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Bloggandets baksida : Blogghat och bloggmobbning bland kvinnliga bloggareFörfattareMorén, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: To examine whether or not there is such a thing as bloggbullying, and if so, how this manifests itself among female bloggers. Material/Method: To analyze the material, which consists of comments made on a total of 75 posts made on three different blogs, a quantitative method as well as a qualitative critical discourse analysis was used. Main result: Several similarities between Anatol Pikas definition of bullying and the results were found, and the conclusion is that there is such a thing as bloggbullying.
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Bystander intervention in cyberbullyingBrody, Nicholas Paul 18 October 2013 (has links)
Cyberbullying incidents often occur in the presence of other bystanders. The inaction of bystanders can augment the deleterious effects of bullying on a victim. However, bystanders can often take action to stop a cyberbullying incident or offer support to the victim. Two studies examined the association between several variables which were expected to influence the propensity for a bystander to take action in cyberbullying incidents -- the number of bystanders, the depersonalization/anonymity of the bystander, and the relational closeness between the bystander and the victim. Moreover, the first study addressed the need for more descriptive research into cyberbullying by examining the strategies and topics used by perpetrators. Results of both Study 1 and Study 2 provided support for the diffusion of responsibility effect. Specifically, a higher number of bystanders was negatively associated with a bystander's propensity to intervene and stop the incident. In Study 2, this effect was moderated by both depersonalization and closeness. That is, individuals were most likely to intervene when they did not feel depersonalized, the victim was a close friend, and there were a low number of bystanders. Moreover, in both Study 1 and Study 2 the perceived anonymity of bystanders negatively related to their propensity to intervene, and closeness with the victim was associated with a higher likelihood to intervene and support the victim. Finally, descriptive data illustrated the types and strategies of cyberbullying episodes which occur in a college-aged sample. Altogether, the results shed light on the interplay of context, relationships, and technology in the behavior of bystanders to a cyberbullying episode. / text
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Digital Discipline: Institutional Ethnography of Educational Professionals in the Marana Unified School DistrictPapaleo, November Rose January 2013 (has links)
Despite the critical role educators play in the lives of students, little research has been conducted on their perceptions of digital media, bullying behaviors and prevention, and the development of disciplinary policy. As educators are tasked with monitoring student behaviors both inside and outside the classroom, how they conceptualize student behavior emerges as a site for possible mediations in the culture of bullying that permeates 21st century schooling. The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers understand digital life, how they represent themselves within the culture of social media, and the effects those perceptions have on the enforcement of or dismantling of bullying as a social institution. The results of this study show that educators are less adept at negotiating digital life and are largely unaware of the impactful nature of online relationships. While bullying has distinct social drawbacks including the maintenance of a horizontally hostile culture, the social benefits of bullying are proposed as emergent sites of intervention. As educators are ever more faced with issues of disciplinary conduct, they have developed a chosen ignorance to justify their lack of knowledge about online and offline bullying cultures. The perception that bullying is an insurmountable issue is a common perception among educators in this sample however this research suggests that through recognizing the function of bullying educators and administrators alike can develop deterrent policies that work outside the abstinence-based models for bullying prevention and recuperative-based models for soothing victims.
