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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teamwork makes the Theme work : A qualitative study on theming and performative labour as a differentiation strategy on SME Cafés in Sweden

Hala, Zeeb, Luu, To Quan January 2023 (has links)
Servicescape is a physical setting where the performance, delivery and consumption are exchanged within a service marketplace. It includes sensory components, such as the theme of the place that has a high impact on customer perceptions and purchasing decisions and providing them with extraordinary experiences (Pine and Gilmore, 1999; Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler, 2009). Therefore, the Disneyization concept which is influenced by the previous was applied as it focuses on providing differentiated services. However, the purpose of this research was to explore how theming and performative labour have been used in Small-Medium-Enterprises (SME) cafés as a differentiation strategy, thus only 2/4 Disneyization principles were looked into. Together with their teamwork differentiation was established against homogenised Fika cafés in Sweden. Three sub-questions have been created to allow the authors to answer the main question accurately. Deductive reasoning has been adapted for theory collection, while qualitative research was used when collecting primary data, through purposive sampling, due to criteria having to be met. A total of seven cafés participated through face-to-face semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis was followed to analyse, code, review, and define themes. The themes in the findings were cross-referenced with the literature review, thus the use of both interpretive and positivist research has shown slightly different results from previous studies. The findings state that when theming, all cafés cared about the different sensory elements such as interior design, sounds and smell for creating uniqueness. However, different from big enterprises, the passion of owners towards the theme was a significant factor in creating a successful theme as well. Nevertheless, theming alone was found to be not efficient enough as a differentiation strategy. Performative labour is needed to complement it which includes the concepts of emotional and aesthetic labour. Aesthetic labour had not a high effect on differentiating services, rather the extent of its application depends on the place and theme itself. On the contrary, emotional labour, which was connected with the service provided had a significant effect on instead, through interaction. Interaction is what is found to provide a unique service, creating a customer experience, thus loyal ones. Furthermore, the execution of theming and performative labour through a strong team is what creates a differentiation strategy in the face of competitors. Therefore, a Differentiation Strategy (DS) model for SME cafés was developed from the Disneyization model to include interaction and teamwork. The empirical data suggest that if a SME café successfully implements the model, it will create a differentiated strategy for itself.


