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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Кредитные риски в коммерческом банке : магистерская диссертация / Credit risks in a commercial bank

Фролова, А. Д., Frolova, A. D. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию кредитных рисков в коммерческом банке. Предметом исследования является деятельность коммерческих банков в условиях кредитных рисков в Российской Федерации и проблемы их развития. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является углубленный анализ кредитных рисков в коммерческом банке, а также исследование современных проблем развития данного финансового института и путей их решения. В заключении изложены основные выводы, полученные в работе, и проведено соотнесение достигнутых результатов с целями и задачами работы, поставленными во введении. / Graduation work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of credit risks in a commercial bank. The subject of the study is the activities of commercial banks in the context of credit risks in the Russian Federation and the problems of their development. The main goal of the master's thesis is an in-depth analysis of credit risks in a commercial bank, as well as a study of modern development problems of this financial institution and ways to solve them.In the conclusion, the main conclusions obtained in the work are presented, and the results achieved are compared with the goals and objectives of the work set out in the introduction.

Кредитный процесс в коммерческом банке: проблемы и пути совершенствования : магистерская диссертация / The lending process in the commercial bank: problems and ways of improvement

Адамова, Я. В., Adamova, Y. V. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. Во введении определены актуальность темы исследования, цель и основные задачи, предмет и объект исследования, методологический инструментарий, информационно-эмпирическая база исследования и практическая значимость. В первой главе изучается понятие банковского кредита, рассматриваются этапы работы с кредитной заявкой физического лица. Вторая глава содержит анализ организации кредитного процесса ПАО «Сбербанк», что включает в себя характеристику деятельности банка, анализ формирования кредитного портфеля, анализ основных этапов кредитования физических лиц, выявления проблем кредитного процесса в российских банках и предложения путей решения по их устранению. В третьей главе предложены пути совершенствования кредитного процесса в ПАО «Сбербанк» и проведена оценка экономической эффективности мероприятий по оптимизации кредитного процесса в ПАО «Сбербанк». В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и предложения по работе. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and appendices. The introduction defines the relevance of the research topic, the goal and main tasks, the subject and the object of the research, methodological tools, information and empirical research base and practical significance. The first chapter examines the concept of a bank loan, examines the stages of work with a loan application of an individual. The second chapter contains an analysis of the organization of the credit process of Sberbank, which includes a description of the bank's activities, an analysis of the formation of a loan portfolio, an analysis of the main stages of lending to individuals, identifying problems in the credit process in Russian banks and proposing solutions to eliminate them. The third chapter proposes ways to improve the credit process at Sberbank and assesses the economic efficiency of measures to optimize the credit process at Sberbank. In the conclusion, the main conclusions and proposals for work are formulated.

Ипотечное кредитование в коммерческом банке: проблемы и пути решения : магистерская диссертация / Mortgage lending in a commercial bank: problems and solutions

Иванова, А. И., Ivanova, A. I. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические основы ипотечного кредитования. Во второй главе проанализирован рынок ипотечного кредитования России и определены основные тенденции. В третьей главе выявлены особенности функционирования механизма ипотечного кредитования в России и разработаны предложения по совершенствованию существующей системы ипотечного кредитования в коммерческом банке ПАО «ВТБ». В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used. The first chapter discusses the theoretical foundations of mortgage lending. The second chapter analyzes the Russian mortgage lending market and identifies the main trends. The third chapter identifies the features of the functioning of the mortgage lending mechanism in Russia and develops proposals to improve the existing mortgage lending system in the commercial bank of VTB PJSC. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formed.

Направления совершенствования предоставления банковских продуктов и услуг для юридических лиц : магистерская диссертация / Directions for improving the provision of banking products and services for legal entities

Калашникова, А. И., Kalashnikova, A. I. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе раскрыта сущность и определены классификации банковских продуктов и услуг, а также раскрыта особенность предоставления банковских продуктов и услуг для юридических лиц. Во второй главе представлена экономическая характеристика банка ПАО «ВТБ» и проанализированы банковские продукты и услуги для юридических лиц в коммерческом банке ПАО «ВТБ». В третьей главе определены актуальные проблемы развития банковских продуктов и услуг для юридических лиц в коммерческом банке ПАО «ВТБ», а также в России. В заключении подведены основные итоги исследования, а также сделаны основные вывод. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and appendices. The first chapter reveals the essence and defines the classification of banking products and services, and also discloses the peculiarity of the provision of banking products and services for legal entities. The second chapter presents the economic characteristics of VTB Bank and analyzes banking products and services for legal entities in the commercial bank of VTB PJSC. The third chapter identifies the pressing problems of developing banking products and services for legal entities in the commercial bank of VTB PJSC, as well as in Russia. In conclusion, the main results of the study are summarized, and the main conclusion is made.

