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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constraint satisfaction with infinite domains

Bodirsky, Manuel 06 July 2004 (has links)
Constraint Satisfaction Probleme tauchen in vielen Gebieten der theoretischen Informatik auf. Häufig lassen sie sich auf natürliche Weise als Homomorphieprobleme für eine festgelassene Struktur Gamma formulieren: Die Berechnungsaufgabe besteht dann darin, für eine gegebene Struktur S mit der gleichen relationalen Signatur wie Gamma festzustellen, ob es einen Homomorphismus von S nach Gamma gibt. Dieses Problem wurde für enliche Strukturen Gamma intensiv untersucht. Viele der Constraint Satisfaction Probleme, die in der Literatur betrachtet werden, lassen sich jedoch nicht mit endlichen Schablonen Gamma formulieren. Diese Arbeit verallgemeinert Techniken zur Untersuchung der Berechnungskomplexität von Constraint Satisfaction Problemen mit endlichen Schablonen auf unendliche Schablonen. Insbesondere betrachten wir abzählbar kategorische Schablonen, die von zentraler Bedeutung in Modelltheorie sind. / Constraint satisfaction problems occur in many areas of computer science. Often they have a natural formulation as a homomorphism problem for a fixed relational structure Gamma: Given a structure S with the same relational signature as Gamma, is there a homomorphism from S to Gamma? This problem is known as the constraint satisfaction problem CSP(Gamma) for the template Gamma and is intensively studied for relational structures Gamma with a finite domain. However, many constraint satisfaction problems in the literature can not be formulated with a finite template. This thesis generalizes techniques to determine the complexity of constraint satisfaction with finite templates to constraint satisfaction with templates over an infinite domain. In particular, we study templates that are countably categorical. Such structures are a central and well-studied concept in model-theory.

Méthodes de théorie des modèles pour l'étude de groupes topologiques / Model-theoretic methods in the study of topological groups

Ibarlucia, Tomas 12 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse rassemble des travaux qui abordent des sujets de la dynamique topologique par le biais de la logique et de la théorie descriptive des ensembles, et réciproquement. La première partie est consacrée à l'étude des groupes polonais Roelcke précompacts. Cette famille comprend plusieurs groupes de permutations, d'isométries et d'homéomorphismes d'objets mathématiques distingués. Basés sur des travaux précédents de Ben Yaacov et Tsankov, nous développons une traduction modèle-théorique de plusieurs aspects dynamiques de ces groupes. Puis nous utilisons cette traduction pour obtenir une compréhension précise, dans ce cas, de la hiérarchie dynamique étudiée par Glasner et Megrelishvili. Ensuite (avec I. Ben Yaacov et T. Tsankov), nous donnons une description modèle-théorique de la compactification hilbertienne des groupes oligomorphes, et nous caractérisons les groupes oligomorphes Eberlein. Nous étudions également les groupes d'automorphismes des structures randomisées, ainsi que les modèles séparables de la théorie des belles paires de randomisations. Dans la deuxième partie (avec J. Melleray), nous étudions les groupes pleins d'homéomorphismes minimaux de l'espace de Cantor et leurs mesures invariantes. Nous montrons que les groupes pleins des homéomorphismes minimaux n'admettent pas de topologie polonaise, puis qu'ils sont des sous-ensembles non-boréliens du groupe d'homéomorphismes de l'espace de Cantor. Ensuite, nous étudions les clôtures des groupes pleins au moyen de la théorie de Fraïssé. Finalement, nous donnons une caractérisation des ensembles de mesures invariantes des homéomorphismes minimaux de l'espace de Cantor / This thesis gathers different works approaching subjects of topological dynamics by means of logic and descriptive set theory, and conversely. The first part is devoted to the study of Roelcke precompact Polish groups, which are the same as the automorphism groups of N0-categorical structures. They form a rich family of examples of infinite-dimensional topological groups, including several interesting permutation groups, isometry groups and homeomorphism groups of distinguished mathematical objects. Building on previous work of Ben Yaacov and Tsankov, we develop a model-theoretic translation of several dynamical aspects of these groups. Then we use this translation to obtain a precise understanding, in this case, of the dynamical hierarchy studied by Glasner and Megrelishvili. Later, with I. Ben Yaacov and T. Tsankov, we provide a model-theoretic description of the Hilbert-compactification of oligomorphic groups, and we give a characterization of Eberlein oligomorphic groups. We also study automorphism groups of randomized structures, as well the separable models of the theory of beautiful pairs of randomizations. The second part, with J. Melleray, studies full groups of minimal homeomorphisms of the Cantor space and their invariant measures. We show that full groups of minimal homeomorphisms do not admit a Polish group topology, and are moreover non-Borel subsets of the homeomorphism group of the Cantor space. We then study the closures of full groups by means of Fraïssé theory. Finally, we give a characterization of the sets of invariant measures of minimal homeomorphisms of the Cantor space

