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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluación diagnóstica de la línea de acción educadores de calle durante los años 2009 al 2013 y propuesta de mejora de la gestión del programa Yachay

Carranza López, Paquita Micaela, Cóndor Neyra, Lizbeth Alicia 10 March 2022 (has links)
La presente tesis presenta como título “Evaluación Diagnóstica de la línea de acción Educadores de Calle durante los años 2009 al 2013 y propuesta de mejora de la gestión del Programa Nacional Yachay.” ya que en el plano nacional y mundial el trabajo infantil está siendo abordado por los gobiernos, la Iglesia, las instituciones privadas, la sociedad civil y otras instituciones involucradas, generando opciones que buscan dar sostenibilidad y desarrollo de los niños y niñas. De acuerdo con la propuesta de Propuesta general LLachay (2012); refiere que el estado Peruano consciente de esta problemática en el año 1993 junto con el Banco Internacional de Desarrollo y UNICEF, implementa el Programa de Educadores de Calle, que a pesar de incesantes recortes presupuestales, se mantuvo vigente y actualmente forma parte de la política de Estado, que ha creado el Programa Nacional Yachay, para abordar la problemática del trabajo de los niñas, niños y adolescentes en el Marco de la Política de Erradicación del trabajo infantil y de protección al adolescente trabajador. (Propuesta General LLachay: 2012); En ese sentido, se plantea el siguiente objetivo general: Identificar los factores positivos y negativos de la línea de acción educadores de calle (hoy Yachay), durante el periodo 2009 al 2013, y los objetivos específicos son Conocer las características de la Política y Programa de Educadores de Calle (hoy Yachay), Conocer las características de implementación y gestión del programa educadores de calle, Conocer el proceso y los mecanismos de incidencia para incorporación del programa en la agenda pública y, finalmente Formular una propuesta de gestión para la mejora de la línea de acción Educadores de Calle (Hoy Yachay). Por tanto los hallazgos encontrados en la presente tesis se fundamentan en la recolección de información documentaria, entrevistas al personal del Equipo Técnico y finalmente encuestas a NNAT´s pertenecientes al Programa, Educadores de Calle y personal del Equipo Técnico. En tal sentido nuestro análisis y propuesta, tomado como base el círculo de la política, demuestra que existieron factores positivos y negativos que intervinieron para la creación del Programa Yachay y que estos factores influirán para el sostenimiento del Programa a través del tiempo.

Authorship and the production of literary value, 1982-2012 : Bret Easton Ellis, Paul Auster, J.T. LeRoy, and Tucker Max

Lutton, Alison Mary January 2014 (has links)
Definitions of celebrity authorship and material textuality at the turn of the twenty-first century have predominantly emphasised the implicitly negative aspects of contemporary developments in the literary marketplace. Particularly prominent are arguments that the practice of authorship has become subject to homogenisation by the matrix of celebrity in which successful writers are now expected to function; and, further, that the changing nature of texts themselves and the ways in which they are marketed is eroding the implicitly superior position traditionally held by literature in the cultural marketplace. This thesis views such readings as pessimistic, and offers an alternative, seeking to formulate a new critical approach to literary value in the contemporary sphere which would appreciate notions of celebrity, populism, and digital mediation as integral and productive aspects of how literary value is formed today. Through in-depth focus on the cases of a number of unconventional contemporary American authors whose work demonstrates differing, innovative approaches to the process of authorship, this thesis exposes the ways in which contemporary, atypically ‘literary’ instances of writing can and do work within and develop beyond traditional conceptualisations of authorship and literary value. Bret Easton Ellis and Jay McInerney, largely critically considered prototypical ‘celebrity’ authors, are in the first chapter reconsidered as writers whose understanding of their position within the literary marketplace affords them a self-conscious, critical perspective on the notion of celebrity in their work and public personae. The productively self-conscious author-figure is reconsidered in the second chapter, which reads the individual and joint works of author Paul Auster and visual artist Sophie Calle as foregrounding the process of creative collaboration as uniquely illuminating and transformative within the contemporary literary sphere. The notion of dual authorship is revisited and reconceptualised in the third chapter, which considers JT LeRoy and the practice of hoax authorship, outlining how this process forces the reformulation of literary value, particularly in a contemporary setting in which authors are accountable for their work in newer, more visible ways. The final chapter expands these previously-introduced themes to consider bloggers-turned-authors, particularly Tucker Max and Julie Powell, and the impact of the merging of old and new textualities on both the orientation of the figure of the writer and the way in which value is attached to his texts by readers. Ultimately, the unconventional nature of these examples is shown to belie the universality of the representations of value they enact, contributing to a full and salient account of how literary value is determined at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

