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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da fratura em solda ponto por fricção em alumínio Alclad 2024-T351 e alumínio 2024-T351 : uma abordagem numérica experimental

Brzostek, Robson Cristiano January 2012 (has links)
Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) é um processo de solda ponto por fricção, que opera na fase sólida do material e permite unir duas ou mais chapas de metal sobrepostas. Além de ser bastante usado para soldar materiais leves, ele também é aplicável a qualquer material que apresente boa plasticidade. Neste trabalho são analisados dois materiais: AA Alclad 2024-T351 e AA 2024-T351, diferindo entre si no uso, ou não, da camada de proteção contra a corrosão (Alclad). As uniões são feitas sob os mesmos parâmetros do processo, previamente estudados para o material com Alclad. Dois parâmetros são utilizados: um dito ótimo, capaz de produzir soldas com bom desempenho mecânico e reprodutibilidade e um segundo, dito insuficiente, por produzir soldas de baixo desempenho mecânico e baixa reprodutibilidade. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos que a camada Alclad pode acarretar nas juntas soldadas, em seu desempenho mecânico, no modo de fratura, na microestrutura e na geometria da junta. Os resultados apresentam uma grande influência do Alclad, tendo em vista que durante o processo o recobrimento migra das superfícies das chapas para o centro da solda. Assim, uma interface deste material, que possui baixa resistência mecânica, é criada, influenciando negativamente o desempenho da junta e alterando o modo de fratura. O principal escopo desta dissertação é realizar uma análise da fratura do ensaio de cisalhamento, com o uso do método de elementos finitos. Portanto, fazse necessário estudar e desenvolver um modelo numérico capaz de representar a nucleação, coalescimento, formação de uma ou mais trincas e a consequente propagação até a fratura do corpo. Para a realização da análise utilizou-se o modelo numérico de fratura Johnson-Cook (JC), o qual expressa a tensão equivalente como uma função da deformação plástica, da taxa de deformação e da temperatura. Realizou-se, ainda, um estudo acerca das teorias do Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM), bem como se fez necessário obter novos parâmetros para o modelo, que descrevessem o fenômeno e o material. Nesse sentido, serão realizadas duas análises, sendo que a primeira considera o efeito da camada de Alclad e, a segunda, considera uma solda livre de defeitos. Espera-se identificar os locais em que trinca é nucleada e analisar a resposta da junta, passo a passo, durante a propagação da trinca, até a fratura completa do corpo. E, por fim, avaliar a interferência no modelo numérico da presença da camada contra a corrosão Alclad. / Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) is a friction spot weld process, it operates in the solid-state of the material and allows joining two or more sheets in overlap configuration. It is used to join light weight materials, also is suitable to any material that shows good ductility. In this work two different materials are analyzed AA Alclad 2024-T351 e AA 2024-T351, between them the use, or not, of the corrosion protection layer Alclad. The welds are made under the same process parameters previously studied to the material with Alclad. Two parameters are utilized: the first one is the optimum parameter capable to produce welds with good mechanical performance and reproducibility, and another one inadequate because it produces joins with poor mechanical response and reproducibility. It is intended with this work, to evaluate the effects that the Alclad layer can cause in the welds, in its mechanical performance, fracture mode, microstructure and geometry of the join. The results showed a considerable influence of the Alclad, considering that during the process, it migrates from the sheet surface to the center of the weld. Thus, an interface of this material, that has a very low hardness, is created, influencing negatively the performance of the weld and changing the fracture mode. The aim of this dissertation is to perform an analysis of the fracture from the lap shear test, using the finite element method. Therefore, becomes necessary study and develop a numerical model capable to represent the nucleation, coalescence, formation of one or more cracks and, the consequent propagation until the fracture of the body. To perform the analysis it was used the numerical model of fracture called Johnson-Cook (JC), which expresses the equivalent stress as a function of the plastic deformation, the strain rate and the temperature. It was also made a study about the Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) theories, and it was necessary to obtain new parameters for the model, that describe the phenomenon and the material. In this sense, it will be performed two analyses, and the first considers the Alclad layer and, the second, considers a weld without defects. It is expected to identify the places where the crack nucleated, and analyze the behavior of the weld, step by step, during the crack propagation, until the complete fracture of the component. And, finally, evaluate the interference in the numerical model of the presence of the protection corrosion layer Alclad.

