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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Válek, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
Concrete has many advantageous properties as regards resistance to fire. It is non-flammable and it has a low thermal conductivity. However, concrete structures, which are not designed for resistance against fire, show significant damage after heating. In particular, the explosive flaking with the consequence of weakening the reinforced concrete cross-section and exposing the steel reinforcement to the temperatures higher than critical temperature of reinforcement. There are only a few possible measures of preventing or mitigating the effects temperature load used. Ways of protection can be divided into two systems: active and passive. Active systems are designed to ensure the greatest possible reduction of temperatures the concrete is exposed to. Passive systems directly resist to high temperatures and fire. Design of composition of concrete with the aim of higher resistance to exposition to high temperatures belongs among the passive systems. A part of the work focuses on summary searches of the problems of concrete and reinforced concrete structures exposed to high temperatures and fire. The goal of the work is defining requirements for cement matrix based composite material and its design ensuring the highest possible resistance to high temperatures or direct fire.

Performance and mechanism on a high durable silica alumina based cementitious material composed of coal refuse and coal combustion byproducts

Yao, Yuan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Coal refuse and combustion byproducts as industrial solid waste stockpiles have become great threats to the environment. Recycling is one practical solution to utilize this huge amount of solid waste through activation as substitute for ordinary Portland cement. The central goal of this dissertation is to investigate and develop a new silica-alumina based cementitious material largely using coal refuse as a constituent that will be ideal for durable construction, mine backfill, mine sealing and waste disposal stabilization applications. This new material is an environment-friendly alternative to ordinary Portland cement. The main constituents of the new material are coal refuse and other coal wastes including coal sludge and coal combustion products (CCPs). Compared with conventional cement production, successful development of this new technology could potentially save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, recycle vast amount of coal wastes, and significantly reduce production cost. A systematic research has been conducted to seek for an optimal solution for enhancing pozzolanic reactivity of the relatively inert solid waste-coal refuse in order to improve the utilization efficiency and economy benefit for construction and building materials. The results show that thermal activation temperature ranging from 20°C to 950°C significantly increases the workability and pozzolanic property of the coal refuse. The optimal activation condition is between 700°C to 800°C within a period of 30 to 60 minutes. Microanalysis illustrates that the improved pozzolanic reactivity contributes to the generated amorphous materials from parts of inert aluminosilicate minerals by destroying the crystallize structure during the thermal activation. In the coal refuse, kaolinite begins to transfer into metakaol in at 550°C, the chlorite minerals disappear at 750°C, and muscovite 2M 1 gradually dehydroxylates to muscovite HT. Furthermore, this research examines the environmental acceptance and economic feasibility of this technology and found that this silica alumina-based cementitious material not only meets EPA requirements but also shows several advantages in industrial application.

Conditions for Industrial Symbiosis surrounding a hydrogen based steel industry / Förutsättningar för industriell symbios kring en vätebaserad stålindustri

