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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Context-Enriched Conversation Analysis of Relational Hypnotherapy with a Client Diagnosed with a Phobia of Blood and Needles

Ramos, Carlos Armando 01 January 2018 (has links)
Although clinical hypnosis has been studied in a variety of ways, most of the research has focused on individual and evidence-based approaches; few have examined relational or systemic models. Influenced by Milton Erickson’s hypnosis methods and Gregory Bateson’s systemic concepts, relational hypnotherapists value the importance of both the intra- and interpersonal context in the treatment of problems, accentuating the significance of the mind and body connection (or relationship) in inviting non-volitional therapeutic change. The author of this research explored how Douglas Flemons, the developer of relational hypnosis, facilitated an enduring non-volitional shift with a client, “Grace,” who desired to have a baby but could not see or talk about blood, needles, or medical procedures without fainting. Using context-enriched conversation analysis (CECA), the author embraced his theoretical understanding of relational hypnosis as a guide to examine multiple sources of data, which included selected audio-recorded excerpts from Douglas and Grace’s hypnotherapeutic sessions; Grace’s descriptions of change in her email correspondence with Douglas; and Douglas’s case notes. Although there were a total of eight sessions, the author’s analysis revealed that the most influential and significant moments occurred during the first two sessions. Douglas’s initial interventions, or as he would say, intraventions, laid the foundation for a shift in Grace’s identity, which helped her embrace a variety of resourceful skills and attributes to overcome her problem. The author also discussed the clinical and research implications for relational hypnosis, brief and family therapy, and psychotherapy in general.

A Conversation Analysis of Therapist-Client Interactional Patterns in Single Session Therapy: A Researcher's Interpretation

Ozaki, Nozomu 01 January 2017 (has links)
In response to the growing awareness of the issue of accessibility to mental health services (World Health Organization, 2013), single session therapy (SST) has been implemented in various settings throughout the world. (Hoyt &Talmon, 2014b; Miller, 2008; Miller & Slive, 2004; Talmon, 2014). Although there has been much advancement in the knowledge and application of SST, an understanding of therapist-client interactional patterns that enfold in SST is extremely scarce. In this study, I investigated how therapists collaboratively improved the talk in SST turn by turn in such a way that promoted therapeutic improvement. I utilized conversation analysis (Sacks et al., 1974) to analyze a video-recording of a SST consultation within a single instrumental case study format (Stake, 2005). The findings of this study provide an interactional understanding of the collaborative practice, valued in SST literature (e.g., Campbell, 2012; Miller & Slive, 2004; Slive et al., 2008). Specifically, the therapists’ collaborative manner is exemplified in how the therapists oriented to the moment-to-moment interaction with the client within and across various interactional practices to coordinate their interaction, form and maintain the therapeutic relationship with the client, invite therapeutic change, and negotiate advice with the client. The findings of this study offer SST therapists and supervisors a potential interactional repertoire that they can utilize in their SST consultations and SST trainings. This study also presents a method of psychotherapy research that can address the research-practice gap (Strong & Gale, 2013).

Ansiktshot i klassrummet : En mikrostudie av skarpa ansiktshot under lektionstid / Face-threatening acts in the classroom : A micro-study of sharp face-threatening acts during lesson time

Almén, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
This essay aim to examine face-threatening acts (FTA) during two lessons with a group of students in class 9 in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze sharp face-threatening acts, how they emerge in the classroom and whatkind of strategies the teacher uses to maintain classroom management. The material is based on sound recordings from October 2021 which have been transcribed and analyzed based on Brown & Levinsons politeness theory. Two participants, one student and one teacher, act as front figures to illustrate examples. Results show that sharp face-threatening acts occur during classes due to possible reasons such as impatience, fewer present adults and the structure of the lesson. The teacher is using a variety of strategies to handle the FTA, among which the strategy of ignoring and continue with the lesson seems to be the most successful to assuage the conflicts. Although it is plausible to assume that a variation of strategies is necessary to maintain authority. / Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka ansiktshotande handlingar under två lektioner i en klass i årskurs 9. Syftet med studien är att identifiera och analysera skarpa ansiktshotande handlingar, hur de uppstår i klassrummet och vilken typ av strategier läraren använder för att upprätthålla klassrumsordning. Materialet är baserat på ljudinspelningar från oktober 2021 som har transkriberats och analyserats utifrån Brown & Levinsons artighetsteori. Två deltagare, en elev och en lärare, fungerar som frontfigurer för att illustrera exempel. Resultaten visar att skarpa ansiktshotande handlingar förekommer under lektionerna på grund av möjliga orsaker som otålighet, färre närvarande vuxna och lektionens struktur. Läraren använder olika strategier för att hantera ansiktshoten, varav strategin att ignorera och fortsätta med lektionen verkar vara den mest framgångsrika för att lindra konflikterna. Det är dock rimligt att anta att en variation av strategier är nödvändig för att behålla auktoritet.

