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A Cross-Linguistic Study of Metaphor Variation in Promotional Discourse of the Tourist Sector in Spanish, English and German: Implications for TranslationStepins, Katrin Vija 29 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis se centra en la variación interlingüística del uso metafórico del lenguaje en sitios web turísticos promocionales en inglés británico, alemán de Alemania y castellano peninsular. A pesar de la importancia económica del turismo y la gran demanda de traducciones en este sector, el número de estudios sobre el uso de las metáforas en la promoción turística todavía es reducido. El volumen de publicaciones sobre la traducción de las metáforas en este campo es aún menor. Por ello, el presente estudio pretende colmar estos vacíos mediante la descripción del uso metafórico del lenguaje en este género para cada lengua, la comparación de los resultados y la exploración de las implicaciones que puede tener la variación observada para la traducibilidad y el proceso de traducción de las metáforas lingüísticas.
Con este motivo se compilaron tres corpus comparables de páginas web turísticas promocionales de los países Inglaterra, Alemania y España, así como tres corpus léxicos más pequeños de 20.000 palabras cada uno. En un proceso de dos fases, los corpus léxicos se sometieron primero a un análisis manual exhaustivo que facilitó la identificación de grupos de metáforas con una combinación de dominios fuente y meta problemáticos desde el punto de vista traductológico. Estos grupos se estudiaron en la segunda fase en los corpus grandes mediante la búsqueda de vocabulario de los dominios fuente. El estudio adopta un marco teórico propio de la Lingüística Cognitiva, basándose principalmente en la Teoría de la Metáfora Conceptual. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral consiste en la adaptación del probado procedimiento para la identificación de metáforas MIP (Pragglejaz, 2007) para su uso en un estudio comparativo de tres idiomas morfológicamente distintos. Además, se elaboró una tipología de esquemas de proyección (mapping schemes) y una descripción de los dominios fuente y meta más adecuados para los estudios y la práctica de la traducción que los ya existentes. Finalmente fue desarrollado una metodología para la determinación de la traducibilidad literal de las metáforas lingüísticas.
Los resultados indican que el uso de la metáfora en los sitios web turísticos promocionales en los tres idiomas muestra grandes similitudes respecto a la existencia de diferentes tipos de metáfora y su distribución. Sin embargo, se observan diferencias en sus frecuencias, su realización lingüística preferida y sus principales funciones discursivas. A menudo, la variación interlingüística detectada en el uso de la metáfora se puede relacionar con los estilos claramente distintos de los sitios web promocionales en los tres idiomas. Los datos recopilados en este estudio proporcionan a los traductores datos acerca de qué tipo de metáfora puede o incluso debería ser aumentado o disminuido en un texto para lograr que una traducción suene natural, y como las supresiones debidas a las diferencias morfológicas pueden ser compensadas de la mejor manera, dependiendo de la combinación de idiomas y el sentido de la traducción. / [CA] Aquesta tesi se centra en la variació interlingüística de l'ús metafòric del llenguatge en llocs web turístics promocionals en anglés britànic, alemany d'Alemanya i castellà peninsular. Malgrat la importància econòmica del turisme i la gran demanda de traduccions en aquest sector, el nombre d'estudis sobre l'ús de les metàfores en la promoció turística encara és reduït. El volum de publicacions sobre la traducció de les metàfores en aquest camp és encara menor. Per això, el present estudi pretén satisfer aquests buits mitjançant la descripció de l'ús metafòric del llenguatge en aquest gènere per a cada llengua, la comparació dels resultats i l'exploració de les implicacions que pot tindre la variació observada per a la traduïbilitat i el procés de traducció de les metàfores lingüístiques.
Amb aquest motiu es van compilar tres corpus comparables de pàgines web turístiques promocionals dels països d' Anglaterra, Alemanya i Espanya, així com tres corpus lèxics més xicotets de 20.000 paraules cadascun. En un procés de dues fases, els corpus lèxics es van sotmetre primer a una anàlisi manual exhaustiva que va facilitar la identificació de grups de metàfores amb una combinació de dominis font i meta problemàtics des del punt de vista traductològic. Aquests grups es van estudiar en la segona fase en els corpus grans mitjançant la cerca de vocabulari dels dominis font. L'estudi adopta un marc teòric propi de la Lingüística Cognitiva, basant-se principalment en la Teoria de la Metàfora Conceptual. Una de les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en l'adaptació del provat procediment per a la identificació de metàfores MIP (Pragglejaz, 2007) per al seu ús en un estudi comparatiu de tres idiomes morfològicament diferents. A més a més, es va elaborar una tipologia d'esquemes de projecció (mapping schemes) i una descripció dels dominis font i meta més adequats per als estudis i la pràctica de la traducció que els ja existents. Finalment, va ser desenvolupat una metodologia per a la determinació de la traduïbilitat literal de les metàfores lingüístiques.
