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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical Description of Centrosomes as Active Droplets / Physikalische Beschreibung von Zentrosomen als Aktive Tropfen

Zwicker, David 14 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Biological cells consist of many subunits that form distinct compartments and work together to allow for life. These compartments are clearly separated from each other and their sizes are often strongly correlated with cell size. Examples for those structures are centrosomes, which we consider in this thesis. Centrosomes are essential for many processes inside cells, most importantly for organizing cell division, and they provide an interesting example of cellular compartments without a membrane. Experiments suggest that such compartments can be described as liquid-like droplets. In this thesis, we suggest a theoretical description of the growth phase of centrosomes. We identify a possible mechanism based on phase separation by which the centrosome may be organized. Specifically, we propose that the centrosome material exists in a soluble and in a phase separating form. Chemical reactions controlling the transitions between these forms then determine the temporal evolution of the system. We investigate various possible reaction schemes and generally find that droplet sizes and nucleation properties deviate from the known equilibrium results. Additionally, the non-equilibrium effects of the chemical reactions can stabilize multiple droplets and thus counteract the destabilizing effect of surface tension. Interestingly, only a reaction scheme with autocatalytic growth can account for the experimental data of centrosomes. Here, it is important that the centrioles found at the center of all centrosomes also catalyze the production of droplet material. This catalytic activity allows the centrioles to control the onset of centrosome growth, to stabilize multiple centrosomes, and to center themselves inside the centrosome. We also investigate a stochastic version of the model, where we find that the autocatalytic growth amplifies noise. Our theory explains the growth dynamics of the centrosomes of the round worm Caenorhabditis elegans for all embryonic cells down to the eight-cell stage. It also accounts for data acquired in experiments with aberrant numbers of centrosomes and altered cell volumes. Furthermore, the model can describe unequal centrosome sizes observed in cells with disturbed centrioles. Our example thus suggests a general picture of the organization of membrane-less organelles. / Biologische Zellen bestehen aus vielen Unterstrukturen, die zusammen arbeiten um Leben zu ermöglichen. Die Größe dieser meist klar voneinander abgegrenzten Strukturen korreliert oft mit der Zellgröße. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden als Beispiel für solche Strukturen Zentrosomen untersucht. Zentrosomen sind für viele Prozesse innerhalb der Zelle, insbesondere für die Zellteilung, unverzichtbar und sie besitzen keine Membran, welche ihnen eine feste Struktur verleihen könnte. Experimentelle Untersuchungen legen nahe, dass solche membranlose Strukturen als Flüssigkeitstropfen beschrieben werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird eine theoretische Beschreibung der Wachstumsphase von Zentrosomen hergeleitet, welche auf Phasenseparation beruht. Im Modell wird angenommen, dass das Zentrosomenmaterial in einer löslichen und einer phasenseparierenden Form existiert, wobei der Übergang zwischen diesen Formen durch chemische Reaktionen gesteuert wird. Die drei verschiedenen in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Reaktionen führen unter anderem zu Tropfengrößen und Nukleationseigenschaften, welche von den bekannten Ergebnissen im thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht abweichen. Insbesondere verursachen die chemischen Reaktionen ein thermisches Nichtgleichgewicht, in dem mehrere Tropfen stabil sein können und der destabilisierende Effekt der Oberflächenspannung unterdrückt wird. Konkret kann die Wachstumsdynamik der Zentrosomen nur durch eine selbstverstärkende Produktion der phasenseparierenden Form des Zentrosomenmaterials erklärt werden. Hierbei ist zusätzlich wichtig, dass die Zentriolen, die im Inneren jedes Zentrosoms vorhanden sind, ebenfalls diese Produktion katalysieren. Dadurch können die Zentriolen den Beginn des Zentrosomwachstums kontrollieren, mehrere Zentrosomen stabilisieren und sich selbst im Zentrosom zentrieren. Des Weiteren führt das selbstverstärkende Wachstum zu einer Verstärkung von Fluktuationen der Zentrosomgröße. Unsere Theorie erklärt die Wachstumsdynamik der Zentrosomen des Fadenwurms Caenorhabditis elegans für alle Embryonalzellen bis zum Achtzellstadium und deckt dabei auch Fälle mit anormaler Zentrosomenanzahl und veränderter Zellgröße ab. Das Modell kann auch Situationen mit unterschiedlich großen Zentrosomen erklären, welche auftreten, wenn die Struktur der Zentriolen verändert wird. Unser Beispiel beschreibt damit eine generelle Möglichkeit, wie membranlose Zellstrukturen organisiert sein können.