Computer Enabled Interventions to Communication and Behavioral Problems in Collaborative Work Environments

Shivakumar, Ashutosh 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.


RONY CAMINITI RON-REN JUNIOR 26 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Apesar da crescente importância e utilização da mediação como forma de solução de conflitos e da destacada importância que a comunicação e a interação possuem no processo, os manuais de mediação nacionais e internacionais, focados em teorias e em comentários sobre as leis, pouco têm a dizer sobre encontros reais entre mediadores e mediandos, isto é, como a mediação-em-interação, de fato, ocorre. Essa pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e empírica, busca, com base nos estudos da fala-eminteração, entender situadamente como a instituição da mediação é coconstituída entre os participantes, e descrever como diferentes recursos linguísticos verbais e não verbais são mobilizados pelos mediadores na construção de práticas interacionais alinhadas ao seu mandato institucional. Especificamente, essa pesquisa põe uma lupa sobre as práticas de (re)formulação realizadas pelos mediadores em sequências interacionais nas quais ao menos uma das partes realiza reclamações, acusações ou atribuições de culpa ao outro, a fim de: (i) descrever as (re)formulações dos mediadores sobre o que uma das partes disse à/sobre a outra; (ii) descrever e analisar as ações e efeitos projetados pelas (re)formulações; (iii) examinar o papel das (re)formulações na mediação e suas relações com as tarefas institucionais do mediador. Para tanto, foi gerado um corpus composto por 26 horas de gravação em áudio de sessões de mediação familiar extrajudicial que ocorreram em um Núcleo de Prática Jurídica de uma universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A análise das práticas de (re)formulação nos mostra como diferentes objetivos institucionais são tornados relevantes e podem ser alcançados pelos mediadores a partir das transformações de turnos de fala prévios e da oferta de interpretações alternativas. Dentre elas, estão a mitigação e/ou neutralização do escalonamento do conflito entre as partes e a transformação de aspectos relacionais e subjetivos em tópicos mediáveis. Observou-se, especialmente, o papel das (re)formulações no (re)direcionamento das partes a uma posição na qual podem cooperar, ou, pelo menos, encontrar um conjunto de elementos em comum no qual poderão se basear em discussões subsequentes na mediação, possibilitando a progressão das sessões de mediação e oportunizando mudanças futuras na relação e interação entre as partes. Nesse sentido, o estudo contribui, em termos teóricos, para o estudo do fenômeno da (re)formulação e, em termos aplicados, para a formação de mediadores. / [en] Despite the growing importance and use of mediation as a form of conflict resolution, and the significant importance that communication and interaction have in the process, national and international mediation manuals, which are mainly theoretical and/or focused on legal commentaries, have little to say about real encounters between mediators and disputants, that is, how mediation-in-interaction works in fact. Based on the contributions from Conversation Analysis, this empirical qualitative research seeks to understand how the institution of mediation is co-constructed among participants, as well as to describe how different verbal and non-verbal linguistic resources are mobilized by mediators in the construction of interactional practices aligned with their institutional mandate. More precisely, this research zooms in on the (re)formulation practices performed by mediators in interactional sequences in which at least one of the parties complains, accuses or blames the other, in order to: (i) describe mediators (re)formulations of what one party said to/about the other; (ii) describe and analyze the actions and outcomes (re)formulations are designed to produce; (iii) examine the role of (re)formulations in mediation and their relations to the mediator s institutional tasks. For this purpose, a corpus was generated consisting of 26 hours of audio-recorded extrajudicial family mediation sessions that took place in a Legal Practice Center of a university in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of the (re)formulation practices shows us how different institutional goals are made relevant and can be achieved by mediators from the transformations of previous turns at talk and alternative interpretation offers. Among them are the mitigation and/or neutralization of the escalation of the conflict between the parties and the transformation of relational and subjective issued into mediatable topics. Most notably, we observed the role of (re)formulations in (re)directing the parties to a position in which they can cooperate, or at least find a set of common elements on which they can build in subsequent discussions in mediation, enabling the progression of mediation sessions and providing opportunities for future changes in the relationship and interaction between the parties. In this sense, this study contributes, in theoretical terms, to the study of the phenomenon of (re)formulation and, in applied terms, to the training of mediators.