Actualisation, intensité et saillance : raz mot autonome et préfixe en russe contemporain / Actualization, intensity and salience : RAZ as word and prefix in contemporary Russian

Kravchenko-Biberson, Olga 28 April 2017 (has links)
A travers l’analyse du fonctionnement de la forme RAZ, qui peut correspondre en russe contemporain soit à un mot autonome, soit à un préfixe, cette thèse se veut une contribution à l’étude de la sémantique des unités polycatégorielles, mais aussi à l’approfondissement des notions d’intensité et de saillance. L’analyse s’appuie sur le modèle général de la construction du sens et de la référence élaboré dans le cadre de la Théorie des Opérations Prédicatives et Enonciatives développée à partir des travaux d’Antoine Culioli et tient compte des conditions discursives (situation, cotexte, contexte) dans lesquelles apparaît RAZ. Elle aboutit à l’élaboration d’une signification invariante pour chacun de ses emplois catégoriels comme mot autonome et comme préfixe. Chaque invariant est défini non comme une valeur abstraite ou une valeur prototypique, mais comme un schéma qui indique le rôle spécifique joué par RAZ dans les interactions avec son cotexte. Les invariants proposés sont élaborés sur des critères distributionnels et formels précis, tels que la sémantique catégorielle de RAZ, sa fonction syntaxique, la nature et la fonction syntaxique de sa portée. On démontre que malgré l’existence de deux étymons à la sémantique différente, une partie des emplois du préfixe raz- est en fait rattachable au mot autonome raz. Ils relèvent d’une même sémantique de l’actualisation, qui est à la base de l’interprétation intensive et des effets de mises en saillance associés à certains emplois de RAZ. De là découle la difficulté à les traiter au niveau lexicographique, car leur description nécessite la prise en compte des facteurs énonciatifs et du contexte d’emploi large. / This thesis analyses the functioning of the form RAZ that in contemporary Russian can be either a word or a prefix, and is intended as a contribution to the study of the semantics of polycategorical lexical items as well as to a better understanding of the notions of intensity and salience. The analysis is based on the model of meaning and reference construction elaborated within the framework of the Theory of the Predicative and Enunciative Operations developed by Antoine Culioli’s associates, and takes into consideration the discursive conditions (situation, co-text, context) under which RAZ occurs. It results in the elaboration of a semantic invariant for each categorical use of RAZ as a word and as a prefix. Each invariant is defined not as an abstract value or a prototypic value, but as a schema that indicates the specific role played by RAZ in the interactions with its co-text. The proposed invariants are developed on the basis of specific distributional and formal criteria, such as the categorical semantics of RAZ, its syntactic function, the nature and the function of its scope. It is demonstrated that despite the existence of two etymons with different meanings, some of the uses of the prefix raz- are, in fact, attachable to the word raz. They emerge from the semantics of actualisation (in Bally’s sense), which is responsible for the intensive interpretation and the effects of salience proper to certain uses of RAZ. Hence the difficulty in treating them on the lexicographic level, since their description requires consideration of enunciative factors and of the wider context.

