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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelování a kultivace vybraných mikroorganismů na hydrolyzátech odpadních substrátů / Modeling and cultivation of some microorganisms on waste substrate hydrolysates

Kecskésová, Viktória January 2018 (has links)
The aim of Diploma thesis was the cultivation of microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum CCM 7039 and Bacillus coagulans CCM 2658 on hydrolysed spent coffee grounds, production of lactid acid and modelling of these processes to find out more detailed characteristics. First, both microorganisms were cultivated in Erlenmeyer flasks on spent coffee grounds hydrolysate containing lipids and processed by extraction of lipids, e.g. lipid-free. The effect of nitrogen source and inoculation medium were monitored in the course of cultivation. The optimal conditions found were used for subsequent fermentation in bioreactors. Further, microorganisms were cultivated in the Erlenmeyer flasks in the media with individual carbohydrates typical for hydrolysed spent coffee grounds to determine its ability to utilize these carbohydrates. By fermentation in the bioreactors, the yield of lactic acid from carbohydrates was 97 % in Lactobacillus plantarum and 99 % in Bacillus coagulans, respectively. Models for growth and productivity of microorganisms were processed in MATLAB using logistic, generalized logistic and Monod functions. In general, the best data fit was achieved using a logistic function.

Optimalizace kultivace karotenogenních kvasinek na směsných odpadních substrátech / Optimization of cultivation of carotenogenic yeasts on mixed waste substrates

Holub, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis addresses the issue of cultivation of selected strains of carotenogenic yeasts on waste materials of the food industry using a laboratory bioreactor. Carotenogenic yeasts are able to produce highly valuable metabolites during cultivation, which are located predominantly in the lipid part of the cells. Particularly, they are carotenoids, ergosterol, coenzyme Q and fatty acids. The thesis is divided into two main parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part describes individual yeast strains, types of waste materials, produced metabolites and methods of their analysis. The experimental part deals with the processing of waste materials of the food industry, specifically animal fat, whey and spent coffee grounds into the form of substrates usable as nutrition sources for yeast cultivation. Furthermore, cultivations focused on the recovery of the monitored metabolites and their analysis by using HPLC/PDA and GC/FID assemblies were studied as well. The yeast strains Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (CCY 19-4-6), Rhodotorula kratochvilae (CCY 20-2-26), Rhodosporidium toruloides (CCY 062-002-001), Sporidiobolus pararoseus (CCY 19-9-6) a Cystofilobasidium macerans (CCY 10-1-2) were used in this work. As one of the best producing strains Sporidiobolus pararoseus (CCY 19-9-6) was found, which achieved very high productions of carotenoids, coenzyme Q and ergosterol.

Metody vícenásobného zarovnávání nukleotidových sekvencí / Methods for multialignment of nucleotide sequences

Trněný, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
To be able to understand characteristics and purpose of biological sequences correctly, it is crucial to have a possibility to sort and compare them. Because of this need and to extend existing knowledge pool, numerous methods were proposed. Especially in field of multiple sequences alignment. Methods for multiple sequences alignment may provide various valuable information about sequences which failed to show enough similarity in pairwise alignment. According to this, several algorithms were implemented in various computer applications which provide a way to analyse huge sets of data. One of those, the progressive alignment algorithm, is implemented as a part of this thesis

The Role of A Flexible Brand Identity in A Dynamic Market : A Multiple-Case Study on Swedish Coffee Brands