Rôle des topoisomérases de type IA dans la ségrégation des chromosomes chez Escherichia coli

Tanguay, Cynthia 12 1900 (has links)
Les topoisomérases I (topA) et III (topB) sont les deux topoisomérases (topos) de type IA d’Escherichia coli. La fonction principale de la topo I est la relaxation de l’excès de surenroulement négatif, tandis que peu d’information est disponible sur le rôle de la topo III. Les cellules pour lesquelles les deux topoisomérases de type IA sont manquantes souffrent d’une croissance difficile ainsi que de défauts de ségrégation sévères. Nous démontrons que ces problèmes sont majoritairement attribuables à des mutations dans la gyrase qui empêchent l’accumulation d’excès de surenroulement négatif chez les mutants sans topA. L’augmentation de l’activité de la gyrase réalisée par le remplacement de l’allèle gyrB(Ts) par le gène de type sauvage ou par l’exposition des souches gyrB(Ts) à une température permissive, permet la correction significative de la croissance et de la ségrégation des cellules topos de type IA. Nous démontrons également que les mutants topB sont hypersensibles à l’inhibition de la gyrase par la novobiocine. La réplication non-régulée en l’absence de topA et de rnhA (RNase HI) augmente la nécessité de l’activité de la topoisomérase III. De plus, en l’absence de topA et de rnhA, la surproduction de la topoisomérase III permet de réduire la dégradation importante d’ADN qui est observée en l’absence de recA (RecA). Nous proposons un rôle pour la topoisomérase III dans la ségrégation des chromosomes lorsque l’activité de la gyrase n’est pas optimale, par la réduction des collisions fourches de réplication s’observant particulièrement en l’absence de la topo I et de la RNase HI. / E. coli possesses two type IA topoisomerases (topos), namely topo I (topA) and topo III (topB). The major function of topo I is the relaxation of excess negative supercoiling. Much less is known about the function of topo III. Cells lacking both type IA topos suffer from severe chromosome segregation and growth defects. We show that these defects are mostly related to the presence of gyrase mutations that prevent excess negative supercoiling in topA null mutants. Indeed, increasing gyrase activity by spontaneous mutations, by substituting a gyrB(Ts) allele for a wild-type one or by exposing cells carrying the gyrB(Ts) allele to permissive temperatures, significantly corrected the growth and segregation defects of cells lacking type IA topo activity. We also found that topB mutants are hypersensitive to novobiocin due to gyrase inhibition. Our data also suggest that unregulated replication occurring in the absence of topA and rnhA (RNase HI) exacerbates the need for topo III activity. Moreover, when topA and rnhA were absent, we found that topo III overproduction reduced the extensive DNA degradation that took place in the absence of recA (RecA). All together, our results lead us to propose a role for topo III in chromosome segregation when gyrase activity is suboptimal, thus reducing replication forks collapse, especially when replication is unregulated due to the absence of topo I and RNase HI.