GILSON ROBERTO DE SOUZA 17 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] Do ponto de vista histórico, a cafeicultura teve um papel relevante sobre a composição e estrutura das florestas no domínio da Mata Atlântica, especialmente no século XIX em todo o Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul, localizado na interceção dos estados de SP, RJ e MG. Esta atividade gerou uma paisagem composta por mosaicos florestais que foram definidos por diferentes sobreposições de usos, em distintas escalas temporais. Seu legado deixou marcas na paisagem e muitas estão ocultas sob estes mosaicos vegetacionais, sendo revelados a partir do estudo de sua flora e vegetação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a composição florística e a estrutura do estrato arbustivo e arbóreo de fragmentos de Mata Atlântica no Vale do Paraíba RJ/SP, com diferentes estágios sucessionais e distintas sobreposições de usos após o ciclo do café. Foi analisada a estrutura floristica e fitossociológica de oito fragmentos que compartilham o mesmo histórico de uso. Em seguida, foram analisadas as marcas humanas nestas florestas através do inventário de espécies exóticas e vestígios físicos de diferentes contextos históricos. Por fim, foi feita uma análise do entorno de cada fragmento por imagens de satélite. A metologia utilizada consistiu: 1) no levantamento fitossociológico em 20 parcelas de 10 x 10 m2 contíguas, perfazendo 0,2 ha em cada fragmento; 2) análise granulométrica e de fertilidade do solo nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-20 cm; 3) levantamento de espécies exóticas nas florestas; 4) registros de macrovestígios de usos pretéritos nos fragmentos e 5) utilização e interpretação de imagens de satélite para cada fragmento estudado. Os resultados indicam que os fragmentos estudados contemporâneos à época do café. Muito possivelmente são de áreas onde onde anteriomente existiam cafezais e, com o declinio deste, deu-se o processo de sucessão ecológica, representando hoje esta paisagem uma convergência de histórias naturais e humanas. As investigações acerca da paisagem que circunda os fragmentos dimensiona as semelhanças que há entre eles, pois estão dentro de uma mesma matriz e contexto histórico. A interpretação destes eventos temporais sobre os aspectos das florestas a partir do legado do café por diferentes sobreposições de uso contribui para compreensão das dimensões biogeográficas e da história ambiental da sua paisagem. Neste contexto, o entendimento dos usos antrópicos pretéritos e a situação atual das florestas face ao aspecto cumulativo de usos contribui para a conservação destas florestas e dos valores ecológicos e culturais a elas associados. / [en] From a historical point of view, the heyday of coffee growing played a relevant role in the composition and structure of forests in the Atlantic Forest domain, especially in the 19th century throughout the Paraíba do Sul River Valley, located at the intersection of the states of SP, RJ, and MG. This activity generated a landscape composed of forest mosaics defined by overlapping uses at different time scales. His legacy left marks on the landscape, and many are hidden under these vegetation mosaics, revealed through the study of its flora and vegetation. This work aimed to evaluate the floristic composition and structure of the shrub and arboreal layer of Atlantic Forest fragments in the Paraíba Valley RJ/SP, with different successional stages and distinctions overlapping uses after the coffee cycle. The floristic and phytosociological structure of eight fragments that share the same history of use was analyzed. Then, the human marks in these forests were analyzed by inventory of exotic species and physical remains from different historical contexts. Finally, an analysis of the surroundings of each fragment was carried out using satellite images. The methodology used consisted of 1) a phytosociological survey with 20 contiguous plots of 10 x 10 m2, totaling 0.2 ha in each fragment; 2) granulometric and soil fertility analysis at depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm; 3) survey of exotic species in forests; 4) records of a macro trace of past uses in the fragments and 5) use and interpretation of satellite images for each studied component. The results indicate that the studied fragments are not contemporary remnants of the coffee period. Quite possibly, they were from areas where coffee plantations previously existed and, with its decline, the process of ecological succession took place. Today, this landscape represents a convergence of natural and human histories. The investigations about the landscape surrounding the fragments scale the similarities between them, as they are within the same matrix and historical context. The interpretation of these temporal events on the aspects of forests from the coffee legacy through different use overlaps contributes to understanding the biogeographic dimensions and the environmental history of its landscape. In this context, understanding past anthropic uses and the current situation of forests in the face of the cumulative aspect of benefits contributes to the conservation of these forests and the ecological and cultural values associated with them.

Valorising spent coffee grounds : An assessment of possibilities in the municipality of Stockholm / Värdesättning av kaffesump : En bedömning av möjligheter i Stockholm stad

Westling, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Circular economy is an economic model that is gaining more and more attention, themodel aims to close production chains by recirculate waste into the system as newraw material. Spent coffee grounds are a waste that has great potential to becomenew products since the spent coffee ground contains many valuable substances suchas polysaccharides, polyphenols, and lipids. Swedes are the sixth largest coffeeconsumers per capita in the world, which means that large quantities of coffeegrounds are produced in the country. Therefore, the purpose of this report is toinvestigate possible ways to valorize spent coffee grounds in the municipality ofStockholm, as an alternative to the treatment processes that exist today. Toinvestigate this, the main methods have been a literature review, a field study andeconomic analyses based on existing data. The results show that from 5 large coffee-shop chains in the municipality of Stockholm, approximately 138,477 kg of coffeegrounds can be collected each year. Furthermore, it shows that five differentmethods for extracting polysaccharides, polyphenols, biochar, oil, and protein fromspent coffee grounds have been effective and that these substances and products canbe used in, for example, the food industry, in cosmetics, as plastics and asadsorbents. The economic assessment shows that biochar, polyphenols, and oil arethe compounds and products that are economically profitable to extract, and theycan give a maximum profit of SEK 482.28/kg of spent coffee grounds. The resultsare consistent with previous research on the subject, but there are someuncertainties in the exact figures as there is a lack of economic analyses for spentcoffee grounds in the previous research. However, the results show great potentialfor spent coffee grounds in a circular economy, but further research is required toensure the economic gain. In addition, analyses need to be done on the ecologicalsustainability and more studies need to be done on coffee grounds in Sweden tovalidate the results. / Cirkulär ekonomi är en ekonomisk modell som får mer och mer uppmärksamhet,modellen syftar till att sluta produktionskedjor genom att återinföra avfall som nyttråmaterial. Kaffesump är ett avfall som har stor potential att bli nya produkter pågrund av att sumpen innehåller många värdefulla ämnen som polysackarider,polyfenoler och lipider. Svenskar är de sjätte största kaffekonsumenterna per capitai världen vilket gör att stora mängder kaffesump produceras i landet. Därför är syftetmed denna rapport att undersöka möjliga vägar för att värdesätta kaffesump iStockholms stad, som alternativ till de behandlingsprocesser som finns idag. För attundersöka detta har de huvudsakliga metoderna varit en litteraturstudie, enfältstudie och ekonomiska analyser baserade på befintliga data. Resultaten visar attfrån 5 stora kafékedjor i Stockholms stad kan cirka 138 477 kg kaffesump samlas invarje år. Vidare visar det att fem olika metoder för att utvinna polysackarider,polyfenoler, biokol, olja och protein ur kaffesump har varit effektiva och att dessaämnen och produkter kan användas inom exempelvis livsmedelsindustrin, ikosmetika, som plast och som adsorberande material. Den ekonomiskabedömningen visar att biokol, polyfenoler och olja är de ämnen och produkter somär ekonomiskt lönsamma att utvinna och de kan ge en maximal vinst på 482,28kr/kg kaffesump. Resultaten stämmer överens med tidigare forskning på ämnet mendet finns vissa osäkerheter i de exakta siffrorna då det saknas ekonomiska analyserför kaffesump i den tidigare forskningen. Resultaten visar dock på stor potential förkaffesump i en cirkulär ekonomi men vidare forskning krävs för att säkerställa denekonomiska vinningen. Dessutom behöver analyser göras på den ekologiskahållbarheten och fler studier behöver göras på kaffesump i Sverige för att valideraresultaten.

