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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

City Margins and Exclusionary Space in Contemporary Egypt : An Urban Ethnography of a Syrian Refugee Community in a Remote Low-Income Cairo Neighborhood

Shalabi, Samir January 2017 (has links)
Drawing mainly on Lefebvre’s, Soja’s and Smith’s theorizations of space in order to understand the spatial dynamics of social inequality, this study investigates how a low-income Syrian refugee community negotiates its precarious location in a neighborhood on the periphery of one of Cairo’s desert ‘New Towns’. It also examines the way in which urban spatiality shapes the everyday lived reality of this particular community of Syrians. Through an ethnographic focus, I explore how Syrian people living in Cairo are marginalized through broader processes of neoliberal capitalist development which in turn give rise to socio-spatial disparities within cityspace. By developing the concept of socio-spatial exclusion imbued with defiant (hyper)locality, I argue that although these Syrian refugees lack access to transportation and other types of social services, they nevertheless manage to disrupt the spatial status-quo by devising creative solutions to problems concerning amenity availability in the neighborhood where they live. The investigation of these urban trajectories are guided by the notion that spatiality is at once a social product as well as a force in shaping social life. Research for this project draws on multiple sources, including conversations with neighborhood residents, interviews with NGOs and Cairo-based specialists on refugees and urban development, as well as ethnographic observation, an online questionnaire, satellite imagery and social media content.

Le rôle des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les transformations de la forme urbaine : le cas du Grand Caire / The role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the urban form transformations : the case of Greater Cairo

Elkashash, Amgad 09 March 2018 (has links)
Par leur capacité à créer, traiter et transmettre l’information en temps réel, les TIC jouent aujourd’hui un rôle majeur dans la structuration et le développement des territoires. La présente thèse vise à étudier la relation entre les TIC et les transformations de la forme urbaine du Grand Caire. Pour ce faire, la thèse implique une approche multidisciplinaire qui conjugue les deux méthodes quantitative et qualitative ; elle s’appuie sur le modèle de l’« urbanisme des réseaux » pour décomposer les TIC en trois niveaux : infrastructures, technologies de l’information et usages. Plusieurs ressources sont utilisées : rapports, articles et ouvrages spécialisés, données du terrain et ressources Internet y compris les Big data. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants : la distribution des réseaux des TIC (infrastructures, technologies de l’information et usages) a dessiné une zone étendue, un continuum, qui relie les grandes centralités formées pendant plusieurs périodes historiques du Grand Caire. En outre, les TIC, avec d’autres facteurs, ont mené à la formation dans la banlieue sud d’un centre économique/résidentiel, excentré et non planifié, le premier de ce type dans l’histoire millénaire du Grand Caire. Enfin, les résultats ont montré un rôle important des résidences fermées ; ces dernières semblent trouver dans les TIC le moyen pour mieux réaliser leur objectif : permettre de vivre et travailler au Grand Caire sans affronter les maux de son espace central. Globalement, Les TIC, malgré leur capacité à alléger plusieurs contraintes spatiales, sont parmi les facteurs qui ont consolidé la forme urbaine actuelle du Grand Caire avec tous ses problèmes majeurs. / With their ability to create, process and transmit information in real time, ICT are playing today a major role in the structuring and development of urban spaces. The present thesis aims to study the relationship between ICT and the transformations of the Greater Cairo’s urban form. To that end, the thesis draws on a multidisciplinary approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods; it is based on the model of "Urbanism of networks" that divides ICT networks into three levels: infrastructures, information technologies and uses. Many resources are used in this study: reports, specialised books and articles, data collected from the field and various Internet resources including the Big Data. The main results are as follows: at the metropolitan scale, the distribution of ICT networks (infrastructures, information technologies and uses) has drawn an extended area, a continuum, which connects the main urban centers formed during the several historical periods of Greater Cairo. Moreover, ICT, among other factors, have led to the formation in the southern suburb of an eccentric, unplanned economic/residential center, the first of its kind in the millennial history of Greater Cairo. Finally, the results showed an important role of the gated communities, these latter seem to find in ICT the way to better realise their objective: to allow living and working in Greater Cairo without facing the disadvantages of its central space. Overall, ICT, despite their ability to alleviate many spatial constraints, are among the factors that shaped the current urban form of Greater Cairo with all its major problems.

