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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vilket pris avgör vad du handlar? : En kvantitativ jämförande studie av krympflations påverkan på försäljning

Hummelgren, Axel January 2020 (has links)
Konsumtionsbeteende är idag en viktig undersökningspunkt för att med säkerhet kunna genomföra implementeringar av nya policys inom konsumentpolitiken. Både klassiska nationalekonomiska teorier och beteendeekonomiska teorier används för att beskriva och förutsäga dessa beteenden, men det saknas undersökningar på deras faktiska kopplingar till olika typer av prissättning. Denna uppsats har gjort ett försök till att undersöka vilken påverkan en förändring i pris genom en förändring i paketstorlek har på efterfrågan. Den har även försökt ge en analys till om de förändringar som noteras är kopplade till beteendeekonomi eller klassisk nationalekonomisk teori. Med hjälp av en vanlig tidstrendsanalys tillsammans med en interrupted-time-series-analysis har försäljningstrenderna för försäljning i KG för två substituerande produkter skapats och jämförts. Dessa fastställer att förändringens påverkan framförallt stämmer överens med teorier gällande beteendeekonomi men att sambandet mellan en förändring i försäljningsnivå och en förändring i paketstorlek inte är säkerställt. Analyserna gjorda i denna studie blir därför inte fastställda och möjligtvis otillräckliga för att besvara den fråga som ställts. Jag som författare vill därför uppmana till att flera utvecklande studier inom ämnet bör utföras för att säkerställa möjliga resultat. / Consumer behaviour is today an important aspect of making quality decisions regarding policies on the consumer market. Both classical economical models and behavioural economical models are used to describe and predict these kinds of behaviours. Although todays studies on their connections to different methods of pricing are lacking. This paper tries to investigate what kind of impact a change in price by changing the size of the good has on demand. It also tries to produce an analysis on if this impact is connected with bevioural or classical economic theories. Based on a classical time-trend analysis together with an interrupted-time-series-analysis different trends for sales in KG regarding two substitutional products have been created. These determine that the effects on demand are most likely connected to behavioural economics but that the effects aren’t statistically significant. The analysis done in this paper therefore cannot be statistically determined and indicates that further studies on the subject need to be done to answer these questions with more certainty.

Utilization of exhausted coffee waste and date stones for removal of pesticides from aquatic media / Примeнa oтпaдa oд кaфe и кoштицa урмe зa уклaњaњe пeстицидa из aквaтичнoг мeдиjумa / Primena otpada od kafe i koštica urme za uklanjanje pesticida iz akvatičnog medijuma

Hgeig Ali 30 September 2020 (has links)
<p>The main goal of the thesis was to prevent the generation of waste, by<br />using the spent coffee grounds (SCG) and date stones (DSAC) for<br />production of activated carbon adsorbent for water treatment. The<br />substances for water removal were selected from those presenting<br />potential risk to aquatic environment according to the NORMAN list of<br />emerging substances and belong to the group of pesticides:<br />carbendazim, linuron and isoproturon. SCG and DSAC adsorbents, as<br />an eco-friendly and low-cost materials, showed high potential for the<br />removal of selected emerging pesticides.</p> / <p>Основни циљ тезе био је смaњeњe стварања отпада коришћењем oтпaдa oд кaфe (SCG) и кoштицa урмe (DSАC) за производњу активног угљa кao адсорбенса за пречишћавање воде. Изaбрaнe супстанце за испитивaњ прoцeсa уклањањa из воде представљају потенцијални ризик за воднe eкo систeмe према NОRМАN листи eмeргeнтних супстaнци и припадају групи пестицида: карбендазим, линурон и изопротурон. SCG и DSАC адсорбенти су, као еколошки прихватљиви материјали нискe цeнe, показали висок потенцијал уклањања одабраних пестицида из aквaтичнoг систeмa.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj teze bio je smanjenje stvaranja otpada korišćenjem otpada od kafe (SCG) i koštica urme (DSAC) za proizvodnju aktivnog uglja kao adsorbensa za prečišćavanje vode. Izabrane supstance za ispitivanj procesa uklanjanja iz vode predstavljaju potencijalni rizik za vodne eko sisteme prema NORMAN listi emergentnih supstanci i pripadaju grupi pesticida: karbendazim, linuron i izoproturon. SCG i DSAC adsorbenti su, kao ekološki prihvatljivi materijali niske cene, pokazali visok potencijal uklanjanja odabranih pesticida iz akvatičnog sistema.</p>


