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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of packaging and storage condition on functional properties and quality attributes of cassava flour (CVS. ‘TME 419’ AND ‘UMUCASS 36’)

Uchechukwu-Agua, Amarachi Divine 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cassava flour is recommended for substitution with wheat flour in composite flour for baking. The potential use of cassava flour in the food and pharmaceutical industries is attributed to its gluten-free nature and excellent functional properties. However, optimum packaging solution and storage conditions for cassava flour is critical in maintaining the quality attributes and shelf-life stability during storage. Therefore, this study focused on investigating the effects of package types (plastic buckets, low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags and brown paper bags) and storage conditions (cool condition (15 °C, 90% RH); ambient condition (23 °C, 60% RH); and higher condition (38 °C, 60% RH)) on the functional properties, quality attributes and shelf-life stability of cassava flour (cvs. ‘TME 419’ and ‘UMUCASS 36’) developed at the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria. Proximate composition, physicochemical attributes, functional properties, and microbial safety of flour were analysed every 4 weeks for 12 weeks storage duration. Flour stored under cool condition with paper bags became moist and sticky with appearance of mould growth before 4 weeks of storage. However, at the end of 12 weeks storage, a decline in moisture content of 11.00 ± 0.02 and 7.05 ± 0.01% flour of ‘TME 419’ was observed at ambient and higher conditions, respectively. Rate of moisture decline was similar in flour of ‘UMUCASS 36’. A slight decrease in protein content of flour was observed during the 12 weeks storage from 1.9 ± 0.07 to 1.30 ± 0.001% for cv. ‘TME 419’ and 3.0 ± 0.05 to 2.27 ± 0.001% for cv. ‘UMUCASS 36’; however, no significant difference was observed under ambient and higher conditions. Cassava flour packed in paper bags and stored under higher condition (38 °C, 60%) had the highest loss (50%) of carotenoid content from 1.84 ± 0.10% to 0.91 ± 0.08%, while a minimal loss (24%) of carotenoid was observed in flour packed in plastic buckets under ambient condition. The concentration of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) decreased across all treatments and was below the safe cyanide level of 50 µg/ mL for food products. After the 12 weeks of storage, flour packed in plastic buckets had the highest aerobic mesophilic bacterial counts (3.43 ± 0.04 log cfu/ g) followed by flour in LDPE bags (3.37 ± 0.03 log cfu/ g) and paper bags (3.35 ± 0.01 log cfu/ g). No significant difference was observed in the package types; however the counts observed were within the acceptable microbial limit Swelling power (SP), solubility and peak viscosity were used to characterise the changes in functional and pasting properties of cassava flour relevant in food industries. Flour packed in plastic buckets under ambient condition had the lowest swelling power (8.48 ± 0.55%) and peak viscosity (260 ± 0.51 RVU) compared to flour packed in LDPE and paper bags with (9.10 ± 0.13 and 9.32 ± 0.41%) SP and (263.67 ± 4.04 RVU and 302 ± 9.52 RVU) peak viscosity, respectively. The essential minerals (sodium, potassium, copper, and iron) were significantly higher in flour of ‘TME 419’ compared to ‘UMUCASS 36’. In summary, for the production of high grade foods such as bread where higher swelling power and viscosities are required, flour from ‘TME 419’ packed with paper bags under higher condition could be desirable. In addition, for infant formulation, flour from ‘UMUCASS 36’ packed in plastic buckets and stored under ambient condition which best maintained nutritional contents (protein and fat) and had the lowest peak viscosity would be more suitable. Flour from both cassava cultivars could be stored up to 12 weeks duration under ambient and hot tropical conditions using