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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Dignity and Rights of Persons with Disabilities / Dignidad Humana y Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad

Atienza Rodríguez, Manuel 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author analyzes the impact of the Kantian concept of human dignity in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Likewise, the author elaborates a critique of the principle which argues that persons with disabilities’ individual autonomy and capacity to make decisions must be respected, regardless of the particular circumstances of the case, and finally proposes an interpretation of this principle based on the principle of equality. / En el presente artículo, el autor analiza la incidencia del concepto kantiano d e d ignidad h umana e n l a C onvención I nternacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad de la ONU. Asimismo, el autor realiza una crítica al principio que sostiene que deben respetarse siempre, sin importar las circunstancias particulares del caso, la autonomía individual y la capacidad de las personas con discapacidad de adoptar decisiones, y, finalmente, propone una interpretación de este principio con base al principio de igualdad.

Análise de dados categorizados com omissão / Analysis of categorical data with missingness

Frederico Zanqueta Poleto 30 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho aborda-se aspectos teóricos, computacionais e aplicados de análises clássicas de dados categorizados com omissão. Uma revisão da literatura é apresentada enquanto se introduz os mecanismos de omissão, mostrando suas características e implicações nas inferências de interesse por meio de um exemplo considerando duas variáveis respostas dicotômicas e estudos de simulação. Amplia-se a modelagem descrita em Paulino (1991, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 5, 1-42) da distribuição multinomial para a produto de multinomiais para possibilitar a inclusão de variáveis explicativas na análise. Os resultados são desenvolvidos em formulação matricial adequada para a implementação computacional, que é realizada com a construção de uma biblioteca para o ambiente estatístico R, a qual é disponibilizada para facilitar o traçado das inferências descritas nesta dissertação. A aplicação da teoria é ilustrada por meio de cinco exemplos de características diversas, uma vez que se ajusta modelos estruturais lineares (homogeneidade marginal), log-lineares (independência, razão de chances adjacentes comum) e funcionais lineares (kappa, kappa ponderado, sensibilidade/especificidade, valor preditivo positivo/negativo) para as probabilidades de categorização. Os padrões de omissão também são variados, com omissões em uma ou duas variáveis, confundimento de células vizinhas, sem ou com subpopulações. / We consider theoretical, computational and applied aspects of classical categorical data analyses with missingness. We present a literature review while introducing the missingness mechanisms, highlighting their characteristics and implications in the inferences of interest by means of an example involving two binary responses and simulation studies. We extend the multinomial modeling scenario described in Paulino (1991, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 5, 1-42) to the product-multinomial setup to allow for the inclusion of explanatory variables. We develop the results in matrix formulation and implement the computational procedures via subroutines written under R statistical environment. We illustrate the application of the theory by means of five examples with different characteristics, fitting structural linear (marginal homogeneity), log-linear (independence, constant adjacent odds ratio) and functional linear models (kappa, weighted kappa, sensitivity/specificity, positive/negative predictive value) for the marginal probabilities. The missingness patterns includes missingness in one or two variables, neighbor cells confounded, with or without explanatory variables.

The Effects of Age of Onset on VOT in L2 Aquisition and L1 Attrition : A Study of the Speech Production and Perception of Advanced Spanish-Swedish Bilinguals

Stölten, Katrin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of age in second language (L2) acquisition and first language (L1) attrition. The focus is on Voice Onset Time (VOT) in the production and categorical perception of word-initial L1 and L2 stops in highly advanced L1 Spanish learners of L2 Swedish. Using as the point of departure a maturational constraints perspective and the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH), Study I examines the impact of age of onset (AO) of L2 acquisition on the production of L2 Swedish voiceless stops. The results show that there are AO effects even in the speech of highly advanced L2 learners and that the incidence of nativelike L2 learners is considerably lower than earlier assumed. However, conclusions like these are only possible when speaking rate is accounted for, thereby highlighting the importance of speaking rate effects on VOT as a measure of nativelikeness. Like Study I, Study II reveals age effects on the same L2 learners’ categorical perceptions of L2 Swedish stops. Moreover, after combining the results with the data from Study I, the incidence of nativelike behavior drops remarkably with no late L2 learner performing within the range of native-speaker production and perception. The results suggest that L2 acquisition of phonetic/phonological aspects is especially sensitive to AO effects. It is concluded that theories on maturational constraints, including the CPH, cannot be refuted on the basis of the present data. Study III concerns the same participants’ production and perception of L1 Spanish stops. Age of reduced contact (ARC) is identified as an important predictor for L1 attrition and retention of voiceless stop production, although not of stop perception. This discrepancy is related to different activation thresholds as proposed by the Activation Threshold Hypothesis (ATH). It is further suggested that early bilinguals are more dependent on high-frequency L1 use than late bilinguals when compensating for age effects, but only in production. / <p>At the time of doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Accepted. Paper 2: In press. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p> / Age of onset and ultimate attainment in second language acquisition, The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, grant no. 1999-0383:01 / First language attrition in advanced second language speakers, Swedish Research Council, grant no. 421-2004-1975

