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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

韓日慰安婦協議:尚未解決的問題 / The ROK-Japan comfort women agreement: an unresolved issue

劉柔拿, Liu, Yuna Esther Unknown Date (has links)
2015 年年底,⽇本與韓國政府迅速發表有關慰安婦議題的協議。雖然此協 議在國際上獲得讚揚,然⽽卻引起韓國⼈民、慰安婦及⽀持者們的嚴厲批判。 這「最終定案」的協議被視為對犧牲者的背叛,於是幾百位韓國抗議⼈民,包 括慰安婦,⾛上街頭並譴責協議。簡⾔之,慰安婦議題橫亙韓⽇兩國之間且相 當棘⼿。過去幾⼗年,韓國⼈民對於⽇本的道歉感到不滿。因此本論⽂將探究 韓國⼈對於⽇本道歉持續不滿的原因。本研究會依循2015 年協議無效,並進⼀ 步揭露協議真正的⽬的。本論⽂以質量分析研討諸多學術性期刊、報告等資 料。 / At the end of year 2015, Japanese and South Korean governments announced a quick agreement over the long-standing issue of “comfort women.” While the agreement won international praises, it raised sharp criticisms from the South Korean citizens, the former comfort women and their supporters. This “final and irreversible” deal was seen as a betrayal of the victims, leading hundreds of South Korean protesters including former comfort women out on the street to denounce the deal. The comfort women issue remained a stubbornly unsolvable issue between the two countries. For the past decades, South Korean people were never satisfied with Japan’s past apologies. This thesis aims to study the reasons behind South Korean people’s constant dissatisfaction towards Japan’s allegations; to trace the ineffectiveness 2015 agreement; and to reveal the true purpose behind the agreement. This thesis is based on qualitative analysis of various scholarly books, journals and reports relevant to the topic at hand.

Sistema de ar condicionado com insuflamento pelo piso em ambientes de escritórios: avaliação do conforto térmico e condições de operação. / Underfloor air supply system applied to office buildings: thermal comfort and operational conditions evaluation.

Brenda Chaves Coelho Leite 06 March 2003 (has links)
Desde a introdução do conceito de escritório aberto, o tipo de ocupação e a distribuição das cargas internas têm sofrido grandes mudanças, requerendo maior flexibilidade nos edifícios. Além disto, avaliações de desempenho de edifícios de escritórios da atualidade têm apresentado resultados que são fortes indicadores da necessidade de mudanças de conceitos de projeto, operação e uso de sistemas de condicionamento de ar, devido ao elevado nível de insatisfação dos usuários quanto ao conforto e à qualidade do ar. Para tentar solucionar estes problemas, outro conceito em distribuição de ar, já em uso nos países desenvolvidos, está começando a ser adotado também no Brasil; trata-se de insuflamento pelo piso, com difusores instalados em placas de piso elevado e nas estações de trabalho, que permitem flexibilidade e controle individual de vazão de ar. Neste trabalho foi feita a avaliação de sistema de condicionamento de ar com insuflamento pelo piso em um laboratório com condições controladas. O laboratório em que foram realizados os ensaios foi projetado e instalado com características similares àquelas de ambientes reais de edifícios de escritórios. Este fato, aliado à participação de usuários no processo de avaliação das condições de conforto térmico, tornaram possível a definição de parâmetros para a elaboração de projetos bem como para o estabelecimento de um modo eficaz de operação do sistema. O processo de avaliação das condições de conforto térmico no ambiente envolveu três etapas. Inicialmente, foram feitas medições das variáveis de conforto térmico no ambiente e de variáveis do sistema utilizando simuladores. Posteriormente, foi realizada a avaliação subjetiva do conforto térmico, com a substituição dos simuladores por pessoas no ambiente (usuários), nas mesmas condições da etapa anterior. Finalmente, foram feitas as medições das variáveis de conforto nas zonas de ocupação – micro climas – na condição de condicionamento individualizado, promovido por ajustes de vazão de ar e direcionamento do fluxo pelos usuários. Os resultados da avaliação permitem concluir que o sistema de condicionamento de ar com insuflamento pelo piso atende às expectativas para promover conforto térmico aos usuários de edifícios de escritórios com potencial de conservação de energia. / Since the introduction of the landscape office concept, the layout type and the internal loads distribution have changed significantly, requesting larger flexibility in the buildings. Besides, building performance evaluation applied to contemporary office buildings has shown that for most such buildings thermal comfort and air quality users level satisfaction is low. These facts are indicating that project concepts, operation and use of air conditioning systems need to be changed. In order to solve these problems, underfloor air supply is becoming a common practice also in Brazil. This system with floor and workstation diffusers allows flexibility and an individualized airflow control. In this work the evaluation of the underfloor air conditioning system was carried out in a laboratory facility with controlled conditions. The laboratory was designed and built up with similar characteristics to those of actual office buildings environments. This fact and the participation of users in the process of thermal comfort evaluation, made possible the definition of design parameters as well as the establishment of the system operation conditions in an effective way. The evaluation of the environment thermal comfort conditions was accomplished in three stages. Initially, measurements of thermal comfort and system variables were made using simulators. Later, in the same conditions of the previous stage, users (a sample of people) have evaluated, in a subjective way, the environment thermal comfort. Finally, measurements of the comfort variables were accomplished in the occupation areas - microclimates - in the condition of individualized conditioning, promoted by air flow adjustments and flow direction by the users. The results of the evaluation allow to conclude that the underfloor air conditioning system satisfies to the expectations to promote thermal comfort to the office building users with potential of energy conservation.

