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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Obue, Kesiena Cindy 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores my directorial journey with A Christmas Carol, dramatized by Darwin Payne, a production that not only challenged me artistically but also transformed my approach and style as an artist and a scholar. The play found me at a pivotal moment in my life, where its themes of redemption, evolution, and the human spirit resonated deeply, guiding me to my own evolution as a human. This document chronicles my process from the initial research phase to the post-production. Chapter One covers foundational work, beginning with a biography of the playwright, Charles Dickens, and the Dramatist, Darwin Payne. It then explores the historical and cultural contexts that influenced the creation of A Christmas Carol, followed by production history and a thorough play and character analysis. This chapter also includes my personal analysis, outlining my directorial interpretation of the play’s themes and messages, and my artistic vision and concept for the production. Chapter two focuses on the design process where the artistic vision was translated into practical plans. Chapter three details the hands-on staging of the play, including the auditioning and casting of actors, and the rehearsal process. Chapter four offers a critical reflection on the challenges encountered during the production, an assessment of my directorial approach, and a discussion of the personal and professional growth that resulted from this experience.

Etre ou devenir italien au Caire de 1861 à la première guerre mondiale : vecteurs et formes d'une construction communautaire entre mythe et réalités / Being or becoming italian in Cairo from 1861 until the first world wide war : parameters and characteristics of the building of a community between myths and reality

Bardinet, Marie-Amélie 18 November 2013 (has links)
Cette étude présente, dans le sillage des travaux sur la construction des identités des communautés italiennes à l’étranger, les modalités de rassemblement et d’unification de la colonie italienne du Caire de 1861 à la Première Guerre mondiale et ses vecteurs identitaires. Elle remet en question à cette occasion la vision littéraire du cosmopolitisme égyptien au XIXe siècle, de cet âge d’or dont on déplore la disparition, tout en mettant en évidence le mouvement véritablement cosmopolite des revendications sociales et indépendantistes du début du XXe siècle. Une étude des liens de sociabilités formels de la colonie italienne du Caire et de son discours identitaire permet en effet d’observer de manière approfondie le discours tenu par les associations de la colonie autour du cosmopolitisme et d’en observer l’inadéquation à la réalité. Le cosmopolitisme est surtout employé comme justification de la présence italienne en Egypte et comme moyen de se démarquer face aux colonies françaises, grecques et anglaises. Par ailleurs la colonie cairote à partir des années 1880 se compose d’une majorité d’ouvriers et artisans. L’étude des sociabilités informelles (liens d’amitié, de parenté, relations de voisinage et de travail) permet d’observer les rapports de la colonie au sens large avec le milieu cairote, qui sont caractérisés par des relations s’inscrivant dans une indifférence réciproque ponctuée de désordres imprévisibles plutôt que dans le cosmopolitisme tant vanté par les textes littéraires. Pourtant ce cosmopolitisme a une réalité car il est présent au cours des luttes sociales du Caire du début des années 1900 à travers l’union des ouvriers italiens, grecs et égyptiens dans les premiers mouvements de grève cairote. L’insertion des anarchistes italiens dans ce contexte permet de relier ces évènements à un mouvement plus global de luttes sociales à travers l’Europe et même l’Amérique latine, annonciateur de modernité. / In the wake of previous works on the building of identities of Italian communities abroad, this study analyses how the Italian community of Cairo took shape from 1861 until the First World Wide War, as well as its identity factors. In doing so, it questions the litterary claim of a true Egyptian cosmopolitism in the ninetieth century, this much missed golden age, but also highlights the truly cosmopolitan movement of social and independence demands of the early twentieth century. Indeed, the study of formal social ties of Cairo Italian colony and its identity discourse leads to great detail on the official speech of its societies about cosmopolitism and puts it largely into perspective. Cosmopolitanism appears to be mainly claimed as a justification of the Italian presence in Egypt and as a way to stand apart from the French, Greek and English colonies. Moreover, the Cairo colony of 1880 consisted mainly of workers and craftsmen. The study of informal social relationships (friendships, family ties, neighborhood and work bonds) shows the links of the colony as a whole with its Cairo environment were characterized by mutual indifference punctuated by unpredictable disturbances - as opposed to the much touted cosmopolitanism claimed by literary texts. Yet cosmopolitism actually did exist as it was present in Cairo social struggles in the early 1900s through the union of Italian, Greek and Egyptian workers during the first strikes ever to happen in the city. The participation of Italian anarchists in this context made these events part of a global movement of social struggles across Europe and even Latin America that were the promise of a new modern era.