Nallapaneni, Asritha 15 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Today Your Barista Is: Genre Characteristics in The Coffee Shop Alternate Universe

McCain, Katharine Elizabeth 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de la influencia de los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café peruano en grano verde, partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00, hacia Japón del 2016 al 2019 / Analysis of the influence of economic and trade factors on the export of Peruvian coffee in green grain, tariff heading 0901.11.90.00, to Japan from 2016 to 2019

García Bermúdez, Leonardo Jaime, Torres Ludeña, Luis Martin 25 September 2020 (has links)
El café es uno de los productos agrícolas que genera mayores divisas en el Perú y también es uno de los productos más comercializado en el mundo, gracias a sus diversos beneficios. En la actualidad, 223 mil familias, que están relacionadas a la producción y exportación del café. El Perú es el octavo exportador a nivel mundial de café y el 70% de los cultivos peruanos son valorados por su calidad y rentabilidad. Sin embargo, la poca interacción entre el sector privado y público, la coyuntura internacional, la precariedad de las técnicas inmersa y otros factores han ocasionado que gran cantidad de hectáreas de cultivo se hayan redireccionado al cultivo de otros productos agrícolas. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café en granos verde, partida arancelaria 0901.1190, hacia Japón del 2016 al 2019. En ese sentido, se evaluará el sector cafetalero peruano y la realidad problemática para lograr los objetivos de la investigación. Para lo cual, se utilizó fuentes primarias de diversos autores y herramientas de investigación como: Trademap, Veritrade, Santander Trade, Banco Mundial, entre otros. De igual manera, se recabó información clave mediante entrevistas a profundidad a empresas y cooperativas exportadoras de café verde en granos durante el 2016 al 2019 y a especialistas como: MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, MINAGRI y Cámara Peruana de Café y Cacao. Se empleó el software “Atlas Ti” para poder realizar el análisis de cada entrevista y determinar el impacto de los factores en estudio sobre las exportaciones de café. / Coffee is one of the agricultural products that generates the most foreign exchange in Peru and is also one of the most traded products in the world, thanks to its diverse benefits. Currently, 223 thousand families are related to the production and export of coffee. Peru is the eighth largest exporter of coffee in the world and 70% of Peruvian crops are valued for their quality and profitability. However, the lack of interaction between the private and public sectors, the international situation, the precariousness of the techniques used, and other factors have caused a large number of hectares of crops to be redirected to the cultivation of other agricultural products. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of economic and commercial factors on the export of green coffee beans, tariff item 0901.1190, to Japan from 2016 to 2019. In this sense, the Peruvian coffee sector and the problematic reality will be evaluated to achieve the research objectives. For this purpose, primary sources from different authors and research tools such as Trademap, Veritrade, Santander Trade, World Bank, among others, were used. Similarly, key information was collected through in-depth interviews with companies and cooperatives exporting green coffee beans from 2016 to 2019 and specialists such as MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, MINAGRI and the Peruvian Chamber of Coffee and Cocoa. The "Atlas Ti" software was used to analyze each interview and determine the impact of the factors under study on coffee exports. / Tesis

Customer satisfaction Brand trust Web platforms / Organic Filter Coffee (OFC)

