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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioactive compounds in baby spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) : effects of pre- and postharvest factors /

Bergquist, Sara, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Alnarp : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases (CCDs) of grape

Dockrall, Samantha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plant carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases (CCD) are a family of enzymes that catalyse the oxidative cleavage of carotenoids and/or apocarotenoids. Carotenoids are synthesised in plastids (primarily chloroplasts and chromoplasts), where they are involved in light-harvesting and protecting the photosynthetic apparatus from photo-oxidation. The carotenoid-derived apocarotenoids fulfil a number of roles in plants such as phytohormones, pollinator attractants and flavour and aroma compounds. Due to the floral and fruity characteristics that apocarotenoids contribute to wine, these C13 compounds have received interest in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). The CCD gene family in Arabidopsis consists of nine members, all encoding for enzymes that catalyse the cleavage of carotenoids. The enzymes in this family include 9-cis-epoxydioxygenases (NCEDs) and four classes of CCD. NCEDs and CCD7 and CCD8 are involved with plant hormone synthesis, e.g. abscisic acid (ABA) through cleavage by NCED and strigolactone (SL) through the sequential cleavage of carotenoids by CCD7 and CCD8, respectively. SLs are a fairly new class of plant hormone which are involved in several aspects of plant growth and development. The most extensively characterised role of SLs is their involvement in the inhibition of shoot-branching. CCD1 and CCD4 cleave a variety of carotenoids to form pigments and aroma compounds. For example, CCD1 forms β-ionone and β-damascenone, which are important varietal flavours of wine, and CCD4 is involved in synthesis of the pigment and aroma compounds of saffron and annatto. CCD1 enzymes symmetrically cleave the 9,10 (9’,10’) double bonds of multiple carotenoids to produce a C14 dialdehyde and two C13 products. Additional CCD1 cleavage activity at 5,6 (5’,6’) double bonds of lycopene has been reported. Previous studies have shown that CCD1 isolated from V. vinifera (VvCCD1) was able to cleave multiple carotenoid substrates in vitro, namely zeaxanthin, lutein and β-carotene at 9,10 (9’,10’) double bonds and both the 5,6 (5’,6’) and 9,10 (9’,10’) double bonds of lycopene. None of the other VvCCDs, except VvCCD4a have been isolated (but no functionality was illustrated) and characterised yet. CCD4 enzymes also cleave carotenoids at the 9,10 (9’,10’) double bond positions. The presence of plastid-target peptides implies that the CCD4 enzymes have continuous access to carotenoids. Therefore it is suggested that CCD4s are responsible for carotenoid maintenance, where CCD1s contribute towards volatile production. To test this hypothesis VvCCD1, VvCCD4a and VvCCD4b were isolated from V. vinifera (cv Pinotage) cDNA and cloned into a pTWIN1 protein expression vector. Substrate specificity of each VvCCD was tested by co-transforming a carotenoid accumulating E. coli strain with a CCD expression vector. Carotenoids synthesized by the bacteria were identified and quantified by UPLC-analysis, while the concentration of the apocarotenoids, were measured in the headspace of the bacterial cultures using HS-SPME-GC-MS. Several optimisations were done to minimize the natural degradation of the carotenoids; to ensure that the apocarotenoid formation is predominantly due to the enzymatic cleavage by the VvCCDs and not due to oxidation or other non-enzymatic degradation. The HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis indicated that all isoforms cleaved phytoene, lycopene and ε-carotene. Additionally VvCCD1 cleaved a carotenoid involved in photosynthesis, namely β-carotene, while VvCCD4a cleaves neurosporene and VvCCD4b cleaves neurosporene and ζ-carotene, carotenoids not involved in photosynthesis. This study has illustrated that VvCCD1 cleave carotenoids necessary for photosynthesis and VvCCD4s cleave carotenoids which were not present in berry tissue, suggesting their role in carotenoid maintenance. Therefore in planta substrates for CCD1 could possibly be C27 apocarotenoids generated from enzymatic cleavage through CCD4 (role in carotenoid maintenance), CCD7 and/or photo-oxidation, which are