The high pressure synthesis, crystal growth and physical properties of transition metal perovskites

Marshall, Luke Gordon 02 March 2015 (has links)
The perovskite structure has an incredible versatility that results in myriad compounds with varied and eccentric behaviors. Perovskite oxides have been extensively studied and used for over 60 years. In order to expand on our already thorough knowledge of these compounds, it is necessary to use modern and creative experimental techniques. High-pressure synthesis and high oxygen-gas pressure annealing techniques are used to synthesize oxygen stoichiometric RNiO₃ (R = lanthanide). The particularly rich phase diagram of this compound allows for the study of the crossover from localized to itinerant electronic behavior and from an enhanced Pauli to a Curie-Weiss law paramagnetism. Single crystals of RFeO₃ are grown in order to analyze the spin canting in these antiferromagnetic samples. The size of the rare earth-cation is used to tune the magnitude of octahedral-tilt distortions. This tuning allows distinguishing between the two possible drivers for spin canting and weak ferromagnetism in these compounds, the octahedral-tilt-dependent single-ion anisotropy and the octahedral-tilt-independent Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Although it is a fluoride compound, KCuF₃ has been used as an analogue to transition-metal oxide perovskites such as LaMnO₃ because of the similarity of their orbital ordering. Through the use of high-temperature neutron diffraction, it is shown that the orbital ordering and Jahn-Teller distortion in this compound are not lifted at the predicted temperature. Another mechanism for orbital ordering is identified. La₂[subscript-x] Sr [subscript x] CuO₄ has long been of interest as the progenitor system of the highTc superconductors. Despite having an exceedingly well-studied phase diagram in the over-doped region of its superconducting dome, little is known about this system in the region x > 0.3 because of the difficulty of synthesizing fully oxygen-stoichiometric samples. With high-oxygen-gas-pressure annealing and high-pressure synthesis, the completion of the phase diagram up to x = 1.0 is attempted. Finally, like many iridates, post-Perovskite CaIrO₃ exhibits a very strong spinorbit coupling of its 5d electrons. Because its magnetism is very weak, traditional methods to measure the magnitude of its orbital moment and spin-orbit coupling, such as neutron powder diffraction, are not viable. In order to address this issue, direct measurement of the orbital moments was conducted by using x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism techniques. / text

The Arab street : a photographic exploration

Cheney, Clifford Sidney 22 September 2010 (has links)
Journalists use the term Arab Street to describe what they often imply is a volatile Arabic public opinion. This photo story travels through four Arab areas or Jordan, Qatar, Israel/Palestine and Egypt in order to show the diversity and complexity of each. The media’s tendency to lump all Arabs into one political block is detrimental to a true sense of cultural understanding that is required for peace. / text

Sexual Harassment: Its Economic and Social Dimensions on the Streets of Cairo

Abd El Hamid, Heba 18 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examined the conditions under which taharrush (sexual harassment) has become normalized in Cairo, allowing acts once deemed unethical by Egyptians to become a daily experience. Experiences of taharrush were explored through an ethnographic study of three neighborhoods in Cairo and 20 semi-structured interviews with women from diverse backgrounds and age groups. Through the literature review of key themes and a historical analysis of the Egyptian context, this research explored the rise in sexual harassment over time and under different presidential regimes. The cross-generational aspect of this research highlighted the prevalence of sexual harassment in the past three decades. Furthermore, through the participants’ voices, numerous themes emerged explaining the increase of taharrush, such as: economic difficulties, decline in akhle (sense of community), and violence against women perpetrated by security officials. The interviews showed women’s experiences of sexual harassment, the perceived causes behind the issue of harassment being trivialized and normalized, and ways in which women combat harassment and security issues within Cairo. / February 2016

Les ornementations dans le ıba’ raıt el dhil : l’exemple du Congrès du Caire de 1932 / Ornamentation in the ıba’ raıt el dhil : Example of Cairo Congress 1932