Pojištění více životů a skupinové pojištění / Multiple life insurance and group insurance

Broukalová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to familiarize the reader with the topic of life insurance, especially insurance taken out for more people. Its focus is empirical rather as combining the use of several actuarial and statistical methods through three statistical software and applications created in MS Excel using VBA. First, thesis is focused to multiple life insurance with intention to show reader the diversity of this interesting but rarely offered product in business world, especially through the application created for the purpose of this work. Sense of mentioned application lies in the fact it is able to calculate amount of the net premium for a user-selected type of insurance. Based on this outcome insurer can determine the net price corresponding to the chosen risk coverage (regardless of the amount of the costs associated with this type of insurance and required profitability). Age of insured person isn't usually part of calculation of premium for accident insurance. One of the aims of this study is to assess whether this parameter actually has or doesn't have any effect on the price of insurance. With help of SPSS and RStudio software relationship between age of insured person and amount of indemnification from daily compensation insurance has been researched. Based on the test of variable independence were detected dependencies of these variables where all of which used measure of association suggests a weak dependence amount of indemnification on the age of the insured. It surely worth insurer should consider different insurance rates for various ages of insured person. Following by examination whether the rate used to calculate premiums in case of hospitalization extra insurance corresponds to the actual risk coverage. It has been calculated the rate could be lower than currently used due to the loss experience of insurance for the past 9 years and the assumption of certain expenses and desired profit. It would be cheaper for insurance group contracts than it is today, when the insurer has done so. It could also attract new clientele. The last stated goal in this thesis is to create prognosis of the amount of indemnity paid for injuries covered by additional daily compensation insurance. Using the software EViews is analyzed this trend in the past 32 months first. Based on its outcome there is a future level forecast created for the next four years. These resulting values indicate the insurance indemnity for group contract will grow. Therefore, based on this analysis insurer should to conclude in the contract it would be appropriate to increase the premium of the insurance coverage. With these practical tasks the reader can get idea not only of problems solved in the scope of multiple life insurance and group insurance but also to become familiar with some statistical software used for analyzes carried out not only in the insurance industry. The conclusions of this thesis can also be beneficial for insurer who may adjust premium prices of analyzed insurances.

Puissance expressive des preuves circulaires / Expressive power of circular proofs

Fortier, Jerome 19 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à établir les propriétés fondamentales d'un système formel aux preuves circulaires introduit par Santocanale, auquel on a rajouté la règle de coupure. On démontre, dans un premier temps, qu'il y a une pleine correspondance entre les preuves circulaires et les flèches issues des catégories dites µ-bicomplètes. Ces flèches sont celles que l'on peut définir purement à partir des outils suivants: les produits et coproduits finis, les algèbres initiales et les coalgèbres finales. Dans la catégorie des ensembles, les preuves circulaires dénotent donc les fonctions qu'on peut définir en utilisant les produits cartésiens finis, les unions disjointes finies, l'induction et la coinduction. On décrit également une procédure d'élimination des coupures qui produit, à partir d'une preuve circulaire finie, une preuve sans cycles et sans coupures, mais possiblement infinie. On démontre que l'élimination des coupures fournit une sémantique opérationnelle aux preuves circulaires, c'est-à-dire qu'elle permet de calculer les fonctions dénotées par celles-ci, par le moyen d'une sorte d'automate avec mémoire. Enfin, on s'intéresse au problème de la puissance expressive de cet éliminateur de coupures, c'est-à-dire à la question de caractériser la classe des expressions qu'il peut calculer. On démontre, par une simulation, que l'éliminateur des coupures est strictement plus expressif que les automates à pile d'ordre supérieur. / This research aims at establishing the fundamental properties of a formal system with circular proofs introduced by Santocanale, to which we added the cut rule. We first show that there is a full correspondence between circular proofs and arrows from the so-called µ-bicomplete categories. These arrows are those that can be defined purely from the following tools: finite products and coproducts, initial algebras and final coalgebras. In the category of sets, circular proofs denote functions that one can define by using finite cartesian products, finite disjoint unions, induction and coinduction. We also describe a cut-elimination procedure that produces, from a given finite circular proof, a proof without cycles and cuts, but which may be infinite. We prove that cut-elimination gives an operational semantics to circular proofs, which is to say that they allow to compute the functions denoted by them, by using a sort of automaton with memory. Finally, we are interested in finding the expressive power of that cut-eliminating automaton. In other words, we want to characterize the class of functions that it can compute. We show, through a simulation, that the cut-eliminating automaton is strictly more expressive than higher-order pushdown automata.