Imbalance of SMC1 and SMC3 Cohesins Causes Specific and Distinct Effects

Laugsch, Magdalena, Seebach, Jochen, Schnittler, Hans, Jessberger, Rolf 22 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
SMC1 and SMC3 form a high-affinity heterodimer, which provides an open backbone of the cohesin ring, to be closed by a kleisin protein. RNAi mediated knock-down of either one heterodimer partner, SMC1 or SMC3, is expected to cause very similar if not identical phenotypes. However, we observed highly distinct, protein-specific phenotypes. Upon knock-down of human SMC1, much of SMC3 remains stable, accumulates in the cytoplasm and does not associate with other cohesin proteins. Most of the excess nuclear SMC3 is highly mobile and not or only weakly chromosome-associated. In contrast, human SMC3 knock-down rendered SMC1 instable without cytoplasmic accumulation. As observed by differential protein extraction and in FRAP experiments the remaining SMC1 or SMC3 proteins in the respective SMC1 or SMC3 knock-down experiments constituted a cohesin pool, which is associated with chromatin with highest affinity, likely the least expendable. Expression of bovine EGFP-SMC1 or mouse EGFP-SMC3 in human cells under conditions of human SMC1 or SMC3 knock-down rescued the respective phenotypes, but in untreated cells over-expressed exogenous SMC proteins mis-localized. Paucity of either one of the SMC proteins causes RAD21 degradation. These results argue for great caution in interpreting SMC1 and SMC3 RNAi or over-expression experiments. Under challenged conditions these two proteins unexpectedly behave differently, which may have biological consequences for regulation of cohesin-associated functions and for human cohesin pathologies.

Analysis of Polarity Signaling in Both Early Embryogenesis and Germline Development in C. Elegans: A Dissertation

Bei, Yanxia 18 January 2005 (has links)
In a 4-cell C. elegans embryo the ventral blastomere EMS requires polarity signaling from its posterior sister cell, P2. This signaling event enables EMS to orient its division spindle along the anterior-posterior (A/P) axis and to specify the endoderm fate of its posterior daughter cell, E. Wnt pathway components have been implicated in mediating P2/EMS signaling. However, no single mutants or various mutant combinations of the Wnt pathway components disrupt EMS polarity completely. Here we describe the identification of a pathway that is defined by two tyrosine kinase related proteins, SRC-1 and MES-1, which function in parallel with Wnt signaling to specify endoderm and to orient the division axis of EMS. We show that SRC-1, a C. elegans homolog of c-Src, functions downstream of MES-1 to specifically enhance phosphotyrosine accumulation at the P2/EMS junction in order to control cell fate and mitotic spindle orientation in both the P2 and EMS cells. In the canonical Wnt pathway, GSK-3 is conserved across species and acts as a negative regulator. However, in C. elegans we find that GSK-3 functions in a positive manner and in parallel with other components in the Wnt pathway to specify endoderm during embryogenesis. In addition, we also show that GSK-3 regulates C. elegans germline development, a function of GSK-3 that is not associated with Wnt signaling. It is required for the differentiation of somatic gonadal cells as well as the regulation of meiotic cell cycle in germ cells. Our results indicate that GSK-3 modulates multiple signaling pathways to regulate both embryogenesis and germline development in C. elegans.

Characterizing cortical myosin mini-filament regulation, length and its macroscopic implications in cytokinetic dynamics

Patino Descovich, Carlos 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution of mechanical stress to cell division plane orientation at the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana / Rôle des contraintes mécaniques dans l'orientation du plan de division des cellules du méristème apical caulinaire d'Arabidopsis thaliana