then transported from the plastid to the cytosol or possibly C40 carotenoids that are released during senescence or when the plastid membrane is damaged, thus releasing important aroma compounds. Thus the identification of the in vivo substrates has contributed to the understanding the in planta functions of these enzymes / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die plant ensiemfamilie van karotenoïedsplitsingdioksigenases (CCDs) kataliseer die oksidatiewe splitsing van karotenoïede en/of apokarotenoïede. Karotenoïede word in plastiede (primêr chloroplaste en chromoplaste) sintetiseer en is betrokke by lig-absorpsie en die beskerming van die fotosintetiese apparaat teen foto-oksidasie. Die apokarotenïede afkomstig van karotenoïede dien onder meer as planthormone, geur- en aromakomponente en om bestuiwers aan te lok. Aangesien apokarotenoïede bydra tot die vrug- en blomgeure van wyn is die C13-verbindings binne wingerd (Vitis vinifera L.) van belang. Al nege lede van die CCD geenfamilie in Arabidopsis kodeer karotenoïedsplitsingsensieme. Die ensiemfamilie sluit 9-sis-epoksidioksigenases (NCEDs), en vier klasse CCD in. NCEDs en CCD7 en 8 is betrokke by die sintese van planthormone, naamlik absissiensuur (ABA) deur NCED en strigolaktone (SL) deur die opeenvolgende aksie van onderskeidelik CCD7 en CCD8. SLe is redelik onlangs as planthormone indentifiseer en is betrokke by ‘n verskeie aspekte van die groei en ontwikkeling van plante. Die rol van SL in inhibisie van vertakking is die beste gekarakteriseerde van hierdie aspekte. CCD1 en CCD4 splits ‘n verskeidenheid karotenoïede om pigmente en aromakomponente te vorm. CCD1 vorm byvoorbeeld β-jonoon en β-damasenoon, beide belangrike kultivar-spesifieke wyngeure. CCD4 vorm weer die pigment en aromakomponente van saffraan en annatto. Die CCD1 ensieme splits die 9,10 (9’,10’) dubbelbindingsetels van verskeie karotenoïede simmetries en vorm een C14-dialdehied en twee C13-produkte. Daar is voorheen melding gemaak van verdere splitsing deur CCD1 by die 5,6 (5’,6’) dubbelbindingsetels van likopeen. Vroeër is getoon dat die CCD1 isovorm wat uit V. vinifera geïsoleer is, naamlik VvCCD1, in vitro seaxantin, luteïen en β-karoteen by die 9,10 (9’,10’) dubbelbindingsetels kon splits, en likopeen by beide die 9,10 (9’,10’) en 5,6 (5’,6’) dubbelbindingsetels. Geen ander VvCCDs is al isoleer en funksioneel gekarakteriseer. VvCCD4a is isoleer, maar geen funksie is bepaal nie. CCD4 ensieme splits ook die 9,10 (9’,10’) dubbelbindingsetels van karotenoïede. Aangesien CCD4 ensieme ‘n plastied-bestemmingspeptied besit behoort dié ensieme konstant toegang tot karotenoïede te hê, wat dui op hul rol in die handhawing van die karotenoïedbalans, terwyl CCD1-ensieme bydra tot die sintese van vlugtige verbindings. Om hierdie hipotese te toets is VvCCD1, VvCCD4a en VvCCD4b uit V. vinifera (kv Pinotage) kDNS isoleer in binne ‘n pTWIN1 proteïenuitdrukkingsvektor kloneer. Die substraatspesifisiteit van elke VvCCD is getoets deur ‘n karotenoïedakkumulerende E. coil stam te transvormeer met ‘n CCD-uitdrukkingsvektor. UPLC-analise is gebruik om karotenoïede wat deur die bakterium sintetiseer is te kwantifiseer en identifiseer, terwyl die apokarotenoïedinhoud en -konsentrasie van die boruimte van die bakteriële kultuur met HS-SPME-GC-MS bepaal is. Verskeie aspekte van die proses is optimaliseer om natuurlike afbreking van karotenoïede te minimeer. Daardeur is verseker dat die apokarotenoïedvorming primêr vanweë die ensiematiese splitsing deur VvCCDs plaasvind en nie deur oksidasie of ander nie-ensiematiese afbreking. Die HS-SPME-GC-MS metings het aangedui dat al drie isovorme fitoëen, likopeen en ε-karoteen kan splits. VvCCD1 kan daarby β-karoteen splits, terwyl VvCCD4a neurosporeen, en VvCCD4b neurosporeen en ζ-karoteen kan splits, beide karotene wat nie betrokke is by fotosintese nie. Dié studie toon dat VvCCD1 die karotenoïede splits wat benodig word vir fotosintese, terwyl beide VvCCD4 isovorme karotenoïede splits wat nie in druiwekorrels gevind word nie. Dit dui op hulle rol in die handhawing van karotenoïedpoele. Die in planta substrate vir CCD1 mag dus die C27-apokarotenoïede wees wat deur CCD4 (as deel van karotenoïedhandhawing), CCD7 en/of foto-oksidasie gevorm word en na die sitosol vervoer word, of moontlik die C40-karotenoïede wat tydens veroudering óf wanner die plastiedmembraan beskadig is in die sitosol vrygestel word. Die identifisering van die in vivo substrate het dus bygedra to die begrip van die in planta funksies van die ensieme.