all package types evaluated. However, storage with paper bag under higher condition offers the chances of better shelf -life stability of cassava flour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word aanbeveel dat kassavameel in plaas van koringmeel in saamgestelde meel by gebak gebruik word. Die potensiële gebruik van kassavameel in die kos- en farmaseutiese industrieë word toegeskryf aan die glutenvrye aard en funksionele kenmerke daarvan. Optimale verpakking en stoortoestande is egter belangrik vir die instandhouding van die gehalte kenmerke en raklewe stabiliteit tydens stoor. Daarom is die fokus van hierdie studie op die effek van verskillende tipes verpakking (plastiekemmers, lae densiteits politelien (LDPE) sakke en bruin papiersakke) en stoortoestande (koel toestande (15 °C, 90% RH); omringende temperature (23 °C, 60% RH); en hoër temperature (38 °C, 60% RH) op die funksionele kenmerke, gehalte kenmerke en raklewe stabiliteit van kassavameel (kultivare. ‘TME 419’ en ‘UMUCASS 36’) wat by die Nasionale Wortelgewasse Navorsingsinstituut, Umudike, Nigerië ontwikkel is. Die komposisie, fisiochemiese kenmerke, funksionele kenmerke en mikrobiale veiligheid van meel is elke vier weke tydens die 12-weke stoortydperk ontleed. Meel wat onder koeltoestande in papiersakke gestoor word, word klam en taai en swamme maak by vier weke van stoor ’n verskyning. Teen die einde van 12 weke stoortydperk is daar ’n afname in klammigheid van 11.00 ± 0.02 en 7.05 ± 0.01% in ‘TME 419’ meel by onderskeidelik omgewings- en hoër temperature. Die afname in klammigheid is soortgelyk by ‘UMUCASS 36’ meel. ’n Effense afname in die proteïen inhoud van die meel is tydens die 12- weke stoortydperk vanaf 1.9 ± 0.07 tot 1.30 ± 0.001% by die kultivaar . ‘TME 419’ en 3.0 ± 0.05 tot 2.27 ± 0.001% vir kultivaar ‘UMUCASS 36’ opgemerk. Geen noemenswaardige verskil is egter onder omgewings- en hoër temperature opgemerk nie. Kassavameel wat in papiersakke en onder hoër temperature (38 °C, 60%) gestoor is het die hoogste verlies (50%) aan karotien inhoud vanaf 1.84 ± 0.10% tot 0.91 ± 0.08% getoon , terwyl ’n minimale verlies (24%) by meel wat in plastiekemmers onder omgewingstemperature verpak is, opgemerk is. Die konsentrasie van waterstof hidrosianied (HCN) het tydens alle behandelinge afgeneem en was onder die veilige vlak van 50 µg/ mL vir kosprodukte. Na ’n 12-weke stoortydperk het die meel wat in plastiekemmers verpak is, die hoogste mesofiliese bakterië telling getoon \ (3.43 ± 0.04 log cfu/ g) gevolg deur die meel in die LDPE sakke (3.37 ± 0.03 log cfu/ g) en papiersakke (3.35 ± 0.01 log cfu/ g). Daar was geen merkbare verskil ten opsigte van verpakkingstipes nie; die tellings wat geneem is, was almal binne die aanvaarbare mikrobiale perk. Swelkrag (SP), oplosbaarheid en piek viskositeit is gebruik om die veranderinge in funksionele kenmerke van kassavameel wat betrekking het op die kosindustrie, te ondersoek. Meel wat onder omgewingstemperature in plastiekemmers verpak is, het die laagste swelkrag (8.48 ± 0.55%) en piekviskositeit getoon (260 ± 0.51 RVU) getoon vergeleke met meel wat in LDPE- en papiersakke (9.10 ± 0.13 en 9.32 ± 0.41%) swelkrag en (263.67 ± 4.04 RVU en 302 ± 9.52 RVU) piekviskositeit, onderskeidelik toon. Die belangrike minerale (natrium, kalium, koper en yster) was noemenswaardig hoër in die ‘TME 419’ meel vergeleke met ‘UMUCASS 36’. Ten slotte, vir die produksie van hoëgraad kossoorte soos brood waar hoë swelkrag en viskositeit belangrik is, is In ‘TME 419’ meel onder hoër toestande verpak in papiersakke, die beste keuse. In die geval egter van babakosse is ‘UMUCASS 36’meel wat in plastiekemmers verpak en onder omgewingstemperature gestoor is, en wat dus koswaardes (proteïen en vette) behou en wat die laagste piek viskositeit het, meer geskik. Meel van albei kultivaars kan vir tot twaalf weke onder omgewings- en hoë, tropiese temperature in al die verpakkingstipes wat evalueer is, gestoor word. Stoor in papiersakke onder hoër temperature verbeter egter die kanse op beter raklewe stabiliteit.