Els resultats indiquen que l'ús de la metàfora en els llocs web turístics promocionals en els tres idiomes mostra grans similituds respecte a l'existència de diferents tipus de metàfora i la seua distribució. No obstant això, s'observen diferències en les seues freqüències, la seua realització lingüística preferida i les seues principals funcions discursives. Sovint, la variació interlingüística detectada en l'ús de la metàfora es pot relacionar amb els estils clarament diferents dels llocs web promocionals en els tres idiomes. Les dades recopilades en aquest estudi proporcionen als traductors dades sobre quina mena de metàfora pot o fins i tot hauria de ser augmentat o disminuït en un text per a aconseguir que una traducció sone natural, i com les supressions degudes a les diferències morfològiques poden ser compensades de la millor manera, depenent de la combinació d'idiomes i el sentit de la traducció. / [EN] This dissertation focusses on the cross-linguistic variation of metaphorical language use on promotional tourism websites in British English, German of Germany and European Spanish. Despite the economic impact of the tourism industry and the high demand for translations in this branch, only few studies have ventured into metaphor use in tourism promotion so far. Research into metaphor translation in this field is even scarcer. The present study aims to fill these voids by describing metaphorical language use of this register for each language, comparing the results with the other two languages, and by seeking possible implications of the observed variation for the translatability as well as the translation process of metaphor vehicles.
For this purpose, three comparable corpora of regional promotional tourism websites from England, Germany and Spain were compiled, as well as three smaller, 20,000-word sample corpora. In a two-step process, the sample corpora first underwent a comprehensive manual metaphor analysis, which helped to identify metaphor groups with a source-target domain combination that is problematic from a translational point of view. These groups were further studied in the large corpora using source-domain vocabulary searches. The study was approached from a Cognitive Linguistics perspective, building mainly on Conceptual Metaphor Theory. One of the main contributions of this dissertation lies in the adaptation of the widely used metaphor identification procedure MIP (Pragglejaz, 2007) for the cross-linguistic comparison of the morphologically different research languages. Furthermore, a typology of mapping schemes and a description of the source and target domains were suggested which suit translation purposes better than existing ones. Finally, a methodology for the determination of the literal translatability of metaphor vehicles was developed.
The findings suggest that the metaphor use on promotional tourism websites in the three languages is largely similar with regard to the existence of different metaphor types and their distribution. However, differences can be found in their frequencies, their preferred linguistic realisation and their main discursive functions. The observed cross-linguistic variation in metaphor use can often be related to the markedly distinct styles of the promotional websites in the three languages. The data gathered in this study provide translators with information about which type of metaphor can or even should be reduced or increased in number in order to achieve a natural sounding translation and how morphologically necessary suppressions can best be compensated for, depending on the language pair and translation direction. / Stepins, KV. (2022). A Cross-Linguistic Study of Metaphor Variation in Promotional Discourse of the Tourist Sector in Spanish, English and German: Implications for Translation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182290
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Compétence de communication interculturelle et mobilité étudiante : le cas des apprenants primoarrivants en France et des classes plurilingues et multiculturelles de FLE. / Cross-cultural communication skills and student mobility : the case of first-time-in France learners and multilingual and multicultural classes of French as a foreign language (FLE).Jardou, Ali 18 October 2018 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel de mondialisation de l’enseignement supérieur, cette recherche propose de réfléchir sur la compétence de communication interculturelle (CCI) des étudiants étrangers en mobilité entrante vers la France ainsi que sur la manière dont l’enseignement/apprentissage de la CCI est abordé en classe de FLE.En partant des compétences et des savoirs nécessaires à la communication en langue étrangère et de l’apport théorique de la perspective interculturelle qui s’est développée en didactique des langues à partir des années 80, nous analysons un corpus de 26 entretiens d’apprenants primoarrivants de 12 nationalités différentes afin d’interroger leur expérience aussi bien en salle de classe qu’en dehors de celle-ci.Le choix de la classe de langue comme lieu de rencontre interculturelle se justifie parce que ces classes plurilingues et multiculturelles en milieu homoglotte constituent, pour ces publics, un espace privilégié d’apprentissage de la différence tout en permettant une médiation culturelle avec la réalité sociale dans laquelle l’apprenant cherche une modalité d’insertion en tant qu’acteur social.Le retour sur expérience de nos interviewés —avec l’analyse de leurs perceptions, représentations préalables et difficultés d’ordre linguistique et/ou socioculturel identifiées dans leur discours— permet de mieux comprendre les effets pragmatiques de cette compétence dans la communication et la place qui doit lui être accordée en cours de langue.