis 50 °C durch eine Wheatstonesche Brückenschaltung kompensiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass eine zuverlässige Druckmessung mit einer Temperaturmessabweichung von 0,214 MPa/10 K gewährleistet werden kann. / In contrast to conventional metallic strain gauges, carbon nanotube (CNT) composites have an additional pressure sensitivity. Therefore, deformation elements such as bending beam is not needed by using pressure sensors, which are based on CNT nanocomposite. The possible areas of application for these pressure direct measured sensors were showed in three industrial application such as robot gripper. The focus of this work is the development and characterization of a new sensor manufactured from CNT nanocomposite. By using multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) epoxy and interdigital electrodes the sensor, which has a dimension of few square centimetre, should measure a pressure in mega Pascal range and hence a force in kilo newton range. By the selection of suitable materials and the modelling using finite element method, the sensor design as well as the measurement range were carried out. The MWCNT epoxy dispersion is manufactured by using a mechanical mixing process. Subsequent, the dispersion is used to fabricate pressure sensitive layers by stencil printing methods. Thereby, the fabrication parameters and especially the filler content of the MWCNTs were varied for the mechanical, thermal and electrical investigation. The characterization of the mechanical characteristic values were carried out by using tensile test and dynamic mechanical analysis. The results show a significant increasing of the tensile strength and glass transition temperature in comparison to neat epoxy. Additionally, the influence of the filler content to the pressure and thermal sensitivity were investigated. A highly pressure sensitivity but also a highly thermal sensitivity are obtained for samples with lower filler contents (1 wt% and 1.25 wt%). Therefore, a suitable material combination has to be chosen. The fabricated sensors show reliable response signals by repeated excitations up to 20 MPa (meets to 2 KN). Moreover, the temperature influence ranged from -20 °C to 50 °C was compensated with a Wheatstone bridge. This work demonstrate a direct pressure sensitive sensor with reliable response signals by a thermal deviation of 0.214 MPa/10K.

Elektronischer Transport in defektbehafteten quasi-eindimensionalen Systemen am Beispiel von Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen

Teichert, Fabian 15 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Transporteigenschaften defektbehafteter Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen (CNTs). Als Beispiel werden dabei einfache und doppelte Fehlstellen betrachtet. Der Fokus liegt auf der Berechnung des Transmissionsspektrums und der Leitfähigkeit mit einem schnellen, linear skalierenden rekursiven Greenfunktions-Formalismus, mit dem große Systeme quantenmechanisch behandelt werden können. Als Grundlage wird ein dichtefunktionalbasiertes Tight-Binding-Modell verwendet. Der Einfluss der Defektdichte und des CNT-Durchmessers wird im Rahmen einer statistischen Analyse untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass im Grenzfall kleiner Transmission die Leitfähigkeit exponentiell mit der Defektanzahl skaliert. Das System befindet sich im Regime starker Lokalisierung, wobei die Lokalisierungslänge von der Defektdichte und dem CNT-Durchmesser abhängt.

Numerical Modeling and Characterization of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays

Joseph, Johnson 01 January 2013 (has links)
Since their discoveries, carbon nanotubes have been widely studied, but mostly in the forms of 1D individual carbon nanotube (CNT). From practical application point of view, it is highly desirable to produce carbon nanotubes in large scales. This has resulted in a new class of carbon nanotube material, called the vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays (VA-CNTs). To date, our ability to design and model this complex material is still limited. The classical molecular mechanics methods used to model individual CNTs are not applicable to the modeling of VA-CNT structures due to the significant computational efforts required. This research is to develop efficient structural mechanics approaches to design, model and characterize the mechanical responses of the VA-CNTs. The structural beam and shell mechanics are generally applicable to the well aligned VA-CNTs prepared by template synthesis while the structural solid elements are more applicable to much complex, super-long VA-CNTs from template-free synthesis. VA-CNTs are also highly “tunable” from the structure standpoint. The architectures and geometric parameters of the VA-CNTs have been thoroughly examined, including tube configuration, tube diameter, tube height, nanotube array density, tube distribution pattern, among many other factors. Overall, the structural mechanics approaches are simple and robust methods for design and characterization of these novel carbon nanomaterials