Contribuição ao estudo do valor, das perspectivas e da efetividade do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo no Protocolo de Kyoto / CONTRIBUTION TO THE VALUES STUDY, PERSPECTIVES AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM OF THE KYOTOS PROTOCOL

Luiz Antonio Grell de Moraes 24 June 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da história e características do Protocolo de Kyoto (PK), seguido do estudo do valor, das perspectivas e da efetividade do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), definido pelo Artigo 12 daquele Protocolo à Convenção Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC). Nesse propósito, foram desenvolvidas análises conceituais das pretensões, possibilidades, valor e mesmo das equivocações do MDL. A grande importância desse instrumento acaba demonstrada que não é o seu objetivo primeiro, de auxilio nos compromissos dos países desenvolvidos (PDs), mas sim as diversas vantagens que promove para os países em desenvolvimento (PEDs). Esse instrumento de flexibilização, que foi concebido para auxiliar o cumprimento das obrigações (redução das emissões de CO2) dos países desenvolvidos (PDs) no Protocolo, pode ir muito além, com projetos de desenvolvimento sustentável (social, econômico, étnico, cultural, técnico e ambientalmente) adequados e favorável aos PEDs. Seus projetos podem e deve travar um bom combate à pobreza, o que garante também um avanço correto na perseguição do controle das causas e efeitos das mudanças climáticas. O MDL permeia todas essas questões e constitui o instrumento já presente e de conscientização, para trazer a necessária capacidade financeira e tecnológica do Norte ao encontro do Sul para que todas essas pretensões possam ocorrer. / This paper deals with the history and characteristics of the Kyotos Protocol (KP), followed by the values study about the prospects and effectiveness of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), as defined by the 12th Article of the Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In this purpose, conceptual analyses were developed about the objectives, possibilities, values and even mistakes of the CDM. The great importance of this instrument had been demonstrated that it is not its first objective to help the commitments of the developed countries, but the many advantages that promotes to the developing countries. This instrument of facility, which was conceived to assist the fulfillment of the obligations (reducing CO2 emissions) of developed countries in the Protocol, can go far beyond, with sustainable development projects (social, economic, ethnic, cultural, technical and environmentally) appropriated and favorable to developing countries. Their projects can and should fight against poverty, which also ensures a correct advance in pursuit of the causes and effects control of the climatic changes. The CDM permeates all these issues and is the instrument already present and of awareness, to bring the necessary financial and technological capacity from the North to the South, allowing these claims occur.

Estoques de carbono do solo em áreas de reflorestamento: bases para projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo / Soil carbon stocks in reforestation areas: bases for Clean Development Projects

Cindy Silva Moreira 09 November 2010 (has links)
Considerando a grande importância do seqüestro de carbono (C) nos solos florestais, observa-se pequena quantidade de projetos de MDL que incluem esse compartimento como agente da mitigação do aquecimento global. Isso ocorre pelo fato da quantificação dos estoques de C do solo representar maiores desafios se comparada aos demais componentes dos ecossistemas florestais. Sabendo-se das dificuldades econômicas e ambientais envolvidas na adoção desse tipo projeto e da importância das florestas na mitigação da mudança do clima, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de metodologias para a obtenção do estoque de C do solo em duas áreas de reflorestamento e suas respectivas linhas de base (usos do solo anteriores aos plantios, i.e. pastagens e vegetações nativa), como base para diminuir a relação custo-benefício de projetos de MDL. Para alcançar o objetivo principal, a presente pesquisa foi composta das seguintes etapas: (i) estudo da variabilidade espacial do C do solo em uma área de reflorestamento com espécies nativas, estabelecida em Cotriguaçú/MT (Área I) e em uma cronossequência de plantio de eucalipto, localizada em Avaré/SP (Área II); (ii) determinação do tamanho da parcela e do nº ideal de amostras a partir da dependência espacial do C nos reflorestamentos; (iii) estimativa dos teores de C e densidades do solo (Ds) pela Espectroscopia de Reflectância no Infravermelho Próximo (NIRS) e Médio (MIRS), visando a redução dos custos analíticos sem prejuízo da qualidade dos resultados; e (iv) cálculo dos estoques de C do solo nas áreas e estimativa do balanço de carbono do projeto de MDL conduzido na Área II, utilizando a ferramenta EX-ACT (Ex-Ante Carbon Balance Tool). Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a existência de importante variabilidade espacial do C do solo nas áreas e dependência espacial forte em todos os sistemas de manejo estudados. A análise do número ideal de amostras de solo indicou que a coleta de cinco pontos por parcela é tão precisa quanto uma amostragem com mais pontos. O tamanho ideal das parcelas variou de 361-841 m2 nos plantios da Área I e de 900-3721 m2 nos plantios da Área II. O desempenho dos métodos NIRS e MIRS na estimativa do teor de C dos solos foi bastante satisfatório, principalmente quando os modelos testados foram calibrados com quantidades entre 5-10% do conjunto de dados total. Os resultados da estimativa da Ds foram um pouco inferiores aos do C. Os estoques de C do solo obtidos na Área I foram superiores aos da Área II. Considerando apenas o solo, é possível afirmar que o potencial de geração de créditos de C é maior no reflorestamento com espécies nativas sob solo argiloso do que no reflorestamento com eucalipto em solo arenoso. O balanço de C do projeto conduzido na Área I indicou o seqüestro de quase três milhões de toneladas de CO2eq em 40 anos. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para o aumento da inclusão do solo em projetos de MDL, uma vez comprovada a possibilidade de redução dos custos associados à obtenção e determinação dos estoques de C nesse compartimento / Considering the great importance of carbon sequestration (C) in forest soils, there are few CDM projects that include this compartment as an agent of global warming mitigation. This occurs because the quantification of soil C stocks represents a bigger challenge when compared to other components of forest ecosystems. Considering the economic difficulties and environmental issues involved in adopting this type of project and the importance of forests in mitigating climate change, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of methods for obtaining soil C stocks in two forestry areas and their respective baselines (land use prior to planting, i.e. pastures and native vegetation) as a basis for reducing the cost-benefit ratio of CDM projects. To achieve the main objective, this research was composed of the following steps: (i) estimating the spatial variability of soil C in an area reforested with native species, established in Cotriguaçú, MT (Area I) and a Eucalyptus chronosequence, located in Avaré, SP (Area II), (ii) determining the optimal amount of soil samples and the plot size from the soil C spatial dependence range in the reforestation areas, (iii) estimating soil C content and bulk density (BD) by Near and Mid Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS and MIRS, respectively) to reduce analytical costs without affecting the quality of the results, and (iv) calculating soil C stocks in both areas and estimating the carbon balance of a CDM Project conducted in Area II, using EX-ACT (\"Ex-Ante Carbon Balance Tool\"). The results confirmed the existence of significant soil C spatial variability in both areas and a strong spatial dependence at all plots. The analysis of the optimal number of soil samples indicated that the sampling procedure with five points per plot is as accurate as intensive sampling. The optimum size of plots ranged from 361-841 m2 at Area I plantations and from 900-3721 m2 at Area II. The performance of MIRS and NIRS to estimate the soil carbon content was very satisfactory, especially when the models were calibrated with amounts between 5-10% of the total data set. The estimations of BD were slightly less precise than those of soil C content. The soil C stocks obtained at Area I were higher than Area II. Considering only the soil compartment, it is clear that the potential for C credit generation in a reforestation with native species on a clayey soil is higher than in a reforestation with eucalyptus on a sandy soil. The C balance of the CDM project conducted in Area I is expected to sequester almost three million tones of CO2 eq in 40 years. We hope this study contributes to the increased inclusion of soil in CDM projects, by confirming the feasibility of reducing the costs associated with both sampling and analytical procedures