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Internetmobbning - en del av ungdomars vardag / Cyberbullying - a part of adolescents everyday lifeEdeblom, Susanne, Winther, Karin January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Internetmobbning, en del av ungdomars vardag. Författare: Edeblom, Susanne; Winther, Karin Institution: Institutionen för Hälsa och Lärande, Högskolan Skövde Program/kurs: Magisterexamen i omvårdnad, OM854A, 15p Handledare: Brovall, Maria Examinator: Hammarlund, Kina Sidor: 21 Nyckelord: internetmobbning, ungdomar, skolsköterskor, känslor, upplevelser Bakgrund: I Sverige har idag de flesta ungdomar tillgång till internet och många föredrar att interagera över internet. Detta har medfört att mobbning över internet har ökat bland ungdomar. Internetmobbning leder till ökad risk för ohälsa och sämre studieresultat. För att skolsköterskor ska kunna ge stöd åt de elever som är drabbade av internetmobbning är det viktigt att beskriva de känslor som dessa ungdomar upplever. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva de känslor som ungdomar, utsatta för internetmobbning, upplever. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats användes med narrativ insamlingsmetod ifrån bloggar. Datainsamling gjordes genom att samla text ifrån bloggar av åtta bloggskribenter. Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet i studien visar att ungdomar som är utsatta för internetmobbning upplever känslor av ensamhet och utsatthet. De känner sig kränkta och upplever inre stress och bristande självkänsla. De upplever också en bristande tillit till sina medmänniskor och ett socialt utanförskap som ofta fortsätter under lång tid. Slutsats: Ungdomar utsatta för internetmobbning upplever att de saknar stöd ifrån sin omgivning. Det är därför viktigt att skolsköterskor har kunskap om de känslor som ungdomarna utsatta för internetmobbning upplever. Detta för att de i sina möten med dessa ungdomar ska kunna identifiera, bekräfta, stötta och hjälpa. Kunskapen är också viktig i skolans förebyggande arbete med exempelvis upprättande av handlingsplaner mot kränkande behandling / ABSTRACT Title: Cyberbullying, a part of adolescents everyday life. Authors: Edeblom, Susanne; Winther, Karin Department: School of Health and Education, University of Skövde Course: Master Degree Project in Nursing, 15ECTS Supervisor: Brovall, Maria Examiner: Hammarlund, Kina Pages: 21 Keywords: cyberbullying, adolescents, school nurses, feelings, experiences Background: Today, most adolescents in Sweden have access to Internet and it is the way many adolescents prefer to interact. With this development, cyberbullying have increased among adolescents. Cyberbullying can cause health problems and poor results in school. It is important to describe the feelings of victims of cyberbullying so that scool nurses can support these pupils. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe the feelings adolescents experience when being victims of cyberbullying. Method: A qualitative inductive approach was made by a narrative collecting method from blogs. Datacollection was made by collecting texts from blogs by eight blogauthors. Data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Results: The results of this study shows that adolescents who are victims of cyberbullying experience feelings of loneliness and vulnerability. They feel offended and experience an inner stress and a lack of self- esteem. They also esperience a lack of trust towards their social context and a social exclusion that often continues for a long time. Conclusion: Adolescents who are victims of cyberbullying experience a lack of support from their environment. Therefore, it is important that scool nurses has knowledge about the feelings that these adolescents experience when being victims of cyberbullying. It is important so that the scool nurses can identify, confirm, support and help the adolescents. This knowledge is also important in the preventive work at schools when, for example establishing action plans against offensive treatment.
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Tėvų vaidmuo elektroninių patyčių tarp paauglių problemos sprendime („Facebook“ atvejis) / Parents’ role in solving the problem of cyberbullying among adolescents (The “Facebook” case)Šerėnas, Tadas 05 September 2014 (has links)
Modernioje visuomenėje patyčių reiškinys laikomas rimta socialine problema. Jos paplitimo mažėjimas tiesiogiai siejamas su visuomenės pažangos, raidos ir saugumo perspektyvomis. Patyčių fenomeno problemiškumas argumentuojamas jų aukštu paplitimu vaikystės ir paauglystės laikotarpiuose, tai savo ruožtu sukelia individų visapusiškos asmenybės formavimosi proceso sutrikimus.
Šiuo metu pastebimas patyčių paplitimas elektroninėje erdvėje, kurioje jos išsivadavusios iš laiko ir vietos sąlygotumo būdingo tradicinėms patyčioms tampa greitesnėmis ir lankstesnėmis. Elektroninių patyčių savybės lemia didesnį jų paplitimo mąstą ir to pasėkoje dar labiau sustiprina šio reiškinio problemiškumą visuomenės ir individo atžvilgiu. Elektroninės patyčios plinta ten kur virtualybėje šiuo metu dažniausiai renkasi jaunimas. Šiuo metu fiksuojamas itin aukštas socialinio tinklapio „Facebook“ populiarumas santykyje su kitomis elektroninėmis erdvėmis. Ypač jauni asmenys naudojasi įvairiomis „Facebook“ tinklo paslaugomis ir funkcijomis, todėl ši elektroninė erdvė suprantama kaip palanki terpė plisti patyčioms tarp paauglių.
