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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimation du risque de chute suite à une perturbation d’équilibre / Fall risk estimation after a balance perturbation

Vallée, Pascal 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les chutes sont la deuxième cause de décès accidentels par traumatisme involontaire dans le monde. Les conséquences physiques et psychologiques représentent aussi un frein important à la mobilité des personnes âgées. Prévenir ces chutes apparait donc comme un enjeu majeur. Une première étape nécessaire est d'identifier les situations présentant un risque de chute important. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des outils permettant de faire le lien entre une perturbation et le risque de chute associé. Dans une première partie, un modèle simple permet d'estimer les états à partir desquels il est possible de retourner dans une situation d'équilibre. Nous nous intéressons ensuite aux perturbations externes continues. Les résultats de la littérature étant limités sur cet aspect, une campagne expérimentale a été mise en place pour identifier les effets de certains paramètres de la perturbation sur le seuil de rattrapage. Le modèle est alors étendu pour traiter le cas de perturbations de l'équilibre ayant un profil temporel variable. Pour finir, nous proposons une modélisation utilisant un contrôleur basé sur la commande prédictive mettant en avant la régulation des stratégies de rattrapage. L'ensemble de ces travaux mettent en avant l'influence des paramètres liés au rattrapage qu'il est difficile d'appréhender lors d'expérimentations. Ils montrent également l'importance de la caractérisation de l'élément déclencheur de la perte d'équilibre dont la description est souvent incomplète dans la littérature. Certaines améliorations peuvent être apportées comme la représentation d'appuis non-coplanaires ou une intégration plus détaillée des aspects sensoriels / Falling is the second most important cause of accidental deaths in the world. These falls lead to physical injuries and psychological consequences which limit mobility especially for the elderly. Being able to prevent these events appears to be crucial and a first mandatory step is to identify the risk of fall depending on the situation (slipping, hazardous environment …). The objective of this thesis is to propose numerical tools in order to link the risk of fall to the balance perturbation. In a first part, a simple numerical model estimates if initial unbalanced states can be recovered using one recovery step. Then a focus was made on external perturbations with a specific temporal profile close to public transportation perturbations. An experimental protocol was set up due to the lack of knowledge about these perturbations. The experiment investigated the effect of the perturbation parameters on the Balance Recovery (BR) threshold. An adjustment of the previous model was made to evaluate continuous perturbations and to compare its results against our experimental findings. The final chapter developed a complementary approach based on previous work using a model predictive control scheme which aims to regulate BR strategies. This whole work contributes to highlight the BR parameters which are difficult to assess during experimental procedures. It also points out the perturbation definition which is frequently incomplete in the literature although it is the phenomenon responsible for the BR process. In order to represent more realistic human behaviors some improvements can be done such as adding noncoplanar contacts or as integrating more detailed sensorimotor aspects

Assessment of the Lake Liambezi fishery, Zambezi region, Namibia

Simasiku, Evans Kamwi January 2014 (has links)
Lake Liambezi in the Zambezi Region of Namibia, formerly known as the Caprivi Region, is shallow (<6m deep) and characterised by cyclic episodes of filling and drying. When full the lake supports a highly productive fishery and when dry the lake is completely dry and used for agriculture and grazing. In 2000 the lake filled, and between May 2011 and April 2012 was surveyed using beach seine, experimental gillnets and catch landing surveys to obtain information for conservation and management recommendations for the fishery. Littoral fishes in Lake Liambezi and the Kavango floodplain were sampled using seine net and physicochemical properties were measured. Seine net surveys demonstrated that Lake Liambezi littoral zones were dominated by fishes of the family Alestidae (59.7%) while Cichlids constituted the most diverse family. Juvenile Tilapia rendalli and Oreochromis macrochir were among the five most important species in the littoral zone, indicating that these commercially important species use the littoral zone as a nursery ground. Since T. rendalli and O. macrochir are commercially important species, because of this, it is advised that seine nets should not be used. Catch efficiency between monofilament and multifilament gillnets in Lake Liambezi offshore waters were assessed. Catch efficiency experimental fishing trials showed that monofilament gillnets catch per unit effort (CPUE) was three times higher than that of multifilament gillnets for Oreochromis andersonii, O. macrochir, T. rendalli, Serranochromis macrocephalus and Clarias spp. Oreochromis andersonii comprised over 66% of the overall CPUE for both net types combined indicating the importance of this species in the gillnet fishery on the lake. A fishery has been established on the lake with more than 300 canoes and 120 fishermen using monofilament and multifilament gillnets. CPUE was 15 kg/canoe/day and was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with monthly temperature and moon phase parameters indicating that the fishery of Lake Liambezi may be altered by climate and environmental factors. Annual catch from Lake Liambezi was estimated at 3193t with an estimated productivity of 106kg/ha, suggesting that Lake Liambezi makes a significant contribution to the fish supply in the Zambezi Region. Recommendations were made to manage the Lake Liambezi fishery by imposing restrictions on effort (number of fishing boats), gear type, mesh sizes and access. Proper fisheries management and monitoring should incorporate climatic and environmental factors such as temperature and moon phase to meet the challenges of global climatic changes as well as other environmental issues.

