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Dialectical Dimensions on Inclusive Education : Involving Students with Autism Spectrum ConditionsLüddeckens, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this essay and its contribution to research is to identify the opportunities, pitfalls, and dilemmas that can arise when inclusive education is organized with regard to students with ASC. In order to create more understanding of the situation for students with ASC in schools, the study focus on school leadership. Sub-studies: The essay consists of two studies. In the first study (1) the aim was to identify, describe, and analyze different research approaches to inclusive education and social participation for students with ASC, by performing a systematic research review. In the second study (2) principals of Swedish schools were interviewed, data collection was divided into three sets of interviews based on and using two models as tools in the analysis process. The models are the Index of Inclusion (Ainscow & Booth 2002) and three key concepts for inclusive school leadership (European Agency of Special Needs and Inclusive Education 2018; Óskarsdottir et al. 2020). Theory: A dialectical approach (Clark, Dyson & Millward 1995; 1998) or the dilemma perspective (Nilholm 2003) have been used as a theoretical lens. This approach aims to provide a dynamic and abductive reasoning for the overall analysis in the essay, since inclusive education appears to create dilemmas when societal cultures and norms, bureaucracy, and structures meet. The analysis demonstrates that inclusive processes appear as dilemma-creating at different levels in the system and addresses democracy in terms of social justice. Method: Crystallization is a term that relates to the practice of using multiple data sources and results, research approaches and lenses (Ellingson 2008; Tracy 2010), which leads to a more complex understanding being opened up in the overall analysis. Knowledge contribution: Inclusion is mainly interpreted as the students’ experience of being socially accepted and having access to academic education and the curriculum. Principals’ feeling of loneliness in relation to their superiors—they need to fight for their students and their staff against decisionmakers higher up in the education system hierarchy. At the same time, it is noted that principals have agreat deal of freedom in their practice, but the issue of communication needs to be raised and support for principals is important. A discussion is needed about whose perspective is the prevailing one in decisionmaking processes in schools and in the school system. Limitations: The data collection of the second study (2) took place via virtual meetings due to the pandemic. Virtual meetings are limited by the lack of being able to observe the interviewee's body language and nonverbal communication, as well as a small sample of respondents. These limitations affect the essay in general and thus to some extent reduce the possibility of generalizing the results. Practical implications: This essay can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the inclusion concept in relation to students with ASC. It can potentially initiate forums for further discussions on the working conditions of principals in relation to their responsibilities and the expectations placed upon them. In addition, to conduct a continuous discussion about the importance of authenticity and accountability for all professionals in the school and its stakeholders. Development and improvement of structures that facilitate the inclusion of the student voice in decision-making processes are also seen as important. / <p>Incorrect ISBN in publication: 987-91-7877-319-0 (print), 987-91-7877-320-6 (pdf) </p>
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“Att särskilja om det är dyskalkyli eller matematiksvårigheter är jag jätteosäker på” : En studie om lärares erfarenheter kring dyskalkyli. / "I’m very unsure of whether it is dyscalculia or math difficulties" : A study on teachers' experiences of dyscalculia.Gren, Lina, Rosenlöf, Martina January 2024 (has links)
Dyscalculia means that one has specific mathematical difficulties. Teachers meet students with difficulties in mathematics daily, which made it interesting to examine teachers' experiences with dyscalculia. The purpose of the study is to investigate how teachers describe their knowledge of dyscalculia and how they work with students in need of support to develop their mathematical skills. To investigate this, we have conducted a qualitative study where eight teachers were interviewed at different schools in different municipalities. The study rests on the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective in that the theories aim to understand the teachers' experiences around the concept of dyscalculia and how the teachers meet students with mathematical difficulties. The teachers describe that they have insufficient experience in dyscalculia but that they work a lot with concrete material. The national assessment support is used with students who are in or suspected to be in difficulties. The results show, among other things, that the teachers' experiences with dyscalculia may be because they have not been offered education or further training in dyscalculia. The teachers' perceptions are that there is more focus on reading and writing difficulties and therefore they have been offered more continuing education in that area than they received in dyscalculia.
