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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-Creation : A platform to create more loyal and long-term customer relationships in the aviation supply industry.

Niklas, Sandor January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att bidra till ökad medvetenhet, förståelse och kunskap om Co-Creation. Genom att fokusera på flygindustrin som är mycket bekant för författaren är syftet med studien och forskningen att bättre förstå hur flygbolagen ser på samverkan och fördelar eller potentiella nackdelar med att använda Co-Creation för att driva ett mer integrerat samarbete mellan kunderna och leverantörer. Datainsamling har skett genom en blandad metoddesign som fångade både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Deltagarna i studien är alla från flygindustrin. Totalt deltog 43 studieobjekt i denna studie. Resultaten illustrerar att det för närvarande finns en begränsad nivå av samverkansaktivitet inom flygindustrin, men de flesta deltagarna bedömer att det finns stora fördelar med Co-Creation. Resultatet indikerar att respondenterna anser att Co-Creation är absolut nödvändigt för att driva innovation, skapa en samarbetsmiljö och ett verktyg för leverantörer att bättre förstå både flygbolagens behov och krav samt passagerarnas behov och krav. Denna studie kommer att gynna både leverantör och flygbolag genom att samarbete och partnerskap kan baseras på gemensamma värderingar, överenskommelser och mål. Resultatet kan ytterligare ses representera leverantörsrelationer mer generellt och därigenom gynna alla som bättre vill förstå hur Co-Creation kan användas för att förbättra och expandera leverantörs- och kundengagemang. / Sammanfattning: The purpose of this study has been to contribute to greater awareness, understanding and knowledge on Co-Creation. By focusing on the aviation supply industry which is very familiar to the author, the aim with the study and research is to better understand how airlines view Co-Creation and the benefits or potential drawbacks of using Co-Creation to drive more integrated collaboration between customers and suppliers. This is a study with data collection utilizing a Mixed Method Design Survey that captured both Quantitative as well as Qualitative information and input. The participants in the study are all from the aviation industry. In total 43 study objects participated in this research. The results illustrate that there is currently only a limited level of Co-Creation activity in the aviation supply industry, however the vast majority of participants’ assess that there are significant benefits with Co-Creation. The result indicate that airline respondents believe that Co-Creation is imperative to drive innovation, create a more collaborative environment and a tool for suppliers to better understand both the airlines needs and requirements as well as the needs and requirements of the airlines passengers. This study will benefit both supplier and airlines by collaborating and partnering can be based on common values, understandings and goals. The result can be further extrapolated to represent supplier customer relationships as a whole and further benefit anyone who would like to better understand how Co-Creation can be used in improving and expanding supplier and customer engagement. / <p>2017-08-16</p>

En kvalitativ studie om kundernas attityder och beteenden i relation till influencers och influencermarketing

