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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de equipamento para ensaios Simple Shear

Corte, Marina Bellaver January 2016 (has links)
Em virtude da presença cada vez mais frequente de solicitações cíclicas nas estruturas de engenharia e do aprimoramento da análise de projetos, os ensaios em solos sob carregamentos cíclicos tiveram seu interesse renovado nos últimos anos. Os ensaios de laboratório são realizados de forma que simulem, da melhor maneira possível, as condições observadas em campo. Tais condições auxiliam na escolha dos ensaios a serem conduzidos para a determinação de parâmetros geotécnicos relevantes a cada situação observada em campo. Dentre os ensaios empregados na Engenharia Geotécnica, destaca-se o simple shear. Este ensaio é conhecido e utilizado para medir a resistência ao cisalhamento e a rigidez de solos. Este é o único ensaio de laboratório capaz de submeter uma amostra a condições de deformação plana sob volume constante e permitir a rotação das tensões principais. Tais condições são frequentemente representativas em diversas situações em campo como, por exemplo, o modo de cisalhamento adjacente ao fuste de uma estaca ou sob plataformas offshore com base gravitacional. Nesse contexto, um equipamento foi desenvolvido para a realização de ensaios do tipo simple shear. O aparato conta com uma câmara, na qual é aplicada pressão à amostra de solo. Diferenciando-se do equipamento comercial para tais ensaios, que emprega uma membrana com anéis metálicos, a amostra de solo neste equipamento é envolta por uma membrana de látex, o que possibilita a consolidação de forma isotrópica ou anisotrópica. Quanto ao carregamento, o equipamento desenvolvido permite que o carregamento seja realizado de forma monotônica ou clíclica. Quando do carregamento cíclico, este pode ainda ser realizado de forma a se manter a tensão controlada ou a deformação. Foram conduzidos ensaios de calibração e validação do equipamento empregando-se uma areia fina de granulometria uniforme cujas propriedades são amplamente conhecidas através de outros ensaios. Os resultados obtidos foram então comparados com estudos no mesmo material em equipamentos triaxiais, cisalhamento direto e outro simple shear. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, validando o equipamento desenvolvido. / In view of the ever more frequent presence of the cyclic solicitations on Engineering structures and the enhancement of design analysis, the soil testing under cyclic loading conditions had its interest renewed in the last years. The laboratory tests are conduced in a way that simulates, in the best way possible, the observed field conditions. Said conditions aid on the choice of the tests to be conducted in order to determinate the relevant geomechanics parameters.to each situation observed on the field. Among the employed tests in Geotechnical Engineering, it is highlighted the simple shear. This test is known and used to measure the shear strength and soil righty. This is the only laboratory test capable of submitting the sample to plane strain conditions under constant volume and allows the main stress rotations. Said conditions are frequently representative in many field situations, such as, the adjacent shear mechanism to the shaft of a pile or, under offshore platforms with gravitational base. In this context, a equipment was developed to perform simple shear tests. The apparatus has a chamber, in which it is applied confining pressure to the soil sample. Contrasting from the commercial equipment for said tests, that uses a membrane with metallic rings, in this equipment the soil sample is involved by a latex membrane, allowing the consolidation being carried out isotropically or anisotropically. The loading on this equipment can be conduced on monotonic or cyclic conditions. The cyclic loading can even be conduced by controlling the deformation or the stress. Calibration and validation testes where conduced on the equipment using a fine sand of uniform granulometry which properties are largely known through other tests. The obtained results where then compared to other tests carried out on the same material in triaxial tests, direct shear and other simple shear, The results obtained were considered satisfactory, validating the developed equipment.