Louveaux, Marion 02 October 2015 (has links)
La morphogenèse des plantes repose sur deux mécanismes cellulaires : la division et l'élongation. Par ailleurs, la croissance est source de contraintes mécaniques qui affectent les cellules et guident la morphogenèse. Si les contraintes mécaniques influencent l'orientation du plan de division dans les cellules animales, rien n'est prouvé pour les cellules végétales. À l'heure actuelle, la forme de la cellule est proposée comme le facteur principal gouvernant l'orientation du plan dans les divisions symétriques : les cellules se divisent selon un des plans les plus courts. Cette règle géométrique a été validée dans des tissus à croissance ou courbure isotropes, mais les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents demeurent inconnus. Dans cette thèse, un pipeline a été mis au point pour analyser les divisions cellulaires dans les différents domaines du méristème apical caulinaire d'Arabidopsis thaliana et questionner l'application de la règle géométrique dans ce tissu. La zone frontière du méristème présente une proportion anormalement basse de plans de division très courts. Des simulations de tissus en croissance, dans lesquelles une règle de division mécanique a été implémentée, ont montrées le même biais sur les orientation des plans, comparé à la règle géométrique. Des ablations laser de quelques cellules de l'épiderme ont également été effectuées afin de perturber localement le patron de contraintes mécaniques. Les résultats montrent que l'orientation du plan des divisions postérieures à cette perturbation suit le nouveau patron de contraintes. Enfin, une nouvelle méthode quantitative, basée sur l'utilisation d'un micro-indenteur, a été mise au point pour quantifier la réponse du cytosquelette, et en particulier des microtubules, aux contraintes mécaniques. Le protocole de compression a été testé et validé sur les mutants katanin et spiral2, dans lesquels la réponse aux contraintes est respectivement faible ou amplifiée. / Morphogenesis during primary plant growth is driven by cell division and elongation. In turn, growth generates mechanical stress, which impacts cellular events and channels morphogenesis. Mechanical stress impacts the orientation of division plane in single animal cells; this remains to be fully demonstrated in plants. Currently, cell geometry is proposed to be the main factor determining plane orientation in symmetric divisions: cell divide along one the shortest paths. This geometrical rule was tested on tissues with rather isotropic shapes or growth and the corresponding molecular mechanism remains unknown, although it could involve tension within the cytoskeleton. To address these shortcomings, we developed a pipeline to analyze cell divisions in the different domains of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. We computed the probability of each possible planes according to cell geometry and compared the output to observed orientations. A quarter of the cells did not follow the geometrical rule. Boundary domain was enriched in long planes aligned with supracellular maximal tension lines. Computer simulations of a growing tissue following a division rule that relies on tension gave the most realistic outputs. Mechanical perturbations of local stress pattern, by laser ablations, further confirmed the importance of mechanical stress in cell division. To explore the role of microtubules in this process, we developed a microindenter-based protocol to quantify the cytoskeletal response to mechanical stress. This protocol was tested and validated in the katanin and spiral2 mutants, in which the response to stress is delayed or promoted respectively.

Influence de l'élasticité du substrat sur la plasticité de la chromatine de cellules épithéliales et sur la division de cellules tumorales / Influence of substrate elasticity on chromatic plasticity of epithelial cells and on division of tumoral cells

Rabineau, Morgane 24 September 2013 (has links)
Dans le domaine des biomatériaux, cette thèse s’intéresse à l’influence de l’élasticité du substrat sur la division et la plasticité de la chromatine de cellules épithéliales. La létalité des cellules est corrélée aux faibles rigidités des substrats. Cependant, quelques cellules tumorales SW480, incluant celles portant des anomalies de ségrégation des chromosomes, progressent en mitose. Ces anomalies seraient à l’origine de réarrangements chromosomiques, sources de nombreuses mutations. Les substrats mous conduisent à la formation d’hétérochromatine tandis que les substrats très mous induisent la nécrose des cellules PtK2. Sur ces substrats, l’euchromatine est maintenue après inhibition de HDAC, permettant aux cellules de résister à la nécrose, indépendamment de la compétence transcriptionnelle du noyau. Ces cellules s’étalent à nouveau après transfert sur un substrat rigide. Ces résultats suggèrent 1) une voie de signalisation entrante initiée par le substrat conduisant à la nécrose via la formation d’hétérochromatine 2) une voie de signalisation sortante initiée par l’euchromatine permettant la survie cellulaire. / In the biomaterials field, this PhD work is about influence of substrate elasticity on cell division and chromatin plasticity of epithelial cells. Soft substrates cause massive death.However, some SW480 tumor cells, including those bearing chromosomal segregation abnormalities progress in mitosis. These abnormalities could result in more chromosomal rearrangements, increasing mutations. Soft substrates lead to heterochromatin remodelling and very soft substrates promote necrosis of PtK2 cells. On these substrates, euchromatin could be maintained after HDAC inhibition independently of the nuclear transcriptional competence.These cells spread again after tranfer on stiff substrates. These results suggest i) outside-insignalling cascade initiated at the soft substrate surface leading to heterochromatin remodelling and ultimately necrosis, ii) inside-out signaling cascade initiated from euchromatin allowing cell to overcome necrosis on soft substrate.