Análise de dados categorizados com omissão / Analysis of categorical data with missingness

Poleto, Frederico Zanqueta 30 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho aborda-se aspectos teóricos, computacionais e aplicados de análises clássicas de dados categorizados com omissão. Uma revisão da literatura é apresentada enquanto se introduz os mecanismos de omissão, mostrando suas características e implicações nas inferências de interesse por meio de um exemplo considerando duas variáveis respostas dicotômicas e estudos de simulação. Amplia-se a modelagem descrita em Paulino (1991, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 5, 1-42) da distribuição multinomial para a produto de multinomiais para possibilitar a inclusão de variáveis explicativas na análise. Os resultados são desenvolvidos em formulação matricial adequada para a implementação computacional, que é realizada com a construção de uma biblioteca para o ambiente estatístico R, a qual é disponibilizada para facilitar o traçado das inferências descritas nesta dissertação. A aplicação da teoria é ilustrada por meio de cinco exemplos de características diversas, uma vez que se ajusta modelos estruturais lineares (homogeneidade marginal), log-lineares (independência, razão de chances adjacentes comum) e funcionais lineares (kappa, kappa ponderado, sensibilidade/especificidade, valor preditivo positivo/negativo) para as probabilidades de categorização. Os padrões de omissão também são variados, com omissões em uma ou duas variáveis, confundimento de células vizinhas, sem ou com subpopulações. / We consider theoretical, computational and applied aspects of classical categorical data analyses with missingness. We present a literature review while introducing the missingness mechanisms, highlighting their characteristics and implications in the inferences of interest by means of an example involving two binary responses and simulation studies. We extend the multinomial modeling scenario described in Paulino (1991, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 5, 1-42) to the product-multinomial setup to allow for the inclusion of explanatory variables. We develop the results in matrix formulation and implement the computational procedures via subroutines written under R statistical environment. We illustrate the application of the theory by means of five examples with different characteristics, fitting structural linear (marginal homogeneity), log-linear (independence, constant adjacent odds ratio) and functional linear models (kappa, weighted kappa, sensitivity/specificity, positive/negative predictive value) for the marginal probabilities. The missingness patterns includes missingness in one or two variables, neighbor cells confounded, with or without explanatory variables.

Avalia??o do programa de tutoriza??o da EMATER-RN para servidores em est?gio probat?rio

Melo, Simone Lopes de 22 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneLM_TESE.pdf: 3257741 bytes, checksum: 55e4c5eac8445802ae8be81f15182e3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present thesis evaluated the contributions and limitations of the tutorship program introduced in EMATER-RN, as a tactic of organizational socialization for civil servants in probationary stage. Tutorship was understood as an intensive and continuous relational process, in which a more experienced person in the organization the tutor offers psychosocial support, stimulates the development of the professional career and enables to the newcomer the tutee learning on job performance. The organizational socialization was considered in the perspective of the symbolic interactionism. The study was characterized as a program evaluation and as an action research. The practical interventions for the program implementation were conducted and, at the same time, the evaluations of process, results and reaction to the program were applied. Among the major contributions of the action research, it stood out: the diagnosis of reasons for the formation of the pair and of expectations of tutors and tutees, the improvement of the tutorship registration tools, the ascertainment of the success of the program in the socialization of the new civil servants, the confirmation of the importance of the compatibility among them and of the adequate performance of tutorship functions for achieving its benefits. Based in constraints of the program, one may quote as essential recommendations: the formation of a technical team supporting the program, the clear establishment of deadlines for each procedure and the reinforcement to its compliance, the investigation of the functions performed by the tutor, the sensitization of the managers to the resolution of problems that affect the program, the voluntary participation of the tutor and the continuous meetings of tutors and tutees. One settles for the relevance of the program and in favor of its continuation, provided that its improvement and systematic management are conducted. / A presente tese avaliou as contribui??es e as limita??es do programa de tutoriza??o implantado na EMATER-RN, como t?tica de socializa??o organizacional para os servidores em est?gio probat?rio. Entendeu-se a tutoriza??o como um processo relacional intensivo e cont?nuo, em que uma pessoa mais experiente na organiza??o o tutor oferece suporte psicossocial, estimula o desenvolvimento da carreira profissional e possibilita ao ingressante o tutorando a aprendizagem no desempenho do cargo. Considerou-se a socializa??o organizacional na perspectiva do interacionismo simb?lico. O estudo caracterizou-se como uma avalia??o de programa e uma pesquisa??o. Realizaram-se as interven??es pr?ticas de implanta??o do programa e, ao mesmo tempo, foram aplicadas as avalia??es de processo, de resultados e de rea??o ao programa. Entre as principais contribui??es da pesquisa??o, destacaram-se: o diagn?stico de raz?es para a forma??o da d?ade e de expectativas de tutores e tutorandos, o aperfei?oamento dos instrumentos de registro da tutoriza??o, a constata??o do sucesso do programa na socializa??o dos novos servidores, a confirma??o da import?ncia da compatibilidade entre eles e do exerc?cio adequado de fun??es de tutoriza??o para o alcance de seus benef?cios. Baseando-se em limites do programa, citam-se como recomenda??es fundamentais: a forma??o de uma equipe t?cnica de suporte ao programa, o estabelecimento claro de prazos para cada procedimento e refor?o ao seu cumprimento, a investiga??o das fun??es desempenhadas pelo tutor, a sensibiliza??o dos dirigentes para a resolu??o de problemas que afetam o programa, a participa??o volunt?ria do tutor e os encontros cont?nuos de tutores e tutorandos. Conclui-se pelo m?rito do programa e a favor de sua continuidade, desde que ocorram o seu aperfei?oamento e o seu gerenciamento sistem?ticos.

