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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A MIL-STD-1553 Multiplex Data Bus Record-All Small Data Acquisition System

Fletcher, T. R. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1992 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / MIL-STD-1553 multiplex data buses are commonly used to link complex software-controlled systems in modern aircraft. The software in these aircraft is routinely updated; each update requires flight testing. Also, sophisticated weapons and electronic warfare systems which are integrated into operationally-ready aircraft must be routinely evaluated. The simplest way to perform the required evaluation is to record all the data from the multiplex data buses during an operational flight; these data can then be replayed and examined after the flight. Traditionally, some operational systems had to be disabled or removed from an aircraft to allow installation of a data acquisition system. This paper discusses a MILSTD- 1553 multiplex bus Record-All Small Data Acquisition System (RASDAS) installed in a McDonnell Douglas CF-188 fighter aircraft to record all data from two 1553 multiplex data buses without displacing any operational equipment. The specific requirements and constraints associated with evaluating the integrated systems of a CF-188 aircraft are examined; further, RASDAS implementation in this aircraft type is discussed from planning to flight evaluation.

The company evaluation / Stanovení hodnoty podniku

Hamplová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to estimate the market value of the company T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., in order to sell the company to an unknown investor. The valuation is based on publicly known sources available to 01st December 2010. Thesis consits of two parts. In the theoretical part are defined common basics needed for valuation of the company. Second part covers all the steps resulting in final valuation.

Der Lebensbegriff in Kants kritischer Philosophie

Yeum, Sung Jun 24 February 2011 (has links)
In meiner Dissertation habe ich versucht, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Begriffe des Lebens, der Handlung und der Kultur in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft zu leisten. Meines Erachtens spielen diese Begriffe in einem systematisch organisierten Zusammenhang beim Problem der subjektiven Deduktion der Verstandesbegriffe, deren Erörterung in Ansehung Kants Hauptzwecks „von großer Wichtigkeit“ ist, sowie beim Problem der objektiven Deduktion der Verstandesbegriffe, die ein „wesentlich[er]“ „Hauptzweck“ ist, eine Schlüsselrolle. / In my thesis, I intended to make a contribution to the understanding of the concepts of life, action and culture in the Critique of Pure Reason. As my research results show, these concepts, closely connected to each other in an organized system, play a crucial role in regard to the problems of the subjective deduction and objective deduction of the concepts of the understanding - the discussion of the former being "of great importance" regarding Kant''s primary purpose, while the latter constitutes a "substantial" "primary purpose".

Kants formaler Idealismus

Oberst, Michael 07 January 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit schlage ich eine phänomenalistische Interpretation von Kants Idealismus vor, die sich jedoch in einigen Punkten von Standard-phänomenalistischen Interpretationen unterscheidet. Erscheinungen sind in meiner Lesart der Inhalt von Vorstellungen, aber nicht das eigentliche Objekt der Erkenntnis. Denn Erscheinungen sind von den erscheinenden Objekten verschieden. Diese sind vielmehr die Dinge an sich, welche wir zum transzendentalen Gegenstand der Erkenntnis machen. Allerdings erkennen wir sie lediglich, wie sie erscheinen, und nicht, wie sie sind. Somit bleibt die Unerkennbarkeit der Dinge, wie sie an sich sind, gewahrt. Im Verlauf meiner Argumentation diskutiere ich zahlreiche Aspekte von Kants Philosophie. Darunter sind die Unterscheidung zwischen Erscheinungen und Dingen an sich, Kants Verhältnis zur Cartesischen Epistemologie, die Widerlegung des Idealismus, sowie nicht zuletzt seine Theorie der Synthesis zu nennen. Mein Ziel ist dabei nicht nur zu zeigen, dass Kant ein Phänomenalist ist, sondern auch die Art seines Phänomenalismus zu charakterisieren. / This publication defends a phenomenalist interpretation of Kant’s idealism, which, however, deviates from usual phenomenalist interpretations in several respects. According to my reading, appearances are the content of representations, but not the true object of cognition. The object to which our cognition refers is rather the thing itself as the transcendental object. Nonetheless, we only cognize them as they appear and not as they are in themselves. Thus the unknowability of things as they are in themselves is retained. In the course of my presentation, I discuss a number of aspects of Kant’s philosophy, among which are the distinction between appearances and things in themselves, Kant’s relationship to Cartesian epistemology, the refutation of idealism, and not least his theory of synthesis. My aim is not only to show that Kant is a phenomenalist, but also to characterize the kind of his phenomenalism.