Enoksson, Louise, Larsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Conducting successful business requires a clear and steady brand identity, which is a part of brand management (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1992, de Chernatony, 1999). Sticking to the core values and the traditions of the brand is beneficial. However, it seems advantageous to possess a flexible brand identity for the brand to be able to adapt to market trends and development. This could be of even more importance if the brand is existing in a dynamic market (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). This study aims to understand and further describe the role of flexible brand identity in a dynamic market, from a corporate point of view. The study was made according to an inductive approach of qualitative research, which enabled data collection from two case companies. The Swedish coffee market was chosen as the case market. Hence, five in-depth interviews were conducted with people working for two established coffee brands in Sweden.    The empirical findings showed the importance of working on the brand identity to stay relevant in the Swedish coffee market. Factors and stakeholders such as consumers, retail, shops, origin of the coffee, changes in consumer interests, and market trends were mentioned. Communication, and brand transformation, also appeared to be important factors within the study. The empirical findings have been analysed in comparison to the previous research on brand identity and dynamic markets, as well as further developed and discussed.  Altogether, the study aimed to discuss concepts and the empirical findings, and by the inclusion of the research questions: 1) How do companies work on transforming their brand identity? 2) How can a flexible brand identity be favourable when existing in a dynamic market? In conclusion, the Swedish coffee market appears to be moderately dynamic, and the benefits of a flexible brand identity is the ability to adapt and adjust for market trends, as long as the core values are taken into account during the changes. / Att driva framgångsrik business innebär ett behov av en tydlig och stabil varumärkesidentitet, vilken är en del inom varumärkeshanteringen (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1992, de Chernatony, 1999). Det är föredömligt att hålla sig till varumärkets grundvärderingar och traditioner, men kan även vara fördelaktigt att bedriva en mer flexibel varumärkesidentitet för att kunna anpassa den till marknadstrender- och utveckling. Det kan vara om än mer viktigt om varumärket verkar på en dynamisk marknad (da Silveira, 2013; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). Den här studien syftar till att förstå och vidare beskriva innebörden av en flexibel varumärkesidentitet på en dynamisk marknad, och detta utifrån ett företagsperspektiv. Den kvalitativa studien utfördes genom en induktiv ansats, med datainsamling från två olika företag på den svenska kaffemarknaden. Sammanlagt har fem anställda inom två svenska kaffevarumärken har intervjuats.    Den empiriska datan visade på att det är viktigt att jobba med varumärkesidentiteten för att vara relevant på den svenska kaffemarknaden. Faktorer och intressenter, såsom konsumenter, dagligvaruhandeln, kaffebutiker och kaffets ursprung, nämndes upprepat. Trender och svängande kaffeintresse samt kommunikation och varumärkestransformation var också centrala aspekter. Den empiriska datan har analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning men har också utvecklats och vidare diskuterats.    Sammantaget syftar studien till att diskutera koncepten och den empiriska datan och syftet har brutits ned i två forskningsfrågor: 1) Hur kan företag arbeta med att transformera sin varumärkesidentitet? 2) Hur kan en flexibel varumärkesidentitet vara fördelaktig på en dynamisk marknad? Utifrån analysen drogs slutsatsen att den svenska kaffemarknaden är “moderately dynamic” och fördelarna med en flexibel varumärkesidentitet är att den kan anpassas efter marknaden och dess trender, så länge grundvärderingarna tas i beaktning genom förändringarna.

Discrimination des procédés de transformation post-récolte du Cacao et du Café par analyse globale de l’écologie microbienne / Discrimination of post-harvest processing on microbial ecology of cacao and coffee