Untersuchung ausgewählter Inhaltsstoffe in Kaffee und Kaffeezubereitungen

Buchmann-Hempel, Sandra 26 February 2024 (has links)
Kaffee ist seit vielen Jahren das beliebteste Getränk der Deutschen. Im Handel wird Kaffee auf mannigfaltige Art angeboten z.B. als Röstkaffee, Instantkaffee oder auch als Bestandteil von anderen Getränken. Eingesetzt werden fast ausschließlich die Kaffee Arten Coffea arabica und Coffea canephora var. Robusta, dabei wird Arabica Kaffee fast doppelt so teuer gehandelt wie Robusta-Kaffee. Werden Kaffees als „100 % Arabica“ ausgelobt, so sollten auch solche Bohnen zu 100 % enthalten sein. Mit dieser Dissertation ist es gelungen, erstmalig mit einer Schnellmethode Robustazumischungen zu Arabica-Kaffee über die 16 OMC Ester zu bestimmen. Außerdem konnte die Analytik der schwierigen Matrix Instantkaffee wesentlich verbessert werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die Veränderungen der Einstellungen an einem Kaffeeautomaten die Cafestolgehalte im Espresso drastisch reduziert werden können und so das Risiko deutlich minimiert wird, an koronaren Herzerkrankungen zu erkranken. Weiterhin wurde die Sterolfraktion von Roh und Röstkaffees untersucht, dabei wurden erstmalig Sterolglucoside für Kaffee beschrieben. In einem weiteren Abschnitt wurden Milchmischgetränke mit Kaffeezusatz untersucht, um den wertgebenden Inhaltsstoff Kaffee zu quantifizieren.

Limited enzymatic hydrolysis of green coffee protein as a technique for preparing new functional food components

Ali, Mostafa, Rawel, Harshadrai, Hellwig, Michael 22 January 2024 (has links)
Valorisation of side-streams in food production has become an important booster for increased sustainability in food production. The objective of this work was to study and improve the functional properties of green coffee (GC) protein. Extraction of defatted GC meal by using PVPP slightly increased protein yield and significantly decreased the amount of covalently and non-covalently bound CQA, therefore decreasing the antioxidant activity of the meal. Peptic hydrolysis at pH 1.5 led to a significantly higher degree of hydrolysis (DH) than at pH 3. Sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed that the molecular weights of peptides of GC protein hydrolysates were in the range of 11–60 kDa, while peptides were in the range of 500–5000 Da using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF MS). Additionally, the enzymatic hydrolysis significantly improved the antioxidant activity of the GC protein. Finally, the results suggest that enzymatic hydrolysis with pepsin is an effective technique to provide bioactive compounds. The works presented in our manuscript may help in further exploiting the potential use of green coffee beans for food, cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry.