Socialinių mokslų praktikoje dar nėra žinomas ugdymo institucijų vaidmuo šios problemos sprendime tame tarpe ir tėvų socialinės grupės santykis su paauglių elektroninėmis patyčiomis nėra išsamiai išnagrinėtas ugdymo sociologijos kontekste.
Šio tyrimo tikslas siejamas su siekiu atskleisti tėvų vaidmenį elektroninių patyčių tarp paauglių problemos sprendime. Tyrime tėvų vaidmuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The phenomenon of bullying is considered to be a serious social problem in modern society. Its decrease in the prevalence is directly related to perspectives of social advancement, development and safety. The problem of the bullying phenomenon is being argued of its high prevalence during childhood and adolescence, which in turn causes disorders of individuals’ comprehensive personality formation process.
Currently, the prevalence of bullying is noticed in cyberspace, where bullying, which escaped from time and conventionality of a place which is related to traditional bullying, became faster and more flexible. Features of cyberbullying lead to its higher prevalence and consequently reinforce the problem of the phenomenon in the case of a society or an individual. Cyberbullying prevail where currently youth usually choose in virtuality. Currently, a very high popularity of “Facebook” social network is being fixed in comparison with other cyberspaces. Especially young people use different “Facebook‘s” services and functions, therefore this cyberspace is understood as friendly environment for the prevalence of bullying among adolescents.
The role of training institutions in solving the problem is still not known in social science practice. The parental relation of social group with cyberbullying of adolescents in educational sociology context is not examined in detail.
The aim of the research is to reveal the role of parents in solving the problem of cyberbullying among... [to full text]
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Kränkningar på nätet : ny norm på internet? / Violations in Social Media : New Norm at Internet?Nilsson, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka ungdomars uppfattning av hur kränkningar i sociala medier kan se ut samt att studera om det finns något som särskiljer det från kränkningar som sker öga mot öga. Eftersom den tekniska utvecklingen skapar förändrade förutsättningar för det sociala samspelet gör det att personer som arbetar med att förebygga kränkningar och mobbning ställs inför nya utmaningar. Därför är studien även inriktad på hur skolan kan arbeta med dessa kränkningar. Enligt en rapport från BRIS ”Barnens Rätt I Samhället” får de in fler och fler samtal varje år som handlar om mobbning och annan kränkande behandling. Detta talar för att det här är ett viktigt problem som behöver studeras närmare. Studien är gjord utifrån en kvalitativ ansats i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Ungdomarna intervjuades i fokusgrupper med fyra ungdomar i en grupp och två i en annan. Två skolkuratorer har intervjuats enskilt. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för studien var symbolisk interaktionism och Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska sociologi. Den forskning som gjorts är främst inriktad på mobbning och den kunskap som finns idag går inte alltid att direkt överföra till det som sker på internet. Flera studier har visat att det finns en del grundläggande skillnader mellan de kränkningar som sker på internet jämfört med andra kränkningar, även om konsekvenser i form av oro och stress är ofta är detsamma för offret. Denna studies resultat visar bland annat att ungdomarna anser att det ofta är ett råare språk på internet där de upplever det som en ny norm, vilken innebär att det är mer acceptabelt att ge elaka kommentarer. Det framkom även att ungdomarna önskar att skolan lyfter frågor runt kränkningar i sociala medier mer än vad som görs idag / The purpose of this study was to examine the adolescents opinion of how violations in social media might look like and to study if there is something that distinguishes it from violations face to face. As the technological development create new conditions for social interaction, the people who are working to prevent violations and bullying are faced with new challenges. Therefore, the study is also focused on how schools can work with these violations. According to a report from BRIS “Children’s Right s In Society” they receive an increasing number of calls every year about bullying or other forms of violent behaviour. This points to that this is an important problem that needs to be studied closer. The study is made based on a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews. The adolescents were interviewed in focus groups of four persons in one group and two in another. Two school counselors have been interviewed individually. The theoretical approach