L'art urbain du Caire mamlouk : manières de faire et enjeux sociaux / Urban Art of Mamlouk Cairo : Methods of Making and Social Aspects

Abdel Barr, Omniya 07 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse dévoile comment les monuments sont construits au Caire mamlouk. La chaîne des évènements commence avec les sultans et émirs, leurs femmes et concubines, leurs esclaves et eunuques et les élites civiles, qui sont les promoteurs de ces bâtiments. Trouver le concepteur de cette architecture monumentale fut par contre plus malaisées. L'approche de la phase de la conception nous a amené à émettre des hypothèses quant aux outils utilisés lors de la formalisation du projet. L'étude de la question foncière, aussi bien sur le plan économique et juridique que sur la localisation géographique des parcelles dans le tissu urbain ont montré des soucis urbanistiques. L'analyse des acteurs de la construction a permis de les classer en fonction des phases du déroulement du chantier, en présentant la division du travail, ainsi que les corps des métiers. Au sommet du système hiérarchique on trouve le ?ādd al-'amā'ir, un délégué présentant le commanditaire sur le chantier, qui jouissait d'un pouvoir illimité. Ensuite, le nāẓir, qui peut parfois se substituer au précédent. Vient le muhandis, un assistant technique, travaillant généralement en équipe et qui est censé être le véritable maître d'oeuvre. Le dernier groupe est celui des artisans et ouvriers. Retrouver leurs traces a révélé la richesse et la grande diversité du Caire à l'époque, qui ne résidait pas simplement dans les aspects architecturaux mais aussi dans la question de la tolérance. Finalement, en étudiant comment au quotidien se fait un monument, on a réussi à dessiner une image détaillé du déroulement du chantier de sa conception jusqu'à son inauguration. / This thesis uncovers how monuments were built in Mamlouk Cairo. The chain of events starts with; sultans and emirs, their wives and concubines, slaves and eunuchs and civilian elites, who sponsor the buildings. The designers of such monumental architecture were not usually given credit and hence not mentioned in most historical documents. While researching the design of the monuments, we discovered a number of tools used in the design phase. The study of the land acquisition, shed light on the importance of the geographical location within the urban fabric, which revealed the economic and legal complications involved. Then we tackle the question of the responsibility on the construction site. At the top of the hierarchy there is the ?ādd al-'amā'ir, who represents the sponsor on the site, followed by the Nāẓir, which can sometimes replace the ?ādd. Then the Muhandis, a technical assistant, usually working in a team and who implements the design. We analyze the chain of operations from the top of the hierarchy down to the artisans, workers and unskilled labor. The analysis included a study of the division of labor and the details of the different crafts used in the site construction and in workshops. Studying all the site workers revealed the different economic standards and the diversity of the population in Cairo. Finally, we trace the history of the making of the monument in this period and are able to draw a full detailed picture of the timeline of a Mamlouk monument from inception to inauguration.