The Development of Brazilian Railroads: How the Brazilian Economy can Benefit from More Efficient Railroad Utilization

Scaglioni, Maria Martha 14 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Land use effects on soil quality and productitivity in the Lake Victoria Basin of Uganda

Mulumba, Lukman Nagaya 01 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Ecology and conservation of Neotropical-Nearctic migratory birds and mixed-species flocks in the Andes

Colorado, Gabriel J. 07 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Kloiber, Andrew 11 1900 (has links)
Placing coffee at the centre of its analysis, this dissertation reveals the intersections between consumption, culture, and the German Democratic Republic (GDR)’s involvement in the developing world. State planners took steps to promote coffee as a good consumed not only for its value as a stimulant but also for enjoyment. Enjoying a warm cup of coffee represented East Germans’ participation in socialist society, and in a global coffee culture. Moreover, by adopting and weaving the older ideals and traditions associated with coffee into its messages of a bright socialist future based on modernity, progress and culture, the ruling Socialist Unity Party (SED) used coffee as part of its long-term goals of reforming society along socialist lines. When a major frost destroyed two thirds of Brazil’s coffee trees in July 1975, causing world prices to quadruple by 1977, GDR planners faced a genuine ‘Coffee Crisis’ that challenged the state’s political well-being. The regime replaced the most affordable brand ‘Kosta’ with ‘Kaffee-Mix,’ a blend of 51 per cent coffee and 49 per cent surrogate. Vehement public rejection of the replacement necessitated the hasty conclusion of new trade deals to solve the supply problem, deals which brought the GDR into contact with the developing world in ways it had not anticipated. This project considers four case studies – the GDR’s coffee deals with Angola, Ethiopia, Laos and Vietnam, and I argue that these coffee deals reveal as much about the GDR’s engagements with the global south as they do about its own self-image as a modern state in a divided, yet globalizing world. The GDR consciously approached these relationships as an industrially developed nation needing to ‘guide’ these newly independent states toward (a socialist) modernisation. Furthermore, these trade agreements reveal the balance between pragmatism and ideology which characterized the GDR’s pursuit of coffee; ideology often informed state representatives and framed the negotiations, but pragmatic concerns generally found primacy throughout the process. The GDR invested heavily in these developing countries’ coffee industries, sending technical equipment, along with agricultural and technical experts to help these countries meet East Germans’ import needs. In Angola and Ethiopia, the GDR provided weapons for coffee, while contracts with Laos and Vietnam led to lengthy development projects to ‘modernize’ each country’s coffee industry. This investment in turn helped change the balance of the world coffee trade; the most striking example of this process was the explosion of the Vietnamese coffee industry through the 1980s, which ultimately made Vietnam the world’s second largest producer of coffee next to Brazil. The need for coffee in the GDR, then, sparked a specific expansion of its involvement in the Global South, a process that complicates scholars’ positioning of the GDR within international relations. The example of coffee and the trade agreements it spurred suggests the need to move beyond questions about the degree to which the GDR could overcome its diplomatic isolation, or the extent of East German autonomy from the Soviets, toward questions about the nature of East Germany’s own foreign policy agenda, how it saw itself in the world, and how it contributed to the processes of globalization. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This investigation contributes to studies of post 1945-Europe and the Cold War by examining the culture, economics and politics surrounding the consumption of a single commodity in East Germany, coffee, from 1945-1989. Coffee was associated with many cultural virtues and traditions which became tied to the GDR’s official image of Socialism. When the regime’s ability to supply this good was jeopardized in 1975-77, the government sought out new sources of coffee in the developing, so-called ‘Third World.’ East Germany entered into long-term trade and development projects with countries like Angola, Ethiopia, Laos and Vietnam, to secure sufficient beans to supply its own population. These trade deals connected East Germany to a much broader, globalizing economy, and led to some lasting effects on the world coffee trade.