Contributions à la réduction de dimension

Kuentz, Vanessa 20 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée au problème de la réduction de dimension. Cette thématique centrale en Statistique vise à rechercher des sous-espaces de faibles dimensions tout en minimisant la perte d'information contenue dans les données. Tout d'abord, nous nous intéressons à des méthodes de statistique multidimensionnelle dans le cas de variables qualitatives. Nous abordons la question de la rotation en Analyse des Correspondances Multiples (ACM). Nous définissons l'expression analytique de l'angle de rotation planaire optimal pour le critère de rotation choisi. Lorsque le nombre de composantes principales retenues est supérieur à deux, nous utilisons un algorithme de rotations planaires successives de paires de facteurs. Nous proposons également différents algorithmes de classification de variables qualitatives qui visent à optimiser un critère de partitionnement basé sur la notion de rapports de corrélation. Un jeu de données réelles illustre les intérêts pratiques de la rotation en ACM et permet de comparer empiriquement les différents algorithmes de classification de variables qualitatives proposés. Puis nous considérons un modèle de régression semiparamétrique, plus précisément nous nous intéressons à la méthode de régression inverse par tranchage (SIR pour Sliced Inverse Regression). Nous développons une approche basée sur un partitionnement de l'espace des covariables, qui est utilisable lorsque la condition fondamentale de linéarité de la variable explicative est violée. Une seconde adaptation, utilisant le bootstrap, est proposée afin d'améliorer l'estimation de la base du sous-espace de réduction de dimension. Des résultats asymptotiques sont donnés et une étude sur des données simulées démontre la supériorité des approches proposées. Enfin les différentes applications et collaborations interdisciplinaires réalisées durant la thèse sont décrites. / This thesis concentrates on dimension reduction approaches, that seek for lower dimensional subspaces minimizing the lost of statistical information. First we focus on multivariate analysis for categorical data. The rotation problem in Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is treated. We give the analytic expression of the optimal angle of planar rotation for the chosen criterion. If more than two principal components are to be retained, this planar solution is used in a practical algorithm applying successive pairwise planar rotations. Different algorithms for the clustering of categorical variables are also proposed to maximize a given partitioning criterion based on correlation ratios. A real data application highlights the benefits of using rotation in MCA and provides an empirical comparison of the proposed algorithms for categorical variable clustering. Then we study the semiparametric regression method SIR (Sliced Inverse Regression). We propose an extension based on the partitioning of the predictor space that can be used when the crucial linearity condition of the predictor is not verified. We also introduce bagging versions of SIR to improve the estimation of the basis of the dimension reduction subspace. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are obtained and a simulation study shows the good numerical behaviour of the proposed methods. Finally applied multivariate data analysis on various areas is described.