Participatory Urban Upgrading : The Case of Ezbet Bekhit, Cairo, Egypt

Noureddine Tag-Eldeen, Zeinab January 2003 (has links)
As a mega-city and the most populated city in Africa, Cairo is characterised by a high birth rate, escalating rural-urban migration and where the socio-economic services are centralized and overwhelmed, these generally poor migrants have no choice other than to create and develop their own informal shelter in the outer city areas that lay farthest from the reach of the authorities and from where they then search for better job opportunities. The expansion of these slum areas places an extra burden on the already deteriorated natural and unplanned urban environments. No government or public sector mass production housing units . inherited from the former socialist system . have been able to cope with the magnitude of housing demand nor is the private sector interested in investing in a non-profitable market. At this juncture there is an urgent requirement for new ways of thinking that address the realities of the situation and consider integrated socioeconomic long-term solutions for the informal settlements. Under the Egyptian-German Cooperation, GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit) proposed the Participatory Urban Upgrading Program as a possible means of addressing the problem which is based on stimulation, promotion and effective participation of local communities in the upgrading process. The Participatory Urban Upgrading Program operates at two levels, (i) the local level: through .Demonstration projects. to be applied to a limited geographical area. Ezbet Bekhit Demonstration Project is the case of the present study and (ii) the national level: the experiences gained through several .Demonstration Projects. will give substance, and thereby prominence to the participatory approach, so that the Program has an increasingly beneficial impact on the national policy. The experiences gained from Ezbet Bekhit Upgrading Project will offer the opportunity to examine the main concept expressed by the Program and increase the prospects of having an impact on the urban upgrading policy at the national level. The current study attempts to develop and assess the overall Participatory Upgrading Programme and Ezbet Bekhit Project within a framework of benchmarks extracted from the program concept. At the Project level, the focus of thesis analysis is based on aspects that explain the Project’s approach to solving basic problems. Attention is placed on the involvement of local inhabitants in the solutions at the planning and implementation levels. A Model of Community Participation is proposed for application in a selected upgrading component. The Model is based on the .Community Action Planning., which has been developed by Hamdi and Goethert as an appropriate planning tool that can stimulate and organize a non-cohesive community type. At the Program level, recommendations are presented in this study, which have been extracted from the main pillars of the Program concept and characterized the driving forces influencing the main objectives and orientating the goals of the upgrading projects. It is contended that an in-depth understanding and analysis of the specific socio-economic conditions and the community profile of the selected informal settlements; together with an explicit governmental policy supporting the Participatory Urban Upgrading Approach will enhance the success of Participatory Projects.

Characterization of paint and varnish on a medieval Coptic-Byzantine icon: Novel usage of dammar resin?

Abdel-Ghani, Mona H., Edwards, Howell G.M., Stern, Ben, Janaway, Robert C. January 2009 (has links)
No / A comprehensive study has been undertaken into a 13th century Coptic-Byzantine icon from the St. Mercurius Church, St. Mercurius monastery, Old Cairo, Egypt. The layered structure, pigment composition and varnish identification were revealed by means of optical and Raman microscopy and gas chromatography¿mass spectrometry (GC¿MS). The structure of the icon comprised six layers; wooden panel, canvas, white ground, two bole layers and a single paint layer. Azurite (2CuCO3·Cu(OH)2), cinnabar (mercuric (II) sulfide ¿-HgS), yellow ochre (Fe2O3·H2O), hydromagnesite Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O and lamp black (carbon, C) are the pigments identified in the icon. The green paint area is of interest as it is applied neither with a green pigment nor with a mixture of a blue and yellow pigment. Instead, a yellow layer of dammar resin was applied on top of blue azurite to obtain the green colour. Pinaceae sp. resin mixed with drying oil was used as a protective varnish.

Children's potential mobility and appropriation of ‎transport options in an ‎informal settlement / The case of Ezbet El-Haggana