Substitution of wheat flour for cassava flour in the manufacture of beef sausage

Abiola, S.S., Ewebajo, O.O. January 2009 (has links)
Published Article / An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of substituting wheat flour (WF) for cassava flour (CF) on chemical composition, storage stability and sensory qualities of beef sausage. The WF in the sausage was replaced with CF at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Values obtained for protein content were comparable with one another. However, fibre content increased with the increase in the levels of CF in the sausage. The highest fibre content of 0.43% was recorded in sausage with 15% CF. Fat content tended to decrease with increase in the levels of CF in the sausage. Values obtained for cooking and refrigeration losses were comparable with one another. Cooking losses ranged between 1.08 - 1.85% while refrigeration loss ranged from 7.60-8.53%. Compared with the control, higher panel scores were recorded on sensory qualities for sausages containing CF. WF in beef sausage can be substituted with 100% CF without adverse effect on chemical composition, processing yield or sensory qualities. This approach will satisfy the growing demand of consumers for gluten-free meat products, thereby minimising the incidence of coeliac disease in humans.

GlossÃrio eletrÃnico da terminologia da farinha de mandioca na AmazÃnia paraense / Electronic Glossary of Cassava Flour Terminology in the Amazon, ParÃ, Brasil

Elias MaurÃcio da Silva Rodrigues 08 July 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta tese de Doutorado teve como objetivo elaborar um glossÃrio eletrÃnico, monolÃngue, em lÃngua portuguesa, variante brasileira, mapeando cartograficamente a distribuiÃÃo dos termos no espaÃo geogrÃfico. A elaboraÃÃo dessa obra terminolÃgica propiciou o conhecimento da variedade linguÃstico-terminolÃgica do portuguÃs usado pelos trabalhadores rurais na atividade especializada de produÃÃo da farinha de mandioca na AmazÃnia paraense e pode se constituir como um banco de dados sistematizado para futuras investigaÃÃes cientÃficas. A orientaÃÃo teÃrica usada para a descriÃÃo dos termos baseia-se nos postulados da Socioterminologia (GAUDIN, 1993; 2003; FAULSTICH, 1995a; 1995b, 1996; 1998a; 1998b; 2001; 2006; 2010), aliados à perspectiva GeolinguÃstica (COSERIU, 1982; BRANDÃO, 1991, ALINEI, 1994; FERREIRA e CARDOSO, 1994; THUN, 2005; CARDOSO, 2009; CARDOSO, 2010). Utilizamos como ferramentas de coleta de dados, para a compilaÃÃo do corpus da pesquisa, a aplicaÃÃo de um questionÃrio terminolÃgico contendo 877 questÃes relacionadas à prÃtica da produÃÃo da farinha de mandioca que totalizou 50 horas de gravaÃÃo em Ãudio, transcritas grafematicamente com auxÃlio do software Transana e processado pelo software de anÃlise lexical Word Smith Tools que nos ajudou na tarefa de extraÃÃo semiautomÃtica dos termos. Esse questionÃrio foi aplicado em entrevistas realizadas com trabalhadores rurais de cinco mesorregiÃes da AmazÃnia paraense, a saber: Nordeste paraense, MarajÃ, Sudeste paraense, Sudoeste paraense e Baixo Amazonas. Para a elaboraÃÃo do glossÃrio eletrÃnico recorremos ao software Lexique Pro 3.6 para organizarmos os verbetes de acordo com a macroestrutura e a microestrutura definida à priori. Como resultado final, apresentamos um produto terminolÃgico informatizado que possibilitou a inserÃÃo de imagens, vÃdeos, Ãudios e cartogramas terminolÃgicos das variantes mais recorrentes na distribuiÃÃo geogrÃfica dos termos. O glossÃrio eletrÃnico possui 506 termos que representam parte do universo sociocultural da atividade que exercem os trabalhadores rurais e apontam para o patrimÃnio terminolÃgico usado pelos povos nas mais variadas comunidades da AmazÃnia paraense. / This PhD thesis aimed to draw up an electronic glossary, monolingual in portuguese, brazilian variant, cartographic mapping the distribution of terms in geographic space. The preparation of this terminological work led to the knowledge linguistic and terminological variety of portuguese used by rural workers in the specialized activity of production of cassava flour in ParÃ, Brazil and can be constituted as a systematized database for future scientific research. The theoretical orientation used for the description of the terms is based on the postulates of Socioterminology (GAUDIN, 1993; 2003; FAULSTICH, 1995a, 1995b, 1996; 1998a; 1998b; 2001; 2006; 2010), combined with the prospect GeolinguÃstica (COSERIU 1982 ; BRANDÃO, 1991 ALINEI, 1994; FERREIRA and CARDOSO, 1994; THUN, 2005; CARDOSO, 2009; CARDOSO, 2010). Used as data collection tools for the compilation of the corpus of the research, the application of a terminological questionnaire containing 877 questions related to the practice of cassava flour production totaling 50 hours of audio recording, transcribed grafematicamente with the help of software Transana and processed by the lexical analysis software Word Smith Tools that helped us in the semi-automatic extraction task of terms. The questionnaire was applied on interviews with rural workers five mesoregions of Parà Amazon, namely: Para Northeast, MarajÃ, Parà Southeast, Southwest and Parà Lower Amazon. For the preparation of electronic glossary resorted to Lexique Pro 3.6 software to organize the entries according to the macrostructure and the microstructure defined. As a final result, we present a computerized terminological product which allowed the inclusion of images, videos, audios and terminology cartograms of the most recurring variations in the geographical distribution of terms. Electronic glossary has 506 terms that represent part of the socio-cultural universe of activity carrying farm workers and point to the terminological assets used by people in various communities in Amazon,ParÃ, Brazil.