Percepção sonora e térmica e avaliação de conforto em espaços urbanos abertos do município de Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil / Sound and thermal perception and evaluation of comfort in open urban spaces in the city of Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Simone Queiróz da Silveira Hirashima 17 December 2014 (has links)
Em espaços urbanos abertos, particularmente nas grandes cidades de climas tropicais, os pedestres estão expostos não somente a níveis sonoros elevados como também a elevadas cargas térmicas, situação que pode gerar tanto o desconforto acústico quanto o térmico. Entretanto, na maioria das vezes, a relação entre a exposição a condições acústicas e térmicas adversas e a percepção humana dessas condições são estudadas separadamente. Neste trabalho propõe-se, portanto, uma abordagem integrada para a avaliação do conforto acústico e térmico urbano e para o estudo de seus prováveis efeitos combinados. Esta pesquisa foi realizada em Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, cidade localizada em região de clima tropical de altitude, com verões quentes e úmidos e invernos frios e secos. Utilizou-se o método indutivo experimental na condução dos trabalhos. Dados acústicos e climáticos foram medidos simultaneamente à aplicação de formulários em dois dias representativos do verão (março/2013) e do inverno (agosto/2013), e em duas praças contrastantes em relação ao seu ambiente acústico e térmico bem como aos seus parâmetros morfológicos como o fator de visão do céu, o altura dos edifícios, o tipo de pavimento, a presença de fontes de água e vegetação. Os índices Nível de Pressão Sonora Equivalente Contínuo, ponderado na curva A (LAeq) e Temperatura Equivalente Fisiológica (PET) foram usados para representar, respectivamente, as condições acústicas e microclimáticas. Foram coletados por meio dos formulários variáveis subjetivas (percepção do volume do ambiente sonoro, avaliação de incômodo relacionado ao ambiente sonoro, avaliação de conforto acústico, percepção de sensações térmicas, preferência de sensações térmicas e avaliação de conforto térmico), variáveis individuais (vestimenta, atividade física, idade, peso, altura, sexo) e dadoscontrole, relacionados aos aspectos psicológicos, sociais e culturais que podem interferir na percepção acústica e térmica do ambiente. A amostra compreendeu aproximadamente 1.700 entrevistados. O tratamento estatístico dos dados coletados abarcou análise descritiva, correlações e regressões. Modelos de regressão logística ordinal foram utilizados para predizer as faixas de percepção acústica e térmica; e modelos de regressão logística, para predizer as faixas de conforto e desconforto acústico e térmico. Os resultados do estudo incluem, dentre outros: 1) a calibração do índice LAeq para percepção do volume sonoro - faixas: \"Baixo\", <35dB(A), \"Normal\", de 36 a 67dB(A), e \"Alto\", >68dB(A); e para avaliação de conforto acústico - faixas: \"Confortável\", <67dB(A), e \"Desconfortável\", >68dB(A); 2) a calibração do índice PET para percepção de sensações térmicas - faixas: \"Frio\", <18,9°C, \"Bem\", de 19 a 27°C, e \"Calor\", >27,1; e para avaliação de conforto térmico - faixas: \"Confortável\", de 23 a 31°C, e \"Desconfortável\", <22,9 e >31,1°C; 3) a definição das temperaturas neutra e preferida para verão (27,7 e 14,9°C) e inverno (15,9°C e 20,9°C), respectivamente, demonstrando a influência da expectativa na avaliação das condições térmicas; e 4) a comprovação de que o aumento do desconforto acústico pode acarretar (ainda que em pequena escala) o aumento do