Nylund, Erland January 2023 (has links)
There is an ongoing transition to a more sustainable industry with lower climate impact. As part of this transition, the steel industry is expected to move from the conventional process for producing iron and steel using Blast Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) processes, consuming large amounts of fossil fuels. In Sweden, transition to an alternative process route using Hydrogen Direct Reduction of Iron (H DRI) combined with electric arc furnace s (EAFs) is underway. Large H DRI based steel industries are being established and are expected to produce significant volumes of residues. According to the principles of circular economy, these residues should be valorised as products or raw materials to as large an extent as possible. Industrial Symbiosis is a method for increasing industrial circularity by promoting transactions of information and residues to- provide economic and environmental synergies in a network of industry actors. There are existing industrial networks for valorising residues from the traditional iron and steel industry. Notably, large amounts of BF slags are used as a Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCMs) or raw material in cement production. However, there is a lack of research into how these existing networks can manage the residues produced in the new H DRI and EAF based process. There is also a need to better understand to what extent EAF slags can replace BF and BOF slags in valuable applications such as SCM or cement production. Research into these issues is complicated by the fact that no commercially operating HDRI based steel industries exist at present. Therefore, an exploratory and qualitative research approach was chosen to investigate the knowledge and current conditions in a region where such an industry is being established. A case study was conducted to investigate the industrial network surrounding an emerging steel industry that will use H DRI and EAF processes. A theoretical framework was constructed to assess conditions for the development of an Industrial Symbiosis Network (ISN) in such an industry. Social as well as technological conditions important for ISN development were identified.  The growing network of recyclers, metal industries and other actors surrounding the planned steel plant of H2 Green Steel (H2GS) in Boden was chosen as case. Potential ISN participants were identified and participated in four focus group workshops and ten in depth interviews. An overview of expected residues from H2GS was compiled, together with a list of potential methods for valorisation. The Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of these valorisation processes were assessed, and the social conditions for ISN development were investigated. There seems to be an existing ISN kernel already forming among recyclers and waste management actors surrounding H2GS. Social networks and an exchange of experiences are in place, and technological and economic barriers are perceived as the main obstacles to efficient residue management. The presence of traditional iron and steel industries in the region seems to be a clear benefit to ISN development. Most of the residues originating in the planned H2GS plant are well known and similar to those produced by other steelmakers, except for the large volumes. However, valorisation of EAF slags is a significant challenge. The most mature technology valorising EAF slags as rocky materials in construction seems unlikely to be able to valorise large volumes of EAF slags in the long run. EAF slags has potential as an SCM material or as raw material for cement production. However, these applications require further refining using technologies that are not yet mature. When the development trajectory of these immature technologies can be predicted, the ISN participants can adjust and prepare for the opp ortunities they create. Some valorisation technologies would bring great ISN advantages by improving diversity of inputs and outputs. However, when development trajectories are unpredictable, ISN development is blocked. / Det pågår en omställning till en mer hållbar industri med lägre klimatavtryck. Som en del i denna omställning förväntas stålindustrin röra sig i väg från den konventionella framställningsprocessen för järn och stål som använder masugn och syrgaskonverter där stora mängder fossila bränslen förbrukas. I Sverige pågår en omställning till en alternativ processväg där direktreduktion med vätgas används tillsammans med ljusbågsugnar. Stora industrier baserade på direktreduktion med vätgas håller på att etablera sig och förväntas producera stora mängder restprodukter. Enligt principerna för cirkulär ekonomi bör dessa restprodukter användas som produkter eller råmaterial för andra processer i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Industriell symbios är en metod för att förbättra industrins cirkularitet genom att främja utbyten av information och restprodukter som kan skapa ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar i ett industrinätverk. Det finns existerande industrinätverk för att använda restprodukter från den traditionella järn- och stålindustrin. Särskilt relevant är att stora mängder masugnsslagg används som alternativa cementmaterial eller som insatsvara i cementproduktion. Det finns dock en brist på forskning om hur sådana nätverk kan hantera restprodukterna från den nya processkedjan med vätgasreduktion och ljusbågsugn. Vidare finns ett behov av att förstå i vilken utsträckning ljusbågsugnsslagg kan ersätta masugnsslagg och konverterslagg i tillämpningar som cementproduktion eller produktion av alternativa cementmaterial. Forskning om dessa ämnen försvåras av att det ännu inte finns någon aktiv stålindustri i storskalig kommersiell drift som använder sig av vätgasreduktion och ljusbågsugnsprocesserna. Därför valdes en utforskande och kvalitativ forskningsdesign för att undersöka kunskapen och de nuvarande förutsättningarna i en region där en sådan industri håller på att etableras. En fallstudie genomfördes för att undersöka industrinätverket kring en framväxande stålindustri som kommer att använda vätgasreduktion och ljusbågsugn. Ett teoretiskt ramverk konstruerades för att bättre bedöma förutsättningarna för industriella symbiosnätverk att växa fram i en sådan industri. Sociala så väl som tekniska omständigheter som påverkar nätverkets framväxt identifierades. Det framväxande nätverket av återvinnare, metallindustrier och andra aktörer runt H2 Green Steels planerade stålverk i Boden valdes som fallstudie. Potentiella nätverksdeltagare identifierades och deltog i fyra fokusgruppworkshops samt tio djupintervjuer. En sammanställning av förväntade restmaterial från H2GS sammanställdes tillsammans med en lista över möjliga metoder för att nyttja dessa. Den tekniska färdighetsnivån (TRL-nivån) hos dessa nyttjandealternativ bedömdes och de sociala förutsättningarna för ett industriellt nätverk att växa fram undersöktes. Ett frö till symbiosnätverk verkar redan formas bland återvinnare och restmaterialhanterare runt H2GS. Sociala nätverk och utbyten av erfarenheter finns, och tekniska och ekonomiska barriärer ses som de största hindren för effektiv restmaterialhantering. Närvaron av traditionella järn- och stålindustrier verkar vara en tydlig fördel för framväxten av ett symbiosnätverk. De flesta av restprodukterna som förväntas från den planerade H2GS anläggningen är väl kända och lika de som produceras av andra stålverk, förutom att de kommer produceras i större volymer. Nyttjande av ljusbågsugnsslagg är dock en betydande utmaning Den mest mogna nyttjandemetoden för denna slagg är att använda den som ett stenmaterial i byggnadstillämpningar. Det verkar dock osannolikt att denna metod skulle kunna hitta avsättning för de stora mängderna ljusbågsslagg som väntas på lång sikt. Ljusbågsugnsslagg har potential som ett alternativt cementmaterial eller som insatsvara i cementproduktion. Dessa tillämpningar kräver dock vidare förädling av slaggen med hjälp av tekniker som inte är mogna ännu. När utvecklingsbanan för dessa tekniker kan förutsägas kan nätverksdeltagarna anpassa sig och förbereda för de möjligheter de skapar. Vissa nyttjandemetoder skulle ge stora symbiosfördelar till nätverket genom att öka mångfalden av insatsvaror och produkter som är möjliga. När utvecklingsbanorna inte går att förutsäga blockeras dock symbiosnätverkets utveckling.