Hamdouche, Yasmine 22 September 2015 (has links)
Le cacao et le café sont les produits agricoles les plus échangés dans le monde. Ils subissent de nombreuses transformations post-récolte au niveau des pays producteurs (tropicaux) avant d'être exportés. Les procédés de traitements post-récolte diffèrent d'un pays à l'autre voire d'un agriculteur à l'autre. La transformation technologique du cacao en fèves marchandes et des grains de café en café vert nécessite un processus primaire de manutention. Ces pratiques participent et influencent, en général, la qualité marchande et organoleptique des produits destinés à la transformation. Notre hypothèse de travail est que les différents procédés de transformation post-récolte appliqués sur le café et le cacao ont une influence sur la structure des communautés microbiennes. L'objectif principal était de pouvoir mesurer cet effet en réalisant l'analyse globale des communautés microbienne en utilisant un outil de biologie moléculaire, la PCR-DGGE (Amplification par PCR couplée à l'électrophorèse sur gel en gradient dénaturant). Cette technique a été associée au séquençage afin d'identifier les espèces microbiennes majoritaires. Cette étude a montré que les communautés microbiennes associées aux grains de café et aux fèves de cacao varient au cours des différentes étapes pour chaque type de traitement post-récolte appliqué.Notre approche a permis de discriminer les voies de traitements, et l'origine géographique du café Camerounais et Indonésien. Notamment, nous avons montré que l'origine géographique et l'espèce de café utilisée ont un impact sur l'écologie microbienne du café moins important par rapport à celui du procédé. L'application au cacao nous a permis de relier l'analyse globale de l'écologie microbienne (DGGE) à l'analyse des composés volatils (SPME-GC-MS) afin de discriminer les différents traitements post-récolte. Des micro-fermentations ont été réalisées avec des souches microbiennes isolées du cacao (L. fermentum, A. pasteurianus, P. kudriavzevii et P. mashurica) dans le but d‘identifier l'origine des composés volatils détectés sur le cacao fermenté. Notre étude a contribué à montrer que la fermentation combinée à une courte durée de stockage avant fermentation est le procédé qui permet d'obtenir des fèves contenant plus de composés aromatiques désirables sur le cacao. Une analyse statistique a permis de combiner les résultats des deux types d'analyses (écologie microbienne et composés aromatiques) et de créer des relations entre les espèces détectées et les composés volatils présents. Les profils aromatiques identifiés ont permis d'envisager l'utilisation des souches testées comme starters de culture pour la fermentation du cacao. / Cocoa and coffee are the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. They undergo many post-harvest transformations in producing countries (tropical) before being exported. Post-harvest processes differ from one country to another and from one production site to another. The technological transformation of cocoa on commercial beans and of coffee to green coffee requires a primary process handling. These practices play a crucial role in global and organoleptic quality of the products that will be processed. Our work hypothesis isthat different post-harvest processing applied to coffee and cocoa have an influence on the structure of microbial communities. The main objective was to measure this effect by performing a global analysis of microbial ecology using a molecular biology tool (PCR-DGGE, PCR amplification coupled to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis). This technique allows variations in microbial communities to be detected and the main microbial species to be identified by sequencing.Our approach permitted to discriminate treatments, and the geographical origin of Cameroonian and Indonesian coffees. Notably, we showed that geographical origin and coffee species have a minor impact on the structure of the microbial communities when compared to the type of process used (wet or dry).By applying the approach to cocoa, we could link the global analysis of microbial ecology (PCR-DGGE) to the analysis of volatile compounds (SPME-GC-MS) to discriminate the different post-harvest treatments. Micro-fermentation were carried out with strains isolated from cocoa (L. fermentum, A. pasteurianus, P. kudriavzevii and P. mashurica) in order to identify the origin of the volatile compounds detected in the fermented cocoa. This study contributed to to show that fermentation combined with a short storage duration before fermentation is the best method to obtain cocoa beans with more desirable aromatic compounds. The statistical analysis was used to combine the results of the two types of analyzes (microbial ecology and aromatic compounds) and get relations between the detected microbial species and volatile compounds. The identified aromatic profiles prompted us to consider the use of the tested microbial strains as starter culture for cocoa fermentation.

La relación entre el compromiso de marca, conocimiento de marca, boca a boca a través de las redes sociales y la intención de compra de clientes de 25 a 45 años de cafeterías independientes de Lima, 2021 / The relationship between brand engagement, brand awareness, word of mouth through social networks and the purchase intention of customers aged 25 to 45 years of independent coffee shops in Lima, 2021