Pesquisa de células-tronco tumorais em pacientes com linfoma não-Hodgkin / Research on cancer stem cells in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma

André Luiz Siqueira da Silva 06 May 2014 (has links)
Células-tronco (CT) são células com um alto poder de indiferenciação, plasticidade celular e autorrenovação. Baseado na autorrenovação das CT, pesquisas recentes sugerem que uma falha durante este processo pode levar ao surgimento de um novo tipo de célula, sendo esta responsável pelo aparecimento, propagação e manutenção de diversos tipos de neoplasias. Além disso, apresenta resistência às formas de tratamento convencionais do câncer. Tais células foram denominadas de células-tronco tumorais (CTT). As CTT já foram caracterizadas em leucemias e em diversos tipos de tumores sólidos, porém, até o presente momento, não foram descritas em linfoma não- Hodgkin (LNH). Por esta razão, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a presença de CTT em pacientes com LNH. Biópsias de linfonodos e medulas ósseas (MO) de pacientes com LNH foram as fontes utilizadas para isolar e cultivar as CT mesenquimais. Uma vez caracterizadas as CTT, estas foram inoculadas em camundongos imunodeprimidos para observar uma possível formação de tumor. As células isoladas de biópsias de linfonodo não apresentaram CD133 positivo, marcador de membrana presente nas CTT, bem como não expressaram os genes de indiferenciação (Nanog e Oct-4) e não formaram tumores quando inoculadas nos animais. Por outro lado, as células isoladas de MO apresentaram subpopulações de células positivas para o CD133, expressaram os genes de indiferenciação e, após inoculadas, desenvolveram tumores em camundongos imunodeprimidos. Com isto, concluise que as células isoladas dos linfonodos possam ser fibroblastos, indicando, assim, uma dificuldade de se isolar as CTT deste material. Enquanto que, como já bem descrito e estabelecido na literatura, CT foram facilmente isoladas de MO, entretanto, quando isoladas de pacientes LNH foi ainda possível caracterizar a presença de uma subpopulação de CTT / Stem cells (SC) are undifferentiated cells, with high capacity of cellular plasticity and self-renewal. Based on the self-renewal, recent research suggests that a failure during this process, it can lead to the emergence of a new type of cell, which is responsible for the development, propagation and maintenance of several types of malignancies. Moreover, it is resistant to the conventional treatment of cancer. These cells are denominated as cancer stem cells (CSC). CSC were already characterized in leukemia and in several types of solid tumors. However, until the present moment nothing was described in non- Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). For this reason, the present study aimed to investigate the presence of CSC in patients with NHL. Biopsies of lymph nodes and bone marrow (BM) from patients with NHL were used for isolate and cultivate MSC. The techniques used to characterize these cells were flow cytometry and PCR. Once CSC were characterized, these cells were inoculated into immunodeficient animals to observe a possible tumor formation. Cells isolated from lymph node biopsies did not show the presence of CD133, a membrane marker present in the CSC, as well as did not express differentiation genes (Nanog and Oct-4) and no ability to form tumors in immunodeficient mice. In another hands, cells isolated from BM showed a subpopulation of CD133 positive, expressed undifferentiated genes and also after the inoculation was possible to observe the tumor formation in immunodeficient mice. In conclusion, isolated cells from lymph nodes could be fibroblasts, indicating a difficulty to isolate CSC from this material. Whereas, as already describe and establish in the literature, SC were easily isolate from MO. However, when isolated from NHL patients was possible to characterize the presence of CSC subpopulation