Snap Scholar: The User Experience of Engaging with Academic Research Through a Tappable Stories Medium

Burk, Ieva 01 January 2019 (has links)
With the shift to learn and consume information through our mobile devices, most academic research is still only presented in long-form text. The Stanford Scholar Initiative has explored the segment of content creation and consumption of academic research through video. However, there has been another popular shift in presenting information from various social media platforms and media outlets in the past few years. Snapchat and Instagram have introduced the concept of tappable “Stories” that have gained popularity in the realm of content consumption. To accelerate the growth of the creation of these research talks, I propose an alternative to video: a tappable Snapchat-like interface. This style is achieved using AMP, Google’s open source project to optimize web experiences on mobile, and particularly the AMP Stories visual medium. My research seeks to explore how the process and quality of consuming the content of academic papers would change if instead of watching videos, users would consume content through Stories on mobile instead. Since this form of content consumption is still largely unresearched in the academic context, I approached this research with a human-centered design process, going through a few iterations to test various prototypes before formulating research questions and designing an experiment. I tested various formats of research consumption through Stories with pilot users, and learned many lessons to iterate from along the way. I created a way to consume research papers in a Stories format, and designed a comparative study to measure the effectiveness of consuming research papers through the Stories medium and the video medium. The results indicate that Stories are a quicker way to consume the same content, and improve the user’s pace of comprehension. Further, the Stories medium provides the user a self-paced method—both temporally and content-wise—to consume technical research topics, and is deemed as a less boring method to do so in comparison to video. While Stories gave the learner a chance to actively participate in consumption by tapping, the video experience is enjoyed because of its reduced effort and addition of an audio component. These findings suggest that the Stories medium may be a promising interface in educational contexts, for distributing scientific content and assisting with active learning.

Penalized mixed-effects ordinal response models for high-dimensional genomic data in twins and families

Gentry, Amanda E. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Brisbane Longitudinal Twin Study (BLTS) was being conducted in Australia and was funded by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Adolescent twins were sampled as a part of this study and surveyed about their substance use as part of the Pathways to Cannabis Use, Abuse and Dependence project. The methods developed in this dissertation were designed for the purpose of analyzing a subset of the Pathways data that includes demographics, cannabis use metrics, personality measures, and imputed genotypes (SNPs) for 493 complete twin pairs (986 subjects.) The primary goal was to determine what combination of SNPs and additional covariates may predict cannabis use, measured on an ordinal scale as: “never tried,” “used moderately,” or “used frequently”. To conduct this analysis, we extended the ordinal Generalized Monotone Incremental Forward Stagewise (GMIFS) method for mixed models. This extension includes allowance for a unpenalized set of covariates to be coerced into the model as well as flexibility for user-specified correlation patterns between twins in a family. The proposed methods are applicable to high-dimensional (genomic or otherwise) data with ordinal response and specific, known covariance structure within clusters.