Fatores de risco, parâmetros hematológicos, detecção molecular e sorológica de Ehrlichia canis e Anaplasma plantys em cães de porto Alegre/RS - Brasil / Risk factors, hematological parameters, serologic and molecular detection of Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys in dogs from Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil

Lasta, Camila Serina January 2011 (has links)
Ehrlichia canis e Anaplasma platys são parasitas de células sanguíneas transmitidos por carrapatos de larga distribuição mundial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar a presença de E. canis e A. platys em cães naturalmente infectados no município de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, através de técnicas sorológicas e moleculares; realizar análise molecular dos agentes através do sequenciamento de um fragmento do gene 16S rRNA e compará-lo com sequências disponíveis no Genbank. Adicionalmente, avaliamos os parâmetros hematológicos e possíveis fatores de risco associados à infecção. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 146 cães residentes no Bairro Arquipélago, região suburbana de Porto Alegre e 53 cães mantidos no Centro de Controle de Zoonoses (CCZ). Dentre os animais analisados, 27 (13,56%) apresentaram resultado positivo na nPCR e 20 (10,2%) apresentaram sorologia positiva para A. platys. Através da ferramenta BLASTn, as sequências obtidas neste estudo foram comparadas e mostraram similaridade de 99,75% a 100% em relação a outras sequências de A. platys disponíveis no Genbank. Neste estudo não foi observada a presença de E. canis. DNA do agente não foi amplificado em nenhuma das amostras analisadas através de técnicas moleculares, e tampouco foram detectados cães sororreagentes, indicando a baixa prevalência do agente no município. Ao comparar a prevalência de infecção/exposição entre as populações estudadas, não observamos diferença significativa entre elas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e fatores de risco analisados nos animais infectados ou expostos, exceto a contagem de basófilos, que foi associada positivamente com infecção por A. platys. / Erlichia canis and Anaplasma platys are tick borne disease which has a worldwide geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of E. canis and A. platys in naturally infected dogs in Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil by serological and molecular techniques, performing molecular analysis of the agents by sequencing of a fragment of the 16S rRNA and comparing it with sequences available in Genbank. Additionally, we evaluated the hematological parameters and potential risk factors associated with infection. Blood samples were collected from 146 dogs living in the Arquipelago neighborhood, a suburban area of Porto Alegre and 53 dogs from Control Centrer of Zoonosis (CCZ). Among the examined animals, 27 (13.56%) were positive by nPCR and 20 (10.2%) were seropositive for A. platys. Through the BLASTn, the sequences obtained in this study were compared and showed similarity of 99.75% to 100% as compared to other sequences of A. platys available in Genbank. None of the dogs showed antibodies or E. canis DNA, indicating the low occurrence of the agent in Porto Alegre. There were no significant differences between positive groups and hematological parameters, or among the risk factors evaluated, except basophils count was associated with A. platys infection.

Planar laser induced fluorescence imaging and analysis with ethanol blended fuels in a direct injection spark ignition engine

Liu, Quan January 2017 (has links)
The currently reported thesis was concerned with visualisation of the charge homogeneity and cyclic variations within the planar fuel field near the spark plug in an optical spark ignition engine fitted with an outwardly opening central direct fuel injector. Specifically, the project examined the effects of fuel type and injection settings, with the overall view to understanding some of the key mechanisms previously identified as leading to particulate formation in such engines. The three fuels studied included a baseline iso-octane, which was directly compared to two gasoline fuels containing 10% (E10) and 85% (E85) volume of ethanol respectively. The engine was a bespoke single cylinder with Bowditch style optical access through a flat piston crown. Charge stratification was studied over a wide spectrum of injection timings using the Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) technique, with additional variation in charge temperature due to injection also estimated when viable using a two-line PLIF approach. Overall, both gasoline-ethanol fuels generally exhibited a higher degree of stratification, albeit at least partly alleviated with elevated rail pressures. Under both warm and cold liner conditions the E10 fuel showed clear evidence of fuel droplets persisting up until ignition. Interestingly, with late injection timing the repeatability of the injection was superior (statistically) with higher ethanol content in the fuel, which may have been associated with the higher charge temperatures aiding control of the evaporation of the main mass of alcohol. The findings were corroborated by undertaking a comprehensive study of the influence of varying fuel type and injection settings on thermodynamic performance and engine-out emissions during firing operation, with additional gas exchange effects also influencing the optimum fuel injection timings.