Blandstaden : Industriverksamheters integration i samhället / Mixed-Use City : Integrating Industrial activities into residents

Ramsköld, Sofia, Nilsson, Alma January 2024 (has links)
Ett modernt stadsplaneringsideal idag är den så kallade blandstaden, där man eftersträvar en funktionsblandning för att främja en levande stadsmiljö. I Stockholm råder det i dagsläget bostadsbrist och behovet av bostäder, service och arbetsplatser ökar. Detta har lett till att det i nuläget pågår stora utvecklingsprojekt i områden som tidigare varit industriområden. Majoriteten av industrierna har oftast redan avvecklats eller planeras att avvecklas. Den här rapporten utreder huruvida det istället är möjligt att bibehålla industriverksamheten i området för att bevara det kulturhistoriska värdet samt om industriverksamheter kan integreras i stadsbilden. Vidare undersöks på vilket sätt detta skulle kunna vara möjligt samt vilka för- och nackdelar som kan uppstå.  För att underlätta undersökningen och tydligt se hur det skulle kunna se ut i praktiken har två exempel använts och analyserats. Det första är Slakthusområdet som är ett industriområde i södra Stockholm som är under en pågående omvandling från industriområde till en urban stadsdel med fokus på kultur och hållbarhet. Det andra är Arvid Nordquists nya kafferosteri i Järfälla som är en modern industribyggnad som ska integreras i stadsmiljön med målet att skapa en resurssnål och miljövänlig produktionsanläggning.  Arbetet har genomförts genom att relevant information har inhämtats via litteraturstudier, dokumentstudier och intervjustudier. Intervjuerna har gjorts i syfte att erhålla mer information om Slakthusområdet och Arvid Nordquists kafferosteri. Utöver det har även ett platsbesök i Slakthusområdet genomförts. Rapporten inkluderar även en SWOT-analys, där för- och nackdelar presenteras för att sedan vägas mot varandra. De huvudsakliga fördelarna med att integrera industriverksamhet i stadsmiljön är att de bidrar till konceptet blandstaden och skapar en levande stadsmiljö. De främsta nackdelarna är att industriverksamheter kan medföra trafik, buller och lukter.  Slutligen kan det konstateras att det är möjligt att skapa en blandstad genom att integrera industriverksamhet i stadsbilden, men endast i liten skala och med vissa förutsättningar. Det alternativ som är mest fördelaktigt är att integrera småskaliga industrier med tillhörande försäljning. På så sätt kan området och dess invånare dra nytta av fördelarna samtidigt som nackdelarna minimeras så gott det går. Större industrier med potentiellt störande påverkan bör däremot placeras på platser där dess verksamhet inte påverkar omgivande bostäder i lika hög grad. / The concept of the mixed-use city is at the forefront of today’s urban planning, where a strive for functional diversity is sought to promote a vibrant urban environment. In Stockholm, there are currently several large-scale development projects in the previous industrial areas, due to increased demand for housing, servicebuildings and workplaces. The majority of industries in these areas have already been dismantled or are planned to be dismantled. This report investigates whether it is possible to preserve industrial activity into the urban environment or not. Furthermore, it investigates how this could be possible and what advantages and disadvantages may arise.  To make the investigation easier and more clearly visualize how it would appear, two examples have been presented and analyzed. The first is the so-called “ Slakthusområdet '', which is an industrial area in the south of Stockholm that is under an ongoing transformation from an industrial area into an urban district with a focus on culture and sustainability. The second example is the company “ Arvid Nordquists “ new coffee roastery in Järfälla. A modern industrial building intended to be integrated into the urban environment with the goal of creating a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly production facility.  The work has been conducted by gathering relevant information through literature, document and interview studies. The interviews have been conducted to obtain more information about Slakthusområdet and Arvid Nordquists coffee roastery. In addition, a site visit in Slakthusområdet has been conducted. The report also includes a SWOT-analysis where advantages and disadvantages are presented and weighed against each other. The main advantages of integrating industrial activities into the urban environment are that it contributes to the mixed-use city concept and creates a vibrant urban environment. The main disadvantages are that industrial activities can cause disturbing noise, odors and increase traffic volume. After all, it can be concluded that it is possible to create a mixed-use city by integrating industrial activity into the urban landscape, but only on a small scale and with certain conditions. The most advantageous option is to integrate small-scale industries with associated sales. This way, the area and its residents can benefit from the advantages while minimizing the disadvantages as much as possible. Larger industries with potentially disruptive impacts, should however be placed in locations where their activities do not affect surrounding residences to the same extent.

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