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Digital Marketing and Social Media in a Crowd Funding Campaign / Digitalni marketing a social media v "crowd-funding" kampani.Malec, Etienne January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to investigate the key success factors in the digital marketing approach used for campaigns done on crowdfunding platforms, and how it will change influence the decisions of the crowd to invest in a project. Regarding the structure of this thesis, we will firstly explain in details what are the roots of the crowdfunding, describe the different type of platforms and in which context they are used. In the second and third part, we will see how crowdfunding represent a boost for the entrepreneurial initiative and how digital marketing is influencing the process of a raising fund campaign. Finally, thanks a research that has been conducted on 46 respondents, we will analyze the behavior of the crowd regarding the marketing approach used by crowdfunders. As findings, we can state that a crowdfunder must establish a project with a substantial quality content that will pull the crowd toward the project, and choose the right approach in selecting an adapted crowdfunding platforms and rewards.
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Analýza internetového marketingu v konkrétní organizaci a aplikace nových přístupů. / Analysis of Internet marketing in particular organization and application of new approaches.Sedláček, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The main target of this work is to monitor the current status and advancement of Internet marketing at pre-arranged trading company. From analysis to draw conclusions, submit them to the guidance, recommend next steps, let it them approve and begin implementing the newly proposed solutions. The author discusses how detailed survey of the current marketing market and customer analysis of the company due to the best possible choice of appropriate marketing techniques. The aim is to streamline the work, save costs, increase conversion rates, and increase the competitive advantage of the customer company. Practical steps are based on theoretical knowledge acquired before and during the creation of this work. The result already is deployed Internet marketing strategies. All the practical work is carried out in the customer enterprise on real data with real Budge on a real goods. The practical part includes evaluation of new marketing techniques, comparison with the prior and subsequent recommendations for the future.
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Inbound marketing / Inbound MarketingHesoun, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the Inbound Marketing in the Internet environment. The dissertation is divided into three parts -- theoretical, practical and final. Inbound Marketing characteristic is outlined in the theoretical part along with detailed analysis of its components. The practical part includes the brief description of the computer and console games market in the Czech Republic; analysis of the online shop with computer and console games operated by GameLeader, s.r.o.; and the improvement suggestions for the current online presentation of considered company is presented. Finally, the online Inbound Marketing strategy solution is introduced to be implemented by GameLeader, s.r.o. company.
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Acciones de marketing de contenido en Instagram en el mercado slow fashion para la generación de engagement / Content marketing actions in Instagram in the slow fashion market in order to generate engagementArenas Bastas, Alejandra Micaela 24 June 2019 (has links)
En el siguiente trabajo de investigación, se analizará los tipos de contenido que se presentan en la red social Instagram y la importancia que tienen en la generación de valor e interacción con los clientes de marcas de ropa sostenible. El marketing de contenidos es la forma en la que las marcas de ropa sostenible se comunican con sus clientes de forma directa mediante las redes sociales. En el presente trabajo se tratará de comprobar si es que la hipótesis de investigación de que el tipo de contenido que comunica el proceso productivo es el que genera una mayor interacción. En primera instancia se investigará de forma cualitativa para encontrar los tipos de contenido existentes y se complementará con la opinión de expertos, tanto de marketing digital como del mercado de la moda sostenible.
En la parte cuantitativa de la investigación, se podrá determinar con certeza el tipo de contenido más importante para las mujeres entre 22 y 32 años que compren ropa de marcas de moda sostenible. Con la investigación cuantitativa se comprobó que el tipo de contenido más valorado por los clientes es el de las fotos y videos y no el contenido detrás de cámaras como se planteó en la hipótesis. / In the following investigation, I will analyse the different types of content present in the social media platform, Instagram, and the importance that this has on the generation of value and interaction on behalf of the consumers. Content marketing is the way in which the different brands of slow fashion communicate with their clients directly with the support of the social media platforms. In this investigation, it will be tried to proof if the hypothesis that the content behind the scenes is the one that generates more engagement. In the first stage of the investigation, the different types of content marketing will be analysed qualitatively in order to find the different types of content and this will be complemented with the opinions of experts, in digital marketing and in the slow fashion market.