Molina Feijóo, Fiorella Rocío, Sánchez Vera, Franco Sergio 09 February 2022 (has links)
La presente tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo conocer cuál es la relación que existe entre el compromiso de marca, conocimiento de marca, boca a boca en redes sociales y la intención de compra en clientes de 25 a 45 años de cafeterías independientes en Lima, Perú. Para ello, se plantea como propósito el análisis de las acciones digitales que usan como estrategia de marketing en redes sociales las cafeterías independientes en el contexto descrito con la finalidad de dar a conocer sus resultados respecto de grandes empresas de la industria y cómo estos impactan en diversos elementos como el compromiso de marca, conocimiento de marca, boca a boca e intención de compra de clientes peruanos de café y conocer el comportamiento de este consumidor en sí. Con esto encontrar puntos de mejora que podrían aplicar en redes sociales para ser más competitivos y de esta manera mejorar su posicionamiento y conocimiento dentro del mercado peruano. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa mediante encuestas realizadas a 300 personas pertenecientes al público objetivo de estudio y fueron divididas en 2 grupos según su género: Grupo 1 (150 mujeres) y Grupo 2 (150 hombres). Asimismo, con la finalidad de contar con un análisis y comprensión amplio del tema en estudio, se investigaron diversos temas relacionados, tales como el marketing digital y redes sociales, el mercado de café en el mundo, así como en el mercado peruano y su comercialización, entre otros. / The purpose of this research thesis is to know what is the relationship that exists between brand commitment, brand awareness, word of mouth on social networks and the intention of purchase in customers aged 25 to 45 years of independent coffee shops in Lima, Peru. To do this, the objective is to analyze the digital actions that independent coffee shops use as a strategy in the context described in order to publicize their weaknesses with respect to large companies in the industry and the points of improvement that can be applied to be more competitive. For this, a quantitative research was carried out through surveys carried out on 400 people belonging to the study's target audience and they were divided into 2 groups according to their gender: Group 1 (women) and Group 2 (men). Likewise, in order to have a broad analysis and understanding of the subject under study, various topics related to the thesis topic were investigated such as marketing and its evolution towards digital marketing and social networks, the coffee market in the world, as well as in the Peruvian market and its commercialization, among others. / Tesis

La Cadena de Logística y su relación con las exportaciones de la S.P.N 0901.11.90.00 - Los Demás Café Sin Tostar hacia Alemania durante el periodo 2015-2019

Aguilar Poma, Kimy Luzwika, Zamudio Vargas, Luis Enrique 20 February 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la relación de la cadena logística y las exportaciones de los demás café sin tostar hacia Alemania durante el periodo del 2015 al 2019. Con respecto a las empresas exportadoras de café en el Perú, estas se enfrentan a la internacionalización, por ello, los procesos logísticos, estrategias de mercado y actores claves ayudan en la búsqueda de una mejora continua. Otro punto, los cultivos de café se producen en climas húmedos, asimismo, la mano de obra calificada conserva la forma de los granos. Lo siguiente, la cadena de suministro del café empieza desde la fase productiva, luego pasa a ser recogido por los intermediarios (exportadores). Después de comercializar el producto al país de destino se elige el tipo de transporte a usar, en su mayoría son a través de los puertos del Callao y Paita. Finalmente, es distribuido al cliente final. Para analizar la relación de las variables, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa enfocándose en 4 dimensiones; almacenamiento, distribución, abastecimiento y exportación; con ello se espera medir el grado de importancia a través de indicadores. Se utilizó un cuestionario en escala Likert, el cual fue dirigido a ejecutivos y funcionarios que ocupan cargos en las áreas de logística y exportaciones en las principales empresas exportadoras. De esta manera se concluyó que la logística si se relaciona con las exportaciones de café, siendo las dimensiones de distribución y almacenamiento con valores con una correlacional fuerte y positiva. / The main objective of the present investigation is to determine the relationship of the logistics chain and the exports of the other unroasted coffee to Germany during the period from 2015 to 2019. With respect to Coffee exporting companies in Peru, these face internationalization, therefore, logistics processes, market strategies and key actors help in the search for continuous improvement. Another point, coffee crops are produced in humid climates, and skilled labor preserves the shape of the beans. Next, the coffee supply chain starts from the productive phase, then it is picked up by intermediaries (exporters). After marketing the product to the country of destination you choose the type of transport to use, mostly are through the ports of Callao and Paita. Finally, it is distributed to the final customer. To analyze the relationship of the variables, a quantitative research was conducted focusing on 4 dimensions; storage, distribution, supply and export; with this it is expected to measure the degree of importance through indicators. A Likert-scale questionnaire was used, which was addressed to specialists in logistics and export positions in major exporting companies. In this way it was concluded that logistics is related to coffee exports, being the dimensions of distribution and storage with values with a strong and positive correlational. / Tesis