Triple Sampling an Application to a 14b 10 MS/s Cyclic Converter

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Semiconductor device scaling has kept up with Moore's law for the past decades and they have been scaling by a factor of half every one and half years. Every new generation of device technology opens up new opportunities and challenges and especially so for analog design. High speed and low gain is characteristic of these processes and hence a tradeoff that can enable to get back gain by trading speed is crucial. This thesis proposes a solution that increases the speed of sampling of a circuit by a factor of three while reducing the specifications on analog blocks and keeping the power nearly constant. The techniques are based on the switched capacitor technique called Correlated Level Shifting. A triple channel Cyclic ADC has been implemented, with each channel working at a sampling frequency of 3.33MS/s and a resolution of 14 bits. The specifications are compared with that based on a traditional architecture to show the superiority of the proposed technique. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2012

Optimering av takttidtabell för järnvägstrafik på en regional nivå : En fallstudie av fyra Mälarstäder / Optimisation of cyclic timetable for railway traffic on a regional level : A case study of "fyra Mälarstäder"

Dahlin, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Effective commuting is an important part of regional development and attractiveness, where railway traffic is a favourable mode of transportation owing to it being energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Attaining more people to choose the train to commute is therefore desirable. A concept aiming to increase the use of railway traffic is cyclic timetable. At present the concept is most frequently used on a national level but there are possibilities to implement the ideas on a more regional level. The purpose of this thesis is to study if and how a cyclic timetable for railway traffic can be constructed and optimised for a region, more specifically the region “Fyra Mälarstäder”. Challenges and opportunities to implement this type of timetable on a regional level are also discussed. In order to construct a timetable for railway traffic several infrastructural limitations must be taken into account. An example that extensively limits railway capacity is single tracks. Hence, to be able to construct and optimise the timetable these limitations were formulated, together with a number of other criteria, mathematically as constraints for an optimisation problem. For the optimisation setup the objective function consisted of a sum of weighted trip times within the system, which in turn was minimised. Results conclude that a cyclic timetable could successfully be used for “Fyra Mälarstäder”. However, some aspects remain to be investigated, including train line continuation beyond the system boundaries of the study. As for the optimisation, it appears that the weighting of the objective function plays a considerable role to obtain a satisfying timetable. Varying and adjusting certain parameters may also be favourable to achieve a timetable as beneficial as possible. / Allt fler arbetspendlar i Sverige och Trafikverkets prognoser visar att ökningen kommer att fortsätta. För att pendlingen ska vara hållbar behöver allt fler resor göras kollektivt, och tåget som transportmedel är på många sätt ett bra alternativ. Tåget är snabbt och effektivt, samtidigt som det är ett mer miljövänligt trafikslag. Att få ännu fler att välja tåget, framför exempelvis bil, är därför önskvärt. Pendling sker idag både över kommun- och länsgränser, vilket innebär att regionala samarbeten kan underlätta för att åstadkomma så goda pendlingsmöjligheter som möjligt. Ett exempel på en sådant samarbete är Fyra Mälarstäder i samverkan (Eskilstuna, Västerås, Enköping, Strängnäs), vars förhoppning är att kunna utveckla regionen bland annat genom att förbättra kollektivtrafiken mellan städerna. Ett sätt att förbättra pendlingsmöjligheterna är att försöka åstadkomma en så gynnsam tidtabell som möjligt. Takttidtabell är ett intressant koncept, utvecklat för tågtrafiken i Schweiz, vilket kortfattat innebär att tåg avgår samma minut varje timme, och med jämna intervall. Konceptet innebär ofta också att låta tåg mötas vid knutpunkter i järnvägsnätet för att underlätta för byten till andra tåglinjer för fortsatt resa, vilket därmed knyter ihop tågtrafiken i ett större system. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om och hur en takttidtabell kan konstrueras och optimeras för en region som Fyra Mälarstäder. Optimeringen spelar en central roll för att få till en tidtabell som är så bra som möjligt. Därtill diskuteras även vilka utmaningar, men också vilka möjligheter det finns med att applicera takttidskonceptet på en regional nivå, eftersom det idag allt som oftast tillämpas nationellt. För att konstruera en tidtabell för järnvägstrafik måste flera begränsningar på järnvägen tas i hänsyn. Ett exempel som i hög grad begränsar kapaciteten är enkelspår, vilket följaktligen gör att tåg inte kan mötas på vissa sträckor. För att kunna konstruera takttidtabellen genom optimering formulerades dessa begränsningar, tillsammans med en rad andra kriterier, matematiskt som bivillkor till ett optimeringsproblem. För optimeringsuppställningen bestod målfunktionen av summan av viktade restider inom systemet, vilken i sin tur minimerades. Optimeringsproblemet implementerades i MATLAB som användes för att lösa problemet. Resultaten visar att takttidtabell med de kriterier som ställts upp i studien kan konstrueras, och möjligheter finns för att implementera denna för järnvägstrafiken mellan fyra Mälarstäder. Vissa aspekter återstår dock att utreda, däribland tåglinjers fortsatta sträckning utanför studiens systemgränser. Vad gäller optimeringsuppställningen framgår det att en viktning av målfunktionen spelar en ansenlig roll. Att variera och justera parametrar kan också vara en god idé för att få till en så tillfredsställande tidtabell som möjligt.