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Elevers uppfattningar om stöd : En kvalitativ studie om några elevers uppfattningar av stöd i undervisningen / Students' perceptions of support : A qualitative study aboutsome students' perceptions of support in educationWalkert, Anna-Karin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka några elevers uppfattningar angående det stöd de fått under sin skoltid med anledning av deras läs- och skrivsvårigheter. De intervjuade eleverna i studien går i årskurs tre och årskurs fyra. Alla de intervjuade eleverna uppvisar läs- och skrivsvårigheter alternativt dyslexi. Data har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är de tre specialpedagogiska perspektiven: det kompensatoriska, det kritiska och dilemmaperspektivet. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån de specialpedagogiska perspektiven genom att försöka hitta ett mönster och tema i de intervjuade elevernas svar. I resultatet framkommer det att stödinsatserna som utformats för eleverna mestadels utgår ifrån det kompensatoriska perspektivet. Det framkommer även att elevernas uppfattningar av stöd i skolan ser olika ut. En gemensam uppfattning som de intervjuade eleverna har är att de får stöd både enskilt och i klass med anledning av deras läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Det visar sig dock i resultatet att det stöd som eleverna får inte alltid är välplanerat mellan specialläraren och läraren. Något som kommer fram i resultatet är att eleverna vill vara delaktiga i hur stödet ska se ut och var de ska få stödet. Det visar sig också i studien att stödet som ges till eleverna måste utgå ifrån varje enskild individ för att stödet ska gynna elevernas kunskapsutveckling. / The aim of this study is to examine how pupils in grades three and four perceive the support they receive with regards to their reading and writing difficulties. The theoretical framework for this study is based on the three perspectives connected to special education, namely the compensatory perspective, the critical perspective and the dilemma perspective. In order to collect data, interviews are used and the results are then categorized and analyzed by using the three perspectives connected to special education, as mentioned above. To begin with, the results indicate that the compensatory perspective was the predominant measure used when supporting pupils but it also becomes clear that pupils perceive the support they get in different ways. Moreover, all of the pupils state that they receive help connected to their reading and writing difficulties, both individually and in class. At the same time, though, it becomes clear that the collaboration between the special education teacher and the class teacher is sometimes lacking. Finally, this study shows that pupils wish to be more involved in the process of deciding the frames for the support they need. Another conclusion is that the support given has to focus on the demands and needs of each individual in order for the support to be beneficial to each pupil’s learning process.
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Klarar sig smarta elever på egen hand? : En intervjustudie om andraspråkselever med särskild begåvning / Can smart students manage on their own? : An interview study about gifted learners with Swedish as a second languageKavalenka, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om förutsättningar i skolan för elever med särskild begåvning och andraspråk utifrån några lärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med två lärare i svenska som andraspråk och tre specialpedagoger. Båda grupperna hade lång erfarenhet av andraspråkselever. Studien visade att synsättet att ”smarta” elever klarade sig på egen hand levde kvar i svensk skola. Elever som ansågs att ha hög och särskild begåvning lämnades ofta till självstudier utanför det sociala samspelet i klassrummet. Elever med svenska som andraspråk och speciellt elever utan god skolbakgrund missgynnades i hög grad av det arbetssättet. Andraspråkselever riskerade att bli felbedömda samt under- och överdiagnostiserade på grund av svårigheter med bedömning när elevens svenska hade brister. Studien synliggjorde följande framgångsfaktorer för att öka medvetenheten om andraspråkselever med särskild begåvning: tydligare process för identifiering av begåvning exempelvis med hjälp av kartläggningar i litteracitet och numeracitet; olika typer av bedömning och dynamisk bedömning; samarbete med studiehandledare och modersmålslärare; mer kunskap om särskild begåvning och om andraspråksinlärning; samarbete med och vägledning från elevhälsan; mer flexibilitet inom organisationen samt öppna diskussioner om vad som gynnar den specifika eleven bäst. Utan de åtgärderna riskerade elever med särskild begåvning och andraspråk att förbli ”vår mest dolda behovsgrupp”. / The purpose of the present study was to contribute with knowledge about the school conditions for gifted pupils with Swedish as a second language based on some teachers’ perceptions and experiences. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with two teachers of Swedish as a second language and three special education teachers. Both groups had long experience of teaching second language pupils. The study showed that the tradition that smart students were supposed to manage on their own still existed in the Swedish school. Pupils, who were considered to have higher intellectual abilities, were often left on their own for self-studies, outside the social interaction in the classroom. Swedish learners, especially those without good school background, were greatly disadvantaged by this working method. Besides, Swedish learners risked being incorrectly assessed as well as misdiagnosed because of the assessment difficulties when their second language was under development. The results showed the following success factors for gifted second language pupils: clearer process for identifying giftedness, for example, using tests in literacy and numeracy; different types of assessment and dynamic assessment; more cooperation with native language; more knowledge about giftedness and about second language acquisition among the school staff; cooperation with and guidance from the student health service; more flexible organisation structure; open discussions about what would benefit the specific student in the best way. Without these measures, gifted students with Swedish as a second language risk remaining “our most hidden pupil category”.
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Förskollärares tankar kring behov och stöd i förskolan : - En kvalitativ studie / Preschool teachers thoughts on needs and support in preschool : - A qualitative studyRickardsson, Therese, Schauman, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Aim: Preschool teachers are expected to identify special needs children in preschool, but the policy documents and directives for Swedish preschool are vague. The aim of this study is to examine the preschool teachers' perception of what the concept of children in need of special support means, and to make visible which methods they feel that they have access to. The data collection method for this study is interviews. Four preschool teachers and one childcare taker from preschools in two municipalities in Northern Sweden were chosen by two criteria's: long experience from working with special needs children and with the preference to be preschool teachers. To analyze the data we use policy enactment theory (Ball, 2015) and dilemma perspective of Nilholm (2005). Result: The results show that preschool teachers define special needs children in different ways from recontextualizing policy documents. According to the preschool teachers in the study, special needs children differ from the rest of the child group in some way and have behaviors that affect the child group. The participants see other professions as an important help in their work but also that there are many types of support that preschool teachers do not see diagnosis as a criteria for a child to get special support. The analysis shows that a lot of the support is not inclusive and that special needs children often get a deviant identity. Conclusion: The conclusion is that it is hard to define what a special needs child is, and that there are plenty of methods and support that the preschool teachers can apply themselves. Suggestion of further research is also presented.