Borg Pettersson, Cecilia, Lundin, Fanny January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur kunders attityder och beteenden till influencers och influencer marketing påverkas av deras uppfattningar om influencers och influencer marketing. Studien fokuserar på kundernas attityder och beteenden i relation till influencers och influencer marketing i termer av värdesamskapande, förtroende, varumärkeslojalitet och kundengagemang. Vi utgår vidare från att detta påverkas av kundernas intresse för influencers och i vilken mån de är aktiva på sociala medier.Vi skapade även en analysmodell som utgår från att graden av kundernas intresse för influencers och deras aktivitetsgrad på Instagram påverkar deras uppfattningar om influencers och influencers marketing. Därefter påverkar detta i sin tur deras attityder och beteenden i relation till influencers ochinfluencer marketing i termer av värdesamskapande, förtroende, varumärkeslojalitet och kundengagemang. Utifrån detta syfte och denna analysmodell utfördes ett strategiskt urval av åtta respondenter, där vi valde att utgå från respondenter som hade ett större eller mindre intresse förinfluencers och som var mycket aktiva eller relativt aktiva på Instagram. På så vis skapades fyra olika fall där, där semistrukturerade djupintervjuer utfördes med samtliga respondenter. Det första fallet kännetecknas av respondenter som vid tidpunkten för intervjuerna hade ett mindre intresse för influencers och var mindre aktiva på Instagram. I det andra fallet hade respondenterna ett större intresse för influencers men samtidigt var de mindre aktiva på Instagram. Respondenterna i det tredje fallet karakteriseras av att de var mindre intresserade av influencers och att de var mer aktiva på Instagram.Det fjärde fallet utmärks av respondenter som både var mer intresserade av influencers och mer aktiva på Instagram. Analysresultatet visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan respondenternas uppfattningar om influencers och influencer marketing och respondenternas attityder och beteenden i relation till influencers och influencer marketing. Analysmodellen kan därmed inte bekräftas. Detta eftersom att analysen visar att respondenternas uppfattningar om influencers och influencer marketing samt respondenternas attityder och beteenden i relation till influencers och influencer marketing, inte påverkas av respondenternas intresse för influencers och deras aktivitetsgrader på Instagram. / The purpose of this study is to analyse how customers' attitudes and behaviours towards influencers and influencer marketing are affected by their perceptions of influencers and influencer marketing. The study focuses on customers' attitudes and behaviours in relation to influencers and influencer marketing in terms of value co-creation, trust, brand loyalty and customer engagement. We assume that this is affected by customers' interest in influencers and the extent to which they are active on social media. We alsocreated an analysis model, where we assume that the degree of customers’ interest in influencers and their degree of activity on Instagram influences their perceptions of influencers and influencer marketing. After that, we assume that this affects their attitudes and behaviours in relation to influencers and influencer marketing in terms of value co-creation, trust, brand loyalty and customer engagement. Based on this purpose and analysis model, a strategic sample was made, that consisted of eight respondents, where we chose to begin from respondents who had a more or less interest in influencers and were very active or relatively active on Instagram. In this way, we created four different cases, where we conducted semistructured in-depth interviews with all respondents. The first case is characterised by respondents who at the time of the interviews, had a less interest in influencers and also were less active on Instagram. In the second case, the respondents had a more significant interest in influencers, but at the same time, theserespondents were less active on Instagram. The respondents in the third case were characterised as less interested in influencers but were instead more active on Instagram. The fourth case is characterised by respondents who were more interested in influencers and also were more active on Instagram. The analysis results show that there is a positive connection between the respondents 'perceptions about influencers and influencer marketing and the respondents' attitudes and behaviours in relation to influencers and influencer marketing. The analysis model can, therefore, not be confirmed. The reason for this is due to the analysis, that shows that the respondents' perceptions of influencers and influencer marketing, as well as the respondents' attitudes and behaviours in relation to influencers and influencer marketing, are not affected by the respondents' interest in influencers and how active they are onInstagram.

Factores de marketing de contenido relacional en Facebook con respecto al engagement en la categoría de supermercados en hombres y mujeres de 25 a 40 años del NSE A/B de Lima Metropolitana

Chilcce Chávez, Elías Jesús, Macedo Delgado, Priscilla Jasmin 27 October 2019 (has links)
La categoría de supermercados de Lima Metropolitana se encuentra en un constante dinamismo, ya que durante los últimos años han redireccionado sus estrategias en base a las exigencias de un consumidor digital. Es por ello que, ya no se centran en estrategias como precios bajos o surtido, sino que han empezado a utilizar el marketing de contenido relacional para acercarse al consumidor y fortalecer su relación. Esto debido a que reconocen el valor y la importancia de esta herramienta en redes sociales para generar engagement. Sin embargo, durante el proceso de investigación surgen evidencias que no se relacionan con lo teóricamente establecido. Por ello, este trabajo proporciona un balance bibliográfico basado en los factores de marketing de contenido relacional que afecta el customer engagement (CE). Ante ello, se propone una encuesta digital sobre la percepción del consumidor en base a las publicaciones en Facebook de las marcas de supermercados de Lima Metropolitana y una propuesta de cuestionario para un focus group. Además, se muestra las principales evidencias sobre contenido relacional en las redes sociales de los principales supermercados en Lima Metropolitana. / The category of supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima is in a constant state of dynamism, since during the last few years they have redirected their strategies based on the demands of a digital consumer. For this reason, they no longer focus on strategies such as low prices or assortment, but have begun to use relational content marketing to get closer to the consumer and strengthen their relationship. This is because they recognize the value and importance of this tool in social networks to generate engagement. However, during the research process evidence emerges that is not related to the theoretically established. Therefore, this work provides a bibliographic balance based on the factors of relationship marketing that affect customer engagement (CE). In view of this, we propose a digital survey on consumer perception based on publications on Facebook of the brands of supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima and a proposal for a questionnaire for a focus group. It also shows the main evidence of relational content in the social networks of the main supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima. / Trabajo de investigación