La vie des autres. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux, artistes hors-la-loi

Wroblewski, Ania 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transgressions discursives, esthétiques et sociales de la frontière entre la vie privée et la vie publique effectuées par les créatrices françaises contemporaines Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux. Dans une perspective féministe qui s’appuie sur les théories du quotidien, la thèse pose les questions suivantes : quelles libertés peut se permettre la femme-artiste ou l’écrivaine aujourd’hui ? Où, comment, et par qui se dessinent les limites éthiques de la création ? À la lumière des représentations souvent stéréotypées de la femme criminelle, le premier chapitre dégage de la réception des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux les « crimes » – entre autres, d’obscénité, d’impudeur et d’indécence – dont elles ont été accusées par la critique. Les trois chapitres suivants ciblent les diverses manières subversives et innovatrices dont Calle et Ernaux déjouent les perceptions acceptées de la féminité pour s’assurer la liberté totale en création : elles se construisent en flâneuses maniant la photographie ou l’écriture photographique comme une arme, en amoureuses blessées qui se vengent de leurs amants, et en théoriciennes manipulant les modalités de leur propre inscription dans les canons littéraires et artistiques. Cette thèse analyse au fil des chapitres les échos des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux au plan social, insistant sur le rapport fécond qui existe entre l’œuvre d’art et son cadre, interrogeant l’ethos de l’artiste et celui de l’art. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux répondent avec force à la nécessité de se positionner autrement face à l’art en tant que femme, notamment, en proposant l’art et l’écriture comme hors la loi. La conclusion étudie dans cette optique le phénomène récent de la « judiciarisation » de l’art. En examinant certains procès intentés depuis 2010 à des artistes, des écrivaines, des commissaires d’exposition et des maisons d’édition françaises, cette thèse questionne finalement les risques et les violences de la représentation tels qu’ils sont désignés par la loi. / This dissertation analyzes how contemporary French artist Sophie Calle and contemporary French writer Annie Ernaux transgress the discursive, aesthetic, and social boundaries between public and private life. Taking a feminist perspective and drawing on theories of everyday life, this dissertation asks: what liberties are the female artist and writer permitted today? Where, how and by whom are the ethical limits of creative practice established? In light of often stereotypical literary and artistic representations of the female criminal, the first chapter examines the accusations of obscenity, shamelessness and indecency levelled against Calle and Ernaux by their critics. The following three chapters identify the diverse, innovative and subversive ways in which Calle and Ernaux question accepted perceptions of femininity in order to seize creative freedom: they assume the distinct and tactical positions of flâneuses, heart-broken women avenging their ex-lovers, and theorists manipulating the reception of their own works. Together, these four chapters trace the artwork’s resonance in the public sphere, insist on the fruitful relationship that exists between a work of art and its frame, and consider the ethos of the artist as well as that of art. Sophie Calle’s and Annie Ernaux’s practices suggest that in order to achieve creative autonomy, art and writing must function outside of the constraints of moral, ethical, social and even civil laws. By examining instances in which artists, writers, curators and publishing houses have been subject to lawsuits in France since 2010, the conclusion of this dissertation studies a recent increase in the litigation of art and outlines some of the limits of representation as defined by the law.