Vocal Expression of Emotion : Discrete-emotions and Dimensional Accounts

Laukka, Petri January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigated whether vocal emotion expressions are conveyed as discrete emotions or as continuous dimensions. </p><p>Study I consisted of a meta-analysis of decoding accuracy of discrete emotions (anger, fear, happiness, love-tenderness, sadness) within and across cultures. Also, the literature on acoustic characteristics of expressions was reviewed. Results suggest that vocal expressions are universally recognized and that there exist emotion-specific patterns of voice-cues for discrete emotions.</p><p>In Study II, actors vocally portrayed anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness with weak and strong emotion intensity. The portrayals were decoded by listeners and acoustically analyzed with respect to 20 voice-cues (e.g., speech rate, voice intensity, fundamental frequency, spectral energy distribution). Both the intended emotion and intensity of the portrayals were accurately decoded and had an impact on voice-cues. Listeners’ ratings of both emotion and intensity could be predicted from a selection of voice-cues.</p><p>In Study III, listeners rated the portrayals from Study II on emotion dimensions (activation, valence, potency, emotion intensity). All dimensions were correlated with several voice-cues. Listeners’ ratings could be successfully predicted from the voice-cues for all dimensions except valence.</p><p>In Study IV, continua of morphed expressions, ranging from one emotion to another in equal steps, were created using speech synthesis. Listeners identified the emotion of each expression and discriminated between pairs of expressions. The continua were perceived as two distinct sections separated by a sudden category boundary. Also, discrimination accuracy was generally higher for pairs of stimuli falling across category boundaries than for pairs belonging to the same category. This suggests that vocal expressions are categorically perceived.</p><p>Taken together, the results suggest that a discrete-emotions approach provides the best account of vocal expression. Previous difficulties in finding emotion-specific patterns of voice-cues may be explained in terms of limitations of previous studies and the coding of the communicative process.</p>

Agreement between raters and groups of raters/ accord entre observateurs et groupes d'observateurs