Die Anatomie der Ordnung

Bretschneider, Sebastian 28 July 2015 (has links)
In einem Bienenkorb voll Antworten für Ordnung zu sorgen, so ließe sich mit Montaigne die Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit beschreiben. Um ein Integral zu schaffen, wird Bernard Mandeville als Ordnungstheoretiker betrachtet. In dieser Form sollen sowohl die funktionellen als auch die normativen Aspekte seines politischen Denkens erfasst werden. In historischer Perspektive soll es so ermöglicht werden, Mandeville in einem weit gefassten, ideengeschichtlichen Kontext zu positionieren. In systematischer Hinsicht wiederum sollen stilistische, methodische und inhaltliche Untersuchungen koordiniert werden, um anthropologische, ökonomische, soziologische, politische und ethische Momente in ihrem Nexus zu erfassen. Sofern man (1) die anthropologischen Fundamente fokussiert, wird die Bedingtheit ökonomischer und rechtsstaatlicher Ordnungsmomente hinsichtlich der Entstehung wie dem Fortbestand der politischen Ordnung aufgezeigt. Dabei wird (2) Mandevilles Konzeption einer spontanen Ordnung den Anforderungen einer zunehmend plural erfahrenen und global verwobenen Welt in funktionaler Hinsicht gerecht. Zugleich stellt (3) sein Modell einer Ordnung der Diversität eine Transformationsleistung dar, welche dem Prinzip der Individualität faktisch eine zentrale Position im politisch-normativen Diskurs sichert. Wird darüber hinaus (4) das Konzept der Öffentlichkeit in Betracht gezogen, so das Argument der vorliegenden Arbeit, kann dem lebendigen Individuum mit Mandeville eine moralische Dimension in der belebten Welt eröffnet werden. / To establish order in a beehive full of answers, could be a reformulation of the task within the research on hand. To achieve an integral, Bernard Mandeville will be perceived as an order theorist. His political thinking will be dimensioned in terms of this integral. This will include functional as well as normative aspects. Historically, the study will seek to site Mandeville in a broad context that the History of Ideas has instituted. Systematically, it will coordinate stylistic, methodical, and topical investigations. Thus the nexus of anthropological, economic, sociological, political, and ethical elements within his philosophical thinking is exerted. If (1) the anthropological fundaments are focussed, the interdependency of economic and constitutional momenta is depicted. This will prove substantial for the evolution as well as the continuance of the political order. Mandevilles concept of (2) spontaneous order meets the functional claims arising in a pluralistic and globally experienced world. His shaping of (3) an order based on diversity achieves a transformation that may bring the principle of individuality to bear. This will hold up in the political as well as in the general normative discourse. Furthermore, (4) the concept of the public sphere is taken in account. The research argues that Mandeville hereby opens up a moral vista for human beings as living creatures in an animated world.

Anthropologie und Geschichtsphilosophie beim jungen Friedrich Schiller

Daubitz, Ursula 26 April 2016 (has links)
Zweifellos beansprucht Schiller wie kaum ein anderer Dichter, die Freiheit des Menschen zur Grundlage seines philosophischen Denkens und künstlerischen Schaffens gemacht zu haben. Vorliegende Studie, die Schillers Jugendschriften zentral thematisiert, eröffnet den Blick auf die ideengeschichtliche Kontinuität dieses Denkens, das seinen Ursprung in der Stuttgarter Akademiezeit hat. Es wird also die innere Einheit von Schillers Denken betont, die jedoch nicht in der Kant-Lektüre, sondern in der frühen anthropologischen Prägung gesehen wird. Das verwendete quellenuntersuchende Vorgehen ermöglicht es, Schillers Akademieschriften in Verbindung mit der intellektuellen und szientifischen Gesamtlage der Zeit detailliert zu analysieren und zu interpretieren. Was dabei sichtbar wird, ist ein Naturbegriff, mit dem die lebendige Ganzheit der Natur als universeller Wirkungszusammenhang einzusehen versucht wird und der Akzent auf der Selbstbewegtheit der Natur liegt. Die Natur wird als etwas Produktives, sich Selbstorganisierendes, sich Selbstvollendendes begriffen. Dieser Naturbegriff liegt dem anthropologischen Selbstverständnis zugrunde. Frühzeitig gibt Schiller diesem anthropologischen Konzept eine geschichts- und moralphilosophische Dimension. / Undisputed, Schiller demands- as hardly any other poet – that he had made freedom of mankind to the foundation of his philosophical thoughts and artificial creation. This essay on hand has Schiller’ leaflet of his youth as subject and opens a view to the variety of ideas of the continuity of these thoughts which has its origin in the time at the academy in Stuttgart. The inner unit is marked which will not be seen in Kant’s readings , but also in the early anthropological coining. The used source- survey gives a chance to analyse and interpret Schiller’ leaflets in an association with the intellectual and scientific situation of this time in detail. It becomes clear that the expression of nature is seen as the living holistic of the nature which has a relationship between effects and that the accent lies on the automatically moving of the nature. The nature is made clear as something automatically organising and completed and something productive. This expression of nature is the basic of the anthropological comprehension. Premature, Schiller gives this anthropological draft a historical moral standard dimension.