L'art contemporain à l'ère des glissements du privé vers le public : pour une relecture de la vie privée

Fexa Leduc, Isabelle 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte principalement sur les œuvres des artistes Sophie Calle, Sylvie Cotton, Donigan Cumming, Martin Dufrasne et Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’observer les différents allers-retours qu’ils effectuent dans leur pratique entre la sphère privée et la sphère publique et qui problématisent notre rapport à l’intimité. Dans le premier chapitre, je déterminerai ce qui caractérise respectivement l’espace public et l’espace privé, pour ensuite cibler les lieux et les figures de l’intime. Dans le deuxième chapitre, seront étudiés les gestes et les méthodes d’appropriation de la sphère privée par les artistes à l’aide de la pratique de la collection, la pratique ethnographique ainsi que la pratique de la surveillance. L’impact de ces pratiques sur l’investissement de l’artiste dans la durée est relevé, ainsi que leur inscription dans un art dit contextuel. Enfin, je terminerai par une réflexion sur ma propre pratique, en considérant ce qui l’apparente et la distingue des artistes étudiés dans celui-ci. / This Master’s thesis deals with the works of artists Sophie Calle, Sylvie Cotton, Donigan Cumming, Martin Dufrasne, and Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf. The objective of this research is to observe the back and forth explored by the artists in their practices between the private and the public sphere and how these problematize our relationship with intimacy. In the first chapter, I will determine the elements that respectively characterize the public and the private space, and then find the places and forms that define intimacy. In the second chapter, I will examine the private sphere's appropriation gestures and methods employed by the artists through a study of collecting, ethnographic, and surveillance practices. I will underline the impact of such practices on the artists' investment in time and their implication in contextual art. Finally, I will deliberate on my very own practices, considering how they differentiate or resemble the practices of the artists studied in this memoir.

L’empreinte d’une expérience performative en littérature : le cas de Sophie Calle et de Miranda July

Guilmaine, Anne-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire propose de croiser les démarches de deux auteures et artistes contemporaines, Sophie Calle et Miranda July, dont les quatre œuvres à l’étude – Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011), Rachel, Monique (2012) de Calle et Il vous choisit (2013) de July – se fondent sur des expériences en amont de l’écriture qui mobilisent le corps même des auteures, les engagent dans une action concrète et, bien souvent, dans des interactions avec autrui. Cet art de la contrainte, cet art action qui devient le sédiment de leurs écrits s’inscrit dans la filiation hypothétique des théories du philosophe pragmatique John Dewey et de celles de l’artiste Allan Kaprow – l’un des premiers à réfléchir l’art de la performance. L’écriture intermédiale qu’elles pratiquent – ce jeu de relations entre différents médias au sein même de l’œuvre – permet à la fois de réactiver la valeur performative de l’expérience qui a impulsé la création littéraire et d’embrayer une expérience de lecture qui devient elle-même performative. Exemplaires d’une esthétique relationnelle, polyphoniques dans les voix qui s’expriment, les quatre ouvrages du corpus donnent à sentir le bruissement d’une communauté. Il s’agit d’une littérature interdisciplinaire et intersubjective, mais surtout performative dans son questionnement incessant sur le pouvoir de l’art pour transformer la vie. / This master’s thesis proposes to establish a dialogue between the practices of two contemporary writers and artists, Sophie Calle and Miranda July. The four studied pieces of work – Calle’s Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011) and Rachel, Monique (2012) and July’s Il vous choisit (2013) – are based on concrete experiences occurring beforehand, prior to the act of writing itself. Those experiences mobilize the body of the writers engaging them in a real action and often in interactions with other people. This form of action art becomes the foundations of their writing and could be linked to the theories of pragmatic philosopher John Dewey and artist Allan Kaprow – one of the first to develop a reflexion on performance art. The intermedial writing that Calle and July practice as a game of relations between different medias in the same work allows both artists to revive the performative value of the experience. It impulses the writing and initiates a reading experience which itself becomes performative. Exemplary of a relational aesthetic, polyphonic in the voices that are expressed, the studied body of work reveals glimpses of community to feel and experiment. It is a literature that is interdisciplinary and intersubjective but primarily performative in its constant questioning of art’s capacity to transform life.