Rôle du domaine extracellulaire de la sérine/thréonine-kinase StkP dans la division cellulaire et la morphogenèse du pneumocoque / Role of the extracellular domain of the serine/threonine-kinase StkP in pneumococcal cell division and morphogenesis

Zucchini, Laure 03 July 2017 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae (ou pneumocoque) est un agent pathogène humain responsable de maladies invasives et potentiellement mortelles. Les mécanismes impliqués dans le processus d'invasion restent largement inconnus, mais plusieurs observations suggèrent que les processus de signalisation impliquant la phosphorylation des protéines participeraient au caractère invasif du pneumocoque. Le génome de S. pneumoniae code pour une seule tyrosine-kinase (CpsD) et une seule sérine/thréonine-kinase (StkP). Cette dernière serait notamment impliquée dans la virulence, la compétence et la division cellulaire. Elle représente donc une cible thérapeutique potentielle intéressante pour lutter contre les infections liées au pneumocoque. L'objectif de cette thèse a donc été de caractériser le rôle de cette sérine/thréonine-kinase StkP dans la division cellulaire du pneumocoque. StkP est une protéine transmembranaire qui se caractérise par la présence de motifs structuraux conservés dans son domaine catalytique appelés motifs de Hanks. De plus, StkP possède un domaine extracellulaire composé de la répétition de quatre domaines PASTA (Penicillin-binding protein And Serine/Threonine kinase Associated). Le modèle actuel suggère que ces domaines PASTA seraient capables de fixer des fragments de la paroi cellulaire afin de permettre l'activation de StkP qui se comporterait donc comme un récepteur membranaire permettant de réguler la division cellulaire du pneumocoque. Mes travaux de thèse ont permis de revisiter ce modèle en démontrant que les domaines PASTA ne servent pas uniquement à contrôler l'activité protéine-kinase de StkP mais également à contrôler l'épaisseur de la paroi cellulaire et ainsi permettre la constriction de la cellule. Plus précisément, j'ai démontré que le domaine PASTA distal est spécialisé dans l'interaction avec une hydrolase de la paroi cellulaire alors que les trois autres domaines PASTA sont nécessaires à l'activité kinase de StkP mais également au positionnement du domaine PASTA distal. Ainsi, le domaine extracellulaire de StkP se comporterait comme une règle permettant de définir l'épaisseur de la paroi cellulaire de la bactérie. Ces travaux permettent donc de proposer un nouveau modèle d'activation et de régulation de la division cellulaire par la sérine/thréonine-kinase StkP / Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is one of the most important human pathogens that causes potentially fatal invasive diseases. Mechanisms required for the pneumococcal invasion process remain largely unknown, but several observations suggest that phosphorylation-based signaling processes will be at play in the invasiveness of the pneumococcus. S. pneumoniae encodes only one tyrosine-kinase (CpsD) and one serine/threonine-kinase (StkP). The latter would be involved in virulence, competence, and cell division. StkP represent therefore a promising target to combat pneumococcal infections. My aims were to better understand the role of StkP in pneumococcal cell division. StkP is a transmembrane protein characterized by the presence of a series of conserved structural motifs called Hanks motifs in its catalytic domain. In addition, StkP possesses an extracellular domain composed of the repetition of four PASTA domains (Penicillin-binding protein And Serine/Threonine kinase Associated). The current model proposes that PASTA domains are able to bind cell wall fragments resulting in StkP kinase activation. StkP would thus behave as an authentic kinase receptor regulating cell division. My thesis works has allowed to revisit this model by showing that PASTA domains do not only serve StkP kinase activation. Rather, they contribute to determine the cell wall thickness and govern cell constriction. More precisely, I demonstrated that the distal PASTA domain possesses unique features for the binding of a cell wall hydrolase whereas the other three contributes to StkP kinase activation and the positioning of the distal PASTA domain. Thus, the extracellular domain of StkP acts as a ruler determining the cell wall thickness. This work allows to propose an alternative model of activation and regulation of cell division by the serine/threonine-kinase StkP