Preparation and characterization of Carbon Nanotube based vertical interconnections for integrated circuits / Herstellung und Charakterisierung von auf Kohlenstoffnanoröhren basierenden vertikalen Kontakten im Metallisierungssystem für integrierte Schaltkreise

Fiedler, Holger 25 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
(ULSI) causes an increase of the resistance of the wiring system by increased scattering of electrons at side walls and grain boundaries in the state of the art Cu technology, which increases the RC delay of the interconnect system and thus degrades the performance of the device. The outstanding properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) such as a large mean free path, a high thermal conductance and a large resistance against electromigration make them an ideal candidate to replace Cu in future feature nodes. The present thesis contributes to the preparation and properties of CNT based vertical interconnections (vias). In addition, all processes applied during the fabrication are compatible to ULSI and an interface between CNT based vias and a Cu metallization is studied. The methodology for the evaluation of CNT based vias is improved; it is highlighted that by measuring the resistance of one multiwall CNT and taking into account the CNT density, the performance of the CNT based vias can be predicted accurately. This provides the means for a systematic evaluation of different integration procedures and materials. The lowest contact resistance is obtained for carbide forming metals, as long as oxidation during the integration is avoided. Even though metal-nitrides exhibit an enhanced contact resistance, they are recommended to be used at the bottom metallization in order to minimize the oxidation of the metal-CNT contact during subsequent processing steps. Overall a ranking for the materials from the lowest to the highest contact resistance is obtained: Ta < Ti < TaN < TiN « TiO2 « Ta2O5 Furthermore the impact of post CNT growth procedures as chemical mechanical planarization, HF treatment and annealing procedures after the CNT based via fabrication are evaluated. The conductance of the incorporated CNTs and the applicable electrical transport regime relative to the CNT quality and the CNT length is discussed. In addition, a strong correlation between the temperature coefficient of resistance and the initial resistance of the CNT based vias at room temperature has been observed. / Die kontinuierliche Miniaturisierung der charakteristischen Abmessungen in hochintegrierten Schaltungen (ULSI) verursacht einen Anstieg des Widerstandes im Zuleitungssystem aufgrund der erhöhten Streuung von Elektronen an Seitenwänden und Korngrenzen in der Cu-Technologie, wodurch die Verzögerungszeit des Zuleitungssystems ansteigt. Die herausragenden Eigenschaften von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (CNT), wie eine große mittlere freie Weglänge, hohe thermische Leitfähigkeit und eine starke Resistenz gegenüber Elektromigration machen diese zu einem idealen Kandidaten, um Cu in zukünftigen Technologiegenerationen zu ersetzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Herstellung und daraus resultierenden Eigenschaften von Zwischenebenenkontakten (Vias) basierend auf CNTs. Alle verwendeten Prozessierungsschritte sind kompatibel mit der Herstellung von hochintegrierten Schaltkreisen und eine Schnittstelle zwischen den CNT Vias und einer Cu-Metallisierung ist vorhanden. Insbesondere das Verfahren zur Evaluierung von CNT Vias wurde durch den Einsatz verschiedener Methoden verbessert. Insbesondere soll hervorgehoben werden, dass durch die Messung des Widerstandes eines einzelnen CNTs, bei bekannter CNT Dichte, der Via Widerstand sehr genau vorausgesagt werden kann. Dies ermöglicht eine systematische Untersuchung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Prozessschritte und der darin verwendeten Materialien auf den Via Widerstand. Der niedrigste Kontaktwiderstand wird für Karbidformierende Metalle erreicht, solange Oxidationsprozesse ausgeschlossen werden können. Obwohl Metallnitride einen höheren Kontaktwiderstand aufweisen, sind diese für die Unterseitenmetallisierung zu empfehlen, da dadurch die Oxidation der leitfähigen Schicht minimiert wird. Insgesamt kann eine Reihenfolge beginnend mit dem niedrigsten zum höchsten Kontaktwiderstand aufgestellt werden: Ta < Ti < TaN < TiN « TiO2 « Ta2O5 Desweiteren wurde der Einfluss von Verfahren nach dem CNTWachstum wie die chemischmechanische Planarisierung, eine HF Behandlung und einer Temperaturbehandlung evaluiert, sowie deren Einfluss auf die elektrischen Parameter des Vias untersucht. Die Leitfähigkeit der integrierten CNTs und die daraus resultierenden elektrischen Transporteigenschaften in Abhängigkeit der CNT Qualität und Länge werden besprochen. Ebenso wird die starke Korrelation zwischen dem Temperaturkoeffizienten des elektrischen Widerstandes und des Ausgangswiderstandes der CNT basierten Vias bei Raumtemperatur diskutiert.