Use of Agricultural Wastes as Supplementary Cementitious Materials / Användning av jordbruksavfall som kompletterande cementmaterial

Marchetti, Ezio January 2020 (has links)
Global cement production is continuously increasing from 1990 till 2050 and growing particularly rapidly in developing countries, where it represents a crucial element for infrastructure development and industrialisation. Every tonne of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) produced releases, on average, about 800 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere, or, in total, the overall production of cement represents roughly 7% of all man-made carbon emissions. The present paper aims to deepen the re-use of agricultural solid waste materials as partial replacement of OPC, which can positively contribute to the sustainability of the concrete industry because of their availability and environmental friendliness. In particular, rice-husk ash (RHA) and oat-husk ash (OHA), burned under the right conditions, can have a high reactive silica content, representing very potential pozzolans. The mechanical and physical characteristics of both materials are investigated to evaluate the influence on concrete properties. Subsequently, using the environmental product declarations (EPDs) of the material used, a comparative environmental impact analysis between RHA concrete and ordinary concrete having the same resistance class, is presented. It is concluded that the use of RHA as supplementary cementitious material can serve a viable and sustainable partial replacement to OPC for the reduction of CO2 emissions and global warming potential. / Den globala cementproduktionen ökar från 1990 till 2050 och växer särskilt snabbt i utvecklingsländer, där den utgör en viktig del för infrastrukturutveckling och industrialisering. Varje ton vanligt portlandcement (OPC) släpper i genomsnitt ut cirka 800 kg koldioxid i atmosfären, och, totalt, representerar den totala cementproduktionen ungefär 7% av alla koldioxidutsläpp från mänsklig verksamhet. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att fördjupa kunskapen om och därmed i förlängningen återanvändningen av fasta avfallsmaterial från jordbruket som delvis ersättning av OPC, vilket kan bidra till hållbarheten i betongindustrin på grund av deras tillgänglighet och miljövänlighet. I synnerhet kan risskalaska (RHA) och havreskalaska (OHA), som bränns under rätt process, ha en hög reaktiv kiseldioxidhalt, vilket representerar mycket potentiella puzzolaner. De mekaniska och fysiska egenskaperna hos båda materialen har undersökts för att utvärdera deras inverkan på betongegenskaper. Därefter presenteras en jämförande miljökonsekvensanalys mellan RHA-betong och OPC-betong med samma motståndsklass med användning av miljövarudeklaration (EPD) för det använda materialet. Man drar slutsatsen att användningen av RHA som alternativt bindemedel (SCM) till OPC kan hjälpa till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och den globala uppvärmningspotentialen.

Greener, cheaper, or more sustainable: reviewing sustainability assessments of maintenance strategies of concrete structures

Scope, Christoph, Vogel, Maria, Guenther, Edeltraud 22 December 2021 (has links)
Concrete is the most widely used material in construction and infrastructure, and is often reinforced by steel to improve tensile strength. Despite its enduring popularity, the material’s inherent weaknesses – namely corrosion damage and material fatigue – combined with ageing infrastructure, poses a challenge to both decision-makers and civil engineers to optimise sustainable infrastructure services. This article explores and synthesises the sustainable potential of maintenance and repair methods using concrete and cement-based composite materials. We draw on published case studies where sustainability assessments have been applied within this field. We also included cases that describe themselves as a type of sustainability assessment, but lack the assessment of all dimensions. Our research aims, firstly, to identify what maintenance interventions were assessed by means of sustainability criteria. Second, it explores the basic conceptual understanding which underlies each sustainability assessment. Third, it analyses the many methodological choices made for system boundaries, selection of indicators, or forms of aggregation. We have applied a systematic literature review to develop evidence-based management knowledge; this shows that current sustainability assessments are diverse regarding system boundaries, their scope, levels of detail, and overall quality. Although there is a trend towards more holistic types of assessment, environmental and economic sustainability dominated our sample, with global warming and energy consumed being most often reported. External costs, if included in the assessment, drive the overall economic score, while life cycle sustainability assessment is applied to only three cases. The most critical and challenging issues were shown to be the long-term orientation of maintenance measures and the complexity of undertaking a truly holistic sustainability assessment. To that end, we have stimulated scholarly discussion on further methodological progress to align with the good practices identified in our review, and call for greater application of these methods in the construction industry.