Zouari, Hend 20 December 2012 (has links)
L’originalité de la musique arabe tient dans la richesse mélodique et rythmique de ses multiplesinfluences. Toutefois, la particularité de son mode de transmission orale, ainsi que l’utilisationintensive et récurrente de l’improvisation, rendent difficile toute classification et archivage, pourtantindispensables à la sauvegarde de ce patrimoine culturel. Or, les tentatives de transcription musicale sesont soldées par de trop nombreuses simplifications, au point de sacrifier les nuances mélodiques etautres finesses techniques, spécifiques à cette musique.Il était nécessaire d’explorer une nouvelle voie, qui permettrait de la sauvegarder sur un support écrit,tout en respectant ses spécificités. A partir d’une oeuvre marquante de l’histoire de la musique arabe,la nūba raıt el dhil, présentée par la délégation tunisienne au Congrès du Caire de 1932, nousproposons un système original et inédit de codification, qui permettra de transcrire toutes les subtilitésdes oeuvres traditionnelles ou improvisées, redonnant ainsi aux interprètes leur liberté d'improvisation,tout en leur conservant la faculté de se référer à une partition simplifiée, mais plus fidèle à l'oeuvreoriginale. / The originality of Arabic music is due to its melodic and rhythmic richness, inheritedfrom many influences. However, the particulars of its oral mode of transmission, as well asthe intensive and recurrent usage of improvisation, render any classification and any archivingdifficult, as indispensable as they may be for the conservation of this cultural patrimony.Attempts at musical transcription resulted in excessive simplifications, or recorded onlyone single version, up to the point of sacrificing melodic nuances and other technical finessesspecific to this music. It appeared therefore necessary to try another solution that wouldallow safeguarding this music in writing, while preserving its specificities. On the basis of amemorable work in the history of Arabic music, the nūba raıt el dhil as presented by theTunisian delegation at the Cairo congress of 1932, we propose an original and novel systemof codification, writing down on the one hand the melodic framework resulting from areduction process and on the other hand the ornaments, in abridged form, as applied to thisreduced melody. This notation will allow transcribing all the subtleties of traditional orimprovised works, giving back to the performers their freedom of improvising, whileallowing them to refer to a simplified score more faithful to the original work.

Évolution du langage musical de l’istikhbâr en Tunisie au XXe siècle : une approche analytique musico-empirique / Evolution of musical language of istikhbâr in Tunisia in the twentieth century : A musico-empirical analytical approach

Zouari, Mohamed Zied 14 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse esquisse une réflexion autour de la mutation du langage musical de l’improvisation instrumentale du type istikhbâr en Tunisie à travers le XXe siècle. Une des raisons qui sont à l’origine de cette mutation consiste à la théorisation de la musique tunisienne, intervenue au congrès du Caire de 1932. L’aspect le plus contraignant de ce congrès consiste à adopter une échelle musicale composée de vingt quatre notes équidistantes à l’octave, obtenues par la subdivision de chaque intervalle de demi-ton en deux quart de tons. Ce manuscrit traite en particulier l’évolution des échelles musicales et du comportement de leurs degrés à travers le temps tout en mesurant l’impact de cette nouvelle théorie. Il s’intéresse aussi à l’analyse des propriétés du cheminement mélodique et de la chaîne syntagmatique afin d’élucider les spécificités langagières inhérentes à chaque époque. Ces différents éléments sont ressortis grâce à la mise en oeuvre d’une méthode d’analyse empirique appliquée sur trois improvisations instrumentales A, B et C, jouées respectivement en 1926, 1963 et 1990. / This thesis exposes a reflection on the musical language‘s mutation in instrumental improvisation called istikhbâr in Tunisia through the XXth century. One of the reasons which are at the origin of this mutation is the theorization of Tunisian music taken place at the Cairo’s congress in 1932. The most compelling aspect of this congress is to adopt a musical scale consisting of twenty four equally spaced octave notes, obtained by subdividing each interval of a semitone into two quarter-tones. This manuscript treats particularly the evolution of musical scales and the behavior of their degrees by the time while measuring the impact of this new theory. It is also interested in analyzing the properties of the melodic path and syntagmatic in order to elucidate the characteristics of each period. These elements emerged by the application of an empirical analytic method applied in three instrumental improvisations A, B and C, respectively played in 1926, 1963 and 1990.