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Anpassningar i lärmiljön för elever med NPF : Pedagogers uppfattning om hur, i relation till upplevt stöd och den egna kunskapen / Adaptations in the learning environment for students with NPF : Educators' perception of how, in relation to experienced support and their own knowledgeSteen, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Skolan har i uppdrag att verka för att alla elever når de fastställda kunskapskraven. När elever inte når upp till dessa kunskapskrav ska åtgärder vidtas. Har eleven en funktionsnedsättning ska de förmågor som är nedsatta kompenseras. Därför har skolan att göra extra anpassningar och om det inte är tillräckligt ska ett beslut om särskilt stöd fattas. Denna studie undersöker vilken uppfattning som pedagoger har om den egna kunskapen och upplevelsen av stöd i det komplexa arbetet med att genomföra extra anpassningar utifrån elever som har en NPF-diagnos. Undersökningen genomförs som en webbaserad enkät som sprids till skolor i norra uppland. Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av stöd är förhållandevis stort från den egna interna organisationen men det finns behov av ett större stöd. Samtidigt finns det en önskan att hämta stöd från externt håll som BUP och HAB. Ofta genomförs extra anpassningar dagligen och uppfattningen om den egna kunskapen är god. Samtidigt finns önskemål om att få delta i utbildning eller föreläsning i syfte att lära sig mer om extra anpassning för elever. Sambandsanalysen visar dock inte på ett signifikant samband.
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Specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med stödinsatser : En studie i tre teman: stödinsatser, specialpedagogens roll samt främjande och förebyggande insatser / The complex role of the special education coordinator regarding support : A study in three parts: support, the role of the SENCo, promotion and preventionAhrén, Carin, Löfgren, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) slår fast att elever som riskerar att inte nå målen ska ges den ledning och stimulans som behövs för att utvecklas i riktning mot målen. Studiens syfte är att beskriva specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med stödinsatser för de elever som riskerar att inte nå målen. Studiens tre teman är Stödinsatser, Specialpedagogens roll och Främjande och förebyggande arbete. En kvalitativ metod har använts med semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio specialpedagoger. För att bearbeta intervjumaterialet har kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts. Analysen har gjorts utifrån systemteori och de specialpedagogiska perspektiven relationellt perspektiv, kategoriskt perspektiv och dilemmaperspektiv. Resultatet visar att specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med stödinsatser är komplex. Dels handlar det om att i samråd med läraren identifiera elever, att välja adekvat anpassning eller stödinsats och att utvärdera dessa. Resultatet visar också att alla specialpedagogernas arbetsuppgifter ryms inom ramen för examensordningen men att de inbördes kan skilja sig åt i det att vissa arbetar mer elevfokuserat medan andra arbetar mer på organisationsnivå (SFS 2017:1111). Det skiljer sig också åt i hur mycket specialpedagogerna är involverade i systematiskt kvalitetsarbete och att utveckla undervisningen på skolan. En slutsats som dras är att specialpedagogerna till stor del använder samma typ av extra anpassningar och stödinsatser, men att det skiljer sig mycket i vilka stödinsatser som förespråkas mest och i hur specialpedagogerna motiverar användandet av dem med utgångspunkt i användbarhet. En annan slutsats är att dokumentation av extra anpassningar är en förutsättning för att kunna utvärdera hur de har fungerat, och att många skolor gör detta trots de motsatta intentionerna i reformen kring extra anpassningar som kom 2014 (Skolinspektionen, 2016; Skolverket, 2014). / The Education Act (SFS 2010:800) states that students who are at risk of not reaching the minimum standards are entitled to support. The aim of this study is to describe the role of the Special Education Coordinator (SENCo) regarding the support given to students who risk not receiving a passing grade in at least one subject. The study has three parts: Support, The role of the SENCo, Promotion and prevention. The study has been conducted using a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis with nine SENCos. The analysis has been made using system theory and three perspectives: the relational perspective, the categorical perspective and the dilemma perspective. The result shows that the role of the SENCo regarding support is complex. The role includes cooperation with teachers in identifying students, in choosing the correct supplemental support and in evaluating the support given. The result also shows that the roles of the SENCo are included in the System of Qualifications (SFS 2017:1111), but that the SENCOs that were interviewed have different perspectives where some are more inclined to work close to the students whereas others operate on an organizational level. There is also a clear difference between how involved the SENCos are in the systematic quality work and in developing the teaching methods in order to reduce the amount of support provided to individual students. One conclusion is that the SENCos use the same types of supplemental support but that they motivate their use in different ways. Another conclusion is that documentation of supplemental support is necessary to be able to evaluate them and that many schools do this despite the intention in the reform from 2014 (Swedish Schools Inspectorate 2016; Swedish National Agency for Education, 2014).
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