Optimised Mix designs for Self-Healing Concrete

Hermawan, Harry 23 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El hormigón es considerado como uno de los principales materiales de construcción más ampliamente utilizado en obras de infraestructuras. Su consideración como material de gran durabilidad y su ventajosa relación calidad-precio en comparación con otros materiales le ha hecho indispensable en la era moderna. Sin embargo, las fisuras son prácticamente inevitables en las estructuras de hormigón armado y se consideran como uno de sus puntos débiles, ya que comprometen la durabilidad de las infraestructuras y pueden generar condiciones inseguras. Hay muchas técnicas de reparación para sellar y sanar las fisuras, pero suelen ser costosas y requieren tiempo de intervención. Por esta razón, en los últimos años, se han realizado muchas investigaciones buscando alternativas para resolver estos problemas desarrollando una nueva generación de hormigones que se han denominado hormigones auto sanables. Se ha demostrado que las tecnologías de auto sanado cierran eficazmente las fisuras parcial o totalmente en un sistema cementoso. Sin embargo, los estudios a nivel del hormigón son todavía bastante limitados y en la mayoría de los casos las dosificaciones de la mezcla no fueron optimizados para la introducción de agentes de autosanado. Del estudio amplio de la literatura se aprecia que la incorporación de agentes de autosanado no siempre conllevan efectos positivos en las propiedades del hormigón. En consecuencia, según el tipo de agente de sellado/sanado, será necesario optimizar la dosificación para garantizar que no reduce en alguna medida las prestaciones del hormigón colocado. Se analiza un amplio espectro de agentes de sanado/sellado: bacterias (BAC), adiciones cristalinas (CA), biomasas y agentes incorporados en micro o macro cápsulas. Previamente a su introducción en el hormigón se evaluó su compatibilidad con los materiales cementosos, como información básica para el diseño de las mezclas. La optimización del diseño de las mezclas de hormigón se llevó a cabo dependiendo del agente elegido y los objetivos de la investigación. Al utilizar CA, se encontró que aumentar su dosis y el contenido en cemento conducía a mejorar la eficiencia de curación (HE) y la de sellado (SE). La variación de la relación agua-cemento (a/c) no produjo una mejora notable de HE y SE. Se profundizó el conocimiento sobre las propiedades de adherencia entre las armaduras y la matriz de hormigón. La inclusión de agentes de sanado (BAC, CA, biomasas) conllevó la mejora de la adherencia con un crecimiento del 57% cuando se adiciona CA. Aunque la presencia de fisuras longitudinales redujo críticamente la adherencia, se logró una recuperación importante gracias a los efectos del auto sanado. Se encontraron efectos contrapuestos del uso de microcápsulas. Se confirma una reducción significativa de la resistencia mecánica y una mejora significativa del sellado. Los parámetros de diseño de mezcla se optimizaron para compensar la reducción de resistencia, con un programa experimental con diseño factorial completo. Por la estructura inerte, las macrocápsulas tiende a perturbar el empaquetamiento de los áridos. Para la optimización de la mezcla se desarrolló un modelo de empaquetamiento de partículas modificado para predecir la proporción de huecos de las mezclas de áridos y cápsulas. Con todo, el resultado de esta investigación puede servir como guía para comprender la contribución de los parámetros de diseño de mezclas que afectan las propiedades de auto sanado, que potencialmente ayudará a investigadores e ingenieros a formular mezclas de hormigón para aplicaciones de auto sanado. / [CA] El formigó és considerat un dels principals materials de construcció més àmpliament utilitzat en obres d'infraestructures. La seua consideració com a material de gran durabilitat i la seua relació qualitat-preu avantatjosa en comparació amb altres materials l'ha fet indispensable en l'era moderna. Tot i això, les fissures són pràcticament inevitables en les estructures de formigó armat i es consideren com un dels seus punts febles, ja que comprometen la durabilitat de les infraestructures i poden generar condicions insegures. Hi ha moltes tècniques de reparació per segellar i curar les fissures, però solen ser costoses i requereixen temps d'intervenció. Per aquesta raó, en els darrers anys, s'han realitzat moltes investigacions buscant alternatives per resoldre aquests problemes desenvolupant una nova generació de formigons que s'han anomenat formigons auto sanables. S'ha demostrat que les tecnologies de auto curat tanquen eficaçment les fissures parcialment o totalment en un sistema de ciment. Tot i això, els estudis a nivell del formigó són encara força limitats i en la majoria dels casos les dosificacions no van ser optimitzades per a la introducció d'agents d'auto curat. De l'estudi ampli de la literatura s'aprecia que la incorporació d'agents d'auto curat no sempre comporta efectes positius en les propietats del formigó. En conseqüència, segons el tipus d'agent de segellat/curat, cal optimitzar la dosificació per garantir que no redueix en alguna mesura les prestacions del formigó. S'analitza un ampli espectre d'agents de curat / segellament: bacteris (BAC), addicions cristal·lines (CA), biomassa i agents incorporats en micro o macro càpsules. Prèviament a la seua introducció al formigó es va avaluar la compatibilitat amb els conglomerants, com a informació bàsica per al disseny de mescles. L'optimització del disseny de les mescles de formigó es va dur a terme depenent de l'agent elegit i els objectius de la investigació. En utilitzar CA, es va trobar que augmentar-ne la dosi i el contingut en ciment conduïa a millorar l'eficiència de curació (HE) i la de segellat (SE). La variació de la relació aigua-ciment (a/c) no va produir una millora notable de HE i SE. S'aprofundí el coneixement sobre les propietats d'adherència entre les armadures i la matriu de formigó. La inclusió d'agents de curació (BAC, CA, biomassa) va comportar la millora de l'adherència amb un creixement del 57% quan s'hi afegeix CA. Tot i que la presència de fissures longitudinals va reduir críticament l'adherència, es va aconseguir una recuperació important gràcies als efectes del auto curat. S'han trobat efectes contraposats de l'ús de microcàpsules. Es confirma una reducció significativa de la resistència mecànica i una millora significativa del segellat. Els paràmetres de disseny de mescla es van optimitzar per compensar la reducció de resistència, amb un programa experimental amb disseny factorial complet. Per la seua estructura inert, les macrocàpsules tendeixen a pertorbar l'empaquetament dels àrids. Per optimitzar la mescles es va desenvolupar un model d'empaquetament de partícules modificat per predir la proporció de buits de les mescles d'àrids i càpsules. Amb tot, el resultat d'aquesta investigació pot servir com a guia per comprendre la contribució dels paràmetres de disseny de barreges que afecten les propietats de auto curat, que potencialment ajudarà investigadors i enginyers a formular barreges de formigó per a aplicacions de auto curat. / [EN] Concrete has been widely used as a major material for infrastructure works. The durable character and the advantageous price-quality ratio compared to other materials have made concrete indispensable in the modern era. However, cracks in concrete structures are inevitable and are known as one of the inherent weaknesses of concrete, thereby making a threat to the durability of infrastructure which can lead to unsafe conditions. There are many repair techniques to seal and heal the cracks, but these approaches are costly and time-consuming. Therefore, during past years, many researchers searched for alternatives to solve these problems by developing a new generation of concrete namely self-healing concrete. Self-healing technologies have proven to effectively close cracks partially or fully in the cementitious system. However, studies on the concrete level are still rather limited and in most cases, the mix designs were not optimized for the introduction of healing agents. Based on a comprehensive literature, it was revealed that not all healing/sealing agents induce positive effects to the concrete properties. Consequently, an optimization of the mix designs is necessary to guarantee that these agents do not negatively affect the concrete properties to some extent. In this PhD dissertation, a wide range of healing/sealing agents were utilized such as bacteria (BAC), crystalline admixture (CA), biomasses, micro- and macro-encapsulated agents. Prior to the introduction of these agents into the concrete, the compatibility between healing/sealing agents and cementitious materials was evaluated to serve as a basic input for designing the concrete mixtures. The optimizations of concrete mix designs were carried out depending on the choice of the agents and the research objectives. When using CA, it was found that increasing the CA dosage and cement content in the mix design improved the healing efficiency (HE) and sealing efficiency (SE). Varying the water-cement ratio (w/c) did not give a remarkable improvement of HE and SE. A deep insight in the bond properties between the steel reinforcement and the self-healing concrete matrix was achieved. The inclusion of healing agents (i.e., BAC, CA, biomasses) possessed a bond strength improvement with the highest enhancement of 57% attained by the CA addition. Although the presence of a longitudinal crack critically reduced the bond strength, a bond restoration was achieved due to self-healing effects. Dual effects of using microcapsules were found, confirming a significant reduction of mechanical strength and a significant sealing improvement. Therefore, the mix design parameters were optimized to compensate the strength reduction via full factorial designs. With respect to the inert structure, the incorporation of macrocapsules tended to disturb the packing of aggregates. Hence, a modified particle packing model was developed to predict the voids ratio of aggregate-capsules mixtures. All in all, the outcome of this PhD research can serve as a guidance to understand the contribution of mix design parameters affecting the self-healing concrete properties. This potentially helps researchers and engineers to formulate their concrete mixtures for self-healing application. / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860006. / Hermawan, H. (2023). Optimised Mix designs for Self-Healing Concrete [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202610