Régulation de la morphogenèse et de la division cellulaire du pneumocoque par phosphorylation : rôle de la sérine / thréonine kinase StkP et des protéines DivIVA, GpsB et MapZ / Regulation of the pneumococcal morphogenesis and cell division by phosphorylation : role of the serine/threonine kinase StkP and the proteins DivIVA, GpsB and MapZ

Manuse, Sylvie 14 December 2015 (has links)
Malgré les modèles établis pour certaines bactéries, la morphogenèse de bactéries de formes atypiques est peu comprise. C'est le cas de la bactérie pathogène pour l'homme Streptococcus pneumoniae, ou pneumocoque, qui possède une forme ovo-diplococcale. Cependant, à mon arrivé au laboratoire, il avait été démontré qu'une sérine/thréonine protéine-kinase membranaire appelée StkP était indispensable à la division cellulaire et à la morphogenèse du pneumocoque. L'objectif de ma thèse a ainsi été de caractériser certains substrats de StkP et d'étudier leur rôle, ainsi que l'impact de leur phosphorylation, au cours du processus de division cellulaire. Dans ce contexte, j'ai montré que le substrat DivIVA et son paralogue GpsB coordonnent l'élongation et la division cellulaire du pneumocoque. Ces travaux permettent de proposer un nouveau modèle de morphogenèse du pneumocoque dans lequel la triade StkP/DivIVA/GpsB organise la synthèse de la paroi cellulaire nécessaire à l'élongation et à la division de la cellule. J'ai également mis en évidence que la protéine MapZ interagit avec la paroi cellulaire lors de l'élongation cellulaire afin de marquer de manière permanente le site de division, où elle recrute la protéine FtsZ. Ces travaux ont ainsi permis d'identifier un système inédit de régulation positive du positionnement du site de division chez les bactéries. Enfin, j'ai caractérisé les déterminants moléculaires du positionnement de MapZ au centre de la cellule. S. pneumoniae étant un pathogène humain important, nous pouvons anticiper que nos données pourraient servir de base fondamentale à des projets plus appliqués de lutte contre les infections bactériennes / Despite the established models for some bacteria, the morphogenesis of bacteria with atypical shapes is poorly understood. This is the case of the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, that displays an ovo-diplococcal shape. However, when I joined the lab, it had just been shown that a membrane serine/threonine kinase named StkP was crucial for the cell division and the morphogenesis of the pneumococcus. The goal of my thesis was to characterize the substrates of StkP and to study their function as well as the impact of their phosphorylation in the cell division process. First, I have shown that the substrate DivIVA together with its paralog GpsB coordinate cell elongation and division of the pneumococcus. Based on these observations, we propose a new model of pneumococcal morphogenesis in which the triad StkP/DivIVA/GpsB organizes cell wall synthesis involved in cell elongation and division. In a second part of my work, I have studied another substrate of StkP that was of unknown function and that we named MapZ. I have shown that MapZ interacts with the cell wall during the cell elongation to position at midcell. Then MapZ recruits the cell division protein FtsZ and controls the closure of the Z-ring. This work has uncovered a new mechanism of positive regulation for the positioning of the division site in bacteria. Finally, I characterized the molecular determinants of MapZ positioning at the division site. S. pneumoniae is an important human pathogen, we can thus anticipate that our work will represent a fundamental base for applied projects in order to develop new strategies against bacterial infections

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