Efeito de práticas silviculturais sobre as taxas iniciais de seqüestros de carbono em plantios de restauração da Mata Atlântica / Effect of silvicultural practices on the initial rates of carbon sequestration in Atlantic forest restorations

Ana Paula Cervi Ferez 31 January 2011 (has links)
Objetivando estudar o seqüestro de carbono em sistemas de restauração florestal e discutir suas potencialidades e entraves perante MDL florestal, este trabalho teve dois objetivos principais: i) quantificar taxas iniciais de seqüestro de carbono nos compartimentos aéreo, radicular, solo e serapilheira, de plantios de restauração da Mata Atlântica, com 20 espécies (10 pioneiras, 10 não pioneiras), submetidos a manejos contrastantes (usual e intensivo), instalados sobre pastagem de Brachiaria no espaçamento de 3 m x 2 m; e ii) comparar os estoques de carbono destes sistemas, ao final do sexto ano, com valores determinados em fragmento de floresta madura vizinho ao ensaio. Ambos localizados em Anhembi/SP (Estação Experimental de Anhembi/USP e Mata do Barreiro Rico). O tratamento usual consistiu em adubação de base e capina mecânica na linha de plantio até dois anos, e, o intensivo teve adubações complementares e capina química em área total até dois anos. Foram desenvolvidos modelos alométricos de estimativa da biomassa através de amostragem destrutiva de 80 árvores, sendo quatro indivíduos por espécie, selecionados por classes de área seccional. Determinaram-se massa seca e teor de C, para os compartimentos copa, lenho e raízes. Através das equações, do inventário ao sexto ano e dos teores de carbono, foram calculados os estoques de carbono por compartimento, nos dois tratamentos. Determinaram-se os estoques de carbono na biomassa herbácea, serapilheira e solo. Foi calculada a variação de carbono por compartimento nos dois tratamentos. Os estoques de carbono na floresta madura foram quantificados utilizando dados de 10 parcelas de inventário, aplicados em modelo alométrico adequado para Mata Atlântica. A densidade da madeira variou até 3 vezes entre espécies (0,22 a 0,70 gcm-3), o teor de C foi pouco variável (46,5%). Foram adequadamente ajustadas equações de biomassa lenhosa, raiz e copa com base na área seccional, altura e densidade da madeira. A porcentagem de raízes é expressiva (30%) na biomassa total, mas as espécies não pioneiras mostraram maior razão raiz:parte aérea (0,32) que as pioneiras (0,28). A silvicultura intensiva elevou o crescimento do compartimento lenhoso em 250% (1,85 para 6,45Mg ha-1ano-1), devido a maior eficiência da copa e alocação de C no tronco. O carbono no solo embora representativo, não propiciou seqüestro em 6 anos, dada alta variabilidade espacial. O tratamento intensivo obteve maior seqüestro de C, atingindo 4,22Mg C ha-1 ano-1 (64% no tronco e galhos, e 20% nas raízes). Os estoques de C no solo e serapilheira foram próximos entre o sistema intensivo de restauração e floresta madura, sendo os estoques no tronco, galhos e raízes, o diferencial entre os sistemas. Com base no crescimento médio das árvores e estoque de C nas restaurações até sexto ano (7 e 21kg árvore-1 e 5,2 e 18,2Mg C ha-1, respectivamente no sistema usual e intensivo), e no tamanho médio das árvores e estoque de C na floresta madura (204kg árvore-1 e 138Mg C ha-1) estimou-se cerca de 50 anos para o sistema intensivo atingir maturidade, embora haja necessidade de estudos relacionados à biodiversidade e sustentabilidade destes sistemas de restauração a longo prazo. / In order to study carbon sequestration in forest restoration systems and discuss its potential and barriers to the CDM forestry, this paper had two main objectives: i) quantify the initial rate of carbon sequestration in compartments aboveground, roots, soil and forest floor, on Atlantic forest restoration, with 20 native species (10 pioneers and 10 non pioneer), submitted to contrasting management conditions (usual and intensive), installed on Brachiaria decumbens pasture in 3 x 2 m spacing, and ii) comparing the carbon stocks of these two systems, observing the end of the sixth year of restoration, with values determined in a fragment of mature forest adjacent to the test. Both studies are located in Anhembi, São Paulo (USP Anhembi Experimental Station and the Barreiro Rico reserve). The usual treatment consisted of only fertilizer at planting and mechanical weeding only in the row up to two years, while the intensive treatment had additional fertilization beyond crop fertilization and chemical weed control also in the entire area until two years after planting. We developed allometric equations for estimating biomass through destructive sampling of 80 trees. Four individuals per species were selected based on classes of sectional area. Dry weight were determined and the carbon content for wood and roots. Through the equations, and carbon content we calculated carbon stocks per compartment, in both treatments. Carbon stocks in herbaceous, in the litter and soil were also determined. With these estimates we calculated the variation of carbon per compartment in the two restoration systems. Carbon stocks in mature forest were quantified using data from 10 permanent plots of inventory and applying appropriate allometric models. The wood density varied between species by up to 3 times (0.22 to 0.70 g cm-3) while the C content was relatively constant (46.5%). Appropriately adjusted equations for aboveground woody biomass, root and crown biomass were established using cross-sectional area, height and wood density. The percentage of roots is significant (30%) compared to the total, and non-pioneer species showed a higher ratio root / shoot (0.32) than the pioneer (0.28). The intensive forestry increased growth of woody compartment by 250% (1.85 to 6.45 Mg ha-1 yr-1), given the greater efficiency of the canopy and allocation of C to the trunk. The carbon content in the soil although representative in the total stock, did not result in C sequestration in the six years period, given its high spatial variability. The largest C sequestration was observed in the intensive treatment, reaching 4.22 Mg C ha-1 yr-1, 64% on the trunk and branches, and 20% in roots. The values of C stock in soil and litter were similar between the intensive system of forest restoration and mature forest, and indeed the trunk, branches and roots stocks, the major difference between the systems. Based on the average growth of trees and carbon stocks in the restoration and the first 6 years (7 and 21 kg tree-1 in the usual system and intensive, and 5.2 and 18.2 Mg C ha-1 in these same treatments), and the average tree size and carbon stocks in mature forest (204 kg tree-1 and 138 Mg C ha-1), a 50 years period was estimated for the intensive system to reach forest maturity although there is a need for studies relating biodiversity and sustainability of these restored systems in the long run.

Business as usual? : instituting markets for carbon credits

Broderick, John Foreman January 2011 (has links)
Climate change mitigation necessitates substantial alterations to patterns of worldwide economic activity, be that reduction in demand, switches to new technology or 'end-of-pipe' abatement of greenhouse gases. There are profound political, economic and ethical questions surrounding the governance of the means, rate and location of change. Within advanced capitalist economies and internationally through the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change emissions trading systems have been introduced as part of the broader neoliberal attempts to 'correct market failure' through the definition of new property rights.This thesis investigates the development, constitution and consequences of institutions for the production, exchange and consumption of credits for emissions reductions. Such credits are financial instruments awarded to organisations for putative reductions in emissions from 'business as usual'. In consumption, credits are equated with a quantity of emissions released elsewhere. The 'Instituted Economic Process' framework (Randles and Harvey, 2002) is used to distinguish the various classes of agent involved in these exchanges and identify the economic and non-economic relationships that constitute these institutions. Inspired by the economic anthropology of Karl Polanyi, this approach asks how economic activity is organised and stabilised within society without presuming that there are universal economic laws of 'the market', that there are essential properties of commodities and agents, or that all economic transfers are conducted within markets.I argue that crediting is a socially contingent process of commodification of atmospheric pollution which is both ontologically and normatively problematic. Extant institutions are shown to be precarious by appealing to neutral techno-scientific justifications but remaining reliant on subjective judgement. However, they are sufficiently consistent and credible that they persist and expand. These findings are of interest to the academic communities of political economy and environmental and economic geography, climate change policy makers and the environmental movement more broadly.