Les Catalans espagnols en France au XXème siècle : exil et identités à l’épreuve du temps

Pigenet, Phryné 15 September 2014 (has links)
L’étude saisit comment les Catalans réfugiés en France ont pu maintenir, entre 1939 et 1977, une identité politique et culturelle forte, en dépit d’une position minoritaire au sein de l’exil républicain espagnol. Contribution à l’analyse des dynamiques identitaires des exils, la recherche repose sur l’exploitation de sources variées : françaises et catalanes, publiques, privées ou orales. Elle s’organise selon un plan chronologique en trois parties. La première s’attache aux héritages politiques et culturels d’une immigration assez cohérente pour poser les jalons d’une identité républicano-catalaniste auxquels les exilés de 1939 seront redevables. La seconde partie traite de la période 1939-1945, terrible en termes d’expériences et décisive dans la mise à l’épreuve d’une identité républicaine, elle relègue au second plan la singularité strictement catalane et relativise la portée du contentieux catalane-castillan. Le double traumatisme de la défaite et d’u11 accueil hostile marque pour longtemps les exilés et leur représentation de la France. La troisième partie examine comment, avec le retour à la paix et en dépit de la dissipation rapide des espoirs de retour victorieux au pays, l’exil populaire catalan, délesté de sa frange intellectuelle partie en Amérique ou revenue en Espagne, traverse l’épreuve du temps, engagé dans un processus complexe de recomposition identitaire sur fond d’intégration. / The study focuses on how Catalan refugees in France managed to hold a strong political and cultural identity, between the years 1939 and 1977, despite their minority position within the Spanish republican exile. This research is based on the use of varied sources - French and Catalan, public and private, written or oral - aims to contribute to the analysis of the identical dynamics of the exiles. It gets organized according to a chronological plan in three parts. The first one is attached to the political and cultural inheritances of a previous and rather coherent immigration to show the way of a Catalan-republican identity in which the exiles of 1939 will be indebted. The second part deals with period 1939-1945, terrible in terms of experiences and decisive in the testing of a republican identity, it relegates in the background the strictly Catalan peculiarity and puts in perspective the impact of the Catalano-Castillan dispute. The double trauma of the defeat and the hostile reception marks for a long time the exilés and their representation of France. The third part examines how, with return in the peace and in spite of the squandering of the hopes of victorious return in the country, the Catalan popular exile, relieved of its intellectual fringe left for America or returned in Spain, crosses the test of time, launched in a complex process of identity reorganization on an integration background.

Studies on the Effects of Carbon Nanotubes on Mechanical Properties of Bisphenol E Cyanate Ester/Epoxy Based Resin Systems and CFRP Composites