of the study was symbolic interactionism and Erving Goffman's dramaturgical sociology. The research that is available is primarily focused on bullying and the knowledge that exists today can not always be directly transferable to what is happening on the internet. Several studies have shown that there are some fundamental differences between the violations occurring on the internet compared to other violations, even if consequences like anxiety and stress usually are the same. This study’s results show that the adolescents notices that it is often a rougher language on the internet and it has almost become a new standard. In turn this means that it is more acceptable to give mean comments. It also indicated that the adolescents would want the schools to raise the question about violations in social medias more than what is being done today
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Cyberbullying among Children in Japanese and American Middle Schools: An Exploration of Prevalence and PredictorsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT Cyberbullying has emerged as one of educators' and researchers' chief concerns as the use of computer mediated communication (CMC) has become ubiquitous among young people. Many undesirable outcomes have been identified as being linked to both traditional and cyberbullying, including depression,truancy, and suicide. America and Japan have both been identified as nations whose youth engage frequently in the use of CMC, and may be at a potentially higher risk to be involved in cyberbullying. Time spent using CMC has been linked to involvement in cyberbullying, and gender and age have, in turn, been linked to CMC use - these may play significant roles in determining who is at risk. In order to assess the effects of nationality, gender, and age on cyberbullying involvement among Japanese and American middle school students, a survey exploring these factors was developed and carried out with 590 American and Japanese middles school students (Japan: n = 433 and America: n = 157). MANOVA results indicated that that Americans tend to both use CMC more and be more involved in cyberbullying. In addition, Japanese involvement increased with age, while American involvement did not. There were minimal differences between Americans and Japanese with regards to traditional bullying. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Educational Psychology 2011
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Scr@ps de ódio no orkut: cyberbullying, contextos e ressonâncias da violência virtual que atinge o professorRocha, Telma Brito January 2010 (has links)
212 f. : il. / Submitted by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T16:53:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2010 / O presente trabalho buscou analisar o processo de produção discursiva, as
práticas de cyberbullying dirigidas a professores no Orkut, os procedimentos e
estratégias deste tipo de violência engendrado por meio do virtual. A pesquisa
utilizou um plano de trabalho aberto e flexível, em que os focos da investigação
foram constantemente revistos. Nesse sentido, optei pela Etnografia Virtual, uma
abordagem de pesquisa que estende a tradicional noção de campo, localizada
numa perspectiva presencial, para a observação das interações mediada por
computadores. Fiz uso do estudo de caso de uma comunidade intitulada “Eu Odeio
O Professor George!”. Através desta unidade em ação, pude analisar a dinâmica, o
contexto do cyberbullying e suas relações. Utilizei as abordagens qualitativas e
quantitativas de pesquisa para, na comunidade “Professores Sofredores”, realizar
aplicação de 82 questionários on-line. Além disso, fiz observação participante de
dois tópicos no fórum da comunidade. Nestes espaços, professores (as) revelaram
o que sabem, o que fazem, as atitudes que constroem e usam para o
enfrentamento da violência na escola, isto é, seus etnométodos, o que possibilitou
realizar um levantamento de diferentes pontos de vista sobre um mesmo tema,
seus discursos e problematizações do cenário pesquisado. Sendo assim, integrei
diferentes fontes e dados, realizando o que Macedo (2009b) denomina triangulação
ampliada. Os resultados da análise dos discursos que engendram o cyberbullying
possibilitaram chegar a três noções subsunçoras. A primeira delas emerge de duas
principais fontes: a expressão de um autoritarismo pedagógico, marcada pela
violência que rege as relações interpessoais em grupos sociais particulares, que se
manifestam, muitas vezes, como uma normalidade no cotidiano dos alunos. A
segunda, a diluição das hierarquias na internet, poder de participação e
comunicação horizontalizada que potencializa o fenômeno do cyberbullying. Na
terceira, encontram-se o reconhecimento do conflito instalado no âmbito
educacional e as diferentes formas de enfrentamento do problema. Assim, este