John Locke's investigation into our knowledge of bodies

Esser, Frederick 06 June 2000 (has links)
Da John Locke wiederholt betont, dass seine Theorie von materiellen Körpern, vorgebracht im Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690), eine genuin philosophische Darstellung von Körpern sei, summiert sich das Thema seiner Ausführungen zu einer philosophischen Reflektion der sogenannten wissenschaftlichen Revolution im siebzehnten Jahrhundert auf. In dieser Arbeit werde ich eine Interpretationslinie entwickeln, welche zu bestimmen versucht, worin das genuin philosophische Anliegen von Lockes Analyse von Körpern besteht. Sie führt zu einer umfassenden Neubetrachtung von Lockes Ausführungen, da Unterschiede zu anderen Interpretationen gerade bei den zentralen Fragestellungen und der ihnen entsprechenden Begriffen bestehen, namentlich von: dem Substratum von Körpern, primären und sekundären Qualitäten, Ähnlichkeit, der Rolle der Korpuskulartheorie, Archetypen, realen und nominalen Essenzen, dem Argument zu Spezien und Klassifikation, die Bedeutung von Lockes Sprachanalyse, dem Wissensbegriff, dem Ideal wissenschaftlichem Verstehens und der Bestimmung der Reichweite zeitgenössischen Wissens. Es wird argumentiert, dass er bewusst zeitgenössisches Wissen von Körpern in der Perspektive eines idealen, wissenschaftlichen Verstehens von ihnen bestimmt und dass er so einen philosophischen Rahmen für die Naturwissenschaften entwirft, der: (1) spezifiziert, worin eine Wissenschaft von Körpern idealerweise besteht, (2) zeitgenössisches Wissen in dieser Perspektive bestimmt, (3) eine eigene Konzeption für eine zeitgenössische Wissenschaft beinhaltet, welche Mittel zur Verfügung stellt, dieses Wissen zu erweitern und (4) alternative Ideen von einer Wissenschaft von Körpern zurückweist. / Since John Locke repeatedly insists that his theory of bodies, endorsed in the Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690), is a genuinely philosophical assessment of bodies, the topic of his account adds up to a philosophical reflection on the so-called scientific revolution in the seventeenth century. In this work, I will develop a line of interpretation that undertakes to settle the issue what the genuinely philosophical issue of Locke's analysis of bodies consists in. This leads to a thorough re-examination of Locke's account, since the differences to other interpretations concern most prominent issues on bodies and, correspondingly, many of their crucial concepts: the substratum of bodies, primary and secondary qualities, resemblance, the role of corpuscularian theory, archetypes, real and nominal essences, the argument on species and classification, the significance of the analysis of language, the concept of knowledge, the ideal of scientific understanding, and the account of the scope of contemporary knowledge. As will be argued, Locke consciously assesses contemporary knowledge in the perspective of an ideal scientific grasp of bodies and thus unfolds a philosophical framework for natural science which: (1) specifies what a science of bodies ideally consists in, (2) assesses contemporary knowledge in this perspective, (3) advances an own conception of a contemporary science of bodies that proposes means to enhance contemporary knowledge, and (4) refutes alternative ideas of a science of bodies.