Desarrollo del proyecto de negocio Makao Coffee / Development of the Makao Coffee Business Project

Alva Cornejo, Diego Adolfo, Benvenutto Saco Vertiz, Piero, Eskenazi Arfi, Eytan Albert, Luna Mazzola, Yago, Zevallos Achata, Leonardo Antonio 30 November 2020 (has links)
Nuestro trabajo de investigación consiste en el desarrollo de un plan de negocio, en el que se ha creado la marca ‘Makao Coffee’ con el propósito de ofrecer un café peruano de calidad en tueste oscuro, medio oscuro y artesanal, con sabores y aromas intensos. A partir del uso de métodos de validación, como entrevistas, hemos podido determinar que nuestro producto responde a un nicho de mercado con una necesidad insatisfecha, la falta de café oscuro. La ventaja competitiva de nuestra marca es la calidad, ya que el café es producido a 1500 msnm en Jaén, Perú, obteniendo una calidad superior a otros cafés por el tipo de grano cultivado en esa zona. Además, como parte de la atención que brindamos, ofrecemos el molido del café a gusto del cliente para que lo utilice en la cafetera de su preferencia, y hacemos entrega del producto por medio de delivery a domicilio. Por otro lado, se ha logrado validar la aceptación del producto a través de nuestros canales de ventas, sobre todo en la modalidad de e-commerce. De ellos, el más importante son las redes sociales, ya que nos han generado las ganancias más significativas de la empresa hasta el momento, logrando recompras que generan ingresos recurrentes para el negocio. Con ello, se tiene proyectado en un mediano plazo ampliar la línea de productos, alianzas estratégicas y la adquisición de una tostadura propia. / Our research work is about the development of a business plan, in which the 'Makao Coffee' brand has been created with the purpose of offering quality Peruvian coffee in a dark, medium dark and artisan roast, with intense flavors and aromas. From the use of validation methods, such as interviews, we have been able to determine that our product responds to a market niche with an unmet need, the lack of dark coffee. The competitive advantage of our brand is the quality, since the coffee is produced at 1500 meters above sea level in Jaén, Peru, obtaining a superior quality to other coffees due to the type of grain grown in that area. In addition, as part of the attention that we provide, we offer the coffee grind to the client's taste so that they can use it in the coffee maker of their choice, and we deliver the product directly to the client. On the other hand, the acceptance of the product has been validated through our sales channels, especially in the e-commerce mode. Of all of them, the most important are the social networks, since they have generated the most significant profits of the company so far, achieving buybacks that generate recurring income for the business. With this, it is planned in the medium term to expand the product line, strategic alliances and the acquisition of an own roaster. / Trabajo de investigación

Evaluación in vitro del efecto antibacteriano y citotóxico del extracto metanólico del Coffea (Café) frente a cepas de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC® 25175) y Streptococcus sanguinis (ATCC® 10556) / In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial and cytotoxic effect of the methanolic extract of Coffea (Coffee) against strains of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC® 25175) and Streptococcus sanguinis (ATCC® 10556)