Amorçage de fissures en fatigue dans un acier 304L : influence de la microstructure et d'un chargement d'amplitude variable / Fatigue crack initiation (in 304L steel) : influence of the microstructure and variable amplitude loading

Li, Yan 10 February 2012 (has links)
L‘amorçage et la propagation de microfissures dans les matériaux à haute résistance représente une part importante de la durée de vie en fatigue, en particulier dans le cas d‘un chargement à faible amplitude. Ces phénomènes, d‘un grand intérêt scientifique, ont été de plus en plus étudiés au cours des dernières années. L‘orientation cristallographique et les hétérogénéités de déformation induites influent sur l‘amorçage et le comportement des microfissures de fatigue tant que leur taille caractéristique est inférieure ou de l‘ordre de grandeur de la taille de grains. L‘objectif principal de cette étude est de caractériser l‘influence de la microstructure et d‘un chargement cyclique à amplitude variable sur la plasticité cristalline et plus précisément sur l‘amorçage de microfissures dans un acier inoxydable 304L. Le première partie de cette étude consiste à l‘amélioration de la loi de comportement cristalline Cristal ECP codée dans le logiciel éléments finis ABAQUS afin de mieux prendre en compte la distribution et l‘évolution de la densité de dislocations sur les systèmes de glissement. Ce travail permet également de décrire la formation des bandes persistantes de glissement qui sont responsables du durcissement et de l‘adoucissement cyclique. La seconde partie de cette étude concerne l‘évaluation de l‘influence de la microstructure sur les valeurs locales des paramètres mécaniques utilisés pour les critères de fatigue aussi bien macroscopiques que microscopiques, et relier ces valeurs à l‘amorçage de microfissures à l‘échelle cristalline. Pour ceci, une comparaison est réalisée entre les résultats expérimentaux d‘observation de surfaces et les simulations numériques d‘agrégats 3D présentant les orientations cristallines réelles de ces éprouvettes. La simulation de la plasticité cristalline peut apporter une contribution utile pour la prédiction de la localisation et de l‘intensité de l‘amorçage de microfissures de fatigue, mais également aider à choisir un critère d‘amorçage de microfissures basé sur des considérations mécaniques. La dernière partie de ce manuscrit porte sur les effets d‘un chargement d‘amplitude variable (séquence de surcharge) sur la plasticité cristalline et l‘amorçage de microfissures. Deux modes de chargement ont été considérés pour les essais de fatigue : contrainte contrôlée et déformation contrôlée. Les essais avec surcharge en contrainte contrôlée présentent une durée de vie plus importante (six à neuf fois) que les essais avec surcharge en déformation contrôlée, ce qui est lié au durcissement cyclique important du 304L. De plus, les simulations montrent que sous chargement à déformation contrôlée, l‘effet mémoire de la surcharge est dépendant du niveau du chargement qui suit la surcharge : cet effet mémoire est plus important dans le cas d‘un chargement à faible amplitude (fatigue à grand nombre de cycles) qu‘en fatigue oligocyclique à forte amplitude / Because fatigue crack initiation and propagation of microstructurally short cracks represent most of the fatigue life in high-strength materials, especially under low amplitude loading, the study of crack initiation is of significant importance and attracted increasing attention recently. As long as the microcrack size is comparable with the grain size, the microcrack initiation is strongly influenced by the crystallographic microstructure. The main purpose of this work is to study the influence of the microstructure and variable amplitude loading on cyclic plasticity and microcrack initiation in stainless steel 304L. The first part of this work aims at enriching the crystal plasticity code Cristal ECP to better simulate the evolution of dislocation densities on slip systems and formation of PSBs which are responsible for the fatigue cyclic hardening/softening behavior. The second part concerns the evaluation of the influence of local values of mechanical factors, issued from both macroscopic and microscopic fatigue criteria, on crack initiation in the grains through the comparison between experimental surface observations and numerical simulations of 3D aggregates with realistic crystallographic orientations. It is shown that the crystal plasticity simulation can give useful contributions to predict the crack initiation sites and severity, and help to select fatigue crack initiation criterion based on mechanical parameters which actually control the crack initiation. The last part studies the effects of the variable amplitude loading (high-low sequence) on cyclic plasticity and crack initiation. Both load- and strain-controlled fatigue tests were considered. Load-controlled tests present much longer lives (6 to 9 times) than in strain-controlled tests due to strain hardening. Furthermore, simulations show that under strain-controlled loading, memory effect of overload is dependent on the amplitude level of the low amplitude block, which is more significant in high cycle fatigue than in low cycle fatigue.