Subba Rao, P January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The search and research for high performance materials for aerospace applications is a continuous evolving process. Among several fibre reinforced polymers, carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) is well known for its high specific stiffness and strength. Though high modulus and high strength carbon fibre with structural resin systems have currently been established reasonably well and are catering to a wide variety of aerospace structural applications, these properties are generally directional with very high properties along the fibre direction dominated by fibres and low in other directions depending mainly on the resin properties. Thus, there is a need to enhance the mechanical properties of the resin systems for better load transfer and to improve the resin dominated properties like shear strength and properties in directions other than along the fibre. Use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with their extraordinary specific stiffness and strength apparently has great potential as an additional reinforcement in resin for development of CNT-CFRP nanocomposites. However, there are several issues that need to be addressed such as compatibility of a particular resin with CNTs, amount of CNTs that can be added, uniform dispersion of these nanotubes, surface treatment and curing process etc., for optimal enhancement of the required properties. Epoxy and cyanate ester resin systems are finding applications in aerospace structures owing to their desirable set of properties. Of these, bisphenol E cyanate ester (BECy) resin of low viscosity with its low moisture absorption, better dimensional stability, and superior mechanical properties can establish itself as potential structural resin system for these applications. BECy in particular has the advantage of being more suitable for out of autoclave manufacturing process such as Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM). Literature shows that, significant work has been carried out by various researchers reporting improvements using CNTs in epoxy resins along with various associated problems. However, studies on effects of addition of CNTs /fCNTs to BECy-CFRP composite system are not well reported. Thus, objective of this work is to study the effects of adding pristine and functionalized CNTs to low viscosity cyanate ester as well as epoxy resin systems. Further, to study the effects on mechanical properties of nanocomposites with carbon fibre reinforcement in these CNT dispersed resin system through a combination of experimental and computational approaches. Multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) without and with different chemical functionalization are chosen to be added to epoxy and BECy resins. The quantity of these CNTs /fCNTs is varied in steps up to 1% by weight. Different methods of mixing such as shear mixing, ultrasonication and combined mixing cycles are implemented to achieve uniform dispersion of these nanotubes in the resin system. Standard test samples are prepared from these mixtures of nanotubes in resin systems to study the variation in mechanical properties. Further, these nanotubes added resin systems are used in fabricating CFRP laminates by VARTM process. Both uni-directional and bi-directional laminates are made with the above modified resin systems with CNTs/fCNTs. Series of experimental investigations are carried out to study various aspects involved in making of nanocomposites and the effects of the same on different mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. Standard specimens are cut out from these laminates to evaluate them for tension, compression, flexure, shear and interlaminar shear strength. The main parameters investigated are the effects of varied quantity of CNTs and functionalized CNTs in the resin mix and in CFRP nanocomposites, effect of different mixing / curing cycles etc. on the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. The investigations have yielded very interesting and encouraging results to arrive at optimum quantity of CNTs to be added and also the effects of functionalization to achieve enhanced mechanical properties. In addition, correlation of mechanical property enhancements with failure mechanisms, dispersion behaviour and participation of CNTs / fCNTs in load transfer are explained with the aid of scanning electron microscope images. Computational studies are carried out through atomistic models using computational tools to estimate the mechanical properties, understand and validate the effects of various parameters studied through series of experimental investigations. An atomistic model is built taking into consideration the nanoscale effects of the single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and its reinforcement in the BECy resin. Using these atomistic models, mechanical properties of individual SWCNT, BECy polymer resin, polymer with different quantities of added SWCNT, and the CFRP laminates with improved resin are computed. As the interaction of CNT with the polymer is only at the outermost layer and the mechanical properties of either MWCNTs or SWCNTs are too high compared to resin systems, it is not expected to have any difference in the final outcome whether it is MWCNT or SWCNT. Hence, only SWCNTs are considered in computational studies as it helps in reducing the complexity of atomistic models and computational time when coupled with polymer resin. This is valid even for functionalized CNT as functionalization is also a surface phenomenon. To start with, the mechanical