Финансовый анализ деятельности коммерческого банка : магистерская диссертация / Financial analysis of a commercial bank`s activities

Кулешова, А. И., Kuleshova, А. И. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассмотрены особенности проведения финансового и управленческого анализа кредитных организаций. Во второй главе проведен анализ финансового состояния коммерческого банка на конкретном примере. В третьей главе выявлены проблемы и предложены пути совершенствования финансовой деятельности коммерческого банка на конкретном примере. В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and appendices. The first chapter examines the features of the financial and management analysis of credit institutions. The second chapter analyzes the financial condition of a commercial bank using a specific example. The third chapter identifies problems and suggests ways to improve the financial activities of a commercial bank using a specific example. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formed.

商業銀行零售金融關係行銷之研究 / The Relationship Marketing in Retail Banking of Commercial Banks

張瑞玲, Chang, Juei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於行銷環境與消費行為的變化、資訊科技的進步以及零售金融業務逐漸成為商業銀行的經營重心,使得植基於資料庫技術之上的關係行銷發展受到國內外商業銀行的格外重視。對擁有豐富顧客資料的商業銀行而言,由於零售金融業務面對的是廣大的消費者,若仍沿用傳統行銷手法將無法建立實質的長期競爭優勢。因此深入瞭解以資料庫技術為基礎的關係行銷發展、探究影響關係行銷發展的因素,以及分析顧客資料庫在行銷策略上的應用方式,應是現階段經營的當務之急。   本研究屬探索性研究,經由文獻探討以及對商業銀行的深度訪談後,依據理論與實務的相互驗證以及所推論的命題,歸納出以下三點結論:(1)關係行銷的發展可分為「產品關係行銷」、「顧客關係行銷」及「家庭關係行銷」等三個階段,銀行業者應積極由產品關係提昇至顧客關係,再由顧客關係提昇至家庭關係階段。(2)組織的支持與承諾、行銷組織型態、顧客資訊的整合程度以及提供金融產品與服務的能力等,是影響關係升級的重要因素。在產品關係提昇至顧客關係時,組織的支持與承諾扮演相當重要的角色;而在顧客關係升級至家庭關係時,提供完整金融產品及服務的能力,是顧客關係提昇至家庭關係的重要前提。(3)關係發展階段不同,顧客資料庫應用的深度也不同。產品關係著重在行銷作業上的應用,顧客關係則在強調輔助行銷管理決策的進行,至於到達家庭關係階段時,顧客資料庫的應用已成為整個企業策略運作的核心資源。

Swedish banks' perception of Riksbank's Unconventional Monetary Policies

Malalatunge, Stefan, Oketch, Avril January 2015 (has links)
This study is among the first to provide insight into the assessment of the Swedish central bank’s (Riksbank) three unconventional monetary policies (UMPs) and their influence on Swedish commercial banks. The three UMPs include forward guidance (FG), quantitative easing (QE) and negative interest rate policy (repo rate). Riksbank introduced the UMPs in order to revive inflation and support Sweden’s economic recovery. The banks’ ability to certainly forecast their operations is highly dependent on the communication availed by the Riksbank on its expected future monetary policies through FG. QE is paramount because this is when commercial banks sell government bonds to the Riksbank. Repo rate determines interest rates set by banks. Four indicators (uncertainty, government bond yields, bank interest rates, borrowing and lending) were used in this study to investigate the perception of the commercial banks on the three UMPs. There are limited studies on Swedish banks’ perception of the UMPs which leaves a research gap in this area.Previous studies indicate that dominant banks in terms of asset shares and deposits are more sensitive to monetary policy shocks. The four dominant commercial banks studied include: Nordea, Handelsbanken, Swedbank and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. This thesis considers the evidence of the results from previous empirical studies. Empirical material for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews from respondents by the Riksbank and the four commercial banks. A deductive approach was used to interpret the information collected.Our results presents various perceptions of the dominant commercial banks on the three UMPs in relation to the four indicators. Some commercial banks perceived the increased transparency and clarity during the increased FG to have reduced their uncertainty. Other banks perceived that FG had increased their uncertainty. They questioned the credibility of the FG since they could not predict Riksbank’s monetary policies with the FG availed. In regards to the perception of QE on uncertainty, an increased signalling channel during QE implementation had resulted in a decline of their uncertainty since they were experiencing a surplus of liquidity in the banking sector. However, they stated other factors that increased market volatility during QE. The increased market volatility during QE increased their uncertainty. The four commercial banks agreed that the demand for government bonds increased while the yields of the government bonds declined. They perceived these changes to have been influenced by QE. The commercial banks’ lending, deposit and interbank interest rates have declined systematically correlating the trend of the declining repo rate. The four banks experienced a decline in their average net interest income, an improved flow of credit through higher lending volumes and stable lending margins to households and firms. Commercial banks perceived these changes to have resulted from the declining market interest rates because of the negative repo rate.Riksbank can use this study to assess the effectiveness of its UMPs on commercial banks based on the perception of the employees from these respective banks. This study discusses implications of the findings for commercial banks and the Riksbank, as well as academics in the realm of implementations and influences of UMPs.