À cheval entre la sociolinguistique et la didactique du FLE, ce travail de doctorat vise à mieux connaître les facteurs qui influencent la construction de la CCI et les différentes dynamiques qui l’impactent, afin de mieux pouvoir œuvrer pour son développement. / In the current context of the globalization of higher education, this research suggests a reflection on the cross-cultural communication skills (known as CCI in French) of exchange students coming to France. This study also looks at the way in which CCI is taught and learned in the ‘French as a foreign language’ (FLE) class.Based on the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in a foreign language and the theoretical contribution of the intercultural perspective, which has been developed into language didactics since the 80s, we analyze a corpus of 26 interviews with newly arrived learners from 12 different nationalities in order to consider their experience both inside and outside the classroom.The choice of the FLE class in a French-speaking country as a cross-cultural meeting place is justified because it constitutes, for these students from all different backgrounds, a privileged place for learning about difference while allowing a cultural mediation with the social reality in which they seek a means of insertion as social actors.The analysis of our interviewees’ feedback –through a detailed assessment of their perceptions, prior representations and the language-related difficulties and/or socio-cultural issues we were able to identify in their speech- allows a better understanding of the pragmatic effects of this skill-set while communicating and the place it deserves in a language course.Somewhere in between sociolinguistics and the didactics of French as a foreign language, this PhD seeks to improve our understanding of the key factors in the build-up of cross-cultural communication skills as well as the various dynamics that have an impact on this skill-set in order to enhance them.
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“The Reliability of Cross-Cultural Communication in Contemporary Anglophone Arab Writing”ALHAJJI, ALI A. 31 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Сравнительный анализ концепций российских и европейских международных выставок: специфика организации межкультурной коммуникации : магистерская диссертация / Comparative analysis of concepts of Russian and European international exhibitions: specificity of organizing cross-cultural communicationНечаева, О. С., Nechaeva, O. S. January 2019 (has links)
Международные выставки являются эффективным коммуникационным инструментом между глобальными корпорациями, предприятиями и сообществами. При этом, для успешного осуществления международной коммуникации организаторам и участникам интернациональных выставок необходимо учитывать культурные особенности международной аудитории при разработке концепции выставки или участия в ней. В этой работе предпринята попытка изучить специфику организации межкультурной коммуникации на международных выставках. В работе проанализированы особенности международных выставок как коммуникационного инструмента, определена модель для анализа выставочной концепции, проведен сравнительный анализ международных выставок из России и Европы в сферах искусства, образования и спорта. На основе полученных результатов разработана концепция участия языкового центра в международной образовательной выставке «Study World 2019» в Лондоне с учетом культурных особенностей данного рынка. / The international exhibition is an effective communication tool for global corporations, enterprises and communities. However, successful act of communication is only possible on condition that participants and exhibition planners take into consideration cultural features of their international audience while developing exhibition concept. This work attempts to analyze specificity of organizing cross-cultural communication at international exhibitions. In this work, we examined specific features of international exhibitions as a communication tool. We defined a five-step-model to analyze exhibition concepts and compared international exhibitions from Russia and Europe in the spheres of sport, education and art. Basing on the collected data, we gave some advice on how to develop a concept of participation in the international education exhibition in “Study World 2019” in London.