Remaking selves and remaking public space : combating sexual harassment in Cairo post 2011

Fernandez, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the work of a social movement based in Cairo that dedicated itself to the addressing and reducing sexual harassment, or taḥarush in the streets. Based on a year and five months of fieldwork, this thesis elaborated upon the genesis of the movement, its ethos, and the methods it deployed to tackle taḥarush. It is argued that the movement deployed methods which encouraged members of Egyptian society to revisit and rework their ethical standpoints with reference to taḥarush, and as such public behaviour. In this way, members of Egyptian society were asked to become more aware of their roles within society itself. Firstly, such methods had to be tested by movement members themselves. The movement became known for two main activities: raising awareness and patrols. Both methods serve as ways by which the movement reshaped both people and the public spaces they occupied. Spaces are defined by the people who pass through them, and by acting on a given space, people can change how it is perceived. The movement designated itself a safe space, encouraging members to ponder ideas from society with the goal of changing society ‘for the better'. What my research revealed was that lack of consensus regarding definitions embedded in movement ethos contributed to conflict between members and discontinuity between ethos and its enactment. Government pressures required changes to the structure and internal functioning of the movement, and in addition to the initial ethical project regarding taḥarush, members found themselves learning to embody and perform roles associated with employed positions. The turmoil experienced both within in and outside of the movement is put back into the context of Egypt post 2011, to tease out the sense of temporality embedded in their struggle to survive the political climate of the time.

L'internationalisation de la fabrique de la ville, vers un produit politique : les investissements immobiliers des pays du Golfe au Caire / Internationalisation of contemporary Cairo's construction, a political product : real estate investments of Gulf countries in Cairo