Spatio-temporal interactions between whale sharks, cetaceans and tropical tuna purse-seine fisheries, within a conservation perspective, in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans / Interactions spatio-temporelles entre requins baleines, cétacés et pêche thonière tropicale à la senne dans une perspective de conservation, dans les océans Atlantique et Indien

Escalle, Lauriane 22 September 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre de l’Approche Ecosystémique des Pêches (AEP), il est nécessaire d’évaluer l’impact de la pêche thonière tropicale à la senne sur les espèces ciblées et sur les espèces accessoires. Parmi ces dernières, les espèces de la mégafaune, telles que des requins, raies, cétacés, tortues, oiseaux marins, sont souvent emblématiques et vulnérables. Les thoniers senneurs tropicaux recherchent activement à la surface de l’eau tout indice de la présence de bancs de thon (e.g. oiseaux, objets flottants, baleines, dauphins ou requins baleines). Dans l’est de l’océan Atlantique et l’ouest de l’océan Indien, les deux modes de pêches principaux sont les captures de thons en bancs libres et celles sur bancs associés à un objet flottant, naturel ou artificiel, rassemblés ici sur sous le terme de dispositif de concentration de poisson (DCP). Les calées associées aux requins baleines et aux cétacés sont toutefois peu étudiées. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’analyser les co-occurrences et/ou interactions spatio-temporelles entre requins baleines, cétacés et pêche thonière à la senne, dans une perspective de conservation de l’écosystème. Ce travail, basé sur des données de livres de bord et d’observateurs scientifiques embarqués, a montré que la co-occurrence pêche thonière/ mégafaune se localise dans des strates spatio-temporelles relativement précises: i) du Gabon à l’Angola (avril–septembre), ii) dans le Canal du Mozambique (juin–septembre) et iii) à l’est des Seychelles (avril–septembre). Les baleines et requins baleines étant planctivores, la co-occurrence avec la pêche à la senne est principalement liée à une forte productivité primaire (appréhendée à travers des proxys tels que la concentration en chlorophylle-a). De plus, les calées sur ces deux groupes étaient assez élevées avant 2000 (jusqu’à 20% des calées), et qu’elles sont moins fréquentes aujourd’hui (AC3 et 1,5% des calées associées à des baleines et des requins baleines, respectivement). L’impact de la pêche à la senne sur ces espèces semble relativement faible au regard du taux de mortalité apparente de 1,4% pour les requins baleines et 5,6% pour les cétacés. Des marquages satellites réalisés sur les requins baleines, confirment ces observations sur le plus long terme, mais la taille de l’échantillon limite la formulation de conclusions définitives. Concernant les dauphins, bien que présents sur les zones de pêche, ils interagissent très peu avec celle-ci, soulignant ainsi une différence majeure avec l’océan Pacifique est où ce mode de pêche est majoritaire. La diversité spécifique des espèces cible et accessoire associées aux calées sur mégafaune a également été étudiée. Les requins baleines sont associés aux listaos et à l’albacore (dans une large gamme de tailles), alors que les baleines le sont principalement à de gros albacores. De plus, la capture accessoire associée à ces deux groupes de mégafaune est relativement faible et dominée par le requin soyeux et la diversité spécifique est proche de celle trouvée sous les bancs libres de thons. Enfin les effets de mesures de conservation vis-à-vis de la mégafaune encerclée ou de mesures de gestion de l’effort de pêche, notamment les moratoires sur DCP réelles ou simulées (e.g. moratoires élargis), ont été analysés. Les premières ont eu un effet limité en terme de captures cibles et accessoires, alors que les moratoires impactent peu le nombre de calées associés à la mégafaune, ceci en raison du décalage spatio-temporel des co-occurrences. Cependant des moratoires élargis pourraient être bénéfiques pour les thons juvéniles et certaines espèces associées. Par l’analyse quantitative des interactions entre la pêche thonière à la senne et la mégafaune, cette thèse apporte des connaissances essentielles sur les