Estratégias para caracterização da farinha de mandioca produzida no Estado da Bahia

Costa, Elecy Moreno 05 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2014-10-27T17:17:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ElecyTese corrigida 30 07 14.pdf: 1118101 bytes, checksum: fcfaf3d2c9511c09fdcaefb24555ec74 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2014-10-29T15:53:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ElecyTese corrigida 30 07 14.pdf: 1118101 bytes, checksum: fcfaf3d2c9511c09fdcaefb24555ec74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-29T15:53:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElecyTese corrigida 30 07 14.pdf: 1118101 bytes, checksum: fcfaf3d2c9511c09fdcaefb24555ec74 (MD5) / FAPESB / A mandioca ( Manihot esculenta Crantz) é uma plan ta de origem da América do Sul, tendo como produto principal a farinha de mandioca, que é um alimento rico em carboidratos, fibras, proteína, Ca, P, Na, K e Fe , entre outros. A prod ução de farinha corresponde a 22 % da produção nacional de mandioca e é pro duzida por pequenos produtores. Sendo assim, é oportuno o desenvolvimento de estudos que visam à caracterização da farinha de mandioca quanto à sua composição para se ter um controle de qualidade adequado para consumo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor estratégias para a caracterização da farinha de mandioca produzida no E stado da Bahia em função das concentrações de Al, As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Cu, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb e Zn. Em uma primeira etapa foram comparados três procedimentos para o prep aro das amostras : (1) por via úmida com aquecimen to condutivo em bloco digestor, (2) assistido por radiação micro - ondas e (3) por via seca. Os elementos foram determinados por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES). Fo i recomendado o procedimento assistido por radiação micro - ondas para determinação da composição elementar nas 24 amostras de farinha de mandioca adquiridas em diferentes localidades do estado da Bahia devido a sua maior eficiência e menor possibilidade de contaminação. Na segunda etapa foi proposto um procedimento para determinação de As, Pb, Cd e Se empregando espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica e detecção simultânea, utilizando a mistura de W e Rh como modificador. Foi possível determinar Pb e Cd em todas as amostras e os resultados obtidos indicaram para concentrações abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação. Na etapa final foram desenvolvidos estudos preliminares para a determinação de Cl, Br e I por ICP OES. / Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a plant of South America, with the main product of cassava flour, which is a food rich in carbohyd rates, fiber, protein, Ca, P, Na, K and Fe. The production flour corresponds 22.1% of national production of cassava and is produced by small producers. Thus, it is desirable to develop studies aimed at characterization of cassava flour in their compositio n to have a quality control suitable for consumption. The objective of this study was to propose strategies for the characterization of cassava flour produced in the state of Bahia in the concentrations of Al, As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Cu, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn,N a, Ni, P, Pb and Zn. In a first step we compared three procedures for the preparation: (1) procedures using acids with heat conductive in block digester and (2) assisted by microwave and (3) procedure by calcination. The elements were determined by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP OES). It was recommended the procedure assisted by microwave radiation to determine the elemental composition in 24 samples of cassava flour acquired in different localities of Bahia state conside ring its greater efficiency and less chance of contamination. In the second step was proposed a procedure for determination of As, Pb, Cd and Se using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization and simultaneous detection using a mixture of Rh and W as chemistry modifier. Lead was determined in all samples and the results indicated concentrations below the limits established by law. In the final stage preliminary studies have been developed for the determination of Cl, Br and I by ICP OES . Further studies should be developed to a greater number of samples in order to establish a more complete profile and contribute to the Table of Food Composition at the regional level