Multi-level parametric reduced models of rotating bladed disk assemblies / Réductions multi-niveaux appliquées à la dynamique d'ensemble des turbomachines

Sternchüss, Arnaud 08 January 2009 (has links)
Les disques aubagés, que l’on trouve dans les turbomachines, sont des structures complexes dont le comportement vibratoire est généralement déterminé par l’exploitation de conditions de symétrie dans leur configuration nominale. Cette symétrie disparaît lorsque l’on assemble plusieurs de ces disques pour former un rotor ou que l’on introduit une variabilité spatiale des paramètres mécaniques (on parle de désaccordage intentionnel ou non). Le raffinement des maillages, nécessaire à une évaluation correcte de la répartition des contraintes, conduirait à des modèles de rotor complet de taille prohibitive (plusieurs dizaines de millions de degrés de liberté). L’objectif de cette thèse est donc l’introduction de méthodologies de réduction qui par combinaison de calculs acceptables permettent d’étudier de façon fine la dynamique d’ensemble sur des modèles 3D fins multi-étages et potentiellement désaccordés. L’étude des transformations de Fourier séparées des réponses de chaque étage permet, dans un premier temps, de bien comprendre les effets de couplage inter-harmonique liés au couplage inter-disque et au désaccordage. A partir de ce constat, une première méthode utilise les résultats de calculs en symétrie cyclique et à secteur encastré pour construire un modèle de secteur exact pour certains modes dits cibles et de très bonne qualité pour les autres modes. Cette méthode est ensuite étendue au cas multi-étage en construisant des bases de réduction de secteur par combinaison de solutions mono-harmoniques. Les illustrations montrent que la méthodologie proposée permet le traitement de modèles de très grande taille, tout en restant compatible avec une grande richesse de post-traitements (calculs de modes, calculs de réponses forcées, analyses de leur contenu harmonique spatial, répartition d’énergie et effets de localisation...). La méthodologie est enfin étendue à la gestion de modèles paramétrés en vitesse de rotation. L’enrichissement des ensembles de modes cibles par des calculs à trois vitesses permet ainsi une reconstruction rapide de l’évolution des fréquences pour l’ensemble d’un intervalle. / Bladed disks found in turbomachines are complex structures whose vibration characteristics are generally determined by exploiting the symmetry properties of their nominal configuration. This symmetry no longer exists either when disks are assembled to form a rotor or when discrepancies in the mechanical parameters are introduced (intentional or unintentional mistuning). Fine meshes required to correctly evaluate stress distributions would lead to prohibitive model sizes (typically a few million degrees of freedom). The objective of this thesis is to introduce model reduction techniques that rely on the combination of separate computations of acceptable size. This provides a means for in-depth studies of the behaviour of dense 3D models of multi-stage bladed rotors with possible mistuning. At first, Fourier transforms performed separately on each individual disk allows to understand the inter-harmonic coupling induced by inter-stage coupling and mistuning. From this study, a first method uses cyclically symmetric solutions plus sector modes with fixed inter-sector interfaces to build a reduced sector model. The latter is exact for target modes and very accurate for others. This method is extended to multi-stage assemblies by employing multi-stage mono-harmonic eigensolutions. Illustrations focus on the proposed methodology that enables to deal with large scale industrial models while remaining compatible with various post-processing procedures (free or forced response computations, analysis of their spatial harmonic content, energy distributions and localization effects...). This methodology is finally extended to the handling of parametric models depending on the rotation speed. The enrichment of the initial sets of target vectors with computations at three rotation speeds enables a fast and accurate recovery of the evolution of the eigenfrequencies with respect to the rotation speed in any operating range.