desconforto térmico e vice-versa. Estes resultados podem nortear o esclarecimento de questões referentes à percepção e ao conforto acústico e térmico em espaços urbanos, orientando as políticas públicas em projetos urbanísticos relacionados a esses temas. / In urban open public spaces, particularly in big cities of tropical climate, city-users are often exposed not only to high sound levels but also to high thermal loads, a situation that can cause both acoustic and thermal discomfort. Nevertheless, in most cases, the relationship between the exposure to each of these adverse conditions and human perceptions towards each of them are studied separately. In order to address the lack of a combined analysis of these conditions, this research has adopted an integrated approach to evaluate urban acoustic and thermal comfort and their likely combined effects. This study was carried out in in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais, a city located in a region of tropical of altitude climate, with hot wet summers and cold dry winters. Acoustic and climatic data were measured simultaneously with the administration of questionnaires in two representative days of summer (March/2013) and winter (August/2013), in two squares that noticeably differ in relation to their acoustic and thermal environment and their morphological parameters such as the sky view factor, the height of the buildings, the type of pavement, the presence of water sources and the vegetation. The LAeq,T and the PET index were used to represent acoustic and microclimatic conditions respectively. Subjective variables (perceived volume of the environmental sound, assessment of annoyance caused by environmental sound, acoustic comfort evaluation, perception of thermal sensation, thermal sensation preference and evaluation of thermal comfort), personal variables (clothing, physical activity, age, weight, height, gender) and control data related to psychological, social and cultural issues that might interfere with acoustic and thermal perception of the environment were collected through the questionnaires. The sample consisted of approximately 1,700 respondents. The statistical treatment of the data collected was comprised of descriptive analysis as well as analysis using correlations and regressions. Ordinal logistic regression models were used to predict the ranges of acoustic and thermal perception and logistic regression models were used to predict the ranges of acoustic and thermal comfort and discomfort. Some of the results of this study are: 1) the calibration of the LAeq index for perceived loudness - ranges: \"Low\", <35dB(A), \"Normal\", between 36 and 67dB(A), and \"High\", >68dB(A); and for evaluation of acoustic comfort - ranges: \"Comfortable\" <67dB(A), and \"Uncomfortable\", >68dB(A); 2) the calibration of the PET index for perceived thermal sensations - ranges, \"Cold\", <18.9°C, \"Well\", 19-27°C, and \"Hot\", >27.1°C; and for evaluation of thermal comfort - ranges: \"Comfortable\", 23-31°C, and \"Uncomfortable\", <22.9 and >31.1°C; 3) the definition of neutral and preferred temperatures for Summer (27.7 and 14.9°C) and Winter (15.9°C and 20.9°C), respectively, showing the influence of expectation on evaluation of thermal conditions; and 4) the confirmation that an increase of the acoustic discomfort may cause (albeit on a small scale) an increase in the thermal discomfort and vice versa. These results might shed light on the issues of acoustic and thermal perception and comfort in urban spaces, helping to guide public policies on urban projects related to these topics.