Cantaxantina em dietas com milho ou sorgo sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de galos / Canthaxanthin in diets with corn or sorghum on the reproductive parameters of roosters

Forgiarini, Juliana 24 February 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study was carried out at the Poultry Science Laboratory (LAVIC) of Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). The objective was to evaluate the antioxidant effect of canthaxanthin on diets with or without addition of carotenoids to breeding males. It was used a total of 48 White Plymouth Rock breed hens from the 48th to the 59th week of age in a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement, with two ingredients (corn or sorghum), and two levels of canthaxanthin (0 mg/kg or 6 mg/kg) totaling four experimental diets with 12 repetitions, being each hen considered a repetition. The experimental phase was divided into 3 periods of 28 days, to evaluate the performance of the hens. The evaluated parameters were: body weight, food consumption, semen volume, sperm motility, sperm vigor, sperm concentration and fertility. All parameters, except the sperm concentration, were not affected by the diets. The sperm concentration was significantly affected by the ingredient corn and by the canthaxanthin supplementation in the third period (56th to 59th week of age). The use of sorghum is suggested in the diets of roosters with no need of canthaxanthin supplementation. Researches in breeding males and the use of new antioxidants may help in better reproductive rates in poultry. / O presente estudo foi conduzido no Laboratório de Avicultura (LAVIC) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito antioxidante da cantaxantina em dietas com ou sem adição de carotenoides para machos reprodutores avícolas. Foram utilizados 48 galos da raça White Plymouth Rock da 48ª a 59ª semana de idade, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial, com dois ingredientes (milho ou sorgo), e dois níveis de cantaxantina (0mg/kg ou 6mg/kg), totalizando 4 dietas experimentais com 12 repetições, sendo que, cada ave foi considerada uma repetição. A fase experimental foi dividida em 3 períodos de 28 dias, para avaliar o desempenho das aves. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: peso corporal, consumo alimentar, volume do ejaculado, motilidade, vigor espermático, concentração espermática e fertilidade. Todos os parâmetros avaliados, exceto a concentração espermática, não foram afetados pelas dietas. A concentração espermática foi afetada significativamente pelo ingrediente milho e pela a suplementação de cantaxantina no terceiro período (56ª a 59ª semana de idade). Sugere-se o uso de sorgo nas dietas de reprodutores avícolas sem a necessidade de suplementação de cantaxantina. Pesquisas em reprodução de machos e o uso de novos antioxidantes poderá contribuir em melhores índices reprodutivos na avicultura.

Uso do anidrido naftálico para reduzir os efeitos fitotóxicos de herbicidas inibidores da síntese de carotenóides em culturas gramíneas

Maciel, Cleber Daniel de Góes [UNESP] 22 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-10-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:01:07Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 maciel_cdg_dr_botfca.pdf: 4558359 bytes, checksum: 0776cfa53f6d57830969703b5def9fbf (MD5) / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a viabilidade de uso do anidrido naftálico (NA) no tratamento de sementes de espécies gramíneas, assim como no tratamento de toletes de Saccharum spp, contra os efeitos causados por herbicidas inibidores da síntese de carotenóides. O trabalho foi constituído de quatro etapas, sendo as etapas 1 e 3 conduzidas a campo e em casa de vegetação no NUPAM/FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, e as etapas 2 e 4, em estufa plástica e a campo na ESAPP e Empresa Guacho S/A, Paraguaçu Paulista-SP. Nas etapas 1, 2 e 3, de forma geral, foi estudado para as espécies Sorghum bicolor; Penisetum americanum, Panicum maximum, Brachiaria brizantha e Zea mays o efeito da combinação ou não do tratamento de sementes com NA submetidas ao uso dos herbicidas isoxaflutole (IFT) e clomazone, utilizando-se diferentes dosagens, tipos de solos e formas de aplicação. Na etapa 4 foi estudada a combinação de NA no tratamento de toletes da variedade SP 813250 (testemunhas sem NA; aplicação por imersão em solução de 3,0 g L-1 por duas horas; pulverização de 25 g ha-1 de NA sobre os colmos) e herbicida (testemunha; 112 g ha-1 de isoxaflutole; 1440 g ha-1 de metribuzin), e mais um tratamento adicional, onde os toletes foram imersos apenas em água sem adição de NA. O uso de NA (0,50% de p/p) no tratamento de sementes reduziu a intoxicação do híbrido Colorado 32 contra a ação do isoxaflutole, em pré-emergência da cultura, assim como favoreceu o aumento da produtividade dos híbridos Cargill 435 e Colorado 32, na ausência ou presença do efeito herbicida. O tratamento de sementes com NA (0,50% de p/p) protegeu a espécie S. bicolor BR 304 contra os sintomas visuais de intoxicação do isoxaflutole (112 g ha-1) e clomazone (1000 g ha-1)... / The present work had as objective to analyze the viability of naphthalic anhydride (NA) use in grass crops, through seed treatment, as well as in stalks treatment of Saccharum spp, against the effects caused by carotenoid synthesis inhibitor herbicides. The work was constituted by four step, being the 1st and 3rd ones carried out in field conditions and glasshouse at the NUPAM/FCA/UNESP, Botucatu - São Paulo State; 2nd and 4th step were conducted in plastic greenhouse and field at the ESAPP and Guacho S/A, Paraguaçu Paulista - São Paulo State. In a general way, 1st, 2nd and 3rd step was studied Sorghum bicolor; Penisetum americanum, Panicum maximum; Brachiaria brizantha and Zea mays L. species in the combination with the effect or not of seed treatment with NA submitted to the isoxaflutole and clomazone, being used different doses, kinds of soils and application forms. In 4th step, treatments included the combination of three conditions of NA stalk treatment, SP 813250 variety (check without NA; application by immersion in solution of 3,0 g L-1 of NA for two hours; spraying of 25 g ha-1 of NA over the stalks) and three herbicide conditions (check without herbicide; 112 g ha-1 at isoxaflutole; 1440 g ha-1 at metribuzin), and an additional treatment, where the stalks were just put inside water without NA. Seed treatment with NA (0,50% of w/w) reduced Colorado 32 hybrid intoxication by isoxaflutole action in preemergence of the crop, as well as favored the increase of Cargill 435 and Colorado 32 hybrids yield, in the absence or presence of herbicide effect. Seed treatment with NA (0,50% of p/p) protected S. bicolor BR 307 against the visual isoxaflutole (112 g ha-1) and clomazone (1000 g ha-1... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below)