Alvarado Terreros, Victor Miguel Ángel, Barron Morales, Yovana Edith, Osorio Cardozo, Maricielo Geraldine, Vega Dávila, Luis Arturo, Grijalva García, Gabriela Margarita 06 December 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, las personas disponen de menos tiempo para preparar sus alimentos; así mismo, existe un incremento considerable en el consumo de productos orgánicos. A raíz de ello, nace el emprendimiento COF – Café (Café Orgánico Filtrante), mediante nuestro plan de negocio, se propone la idea de producción y comercialización de bolsas de café orgánico donde nuestro mercado objetivo son las personas, cuyas edades están comprendidas entre 20 y 55 años, las cuales pertenezcan a los niveles socioeconómico A y B, que radiquen en distritos de Surco, Miraflores, San Isidro y San Borja y que sean consumidores de café. Esta idea de negocio, establece la producción y comercialización de café orgánico en bolsitas filtrantes; cuya propuesta de valor, radica en ofrecer un producto saludable de alta calidad, rapidez y practicidad al momento de tomar una taza de café pasado. De esta manera, estimular el consumo de alimentos orgánicos y contribuir a un estilo de vida saludable En el presente trabajo, se establecerán las pautas o lineamientos necesarios para la ejecución del proyecto, el cual abarca en un inicio desde la validación de mercado, determinación de los factores internos y externos que influyen en el sector, estrategias y planes de marketing a seguir y/o implementar, hasta un adecuado plan de operaciones. Por otro lado, se establecerá un adecuado plan financiero, en el que se determinará los recursos necesarios para la implementación del proyecto; así mismo, se dará a conocer los diversos indicadores que determinan la viabilidad del negocio. / Nowadays, people provide less time to make their own food; also, there is a considerable increase in the consumption of organic food. As a result, the COF – Café (Filtering Organic Coffee) venture was born, through our business plan, the idea of production and commercialization of organic coffee bags where our target market is people, whose age are between 20 and 55 years old, who belong to socioeconomic level A and B and lives in Surco, Miraflores ,San Isidro and San Borja, and who are coffee consumers. This business idea establishes the production and commercialization of organic coffee in filters bags; whose value proposition lies in offering a healthy product of high quality, quick and practicality when having a cup of old coffee. In this way, stimulate the consumption of organic food and contribute a healthy lifestyle. In this work, the necessary guidelines for the execution of the project will be established, which initially covers from market validation, determination of the internal and external factors that influence the sector, strategies and marketing plans to follow and / or implement, up to an adequate plan of operations. In other way, an adequate financial plan will be established, in which the necessary resources for the implementation of the project will be determinate; likewise, the various indicators that determinate the viability of the business will be announced. / Trabajo de investigación

Brewing for a Better Future : Exploring the connection between inter-organisational learning and the sustainable development of coffee farms

Goerlich, Lisa-Sophie, Meyer, Julian January 2023 (has links)
Coffee is a vital source of income for millions of farmers worldwide and an important commodity in global trade. The 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations, aim to improve the world's production and consumption patterns, but coffee farming is still often associated with modern-day slavery, poor working conditions, and deforestation. To address these issues, certification programs have been introduced, linked to sustainability objectives and aimed at promoting sustainable practices, but their impact has been questioned. This study seeks to explore the inter-organisational learning (IOL) processes between German coffee importers and roasters and coffee producers. It poses three research questions to investigate: (1) The effect of IOL on the sustainable development of coffee farms, (2) the underlying processes of IOL in German coffee supply chains, and (3) the influence of barriers on the IOL process. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews, the study identifies that the primary goal of initiating IOL varies from one company to another and is the main indicator for their ability to enable sustainable development on the farms. While achieving a sustainable transformation was rarely the reason to engage in an IOL process, the focus on quality improvements, most common among the interviewed organisations, also led to some amount of environmental and social sustainable development. Trust is essential for successful IOL, though cultural differences and communication barriers might hinder the development of trust. The study highlights the importance of including farmers in all stages of the IOL process, leading to a significant sustainable development outcome on coffee farms. The study contributes to a better understanding of IOL dynamics in the coffee supply chain, shedding light on IOL's interconnectedness and the sustainable development of coffee farms.