Índice de conforto térmico, reações fisiológicas e desempenhos de tourinhos Sindi e Guzerá semiconfinados no Agreste Paraibano. / Indez thermal comfort, performance and physiological reactions of young bulls and Sindi and Guzerá semi-confined in Agreste Paraibano.

REGIS, John Emerson Ferreira. 14 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-14T17:37:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JOHN EMERSON FERREIRA REGIS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2008..pdf: 7356215 bytes, checksum: e9714e5a2f15594b75435e6c592f026b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-14T17:37:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOHN EMERSON FERREIRA REGIS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2008..pdf: 7356215 bytes, checksum: e9714e5a2f15594b75435e6c592f026b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02 / Visa-se, com este estudo avaliar e estabelecer os índices de conforto térmico, as respostas termorreguladoras e desempenho de tourinhos Sindi e Guzerá semiconfinados, no período de julho a setembro de 2007, realizado na Estação Experimental de Alagoinha. pertencente à EMEPA-PB, no município de Alagoinha, região do Agreste Paraibano. Foram avaliadas as variáveis climáticas: temperatura do ar (TA), índice de temperatura de umidade (ITU), índice de temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU). umidade relativa do ar (UR), temperatura de globo negro (TGN) e velocidade do vento (VV) e as variáveis fisiológicas analisadas foram: frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e temperatura da pele (TP) e os índices produtivos: ganho de peso diário (GPD). ganho de peso total (GPT) e consumo de matéria seca (CMS). Utilizaram-se 16 bovinos: 8 de cada raça, e idade média de 30 ± 5 e 33 ± 3. do Sindi e Guzerá, respectivamente. Os índices ambientais foram medidos diariamente a cada duas horas (das 6 às 16 horas). Os índices de conforto ITU (77,5) e ITGU (78,6) estiveram, nos horários mais quentes, fora da zona de conforto térmico, atingindo níveis considerados críticos, mas as FR e TR se mantiveram dentro da normalidade para a espécie. O desempenho produtivo em ambas as raças permaneceu acima do esperado e as raças responderam satisfatoriamente às condições deste experimento, indicativo de uma boa resposta fisiológica. / The objective of this study was to evaluate and to establish the comfort indexes, the answers thermal regulate and acting of Sindi and Guzera semi confmed, in the period of july to september of 2007. Accomplished in the experimental station of Alagoinha. belonging EMEPA-PB, in the municipal city of Alagoinha, area of Agreste Paraibano. They were appraised the climatic variables: Temperature of the air (TA), Index of Temperature of Humidity (THI), Index of Temperature of Globe and Humidity (BGHI). Relative Humidity of the Air (RH), Temperature of Globe Black (TGN) and Air of the Wind (AW). Physiologic variables: respiratory rate (RR), Rectal Temperature (RT) and Skin Temperature (ST) and the productive indexes: Earnings of Daily (GPD) Weight. Earnings of Total (GPT) Weight and Consumption of Matter Dries (CM). 16 were used bovine: 8 of each race. With médium age of 30 ± 5 and 33 ± 3, of Sindi and Guzerá, respectively. The environmental indexes were measured daily every two hours (6 the 16 hours). The comfort indexes, THI (77,5) and BGHI (78,6). were. in the hottest schedules, out of the area of thermal comfort (ZCT), reaching leveis considered criticai, but RR and RT stayed inside of the normality for the species. The productive acting in both races was above the expected, the races answered the conditions of this experiment satisfactorily, being an indicative of good physiologic answer.

Habitable et confortable : modèles culturels, pratiques de l’habitat et pratiques de consommation d’énergie en logement social et copropriétés / Liveable and comfortable : cultural models, residential practices and energy consumption practices in social and private housing

Bonnin, Marguerite 07 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse en architecture se veut être une réponse à l’impasse conceptuelle dans laquelle se trouvent la plupart des recherches centrées sur les comportements de consommation d’énergie au logement, étudiés soit sous l’angle technique soit sous l’angle culturel, sans réussir à dresser une image complète des pratiques de consommation d’énergie. Elle repose sur une démarche de recherche inductive menée à partir de deux enquêtes de terrain, l’une auprès de vingt ménages habitant le parc social et l’autre chez six ménages du parc privé, qui ont conduit à une description ethnographique fine des pratiques domestiques. Celle-ci repose principalement sur la mise en place d’une méthodologie originale permettant de rendre lisibles les usages réels de l’énergie en fonction des activités qui ont lieu au domicile, en leur rendant leur contexte et leur dimension spatiale. Les résultats permettent de révéler un lien fort entre le rapport au logement qu’entretiennent les habitants (grâce à l’occupation des différents espaces et des ambiances mises en place, de la mise en scène du logement), et leur rapport à l’énergie (au travers de l’usage des différents appareils utilisant de l’énergie, du chauffage ou de l’aération), qui ne relève de facteurs financiers que dans des cas extrêmes. Les comportements de consommation alors observés prennent place dans le contexte de la construction d’un environnement rendu habitable et confortable par ses habitants, et donc dans une dimension très subjective du « bien habiter » et du « bien consommer ». / This architectural thesis is the reaction to the conceptual impasse found within most of the researches centred around behavioural patterns concerning energy consumption within housing, which is examined from either a technical or a cultural angle while failing to represent an overall view of energy consumption practices. The thesis is based on an inductive research approach following two surveys: with twenty households from the social housing sector and with six from the private housing sector, which generate a comprehensive ethnographic definition of domestic practices. This definition is predominantly based on a newly formulated methodology which provides insight into the real uses of energy with regards to domestic activities by applying a spacial quality to the context and dimension of such behaviours. The results reveals a strong link between the connection that the inhabitants have with their dwellings (resulting from their use of various spaces and their creation of particular environments, the staging of the home) and their relationship with energy (via the use of energy-based appliances, of heating and ventilation), rather than economic factors which are only relevent in extreme cases. Behaviours concerning consumption therefore take place within the context of a created environment made liveable and comfortable by its occupants and therefore a very subjective context with regards to «living well» and «consuming well».