S'établir et travailler chez l'autre : les hommes de la Compagnie royale d'Afrique au XVIIIe siècle / Being established and working in the other's home : the men of the French Royal African Company in the 18th century

Lopez, Olivier 10 June 2016 (has links)
Créée en 1741, la Compagnie royale d’Afrique succède à des compagnies à privilèges qui n’ont connu à Marseille, deux siècles durant, que des déboires dans leurs relations avec les Régences de Barbarie. Or, pendant plus d’un demi-siècle cette nouvelle structure commerciale connaît un réel succès. Avec des représentants installés de manière pérenne essentiellement dans la Régence d’Alger – comptoirs à La Calle, Bône et Collo – elle organise et contrôle dans les eaux barbaresques, comme le fit la première Compagnie du corail au XVIe siècle, la pêche de ce produit apprécié sur la rive nord de la Méditerranée. Cependant, elle a pour tâche première d’assurer la traite des blés afin de participer au bon ravitaillement du royaume, tout en intervenant également sur d’autres marchés. À l’heure où la Méditerranée devient un espace périphérique du commerce mondial, où la pensée économique remet en cause les monopoles commerciaux et où les relations avec les Régences barbaresques tendent à se normaliser, cette Compagnie constitue un bon observatoire pour suivre les pratiques commerciales du second XVIIIe siècle et décrypter les stratégies des hommes qui en ont la direction. Par ailleurs, s’établir et travailler chez l’Autre, avec ses avantages et ses contraintes, invite également à saisir les relations à l’altérité. Aussi, au-delà de l’étude des flux, des routes maritimes, de l’outillage nautique, des produits, des marchés et des hommes – dirigeants ou simples exécutants –, cette recherche, qui mêle les approches quantitative et qualitative, se présente également comme une lecture des pratiques interculturelles entre les différents acteurs des deux rives de la Méditerranée. / Founded in 1741, the French Royal African Company succeeds to exclusive trading companies, which only suffered setbacks in Marseille for two centuries in their relations with the Regencies of Barbary. Yet, for more than half a century, this new commercial structure experienced a real success. With officials durably settled primarily in the Alger Regency – trading stations in El Kala, Annaba and Collo –, the Royal African Company organizes and controls the fishery of coral in the Barbarian maritime territories, just like the first Coral Company did in the 16th century; the coral being a cherished product on the north shore of the Mediterranean Sea. However, the primary task of the Royal African Company is to ensure the trading of wheat in order to contribute to supplying the Kingdom of France and intervene as well on other markets. At the time when the Mediterranean becomes a peripheral area of world trade, when the economic thought calls into question the trading monopolies and when the Barbarian Regencies tend to normalize, this Company represents a good observatory to follow the commercial practices of the second half of the 18th century and analyze the strategies of the leading men. Besides, being established and working in the Other’s home, with its advantages and constraints, invites to understanding the relation to otherness. Thus, beyond the study of flows, sea lanes, nautical equipment, products, markets, and men – be it leaders or simple performers –, this research, blending quantitative and qualitative approaches, can also be presented as a reading of the intercultural practices between the various players on both sides of the Mediterranean.

El Reguetón: Análisis Del Léxico De La Música De Los Reguetoneros Puertorriqueños

Wood, Ashley Elizabeth 21 April 2009 (has links)
This paper examines the linguistic qualities of reggaeton in order to determine to which extent the music represents the speech of the urban residents of Puerto Rico. The lyrics of this music are analyzed in order to see if they are used only within the context of reggaeton or if they are part of the Puerto Rican lexicon in general. The political context of Puerto Rico with respect to the United States is taken in to consideration with the formation of Anglicisms and the use of English. The paper summarizes the current knowledge of the Puerto Rican lexicon as well as two linguistic studies that focus on reggaeton as well as giving general background information on the genre. In the analysis section, 20 words that are commonly found in reggaeton songs are analyzed using two accredited dictionaries and three “urban dictionaries” in order to determine their meanings, uses and origins.