Compostos bioativos em frutas cítricas : quantificação, avaliação da atividade antioxidante, parâmetros de cor e efeito da pasteurização /

Moura, Lilian Maria. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Célia Maria de Sylos / Banca: João Bosco Faria / Banca: Thais Borges Cesar / Banca: Samara Ernandes / Banca: Rodrigo Rocha Latado / Resumo: As frutas cítricas são muito consumidas e apreciadas, não só devido ao seu paladar agradável como também ao valor nutricional que possuem. O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador mundial de laranjas, suco de laranja concentrado congelado e de suco de laranja pasteurizado (NFC - Not From Concentrated), sendo o estado de São Paulo o maior produtor. Já outras frutas cítricas como limão Siciliano, Grapefruit e Lima da Pérsia possuem uma produção nacional ainda pequena e parte do consumo interno é importada. Outro grupo de laranjas ainda pouco estudado é o das laranjas de polpa vermelha que apresentam o carotenóide licopeno na sua composição. Os compostos antioxidantes (carotenóides, compostos fenólicos, flavonóides) apresentam atividade anti-radical livre e alguns deles também são responsáveis pela cor das frutas. Considerando a importância das frutas cítricas com relação aos seus benefícios para a saúde, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a atividade anti-radical livre (DPPH• e ABTS•), compostos bioativos (carotenóides, flavanonas e ácido ascórbico) e parâmetros de cor de quatro variedades de frutas cítricas de polpa clara (Lima da Pérsia, Grapefruit, Limão Siciliano e Hamlin); comparar estes mesmos parâmetros entre duas variedades de polpa vermelha (Sanguíneas de Mombuca e baía Cara Cara) e uma de polpa clara (Pera Rio), colhidas no início, meio e fim de safra; e verificar o efeito da pasteurização nos compostos bioativos presentes no suco de laranja de polpa vermelha e de clara. As variedades Baía Cara Cara (CN486) e Pera Rio foram cultivadas na cidade Cordeirópolis/SP e a Sanguínea de Mombuca (CV 93) em três diferentes cidades do Estado de São Paulo, São Bento do Sapucaí, Cordeirópolis e Mogi Mirim. A variedade limão Siciliano apresentou o maior teor de ácido ascórbico (78,86mg), Grapefruit e Hamlin apresentaram o maior conteúdo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Citrus fruits are widely consumed and enjoyed, not only because of its pleasant taste but also the nutritional value they have. Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of oranges, frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) and orange juice NFC (Not from Concentrated), and the state of Sao Paulo largest producer. Yet other citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit and Sweet Lime still have a small domestic production and share of domestic consumption is imported. Another group of oranges still less studied are the red pulp of oranges that have the carotenoid lycopene in its composition. The antioxidants (carotenoids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids) have anti-free radical activity and some of them are also responsible for the color of the fruit. Considering the importance of citrus fruits in relation to their health benefits, the objectives were to evaluate the anti-free radical (DPPH • and ABTS •), bioactive compounds (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and flavanones) and parameters of color four varieties of citrus pulp clear (Sweet Lime, Grapefruit, Lemon and Hamlin), to compare these same parameters between two varieties of red pulp (of Blood and Mombuca Baía Cara Cara) and a clear pulp (Pera Rio) taken at the beginning, middle and end of harvest, and check the effect of pasteurization on bioactive compounds in orange juice pulp and red light. Varieties Baía Cara Cara (CN486) and Pear River were grown in the city Cordeirópolis / SP and Blood of Mombuca (CV 93) in three different cities of São Paulo, São Bento do Sapucaí, Cordeirópolis and Mogi Mirim. The Sicilian lemon variety had the highest content of ascorbic acid (78.86 mg), Grapefruit and Hamlin had the highest content of total carotenoids of the four fruits (13.58 and 11.32 mg / mL) and the antioxidant capacity was higher in fruit that had best levels of carotenoids and phenolic compounds. The hesperidin was present in three... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Developmental Plasticity: The Influence of Neonatal Diet and Immune Challenges on Carotenoid-Based Ornamental Coloration and Adult Immune Function in Mallard Ducks