Home-ing in on domestic energy research : home comfort and energy demand

Ellsworth-Krebs, Katherine January 2017 (has links)
Climate change has become a major concern for research and policy in recent decades, and housing has been an important area to tackle as globally this sector accounts for roughly a quarter of energy demand, and its resulting carbon emissions (Staffell et al., 2015). Behaviour change campaigns constitute a significant strand within government responses to reduce carbon emissions. However, on the grounds that environmental impact has little to do with individual's intentions, there is growing interest in the ordinary, rather than the extraordinary (e.g. pro-environmental values), and the socio-material transformation of collective conventions (Shove, 2010). Research emerging from this ‘practice turn' is often underpinned by evidence of changing expectations of comfort that undermine improvements in energy efficiency (Hitchings and Lee, 2008; Walker et al., 2016). Notably, research indicates that it is increasingly common for indoor environments to be maintained within a narrow range of temperatures through mechanical heating and cooling, which has significant implications for energy (Shove, 2003). While these practice-informed studies have successfully offered new avenues for intervention in sustainable consumption, home comfort has been rather narrowly investigated and has often been equated with thermal comfort. Yet expectations of home comfort and household management decisions are much more complex and multifaceted than the desire to be sufficiently warm or cool. A focus on thermal comfort has arguably trivialised other meanings of home comfort that might also be significant to understanding patterns of domestic energy demand. The aim of this thesis therefore was to develop a concept of home comfort to inform understandings, debates and policy related to domestic energy demand, and this thesis presents data from whole-household interviews, house tours, ideal drawings and home energy adviser interviews to address this aim. A key finding of this thesis was that home comfort is a sense of relaxation and wellbeing, which results from companionship and having some sense of control in the home. Broadening out understandings of occupant satisfaction to account for some of this complexity draws attention to householder's perception of the space per person ‘needed' to facilitate comfortably sharing the home with others. Engaging with the trend towards increasing space per person is important because it has the potential to reduce energy demand for space heating without falling back into emphasising technical intervention or questioning the standardisation of thermal comfort. Furthermore, householder's actions to reduce domestic energy demand were found to be tightly, if implicitly, linked to expectations of home comfort and processes of homemaking. It is important to remember that changes to the home are not simply the result of financial rationalisation or attempts to improve thermal comfort. There is certainly scope for the concept of home comfort to inform understanding of domestic energy demand and to highlight alternative strategies to ‘steer' towards more sustainable forms of everyday life.

An?lise bioclim?tica e investiga??o do conforto t?rmico em ambientes externos: uma experi?ncia no bairro de Petr?polis em Natal/RN / Bioclimatic analysis and investigation of thermal comfort in open spaces: An experience in the district of Petr?polis in Natal/RN