On the second part of the investigation, the types of content will be analysed in a quantitative way in order to determine the type of content that is more important for women between the ages of 22 and 32 that buy sustainable fashion. With the quantitative investigation, it was proven that the most valued type of content by the clients was the one that communicated the pieces of clothing and not the content that show the behind the scenes actions as it was argued in the hypothesis. / Trabajo de investigación
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El uso de Tik Tok como herramienta para generar Content Marketing por las marcas dirigidas a jóvenes de 17 a 25 años / The use of Tik Tok as a digital tool to generate Content Marketing by brands aimed at young people between 17 and 25 years oldCorilla Grados, Lucía Gabriela 25 November 2020 (has links)
El presente artículo busca analizar los diferentes beneficios para las marcas dirigidas a jóvenes de 17 a 25 años, al hacer uso de la nueva red social de Tik Tok como herramienta de Content Marketing. El objetivo de este artículo es poder conocer a través de los usuarios de Tik Tok, cuáles son los beneficios que las marcas dirigidas a jóvenes obtendrían al estar en constante interacción con ellos, teniendo en cuenta las diversas herramientas y opciones de manejo para crear contenido, que ofrece esta aplicación. La metodología a usar será de carácter cualitativo, debido a que se busca conocer las percepciones e intereses de los usuarios en Tik Tok, de tal manera que cada marca pueda utilizar estos descubrimientos para adaptarlos a los distintos mensajes de comunicación que buscan transmitir al público objetivo. / The present paper seeks to analyze the different benefits for brands that focus on young people from 17 to 25 years old, by using the new Tik Tok social network as a Content Marketing tool. The aim of this article is to acquaint through Tik Tok users, the benefits that brands for young people would obtain by being in constant interaction with them, taking into account the tools and management options to create content, offered by this application. The methodology to be used will be of a qualitative nature, since it seeks to know the perceptions and interests of Tik Tok users, so that each brand can apply these discoveries to adapt them to the different messages they require to convey to the target audience. / Trabajo de investigación
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Acciones de Content Marketing y su relación con el engagement de usuario en la página de Facebook de pequeñas empresas del rubro de servicio de belleza / Content Marketing actions and their relationship with user engagement on the Facebook page of small companies in the beauty service sectorEscobar Arias, Christina del Rocio, Rivas Saavedra, Leslie Christalie 21 August 2020 (has links)
Las redes sociales han revolucionado el mundo al aportar nuevos medios con los cuales las microempresas y Pymes tienen mayores oportunidades de llegar a sus consumidores de distintas maneras y con un presupuesto alcanzable. Estos sectores representan una cadena importante dentro del desarrollo del Perú y dentro de ellos destacan, por su tasa de crecimiento, el sector de servicios de belleza, quienes debido a su presupuesto limitado han optado por invertir en publicidad y contenido de marketing online dentro de redes sociales como Facebook para atraer clientes a sus locales poco visibles. En la presente investigación se desarrollará la relación que existe entre las acciones de Content Marketing en Facebook y el engagement de marca de pequeñas empresas del rubro de servicios de belleza. / Social networks have revolutionized the world by providing new means with which microenterprises and SMEs have greater opportunities to reach their consumers in different ways and with an achievable budget. These sectors represent an important chain within the development of Peru and within them, due to its growth rate, the beauty services sector stands out, which due to its small budget have chosen to invest in advertising and online marketing content within social networks such as Facebook to attract customers to their inconspicuous stores. In this research, the relationship that exists between Content Marketing actions on Facebook and the brand engagement of small companies in the beauty services category will be developed. / Trabajo de investigación
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Marketing de contenido para mitigar el impacto de la COVID-19 en un concesionario automotriz peruanoRomero Flores, Kyra Sheyla, Torres Reategui, Ariana Caridad 27 November 2020 (has links)