Política de abastecimento e economia mercantil: celeiro público da Bahia (1785-1866)

Simões Filho, Afrânio Mário 25 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-05-05T17:55:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Afrânio Mário Simões Filho.pdf: 4818346 bytes, checksum: 7ce4ddcc829847664e2c81dba4a5a9eb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela (anapoli@ufba.br) on 2015-05-06T13:33:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Afrânio Mário Simões Filho.pdf: 4818346 bytes, checksum: 7ce4ddcc829847664e2c81dba4a5a9eb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-06T13:33:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Afrânio Mário Simões Filho.pdf: 4818346 bytes, checksum: 7ce4ddcc829847664e2c81dba4a5a9eb (MD5) / CAPES / O Celeiro Público da Bahia, concebido pelo governo colonial para solucionar as crises constantes que abalavam o concorrido mercado de abastecimento da cidade de Salvador, foi instrumento para regular a ampla rede de distribuição de farinha de mandioca, elemento essencial ao funcionamento da empresa colonial. Instituído em 1785, apesar de inúmeras críticas, funcionou em um armazém do Arsenal da Marinha até 1870: depois de 1822, administrado pelo governo provincial, e, com poderes reduzidos, foi assumido pela Câmara Câmara Municipal, de 1856 em diante. Cobrava um vintém por cada alqueire de farinha, arroz, feijão e milho que entrava pelo mar, e, com o seu lucro líquido sustentava o lazareto. O exame da documentação relativa ao Celeiro Público da Bahia permite identificar as relações entre o mercado de farinha de mandioca da cidade de Salvador e os interesses da economia mercantil escravista. Designed by the colonial government as a solution to the constant crises that shook the competitive market to supply the city of Salvador, the Public Granary of Bahia was the regulatory instrument of an extensive distribution network of cassava flour, an essential element for the operation of the colonial enterprise. Established in 1785 despite widespread criticism, the granary functioned in a warehouse of the Navy Arsenal until 1870: after 1822, administrated by the provincial government and with reduced powers, it was assumed by the City Council from 1856 onwards. The Granary charged a penny for every bushel of flour, rice, beans and corn that entered by sea, and its net income supported the leper hospital. The exam of documentation relating to the Public Granary of Bahia allows to identify the relationship between the market of cassava flour in the city of Salvador and the interests of slavery mercantile economy.

Estudo da produ??o de biossurfactantes sintetizados por Pseudomonas aeruginosa AP029-GVIIA utilizando manipueira como fonte de carbono