Costa, Angelina Dias Le?o 07 July 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:57:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AngelinaDLC_ate_cap4.pdf: 1799769 bytes, checksum: 9759bc5a57f38b8075aa467bae6e7d0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-07-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This study was intended to investigate how the urban form has been influencing the changes in the climate of the city and make a correlation between the climate and the thermal sensation of the users of open spaces. The research was developed in the district of Petr?polis in Natal/ RN whose occupation has been almost consolidated. Among other reasons, this district was selected because it was planned considering the environmental aspects of comfort. The methodologies used are based on KATZSCHNER (1997) and OLIVEIRA (1988) studies, which suggest the drawing and analysis of maps of the area under study, including topography, height of the buildings, land use, green areas, and types of soil pavement, as well as measurement of the environmental variables: air temperature, relative humidity, direction and wind speed for a comparative study. As part of this, study local users of the district were interviewed about their thermal sensations in open spaces. For the statistical analysis, data was collected at 10 distinct points characterized by BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), being 8 within the district and 2 at different places (outside the district), at climatologic stations, in 3 periods (August/2000, January/2002 and June/2002), for 4 consecutive days for each measurement (from Sunday to Wednesday) at the time of lower and higher temperatures in the city, 6:00 am and 1:00 pm, respectively. At the same time interviews were carried out with users of the open spaces in the area, totaling 171 valid formularies. The urban form showed a rather leveled topography, great diversity of land use and height of the buildings, with the existence of an area mostly occupied with high buildings, very little green area and soil practically impermeable. The statistical analysis showed high temperature and humidity levels. The wind direction is predominantly Southeast with extremely variable speeds. When the data from this district is compared with the data from other areas in the city and its outskirt, it was observed that this district is hotter and less ventilated than the others; besides, most users said that they felt uncomfortable in the local environmental conditions. The results of the analysis generated a zoning for the district with recommendations for soil occupation. The profile of the user was defined regarding the thermal comfort, as well as some discussion about the comfort parameters, including the proposal of limiting areas of temperature and humidity for the thermal comfort in the open spaces / Este estudo pretendeu investigar a maneira como a forma urbana vem influenciando as altera??es no clima da cidade e correlacion?-la com a sensa??o t?rmica do usu?rio do ambiente externo. A pesquisa ambientou-se no bairro de Petr?polis em Natal/ RN, que tem sua ocupa??o em parte consolidada e foi escolhido, dentre outras raz?es, por ter sido planejado levando-se em considera??o aspectos ambientais de conforto. As metodologias adotadas baseiam-se nos estudos de KATZSCHNER (1997) e OLIVEIRA (1988) que sugerem a elabora??o e an?lise de mapas da ?rea de estudo como topografia, altura das edifica??es, uso do solo, ?reas verdes e tipo de recobrimento do solo, aliados ? medi??o de vari?veis ambientais: temperatura do ar e umidade relativa, a velocidade e a dire??o dos ventos, para compara??o; al?m de entrevistas sobre a sensa??o t?rmica dos usu?rios do ambiente externo. Para a an?lise estat?stica foram levantados dados em 10 pontos distintos, caracterizados segundo m?todo proposto por BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), sendo 08 dentro do bairro e 02 fora dele, em esta??es meteorol?gicas, durante 03 per?odos (agosto/ 2000, janeiro/ 2002 e junho/ 2002), por 04 dias seguidos em cada per?odo (de domingo a quarta-feira), nos hor?rios de menor e maior temperatura para a cidade, 06h e 13h respectivamente. Simultaneamente, foram realizadas entrevistas com os usu?rios do ambiente externo do bairro, totalizando 171 formul?rios v?lidos. A forma urbana encontrada apresentou topografia pouco acidentada, grande diversidade de uso do solo e de altura das edifica??es com exist?ncia de n?cleo verticalizado, muito pouca ?rea verde e terreno praticamente imperme?vel. A an?lise estat?stica evidenciou altas temperaturas e umidades, e dire??o predominante dos ventos Sudeste, com velocidade bastante vari?vel. Quando comparados aos dados de outras ?reas da cidade e arredores, verifica-se que o bairro ? mais quente e menos ventilado; al?m disso, a maioria dos usu?rios sentiu-se desconfort?vel com as condi??es ambientais locais. Os resultados das an?lises possibilitaram um zoneamento para o bairro aliado a diretrizes para ocupa??o do solo; foi tamb?m tra?ado o perfil do usu?rio em conforto t?rmico e, levantadas algumas discuss?es acerca de par?metros de conforto, inclusive com a proposi??o de faixas limites de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar para o conforto t?rmico no ambiente externo

Bioclimatologia subtropical e modelização do conforto humano: da escala local à regional / Subtropical bioclimatology and modelling of human comfort: from local to regional scales