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Conditions during development can shape the expression of traits at adulthood, a phenomenon called developmental plasticity. In this context, factors such as nutrition or health state during development can affect current and subsequent physiology, body size, brain structure, ornamentation, and behavior. However, many of the links between developmental and adult phenotype are poorly understood. I performed a series of experiments using a common molecular currency - carotenoid pigments - to track somatic and reproductive investments through development and into adulthood. Carotenoids are red, orange, or yellow pigments that: (a) animals must acquire from their diets, (b) can be physiologically beneficial, acting as antioxidants or immunostimulants, and (c) color the sexually attractive features (e.g., feathers, scales) of many animals. I studied how carotenoid nutrition and immune challenges during ontogeny impacted ornamental coloration and immune function of adult male mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Male mallards use carotenoids to pigment their yellow beak, and males with more beaks that are more yellow are preferred as mates, have increased immune function, and have higher quality sperm. In my dissertation work, I established a natural context for the role that carotenoids and body condition play in the formation of the adult phenotype and examined how early-life experiences, including immune challenges and dietary access to carotenoids, affect adult immune function and ornamental coloration. Evidence from mallard ducklings in the field showed that variation in circulating carotenoid levels at hatch are likely driven by maternal allocation of carotenoids, but that carotenoid physiology shifts during the subsequent few weeks to reflect individual foraging habits. In the lab, adult beak color expression and immune function were more tightly correlated with body condition during growth than body condition during subsequent stages of development or adulthood. Immune challenges during development affected adult immune function and interacted with carotenoid physiology during adulthood, but did not affect adult beak coloration. Dietary access to carotenoids during development, but not adulthood, also affected adult immune function. Taken together, these results highlight the importance of the developmental stage in shaping certain survival-related traits (i.e., immune function), and lead to further questions regarding the development of ornamental traits. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Biology 2012

The quantification of fucoxanthin from selected South African marine brown algae (Phaeophyta) using HPLC-UV/Vis

Mubaiwa, Byron Tawanda January 2015 (has links)
Marine brown algae (seaweeds) are a rich source of fucoxanthin, a xanthophyll carotenoid that is naturally, an accessory pigment in the process of photosynthesis of sea vegetation such as Sargassum incisifolium. Fucoxanthin has been exploited by nutraceutical companies for its anti-obesity effects that has resulted in an increase of seaweed slimming preparations such as FucoThin™. The field is getting widespread consumer attention as interest in fucoxanthin has also transcended to its widespread biological potential which include cytotoxicity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-plasmodium effects. We therefore wanted to identify a reliable source(s) of fucoxanthin from diverse samples of South African marine brown algae in order to explore our medicinal chemistry interests around the cytotoxicity and anti-malarial potential of fucoxanthin. A known source, Sargassum incisifolium, was used to isolate (maceration in CH₂Cl₂/MeOH at 35 °C followed by a hexane/EtOAc step gradient silica column of the crude extract and reversed phase semi-prep HPLC) and characterize (1D and 2D NMR) fucoxanthin (reference standard) in order to develop an analytical method for its determination in selected diverse brown algae commonly found in South Africa. The HPLC [Column: Phenomenex® Synergi™ (250 x 3.0 mm i.d); Mobile phase: ACN/H2O (95:5)] method developed for this analysis was validated according the guidelines set by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). Fifteen species were then assessed for fucoxanthin content (μg/g of dried weight) using the developed method. Stability studies on fucoxanthin were also carried out to assess photo- and pH degradation of fucoxanthin. Zonaria subarticulata (KOS130226-18) from Kenton-On-Sea beach and Sargassum incisifolium (PA130427-1) from Port Alfred beach were found to be the highest producers of fucoxanthin with 0.50 mg/g and 0.45 mg/g dried weight respectively. Fucoxanthin was found to be both photo-labile and sensitive to both acidic and basic pH environments. However, the pigment was more photostable in pure as opposed to extract form and also showed to be more stable at pH 10.0. Our findings show that Z. subarticulata and S. incisifolium could be reliable sources of fucoxanthin and can be considered as the algae to use in optimized extraction procedures in further studies. Also, when working with fucoxanthin, it is important to protect it from light. Any consideration of taking fucoxanthin preparation orally (as a nutraceutical) should consider protecting the active from the harsh conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Any upscale production of fucoxanthin from seaweed should consider variations such as geographical, seasonal, lifecycle stage, etc. of identified algae as these may be important factors in obtaining effective concentrations of fucoxanthin.

Caracterização, atividade antioxidante "in vivo" e efeito do processamento na estabilidade de compostos bioativos de araçá vermelho e guabiju