Bezerra, M?rcio Silva 11 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioSB_TESE.pdf: 2488710 bytes, checksum: a89cb34af4b96bdd59b8b2051a8431f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This study evaluates the biosurfactants production from cassava wastewater, an agro industrial residue, to be used as carbon source. Using a factorial design 24-1 (half fraction), 10 tests were performed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa AP029/GVII-A in submerged batch cultivation in rotating incubator (shaker). The influence of factors (temperature, agitation, aeration ratio and concentration of cultivation medium) at two different levels for the synthesis of the biosurfactant. Samples were collected throughout the cultivation by 132 hours of fermentation were completed. The best outcome was intended by following production through substrate consumption, dry matter, reduction of surface tension (ring method) and emulsification index. The kinetics of microorganism was assessed for the carbon source used. The results showed that the cassava wastewater is a well assimilable substrate for the production of biotensoactive, reaching 91 % of consumption by the micro-organism under study. The growth temperature was found to be one of the leading factors in the synthesis of the metabolite, followed by aeration and also due to the agitation. The best results showed a 30 % reduction in surface tension (% RTS) for the environment, reaching values of 30 mN/m; 3.0 g /L of biomass and emulsifying index greater than 65 %. The metabolite synthesized still remained stable for different salt concentrations (1, 5 and 10 % w/ v) and alkaline pH (8-10). / O presente trabalho avalia a produ??o de biossurfactantes a partir de manipueira, um res?duo agroindustrial a ser utilizado como fonte de carbono. Empregando um planejamento fatorial 24-1 (fra??o meia), 10 ensaios foram realizados utilizando Pseudomonas aeruginosa AP029-GVIIA em cultivo descont?nuo submerso em incubador rotat?rio (shaker). Foi analisada a influ?ncia dos fatores (temperatura, agita??o, raz?o de aera??o e concentra??o do substrato) em dois diferentes n?veis para a s?ntese do biossurfactante. Amostras foram coletadas em intervalos regulares durante o cultivo at? 132 horas de fermenta??o. Buscou-se o melhor resultado acompanhando a produ??o atrav?s do consumo de substrato, massa seca, redu??o da tens?o superficial (m?todo do anel) e ?ndice de emulsifica??o. O comportamento cin?tico do micro-organismo foi avaliado para a fonte de carbono utilizada. Os resultados mostraram que a manipueira ? bastante assimil?vel e potencial substrato na produ??o do biotensoativo, onde se observou 91% de consumo pelo micro-organismo em estudo. A temperatura de cultivo revelou ser um dos fatores preponderantes na s?ntese do metab?lito, acompanhada pela raz?o de aera??o e agita??o. Os melhores resultados mostraram redu??o de 30% da tens?o superficial (%RTS) em rela??o ao meio inicial, alcan?ando valores de 31 mN/m; 3,0 g/L de biomassa e ?ndice de emulsifica??o superior a 65%. O metab?lito sintetizado ainda se mostrou est?vel para diferentes concentra??es salinas (1, 5 e 10% m/v) e pH alcalino (8-10).

Produção e aplicação de bioemulsificante isolado de Bacillus subtilis UCP 0146 por fermentação submersa em manipueira

Maia, Patricia Cristina de Veras Souza 29 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Central (biblioteca@unicap.br) on 2018-01-02T17:51:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia_Cristina_Veras_Souza.pdf: 1439810 bytes, checksum: 62ce5cd40fbe6621e14fe59ade993436 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-02T17:51:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia_Cristina_Veras_Souza.pdf: 1439810 bytes, checksum: 62ce5cd40fbe6621e14fe59ade993436 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-29 / Biosurfactants are tensioactive compounds produced by bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi, which have come in the molecule a hydrophobic and other hydrophilic portion, with potential to reduce water surface tension and liquid emulsion with two phases, called Bioemulsifiers. The bioemulsifiers presented potential of application in several industrial areas such as: food, agricultural, pharmaceutical and petrochemical, their characteristics of biodegradability, non-toxic and possibility of production from renewable substrates. In this sense, studies carried out with Bacillus subtilis UCP 0146, investigating a bioemulsifier production, using as substrate the agroindustrial effluent (manipueira). Cultivation was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks containing 75 mL (100%) of the production medium (manimetry) according to the 23 factorial scale, with 5% inoculum at a concentration of 108 cells / mL, incubated at 30ºC under agitation of 150 rpm for 72h, being evaluated the bioemulsifier produced in the cell free metabolic liquid, the emulsification inde (IE24). As the good, the size of the emulsion droplets, stability to pH, NaCl and temperature. The results showed that the emulsifier had a 95.2% emulsification index with the engine burned oil in the best planning condition, showing a stable emulsion formation at all temperatures and a better response at the temperature of 70ºC (96.0%). Regarding pH was observed in assay 2, an (IE24) of 91.6% relative to salinity or assay 4 represented 92.0%. In addition, no dispersion test showed displacement of 85.3 cm of the oil and the discoloration of methylene blue in aqueous solution, obtained the result of 62.2% removal. The Bacillus subtilis demonstrated the ability to produce bioemulsifiers using a metabolic conversion of the agroindustrial residue, making the bioprocessing economical and great potential in the biotechnological application. / Os Biossurfactantes são compostos tensoativos produzidos por bactérias, leveduras e fungos filamentosos, que apresentam na molécula uma porção hidrofóbica e outra hidrofílica, com potencial de redução da tensão superficial da água e ou de emulsificar líquidos com duas fases, os que apresentam essa última característica são denominados de bioemulsificantes. Apresentam potenciais de aplicação em varias áreas industriais como: alimentícia, agrícola, farmacêutica e petroquímica, devido a suas características de biodegradábilidade, não toxicidade e possibilidade de produção a partir de substratos renováveis. Neste trabalho, estudos foram realizados com Bacillus subtilis UCP 0146, investigando a produção de bioemulsificante, empregando como substrato o efluente agroindustrial (manipueira). O cultivo foi realizado em frascos de Erlenmeyers de 250 ml contendo 75 mL (100%) do meio de produção (manipueira) de acordo com planejamento fatorial completo 23, teve como variável independente o volume do inóculo, temperatura e agitação e como variável resposta o índice de emulsificação (IE24), com 5% de inóculo com concentração de 108 cel /mL, incubado a 30ºC, sob agitação de 150 rpm por 72h. Foi avaliado o bioemulsificante produzido no líquido metabólico livre de células, a fins da dosagem índice de emulsificação (IE24). As características do bioemulsificante avaliadas foram tamanho das gotas de emulsão, estabilidade frente a variações de pH, concentração de NaCl e temperatura. Os resultados mostraram que o bioemulsificante apresentou índice de emulsificação de 95,2% para óleo queimado de motor na melhor condição do planejamento (inóculo 9% (v/v), 25°C e 100rpm), apresentando formação de emulsão estável em relação ao IE24 em todas as temperaturas testadas, mas a melhor resposta foi com a temperatura de 70ºC (96.0%). Em relação ao pH, foi observado um IE24h de 91,6% e em relação a salinidade apresentou 92.0%. No teste de dispersão do deslocamento obteve o valor de 85,38 cm². Quanto ao potencial de adsorção do corante catiônico azul de metileno removeu 62,2% após 12h, como também a remoção de 94,4% do óleo queimado de motor impregnado em solo arenoso. O Bacillus subtilis apresentou habilidade de produzir bioemulsificante utilizando a conversão metabólica do resíduo agroindustrial, tornando o bioprocesso econômico e com grande potencial na aplicação biotecnológica.