Mondragon Picon , Nathaly Xiomara, Mundaca Torres, Valeria Miluska 05 July 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro el efecto antibacteriano y citotóxico del extracto metanólico del café peruano y colombiano frente a cepas de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC® 25175) y Streptococcus sanguinis (ATCC® 10556). Métodos: El extracto metanólico de café peruano y colombiano fue preparado utilizando una proporción 1:2 (P/V). Para determinar las propiedades antibacterianas de cada extracto se utilizó el método de difusión en pozo y la concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) se determinó mediante el método de microdilución. Como control positivo se utilizo la clorhexidina al 2%. La viabilidad celular y la citotoxicidad de los extractos fueron realizados utilizando el ensayo de reducción de MTT en la línea celular MDCK. Resultados: El extracto metanólico del café colombiano (Coffea) tuvo un mayor efecto antibacteriano (18.9 ± 2.8 mm) en comparación al café peruano (15+2.54mm), mientras que para el grupo de Streptoccocus mutans y para el grupo de Streptoccocus sanguinis el café colombiano y peruano mostraron halos de 18.8 ± 2.77 mm y 14.7± 3.8 mm, respectivamente. La concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) para los extractos del café colombiano y peruano fue de 3.1 μg/ml y 1.6 μg/ml para Streptoccocu mutans y 6.3 μg/ml para Streptoccocu sanguinis, respectivamente. El ensayo de MTT muestras que ambos extractos no fueron citotóxicos a altas concentraciones. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos que se encontraron en este estudio muestran que los extractos del colombiano y peruano (Coffea) tienen propiedades antibacterianas efectivas contra cepas de Streptococcus mutans y Streptococcus sanguinis. / Objective: To evaluate in vitro the antibacterial and cytotoxic effect of the methanolic extract of peruvian and colombian coffee against strains of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC® 25175) and Streptococcus sanguinis (ATCC® 10556). Methods: An extract was prepared for each type of coffee, carrying out nine tests independently, chlorhexidine 2% was used as a positive control. The well diffusion method was performed to determine the antibacterial properties of each extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by the microdilusion method and the cytotoxicity was analyzed by the MTT reduction test using a MDCK cell line. Results: The methanolic extract of colombian coffee (Coffea) had a greater antibacterial effect (18.9 ± 2.8 mm) compared to peruvian coffee (15 + 2.54mm) for the group of Streptoccocus mutans and for the group of Streptoccocus sanguinis, colombian coffee and peruvian obtained 18.8 ± 2.77 mm and 14.7 ± 3.8 mm, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for colombian and peruvian coffee extracts was 3.1 μg / ml and 1.6 μg / ml for S. mutans and 6.3 μg / ml for S. sanguinis, respectively. These extracts were not cytotoxic at high concentrations. Conclusions: The findings found in this study show that colombian and peruvian extracts (Coffea) have effective antibacterial properties against Streptococcus Mutans and Sanguinis strains. Further study with Coffea is recommended as there is very little research on this. / Tesis

Skapa mervärde på restmaterial : med Material Driven Design / Create added value on residual materials : with Material Driven Design

Thyni, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Varje år produceras mer än 10 miljoner ton kaffe i världen (www.ico.org) och Sverige är världens näst störst kaffedrickande nation med ca 80 ton kaffe på år, vilket motsvarar i snitt 3,5 koppar kaffe per person dagligen (www.kaffeinformation.se). Med en stor produktion tillkommer också en stor mängd avfall. När kaffebönor rostas får man ett restmaterial av kaffebönans skall, så kallad kaffechaff. I denna studie undersöks om detta spillmaterial vid kafferosterier kan få ett mervärde genom material driven design. Syftet är att minska avfall och skapa ett nytt material. Arbetet rör sig i områdena materialitet och hållbar utveckling och metod används Material Driven Design method (Karana et al., 2015) samt Material Driven Design for Sustainability (Bak-Andersen, 2018). Resultatet blev tre olika biologiskt nedbrytbara material, bland annat ett som kan användas som till engångsartiklar eller förpackningsmaterial. Studien visar på möjligheter att ge mervärde på restprodukter inom kafferosteri och skulle kunna användas som möjligt underlag till att se om spill från andra industrier skulle kunna få ett mervärde. / Every year, more than 10 million tonnes of coffee are produced in the world (www.ico.org) and Sweden is the world’s second largest coffee drinking nation with about 80 tonnes of coffee a year, which corresponds to an average of 3.5 cups of coffee per person daily (www.kaffeinformation.se). With a large production there is also a large amount of waste. When coffee beans are roasted, you get a residual material from the coffee bean shell, so-called coffee chaff. In this study, this waste material are investigate whether it can get added value through material driven design. The purpose is to reduce waste and create new material. The work moves in the areas of materiality and sustainable development, and the method is the Material Driven Design method (Karana et al., 2015) and Material Driven Design for Sustainability (Bak-Andersen, 2018). The result was three biodegradable materials, including one that can be used as a disposable or packaging material. The study shows opportunities to add value to residual products within coffee roasters and could be used as a possible basis to see if waste from other industries could gain added value.

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