Abdalla, Ahmed, 0000-0001-5558-2405 January 2022 (has links)
Recently, Sustainable engineering has become a necessity due to the limited availability of virgin materials, environmental concerns, and the lack of economic resources. According to the United Nations, "Sustainable engineering is the process of using resources in a way that does not compromise the environment or deplete the materials for future generations." However, developing cost-efficient and long-term road infrastructure has always been a challenge. Therefore, novel solutions are required to extend the pavement life cycle and minimize raw materials utilization to overcome this challenge. This research focuses on integrating the waste material to produce rheological engineered asphalt mixtures as pavement material. This study utilized three wastes, which are Off-spec fly ash (OFA), Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), and finally, a bio-oil extracted from Spent Coffee Ground (SCG). OFA is a viable source for recycling due to the quantities produced yearly and deposited in landfills. For many years fly ash has been effectively used as a partial replacement for Portland cement in producing different types of concrete, embankments, and soil stabilization. Most of the underutilized fly ash is Off-Spec. That was the motive behind adopting the OFA in this study. This study aims to investigate the fly ash's interaction with the asphalt binder as an additive rather than a filler. Few studies evaluated this hypothesis regarding fly ash as an additive. Moreover, this research's novelty comes as there is a lack of research evaluating the fly ash-asphalt physio-chemical interaction. RAP utilization in roads infrastructure became a current state of practice. Most state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) have been using RAP at a composition average of about 20% of the mix by mass. This study focuses on maximizing the utilization of the RAP content through using a bio-oil extracted from the SCG as a new promising rejuvenator. Spent coffee ground is not well recycled, and almost six million tons are sent to landfills every year. This waste was found to release methane into the atmosphere; methane is the second-most abundant greenhouse gas and has a global warming potential up to 86 times greater than CO2, which is highly harmful to the environment. In this study, the overreaching goal is to develop a green, innovative, and sustainable approach by recycling three different types of wastes (OFA, RAP, and SCGO) to achieve high-performance asphalt pavements. In addition, this study documents the science-based approach to successfully integrating these wastes as substitutes to the asphalt binder. Results show that some OFAs are associated with improved rheological performance, damage healing, and cracking resistance as an asphalt binder additive. The improvement is attributed to the level of interaction between the binder and the physical and chemical characteristics of the OFA. The use of rejuvenators further improved the aging resistance of the ash blends, suggesting high potential synergy, especially the proposed SCGO rejuvenator, which promotes utilizing it as a promising eco-friendly rejuvenator in the asphalt pavement industry. After engineering a product built by OFA and rejuvenators, these results have been validated by mixtures’ scale testing. 62% optimum RAP content is suggested to be utilized with an 11% dosage of the proposed SCGO rejuvenator as binder replacement. For the new engineered OFA/rejuvenators products, a 30% optimum RAP content is suggested to be used. Finally, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is conducted to evaluate the environmental potential of utilizing multi recycled materials in the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) industry. The results show a reduction in environmental impacts with RAP utilization and the new eco-friendly products (OFA and SCGO rejuvenator). Shifting HMA plant fuel to natural gas instead of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) offers considerable potential environmental benefits. Adopting the Ultrasonic Assisted-oil Extraction (UAE) as SCGO rejuvenator extraction method showed less energy and solvent consumption than the Soxhlet extraction, resulting in less environmental impacts. / Civil Engineering

Commodity Price Shocks and Child Marriage: Evidence from Coffee Regions in East Africa

Lowe, Brittany 26 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Nodes 2.0 : Enabling informal meeting situations in a contemporary office environment

Källström, Malin January 2023 (has links)
The contemporary office environment is facing new type of challanges both when it comes to be an attractive place for employees and an efficiant, as well as an econommic sustainable space from an employer's perspective. The rapid change of of hybrid ways of working is creating more remote contact with with the physical office. Research points out that there could be social consequences connected to this. This thesis sees the contemporary office as a potential space for enabling contacts between people, normaly not meeting, being in their personal sphere.  The thesis introduces findings connected to research in the field of spatial and urban design as well as architecture, developing a spatial guideline, in how to enable those situations in an office environment.  With help of literature as well as expertise in the field, and an observation of an activity-based office environment different themes is deceted and presented. The outcome of used methods is captured with analyses connected to the connected themes.  Concrete examples in how to enable social contact situations and support informal meetings is visualized in a spatial guideline.

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