Avaliação do comportamento das farinhas de mandioca seca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) e temperadas durante o armazenamento. / Evaluation of the behavior of dry and spiced cassava flours (Manihot esculenta Crantz) during the storage.

FERREIRA NETO, Cândido José. 16 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-16T16:51:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CÂNDIDO JOSÉ FERREIRA NETO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 21935280 bytes, checksum: 677d2ff865a24e56364c3331a172a485 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-16T16:51:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CÂNDIDO JOSÉ FERREIRA NETO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 21935280 bytes, checksum: 677d2ff865a24e56364c3331a172a485 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-03 / Capes / A presente dissertação se baseia na avaliação do comportamento de cinco amostras de farinha de mandioca, ao longo de um período de armazenamento de 180 dias. As farinhas consistiram de cinco tipos sendo uma de farinha de mandioca seca e quatro de farinhas de mandioca temperadas, obtidas a partir da primeira. Os materiais foram embalados em sacos plásticos de polipropileno, capacidade 500g e, como embalagem secundária, utilizaram-se sacos plásticos de polietileno, de baixa densidade, capacidade para 10 kg. Análises quanto à umidade, cinzas, acidez alcoólica, lipídios, proteínas, atividade de água, carboidratos e controle microbiológico de coliformes fecais, Síaphylococcus aureus, bactérias mesófilas, bolores e leveduras e salmonella sp., foram realizadas logo após o processamento e durante todo o período de armazenamento, com intervalos de 30 dias. Foram avaliados aspectos relevantes aplicados no controle de qualidade de alimentos e dada ênfase ao estudo das características intrínsecas do produto, das condições de processamento, acondicionamento e estocagem que, eventualmente, poderiam afetar as condições físico-químicas e a microbiota contaminante. elos resultados obtidos com referência às características físicas e fisicoquímicas, verifica-se uma relativa heterogeneidade das farinhas. No que concerne à sua granulometria, constata-se que todas as amostras foram classificadas como farinha grossa, de acordo com BRASIL (1995). Os dados também foram agrupados visando à avaliação das variações da composição, relativas à formulação do produto, ao efeito do armazenamento. No que se refere aos aspectos microbiológicos, os resultados revelaram ausência de Salmonella e Sthaphylococcus aureus e contagem zero para bactérias do grupo Coliformes fecais, em todas as amostras analisadas durante todo o período de armazenamento, e Contagem Padrão em Placas (Bactérias mesófilas) e Bolores e Leveduras dentro dos padrões permitidos pela legislação em vigor. / This work was based on the evaluation of the behaviour of five cassava flour samples, for a period of storage of 180 days. The flours consisted of five types, being one of dry cassava flour and four of spiced dry cassava flours, produced from the dry cassava flour. The flours were packaged into 500g bags of polypropylene, and over wrapped with lOKg low-density polyethylene bags. Analysis of the contents of moisture, ashes, alcoholic acidity, lipids, proteins, water activity, carbohydrates and microbiological controls of faecal coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, bacteria mesophilic, moulds, yeasts and salmonella sp., were determined after the processing and during the storage period, with intervals of 30 days. Important aspects applied to the quality assurance of foods were analysed, and emphasis on the study on the intrinsic characteristics of products, the processing, packaging and storage conditions were given. Theses characteristics could affect the physical-chemical conditions and the contaminant microbiota. The results from the physical and physical-chemical characteristics showed the relative heterogeneity of the flours. The flours we classified as thick flours according to Brazilian Regulation (1995). The data were analysed relating to variations on chemical composition, as a result of differences on formulation and storage conditions. The microbiological analysis revealed that all samples analysed during the 180 days presented absence of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus, and counting zero for faecal coliforms. The standard plate count in acteria mesophilic, moulds and yeasts were in agreement with parameters established by Brazilian Regulation.