Unified Tertiary and Secondary Creep Modeling of Additively Manufactured Nickel-Based Superalloys

Dhamade, Harshal Ghanshyam 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Additively manufactured (AM) metals have been increasingly fabricated for structural applications. However, a major hurdle preventing their extensive application is lack of understanding of their mechanical properties. To address this issue, the objective of this research is to develop a computational model to simulate the creep behavior of nickel alloy 718 manufactured using the laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing process. A finite element (FE) model with a subroutine is created for simulating the creep mechanism for 3D printed nickel alloy 718 components. A continuum damage mechanics (CDM) approach is employed by implementing a user defined subroutine formulated to accurately capture the creep mechanisms. Using a calibration code, the material constants are determined. The secondary creep and damage constants are derived using the parameter fitting on the experimental data found in literature. The developed FE model is capable to predict the creep deformation, damage evolution, and creep-rupture life. Creep damage and rupture is simulated as defined by the CDM theory. The predicted results from the CDM model compare well with experimental data, which are collected from literature for L-PBF manufactured nickel alloy 718 of creep deformation and creep rupture, at different levels of temperature and stress. Using the multi-regime Liu-Murakami (L-M) and Kachanov-Rabotnov (K-R) isotropic creep damage formulation, creep deformation and rupture tests of both the secondary and tertiary creep behaviors are modeled. A single element FE model is used to validate the model constants. The model shows good agreement with the traditionally wrought manufactured 316 stainless steel and nickel alloy 718 experimental data collected from the literature. Moreover, a full-scale axisymmetric FE model is used to simulate the creep test and the capacity of the model to predict necking, creep damage, and creep-rupture life for L-PBF manufactured nickel alloy 718. The model predictions are then compared to the experimental creep data, with satisfactory agreement. In summary, the model developed in this work can reliably predict the creep behavior for 3D printed metals under uniaxial tensile and high temperature conditions.

A feasibility study of a CDM compliant small-scale biomass gasification electricity generation project at a Western Cape wine cellar