Fadiga cíclica flexural de instrumentos Hyflex CM e TF Adaptive em diferentes situações experimentais / Flexural cyclic fatigue of instruments Hyflex CM and TF Adaptive in diferente experimental situations

Nágila Ali Mustafá 08 March 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a resistência à fadiga cíclica flexural dos instrumentos de níquel- titânio, Hyflex CM (Coltène, EUA) e TF Adaptive (SybronEndo, EUA) em diferentes situações experimentais. Todas as limas que foram selecionadas possuíam conicidade 0,04 e diâmetro de ponta 35. Utilizou-se um dispositivo desenvolvido especificamente para realizar o ensaio flexural dinâmico. Os instrumentos TF Adaptive foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o ângulo de curvatura do ensaio: 45º, 60º e 90º e cada grupo subdividido em 2 subgrupos de acordo com o tipo de movimento: rotação contínua e Adaptive. Cada subgrupo era composto por 15 instrumentos TF Adaptive, totalizando 90 instrumentos. Quinze instrumentos Hyflex CM formavam o grupo 4, no ensaio com ângulo de curvatura 90 graus e rotação contínua. A simulação foi realizada em canais artificiais de aço com ângulo de 45, 60, 90 graus e raio 5m m. O número de ciclos e o tempo em segundos até a fratura foram tabulados e analisados. Entretanto, a fadiga cíclica flexural foi significante maior nos três grupos em movimento Adaptive. E as limas TF Adaptive em seu próprio movimento tiveram maior número de ciclos e tempo até a fratura quando comparadas as Hyflex CM no ensaio de 90 graus. Portanto, conclui-se que o sistema Adaptive (limas TF Adaptive + movimento Adaptive) foi mais seguro à resistência á fadiga flexural, e no ensaio de 90 graus o sistema Adaptive foi mais resistente quando comparado com as limas Hyflex CM no movimento de rotação contínua. / The aim of this work to evaluate the cyclic fatigue resistance flexural the instruments of nickel-titanium, HyFlex CM (Coltène, USA) and TF Adaptive (SybronEndo, USA) in different experimental situations. All files that were selected had 0.04 taper and tip diameter 35. We used a device developed specifically to perform the dynamic flexural test. The TF Adaptive instruments were divided into 3 groups according to the angle of curvature of the test: 45, 60 and 90 and further divided in two subgroups according to the type of movement: continuous rotation and Adaptive. Each group consisted of 15 instruments TF Adaptive totaling 90 instruments. Fifteen HyFlex CM instruments formed the group 4 in the trial of bend angle 90 degrees and continuous rotation. The simulation was performed in artificial steel angled channels 45, 60, 90 degrees and radius 5m m. The number of cycles and the time in seconds until fracture were tabulated and analyzed. However, the cyclical flexural fatigue was significantly greater in the three groups Adaptive motion. And the TF Adaptive files on your own movement had a higher number of cycles and time to fracture when the HyFlex CM compared in 90-degree test. Therefore, it is concluded that the adaptive system (TF Adaptive Motion + Adaptive files) was safer resistance to flexural fatigue, and 90 degrees test Adaptive system is more resistant when compared with the HyFlex files into continuous.