Service Level Modell – Erweiterung der Kundenbasis für das Internet der Dinge

Paul, Erik 11 January 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit wird die Thematik eines Service-Level-Modells für das Kunden-Reporting eines hochtechnologisierten Unternehmens analysiert. Die stetig kürzer werdenden Technologiezyklen, der zunehmende Druck von anderen Wettbewerbern sowie die Flut an aufkommenden Kleinkunden, durch Technologien des Internet der Dinge, verlangen nach einer konsequenten Report-Standardisierung. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Ansätze im Kunden-Reporting des Unternehmens wurde untersucht, inwiefern die Erfahrungen mit Großkunden auf Kleinkunden nachhaltig und zielgerichtet adaptiert werden können. Die Analyse der theoretischen Grundlagen unterstreicht die Relevanz dieser Thematik und verdeutlicht die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen dem unternehmensinternen Management-Reporting sowie dem Reporting für B2B-Kunden. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt eine Bestandsaufnahme des Customer-Reportings in Bezug auf das Foundry-Unternehmen. Dabei wurden alle kundenrelevanten Berichte der Fachabteilungen begutachtet. Im Nachgang dazu konnten entsprechende Optimierungsansätze herausgearbeitet sowie ein nachhaltiges Reporting-Konzept für Kleinkunden aufgezeigt werden. Das erarbeitete Konzept soll zukünftig seitens der Foundry als Grundlage für aufkommende Neukunden mit niedrigem Produkt-Volumina dienen. Betrachtet man nun das Resultat dieser Untersuchung bleibt festzuhalten, dass durch dieses Instrument dem Effekt der Informationsüberflutung auf Kundenseite deutlich entgegengewirkt wird. Überdies wird erreicht, dass auf Seiten der Foundry sowie dem B2B-Kunden ein homogenes Verständnis, in Bezug auf die technischen Inhalte, generiert wird. Insgesamt betrachtet, liefert diese Arbeit einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Thema Customer-Reporting im hochtechnologisierten Umfeld. Man kann daher den Schluss ziehen, dass es gelingen kann, den vielfältigen Anforderungen der aufkommenden Kleinkunden mit einem generellen Reporting-Standard zu begegnen.

Turismo de bienestar: factores de motivación, satisfacción y customer engagement / Wellness tourism: motivation, satisfaction and customer engagement factors