trabalho encontrou contradições importantes nas práticas de cyberbullying contra
professores no Orkut. O ódio expresso nos discursos dos alunos, além de revelar
violência para seus mestres, no revela importante fonte de compreensão das
(práticas dos professores). Por outro lado, o discurso atual sobre formação
valoriza, cada vez mais, o exercício contínuo da reflexão do professor sobre as
consequências de suas ações na prática escolar. Percebe-se, contudo, neste
trabalho que o professor ainda não consegue identificar na cultura escolar algumas
fontes de violência, inclusive aquelas geradas pela sua própria prática pedagógica. / Salvador
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Problém kyberšikany na základní škole (didakticko-metodické zpracování tématu mediální výchovy) / The problem of cyberbullying at basic schools (didactic and methodical elaboration of the topic of media education)SVOBODOVÁ, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with the problem of cyberbullying at basic schools and its place in the lessons of media education. The theoretical part is divided into two parts. The first part handles with the specification of lessons of media education as they are defined in the ?RVP ZV?. It also mentions the recommended expected outputs which in the field of media education include also the problem of safe using of the internet and mobile phones at schools. The second part handles with cyberbullying considering its actuality and differences from the classic bullying. The methods of preventing and possible solutions are emphasized as well as the introduction of some stories from the reality. The practical part describes the circumstances of creating the lessons. This is followed by the description of six linked lessons and the evaluation of the process of the education. The evaluation is based on the feed-back from the students and their suggestions. The aim of my Diploma Thesis is to show a possible way of the realisation of lessons including the problem of cyberbullying in the lessons of media education. I also wanted to refer to the importance of bringing this problem to basic schools.
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Nebezpečí zneužití současných sociálních sítí / Danger of misuse of existing social networksPLCHOVÁ, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
Currently, social networks are an irreplaceable communication medium not only for adults, but also for children and adolescents. Social networks make possible to realize many interesting activities, they can be used for an entertainment, education and especially for a communication with friends. The aim of my diploma thesis was to find out risks associated with the use of the social networks at older school children. To discover, on a chosen sample of children from upper primary schools, what is their experience with a security of personal data, how much time they spend on social networks, if they met some offensive content, whether they see dangers associated with the use of the social networks etc. In the theoretical part I dealt with a basic definition of individual social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Badoo, Xchat, Lidé (People), Spolužáci (Classmates), LíbímSeTi (DoYouLikeMe). Then I also defined basic means of the internet communication, its specifics and I described newly emerged phenomena which were, as a form a socio-pathological behaviour, very closely connected to an improper use of the social networks. For a closer recognition of the research sample I shortly characterized the behaviour of the older school children, their relationship to peers, their need for an identification and leisure time. An important component of it there is also a prevention, counselling and support on the internet. In the conclusion I briefly explained advices and principles of the secure internet from a perspective of a minor user, a parent and a teacher. A quantitative research investigation was carried out within the thesis. It was realized via an electronic questionnaire with children from upper primary schools at five chosen elementary schools. Specifically, there were Elementary School in Trhové Sviny, Ledenice, Pohůrka, České Budějovice - Nová St. (remote site in J. S. Baar St.) and Otakar Nedbal St. Two hypotheses were determined: H1: Users are not informed about a possibility to secure their personal data. And H2: Users do not see any danger in the use of social networks. Results have been presented in graphs with a subsequent statistical summary in MS Excel. The results of the thesis can be used especially by specialists dealing with this issue, then by professionals working with adolescents and last but not least, also by the children´s parents themselves, who have a fear or feel insecurity in their child´s behaviour on the internet.
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