Avaliação da resistência à fadiga cíclica flexural dos instrumentos Reciproc Blue e WaveOne Gold / Evaluation of cyclic flexural fatigue of Reciproc Blue and WaveOne Gold instruments

Leonardo Medina Poveda 04 July 2017 (has links)
Inquestionavelmente, inovações ocorridas nos últimos anos no preparo do canal radicular revolucionaram o tratamento endodôntico. Dentre elas, destaca-se o tratamento térmico recristalizador da liga de níquel-titânio na confecção de limas endodônticas, o qual aumentou de sobremaneira sua flexibilidade e as capacidades de flexibilidade, torção e resistência à fadiga cíclica flexural quando comparadas às limas de níquel-titânio convencionais fabricadas até então. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a resistência à fadiga cíclica flexural dos instrumentos de níquel-titânio tratados termicamente Reciproc Blue R25 (VDW) e WaveOne Gold Primary (Dentsply-Maillefer) em um dispositivo desenvolvido especificamente para realizar ensaios flexurais dinâmicos. As limas selecionadas possuíam conicidade 0,08 mm e 0,07 mm respectivamente, com diâmetros de ponta 0,25 mm e foram utilizadas no motor elétrico VDW Silver Reciproc (VDW) em movimento reciprocante específico de cada sistema. Os instrumentos foram divididos em 2 grupos de 15 limas e testados em canais de aço simulados com o ângulo de 60º e raio de curvatura de 5mm. O número de ciclos e o tempo em segundos até a ocorrência de fratura dos instrumentos foram registrados e estatisticamente avaliados. As limas Reciproc Blue R25 apresentaram desempenho significativamente melhor (P<0,05), por meio do maior número de ciclos e de tempo até a fratura quando comparadas com as limas WaveOne Gold. Assim, conclui-se que o sistema Reciproc Blue R25 foi mais seguro quanto à resistência à fadiga flexural no ensaio realizado quando comparado ao sistema WaveOne Gold Primary em movimento reciprocante. / Innovations that have occurred in recent years in the preparation of the root canal have revolutionized endodontic treatment. Among them, the heat treatment of the nickel-titanium alloy in the manufacture of endodontic files, which greatly increased the flexibility, torsional and flexural fatigue resistance capacities when compared to the conventional nickel-titanium files manufactured until then. The present study aimed to evaluate the resistance to flexural cyclic fatigue of thermally treated Reciproc Blue R25 (VDW) and WaveOne Gold Primary (Dentsply-Maillefer) instruments in a device specifically developed to perform dynamic flexural tests. The selected files had taper 0.08 mm and 0.07 mm respectively, with tip diameters of 0.25 mm and were used in the reciprocating movement of each system in the VDW Silver Reciproc (VDW) electric motor. The instruments were divided into 2 groups of 15 files and tested in simulated steel channels with angle of 60º and radius of curvature of 5mm. The number of cycles and the time in seconds until the occurrence of fracture of the instruments were recorded and statistically evaluated. The Reciproc Blue R25 files presented significantly better performance (p <0.05), by the higher number of cycles and time to fracture when compared to WaveOne Gold files. Thus, it was concluded that the Reciproc Blue R25 system was safer than the WaveOne Gold Primary reciprocating system in terms of resistence of flexural fatigue

Estudo da eletrodeposição da liga Zn/Co sobre aço carbono e sua resistência à corrosão. / Study of the electrodeposition of Zn/Co alloy on carbon steel and its corrosion resistance.