Palomino Flores, Olenka 03 March 2021 (has links)
El turismo de bienestar es una rama del turismo de salud que va más allá del turismo tradicional al buscar hacer un recorrido holístico por la mente, el cuerpo y espíritu. La finalidad del presente estudio es conocer la interacción existente entre la motivación (MOT) para escoger esta clase de servicio, la satisfacción (SAT) al hacerlo y de ésta con el Customer Engagement (CE). Para la recolección de datos se creó un cuestionario dividido en 4 secciones, que fue aplicado a 308 personas que cumplían con el requisito de ser turistas actuales y potenciales que buscan el bienestar en el turismo. Se aplicó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para analizar los resultados; y, se identificó que la motivación se relaciona con la satisfacción, siendo la última en mención relacionada también con el Customer Engagement. Cabe resaltar que el desarrollo de sentimientos positivos es considerado el principal indicador de satisfacción, mientras que el caso del Customer Engagement en el turista de bienestar, se observa principalmente en las recomendaciones a otras personas, la generación de reseñas positivas y una valoración costo –beneficio, finalmente este estudio proporciona a los profesionales de la industria conocimientos para promover el turismo de bienestar y diseñar estrategias de marketing efectivas. / Wellness tourism is a branch of health tourism that goes beyond traditional tourism by seeking to make a holistic journey through the mind, body and spirit. The objective of this study is to know the relationship between the motivation (MOT) to choose this type of service, the satisfaction (SAT) when performing it and its relationship with Customer Engagement (CE). For data collection, a questionnaire divided into four sections was designed and applied online to 308 people who met the requirement of being current and potential tourists seeking well-being in tourism. Pearson's correlation coefficient was applied to analyze the results, and it was identified that motivation is related to satisfaction, being the last mentioned also related to Customer Engagement. It should be noted that the development of positive feelings is considered the main indicator of satisfaction, while the case of Customer Engagement in the wellness tourist is mainly observed in the recommendations to other people, the generation of positive reviews and a cost-benefit assessment Finally, this study provides industry professionals with the knowledge to promote wellness tourism and design effective marketing strategies. / Tesis / PE

Social Media Content to Build B2B Relationships : An Exploratory Study of Customers to SMEs on the Californian Business Market for Financial Services

Lickhammer, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Abstract  Title: Social Media Content to Build B2B Relationships – An Exploratory Study of Customers to SMEs on the Californian Business Market for Financial Services  Faculty: School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University  Program: The Business Administration and Economics Programme  Course: 4FE63E – Degree Project in Marketing, The Business Administration and Economics Programme, 30 credits, spring 2017  Author: Emma Lickhammer  Mentor: Åsa Lindström  Examiner: Professor Bertil Hultén  Research question: How is social media content engaging for customers on the financial services business market while building relationships?  Purpose: This study aims to interpret how social media content is engaging for business-to-business customers on the SME, financial services market, in terms of relationship building. It also intends to assist Xennial BZ Solution with advice to a basis of decision-making while executing their relationship marketing strategy on social media.  Methods: This thesis has been conducted as a qualitative cross-sectional study with an exploratory purpose and an inductive approach. The data has been collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through a qualitative data analysis.  Result and conclusions: I conclude that social media presence engages customers on the financial services business market in relationship building if right content is created on right platforms to right customers. It appeared in the result that customers use social media in the information-seeking process and in the interaction process and that successful integration and understanding of the platforms contribute to higher response rates, which promotes relationship building.  Delimitations: This study aims to focus on customers on the Californian market for financial services, which delimits the scope of this study. It is also delimited to only cover SMEs and might therefore not be relevant for larger organizations. This thesis is also delimited to just focus on selected social media platforms and might therefore not be applicable to all situations.  Theoretical and practical contributions: The theoretical contribution from this thesis fills the knowledge gap concerning how social media content engages customers on the financial iv  services business market to build relationships. The practical contribution is given by this thesis to provide Xennial BZ Solution with recommendations regarding how they should implement social media content in their relationship marketing strategy.  Key words: business-to-business, financial services, financial services marketing, SMEs, social media, social media marketing, content marketing, customer engagement.

Innehållsmarknadsföring på Instagram : En kvalitativ studie om Millennials resonemang kring klädföretag. / Content marketing on Instagram : A qualitative study of Millennials' reasoning about clothing companies.