Schumann, Dolf 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a small-scale biomass gasification system within the context of a cooperative wine cellar operation in the Western Cape of South Africa. Central to this goal was the questions whether the time for the implementation of such small-scale renewable energy technologies in South Africa has arrived, in light of the status quo which has changed drastically from the days of abundant and cheap coal-based electricity, and whether the new opportunities afforded by the CDM can help foster financial feasibility. There are various macro-drivers contributing to the current-day emphasis on renewable energy and cogeneration projects. The first and most pressing driver is the global climate change imperative, while the others include the increased aspiration of countries towards energy security, the realization of the importance of sustainable development and the subsequent renewable energy policies that falls within the ambit of sustainable development. Small-scale biomass gasification technology still poses some challenges, particularly when it comes to the gasification of agricultural residues, as with grape residues in the case of this project. The most important technical feasibility problem to overcome is the low ash agglomeration temperature of grape residues reported in the literature. Although the local equipment manufacturer foresees no problem in this regard with their system design - since they have conducted tests on sunflower seed residues, which have similar ash properties, without experiencing any agglomeration problems - the seriousness of this aspect will be confirmed during pilot trials. In order to be eligible for emissions reduction trading under the CDM, the project must adequately demonstrate that the emissions reductions are additional to the business-as-usual scenario, in both the environmental and financial sense. The project will satisfy the environmental additionality requirement, since in its absence the wine cellar will continue its full reliance on coal-based electricity from the grid. Financial additionality, in its strictest sense, requires for the project to be infeasible if it does not pursue CDM participation, which the financial feasibility modeling results indicated to be true in this case. A feasibility model was developed to - subject to the input parameter values assumed and basic assumptions made - be able to assess the financial viability of the project. The main assumptions were that the private feed-in into the national electricity grid was available to all IPPs, in spite of the fact that in its Medium Term Power Purchase Program me (MTPPP) of May 2008 Eskom had only requested expressions of interest from IPPs that had a generating capacity of 5MW and higher to install private base load capacity. This assumption is commensurate with the country's renewable energy targets and the official government aim of achieving a 30% contribution from IPPs to the national electricity mix. The second assumption was that the 65 to lOOclkWh offered by Eskom in its MTPPP will be applicable to sub-SMWe IPPs as well (Creamer, 2008), and that this lower bound electricity price of 65clkWh can be applied over the whole project lifetime. Inherent to this assumption is the further supposition that the progressive decline of electricity prices to an eventual level of 35clkWh by 2018 foreseen by Eskom will not materialize, due both to the sustained pressure an expanding South African economy will put on the considerable but time-consuming supply-side initiatives launched by Eskom, and the likelihood for price premiums to be introduced for clean electricity in order to meet the country's renewable energy targets. From the assumed input parameter values the initial capital and COM expenditures, operating revenues and costs over the project lifetime were determined, and then used to calculate the net cash flows, where after the NPV was computed to serve as the deciding criterion on financial feasibility. A discount rate of 18% was assumed, corresponding with the subjectively judged risks that the project posed as a small-scale renewable energy system within the wine cellar operations. In the case where the project excluded all CDM aspects, the NPV was negative at - ZAR342 573, but this improved to ZAR325 193 if the project participated in the CDM. Thus it was concluded that the project will only be financially feasible if it includes CDM participation, and that this positive contribution can be leveraged by pursuing a programmatic CDM approach. This entails the development of this project as part of a larger program in which similar projects are implemented as they arise, up to the official UN limit of 15MWe in total to still qualify as a small-scale program. The nature of the assumptions that form the backbone of this study indicate that the positive financial feasibility result in the case where the project includes COM participation will become practically relevant only over the short- to medium-term as these assumptions become reality in South Africa. Therefore, although the time for such small-scale renewable energy projects has clearly not arrived as yet, it would seem that it is indeed around the corner. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mikpunt van die navorsing was om die lewensvatbaarheid van 'n klein-skaal biomassa vergassing sisteem binne die konteks van 'n kooperatiewe wynkelder in die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. 'n Sentrale aspek was die vrae of die tyd aangebreek het om klein-skaal volhouhare energie projekte in Suid-Afrika tot uitvoering te bring, gesien in die lig van 'n status quo wat drasties weg beweeg het van die tydperk toe elektrisiteit volop en goedkoop was, en of die geleentheid wat die CDM bied sulke projekte finansieel lewensvatbaar kan maak. Daar is verskeie eksterne makro-drywers wat bydrae tot die huidige fokus op sulke volhoubare energie projekte. Hieronder tel globale klimaatsverandering as die dringendste drywer, terwyl die res onder andere die hernuwe strewe van lande tot verbeterde energie-sekuriteit, die besef van die belangrikheid van volhoubare ontwikkeling en die daaropvolgende volhoubare energie beleid stappe insluit. Daar bestaan nog etlike tegniese uitdagings tot die toepassing van klein-skaal biomassa vergassing tegnologie, spesifiek met betrekking tot die vergassing van afval landbou byprodukte, soos wat die geval is met druiwe afval in hierdie projek. Die belangrikste tegniese uitvoerbaarheids-aspek wat aandag verg is die lae smeltpunt van druifafval-as wat in die literatuur rapporteer word. Alhoewel die plaaslike toerustings-vervaardiger nie enige probleme in hierdie verhand voorsien nie, aangesien toetse met sonneblom afval - met as-eienskappe rofweg identies aan die van druiwe-afval - geen smelting van die as getoon het nie, sal dit tog nogsteeds aan verdere toetse onderwerp word. Vir die projek om te kwalifiseer as geskik vir verhandeling in kweekhuisgas vermindering deur middel van die COM, moet dit voldoende bewys kan word dat alle uitlaatgas vermindering addisioneel is tot wat die geval sou wees in die gewone gang van besigheid. Hierdie addisionaliteit is relevant in beide 'n omgewings- en finansiele sin. Hierdie projek sal orngewings-addisionaliteit bevredig deurdat die wynkelder in sy afwesigheid volkome afhanklik van die steenkool-gebaseerde elektrisiteit vanaf die nasionale netwerk sou bly, terwyl finansiele addisionaliteit bewys is deur die finansiele lewensvatbaarheids-model wat getoon het dat die projek slegs ekonomies uitvoerbaar sal wees indien dit CDM deelname insluit. Die lewensvatbaarheids-model is ontwikkel om die ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid van die projek te evalueer, onderworpe aan die aangenome inset parameter waardes en basiese aannames in die studie. Die hoof-aanname was naamlik dat privaat terugvoer in die nasionale elektrisiteits-netwerk vir alle grootte IPPs moontlik is, ten spyte van die feit dat Eskom se MTPPP van Mei 2008 slegs kapasiteite van 5MW en groter aanvaar bet. Hierdie aanname is gebaseer op Suid-Afrika se volhoubare energie teikens en die regering se offisiele mikpunt om 30% van alle krag-voorsiening vanaf IPPs te bekom. Die tweede hoof-aanname was dat die 65 tot 100clkWh wat Eskom in sy MTPPP aangebied het, ook van toepassing sal wees op sub-SMW IPPs (Creamer, 2008), en dat die laer prys-limiet van 65c/kWb oor die hele projek-leeftyd toegepas kon word. Inherent tot hierdie aanname is die verdere veronderstelling dat die progressiewe daling in elektrisiteits-pryse tot 'n eventuele vlak van 35clkWh voorsien deur Eskom nie sal realiseer nie, beide as gevolg van die volgehoue druk wat die groeiende Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie op die aansieniike, maar tydrowende, opwekkings-kapasiteit uitbreidings van Eskom behoort te plaas, en ook die hoe waarskynlikheid dat prys premiums vir skoon elektrisiteit ingestel word sodat Suid-Afrika sy volboubare energie telkens kan bereik. Die aanvanklike kapitaal en CDM uitgawes, en bedryfsuitgawes en - inkomstes oor die projekleeftyd is vanaf die aangenome inset parameter waardes afgelei, waarop die NPV van die projek uitgewerk is om te dien as die beslissende maatstaf van ekonomiese haalbaarheid. 'n Diskontokoers van 18% is gebruik, ooreenstemmend met die subjektief beraamde risikos wat die projek inhou as 'n klein-skaal volhoubare energie sisteem. Die resultate van die finansiele lewensvatbaarheids-model het getoon dat in die geval waar die projek geen CDM aspekte bevat nie, die NPV hoogs negatief sou wees met 'n waarde van -ZAR342 573, terwyl dit verbeter na ZAR325 193 as die projek CDM deelname insluit. Die gevolgtrekking is dus gemaak dat die spesifieke projek slegs ekonomies haalbaar sal wees indien dit wel CDM deelname insluit, en dat hierdie positiewe finansiele bydrae van die CDM geoptimaliseer kan word deur 'n programmatiese CDM benadering te volg. Dit behels die ontwikkeling van die projek as deel van 'n groter program waarin soortgelyke projekte mettertyd geimplementeer word soos hulle ontstaan, tot by die offisiele VN limiet van 15MWe om sodoende nog te kwalifiseer as 'n algehele klein-skaalse program. Die aard van die hoof-aannames in hierdie studie is indikatief dat die positiewe finansiele lewensvatbaarheid in die geval waar die projek CDM deelname insluit, eers oor die kort- tot medium-termyn prakties relevant sal word soos die aannames bevredig word. Dus, alhoewel die era van klein-skaalse volhoubare energie projekte nog nie aangebreek het in Suid-Afrika nie, lyk dit tog asof dit om die draai is.