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廣告語言裡的情感與意義建構:析誠品書店之平面廣告 / Emotions and meaning construction in advertising language: Analysing Eslite's print ads張道循, Chang, Tao Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
曾幾何時,廣告在流行文化中已跳脫直接而露骨的銷售意圖,不論是電視廣告的表現形式,抑或報章雜誌的平面廣告,都歷經相當之變革。除了多姿多彩的圖像,更操弄了豐富的語言策略,甚且如詩一般的語言,融入文學新意,產生前所未有的廣告文學性。針對這樣的趨勢變遷,本文旨在透過以社會語用及批判性取徑(a sociopragmatic and critical approach)為主的言談分析(discourse analysis),為廣告文化在作者(/說者)和讀者(/聽者)間的溝通所扮演的角色提供一質性研究。嘗試從語言使用(language use)的層面來觀察:如何喚起群體意識?哪些是常用的語言策略?使用這些語言策略/修辭手段能給讀者帶來什麼樣的效應?這些語言使用伴隨著什麼樣的社會意義?分析架構植基於「攸關性理論」(Relevance Theory, Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995),從讀者花費處理訊息的精力(processing efforts)審視其所能獲致的效果(contextual effects)。在另一方面,如同Sperber & Wilson(1995: 279)對於往後研究的期許,本研究更在語用分析中加入了社會文化認知和情境的考量,此正亦批判語言學家們的主要關切(Fairclough, 1995)。
分析語料取材自誠品書店所發表的系列廣告文案,係著眼於下列幾個明顯的現象:(一)文中採取豐富嶄新的語言策略,包括了隱喻、姓名/名稱的平行、重複與敘事,這些修辭手段常更能喚起讀者的注意和興趣,產生詩歌性(poetic effects)等認知效果,並表現各樣的語用/溝通功能。(二)大量西方文明裡的名字/名稱巧妙而生動地運用在這些廣告裡,涵蓋人名(藝術家/作家/詩人/名人)、地名、文學藝術名作和知名品牌。(三)對於作者而言,他們可以蘊含更多的情感、態度、情緒和感覺於其中,產生溝通裡的的弱式效果(weaker effects of communication, Wilson & Sperber, 1992),也能規避一些較為嚴肅的社會責任;而就讀者來說,這些語言策略得以預留更寬闊的詮釋空間,更吸引讀者。(四)除了使用這些語言策略來表現文學性,作者並藉由與讀者間的認知環境,利用流行話題與生活經驗,傳達了知識建構、同儕情誼、精英主義、女性意識、人文關懷、都會城市中產階級的生活型態,展現流行文化中的多元文化交融以及外語的強勢霸權地位,反映了傳統的/已改變的/變遷中的文化價值觀,邀請讀者認可這些顯著的意識型態與跨文化價值觀,進而形塑文化多元的認同和社會認知,呼應言談與社會/文化間的雙向關係(dialectical relationship, Fairclough, 1995)。誠品書店一再發表的系列文宣,雖然無法同電視廣告般在日常生活中與讀者(/聽者)的密集式接觸,然卻能在充裕的版面裡,在微觀層次上運用更多的語言策略,也能在宏觀的社會文化認知層次上,透過對流行文化形式與功能的檢視,有助提升其企業形象以臻一文化地標,對於諸如:刻板印象、權力象徵(symbolic power)、社會趨勢與變遷、文化標記(cultural iconicity)與認同、性別角色等討論,提供反思的空間。並對相關議題如「什麼構成了、什麼排除自、以及什麼包含於流行文化之中?」、「是否存在著流行文化記憶?」提供有用的觀察。 / This study aims to propose a pragmatic study along with a critical analysis of the print advertisements of Eslite Bookstore in Taiwan. It explores the audience’s comprehension and interpretation regarding emotions, poetic effects, and storytelling in media communication under relevance–theoretic account (Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995; Noveck & Sperber, 2006) by looking into contemporary Chinese print ads released by Eslite. Since poetic effects and storytelling in long texts suitably illustrate the reasoning and pragmatic inference towards emotions via larger units of text processing and inferred implicit meanings, the current study centres on the audience’s inferential processes and pragmatic interpretations over longer texts against institutional discourse, advertising.