Modelagem do processo de falha em materiais cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço. / Numerical modeling of failure processes in steel fiber reinforced cementitious materials.

Bitencourt Júnior, Luís Antônio Guimarães 10 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia numérica desenvolvida usando o método dos elementos finitos para simular o processo de falha de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço. O material é descrito como um compósito composto por três fases: matriz cimentícia (pasta, argamassa ou concreto), fibras descontínuas discretas, e interface fibra-matriz. Um novo esquema de acoplamento para malhas de elementos finitos não-conformes foi desenvolvido para acoplar as malhas geradas independentes, da matriz cimentícia e de uma nuvem de fibras de aço, baseado na utilização de novos elementos finitos desenvolvidos, denominados elementos finitos de acoplamento. Utilizando este esquema de acoplamento, um procedimento não-rígido é proposto para a modelagem do complexo comportamento não linear da interface fibra-matriz, utilizando um modelo constitutivo de dano apropriado para descrever a relação entre a tensão de cisalhamento (tensão de aderência) e deslizamento relativo entre a matriz e cada fibra de aço individualmente. Este esquema também foi adotado para considerar a presença de barras de aço para as análises de estruturas de concreto armado. As fibras de aço são modeladas usando elementos finitos lineares com dois nós (elementos de treliça) com modelo material elastoplástico. As fibras são posicionadas usando uma distribuição randômica uniforme isotrópica, considerando o efeito parede. Uma abordagem contínua e outra descontínua são investigadas para a modelagem do comportamento frágil da matriz cimentícia. Para a primeira, é utilizado um modelo de dano isotrópico com duas variáveis de dano para descrever o comportamento de dano à tração e à compressão. A segunda emprega uma técnica de fragmentação de malha que utiliza elementos finitos degenerados, posicionados entre todos os elementos finitos que formam a matriz cimentícia. Para esta técnica é proposto um modelo constitutivo à tração, compatível com a abordagem descontínua forte contínua, para prever a propagação de fissura. Para acelerar o cálculo e aumentar a robustez dos modelos de dano contínuos para simular o processamento de falhas, um esquema de integração implícito-explícito é utilizado. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados ao longo do desenvolvimento desta tese. Inicialmente, exemplos numéricos com um único reforço são apresentados para validar a técnica desenvolvida e para investigar à influência das propriedades geométricas 7 das fibras e sua posição em relação à superfície de falha. Posteriormente, exemplos mais complexos são considerados envolvendo uma nuvem de fibras. Nestes casos, atenção especial é dada à influência da distribuição das fibras no comportamento do compósito relacionado ao processo de fissuração. Comparações com resultados experimentais demonstram que a aplicação da ferramenta numérica para modelar o comportamento de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço é muito promissora e pode ser utilizada como uma importante ferramenta para melhor entender os efeitos dos diferentes aspectos envolvidos no processo de falha deste material. / This work presents a numerical strategy developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate the failure process of Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (SFRCCs). The material is described as a composite made up by three phases: a cementitious matrix (paste, mortar or concrete), discrete discontinuous fibers, and a fiber-matrix interface. A novel coupling scheme for non-matching finite element meshes has been developed to couple the independent generated meshes of the bulk cementitious matrix and a cloud of discrete discontinuous fibers based on the use of special finite elements developed, termed Coupling Finite Elements (CFEs). Using this approach, a nonrigid coupling procedure is proposed for modeling the complex nonlinear behavior of the fiber-matrix interface by adopting an appropriate constitutive damage model to describe the relation between the shear stress (adherence stress) and the relative sliding between the matrix and each fiber individually. This scheme has also been adopted to account for the presence of regular reinforcing bars in the analysis of reinforced concrete structural elements. The steel fibers are modeled using two-node finite elements (truss elements) with a one-dimensional elastoplastic constitutive model. They are positioned using an isotropic uniform random distribution, considering the wall effect of the mold. Continuous and discontinuous approaches are developed to model the brittle behavior of the bulk cementitious matrix. For the former, an isotropic damage model including two independent scalar damage variables for describing the composite behavior under tension and compression is considered. The discontinuous approach is based on a mesh fragmentation technique that employs degenerated solid finite elements in between all regular (bulk) elements. In this case, a tensile damage constitutive model, compatible with the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA), is proposed to predict crack propagation. To increase the computability and robustness of the continuum damage models used to simulate the failure processes in both of the strategies, an implicit-explicit integration scheme is used. Numerical analyses are performed throughout the presentation of the work. Initially, numerical examples with a single reinforcement are presented to validate the technique and to investigate the influence of the fibers geometrical properties and its position relative to the crack surface. Then, more complex examples involving a cloud of steel fibers are considered. In these cases, special attention is given to the analysis of the influence of the fiber distribution on the composite behavior relative to the cracking process. Comparisons with experimental results demonstrate that the application of the numerical tool for modeling the behavior of SFRCCs is very promising and may constitute an important tool for better understanding the effects of the different aspects involved in the failure process of this material.

Vers une meilleure compatibilité ciment/mâchefer (MIDND) dans la formulation de matériaux cimentaires intégrant un ciment sulfo-alumineux / Towards a better / MSWI bottom ash compatibility in the formulation of cimentitious materials integrating a sulfo-aluminate cement