La vie des autres. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux, artistes hors-la-loi

Wroblewski, Ania 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transgressions discursives, esthétiques et sociales de la frontière entre la vie privée et la vie publique effectuées par les créatrices françaises contemporaines Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux. Dans une perspective féministe qui s’appuie sur les théories du quotidien, la thèse pose les questions suivantes : quelles libertés peut se permettre la femme-artiste ou l’écrivaine aujourd’hui ? Où, comment, et par qui se dessinent les limites éthiques de la création ? À la lumière des représentations souvent stéréotypées de la femme criminelle, le premier chapitre dégage de la réception des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux les « crimes » – entre autres, d’obscénité, d’impudeur et d’indécence – dont elles ont été accusées par la critique. Les trois chapitres suivants ciblent les diverses manières subversives et innovatrices dont Calle et Ernaux déjouent les perceptions acceptées de la féminité pour s’assurer la liberté totale en création : elles se construisent en flâneuses maniant la photographie ou l’écriture photographique comme une arme, en amoureuses blessées qui se vengent de leurs amants, et en théoriciennes manipulant les modalités de leur propre inscription dans les canons littéraires et artistiques. Cette thèse analyse au fil des chapitres les échos des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux au plan social, insistant sur le rapport fécond qui existe entre l’œuvre d’art et son cadre, interrogeant l’ethos de l’artiste et celui de l’art. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux répondent avec force à la nécessité de se positionner autrement face à l’art en tant que femme, notamment, en proposant l’art et l’écriture comme hors la loi. La conclusion étudie dans cette optique le phénomène récent de la « judiciarisation » de l’art. En examinant certains procès intentés depuis 2010 à des artistes, des écrivaines, des commissaires d’exposition et des maisons d’édition françaises, cette thèse questionne finalement les risques et les violences de la représentation tels qu’ils sont désignés par la loi. / This dissertation analyzes how contemporary French artist Sophie Calle and contemporary French writer Annie Ernaux transgress the discursive, aesthetic, and social boundaries between public and private life. Taking a feminist perspective and drawing on theories of everyday life, this dissertation asks: what liberties are the female artist and writer permitted today? Where, how and by whom are the ethical limits of creative practice established? In light of often stereotypical literary and artistic representations of the female criminal, the first chapter examines the accusations of obscenity, shamelessness and indecency levelled against Calle and Ernaux by their critics. The following three chapters identify the diverse, innovative and subversive ways in which Calle and Ernaux question accepted perceptions of femininity in order to seize creative freedom: they assume the distinct and tactical positions of flâneuses, heart-broken women avenging their ex-lovers, and theorists manipulating the reception of their own works. Together, these four chapters trace the artwork’s resonance in the public sphere, insist on the fruitful relationship that exists between a work of art and its frame, and consider the ethos of the artist as well as that of art. Sophie Calle’s and Annie Ernaux’s practices suggest that in order to achieve creative autonomy, art and writing must function outside of the constraints of moral, ethical, social and even civil laws. By examining instances in which artists, writers, curators and publishing houses have been subject to lawsuits in France since 2010, the conclusion of this dissertation studies a recent increase in the litigation of art and outlines some of the limits of representation as defined by the law.

"Se esta rua fosse minha... caminhos rizomáticos de um Consultório de Rua"