Jesús Marino Falcón Roque 08 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo da eletrodeposição de ligas de Zn/Co para diferentes relações de concentração [Zn2+]/[Co2+] (1:1, 3:1, 6:1, 9:1 e 12:1) sobre aço-carbono ABNT 1020 e sua resistência à corrosão, usando como banho um eletrólito à base de cloretos. Foram realizados estudos preliminares sobre o mecanismo de deposição da liga Zn/Co usando a técnica de voltametria cíclica e estabeleceram-se assim os parâmetros de deposição da liga. Os ensaios de deposição para as relações de concentração [Zn2+]/[Co2+] : 9/1 e [Zn2+]/[Co2+] : 12/1 no banho foram realizados usando a técnica potenciostática (cronoamperometria) e a técnica galvanostática (cronopotenciometria). As relações 1:1, 3:1 e 6:1 não foram escolhidas já que os teores de cobalto de seus eletrodepósitos não estavam na faixa de 1 % a 2 %. Foram feitas análises por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para conhecer a diversidade morfologia dos eletrodepósitos como conseqüência do aumento do conteúdo de íons de zinco no banho. A identificação das fases dos eletrodepósitos foi feita por difração de raios X (XRD) e a composição elementar mediante espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios X (EDS) e fluorescência de raios X (XRF). Os ensaios de avaliação da resistência à corrosão foram realizados em solução naturalmente areada de NaCl 0,1 M por técnicas eletroquímicas como espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica e curvas de polarização potenciodinâmicas. A partir dos resultados obtidos na voltametria cíclica foi possível selecionar a faixa de potencial adequada para a realização dos ensaios potenciostáticos e galvanostáticos das relações [Zn2+]/[Co2+] 9:1 e 12:1. As análises dos dados obtidos dos transientes de corrente (ensaios potenciostáticos) para cada relação (9:1 e 12:1) permitiram concluir que para ambas as relações seus processos de nucleação ocorrem seguindo uma transição, iniciando-se como progressiva para t/tmax < 1 e passando a instantânea para t/tmax > 1. As técnicas eletroquímicas usadas para avaliar a resistência à corrosão mostraram que os eletrodepósitos obtidos com a técnica potenciostática foram mais resistentes à corrosão que os eletrodepósitos obtidos com a técnica galvanostática, sendo o potencial de - 1450 mV vs Ag/AgCl e a densidade de corrente catódica de 30 mA/cm2 as melhores condições para a obtenção de eletrodepósitos de Zn/Co com boa resistência à corrosão. / This work reports the study of the electrodeposition of Zn/Co alloys with different concentration ratios [Zn2+]/[Co2+] (1:1, 3:1, 6:1, 9:1 e 12:1) on carbon steel ABNT 1020 and its corrosion resistance, using a chloride - based electrolyte. Initial studies were performed to find the best parameters of deposition by cyclic voltammetry. The alloy deposition for concentration ratios of [Zn2+]/[Co2+] : 9/1 and [Zn2+]/[Co2+] : 12/1 were carried out using potentiostatic (chronoamperometry) and galvanostatic (chronopotenciometry) techniques. The ratios 1:1, 3:1 e 6:1 were not chosen because them composition in cobalt were not within the range of 1% to 2%. Scan electron microscopy (SEM) was performed in order to verify the morphological diversity of the electrodeposits as a consequence of the increasing zinc concentration in the bath. X-ray diffraction was used to identify the phases present in the electrodeposits; their elemental composition was determined by X-ray dispersive energy spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence. Corrosion resistance experiments were performed in aerated 0,1 M NaCl solution by electrochemical techniques such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potenciodynamic polarization curves. From the voltametric results it was possible to select the adequate potential range in order to perform the potenciostatic and galvanostatic experiments for concentration ratios of [Zn2+]/[Co2+] 9:1 and 12:1. Analysis of the data obtained from the current transients for each ratio (9:1 and 12:1) allow us to conclude that, for both ratios, the processes of nucleation occur following a transition which starts as progressive for t/tmax < 1 and become instantaneous for t/tmax > 1. The electrodeposits obtained by potentiostatic and galvanostatic techniques were evaluated for their corrosion resistant and the best results were found for potentiostatic deposition at -1450 mV vs Ag/AgCl and galvanostatic deposition at 30 mA/cm2. In general, the deposits obtained potentiostatically showed better corrosion resistant.

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