João Paulo Assis Gobo 23 November 2017 (has links)
O objeto desta pesquisa consiste em avaliar e propor índices de conforto térmico humano por meio de variáveis ambientais, subjetivas e individuais, em escala climática local e regional. Para tanto, parte-se da hipótese de que o estudo abrangente do conforto térmico humano em escala local, por meio de entrevistas e análise do tempo in-loco, forneceria subsídios para o desenvolvimento de um índice que transite até a escala regional do clima. Parte-se, então, de um método indutivo experimental (levantamento em campo de variáveis climáticas, individuais e subjetivas) onde foram feitas coletas em campo no período de agosto de 2015, janeiro e julho de 2016, com a aplicação de questionários à população simultâneos a coleta de dados meteorológicos. Os resultados do estudo apontaram para a determinação da influência das particularidades climáticas regionais no conforto e na sensação térmica das pessoas entrevistadas, por meio dos efeitos diretos do clima regional. Confirmou-se a existência da influência do sexo dos indivíduos em relação às suas respostas de sensação térmica, bem como a influência dos aspectos fisiológicos tais como o índice de massa corporal e a faixa etária, na preferência térmica dos destes entrevistados. O presente estudo também possibilitou a calibração das faixas interpretativas de conforto térmico de diferentes índices de conforto para a área de estudo. Foram propostos quatro índices de conforto humano com base nas variáveis ambientais, subjetivas e individuais locais, sendo um índice exclusivo para a situação de verão, outro calculado para o inverno, um terceiro índice desenvolvido para ambas as situações sazonais (verão e inverno) e um quarto índice, também para ambas as situações sazonais, porém, tendo como variáveis de partida apenas a temperatura do ar, da umidade relativa do ar e da velocidade do vento. Por fim, foram avaliadas estatisticamente a abrangência espacial e a extrapolação da escala de análise dos resultados para um dos índices desenvolvidos, propondo a validação deste para a escala climática regional. Os resultados apresentados possibilitaram a avaliação do conforto humano, das variáveis ambientais, subjetivas e individuais, bem como o desenvolvimento de um índice adequado tanto para escala local quanto para a escala regional do clima, o que conferiu uma resposta conclusiva à hipótese central apresentada. / This research aims to evaluate and propose human thermal comfort indexes using environmental, individual and subjective variables in the local and regional climatic scales. For that, the hypothesis tested is that the comprehensive study of human thermal comfort, by means of interviews and in-situ weather analysis, provides the basis for the development of an index suitable to be applied also in the regional climatic scale. The first step in the research consisted of an experimental inductive method of field data collection of climatic, individual and subjective variables. Data was collected in the periods of August 2015, January and July of 2016, with questionnaires being applied to the population simultaneously to the collection of meteorological data. Results point to the influence of regional climatic characteristics over the thermal comfort of interviewed individuals, through the direct effects of regional climatic conditions. The influence of gender in thermal comfort responses was confirmed, as well as physiological aspects such as Body Mass Index and age group, in the thermal preference of interviewed individuals. This study also made it possible to calibrate different human thermal comfort classes for the different comfort indexes used in the area of study. Four human thermal comfort indexes were proposed based on environmental, subjective and individual local variables. One index was calculated for Summer, another for Winter, and a third index was developed for both seasons. A fourth index was also calculated for both seasons but using only air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed as variables. Lastly, the spatial representativeness and scale extrapolation of the results for one of the developed models were evaluated statistically in order to propose its validation to the regional climatic scale. Results present the evaluation of human thermal comfort and environmental, subjective and individual variables, as well as the development of an index suitable for both local and regional climatic scales, which provided an appropriate answer to the central hypothesis presented.

Contribution à l'étude des parois complexes végétalisées : évaluation de la performance énergétique globale en climat tropical humide / Contribution to the Vegetalised Complex Partition study (VCP) : Energetic performance evaluation under a tropical humid climate

Jean, Aurélien 08 December 2015 (has links)
En matière de consommation énergétique mondiale, l'augmentation est indiscutablement la tendance actuelle. Conformément au contexte énergétique international, l'île de La Réunion doit faire face à une demande énergétique croissante. Après analyse de la répartition de ces besoins, la régulation thermique du bâti apparaît être l'un des postes les plus énergivores. Afin de réduire l'importance de ce poste, la solution présentement proposée consiste a végétaliser la structure afin d'en réduire la surchauffe. Le présent article est une introduction vulgarisée au domaine des parois complexes végétalisées (PCV). Afin d'accréditer cette prétention, la notion de toiture végétalisée, leurs utilisations, ainsi que les différentes modifications quelles induisent y sont définies. L'illustration des propos est permise par l'application d'un cas d'étude concret, celui d'une utilisation sur l'île de La Réunion. Cette dernière permettant de définir divers impacts du système dans ces conditions. / The aim of this article is to present a vulgarized introduction to the vegetated complex partitions field, called VCP. To reach this goal, the green roof notions, their uses and implications are defined. The theory is illustrated by a Reunion Island case study, which allows to list several impacts of the green walls utilization.