Att göra musik : Det interaktionella arbetet vid ensemblerepetition / Making music : The interactional work in chamber music rehearsal

Textorius, Helena January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning I uppsatsen undersöks med multimodal interaktionsanalys hur två professionella musiker samarbetar sig fram till ett musikaliskt resultat vid en ensemblerepetition. Multimodal interaktionsanalys utgår från interaktionsanalys (eng. ”conversation analysis”, CA), men vrider fokus bort från verbalspråket som primär informationskälla och visar hur interaktionellt viktiga handlingar kan utföras med hjälp av flera olika modaliteter (se Broth & Keevallik 2020 för en genomgång). Fokus i uppsatsens studie ligger på den del av repetitionen där musikerna arbetar med musiken utan att spela – den icke spelade repetitionen. Resultaten visar att musikerna tar sig in i den icke spelade repetitionen med positiva eller negativa värderingar av ett just spelat parti. I studien kallas dessa för avbrottsinledare, och avbrottsinledarnas utformning avgör hur musikerna går vidare till det icke spelade repetitionsarbetet. Den icke spelade repetitionen byggs upp av musikaliska projekt vars delar är orientering, presentation av en musikalisk idé, förhandling om gemensam förståelse, acceptans, och återkoppling. Den musikaliska idén och förhandlingen om gemensam förståelse är centrala delar i arbetet med att nå ett önskat musikaliskt resultat. I presentationen av en musikalisk idé utför musikerna ett ansiktsarbete, och presentationens utformning påverkas av att idén innehåller två handlingar: ett musikaliskt önskemål och en fråga om acceptans för detta. Hur dessa delar arbetas ihop i presentationen påverkas av deltagarnas epistemiska och deontiska hållning och status. Arbetet med att förhandla om gemensam förståelse för en musikalisk idé sker i flera turer, och samma information presenteras på olika sätt med hjälp av olika kommunikativa resurser. För att förtydliga en musikalisk idé används multimodala gestalter, och de vanligaste kommunikativa resurserna i de multimodala gestalterna är sång och dirigering. En musikalisk idé förtydligas också genom externa referenser som placerar in den i ett sammanhang och ger musikerna tillgång till en extern kunskapsbank, vilket underlättar förhandlingen om den gemensamma förståelsen.

Intercultural Communicative Competence in German: A Conversation Analytic Approach

Uskokovic, Budimka 27 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Tala om text. Om gymnasieelevers metaspråk i gruppsamtal