Dalla Nora, Cleice January 2012 (has links)
O consumo de frutas está relacionado à baixa incidência de doenças crônico-degenerativas pela variedade de compostos que possuem a interação destes e seu potencial antioxidante. O processamento a partir dos alimentos in natura é necessário, tanto para preservação quanto para disponibilizar produtos sazonais durante todo o ano, no entanto se devem saber quais suas implicações. O araçá vermelho (Psidium cattleyanum SABINE) e o guabiju (Myrcianthes Pungens) são pequenos frutos nativos do sul do Brasil. Sua composição físicoquímica, perfil de antocianinas, carotenóides e atividade antioxidante, através de dois métodos diferentes (DPPH e ABTS), foram investigados em frutos in natura, bem como o comportamento dos compostos bioativos e da atividade antioxidante em relação à secagem por ar quente a 70 °C, liofilização e congelamento. Foi também realizado um experimento com ratos Wistar para examinar o potencial antioxidante destes frutos contra a toxicidade do antitumoral cisplatina. O guabiju apresentou maior atividade antioxidante, teor de antocianinas e carotenóides do que o araçá vermelho, entretanto este fruto possui elevada quantidade de fibra. No guabiju in natura predominaram o β-caroteno e malvidina 3- glicosídeo, com 40,4 % e aproximadamente 60 % do total de carotenóides e antocianinas, respectivamente. No araçá vermelho in natura o carotenóide e a antocianina predominantes foram a β-criptoxantina, com 44,8 % e a cianidina 3-glicosídeo com 51,7 % do total. Frutos secos a 70 °C e os liofilizados tiveram maior atividade antioxidante pelo método DPPH, enquanto no ABTS o araçá vermelho seco a 70 °C e o guabiju congelado após 90 dias destacaram-se. No entanto, em relação aos compostos bioativos, nos dois frutos, a secagem por ar quente (70 °C) resultou nos menores teores de antocianinas e carotenóides. O congelamento por 30 e 90 dias aumentou as concentrações de carotenóides no araçá vermelho e guabiju, respectivamente. Para as antocianinas, os maiores teores foram encontrados no guabiju liofilizado e no araçá vermelho in natura. Em relação ao estudo com animais, os frutos nativos atuaram protegendo os animais contra os efeitos produzidos pela cisplatina, diminuindo os níveis de colesterol total (CT), LDL, LDL oxidado (LDL-ox) e os níveis de gordura no fígado. / The fruit consumption is related to the low incidence of chronic diseases by a variety of compounds that have the interaction of these and their antioxidant potential. The processing from fresh food is necessary, both for preservation and to provide seasonal products all year round, however you must know what its implications. The red guava (Psidium cattleyanum SABINE) and guabiju (Myrcianthes pungens) are small native fruits southern Brazil. Its physical and chemical composition profile of anthocyanins, carotenoids and antioxidant activity, using two different methods (DPPH and ABTS), were investigated in fresh fruit, as well as the behavior of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in respect to air drying warm to 70 °C, freeze-drying and freezing. It was also carried out an experiment with rats to examine the antioxidant potential of fruit against the toxicity of antitumor cisplatin. The guabiju showed higher antioxidant activity, anthocyanins and carotenoids content than the red guava, but this fruit has high fiber content. In fresh guabiju β-carotene and malvidin 3- glucoside were predominant, with 40.4 % and approximately 60 % of total carotenoids and anthocyanins, respectively. In the fresh red guava predominant carotenoid and anthocyanin were β-cryptoxanthin, with 44.8 % and cyanidin 3-glucoside with hydrochloric 51.71 % of the total. Fruits dried at 70 °C and freeze- dried had higher antioxidant activity by DPPH method, while in the ABTS red guava dried at 70 °C and frozen after 90 days guabiju stood out. However, for bioactive compounds in the two fruits, hot air drying (70 °C) resulted in lower levels of anthocyanins and carotenoids. Freeze for 30 and 90 days increased the concentrations of carotenoids in red guava and guabiju, respectively. For anthocyanins, the highest levels were found in guabiju freeze dried and fresh red guava. Regarding the study of animals, fruits native acted protecting animals against the effects of cisplatin, reducing the levels of total cholestreol (TC), LDL and oxidized LDL (ox-LDL) levels of fat in the liver.

Avaliação sazonal de carotenóides provitamina A (α– e β– caroteno) e vitamina E (α–tocoferol) em macroalgas marinhas pertencentes a família Caulerpacea (Divisão Chlorophyta) / Evaluation of seasonal provitamin A carotenoids (α-and β-carotene) and Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) in marine macroalgae belonging to the family Caulerpacea (Division Chlorophyta)