Mandioca = processos biológicos e socioculturais associados no Alto Juruá, Acre / Cassava : interconnected biological and socialcultural processes in the Upper Juruá River, Acre

Rizzi, Roberta 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro William Barbosa de Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T00:12:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rizzi_Roberta_M.pdf: 18340321 bytes, checksum: b817805283516b5ae28caa25d1bfccb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este é um estudo sobre a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) e seu principal derivado, a farinha de mandioca. A farinha de mandioca é o principal item da dieta alimentar da população não-indígena no Alto Juruá no Estado do Acre onde o estudo foi realizado. O estudo apóia-se na pesquisa etnobotânica e etnográfica perto da cidade de Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre) e na Reserva Extrativista do Alto Juruá (também no Acre), complementada pela pesquisa bibliográfica e pelo emprego de técnicas visuais. A mandioca é cultivada em todo o Brasil e mundo, e é representada por um grande número de variedades. Ela constitui um dos mais importantes acessos para a compreensão das relações entre pessoas e o ambiente nas localidades estudadas. Há contudo lógicas diferentes operando no universo da farinha de mandioca nas duas localidades: 1) no regime de circulação da farinha - farinha como mercadoria em Cruzeiro do Sul, farinha como parte da economia doméstica e da economia reciprocidade de vizinhos na reserva; 2) na tecnologia - diferentes processos de fabricação da farinha, instrumentação e casas de farinha; 3) no gosto e predileção das diferentes farinhas e 4) nos cultivares - diferentes variedades de mandioca plantadas e utilizadas. A utilização de diferentes perspectivas - da botânica, da antropologia e da antropologia visual, assim como a realização de um documentário etnográfico, contribui de alguma forma para o diálogo entre as diferentes disciplinas / Abstract: This is a study on cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) and on its main use in the Upper Jurua River (Brazil): the farinha de mandioca, or cassava flour. The farinha de mandioca is the main dietary item of the non-indigenous population in the upper Juruá. The study is based on ethnobotanical and ethnographic research carried out in Cruzeiro do Sul and in the Upper Jurua Extractive Reserve (in State of Acre), as well as on bibliographic research and by visual techniques. Manioc is grown all over Brazil and in several areas across the world, and is represented by a great number of varieties. It is one of the most important accesses to an understanding of the relationships between people and the environment in the areas under study. There are however here logics at work in the farinha universe in the two areas: (1) in the regime of circulation of farinha (as a commodity in Cruzeiro do Sul, and as part of the domestic economy and of the reciprocity network among neighbors in the Reserve); (2) in its technology (there are distinct processes of production, different tools and different farinha houses; (3) in tastes and preferences for different styles of farinha; (4) and in the varieties of cassava planted and consumed. The use of distinct perspectives -- ethnobotanical, anthropological and visual -- may also contribute to a possible dialogue between these approaches / Mestrado / Antropologia Rural / Mestre em Antropologia Social

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