Externalidades do ciclo produtivo da cana-de-açúcar com ênfase na produção de energia elétrica / Externalities of sugarcane productive chain with enphasis in electrical power generation.

Prado, Thiago Guilherme Ferreira 13 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação das externalidades relativas ao ciclo produtivo da cana de açúcar, dando um enfoque para a questão da geração de energia elétrica. Os objetivos principais do estudo são realizar um levantamento uma análise das externalidades sociais, ambientais e econômicas do ciclo produtivo da cana-de-açúcar desde sua fase inicial (período agrícola) até a conversão energética da biomassa em energia elétrica (objeto de ênfase nesse projeto). Repartindo os impactos, quando possível nos subsistemas elaborados a partir da análise do ciclo produtivo do setor, cujos resultados de uma forma geral eram até então conhecidos, mas nunca segregados e tratados de forma integrada sob a ótica de avaliação das externalidades relacionadas à atividade de produção. A geração de eletricidade excedente traz consigo externalidades positivas e negativas. Elas envolvem aspectos prejudiciais sob a ótica das emissões atmosféricas sobre a saúde humana e o meio biótico; positivo, mediante a utilização de fontes renováveis para geração de eletricidade provendo o deslocamento de derivados do petróleo tanto para geração de energia térmica quanto de elétrica, reduzindo assim o consumo de combustíveis fósseis que são os principais componentes fomentadores da acentuação do efeito estufa; além dos benefícios associados à geração distribuída, discutidos neste trabalho. Ambas qualificam esta forma de geração dentro dos requisitos do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo, que será avaliado com a visão de ser um instrumento para internalizar o benefício de gerar energia com recursos renováveis. Dos impactos avaliados correspondentes ao ciclo produtivo da cana-de-açúcar, 32,68 % estão associados com a etapa de geração de eletricidade. Os principais impactos e efeitos avaliados na etapa qualitativa e quantitativa deste trabalho nas externalidades de produção foram ratificadas como efeitos predominantes também nas externalidades avaliadas via simulação computacional (ECOSENSE LE) do projeto ExternE. / This work presents the evaluation of externalidades in production from sugarcane life cycle, with emphasis at electric power generation. The main objective of this study is to assess the health, social, environmental and economical externalities related with the production process of sugarcane industry from the start point of the productive chain (agricultural period) until the energy conversion of the biomass in electric power (main emphasis). Distributing the impacts, when possible, in subsystems that main productive cycle were divided, whose results, in general, were known but never segregated and treated by an integrated view under the optics of externalities evaluation at the production activity chain at sugarcane sector. The surplus generation of electricity brings with itself positive and negative externalities. The negative ones involve harmful aspects under the atmospheric emissions and human health and the biotic environment; as positive ones, are the use of renewable sources for electricity generation providing displacement of fossil fuels and indirectly thermal and electrical energy, reducing the consumption of this kind of fuels that are the main promoting components from the accentuation of the greenhouse effect and the benefits associated to the distributed generation, also discussed in this work. Both of these positive aspects, qualify this form of generation to participate at the clean development mechanism, that it will be treated as an instrument for incorporate the benefit of generating energy with renewable resources. From the main productive chain impacts related to the life cycle of the sugarcane, 32,68 % are associated with the stage of electricity generation. The main impacts assessed in the qualitative and quantitative way as production externalities were confirm as predominant effects also using the computational simulation tool (ECOSENSE LE) from the ExternE project.