商業銀行現金管理業務的發展探討-以C銀行企業金融部門為例 / The study of commercial bank cash management service’s development-take the cooperate banking department of the C Bank as an example

馬伯援 Unknown Date (has links)
商業銀行傳統的活期性存款業務,是以臨櫃收付款作業為主,近年來歐美銀行開始嘗試將「收付款」、「帳戶管理」、「資金歸集」及「資訊查詢」等銀行各項服務,整合包裝成客製化服務,這種以滿足企業日常營運資金管理需求的服務,稱為「現金管理業務」。該業務不但可獲得穩定的存款利潤,更有助於銀行對優質客戶之經營。 「現金管理業務」濫觴於歐美先進國家,近年來在中國大陸的銀行實務或論文研究,都受到廣泛的關注討論。相較之下,雖然國內部份銀行亦發展及應用相關產品,但此業務在國內一直未受到有體系的研究。本論文研究主題為藉由個案研究來瞭解「現金管理業務」在銀行之發展實務,並收集中國大陸商業銀行對此業務之發展狀況,以探討「現金管理業務」主客觀條件限制、作業風險、潛在市場及未來深入發展方向。 本論文研究案例銀行企業金融部門在發展「現金管理業務」後,活期性存款之餘額、淨利息收入及手續費收入均大幅成長。不僅案例銀行獲利能力提昇,且因與重要客戶在資訊系統、營運模式與財務管理上之緊密結合,更強化了客戶關係與客戶經營。「現金管理」已成為案例銀行提高市場競爭力之核心業務。 / The current account deposit operation of traditional commercial banks is mainly based on settlement operation provided over the counter. Recently, Western banks have been trying to packaging different services, such like “Collection & Payment”, “Account management”, “Funding Planning”, “Information Inquires” and others to provide customized service to meet with client’s daily operational funding needs, which is so called “Cash Management Service”( The Service). The Service is very useful for the bank to serve good customers out of the stable deposit profit generated. The Cash Management Service was initiated from the Western Banks. However, it has gained widespread discussion in the banking research of China over the recent years, in the fields of both practical and theoretical. Comparatively, although the domestic banks have also developed and applied related products, but there are still short of systematic research over the operation in Taiwan . The purposes of the research is to, via case study, analyze the current banking practice of the Service. In addition, it summarizes the current development of the Service operation in China Commercial Bank to discuss the subjective and objective condition limit, the operating risk, the potential market and further product development of the “the cash management service”. After applying the Service, the subject bank has experienced huge growth in aspects of current deposit outstanding, net interest income and fee income. Other than increasing of profitability, it also tightens the relationship and preservation with the clients due to the closer arrangement to corporate customers in terms of information system, business model and financial management. The Cash Management Service has become the core business of the subject bank to enhance the market competitiveness.

CSR a její využití ve firmách v ČR / CSR and its utilization in Czech firms

Koubková, Karolína January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with prominent attention paid to the environmental aspect. One of the main targets of this thesis is to analyze the attitude of companies to the CSR and to answer the key question -- why do firms deal with CSR and how can it influence their business. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the meaning of the CSR concept and it also contains an analysis of its individual benefits. The standards related to CSR are also discussed, with the inclusion of ISO 26000. The practical part shows examples of the attitude and approach of some selected companies towards socially responsible behaviour. Firstly, their activities in the environmental area are presented and an interpretation of how these companies perceive benefits of the CSR concept follows. Another target of this thesis is to evaluate if the CSR concept should be normalized. That is why it was important to include a part showing the opinion of some companies about the CSR norms. The final part includes all findings reached while writing this diploma thesis and an answer to the key question -- why companies make use of the CSR -- is provided.

Управление портфельным кредитным риском коммерческого банка (на примере ПАО КБ «УБРиР» и ПАО «СКБ-Банк») : магистерская диссертация / Management of portfolio credit risk of commercial bank (on the example of PJSC CB "UBRD" and JSC "SKB-Bank")

Бельтюкова, М. А., Beltyukova, M. A. January 2017 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена вопросам управления портфельным кредитным риском коммерческих банков в условиях неопределенности и асимметрии информации. Целью исследования является разработка и экономическое обоснование методического инструментария, позволяющего оценивать и регулировать портфельный кредитный риск банка по корпоративным ссудам. Сделан вывод о том, что отраслевая диверсификация кредитов является инструментом, позволяющим снизить концентрацию кредитного риска по портфелю корпоративных кредитов. / Master thesis is devoted to the management of portfolio credit risk of commercial banks in conditions of uncertainty and information asymmetry. The aim of the study is the development and economic justification of methodological instruments to assess and manage portfolio credit risk of corporate loans. It is concluded that industrial diversification of loans is a instrument that allows to reduce concentration of credit risk of the corporate loan portfolios.

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