Johansson, Nelli, Törnberg, Emma, Möllberg, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Fördelarna som kommer genom marknadsföring på sociala medier är många men företag behöver bli mer innovativa för att stå ut i mängden. Genom kommunikationen i digital marknadsföring så har integreringen mellan företag och kunder förbättrats. Numera söker konsumenter efter någon form av underhållning i marknadsföringen för att först reagera och sedan dela med sig av innehållet till andra. Innehållsmarknadsföring, som är en del av varumärkeskommunikationen, handlar främst om att tillgodose konsumenternas behov som skapar engagemang och värde genom att kommunicera ut företagets innehåll utan att ha fokus på att sälja produkter. Syftet med innehållsmarknadsföring är att vidare använda sig av innehåll som lockar konsumenten i stället för att det tvingas på konsumenten. Generationen millennials förväntar sig att företag ska kommunicera med sina kunder på sociala medier. Majoriteten av millenials identifierar även modetrender genom mötesplatser online, vilket är mer än andra generationer. Detta för att generationen är involverad i informationsutbyte och inköp online mer än någon annan generation samt mest tekniska. Huvudfokuset i denna uppsats är att undersöka millennials resonemang kring klädföretags innehållsmarknadsföring på Instagram. Uppsatsen kommer fram till attribut som är viktiga för företag att värdera i sitt formande av innehållsmarknadsföring. Denna studie har tillämpat en kvalitativ metod i form av fokusgrupper där det empiriska materialet samlats in. Studien har utgått från respondenter inom generationen millennials. Resultatet visar att företag måste stå ut i mängden genom att vara relaterbara med konsumenten. Detta resultat tyder på att innehållsmarknadsföring är ett viktigt verktyg för företag att integrera med potentiella konsumenter. / The benefits that come from marketing on social media are many, but companies need to become more innovative to stand out from the crowd. Through communication in digital marketing, the integration between companies and customers has improved. Nowadays, consumers are looking for some kind of entertainment in marketing to first react and then share the content with others. Content marketing, which is a part of brand communication, is mainly about meeting consumers' needs that create commitment and value by communicating the company's content without focusing on selling products. The purpose of content marketing is to further use content that attracts the consumer instead of forcing it on the consumer. The generation of millennials expects companies to communicate with their customers on social media. The majority of millennials also identify fashion trends through the online brand community, which is more than any other generation. This is because the generation is involved in information exchange and online shopping more than any other generation and is more technical. The main focus of this essay is to examine millennials 'reasoning about clothing companies' content marketing on Instagram. The essay comes to attributes that are important for companies to value in their shaping of content marketing. This study has applied a qualitative method in the form of focus groups where the empirical material has been collected. The study was based on respondents within the millennial generation. The results show that companies must stand out in the crowd by being relatable to the consumer. This result suggests that content marketing is an important tool for companies to integrate with potential consumers. The chosen language in this study is swedish.

The use of digital technologies to improve the post-purchase phase of a traditional company in the white goods sector: Case study on Electrolux

Cunha, Luisa, Kidanu, Delila January 2017 (has links)
Digital transformation effects the way companies engage with their customers, which is reflected in the post-purchase offerings. This change and added utilization of digital technologies allow companies to capture more data about their customer through different sources and by having the digital capabilities to transform this data into knowledge, companies can offer better products and personalized experiences. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how a traditional company in the white goods sector can improve its post-purchase phase offerings to engage with its customers, through the use of digital technologies, by conducting a case study on Electrolux. To do so, an extensive literature review was conducted and key learnings used to investigate the post-purchase offerings from Electrolux, compared with three traditional and eight born digital companies. Empirical data is collected through direct observation, desk research, and interviews. Overall, the analysis revealed Electrolux offers about the same to its customers as the other companies in the post-purchase phase. However, the differences are in the process behind the creation of each offering. This lead to the creation of a substantive model that presents the process by which a company in the white goods sector can deliver personalized and data-driven experiences to their customers. The model additionally outlines the need for a quick-learning environment, developed through testing and experimentation within the companies. Concluding, the conclusions and recommendations suggested identifies what focuses need to be implemented by traditional companies in the white goods sector in order to succeed in a digital environment.