espèces étudiées dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une AEP, applicable à la pêche thonière tropicale. / In the frame of the Ecosystem Approach to Fishery (EAF) management, impact of the tropical tuna purse-seine fishery on targeted and incidentally captured species should be investigated. They may include megafauna species, such as sharks, rays, cetaceans, turtles or sea birds, which often are emblematic and vulnerable species. Tropical tuna purse-seiners actively search, at the surface of the sea, for clues indicating the presence of tuna schools (e.g. birds, floating objects, whales, dolphins or whale sharks). In the eastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans, the main two fishing modes are sets on free swimming tuna schools and schools associated to natural or artificial floating objects, thereafter called Fish Aggregating Device (FAD). However dedicated studies on fishing sets associated to whale sharks and cetaceans are still lacking. The aim of this thesis is therefore, using logbook and scientific onboard observer data, to investigate the spatio-temporal co-occurrences and/or interactions between whale sharks, cetaceans and the tuna purse-seine fishery within an ecosystem conservation perspective. This work underlines that the megafauna/ fishery co-occurrence occurs in specific spatio-temporal strata: i) Gabon to Angola (April–September), ii) the Mozambique Channel (June–September), and iii) East of Seychelles (April–September). As baleen whales and whale sharks are filter feeders, the co-occurrence with the purse-seine fishery was mostly linked to highly productive environments (i.e. using proxys including chlorophyll-a concentration). In addition fishing sets involving megafauna were relatively high before 2000 (up to 20% of the sets), but are nowadays less frequent (AC3 and 1.5% of the sets associated to baleen whales and whale sharks). The purse-seine fishery appears to have a relatively low impact on megafauna species with mortality rates of 1.4% for whale sharks and 5.6% for cetaceans. Whale shark satellite tagging also confirms these results on the longer term, but the low sample size precludes any final conclusion. While dolphins are present in fishing areas, very few interactions with the fishery was detected, which highlights the striking difference with the eastern Pacific Ocean where half the sets are associated to dolphin herds. In addition, the diversity of targeted and bycatch species captured under whale shark and baleen whale sets was also investigated. Whale sharks are principally associated to skipjack and yellowfin (of various sizes) tunas and baleen whales mostly to large yellowfin tuna. In addition, bycatch species associated to these two megafauna groups was relatively low and dominated by the silky shark, and bycatch diversity was close to the one found for free swimming tuna schools. Finally, real and/or simulated encircled megafauna conservation measures or fishing effort management measures (especially FAD moratoria including larger ones) were investigated. The first ones were found to have limited consequences on tuna catch and bycatch. Conversely FAD moratoria had limited impacts on the number of megafauna associated fishing sets, due to the fact that the main spatio-temporal strata of megafauna and FAD sets differ. However larger and longer moratoria could be beneficial for juvenile tuna and some bycatch species. Overall, this thesis has lead to increase the knowledge on megafauna/ fishery interactions, essential in the general framework of setting up an EAF in the tropical tune purse-seine fishery.

3D model vybraného objektu / 3D model of selected object

Ptáček, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is creating digital 3D model of Dolní morový hřbitov in Žďár nad Sázavou. The building is measured primarily by classical geodetic methods. The final appearance of the model is created in AutoCAD 2015. Complementary are presented additional possibilities for creating digital models of building objects and their associated advantages and disadvantages. Much attention is paid to the photogrammetric method based on correlation of images, and work with the program 123D Catch and Cinema 4D.