El-Dorghamy, Ahmed 15 November 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die tatsächliche und potenzielle Mobilität von Kindern aus einer ‎informellen Siedlungsstruktur in einer Megacity des globalen Südens am Fall Ezbet El-Hagganas im ‎Großraum Kairos; die Entwicklung von Mobilitätsgewohnheiten in der Kindheitsphase ‎und bezieht sich dabei nicht nur auf Kinder als Nutzer, sondern berücksichtigt zudem deren ‎unmittelbares soziales Umfeld und den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Kontext. Der theoretische Rahmen für die ‎Untersuchung der Mobilität von Kindern basiert auf Icek Ajzens Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens ‎sowie auf Vincent Kaufmanns Konzeptualisierung des Motilitätsbegriffes. Primärdaten wurden in ‎einer Feldstudie und in Fokusgruppen erhoben. Die Ergebnisse deuteten auf eine hohe Prävalenz der ‎unabhängigen Mobilität von Kindern (child independent mobility, CIM) auf deren am häufigsten zu ‎bewältigenden Strecke (zur Schule) hin, zunächst durch nicht motorisierte Formen der ‎Verkehrsteilnahme, aber weitgehend auch mit Hilfe von verschiedenen formellen wie informellen ‎Nahverkehrsmitteln. Es wurden sozio-kulturelle und sozialpsychologische Einflussfaktoren seitens ‎sowohl Kindern als auch ihren Eltern identifiziert, die die Verkehrsteilnahme von Kindern hemmen ‎oder befördern können. Gleichermaßen wurden hemmende ‎Faktoren untersucht. Die Akzeptanz des Radfahrens von Kindern wurde als Fallbeispiel für ‎unerschlossenes Mobilitätspotenzial untersucht und deutet auf die Prävalenz sozialpsychologischer ‎Faktoren hin, die Entscheidungsfaktoren rationaler und praktischer Natur entgegenstehen und die die ‎Verkehrsmittelnutzung von Kindern mindern; hier benannt als Nutzungslücke (appropriation gap). Die ‎Ergebnisse wurden schließlich in Zusammenhang mit dem Konzept der Verkehrsteilnahme gestellt ‎und erlauben die Diskussion von Implikationen für die politische Ebene und für den Diskurs von ‎Mobilität in benachteiligten Gruppen der Gesellschaft. / This study investigates the nature of children's actual and potential mobility in a case study of an ‎‎informal settlement in a megacity of a developing country; namely Ezbet El-Haggana in Greater Cairo ‎and explores the nature of the childhood ‎phase of developing mobility practices and habits, not only ‎as enabled by children themselves as ‎commuters, but also as enabled by parents and the surrounding ‎community and society. A theoretical framework was constructed through which ‎children's mobility is ‎investigated. It is based on Icek Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior and Vincent ‎Kaufmann's ‎conceptualization of Motility. The data was primarily collected through a field survey and ‎focus groups. ‎Results indicated high prevalence of child independent mobility (CIM) in the most ‎frequent trip (to ‎school), not only through active transport but also largely through different formal ‎and informal ‎transport services available. There are socio-cultural and socio-psychological factors ‎among both the ‎parents and the children that constitute the appropriation of mobility options that ‎cater to children, ‎either enabling or inhibiting their mobility. Through the experiences of children's ‎mobility, the acquired ‎skills and adaptive attitudes by both children and parents enhance children's ‎potential mobility ‎compared to children in wealthier communities that may be granted less mobility ‎rights or have less ‎competences among other factors. Inhibiting factors were also ‎investigated; the specific case of ‎acceptance of cycling for children. This exemplified prevalence of socio-psychological factors that ‎overshadow ‎practical and rational aspects of choice; it is articulated here as an appropriation gap. ‎Results were ‎finally associated with the conceptualization of appropriation to discuss implications for ‎policy and for ‎the discourses of mobility in disadvantaged communities.‎

Figurações da sociedade americana no cinema de Woody Allen / Figurations of American society in Woody Allen's cinema

Martins, Glauber Ormundo Dias 20 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-06-28T13:16:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Glauber Ormundo Dias Martins.pdf: 415635 bytes, checksum: 63fa1de0d5b56e217bcf19dba75e8158 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-28T13:16:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glauber Ormundo Dias Martins.pdf: 415635 bytes, checksum: 63fa1de0d5b56e217bcf19dba75e8158 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work analyzes two films by Woody Allen in the 1980s - Zelig and The Purple Rose of Cairo - using as methodologies sociological theories and literary and cinematographic critiques. With this, reflections od modernity and American history are analyzed / Este trabalho analisa dois filmes do diretor Woody Allen da década de 1980- Zelig e A rosa púrpura do Cairo- Usando como metodologias teorias sociológicas e de críticas literárias e cinematográficas. Com isto, reflexões a respeito da modernidade e da história americana são analisadas