Hansson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of metalanguage and its relation to learning outcome in group discussions. Metalanguage is defined as a language about language, a way to talk about the features of a language using a specific vocabulary with great precision. It is suggested that metalanguage is necessary in order to develop the pupils' awareness when text analyses are carried out in school. The purpose of the study is to understand how pupils take on the task presented by the teacher, how they reach consensus, if and how they make use of some kind of metalanguage, and to what degree their discussions can be regarded as learning conversations. Twelve conversations in groups were recorded on video. The pupils were in the first or the final year of upper secondary school and they all attended either Natural Science Programme or Technology Programme. The conversations took place without the teacher being present. In three groups the conversation was observed by the researcher. The task was to talk about a phishing mail using questions provided by the teacher. The three observed conversations were transcribed following principles from Conversation Analysis, CA. The rest of the conversations were transcribed following a key close to written language in order to simplify the reading. Two analyses were carried out. First, the conversations were analysed regarding how to take on the task, interaction and use of metalanguage. Secondly, the structures of the conversations were analysed using concepts from systemic functional grammar. The results show that the conversations are symmetrical and co-operative and that the pupils are focused on solving the task. No metalanguage is used by the students; the discussions are performed using colloquial speech and dramatizations and referring to experiences. The absence of metalanguage is contrasted in effectiveness by the using of terms from the field of information technology. Using experiences from texts outside school proves to be a way of dealing with the task. However, experiences and results are not abstracted into scientific terms and no learning concerning language and text seems to take place. The using of concepts from systemic functional grammar shows that the pupils are mainly concerned with interpersonal aspects of the text, somewhat concerned with ideational aspects – especially logical – and to a less degree concerned with textual aspects. It is suggested that the lower degree of textual focus is related to the absence of metalanguage. It is also shown that the pupils discuss features of the text focusing on various strata of language. Although the pupils' frequent use of experiences from text encounters should be regarded as a great potential from a pedagogical point of view, the results indicate the need of a metalanguage to achieve precision and effectiveness in discussions about texts. Also, the need of instructions guiding the pupils to make use of metalanguage is indicated. The possibility of using concepts from systemic functional grammar is pointed out and further research is suggested.


ISABELLE DE ARAUJO LIMA E SOUZA 11 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese investiga a multimodalidade em interações sinalizadas, em aulas via Google Meet. Os objetivos principais são descrever e analisar os aspectos verbais e não verbais da Libras. Este estudo está alinhado com as bases teóricas da Análise da Conversa (AC), da Sociolinguística Interacional (SI) e da Linguística Aplicada (LA). Esta pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e utiliza a Análise da Conversa Multimodal como teoria e método. Utiliza a sequencialidade como teoria e, também, como categoria analítica. Os princípios da sequencialidade auxiliaram na compreensão das ações conjuntas construídas pelos surdos, em aulas virtuais. Os dados apresentados foram gerados de setembro a dezembro de 2020, nos encontros virtuais entre professor surdo e estudantes surdos que participam de um projeto de extensão situado na Zona da Mata Mineira. Para fins de transcrição e de análise de dados, adotaram-se critérios capazes de abarcar a interação multimodal em línguas sinalizadas. Então, utilizaram-se princípios da Tradução Audiovisual para se poder descrever as ações em Libras, aliando-se aos critérios de transcrição multimodal. Através da análise sequencial de turnos de fala, compreendem-se os diferentes enquadres presentes nas aulas virtuais sinalizadas. Nota-se que os aspectos multimodais presentes na interação dão a clave da interação, mostrando contextualmente qual ação os participantes estão performando momento a momento. Assim, as diferentes ações performadas em sala de aula, como a brincadeira, a narração, a explicação, mostram os papéis institucionais presentes nas aulas. Em alguns momentos, as relações tornam-se mais assimétricas, em outros, mais simétricas, dependendo das ações que os participantes estão performando. A compreensão desses significados interacionais só é possível quando conseguimos analisar a situação social como um todo, considerando os aspectos linguísticos, gramaticais, prosódicos, materiais e gestuais presentes nos turnos de fala, ou turnos sinalizados. Ao se olhar para os gestos presentes na Libras, é possível contribuiem mais r uma maneira de m se compreender o para o campo da Linguística Aplicada, pensando b aplicação no campo educacional, pensando abarque a experiência linguística que o surdo possu escolar institucional. / [en] This thesis investigates multimodality in signaled interactions, in classes given through Google Meet. The main objectives are to describe and analyze verbal and non-verbal aspects of Libras. This study is aligned with theoretical bases of Conversation Analysis (CA), Interactional Sociolinguistics (IS) and Applied Linguistics (AL). This research is qualitative in nature and uses Multimodal Conversation Analysis as theory and method. Uses sequentiality as a theory and also as an analytical category. The principles of sequentiality helped to understand the joint actions built by the deaf, in virtual classes. The data presented was generated from September to December 2020, in virtual meetings between deaf professor and deaf students who participate in an extension project located in Zona da Mata Mineira. For transcription and data analysis, criteria capable of encompassing multimodal interaction in signed languages were adopted. Then, principles of Audiovisual Translation were used to be able to describe the actions in Libras, allied to the criteria of multimodal transcription. Through sequential analysis of speech turns, different framings present in the signed virtual classes are understood. It is noted that the multimodal aspects present in the interaction give the key to the interaction, contextually showing which action the participants are performing moment by moment. Thus, different actions performed in the classroom, such as game, narration, explanation, show the institutional roles present in classes. In some moments, relationships become more asymmetrical, in others, more symmetrical, depending on the actions that participants are performing. Understanding these interactional meanings is only possible when we are able to analyze the social situation as a whole, considering linguistic, grammatical, prosodic, material and gestural aspects present in speech turns, or signed turns. When looking at the gestures present in Libras, it is possible to contribute to the field of Applied Linguistics, thinking of another way of understanding deaf bilingualism. There are also possibilities of application in educational field, thinking about educational policies that cover linguistic experience that the deaf has before going to the institutional school space.