Antoun, Marc 07 March 2019 (has links)
Dans un contexte accru d’économie circulaire et de valorisation des matières premières recyclées, les mâchefers d’incinération de déchets non dangereux (MIDND) constituent des déchets granulaires minéraux identifiés comme ressources renouvelables potentiellement valorisables dans la filière construction, notamment dans le domaine des matériaux cimentaires (type mortier/béton). Compte tenu de l'origine et de la nature des granulats de mâchefers, dans une finalité de concourir à une meilleure compatibilité mâchefer/ciment, il apparait essentiel en premier lieu de considérer des fractions minérales de mâchefers au mieux épurées par l’optimisation de l’enlèvement des métaux ferreux, non-ferreux et indésirables. En second temps, tenant compte des spécificités physico-chimiques résultantes des mâchefers, le choix de la base cimentaire constitue le second facteur prépondérant en sus de la nécessité de meilleure qualité de la fraction minérale de mâchefer. Le présent travail doctoral traite spécifiquement de l’apport de l’utilisation d’un ciment sulfo-alumineux dans le contexte de valorisation des mâchefers en matrice cimentaire. Des sables de mâchefers améliorés de fraction 0/2 mm ont été élaborés et utilisés pour l’étude. Dans une première partie, les résultats de formulation de mortiers cimentaires (ciment Portland, noté OPC / ciment sulfo-alumineux, noté CSA) à base de mâchefers en substitution volumique partielle du sable naturel (25, 50 et 75 %) et totale (100 %), mettent en évidence l’apport bénéfique du ciment CSA sur les résistances en compression par comparaison aux mortiers OPC. Une analyse expérimentale du réseau poreux des mortiers à 90 jours révèle que la frange de porosité supérieure à 50 nm est nettement plus faible pour les mortiers CSA. La thèse met en évidence un résultat majeur et pionnier : en interaction mâchefer, le niveau de basicité du milieu réactionnel joue un rôle prépondérant sur le potentiel de dégagement gazeux (hydrogène) après la mise en œuvre et avant la prise. Ce gaz impacte le niveau de porosité de la frange la plus grossière des mortiers durcis. La seconde partie concerne l’étude physique et microstructurale des mortiers soumis à l’attaque à l’eau pure ou à attaque sulfatique pour des substitutions volumiques de 50 et 100 %, avec les témoins pour référentiels. Les observations MEB sur les différentes matrices mettent en évidence une nette moindre sensibilité des mortiers mâchefer/CSA que des mortiers mâchefer/OPC, traduit par des porosités, fissurations et épaisseurs dégradées moindres. / In a world where circular economy and the valorization of raw materials is taking a greater importance, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash is identified as potentially renewable resource in the construction field and more specifically in cementitious materials like mortar and concrete. Given the origin of the bottom ash and in order to have a better cement/MSWI bottom ash compatibility, the fraction used was as refined as possible by removing ferrous, non-ferrous and unwanted materials. The choice of the cement used is a critical factor as well because it affects the quality of the end product since MSWI bottom ash has particular physicochemical properties. The work in this PhD studies the advantages of using a sulfo-aluminate cement to valorize an improved 0/2 mm fraction of bottom ash that has been developed to be used in cementitious matrices. The first part presents the results of the mortar sample mixes containing bottom ash in a substitution by volume of the standard sand. To better highlight the effect of using a sulfo-aluminate (CSA), CSA mortars containing bottom ash were compared to a Portland cement (OPC) mortars, with substitution rates of 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 % were used. A study of the porosity was then conducted at 90 days ; it shows that the pores larger to 50 nm are remarkably less present for CSA mortars. This thesis brings forward a major and innovative result : the level of alkalinity of the mortar plays an important role in the release of hydrogen gas after mixing and before setting. The presence of these gases creates large porosity in the hardened mortar samples. The second part studies the physical and microstructural aspects of the mortars after being immersed in aggressive environments : pure water and sulfate solution. The substitution rates used in this experiment were 50 % and 100 % by volume as well as the reference mortars with no bottom ash. These samples were then studied in the SEM which showed that CSA/bottom ash mortars were clearly less affected than the OPC/bottom ash mortars. This was highlighted by the porosity, the cracking and the depth of degraded zone.

Modelagem do processo de falha em materiais cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço. / Numerical modeling of failure processes in steel fiber reinforced cementitious materials.

Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Júnior 10 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia numérica desenvolvida usando o método dos elementos finitos para simular o processo de falha de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço. O material é descrito como um compósito composto por três fases: matriz cimentícia (pasta, argamassa ou concreto), fibras descontínuas discretas, e interface fibra-matriz. Um novo esquema de acoplamento para malhas de elementos finitos não-conformes foi desenvolvido para acoplar as malhas geradas independentes, da matriz cimentícia e de uma nuvem de fibras de aço, baseado na utilização de novos elementos finitos desenvolvidos, denominados elementos finitos de acoplamento. Utilizando este esquema de acoplamento, um procedimento não-rígido é proposto para a modelagem do complexo comportamento não linear da interface fibra-matriz, utilizando um modelo constitutivo de dano apropriado para descrever a relação entre a tensão de cisalhamento (tensão de aderência) e deslizamento relativo entre a matriz e cada fibra de aço individualmente. Este esquema também foi adotado para considerar a presença de barras de aço para as análises de estruturas de concreto armado. As fibras de aço são modeladas usando elementos finitos lineares com dois nós (elementos de treliça) com modelo material elastoplástico. As fibras são posicionadas usando uma distribuição randômica uniforme isotrópica, considerando o efeito parede. Uma abordagem contínua e outra descontínua são investigadas para a modelagem do comportamento frágil da matriz cimentícia. Para a primeira, é utilizado um modelo de dano isotrópico com duas variáveis de dano para descrever o comportamento de dano à tração e à compressão. A segunda emprega uma técnica de fragmentação de malha que utiliza elementos finitos degenerados, posicionados entre todos os elementos finitos que formam a matriz cimentícia. Para esta técnica é proposto um modelo constitutivo à tração, compatível com a abordagem descontínua forte contínua, para prever a propagação de fissura. Para acelerar o cálculo e aumentar a robustez dos modelos de dano contínuos para simular o processamento de falhas, um esquema de integração implícito-explícito é utilizado. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados ao longo do desenvolvimento desta tese. Inicialmente, exemplos numéricos com um único reforço são apresentados para validar a técnica desenvolvida e para investigar à influência das propriedades geométricas 7 das fibras e sua posição em relação à superfície de falha. Posteriormente, exemplos mais complexos são considerados envolvendo uma nuvem de fibras. Nestes casos, atenção especial é dada à influência da distribuição das fibras no comportamento do compósito relacionado ao processo de fissuração. Comparações com resultados experimentais demonstram que a aplicação da ferramenta numérica para modelar o comportamento de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras de aço é muito promissora e pode ser utilizada como uma importante ferramenta para melhor entender os efeitos dos diferentes aspectos envolvidos no processo de falha deste material. / This work presents a numerical strategy developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate the failure process of Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (SFRCCs). The material is described as a composite made up by three phases: a cementitious matrix (paste, mortar or concrete), discrete discontinuous fibers, and a fiber-matrix interface. A novel coupling scheme for non-matching finite element meshes has been developed to couple the independent generated meshes of the bulk cementitious matrix and a cloud of discrete discontinuous fibers based on the use of special finite elements developed, termed Coupling Finite Elements (CFEs). Using this approach, a nonrigid coupling procedure is proposed for modeling the complex nonlinear behavior of the fiber-matrix interface by adopting an appropriate constitutive damage model to describe the relation between the shear stress (adherence stress) and the relative sliding between the matrix and each fiber individually. This scheme has also been adopted to account for the presence of regular reinforcing bars in the analysis of reinforced concrete structural elements. The steel fibers are modeled using two-node finite elements (truss elements) with a one-dimensional elastoplastic constitutive model. They are positioned using an isotropic uniform random distribution, considering the wall effect of the mold. Continuous and discontinuous approaches are developed to model the brittle behavior of the bulk cementitious matrix. For the former, an isotropic damage model including two independent scalar damage variables for describing the composite behavior under tension and compression is considered. The discontinuous approach is based on a mesh fragmentation technique that employs degenerated solid finite elements in between all regular (bulk) elements. In this case, a tensile damage constitutive model, compatible with the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA), is proposed to predict crack propagation. To increase the computability and robustness of the continuum damage models used to simulate the failure processes in both of the strategies, an implicit-explicit integration scheme is used. Numerical analyses are performed throughout the presentation of the work. Initially, numerical examples with a single reinforcement are presented to validate the technique and to investigate the influence of the fibers geometrical properties and its position relative to the crack surface. Then, more complex examples involving a cloud of steel fibers are considered. In these cases, special attention is given to the analysis of the influence of the fiber distribution on the composite behavior relative to the cracking process. Comparisons with experimental results demonstrate that the application of the numerical tool for modeling the behavior of SFRCCs is very promising and may constitute an important tool for better understanding the effects of the different aspects involved in the failure process of this material.