Pires, Kelma Maria dos Santos January 2007 (has links)
PIRES, Kelma Maria dos Santos. Avaliação sazonal de carotenóides provitamina A (α– e β– caroteno) e vitamina E (α–tocoferol) em macroalgas marinhas pertencentes a família Caulerpacea (Divisão Chlorophyta). 2007. 94 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca, Fortalezza-CE, 2007 / Submitted by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-07-18T14:11:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_kmspires.pdf: 561534 bytes, checksum: 2fbf133b889f47da3a32efc273c3f7ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-07-18T14:12:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_kmspires.pdf: 561534 bytes, checksum: 2fbf133b889f47da3a32efc273c3f7ec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T14:12:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_kmspires.pdf: 561534 bytes, checksum: 2fbf133b889f47da3a32efc273c3f7ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Marine macroalgae are sources of a great variety of beneficial compounds such as minerals, dietary fibers and vitamins. The aim of this work was to verify seasonal variation upon both provitamin A carotenoids (α- and β-carotene) and vitamin E (α-tocopherol) contents in five species of the marine green macroalga Caulerpa both fresh and oven-dried at 40°C for 15 h. The contents in dried algae were compared to those in fresh algae to evaluate the losses after drying. Algal material was collected monthly from January to December 2006, in Pacheco Beach, Caucaia, Ceará. Analyses of α- and β-carotene and α-tocopherol were carried out in extracts 1:10 (p/v) for fresh alga and 1:20 (p/v) for dried alga using aqueous methanol (90:10, v/v). They were saponified with 5% KOH and partitioned into n-hexane, which was then evaporated. The residues were suspended in 1 mL methanol prior to HPLC analyses. Aliquots of 100 μL were injected in a HPLC system consisting of a Waters Spherisorb-Hichrom S5 ODS-2 column (4.6 x 250 mm) and a mobile phase of methanol:tetrahydrofurane (90:10, v/v), delivered at 1.5 mL min-1. The detector was set at 450 nm for α- and β-carotene and 290 nm for α-tocopherol. Chromatograms were registered at UnicornTM version 5.0. All samples showed α- and β-carotene and α-tocopherol, but their distribution along the year was variable. In general, the contents of α-carotene were greater than those of β-carotene. The losses of α- and β-carotene varied between 10% and 94%. In order to be considered an excellent source of vitamin A, the daily consumption would be 52 g to 689 g of fresh alga or 42 g to 469 g of dried alga. α-Tocopherol was detected in all samples except in dried C. racemosa collected in March. Similar to the distribution of α- and β-carotene along the year, α-tocopherol contents varied too. Losses varied from 22% to 91%. Daily portions to supply 50% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) would be 11 g to 168 g of fresh alga or 13 g to 70 g of dried alga. Amounts of vitamin A (retinol equivalents) and vitamin E (tocopherol equivalents) in all algae analyzed were not very different from most vegetables normally consumed / As algas marinhas são fontes de uma grande variedade de compostos benéficos para o homem, dentre os quais se destacam os minerais, as fibras dietárias e as vitaminas (A, B, C e E). O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a existência de variação sazonal nos teores de α- e β-caroteno (carotenóides provitamina A) e de α-tocoferol (vitamina E), em cinco espécies de macroalgas marinhas pertencentes ao gênero Caulerpa (Família Caulerpaceae, Divisão Chlorophyta), “in natura” e desidratada. Os conteúdos desses nutrientes nas algas desidratadas foram comparados com aqueles nas algas “in natura”, com o objetivo de verificar se houve alteração pelo processo de desidratação. As espécies de macroalgas marinhas foram coletadas mensalmente, de janeiro a dezembro de 2006, durante as marés baixas na Praia do Pacheco, Caucaia- CE. As análises de α- e β-caroteno e α-tocoferol foram realizadas a partir da extração da alga em metanol-água (90:10) nas proporções 1:10 (p/v), nas amostras “in natura”, e 1:20 (p/v), nas desidratadas, saponificação com hidróxido de potássio 5% por 30 min a 70°C e partição em n-hexano que foi evaporado sob corrente de ar. O resíduo foi suspenso em 1 mL de metanol no momento da análise cromatográfica e 100 μL foram injetados manualmente. O sistema cromatográfico consistiu em uma coluna Waters Spherisorb-Hichrom S5ODS-2 (4,6 x 250 mm) e uma fase móvel constituída de metanol:tetrahidrofurano (90:10, v/v), com fluxo de 1,5 mL min-1. O detector foi ajustado em 450 nm e 292 nm e os cromatogramas registrados através do sistema UnicornTM versão 5.0. Todas as espécies de Caulerpa “in natura” e desidratadas analisadas no presente trabalho apresentaram tanto α-caroteno quanto β-caroteno e as suas distribuições mostraram diferenças ao longo dos doze meses de coleta. De um modo geral, os teores de α-caroteno foram superiores aos de β-caroteno. As perdas nos conteúdos de carotenóides provitamina oscilaram entre 10% e 94%. Para que as algas analisadas neste trabalho fossem consideradas fontes excelentes de vitamina A seria necessário que as porções consumidas diariamente variassem de 52 g a 689 g, quando consumidas “in natura” ou de 42 g a 469 g, quando desidratadas. As cinco espécies analisadas neste trabalho apresentaram α-tocoferol, tanto nas amostras “in natura” quanto nas desidratadas, com exceção de C. racemosa coletada em março que após ser submetida a secagem não foi detectado α- tocoferol, e sua distribuição foi variável ao longo do ano. Nos teores de α- tocoferol foi observado perdas que variaram de 22 a 91%. As porções que deveriam ser consumidas diariamente para que as espécies de Caulerpa estudadas fossem capazes de fornecer 1/2 da IDR são relativamente pequenas, devendo oscilar entre 11 g e 168 g, quando “in natura”, ou entre 13 g e 70 g, quando desidratadas. As quantidades de retinol equivalente e α-tocoferol equivalente nas algas analisadas no presente trabalho não diferiram muito daquelas encontradas nos vegetais normalmente consumidos

Valor nutricional, perfil de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de genótipos de açaí (Euterpe oleracea)