"Jag har tänkt på en sak" : En samtalsanalytisk studie om beslutsfattande och rättigheten att presentera ett förslag i en möteskontext / “I’ve been thinking about something” : A conversation analytic study about decision-making and the right to present a proposal in a meeting context

Bresmar, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the decision-making process is constructed in management team meetings within an IT consulting company. The study also aims to examine how these decisions are initiated by people with different degrees of authority in the organization, as well as how the asymmetric relationship is established. The material that forms the basis of the study consists of one hour and forty-five minutes of video recording of meetings that took place over the Microsoft Teams platform. The study is based on the theoretical framework of conversation analysis (CA) which contributes with an empirical micro-analysis of the material. The result is thus placed in context to previous conversation analytic research that concerns decision-making, decisionmaking as a social process, deontic rights, and the right to distribute tasks in a meeting context. The result shows how the participants construct decision-making by presenting a proposal or by assigning a task, as well as what differences can be distinguished between superiors and subordinates. In order to present a proposal or assign a task, the participants account for their right to do so by, among other things, referring to subjective experiences, or referring to another authority. Subordinates, e.g., accounts are often long and abstract in their presentation. In contrast, superiors, in this case the CEO, are often short and concrete when presenting a proposal or assigning a task. This in turn results in the establishment of the asymmetric relationship since the right to present proposals do not take place on equal terms. / Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur beslutsfattarprocessen konstrueras i ledningsgruppsmöten inom ett IT-konsultbolag. Studien ämnar även granska hur dessa beslut initieras av personer med olika grad av auktoritet i organisationen, samt hur den asymmetriska relationen därigenom etableras. Materialet som ligger till grund för studien består av en timme och fyrtiofem minuters videoinspelningar av möten som skett över plattformen Microsoft Teams. Studien utgår från samtalsanalysens (CA) teoretiska ramverk som bidrar med en empirisk mikroanalys av materialet. Resultatet ställs därmed i relation till tidigare samtalsanalytisk forskning som berör beslutsfattande, beslutsfattande som social process, deontiska rättigheter, och rätten att fördela uppgifter i en möteskontext. Studiens resultat visar hur deltagarna konstruerar beslutsfattande genom att presentera ett förslag eller fördela en uppgift, samt vilka skillnader som går att urskilja mellan över- och underordnade. För att presentera ett förslag eller fördela en uppgift, redogör de underordnade deltagarna, exempelvis en medarbetare, för sin rätt att göra detta genom att bland annat hänvisa till subjektiva erfarenheter och upplevelser, eller hänvisa till andra auktoriteter. Deras redogörelser är ofta långa och abstrakta i sin framställan. Detta sätts i jämförande med när en överordnad, i detta fall en vd, presenterar ett förslag eller fördelar en uppgift. Då visar resultatet i stället hur redogörelserna och argumentationerna är kortare och mer konkreta. Detta resulterar i sin tur till etableringen av den asymmetriska relationen eftersom rättigheterna att presentera förslag inte sker på lika villkor.

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