Vanbelle, Sophie 11 June 2009 (has links)
Agreement between raters on a categorical scale is not only a subject of scientific research but also a problem frequently encountered in practice. Whenever a new scale is developed to assess individuals or items in a certain context, inter-rater agreement is a prerequisite for the scale to be actually implemented in routine use. Cohen's kappa coeffcient is a landmark in the developments of rater agreement theory. This coeffcient, which operated a radical change in previously proposed indexes, opened a new field of research in the domain. In the first part of this work, after a brief review of agreement on a quantitative scale, the kappa-like family of agreement indexes is described in various instances: two raters, several raters, an isolated rater and a group of raters and two groups of raters. To quantify the agreement between two individual raters, Cohen's kappa coefficient (Cohen, 1960) and the intraclass kappa coefficient (Kraemer, 1979) are widely used for binary and nominal scales, while the weighted kappa coefficient (Cohen, 1968) is recommended for ordinal scales. An interpretation of the quadratic (Schuster, 2004) and the linear (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009c) weighting schemes is given. Cohen's kappa (Fleiss, 1971) and intraclass kappa (Landis and Koch, 1977c) coefficients were extended to the case where agreement is searched between several raters. Next, the kappa-like family of agreement coefficients is extended to the case of an isolated rater and a group of raters (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009a) and to the case of two groups of raters (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009b). These agreement coefficients are derived on a population-based model and reduce to the well-known Cohen's kappa coefficient in the case of two single raters. The proposed agreement indexes are also compared to existing methods, the consensus method and Schouten's agreement index (Schouten, 1982). The superiority of the new approach over the latter is shown. In the second part of the work, methods for hypothesis testing and data modeling are discussed. Firstly, the method proposed by Fleiss (1981) for comparing several independent agreement indexes is presented. Then, a bootstrap method initially developed by McKenzie et al. (1996) to compare two dependent agreement indexes, is extended to several dependent agreement indexes (Vanbelle and Albert, 2008). All these methods equally apply to the kappa coefficients introduced in the first part of the work. Next, regression methods for testing the effect of continuous and categorical covariates on the agreement between two or several raters are reviewed. This includes the weighted least-squares method allowing only for categorical covariates (Barnhart and Williamson, 2002) and a regression method based on two sets of generalized estimating equations. The latter method was developed for the intraclass kappa coefficient (Klar et al., 2000), Cohen's kappa coefficient (Williamson et al., 2000) and the weighted kappa coefficient (Gonin et al., 2000). Finally, a heuristic method, restricted to the case of independent observations, is presented (Lipsitz et al., 2001, 2003) which turns out to be equivalent to the generalized estimating equations approach. These regression methods are compared to the bootstrap method extended by Vanbelle and Albert (2008) but they were not generalized to agreement between a single rater and a group of raters nor between two groups of raters. / Sujet d'intenses recherches scientifiques, l'accord entre observateurs sur une échelle catégorisée est aussi un problème fréquemment rencontré en pratique. Lorsqu'une nouvelle échelle de mesure est développée pour évaluer des sujets ou des objets, l'étude de l'accord inter-observateurs est un prérequis indispensable pour son utilisation en routine. Le coefficient kappa de Cohen constitue un tournant dans les développements de la théorie sur l'accord entre observateurs. Ce coefficient, radicalement différent de ceux proposés auparavant, a ouvert de nouvelles voies de recherche dans le domaine. Dans la première partie de ce travail, après une brève revue des mesures d'accord sur une échelle quantitative, la famille des coefficients kappa est décrite dans différentes situations: deux observateurs, plusieurs observateurs, un observateur isolé et un groupe d'observateurs, et enfin deux groupes d'observateurs. Pour quantifier l'accord entre deux observateurs, le coefficient kappa de Cohen (Cohen, 1960) et le coefficient kappa intraclasse (Kraemer, 1979) sont largement utilisés pour les échelles binaires et nominales. Par contre, le coefficient kappa pondéré (Cohen, 1968) est recommandé pour les échelles ordinales. Schuster (2004) a donné une interprétation des poids quadratiques tandis que Vanbelle and Albert (2009c) se sont interessés aux poids linéaires. Les coefficients d'accord correspondant au coefficient kappa de Cohen (Fleiss, 1971) et au coefficient kappa intraclasse (Landis and Koch, 1977c) sont aussi donnés dans le cas de plusieurs observateurs. La famille des coefficients kappa est ensuite étendue au cas d'un observateur isolé et d'un groupe d'observateurs (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009a) et au cas de deux groupes d'observateurs (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009b). Les coefficients d'accord sont élaborés à partir d'un modèle de population et se réduisent au coefficient kappa de Cohen dans le cas de deux observateurs isolés. Les coefficients d'accord proposés sont aussi comparés aux méthodes existantes, la méthode du consensus et le coefficient d'accord de Schouten (Schouten, 1982). La supériorité de la nouvelle approche sur ces dernières est démontrée. Des méthodes qui