Разработка методов для увеличения вовлеченности публикаций в Instagram : магистерская диссертация / Developing Methods to Increase the Engagement of Instagram Posts

Слинкина, О. В., Slinkina, O. V. January 2020 (has links)
За последние несколько лет социальные сети для компаний стали одним из основных инструментов работы с клиентами. Социальная сеть Instagram служит инструментом для бизнеса, но из-за высокой конкуренции и медленного обновления функционала сети, существуют проблемы качественной вовлеченности пользователей и автоматизированной работы с социальной сетью. Для решения данных проблем необходимо внедрить специальные инструменты и определить критерии эффективности публикаций в Instagram. Научная новизна. Перечислены актуальные методы для увеличения эффективности публикаций в социальной сети Instagram для бизнеса, выполнена практическая работа с существующими аккаунтами в Instagram, получены новые результаты при отслеживании активности в профилях, выделены новые потребности и задачи, которые должны решать инструменты для работы в Instagram. Практическая значимость исследования – заключается в разработке методов для увеличения эффективности продвижения бизнеса в социальных сетях, которые изложены в учебно-методическом пособие. Представлены данные на основе работы по аккаунту дополнительного образования «Сетевой инженерно-технической школы», подведены и составлены примеры протестированных публикаций. Проанализированы текущие инструменты для работы в Instagram, построена полная модель и выявлены проблемы в модели бизнес-процессов AS-IS. / Over the past few years, social networks have become one of the main tools for working with clients for companies. The social network Instagram serves as a tool for business, but due to high competition and slow updating of the network's functionality, there are problems of high-quality user engagement and automated work with the social network. To solve these problems, it is necessary to introduce special tools and determine the criteria for the effectiveness of posts on Instagram. Scientific novelty. The current methods for increasing the effectiveness of posts on the social network Instagram for business are listed, practical work has been done with existing Instagram accounts, new results have been obtained when tracking activity in profiles, new needs and tasks that must be solved by tools for working in Instagram are highlighted. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of methods to increase the effectiveness of business promotion in social networks, which are set out in the educational and methodological manual. The data on the basis of work on the account of additional education "Networked Engineering and Technical School" are presented, examples of tested publications are summarized and compiled. Analyzed the current tools for working on Instagram, built a complete model and identified problems in the AS-IS business process model.

Permission-based Email Marketing for Customer Engagement : A qualitative study on how email marketing and relational factors influence consumers' non-purchase behaviors

Mannelqvist, Anna, Mårtensson, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Email marketing is not a new concept within marketing, it has been used by companies as a cost-effective way to incentives purchases for decades. However, during the past few years, there was a shift in the way email can be used. Today, it is also a way for companies to directly communicate with customers and through it create more long-term customer relationships. Previous research within the subject has had a focus on examining the effect of email marketing on purchases. However, with the new additional email practices, which have emerged in recent years, there is the need for studying email marketing from the perspective of the consumer. Since there are several conceptualizations of email marketing, this study adopts the definition where consumers’ consent to receiving the emails is a must, in other words permission-based email marketing. In addition, the study examines the influence of permission-based email marketing on consumers’ behaviors that go beyond purchases, namely the non-purchase behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how permission-based email marketing and relational factors influence consumers’ non-purchase behaviors. Moreover, the study aims to answer to the following research question: How does permission-based email marketing, aided by relational factors, influence consumers’ non-purchase behaviors? In order to answer the research question, a qualitative method was used, more specifically semi-structured interviews were conducted with young millennial consumers between the ages of 25 to 34. The results showed that different identified aspects of permission-based email marketing influence certain relational factors and ultimately the consumers’ engagement. However, a key factor is the consumer's own perception regarding what the emails from clothing retailers should contain in order to be relevant. Whether the email’s content is general or personalized, if the consumers perceive it as valuable and relevant, it will lead to increased customer satisfaction, perceived value, perceived brand competence, trust, commitment and loyalty. These relational factors can facilitate consumers’ non-purchase behaviors such as opening, reading, clicking on links and spreading positive word-of-mouth. However, the results also indicate factors, which contribute to less and more negative non-purchase behaviors. If consumers do not perceive to have given permission for receiving emails from a clothing retailer, they will respond by unsubscribing. Moreover, if consumers perceive to be receiving an excessive amount of emails, or if they deem the content irrelevant, they are more likely to delete, unsubscribe and spread negative word-of-mouth. The study resulted in a conceptual model, which illustrates the factors of both permission-based email marketing and relational factors and their influence on consumers’ non-purchase behaviors.

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