Role rybožravých predátorů a socio-ekonomických trendů ve sportovním rybaření / The role of fish-eating predators and socio-economic trends in recreational fishing

Lyach, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Recreational fishing is a very important leisure activity and one of the most important ways how humans influence freshwater habitats and wild fish populations. Both fish-eating predators and socio-economic trends play a major role in recreational fishing. This thesis found that the Eurasian otter feeds mainly of small (5-10 g) and very abundant fish species of low angling value. In this case, gudgeon Gobio gobio dominated in the otter diet. The overlap between catches of otters and anglers was very low, and commercially important salmonids made up only 10 % of the otter diet by biomass. Cormorants also prey mostly on smaller (10-100 g) a very abundant fish species. In this case, roach Rutilus rutilus dominated in the cormorant diet. The overlap between catches of cormorants and anglers was also quite low. Commercially important fish species made up less than 10 % of the cormorant diet. Even though cormorants consume mostly smaller fish, they are potentially removing fish that serve as prey for piscivores, and they are also removing smaller fish that would grow into angling size. The Atlantic salmon Salmo salar reintroduction programme has not yet been successful. However, cormorant predation is not the main reason for its low success. The main problem is somewhere on the lower River Elbe in...

Od masové strany ke straně catch-all? ČSDSD ve 30. a 40. letech 20. st. / From mass party to catch-all party?

Pravda, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns the Czechoslovak Social Democracy in the 1930's and 1940's. Its aim is to investigate whether the Social Democratic Party in the Third Republic moved from a mass party towards being a catch-all party. It investigates whether the move was in line with Otto Kirchheimer's theory. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is theoretically orientated. It analyzes how and why there was a move from a mass party towards a catch-all party. It also contains in which areas the change occured and how it occured. The second part focuses on whether the Social Democratic Party in the First Republic can be considered in the typology of political parties as a mass party. There is a conclusion that we can call it a mass party. The third part analyzes if the Social Democratic Party in the Third Republic moved from being a mass party to a catch-all party. The conclusion is that this happened. The final part is dedicated to whether the Social Democratic Party in the Third Republic moved closer to being a catch-all party in line with Otto Kirchheimer's theory. This part concludes that it was in line with this theory.

Modelling the effects of maize/lablab intercropping on soil water content and nitrogen dynamics using APSIM-Model

Rapholo, Seroto Edith January 2020 (has links)
MSCAGR (Soil Science) / Department of Soil Science / Maize (Zea mays L.) is widely grown in the semi-arid regions of South Africa mainly for its grain that is used for direct human consumption, feed for animals and raw materials for the industries. The challenges of soil infertility, water supply, and availability of high yielding cultivars remain a major constraint for its production in this environment. These constraints are a major threat to sustainable crop production and food security. Maize/lablab Zea mays L.\ L. purpureus) intercropping system could thus become an option for food security among small scale maize producers in dry environments. Preliminary studies show the huge potential of maize/lablab intercropping in the semi-arid environments of the North-Eastern South Africa. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effects of maize/lablab intercropping on soil water content, nitrogen dynamics and crop productivity based field experiments and crop simulation modeling using the model APSIM. The trials were conducted at two sites (Univen and Syferkuil) in Limpopo province, South Africa, for two seasons (2015/2016) and 2016/2017). The treatments consisted of; (i) sole maize (ii) sole lablab (iii) maize and lablab planted at the same time (Maize+lablab-ST) and (iv) maize with lablab planted 28 days after maize (Maize+lablab-28).The treatments were laid out in an RCBD replicated 4 times, with individual plots size measuring 4.5 m × 4 m (18 m2) and the layout of the field as consisting of 4 plots per block giving a total of 16 plots in 4 blocks. The following parameters were determined: soil water content, soil NO3--N and NH4+-N levels, dry matter and grain yield. The APSIM-model (version 7.7) was then used to simulate maize grain yield and dry matter production to assess risks associated with the production of maize/lablab intercropping. The results obtained from this study showed that maize/lablab intercropping had significant effects on measured parameters (grain, biomass yield soil water content, and N-minerals). Maize+lablab-28 produced 46 % higher grain yield than sole cropping (24%) and maize+lablab-ST) (30%). The results also showed variation in soil water content at different depths among the treatments. The soil water content was increased with depth. The intercropped plots and lablab sole had significantly higher soil water content than the sole maize. At all depths, the highest soil water content was obtained under sole lablab followed by maize+lablab-ST and maize+lablab-28. It was notable however that maize/lablab intercropping showed a higher NO3--N and NH4+-N levels at all depths. At both sites, the soil NO3--N showed a sharp drop at V7 sampling time. The results showed the benefits of intercropping in comparison to sole cropping as demonstrated by positive land equivalent ratios of >1 for both cropping systems in both years and sites. Modelling exercises showed that APSIM was able to simulate the results sufficiently. In the simulation experiment, a stronger negative effect of planting lablab with maize simultaneously was found. Hence, delayed planting of lablab should be a standard practice / NRF