permettent de tester des hypothèses et modéliser des coefficients d'accord sont abordées dans la seconde partie du travail. Une méthode permettant la comparaison de plusieurs coefficients d'accord indépendants (Fleiss, 1981) est d'abord présentée. Puis, une méthode basée sur le bootstrap, initialement développée par McKenzie et al. (1996) pour comparer deux coefficients d'accord dépendants, est étendue au cas de plusieurs coefficients dépendants par Vanbelle and Albert (2008). Pour finir, des méthodes de régression permettant de tester l'effet de covariables continues et catégorisées sur l'accord entre deux observateurs sont exposées. Ceci comprend la méthode des moindres carrés pondérés (Barnhart and Williamson, 2002), admettant seulement des covariables catégorisées, et une méthode de régression basée sur deux équations d'estimation généralisées. Cette dernière méthode a été développée dans le cas du coefficient kappa intraclasse (Klar et al., 2000), du coefficient kappa de Cohen (Williamson et al., 2000) et du coefficient kappa pondéré (Gonin et al., 2000). Enfin, une méthode heuristique, limitée au cas d'observations indépendantes, est présentée (Lipsitz et al., 2001, 2003). Elle est équivalente à l'approche par les équations d'estimation généralisées. Ces méthodes de régression sont comparées à l'approche par le bootstrap (Vanbelle and Albert, 2008) mais elles n'ont pas encore été généralisées au cas d'un observateur isolé et d'un groupe d'observateurs ni au cas de deux groupes d'observateurs. / Het bepalen van overeenstemming tussen beoordelaars voor categorische gegevens is niet alleen een kwestie van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, maar ook een probleem dat men veelvuldig in de praktijk tegenkomt. Telkens wanneer een nieuwe schaal wordt ontwikkeld om individuele personen of zaken te evalueren in een bepaalde context, is interbeoordelaarsovereenstemming een noodzakelijke voorwaarde vooraleer de schaal in de praktijk kan worden toegepast. Cohen's kappa coëfficiënt is een mijlpaal in de ontwikkeling van de theorie van interbeoordelaarsovereenstemming. Deze coëfficiënt, die een radicale verandering met de voorgaande indices inhield, opende een nieuw onderzoeksspoor in het domein. In het eerste deel van dit werk wordt, na een kort overzicht van overeenstemming voor kwantitatieve gegevens, de kappa-achtige familie van overeenstemmingsindices beschreven in verschillende gevallen: twee beoordelaars, verschillende beoordelaars, één geïsoleerde beoordelaar en een groep van beoordelaars, en twee groepen van beoordelaars. Om de overeenstemming tussen twee individuele beoordelaars te kwantificeren worden Cohen's kappa coëfficiënt (Cohen, 1960) en de intraklasse kappa coëfficiënt (Kraemer, 1979) veelvuldig gebruikt voor binaire en nominale gegevens, terwijl de gewogen Kappa coëfficiënt (Cohen, 1968) aangewezen is voor ordinale gegevens. Een interpretatie van de kwadratische (Schuster, 2004) en lineaire (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009c) weegschema's wordt gegeven. Overeenstemmingsindices die overeenkomen met Cohen's Kappa (Fleiss, 1971) en intraklasse-kappa (Landis and Koch, 1977c) coëfficiënten kunnen worden gebruikt om de overeenstemming tussen verschillende beoordelaars te beschrijven. Daarna wordt de familie van kappa-achtige overeenstemmingscoëfficiënten uitgebreid tot het geval van één geïsoleerde beoordelaar en een groep van beoordelaars (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009a) en tot het geval van twee groepen van beoordelaars (Vanbelle and Albert, 2009b). Deze overeenstemmingscoëfficiënten zijn afgeleid van een populatie-gebaseerd model en kunnen worden herleid tot de welbekende Cohen's coëfficiënt in het geval van twee individuele beoordelaars. De voorgestelde overeenstemmingsindices worden ook vergeleken met bestaande methodes, de consensusmethode en Schoutens overeenstemmingsindex (Schouten, 1982). De superioriteit van de nieuwe benadering over de laatstgenoemde wordt aangetoond. In het tweede deel van het werk worden hypothesetesten en gegevensmodellering besproken. Vooreerst wordt de methode voorgesteld door Fleiss (1981) om verschillende onafhankelijke overeenstemmingsindices te vergelijken, voorgesteld. Daarna wordt een bootstrapmethode, oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld door McKenzie et al. (1996) om twee onafhankelijke overeenstemmingsindices te vergelijken, uitgebreid tot verschillende afhankelijke overeenstemmingsindices (Vanbelle and Albert, 2008). Al deze methoden kunnen ook worden toegepast op de overeenstemmingsindices die in het eerste deel van het werk zijn beschreven. Ten slotte wordt een overzicht gegeven van regressiemethodes om het eect van continue en categorische covariabelen op de overeenstemming tussen twee of meer beoordelaars te testen. Dit omvat de gewogen kleinste kwadraten methode, die alleen werkt met categorische covariabelen (Barnhart and Williamson, 2002) en een regressiemethode gebaseerd op twee sets van gegeneraliseerde schattingsvergelijkingen. De laatste methode was ontwikkeld voor de intraklasse kappa coëfficiënt (Klar et al., 2000), Cohen's kappa coëfficiënt (Williamson et al., 2000) en de gewogen kappa coëfficiënt (Gonin et al., 2000). Ten slotte wordt een heuristische methode voorgesteld die alleen van toepassing is op het geval van onafhankelijk waarnemingen (Lipsitz et al., 2001, 2003). Ze blijkt equivalent te zijn met de benadering van de gegeneraliseerde schattingsvergelijkingen. Deze regressiemethoden worden vergeleken met de bootstrapmethode uitgebreid door Vanbelle and Albert (2008) maar werden niet veralgemeend tot de overeenstemming tussen een enkele beoordelaar en een groep van beoordelaars, en ook niet tussen twee groepen van beoordelaars.

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