CABRA, GIULIA 23 October 2020 (has links)
Edmund Husserl tratta l’etica e l’intersoggettività separatamente e con scopi diversi. Allo stesso tempo, nei suoi testi sono presenti indizi di una mutua connessione tra tali ambiti. Nel mio lavoro intendo chiarire come sia interpretabile tale connessione. In particolare, considero che l’affermazione husserliana del valore della relazione e del dovere di promuoverla indica che il soggetto può realizzare attivamente la dimensione intersoggettiva in cui si trova solo attraverso una scelta a favore della relazione. Tale scelta presuppone l’esperienza del valore altrui. Mi chiedo quindi quali siano le condizioni dell’esperienza della rilevanza assiologica ed etica dell’altro e della relazione con lui. Per rispondere a questa domanda, mi rivolgo a due ambiti della fenomenologia trascendentale di Husserl: la teoria dell’intersoggettività e le analisi etiche. Attraverso la prima, valuto se gli strati costitutivi dell’esperienza intersoggettiva abbiano una rilevanza assiologica. Tuttavia, dati i limiti di una considerazione etica della teoria dell’intersoggettività, mi rivolgo alle analisi etiche per ulteriori approfondimenti. Esse mostrano che il valore dell’altro e il dovere nei suoi confronti sono colti dall’atto emotivo dell’amore e che l’amore a sua volta è fondato nel coglimento dell’altro come soggetto trascendentale. Così facendo chiarifico la mutua connessione tra etica e teoria dell’intersoggettività in Husserl. / Edmund Husserl treats ethics and intersubjectivity separately and with different purposes. At the same time, he disseminates clues of their interconnectedness throughout his works. In my dissertation, I aim to elucidate how to interpret their connection. In particular, I argue that Husserl’s insistence on the value of relationship and on the duty to promote it indicates that the subject can actively realize the intersubjective dimension in which it is situated only through a choice in favour of the relationship. This choice presupposes the experience of the value of the other. I thus ask which are the conditions of the experience of the axiological and ethical relevance of the other and of the relationship with it. To answer this question, I turn to two areas of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology: his theory of intersubjectivity and his ethical analyses. Through the first, I assess whether the constitutive levels of intersubjective experience have axiological relevance. However, given the limits pertaining to an ethical consideration of his theory of intersubjectivity, I move to Husserl’s ethical analyses for further insights. These analyses show that the value of the other and the duty towards it are captured by the emotional act of love, and that love is in turn grounded on grasping the other as a transcendental subject. I thereby shed light on the interconnectedness of Husserl’s ethics and theory of intersubjectivity.

Specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med stödinsatser : En studie i tre teman: stödinsatser, specialpedagogens roll samt främjande och förebyggande insatser / The complex role of the special education coordinator regarding support : A study in three parts: support, the role of the SENCo, promotion and prevention