Roos, Cristine Moraes January 2014 (has links)
O Consultório na Rua (CR) se constitui num dispositivo de saúde que é composto por uma equipe multiprofissional itinerante que visa a atenção integral à população em situação de rua. As equipes de consultório na rua (eCR) integram o componente da atenção básica da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial. Entre as atividades da eCR está incluída a busca ativa e o cuidado dos usuários de álcool, crack e outras drogas, além disso, a equipe multiprofissional lida com os diferentes problemas e necessidades de saúde da população em situação de rua. Suas atividades são realizadas in loco, desenvolvendo atividades compartilhadas e integradas às Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) e, quando necessário, também com as equipes dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS), dos serviços de Urgência e Emergência e de outros serviços, de acordo com as necessidades do usuário. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os efeitos de coletivo no consultório na rua de Viamão, narrando a experiência de sua articulação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, com abordagem cartográfica, realizada com a eCR de um município da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de março a novembro de 2012. A cartografia é um método formulado por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari que visa investigar um processo de produção, acompanhando-o. A colheita dos dados deu-se através da observação de informações documentais, anotações em diário de campo provenientes das supervisões clínico-institucionais que acompanhei e idas a campo com os trabalhadores da eCR, bem como o relatório de atividades e relatório do mapeamento territorial do mesmo, além do manejo de entrevista feita com a equipe do CR. A experiência no Consultório na Rua reafirma a atenção em saúde no território e amplia as suas possibilidades de intervenção, na medida em que não visa apenas um fim específico mas permite a abordagem de diversas questões em saúde e também sociais, através de uma escuta sem estigmas, sem repressão, possibilitando a construção de caminhos singulares, com uma aposta no sujeito e no laço que com ele se possa estabelecer. O cenário epidemiológico atual do consumo prejudicial de substâncias psicoativas e as consequências sanitárias e sociais para os usuários e a comunidade instiga à criação de estratégias e intervenções com vistas à prevenção, promoção da saúde, tratamento e redução de danos sociais. A prática no espaço da rua deve incorporar o saber, a experiência e a cultura das pessoas que o constituem e deve ser construída a partir de uma relação interpessoal baseada no vínculo, no acolhimento e na escuta qualificada. Esta pesquisa mostrouse relevante no sentido em que a mesma poderá contribuir para a avaliação da efetividade de dispositivos de cuidado e políticas públicas no Brasil, dando visibilidade para práticas inovadoras em saúde. / The “Consultório na Rua” (CR) constitutes a health device that consists of a traveling multidisciplinary team that aims to provide comprehensive care to the homeless population. The teams practice on the street (eCR) integrate the component of primary care Network for Psychosocial Care. Among the activities of eCR is included active surveillance and care of alcohol users, crack and other drugs, in addition, the multidisciplinary team dealing with different problems and health needs of the population homeless. Its activities carried in loco, developing shared activities and integrated into the Basic Health Units (BHU) and, when necessary, with teams from the Centers for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), the Emergency and Emergency services and other services, according to user needs. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of collective in the office on the street Viamão, narrating the experience of a joint. This is a qualitative research, with cartographic approach held with staff off ‘consultório na rua’ of a municipality in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the period from March to November 2012 . Cartography is a method formulated by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari which aims to investigate a production process, accompanying him. The collection of data took place through the observation of documentary information, notes / field diary from the clinical and institutional supervision that accompanied and field trips with workers in the CR, and the report of activities of territorial mapping and report the same besides the management interview with the team from CR. Experience in CR reaffirms the health care in the territory and expands the possibilities of intervention, in that it seeks not only to a specific purpose but allows the approach to various issues in health and social well through a wiretap without stigmas without repression, allowing the construction of singular paths with a bet on the subject and the bond that can be established with him. The current epidemiological scenario of harmful use of psychoactive substances and the health and social consequences for users and the community instigates the creation of strategies and interventions aimed at prevention, health promotion, treatment and reduction of social harm. The practice in the street space should incorporate the knowledge, experience and culture of the people who are and must built from an interpersonal relationship based on the bond, in welcoming and qualified hearing. This research proved relevant in the sense that may contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of care and public policy devices in Brazil, giving visibility to innovative practices in health. / El “Consultório na Rua” (CR) constituye un dispositivo de salud que consta de un equipo multidisciplinario itinerante que tiene como objetivo proporcionar una atención integral a la población sin hogar. Los equipos practican en la calle (eCR) integrar el componente de la red de atención primaria de Atención Psicosocial. Entre las actividades de eCR se incluye la vigilancia activa y la atención de los consumidores de alcohol, crack y otras drogas, además, el equipo multidisciplinar que trata con diferentes problemas y necesidades de salud de la población sin hogar. Sus actividades se llevan a cabo in situ, el desarrollo de actividades compartidas e integradas en las Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) y, cuando sea necesario, con los equipos de los Centros de Atención Psicosocial (CAPS), los servicios de emergencia y de emergencia y otros servicios, de acuerdo con las necesidades del usuario. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los efectos de la colectiva en la oficina en la calle Viamão, que narra la experiencia de una articulación. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con enfoque cartográfico celebrado con el personal del ‘consultorio na rua’ de un municipio de la región metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Estado de Río Grande do Sul, en el periodo comprendido entre el marzo hasta noviembre, 2012. La cartografía es un método formulado por Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari que tiene como objetivo investigar un proceso de producción, que lo acompañaba. La recogida de datos se llevó a cabo a través de la observación de la información documental, notas / diario de campo de la supervisión clínica e institucional que acompañó y viajes de campo con los trabajadores en la Recopilación, y el informe de actividades de mapeo territorial e informar del mismo además de la entrevista con el equipo de gestión de la CR. La experiencia del CR reafirma la atención de la salud en el territorio y amplía las posibilidades de intervención, ya que no sólo busca un propósito específico, pero permite el acercamiento a diversos temas de la salud y el bienestar social a través de una intervención telefónica sin estigmas sin represión, lo que permite la construcción de caminos singulares con una apuesta sobre el tema y el vínculo que se puede establecer con él. El escenario epidemiológico actual del uso nocivo de sustancias psicoactivas y la salud y las consecuencias sociales de los usuarios y la comunidad instiga a la creación de estrategias e intervenciones dirigidas a la prevención, promoción de la salud, tratamiento y reducción de daños sociales. La práctica en el espacio de la calle debe incorporar el conocimiento, la experiencia y la cultura de la gente que es y debe ser construido a partir de una relación interpersonal basada en la unión, en la audiencia acogedora y cualificada. Esta investigación resultó relevante en el sentido de que puede contribuir a la evaluación de la efectividad de los dispositivos de atención y de política pública en Brasil, dando visibilidad a las prácticas innovadoras en materia de salud.