Torma, Priscila do Carmo Marchioro Raupp January 2016 (has links)
O açaí (Euterpe oleracea) é um fruto proveniente do açaizeiro, uma palmeira nativa da Amazônia Brasileira, considerado uma “superfruta” devido ao seu alto valor nutricional, com destaque para as antocianinas, associadas a efeitos benéficos à saúde. Uma vez que genótipos de frutos desenvolvidos por programas de melhoramento têm sido avaliados a fim de identificar frutos com composição fitoquímica melhorada e potencial antioxidante, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito do melhoramento genético na composição química, perfil de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de seis genótipos de açaí (E. oleracea). Análises de composição química, perfil de antocianinas e carotenoides e de atividade antioxidante em diversos sistemas in vitro (método ABTS, oxidação da glutationa, teste da desoxirribose e células SH-SY5Y) foram realizadas em 6 genótipos e 1 amostra comercial utilizada como padrão. Com relação a composição química, de maneira geral, os genótipos apresentaram elevados teores de lipídeos (36,30 – 47,44%), fibras totais (11,31 – 15,88%), proteínas (7,78-9,50%) e cinzas (3,49 – 4,44%). Adicionalmente, as antocianinas cianidina 3-glicosídeo (12-43%) e cianidina 3-rutinosídeo (57-88%) foram identificadas nos genótipos avaliados e o genótipo L22P13 apresentou um incremento de 85% no teor de antocianinas totais. Com relação ao perfil de carotenoides, luteína, zeaxantina, α-caroteno e β-caroteno foram os principais carotenoides identificados nos genótipos avaliados, sendo que os genótipos BRS-PAMISTA e L22P13 apresentaram os teores mais elevados de carotenoides totais (125,39μg/g e 118μg/g). Com relação a atividade antioxidante, todos os genótipos reduziram a geração do radical ABTS em maior ou menor grau, embora diferenças significativas entre os genótipos e a amostra comercial não tenham sido observadas (IC50 = 73,98 – 175,7 vs. 121,7 μg/g). Entretanto, houve associação moderada e inversa entre a geração do radical ABTS e níveis de antocianinas e carotenoides. Ausência de diferenças significativas entre os extratos hidroetanólicos dos genótipos e a amostra comercial também foi observada no ensaio da desoxirribose (IC50 = 361,5 – 497,7 vs. 520,1 μg/g). Em cultura de células SH-SY5Y, os extratos hidroetanólicos na concentração de 50 μg/mL apresentaram um efeito protetor contra as espécies reativas geradas pelo H2O2 (ensaio DCFH-DA) e esse resultado foi associado ao teor de antocianinas dos extratos. Os resultados apontam genótipos promissores, com elevados teores de antocianinas e carotenoides, com potencial atividade antioxidante in vitro e um possível efeito protetor de células frente as espécies reativas. / The açaí (Euterpe oleracea) is a fruit of the açaizeiro, a native palm of the Brazilian Amazon, considered a "superfruit" due to its high nutritional value, especially anthocyanins, associated with beneficial health effects. Since fruit genotypes developed by breeding programs have been evaluated to identify fruits with improved phytochemical composition and antioxidant potential, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of genetic improvement in the chemical composition, bioactive compounds profile and antioxidant activity of six açaí (E. oleracea) genotypes. The analysis of chemical composition, anthocyanins and carotenoids profile and antioxidant activity in various in vitro systems (ABTS method, glutathione oxidation, deoxyribose test and SH-SY5Y cells) were performed in six genotypes of açaí and one commercial sample that was used as standard. Regarding the chemical composition, in general, the genotypes showed high levels of lipids (36.30 – 47.44%), total fiber (11.31 – 15.88%), protein (7.78-9.50%) and ashes (3.49 – 4.44%). In addition, the anthocyanins cyanidin 3-glucoside (12-43%) and cyanidin 3-rutinoside (57-88%) were identified in evaluated genotypes and L22P13 genotype showed an increase of 85% in total anthocyanin content. Regarding the carotenoid profile, lutein, zeaxanthin, α-carotene and β-carotene were the main carotenoid identified in genotypes, being that BRS-PAMISTA and L22P13 genotypes showed the highest levels of total carotenoids (125.39 μg/g and 118 μg/g). Regarding the antioxidant activity, all genotypes reduced ABTS radical generation in greater or lesser extension, although there were no significant differences between hydroethanolic extracts of different genotypes and the commercial sample (IC50 = 73.98 - 175.7 vs. 121.7 μg/g). However, an inverse and moderate association between radical ABTS generation and anthocyanins and carotenoids content was observed. Absence of significant differences between hydroethanolic extracts of evaluated genotypes and the commercial sample was observed also in the deoxyribose assay (IC50 = 361.5 to 497.7 vs. 520.1 μg/g). In culture of SH-SY5Y cells, hydroethanolic extracts at concentration of 50 μg/mL had a protective effect against the reactive species generated by H2O2 (DCFH-DA assay) and this result was associated with the anthocyanins content of the extracts. The results showed promising genotypes with high levels of anthocyanins and carotenoids with antioxidant potential in vitro and a possible protective effect of cells against reactive species.

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