Ahrén, Carin, Löfgren, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) slår fast att elever som riskerar att inte nå målen ska ges den ledning och stimulans som behövs för att utvecklas i riktning mot målen. Studiens syfte är att beskriva specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med stödinsatser för de elever som riskerar att inte nå målen. Studiens tre teman är Stödinsatser, Specialpedagogens roll och Främjande och förebyggande arbete. En kvalitativ metod har använts med semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio specialpedagoger. För att bearbeta intervjumaterialet har kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts. Analysen har gjorts utifrån systemteori och de specialpedagogiska perspektiven relationellt perspektiv, kategoriskt perspektiv och dilemmaperspektiv. Resultatet visar att specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med stödinsatser är komplex. Dels handlar det om att i samråd med läraren identifiera elever, att välja adekvat anpassning eller stödinsats och att utvärdera dessa. Resultatet visar också att alla specialpedagogernas arbetsuppgifter ryms inom ramen för examensordningen men att de inbördes kan skilja sig åt i det att vissa arbetar mer elevfokuserat medan andra arbetar mer på organisationsnivå (SFS 2017:1111). Det skiljer sig också åt i hur mycket specialpedagogerna är involverade i systematiskt kvalitetsarbete och att utveckla undervisningen på skolan. En slutsats som dras är att specialpedagogerna till stor del använder samma typ av extra anpassningar och stödinsatser, men att det skiljer sig mycket i vilka stödinsatser som förespråkas mest och i hur specialpedagogerna motiverar användandet av dem med utgångspunkt i användbarhet. En annan slutsats är att dokumentation av extra anpassningar är en förutsättning för att kunna utvärdera hur de har fungerat, och att många skolor gör detta trots de motsatta intentionerna i reformen kring extra anpassningar som kom 2014 (Skolinspektionen, 2016; Skolverket, 2014). / The Education Act (SFS 2010:800) states that students who are at risk of not reaching the minimum standards are entitled to support. The aim of this study is to describe the role of the Special Education Coordinator (SENCo) regarding the support given to students who risk not receiving a passing grade in at least one subject. The study has three parts: Support, The role of the SENCo, Promotion and prevention. The study has been conducted using a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis with nine SENCos. The analysis has been made using system theory and three perspectives: the relational perspective, the categorical perspective and the dilemma perspective. The result shows that the role of the SENCo regarding support is complex. The role includes cooperation with teachers in identifying students, in choosing the correct supplemental support and in evaluating the support given. The result also shows that the roles of the SENCo are included in the System of Qualifications (SFS 2017:1111), but that the SENCOs that were interviewed have different perspectives where some are more inclined to work close to the students whereas others operate on an organizational level. There is also a clear difference between how involved the SENCos are in the systematic quality work and in developing the teaching methods in order to reduce the amount of support provided to individual students. One conclusion is that the SENCos use the same types of supplemental support but that they motivate their use in different ways. Another conclusion is that documentation of supplemental support is necessary to be able to evaluate them and that many schools do this despite the intention in the reform from 2014 (Swedish Schools Inspectorate 2016; Swedish National Agency for Education, 2014).

"Konstrukcija i analiza klaster algoritma sa primenom u definisanju bihejvioralnih faktora rizika u populaciji odraslog stanovništva Srbije" / "Construction and analysis of cluster algorithmwith application in defining behavioural riskfactors in Serbian adult population"