Contribution à l'étude du comportement thermomécanique à très haute température des matériaux composites pour la réparation et/ou le renforcement des structures de Génie Civil / Contribution to the study of thermo-mechanical behavior at very high temperature of composite materials for the reparation and/or the reinforcement of civil engineering structures

Nguyen, Thanh Hai 24 November 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine du renforcement et/ou de la réparation des structures en béton armé par des matériaux composites à l'aide de la méthode du collage extérieur au moyen d'un adhésif époxy, une des préoccupations de la communauté scientifique est l'intégrité structurelle de ce système dans le cas d'incendie dans lequel la haute température est une caractéristique essentielle et peut atteindre jusqu'à 1200°C. Ce travail de recherche est axé sur le comportement thermomécanique à très haute température des matériaux composites [un composite à base de polymère carbone/ époxy (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer- CFRP), un composite textile/ mortier cimentaire (Textile Reinforced Concrete- TRC) et un adhésif à base d'époxy]. L'évolution des propriétés mécaniques et d'autres aspects mécaniques de ces matériaux composites avec la température a été caractérisée. Une nouvelle procédure expérimentale concernant la mesure de la déformation de l'éprouvette à l'aide du capteur laser est développée et validée. Une étude numérique et expérimentale a été réalisée dans le but de déterminer principalement la température à la rupture des joints « composite/ adhésif/ composite » sous les sollicitations mécaniques et thermiques. L'efficacité de la protection thermique de deux isolants [PROMASPRAY®T (produit commercial de la société PROMAT] et Isolant A (produit développé par le LGCIE site Tusset) a aussi été étudiée dans cette thèse. Enfin, une approche numérique, à l'aide du logiciel ANSYS, est utilisée afin de déterminer, de façon préliminaire et approximative, à l'échelle matériau, les propriétés thermiques des matériaux (composite textile/ mortier cimentaire -TRC et Isolant A) / In the area of the strengthening and/or the reparation of reinforced concrete structures with composites by means of the external bonding method using an epoxy adhesive, one of the preoccupation of the scientific community is the structural integrity of this system in the event of fire in which the high temperature is the essential feature et can reach up to 1200°C. This research focuses on the thermo-mechanical behavior of composite materials [carbon/epoxy adhesive composite (or carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), textile/cementitious mortar composite (or textile reinforced concrete (TRC)] and an epoxy-based adhesive. The evolution of mechanical properties and other mechanical aspects of these materials with the temperature has been characterized. A new experimental procedure concerning the measurement of sample strain by the laser sensor is developed and validated. An experimental and numerical study has been realized in order to mainly determine the temperature at the failure of "composite/adhesive/composite" joints under thermal and mechanical loadings. The effectiveness of the thermal protection of two insulators [PROMASPRAY®T (a commercial product of the PROMAT company and the insulator A (product developed by the LGCIE site Tuset)] has also been investigated in this PhD thesis. Finally, a numerical approach, using ANSYS software, is used to determine, in the preliminary and approximate way, at material scale, thermal properties of the materials [the textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and the insulator A]

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