Bioclimatologia subtropical e modelização do conforto humano: da escala local à regional / Subtropical bioclimatology and modelling of human comfort: from local to regional scales

Gobo, João Paulo Assis 23 November 2017 (has links)
O objeto desta pesquisa consiste em avaliar e propor índices de conforto térmico humano por meio de variáveis ambientais, subjetivas e individuais, em escala climática local e regional. Para tanto, parte-se da hipótese de que o estudo abrangente do conforto térmico humano em escala local, por meio de entrevistas e análise do tempo in-loco, forneceria subsídios para o desenvolvimento de um índice que transite até a escala regional do clima. Parte-se, então, de um método indutivo experimental (levantamento em campo de variáveis climáticas, individuais e subjetivas) onde foram feitas coletas em campo no período de agosto de 2015, janeiro e julho de 2016, com a aplicação de questionários à população simultâneos a coleta de dados meteorológicos. Os resultados do estudo apontaram para a determinação da influência das particularidades climáticas regionais no conforto e na sensação térmica das pessoas entrevistadas, por meio dos efeitos diretos do clima regional. Confirmou-se a existência da influência do sexo dos indivíduos em relação às suas respostas de sensação térmica, bem como a influência dos aspectos fisiológicos tais como o índice de massa corporal e a faixa etária, na preferência térmica dos destes entrevistados. O presente estudo também possibilitou a calibração das faixas interpretativas de conforto térmico de diferentes índices de conforto para a área de estudo. Foram propostos quatro índices de conforto humano com base nas variáveis ambientais, subjetivas e individuais locais, sendo um índice exclusivo para a situação de verão, outro calculado para o inverno, um terceiro índice desenvolvido para ambas as situações sazonais (verão e inverno) e um quarto índice, também para ambas as situações sazonais, porém, tendo como variáveis de partida apenas a temperatura do ar, da umidade relativa do ar e da velocidade do vento. Por fim, foram avaliadas estatisticamente a abrangência espacial e a extrapolação da escala de análise dos resultados para um dos índices desenvolvidos, propondo a validação deste para a escala climática regional. Os resultados apresentados possibilitaram a avaliação do conforto humano, das variáveis ambientais, subjetivas e individuais, bem como o desenvolvimento de um índice adequado tanto para escala local quanto para a escala regional do clima, o que conferiu uma resposta conclusiva à hipótese central apresentada. / This research aims to evaluate and propose human thermal comfort indexes using environmental, individual and subjective variables in the local and regional climatic scales. For that, the hypothesis tested is that the comprehensive study of human thermal comfort, by means of interviews and in-situ weather analysis, provides the basis for the development of an index suitable to be applied also in the regional climatic scale. The first step in the research consisted of an experimental inductive method of field data collection of climatic, individual and subjective variables. Data was collected in the periods of August 2015, January and July of 2016, with questionnaires being applied to the population simultaneously to the collection of meteorological data. Results point to the influence of regional climatic characteristics over the thermal comfort of interviewed individuals, through the direct effects of regional climatic conditions. The influence of gender in thermal comfort responses was confirmed, as well as physiological aspects such as Body Mass Index and age group, in the thermal preference of interviewed individuals. This study also made it possible to calibrate different human thermal comfort classes for the different comfort indexes used in the area of study. Four human thermal comfort indexes were proposed based on environmental, subjective and individual local variables. One index was calculated for Summer, another for Winter, and a third index was developed for both seasons. A fourth index was also calculated for both seasons but using only air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed as variables. Lastly, the spatial representativeness and scale extrapolation of the results for one of the developed models were evaluated statistically in order to propose its validation to the regional climatic scale. Results present the evaluation of human thermal comfort and environmental, subjective and individual variables, as well as the development of an index suitable for both local and regional climatic scales, which provided an appropriate answer to the central hypothesis presented.

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