Análise de sistemas para o resfriamento de leite em fazendas leiteiras com o uso do biogás gerado em projetos MDL. / Analysis of systems for cooling milk on dairy farms using the biogas generated in CDM projects.

Obando Diaz, Giancarlo 04 October 2006 (has links)
O setor leiteiro brasileiro caracterizado por um grande número de produtores, que, porém, apresentam baixos índices de produtividade e qualidade. Em relação à qualidade, necessária a implantação de sistemas de resfriamento e conservação do leite na fazenda. Contudo, o investimento nesse tipo de equipamento muitas vezes inviabilizado pelos baixos volumes de produção, bem como pela não disponibilidade de energia elétrica na área rural. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho determinar qual a configuração ótima para o sistema de resfriamento de leite de uma fazenda leiteira de pequeno ou médio porte, que será inserida em um projeto de digestão anaeróbica no âmbito do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo do Protocolo de Kyoto, implementado por uma empresa interessada na comercialização dos créditos de carbono. Como esse projeto disponibilizará ao produtor um insumo energético renovável e de baixo custo (o biogás resultante da digestão), a determinação da configuração ótima considerou dois possíveis cenários: o de um produtor que ainda não conta com um sistema para resfriamento de leite in loco, e o de um produtor que já conta com esse sistema, acionado por energia elétrica, e estuda a viabilidade de investir na geração de energia usando o biogás na substituição da energia elétrica adquirida da rede pública de distribuição. Foram analisados os aspectos técnicos ligados ao dimensionamento das configurações, avaliação do consumo dos diferentes insumos energéticos e quantificação dos créditos de carbono, bem como os aspectos econômicos envolvidos (investimentos, custos operacionais e de manutenção, recursos advindos da comercialização dos créditos de carbono). Foi também avaliado o impacto da introdução do sistema de refrigeração nos custos de produção do litro do leite e nos valores recebidos pelo produtor na venda do produto. A análise mostra que a utilização de um gerador acionado por um motor de combustão interna de ciclo Otto movido a biogás a melhor configuração para um novo sistema. Para sistemas já existentes, a substituição da compra de energia elétrica por geração in loco também uma alternativa interessante, ainda que apresente um tempo de retorno de investimento relativamente elevado para os padrões brasileiros. / The Brazilian dairy sector is characterized by a great number of producers, presenting low productivity and product quality. Concerning to quality, it is necessary the implantation of cooling systems for milk and conservation on farm. However, a low milk production level and the electric power availability on rural areas sometimes make unfeasible investments on these types of coolers. In this context, the goal of this work is to determine the best configuration of a milk cooling system for small and medium-scale dairy farms to be included in an anaerobic digestion project based on the Clean Development Mechanism of the Protocol of Kyoto. Such project is to be implemented by a company interested in commercialize the carbon credits generated. Once the project will provide to the farmer a renewable and low-cost energy resource (the biogas resulting of the anaerobic digestion), it was considered two possible sceneries: a producer that does not count on a cooling system, and a producer that may want to replace purchased electricity by a generation system based on a biogas-fueled engine to power an already existing system for milk cooling. The work analyzed several technical aspects connected to cooling system sizing, feasible configurations for supplying the cooling demand, evaluation of the consumption of the different energy inputs (electricity and biogas) of considered configurations. It was evaluated the carbon credits generation, as well as the involved economical aspects (investments, operational and maintenance costs, earnings from commercialization of carbon credits). It was also evaluated the impact of introducing the cooling system on milk production costs and values received by the producer. The analysis shows that a biogas-fueled Otto-engine electrical generator is the best configuration for a new system, and that the replacement of the electric power purchase for generation on farm is also an interesting alternative, although its payback time is relatively high for Brazilian standards.

Modelo cosmológico unificado com espinores de dimensão de massa um /

Guimarães, Thiago Vinícius Moreira. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Saulo Henrique Pereira / Resumo: Neste trabalho é construída a evolução completa do Universo impulsionada pelo espinor escuro com dimensão de massa um, chamado MDO. O modelo começa pela inflação cósmica, passando pela era dominada pela matéria escura, terminando com a recente expansão acelerada. Além disso, é feita uma primeira aproximação à teoria de perturbação escalar. Foi mostrado que a dinâmica do campo fermiônico MDO, respeitando um potencial com quebra de simetria, pode reproduzir todas as fases do Universo de uma maneira natural e elegante. As equações dinâmicas em geral e as condições de Slow-Roll, no limite H mp, também são apresentadas para o referido sistema. A análise numérica para o número de e-folds durante a inflação, densidade de energia após este período, o tempo presente e o tamanho real do Universo estão de acordo com o modelo padrão de cosmologia. Uma interpretação da fase inflacionária como resultado do princípio de exclusão de Pauli também é possível se o campo de MDO for tratado como um valor médio de seu análogo quântico / Doutor

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