Sinno, Maïa 03 November 2017 (has links)
La question de l'internationalisation des financements de la ville s'avère centrale pour comprendre le fonctionnement des marchés internationaux et l'évolution du rôle de l’État dans les modes de gouvernance urbaine. Elle se présente également comme une grille de lecture pertinente pour étudier les impacts sur la production urbaine des fonctionnements néolibéraux des pays en développement et de leur dépendance aux partenaires internationaux. Car l'un des enjeux de la financiarisation de la ville est celui du rôle des acteurs, notamment à travers les modes de gouvernance : lorsque l'équilibre des projets de développement urbain n'est pas garanti, qui sont les acteurs qui jouent le rôle de régulateurs? Comment le risque financier est-il distribué et absorbé, alors que le temps long entre vente et achat dans l'investissement immobilier fait exister deux temporalités différentes : celle de la finance globale, qui obéit à des logiques de court terme afin de dégager des marges de rentabilité rapides; et celle du construit urbain, davantage étalée dans le temps. Or, plus le temps de résolution du capital dans l'immobilier est long, plus le montant des valeurs excédentaires est bas. La question de la distinction entre secteur public et secteur privé est également centrale dans l'étude de ce sujet, puisque qu'elle renvoie à la signification du retrait de l’État de la gouvernance urbaine en tant que moyen pour donner davantage de pouvoir aux investisseurs privés. Étudier cette distinction est un moyen de comprendre quels sont les mécanismes de régulation et d'équilibre des marchés liés à la production de la ville. La fabrique du Caire avant et après le soulèvement populaire de 2011 dans la vague des Printemps Arabes est un laboratoire pertinent pour l'analyse de ces questionnements. Au Caire, les modes de gouvernance spécifiques basés sur l'accumulation des richesses par une élite ont été remis en question par la révolution de 2011. La succession des régimes transitoires et les nombreux procès qui ont visé les cessions de terrain frauduleuses par les hommes d'affaires les plus puissants du pays ont semblé être une avancée dans les revendications pour le droit à la ville des révolutionnaires. La lutte pour davantage de justice a provoqué une redéfinition de l'assabiya dirigeante, communauté d'acteurs publics et privés basée sur des liens de mariage et de sang. Mais elle n'a pas ébranlé le système néolibéral reposant sur les rouages de la corruption et du bakchich ainsi que sur la dépendance de la croissance égyptienne aux aides occidentales et régionales, bien au contraire. Le nouveau régime reproduit grâce à une main de fer le système néolibéral d'avant la révolution : enrichir un noyau d'acteurs privés faisant partie d'une élite proche du régime. Cette élite rassemble des proches de l'ancien régime de Moubarak, dont certains ont fait l'objet de sanctions post­révolution, appliquées, levées ou adoucies de manière arbitraire par l’État qui affirme ainsi son pouvoir sur la communauté d'acteurs privés. L'émergence de l'institution militaire comme pouvoir gouvernemental en apparence unitaire n'a pas remis en question la position d'un État centralisé, alors que les pays du Golfe sont devenus incontournables : ce sont des créanciers qu'il faudra rembourser, en liquide ou en nature, et leur poids dans l'économie égyptienne est croissant, en particulier dans le secteur immobilier. La fabrique du Caire semble s'orienter vers une urbanité exclusive et participe à la création d'un arrière-pays du Golf. [...] / The issue of internationalization of financial involvement in Cairo's urban environment is fundamental in understanding the increasing role that international actors play in the region. Additionally, it enables a clearer perception of the State's increasing role through directive urban governance and is also central to any analysis of recent development of the city's social geography. This broad perspective is also a key to understanding the impact of neoliberal policies in developing countries and their increased dependence on international partnerships for urban development. One of the main explanation factors of the financialization of the city's construction is the evolving role of its various actors, through changing governance modes: who are the actors of large-scale real estate, when the balance of urban development project is not secured? One way of addressing this issue is through the question: "how is the risk distributed and absorbed where there exists two timescales, because of the mismatch between selling and buying in real estate investment?" These are the temporality of global finance, which obeys short term logics to serve specific interests and the temporality of the urban fabric which is over a much longer period of time. The longer the period for real estate return on investment, the lower the amount of profit for the investor. Distinction (or the lack of) between public and private sector interests and motivations remains the key parameter, since it refers to the State's withdrawal for urban governance as a way to give more power to private investors. The complex interference between public and private sector is therefore part of the very definition of the city financialization. This study is a way to understand mechanisms of regulation and balance of the markets related to the city production. The urban production of Cairo, before and after the Arab Spring popular uprising of 2011 is also a highly meaningful laboratory to analyze mobilization against financialization of urban production. ln Cairo, specific governance based on wealth accumulation by elite had been called into question by the 2011 revolution. The succession of transitory regimes and the numerous trials targeting fraudulent sales of some of the most powerful businessmen of the country could be viewed as a progress, in citizen's right to the city, of the revolutionaries. The fight for more justice caused a redefinition of the ruling assabiya, a community of public and private actors related by blood or marriage. But it did not destroy the corruption-based system, nor the dependence of Egyptian growth on occidental and regional aids, quite to the contrary. The specificity of the Egyptian neoliberal system is based on refusal of the state to let the contractors take control and on the interference of the public elite in contractors' activities. The new regime replicates with a heavier hand, this system from before the revolution. This enriches a core of actors belonging to an elite close to the regime. [...]

Edición diplomática, traducción y estudio de la obra Nişāb al-ajbār wa-taḏkirat al-ajyār de Ibn al-Şabbāḥ (s. IX H./XV e.C.)

Constán-Nava, Antonio 18 November 2014 (has links)
La tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo la edición, traducción y estudio de la obra de viajes autobiográfica Nişāb al-ajbār wa-taḏkirat al-ajyār del converso al islam Abd Allāh Ibn al-Şabbāḥ, peregrino asceta que recorrió el mundo árabe musulmán en el s.XV, en base al manuscrito unicum en árabe depositado en la Bibliotèque Nationale de Túnez. En primer lugar se hace una edición diplomática del unicum, con abundantes apreciaciones y correcciones en notas a pie de página de la riḥla (relato de viajes). En segundo lugar, se aporta una traducción al español y, por último, se incluye un estudio en el que se pone de manifiesto el origen setabense del autor, se fija una cronología para el autor y obra, se estudian las peculiaridades lingüísticas del unicum así como las fases en la composición de la obra y se estudian las ilustraciones de la Meca, Medina, Hebrón y Jerusalén que están reflejadas en el manuscrito

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