The audience searches for optimal relevance in the interpretation process, during which a wide array of weak implicatures, based on her greater share of responsibility, could be inferred and derived from the non-literal speech together with the context, depending on the different degrees of involvement and shared cognitive environment. The sociocultural aspect of language use, on the other hand, is further explored to see the inseparable relationship between language and social function. The rhetorical strategies of syntactic parallelism and repetition of name, metaphor, and storytelling are artfully crafted through literary styles within the ads to attract the audience’s attention, to initiate cognitive poetic effects and advertising literariness, and to perform diverse pragmatic/communicative functions. They convey too the dominant ideologies, viz. intellectualism, elitism, social critique of taste, friends’ rapport, feminine awakening, humanistic concern, and the current lifestyles of petit bourgeoisie in urban contexts.
The chosen data vastly adopt elegant wordings and stylistic patterns from names of person (artist/writer/poet/celebrity), place, literature, fashion and brand names to deliver aesthetic value. Placing little emphasis on target commodity, they invite and encourage an imaginative audience to actively and cognitively consume the texts and stories, and spell out a variety of weak implicatures involving feelings, attitudes, emotions and impressions along the textual lines. They invisibly persuade her to recognise the significant inter–/cultural values. Positioning the audience as social elite, shaping and branding the corporate image as a cultural polysemy and landmark of cultural empowerment, they also initiate an emergent text genre with communicative innovation in cultural industry and academic disciplines.
People in all languages often mean more than they say. Grammar on its own is typically insufficient for determining the full meaning of an utterance, the assumption that the discourse is coherent or ‘makes sense’ has a vital role to play in meaning construction as well. Just as syntactic surface structures display complexity of underlying structures, we can appreciate much the implicit meanings constructed, conveyed and enriched by storytelling and the poetic force of lexical items and syntactic–semantic–pragmatic interplay in media discourse, as shown in the study. This functional linguistic study reveals that the selling motive could well be melted and/or hidden through those communication strategies due to their implicitness, indirectness and vagueness, and clarifies the simplistic dichotomy between Eastern vs. Western cultures. The dialogic relations between form and function in advertising language reflect the social cohesion/interaction and cognitive dynamics of communicator and audience, thus maintaining the dialectical relationship between social structures and social practice (Fairclough, 1995).
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Studien zur Erforschung interkultureller Kommunikation / Empirical Studies on Intercultural Communication11 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Band wirft einen Blick in verschiedene Forschungsfelder, die an der Professur Interkulturelle Kommunikation der Technischen Universität Chemnitz in den letzten Jahren von Studierenden im Masterstudiengang ‚Interkulturelle Kommunikation – Interkulturelle Kompetenz‘ bearbeitet wurden. Die den sechs Artikeln zugrunde liegenden Studien nutzen Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung zur Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Die Artikel thematisieren interkulturelle Lernprozesse in internationalen Workcamps und interkulturellen Trainings, Erfahrungen während eines Auslandsstudiums und im interreligiösen Austausch sowie die Zusammenarbeit in multikulturellen Teams. / This volume gives insight into different research projects conducted by students in the master‘s programme ‚Intercultural Communication – Intercultural Competence‘ at the Chair of Intercultural Communication at Chemnitz University of Technology. All empirical studies on which the articles are based use methods of qualitative social research for data collection and analysis. The articles focus on intercultural learning processes in international workcamps and intercultural trainings, experiences during studies abroad and in interreligious dialogues as well as cooperation in multicultural teams.
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Studien zur Erforschung interkultureller KommunikationHeld, Susanne, Schreiter, Miriam 11 August 2015 (has links)
Der vorliegende Band wirft einen Blick in verschiedene Forschungsfelder, die an der Professur Interkulturelle Kommunikation der Technischen Universität Chemnitz in den letzten Jahren von Studierenden im Masterstudiengang ‚Interkulturelle Kommunikation – Interkulturelle Kompetenz‘ bearbeitet wurden. Die den sechs Artikeln zugrunde liegenden Studien nutzen Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung zur Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Die Artikel thematisieren interkulturelle Lernprozesse in internationalen Workcamps und interkulturellen Trainings, Erfahrungen während eines Auslandsstudiums und im interreligiösen Austausch sowie die Zusammenarbeit in multikulturellen Teams. / This volume gives insight into different research projects conducted by students in the master‘s programme ‚Intercultural Communication – Intercultural Competence‘ at the Chair of Intercultural Communication at Chemnitz University of Technology. All empirical studies on which the articles are based use methods of qualitative social research for data collection and analysis. The articles focus on intercultural learning processes in international workcamps and intercultural trainings, experiences during studies abroad and in interreligious dialogues as well as cooperation in multicultural teams.
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