"Se esta rua fosse minha... caminhos rizomáticos de um Consultório de Rua"

Roos, Cristine Moraes January 2014 (has links)
O Consultório na Rua (CR) se constitui num dispositivo de saúde que é composto por uma equipe multiprofissional itinerante que visa a atenção integral à população em situação de rua. As equipes de consultório na rua (eCR) integram o componente da atenção básica da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial. Entre as atividades da eCR está incluída a busca ativa e o cuidado dos usuários de álcool, crack e outras drogas, além disso, a equipe multiprofissional lida com os diferentes problemas e necessidades de saúde da população em situação de rua. Suas atividades são realizadas in loco, desenvolvendo atividades compartilhadas e integradas às Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) e, quando necessário, também com as equipes dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS), dos serviços de Urgência e Emergência e de outros serviços, de acordo com as necessidades do usuário. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os efeitos de coletivo no consultório na rua de Viamão, narrando a experiência de sua articulação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, com abordagem cartográfica, realizada com a eCR de um município da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de março a novembro de 2012. A cartografia é um método formulado por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari que visa investigar um processo de produção, acompanhando-o. A colheita dos dados deu-se através da observação de informações documentais, anotações em diário de campo provenientes das supervisões clínico-institucionais que acompanhei e idas a campo com os trabalhadores da eCR, bem como o relatório de atividades e relatório do mapeamento territorial do mesmo, além do manejo de entrevista feita com a equipe do CR. A experiência no Consultório na Rua reafirma a atenção em saúde no território e amplia as suas possibilidades de intervenção, na medida em que não visa apenas um fim específico mas permite a abordagem de diversas questões em saúde e também sociais, através de uma escuta sem estigmas, sem repressão, possibilitando a construção de caminhos singulares, com uma aposta no sujeito e no laço que com ele se possa estabelecer. O cenário epidemiológico atual do consumo prejudicial de substâncias psicoativas e as consequências sanitárias e sociais para os usuários e a comunidade instiga à criação de estratégias e intervenções com vistas à prevenção, promoção da saúde, tratamento e redução de danos sociais. A prática no espaço da rua deve incorporar o saber, a experiência e a cultura das pessoas que o constituem e deve ser construída a partir de uma relação interpessoal baseada no vínculo, no acolhimento e na escuta qualificada. Esta pesquisa mostrouse relevante no sentido em que a mesma poderá contribuir para a avaliação da efetividade de dispositivos de cuidado e políticas públicas no Brasil, dando visibilidade para práticas inovadoras em saúde. / The “Consultório na Rua” (CR) constitutes a health device that consists of a traveling multidisciplinary team that aims to provide comprehensive care to the homeless population. The teams practice on the street (eCR) integrate the component of primary care Network for Psychosocial Care. Among the activities of eCR is included active surveillance and care of alcohol users, crack and other drugs, in addition, the multidisciplinary team dealing with different problems and health needs of the population homeless. Its activities carried in loco, developing shared activities and integrated into the Basic Health Units (BHU) and, when necessary, with teams from the Centers for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), the Emergency and Emergency services and other services, according to user needs. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of collective in the office on the street Viamão, narrating the experience of a joint. This is a qualitative research, with cartographic approach held with staff off ‘consultório na rua’ of a municipality in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the period from March to November 2012 . Cartography is a method formulated by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari which aims to investigate a production process, accompanying him. The collection of data took place through the observation of documentary information, notes / field diary from the clinical and institutional supervision that accompanied and field trips with workers in the CR, and the report of activities of territorial mapping and report the same besides the management interview with the team from CR. Experience in CR reaffirms the health care in the territory and expands the possibilities of intervention, in that it seeks not only to a specific purpose but allows the approach to various issues in health and social well through a wiretap without stigmas without repression, allowing the construction of singular paths with a bet on the subject and the bond that can be established with him. The current epidemiological scenario of harmful use of psychoactive substances and the health and social consequences for users and the community instigates the creation of strategies and interventions aimed at prevention, health promotion, treatment and reduction of social harm. The practice in the street space should incorporate the knowledge, experience and culture of the people who are and must built from an interpersonal relationship based on the bond, in welcoming and qualified hearing. This research proved relevant in the sense that may contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of care and public policy devices in Brazil, giving visibility to innovative practices in health. / El “Consultório na Rua” (CR) constituye un dispositivo de salud que consta de un equipo multidisciplinario itinerante que tiene como objetivo proporcionar una atención integral a la población sin hogar. Los equipos practican en la calle (eCR) integrar el componente de la red de atención primaria de Atención Psicosocial. Entre las actividades de eCR se incluye la vigilancia activa y la atención de los consumidores de alcohol, crack y otras drogas, además, el equipo multidisciplinar que trata con diferentes problemas y necesidades de salud de la población sin hogar. Sus actividades se llevan a cabo in situ, el desarrollo de actividades compartidas e integradas en las Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) y, cuando sea necesario, con los equipos de los Centros de Atención Psicosocial (CAPS), los servicios de emergencia y de emergencia y otros servicios, de acuerdo con las necesidades del usuario. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los efectos de la colectiva en la oficina en la calle Viamão, que narra la experiencia de una articulación. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con enfoque cartográfico celebrado con el personal del ‘consultorio na rua’ de un municipio de la región metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Estado de Río Grande do Sul, en el periodo comprendido entre el marzo hasta noviembre, 2012. La cartografía es un método formulado por Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari que tiene como objetivo investigar un proceso de producción, que lo acompañaba. La recogida de datos se llevó a cabo a través de la observación de la información documental, notas / diario de campo de la supervisión clínica e institucional que acompañó y viajes de campo con los trabajadores en la Recopilación, y el informe de actividades de mapeo territorial e informar del mismo además de la entrevista con el equipo de gestión de la CR. La experiencia del CR reafirma la atención de la salud en el territorio y amplía las posibilidades de intervención, ya que no sólo busca un propósito específico, pero permite el acercamiento a diversos temas de la salud y el bienestar social a través de una intervención telefónica sin estigmas sin represión, lo que permite la construcción de caminos singulares con una apuesta sobre el tema y el vínculo que se puede establecer con él. El escenario epidemiológico actual del uso nocivo de sustancias psicoactivas y la salud y las consecuencias sociales de los usuarios y la comunidad instiga a la creación de estrategias e intervenciones dirigidas a la prevención, promoción de la salud, tratamiento y reducción de daños sociales. La práctica en el espacio de la calle debe incorporar el conocimiento, la experiencia y la cultura de la gente que es y debe ser construido a partir de una relación interpersonal basada en la unión, en la audiencia acogedora y cualificada. Esta investigación resultó relevante en el sentido de que puede contribuir a la evaluación de la efectividad de los dispositivos de atención y de política pública en Brasil, dando visibilidad a las prácticas innovadoras en materia de salud.

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