Dragnić Nataša 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Klaster analiza ima dugu istoriju i mada se<br />primenjuje u mnogim oblastima i dalje ostaju<br />značajni izazovi. U disertaciji je prikazan uvod<br />u neglatki optimizacioni pristup u<br />klasterovanju, sa osvrtom na problem<br />klasterovanja velikih skupova podataka.<br />Međutim, ovi optimizacioni algoritmi bolje<br />funkcioni&scaron;u u radu sa neprekidnim podacima.<br />Jedan od glavnih izazova u klaster analizi je<br />rad sa velikim skupovima podataka sa<br />kategorijalnim i kombinovanim (numerički i<br />kategorijalni) tipovima promenljivih. Rad sa<br />velikim brojem instanci (objekata) i velikim<br />brojem dimenzija (promenljivih), može<br />predstavljati problem u klaster analizi, zbog<br />vremenske složenosti. Jedan od načina<br />re&scaron;avanja ovog problema je redukovanje broja<br />instanci, bez gubitka informacija.<br />Prvi cilj disertacije je bio upoređivanje<br />rezultata klasterovanja na celom skupu i<br />prostim slučajnim uzorcima sa kategorijalnim i<br />kombinovanim podacima, za različite veličine<br />uzorka i različit broj klastera. Nije utvrđena<br />značajna razlika (p&gt;0.05) u rezultatima<br />klasterovanja na uzorcima obima<br />0.03m,0.05m,0.1m,0.3m (gde je m obim<br />posmatranog skupa) i celom skupu.<br />Drugi cilj disertacije je bio konstrukcija<br />efikasnog postupka klasterovanja velikih<br />skupova podataka sa kategorijalnim i<br />kombinovanim tipovima promenljivih.<br />Predloženi postupak se sastoji iz sledećih<br />koraka: 1. klasterovanje na prostim slučajnim<br />uzorcima određene kardinalnosti; 2.<br />određivanje najboljeg klasterskog re&scaron;enja na<br />uzorku, primenom odgovarajućeg kriterijuma<br />validnosti; 3. dobijeni centri klastera iz ovog<br />uzorka služe za klasterovanje ostatka skupa.<br />Treći cilj disertacije predstavlja primenu<br />klaster analize u definisanju klastera<br />bihejvioralnih faktora rizika u populaciji<br />odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije, kao i analizu<br />sociodemografskih karakteristika dobijenih<br />klastera. Klaster analiza je primenjena na<br />velikom reprezentativnom uzorku odraslog<br />stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije, starosti 20 i vi&scaron;e godina.<br />Izdvojeno je pet jasno odvojenih klastera sa<br />karakterističnim kombinacijama bihejvioralnih<br />faktora rizika: Bez rizičnih faktora, &Scaron;tetna<br />upotreba alkohola i druge rizične navike,<br />Nepravilna ishrana i druge rizične navike,<br />Nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, Pu&scaron;enje. Rezultati<br />multinomnog logističkog regresionog modela<br />ukazuju da ispitanici koji nisu u braku, lo&scaron;ijeg<br />su materijalnog stanja, nižeg obrazovanja i žive<br />u Vojvodini imaju veću &scaron;ansu za prisustvo<br />vi&scaron;estrukih bihejvioralnih faktora rizika.</p> / <p>The cluster analysis has a long history and a<br />large number of clustering techniques have<br />been developed in many areas, however,<br />significant challenges still remain. In this<br />thesis we have provided a introduction to<br />nonsmooth optimization approach to clustering<br />with reference to clustering large datasets.<br />Nevertheless, these optimization clustering<br />algorithms work much better when a dataset<br />contains only vectors with continuous features.<br />One of the main challenges is clustering of large<br />datasets with categorical and mixed (numerical<br />and categorical) data. Clustering deals with a<br />large number of instances (objects) and a large<br />number of dimensions (variables) can be<br />problematic because of time complexity. One of<br />the ways to solve this problem is by reducing<br />the number of instances, without the loss of<br />information.<br />The first aim of this thesis was to compare<br />the results of cluster algorithms on the whole<br />dataset and on simple random samples with<br />categorical and mixed data, in terms of validity,<br />for different number of clusters and for<br />different sample sizes. There were no<br />significant differences (p&gt;0.05) between the<br />obtained results on the samples of the size of<br />0.03m,0.05m,0.1m,0.3m (where m is the size of<br />the dataset) and the whole dataset.<br />The second aim of this thesis was to<br />develop an efficient clustering procedure for<br />large datasets with categorical and mixed<br />(numeric and categorical) values. The proposed<br />procedure consists of the following steps: 1.<br />clustering on simple random samples of a given<br />cardinality; 2. finding the best cluster solution<br />on a sample (by appropriate validity measure);<br />3. using cluster centers from this sample for<br />clustering of the remaining data.<br />The third aim of this thesis was to<br />examine clustering of four lifestyle risk factors<br />and to examine the variation across different<br />socio-demographic groups in a Serbian adult<br />population. Cluster analysis was carried out on<br />a large representative sample of Serbian adults<br />aged 20 and over. We identified five<br />homogenous health behaviour clusters with<br />specific combination of risk factors: &#39;No Risk<br />Behaviours&#39;, &#39;Drinkers with Risk Behaviours&#39;,<br />&#39;Unhealthy diet with Risk Behaviours&#39;,<br />&#39;Smoking&#39;. Results of multinomial logistic<br />regression indicated that single adults, less<br />educated, with low socio-economic status and<br />living in the region of Vojvodina are most likely<br />to be a part of the clusters with a high-risk<br />profile.</p>

Elevers upplevelser av stödinsatser : Hur några elever som inte varit behöriga att söka in på ett nationellt gymnasieprogram upplever stödinsatser och delaktighet i grundskolan / Students' experiences of support measures : How some students who have not been eligible to apply for a Swedish national high school program experience support measures and participation in compulsory school