behaviour of SWCNT is studied using molecular mechanics approach. Molecular mechanics based finite element analysis is adopted to evaluate the mechanical properties of armchair, zigzag and chiral SWCNT of different diameters. Three different types of atomic bonds, i.e., carbon-carbon covalent bond and two types of carbon-carbon van der Waals bonds are considered in the carbon nanotube system. The stiffness values of these bonds are calculated using the molecular potentials, namely Morse potential function and Lennard-Jones interaction potential function respectively and these stiffness values are assigned to spring elements in the finite element model of the SWCNT. The importance of inclusion of Lennard-Jones interactions is highlighted in this study. Effect of these non-bonded interactions is studied by making the numerical stiffness of these bonds to negligible levels and found that they significantly reduce the mechanical properties. The effect of non-bonded Lennard-Jones atomic interactions (van der Waal interactions) considered here is a novelty in this work which has not been considered in previous research works. The finite element model of the SWCNT is constructed, appropriate boundary conditions are applied and the behaviour of mechanical properties of SWCNT is studied. It is found that the longitudinal tensile strength and maximum tensile strain of armchair SWCNTs is greater than that of zigzag and chiral SWCNTs and its value increases with increasing SWCNT diameter. The estimated values of the mechanical properties obtained agree well with the published literature data determined using other techniques. As the systems become more complicated with the inclusion of polymers, molecular dynamics (MD) method using well established codes is more adoptable to study the effect of SWCNTs on BECy. Hence, it is used to model and solve the nanosystems to generate their stress-strain behavior. Further, MD approach followed here can effectively include interfacial interaction between polymer and the CNTs as well. Mechanical properties of SWCNT functionalized SWCNT (fSWCNT), pure BECy resin and that of the CNT nanocomposite consisting of specific quantity of SWCNT / fSWCNT in BECy are estimated using MD method. Atomistic models of SWCNT, fSWCNT, BECy, BECy with specific quantities of CNT / fSWCNT are constructed. A monomer of BECy is modelled and stabilized before its usage as a building block for modelling of BECy resin and to compute its properties. A cell of specific size containing monomers of BECy and another cell of same size with SWCNT at centre surrounded by BECy monomer molecules are built. The appropriate quantity of SWCNT in resin is modelled. This model captures the required density of the composite resin. The models so constructed are subjected to geometric optimization satisfying the convergence criteria and equilibrated through molecular dynamics to obtain a stable structure. The minimized structure is subjected to small strain in different directions to calculate the Young’s modulus and other moduli of the CNT-BECy resin composite. The process is repeated for different quantities of SWCNT in BECy resin to obtain their moduli. Further, tensile and shear strengths of CNT-BECy are obtained by subjecting the equilibrated structure to a series of applied strains from 0 to 10% in steps of 1%. The stress values corresponding to each strain are obtained and a stress – strain curve is plotted. From the stress- strain curve, the strengths of the CNT -BECy which is the stress corresponding to the modulus after which the material starts to soften are determined. Effects of functionalization on mechanical properties of SWCNT are observed. Further, effects of functionalization of SWCNT are studied with a specific quantity of fSWCNT on different moduli and strengths of BECy are investigated. The properties of enhanced CNT–BECy nanocomposite resin with different quantities of added CNT obtained through MD are used to estimate the mechanical properties of the CNT-BECy-CFRP nanocomposite using micromechanics model. Further, validation with experimental results is attempted comparing the trends in enhancement of properties of the CNT-BECy resin and CNT-BECy-CFRP nanocomposite system. The outcome of this research work has been significantly positive in terms of i) Development of an appropriate process establishing different parameters for dispersing CNTs in the resin system, mixing, curing cycle for making of nanocomposites demonstrating significant and consistent enhancement of mechanical properties of BECy based resin system and CFRP nanocomposites using optimum quantity of CNTs /fCNTs through a series of well planned and executed experimental investigations. Evaluation of mechanical properties for each of the cases has been carried out experimentally. ii) Establishing a computational methodology involving intricate atomistic modelling and molecular dynamics of nanosystems for estimation of mechanical properties of BECy polymer resin and to study the effects by addition of SWCNT / functionalized SWCNT on the properties. Results obtained through series of experimental investigations have been validated through this computational study. This could be an important step towards realising the potential of this resin system for high performance aerospace applications. Thus, in brief, detailed experimental work combined with computational studies performed as presented in this thesis resulted in achieving structurally efficient cyanate ester based nanocomposites which is unique and not reported in open literature.

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