Analysis of "Observer Effect" in Logbook Reporting Accuracy for U.S. Pelagic Longline Fishing Vessels in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico

Morrell, Thomas J 02 May 2019 (has links)
Commercial pelagic longline fishers within the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean are required to report all fishing interactions per each gear deployment to NOAA’s Vessel Logbook Program of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center to quantify bycatch, increase conservation efforts, and avoid jeopardizing the existence of vulnerable species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). To provide additional accuracy, the Pelagic Observer Program (POP) of the SEFSC deploys professionally trained observers on longline vessels to produce a statistically reliable subset of longline fisheries data. A comparison of self-reported (“unobserved”) datasets versus observer-collected (“observed”) datasets showed a general consistency for most target species but non-reporting or under-reporting for a number of bycatch species and “lesser-valued” target species. These discrepancies between catch compositions and abundancies regarding targeted species, species of bycatch concern, and species of minimum economic value can provide insight into increased fisheries regulations, stricter requirements, or additional observer coverage.

Data som nerv : Hur teknologin Internet of Things formar projektet Över sundet och dess deltagandeprocess / Data as a nerve : How the technology Internet of Things forms the project Över Sundet and its participatory process

Hvalgren, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Arbetets syfte är att undersöka hur deltagande processer med inslag av teknologin Internet of Things (IoT) formar den samtida konsten. Detta genom en fallstudie av projektet Över sundet. Som metod används deltagande observationer och semi-strukturerade intervjuer, då författaren är en av projektets processledare och curators. Över sundet är ett samarbete mellan Helsingborgs stad, Helsingör kommun och två konstnärsgrupper. Tillsammans med städernas invånare ska konstnärerna skapa en ljusinstallation som använder sig av IoT. Med hjälp av teori angående etik, deltagande konst och pedagogik från Claire Bishop visar arbetets analys att projektets process är användbar och positiv men kan likväl gynna konstprojekt utan fokus på teknik. Arbetets analys använder sig också av Lev Manovichs begrepp ”culture interface” och drar slutsatsen att ljusinstallationen är en hybrid av kulturformer. En annan slutsats är att installationen formas av de datakällor som städernas invånare bidrar med. Utan invånarnas data och medskapande roll, berättar konstinstallationen inget narrativ.

Medberoende anhöriga: socialtjänstens arbete för att nå, fånga upp och erbjuda hjälp. : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie. / Co-dependent relatives: : the work of social services to reach, catch up and offer help - a qualitative interview study

Andersson, Ebba, Myrflott Sandell, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand how social workers, working for social services in Sweden, reach out, catch up and offer co-dependent relatives to individuals with alcohol- and/or substance abuse help. Scientific research show that co-dependent people often develop a dependent relationship to their relatives with addiction, which cause feelings of shame and stigmatization. To decrease the codependency and negative emotions the relative need professional help. This paper will focus on how social workers work with reaching out to co-dependent relatives and how they offer them help. For this reason, the paper will also giveperspective on how organisations can help to improve the work with relatives to people with alcohol- and substance abuse, as well as how the social workers can use their own discretion to reach out and catch up the relatives in need of emotional support. This study is based on seven social workers experiences (in six different municipalities) of including relatives to individuals with addictions to either alcohol, substances, or gambling problems in their work and offer them help.

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