Gren, Maria, Mathis, Marlene January 2021 (has links)
Målsättningen med föreliggande studie är att bidra med kunskap om elevers upplevelser av stödinsatser och delaktighet i grundskolan. Det är sällan som elevernas upplevelser lyfts fram i forskning och syftet med denna studie är därför att belysa hur några elever som inte varit behöriga att söka in på ett nationellt gymnasieprogram, ser på de stödinsatser de fått, eller önskat att de fått, i grundskolan samt deras upplevelse av delaktighet under samma period. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor, där fem respondenter bidrar med sina upplevelser. De teoretiska perspektiv som studien utgår ifrån är relationellt- respektive kategoriskt perspektiv, samt salutogent- respektive patogent perspektiv. Resultatet visar på att elevernas upplevelser var övervägande negativa under låg- och mellanstadiet och mer positiva under högstadiet. Detta förklaras framför allt med att de inte kände sig delaktiga, och upplever att stödinsatserna inte var adekvata i förhållande till stödbehovet. Insikterna som framkommit i studien handlar om vikten av att lyssna in varje enskild elevs upplevelse och beakta dessa när det kommer till att utforma och utvärdera stödinsatser. Elevers upplevelser kan ha en stor påverkan på det specialpedagogiska området och bidrar i arbetet med att utveckla lärmiljön i grundskolan för att främja delaktighet. / The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding about students' experiences of support measures and participation in compulsory school. It is rare that students' experiences are highlighted in research and the purpose of this study is therefore to shed light on how some students who have not been eligible to apply for a Swedish national high school program, look at the support measures they received, or wished they had received, in primary school and their experience of participation during the same period. The study is based on a qualitative interview study with semi-structured questions, where five respondents contribute with their experiences. The theoretical perspectives on which the study is based are relational and categorical perspectives, as well as salutogenic and pathogenic perspectives. The results show that the students' experiences were predominantly negative during elementary school and more positive during middle school. This is mainly explained by the fact that they did not feel participation, nor that the support efforts were adequate in relation to their need for support. The insights that emerged in the study are about the importance of listening to each individual student's experience and taking these into account when it comes to designing and evaluating support measures. Students' experiences can have a major impact on the special education area and contribute to the work of developing the learning environment in compulsory school to promote participation.

Förskolepedagogers förutsättningar för att möta barn i behov av särskilt stöd med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Förskolepedagogers kunskaper och personalresurser i förskolan : Förskolepedagogers kunskaper och personalresurser i förskolan / Preschool educators' conditions for meeting children in need of special support with neuropsychiatric disabilities. : Preschool teachers' knowledge and staff resources in preschool

Bergholm, Sara, Lang, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie är ett examensarbete i kursen självständigt arbete i förskollärarutbildningen. Problemområdet som studien utgår ifrån är problematiken som kan uppstå i arbetet för att skapa likvärdig utbildning för barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Studiens syfte var att bidra med kunskap om förskolepedagoger anser att de har tillräckligt med kunskap och personalresurser för att kunna skapa likvärdiga utbildning för dessa barn i förskolan. Studien utgick ifrån en kvantitativ forskningsmetod där enkätfrågor skickades ut via mejl till förskolepedagoger i Skåne och Småland. Resultatet visade att förskolepedagogerna inte ansåg sig ha tillräckligt med kunskaper för att kunna möta barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, detta trots att majoriteten av respondenterna angav att de både hade erfarenhetsbaserad och teoretisk kunskap inom området. Mer än hälften angav även att de har fått kompetensutveckling om neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Resultatet visade även att förskolepedagogerna ansåg att det fanns brist på personal i förskolans verksamhet i arbetet barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Styrdokument och andra riktlinjer, som till exempel värdegrunden, utgår från en relationell ansats, inte minst när det kommer till alla barn i förskolans rätt till en likvärdig utbildning. Då förskolepedagogernas kunskaper visade sig vara bristfälliga, samt att det inte fanns tillräckligt med personalresurser i förskolorna för att möta alla barn, innebär det att risken för att förskolepedagogerna tvingas inta ett mer kategoriskt förhållande till barn i behov av särskilt stöd ökar. / This study is a degree project in the course independent work in preschool teacher education. The problem area on which the study is based is the problems that may arise in the work to create equivalent education for children with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF). The purpose of the study was to contribute with knowledge about preschool educators believe that they have sufficient knowledge and staff resources to be able to create equivalent education for these children in preschool. The study was based on a quantitative research method where questionnaires were sent out via email to preschool educators in Skåne and Småland. The results showed that the preschool educators did not consider themselves to have sufficient knowledge to be able to meet children with neuropsychiatric disabilities, despite the fact that the majority of the respondents stated that they had both experience-based and theoretical knowledge in the field. More than half also stated that they have received competence development on neuropsychiatric disabilities. The results also showed that the preschool educators considered that there was a shortage of staff in the preschool's activities at work children with neuropsychiatric disabilities. Governing documents and other guidelines, such as the values, are based on a relational approach, not least when it comes to all children in preschool's right to an equal education. As the preschool teachers' knowledge proved to be deficient, and the fact that there were not enough staff resources in the preschools to meet all children, this means that the risk of the preschool teachers being forced to take a more categorical relationship with children in need of special support increases.

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