Las redes sociales se han impuesto como herramientas de comunicación entre empresas y consumidores, pues constituyen una forma fácil y confiable de indagar sobre marcas, productos y servicios. En el 2020, la plataforma digital favorita de las corporaciones para crear reconocimiento de marca, promocionarse y desarrollar la relación con sus consumidores es Facebook. En este sentido, las empresas están apostando por diferenciarse en esta red social a través del marketing de contenidos, el cual consiste en la creación de contenido de valor con el fin de captar y retener a potenciales clientes para inducirlos a la compra. Cabe mencionar que este estudio fue desarrollado en Perú durante la pandemia mundial de la COVID-19. Asimismo, el objetivo de esta investigación es identificar las estrategias de marketing de contenido desarrolladas entre marzo y setiembre del 2020, empleadas en el fanpage de Facebook de un concesionario automotriz peruano para lograr los objetivos del área de marketing durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Para este estudio de caso, se realizaron entrevistas a los encargados de gestionar las estrategias de marketing de contenido de la empresa. Los principales hallazgos del estudio indican que son dos estrategias claves: el storytelling y la difusión de contenido de valor. A la fecha de presentado este trabajo, los resultados de ambas acciones han sido positivos y contribuyeron a enfrentar la crisis económica pese a la desaceleración del sector automotriz como consecuencia de la pandemia, teniendo en cuenta que la compra y mantenimiento de vehículos no son considerados una necesidad. / Social networks have established themselves as communication tools between businesses and consumers, as they are an easy and reliable way to investigate brands, products and services. By 2020, corporations' favorite digital platform to create brand recognition, promote themselves, and develop relationships with their consumers is Facebook. In this sense, companies are betting on differentiating themselves in this social network through content marketing, which consists of the creation of value content in order to capture and retain potential customers to induce them to buy. It is worth mentioning that this study was developed during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
In addition, the objective of this research is to identify content marketing strategies developed between March and September 2020, employed on the Facebook fanpage of a Peruvian automotive dealership to achieve the objectives of the marketing area during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this case study, interviews were conducted with those responsible for managing the company’s content marketing strategies.The main findings of the study indicate that there are two key strategies: storytelling and the dissemination of value content. At the time of presenting this paper, the results of both actions have been positive and contributed to facing the economic crisis despite the slowdown of the automotive sector as a result of the global pandemic, taking into account that the purchase and maintenance of vehicles are not considered a necessity. / Tesis
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Content marketing en redes sociales en relación a la intención de compra en supermercados de Lima Metropolitana / Content marketing in social networks in relation to the purchase intention in supermarkets in Metropolitan LimaAlvarado Huari, Yolanda Yareli, Torres Balcázar, Luis Andres 11 November 2019 (has links)
El sector retail se ha visto influenciado por el ecommerce, provocando que empresas del sector dirijan sus esfuerzos al Marketing digital. Dentro del estudio, se encontró que las ventas generadas por este canal tuvieron un aumento dentro de su portafolio. De igual forma, se encontró que el comportamiento del consumidor, en supermercados, era distinto al resto del sector, por lo que el Marketing digital si influía en su intención de compra, no obstante, el recorrido terminaba en la compra física. Por otro lado, en base a los autores recolectados en el estudio, se halló que el inbound Marketing desarrolla varias características que involucran a los esfuerzos de Marketing de contenidos; cuyo objetivo es atraer, adquirir y comprometer a un segmento del mercado. Asimismo, siendo los blogs, comunidades virtuales y aplicaciones; herramientas que influencian al consumidor a una intención de compra. / The retail sector has been influenced by ecommerce, causing companies in the sector to direct their efforts to digital Marketing. Within the study, it was found that the sales generated by this channel had an increase within its portfolio. Likewise, it was found that consumer behavior in supermarkets was different from the rest of the sector, so that Digital Marketing did influence their purchase intention, however, the journey ended in the physical purchase. On the other hand, based on the authors collected in the study, it was found that inbound Marketing develops several characteristics that involve content Marketing efforts; whose objective is to attract, acquire and engage a market segment. Also, being blogs, virtual communities and applications; tools that influence the consumer to purchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación
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Factores de marketing de contenido relacional en Facebook con respecto al engagement en la categoría de supermercados en hombres y mujeres de 25 a 40 años del NSE A/B de Lima MetropolitanaChilcce Chávez, Elías Jesús, Macedo Delgado, Priscilla Jasmin 27 October 2019 (has links)
La categoría de supermercados de Lima Metropolitana se encuentra en un constante dinamismo,
ya que durante los últimos años han redireccionado sus estrategias en base a las exigencias de un
consumidor digital. Es por ello que, ya no se centran en estrategias como precios bajos o surtido,
sino que han empezado a utilizar el marketing de contenido relacional para acercarse al
consumidor y fortalecer su relación. Esto debido a que reconocen el valor y la importancia de
esta herramienta en redes sociales para generar engagement. Sin embargo, durante el proceso de
investigación surgen evidencias que no se relacionan con lo teóricamente establecido. Por ello,
este trabajo proporciona un balance bibliográfico basado en los factores de marketing de
contenido relacional que afecta el customer engagement (CE). Ante ello, se propone una encuesta
digital sobre la percepción del consumidor en base a las publicaciones en Facebook de las marcas
de supermercados de Lima Metropolitana y una propuesta de cuestionario para un focus group.
Además, se muestra las principales evidencias sobre contenido relacional en las redes sociales
de los principales supermercados en Lima Metropolitana. / The category of supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima is in a constant state of dynamism, since
during the last few years they have redirected their strategies based on the demands of a digital
consumer. For this reason, they no longer focus on strategies such as low prices or assortment,
but have begun to use relational content marketing to get closer to the consumer and strengthen
their relationship. This is because they recognize the value and importance of this tool in social
networks to generate engagement. However, during the research process evidence emerges that
is not related to the theoretically established. Therefore, this work provides a bibliographic
balance based on the factors of relationship marketing that affect customer engagement (CE). In
view of this, we propose a digital survey on consumer perception based on publications on
Facebook of the brands of supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima and a proposal for a questionnaire
for a focus group. It also shows the main evidence of relational content in the social networks of
the main supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima. / Trabajo de investigación
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Semiotisk analys på varumärkesidentiteter / A semiotic analysis on brand identitiesEnlund, Mathilda, Koltsida, Sofia, Johansson, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
Visuell kommunikation är en stark marknadsföringsstrategi för att exponera ett varumärkes identitet därav är sociala medier är därför en väsentlig marknadsföringsplattform för att förstärka varumärkets distinkta idé om deras identitet. Den visuella interaktionen från varumärket genererar skapandet av tankar, kopplingar och minnesvärda upplevelser för konsumenterna som kommer påverka deras relation till varumärket. Studien granskar därför inledningsvis hur tre modeföretag belyser sina varumärkesidentitet genom sin marknadsföring på Instagram genom en semiotisk analys som studerar tecken av bakomliggande meningar och betydelser. Varumärken som marknadsför sig på sociala medier når en publik som sträcker sig globalt och därför är det essentiellt att distribuera en relevant varumärkeskultur som ska anpassa sig efter varje lands kultur vilket visar sig vara ett område som är en utmaning för varumärken. Därför granskar studien dessutom hur modeföretagens identitet uppfattas av konsumenter utifrån interaktioner och reaktioner via kommentarsfältet. Studiens resultat kopplas samman med Kapferer´s brand identity prism tillsammans med resterande begrepp från teoretiska referensramen. / This research reviews three fashion companies and how they shed light on their brandidentity through their marketing on Instagram. This will be done through a semiotic analysis thatstudies signs of underlying meanings and the study is based on a theoretical frame of reference withKapferer identity prism. The results of the study are linked to Kapferer's brand identity prism togetherwith the remaining concepts from the theoretical frame of reference. The brands are analyzed separately.
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