La condition de la femme arabe vue au travers de sa participation aux institutions politiques: étude comparée du cas de la citadine d'Alger et du Caire

Delcroix, Catherine January 1983 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A mediaeval court physician at work : Ibn Jumay''s commentary on the Canon of Medicine

Nicolae, Daniel Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
Ibn Jumay''s (d. c. 594/1198) commentary on the Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037) occupies an important place in the history of medicine for it is the first Canon commentary written by a physician and thus stands at the start of a tradition extending over 500 years. In addition, it is a so-far neglected source for our understanding of mediaeval Islamic medicine. The present thesis analyses the commentary with the aims of (1) determining the methods by which the court physician composed his treatise and (2) understanding why Ibn Jumay' undertook to prepare a commentary on one of the most thorough medical compendia of the middle ages. Chapter One presents the biography of Ibn Jumay', reveals that his religion had little impact on his writings and surveys his library which played a pivotal role in the composition of the commentary. Chapter Two investigates Ibn Jumay''s methodology in the entire commentary; it reveals that with his philological and source-critical methods Ibn Jumay' wanted to establish an authoritative reading of the Canon and to demonstrate the high degree of his erudition. Chapter Three focuses on selected passages in the commentary in form of three case studies. Ibn Jumay''s comments on anatomy/dissection, assorted materia medica and headaches demonstrate the court physician’s reverence for ancient authorities and his quest to revive and refine their teachings. Chapter Four contextualises Ibn Jumay''s methods and agenda by comparing them to those of other relevant scholars of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The thesis concludes by arguing that Ibn Jumay''s commentary was part of his revival of the art of medicine and his attempt to gain power in the medical tradition by attaching his name to one of the greatest scholars of his time — the ra'īs Ibn Sīnā.

Le design urbain et l'effet des facteurs culturels et sociaux : imagibilité orientale et occidentale : Le Caire et Marseille / The cultural and social factors affecting the urban design : mental impressions of eastern and western urban areas : a study of Cairo and Marseille

El Baramony, Nermin 30 November 2012 (has links)
Les espaces urbains paupérisés, perdant leur identité culturelle et sociale, attirent des immigrés et leurs habitants ou usagers qui y ont un sentiment d'appartenance moindre, notamment parce que les projets de développement urbain sont rarement expliqués. Ainsi, il est nécessaire qu'une évaluation des facteurs orientant la perception des publics et de leurs espaces urbains soit établie : l'influence de la culture sur le type d'impression mentale généré par les zones urbaines et les élévations est indéniable dans nos études de cas, Marseille et Le Caire, comme elle l'est sur l'orientation de projets de développement urbain futur.La recherche propose de mettre en lumière l'influence des facteurs sociaux et culturels sur l'impression mentale que l'on peut avoir d'un espace urbain ? Alors, en étudiant « l'imagibilité » orientale et occidentale dans le contexte architectural et urbain, nous verrons, au-delà des similitudes des deux études de cas, Le Caire et Marseille, qu'il existe aussi une différence entre l'impression voulue et conçue par un spécialiste, que nous qualifions d'émetteur et celle perçue par son destinataire, le public, qu'il soit usager ou habitant / This subject of this thesis is “The Mental Image of Urban Areas”. It uses Cairo and Marseille as case studies. The research was fulfilled through an academic study of the historical development & urban growth of Cairo and Marseille. The aim was to identify the major elements forming of the mental image of the two cities. The researcher determined these elements through a historical and analytical study the urbanism and architecture of the two cities, with particular focus on downtown areas. Through a limited field study, conducted on a sample of residents in each city, the hypotheses developed by the researcher were tested to identify the important characteristics of the different mental impressions for both the eastern city (Cairo) and the western city (Marseille). As well as the social and cultural impacts, the researcher also identifies the physical elements of the mental impression the inhabitants have of the study areas

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