Das Menschenrecht bei Immanuel Kant

Saykham, Voladet 08 February 2001 (has links)
Um eine Gesellschaft und einen Staat zu gründen und das friedliche Zusammenleben dauerhaft zu sichern, bedürfen die Menschen eines Grundsatzes oder eines grundlegenden Prinzips, das ihr Verhalten und Handeln reguliert bzw. ordnet. Dieses grundlegendes Prinzip der Gesellschafts- und Staatsbildung bezeichnet man als das Prinzip der Gerechtigkeit. Was aber dieses Prinzip der Gerechtigkeit konkret beinhalten soll, ist wissenschaftlich und philosophisch, d.h. unabhängig von der real bestehenden gesetzlichen Ordnung und Staatsverfassung, gar nicht einfach zu beantworten und zu begründen. Es gibt zwar bereits in der Geschichte der Menschheit zahlreiche Theoretiker, die sich bemühen, dieses grundlegendes Prinzip der Gesellschafts- und Staatsordnung auszuarbeiten, zu konstituieren und zu präsentieren. Das grundlegende Ziel ist die Bildung einer einheitlichen Gesellschaft und die dauerhafte Sicherung des Frieden. Aber niemand von ihnen hat dieses Ziel erreicht. Was von einem als das Prinzip der Gerechtigkeit, auf dem die Menschen eine Gesellschaft und einen Staat gründen sollen bzw. müssen, bezeichnet wird, wird von einem anderen dementiert und abgelehnt und umgekehrt. Eine einheitliche Bestimmung, eine Bestimmung, die von allen anerkannt und akzeptiert wird, über das Prinzip der Gerechtigkeit ist bis heute noch nicht gegeben. Einer der Theoretiker, die sich bemühen, dieses schwieriges Grundproblem der Gesellschaft und des Staates zu lösen, ist der deutsche Philosoph, Immanuel Kant. Zentrales Anligen dieser Arbeit ist herauszufinden, was das Prinzip der Gerechtigkeit bei Kant ist, auf dem wir nach Kant eine Gesellschaft und einen Staat künftig gründen sollen. Kants Philosophie ist aber eine systematische Philosophie, in der alles mit allem zusammenhängt. Ohne Grundkenntnis von einem Teil können andere Teile seiner Philosophie nur schwierig und oberflächlich verstanden werden. Um seine Gesellschafts- und Staatsphilosophie, d.i. seine Philosophie der Gerechtigkeit, ausführlich zu behandeln, sind deshalb das Grundproblem seiner erkenntnistheoretischen Philosophie, seine Grundauffassung über das menschliche Wesen sowie seine Geschichtphilosophie in dieser Arbeit eingeführt bzw. behandelt. / In order to coexist peacefully in a society, human beings require a maxim or a fundamental principle which regulates thier behavior and actions. The fundamental principle on which human beings found thier society and thier state is reforred to as the principle of justice. However, the conkret meaning of this principle of justice is difficult to answer and establish in a scientific, philosophical fashion, that is, independent of what is seen as the principle of justice in our empirical world of experience. In the history of the coexistence of the human beings many theoreticians have attemped to work out, constitute and present this fundamental principle of the social and state order. But none of them has managed to establish a universally valid principle of justice. What on person proposes as a system of rules upon which we should base our society and our state is denied and rejected by others, and vice versa. To this day no universal principle of justice has been determined. On of the theoreticians who have attempted to solve this difficult fundemental problem of society and state is the philosopher Immanuel Kant. The focus of this work is to determine wthat Kant considers to be the principle of justice upon which we should establish a society and a state. But Kant's philosophy is a systematic pholosophy in wich a part is dependent on an others. Without knowledge of a part an other parts of his philosophy are diffical and only superficial to understand. For this reason and for treating Kant´s principle of justice detailed the foundation of his theoretic philosophy (his philosophy of sciens), his anthropology and his philosophy of history are introduced in this work.

Understanding the collective dynamics of motile cilia in human airways

Feriani, Luigi January 2019 (has links)
Eukaryotic organisms rely on the coordinated beating of motile cilia for a multitude of fundamental reasons. In smaller organisms, such as Paramecium and the single cell alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, it is a matter of propulsion, to swim towards a higher concentration of nutrients or away from damaging environments. Larger organisms use instead the coordinated motion of cilia to push fluid along an epithelium: examples common to mammals are the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, the transport of ovules in the fallopian tubes, and breaking the left/right symmetry in the embryo. Another notable example, and one that is central to this thesis, is mucociliary clearance in human airways: A carpet of motile cilia helps keeping the cell surface free from pathogens and foreign particles by constantly evacuating from lungs, bronchi, and trachea a barrier of mucus. The question of how motile cilia interact with one another to beat in a coordinated fashion is an open and pressing one, with immediate implications for the medical community. In order for the fluid propulsion to be effective, the motion of cilia needs to be phase-locked across significant distances, in the form of travelling waves (``metachronal waves''). It is still not known how this long-range coordination emerges from local rules, as there is no central node regulating the coordination among cilia. In the first part of this thesis I will focus on studying the coordination in carpets of cilia with a top-down approach, by proposing, implementing, and applying a new method of analysing microscope videos of ciliated epithelia. Chapter 1 provides the reader with an introduction on motile cilia and flagella, treating their structure and motion and reporting the different open questions currently tackled by the scientific community, with particular interest in the coordination mechanisms of cilia and the mucociliary clearance apparatus. Chapter 2 introduces Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM), a powerful and versatile image analysis tool that bridges the gap between spectroscopy and microscopy by allowing to perform scattering experiments on a microscope. The most interesting aspects of DDM for this work are that it can be applied to microscope videos where it is not possible to resolve individual objects in the field of view, and it requires no user input. These two characteristics make DDM a perfect candidate for analysing several hundred microscope videos of weakly scattering filaments such as cilia. In Chapter 3 I will present how it is possible to employ DDM to extract a wealth of often-overlooked information from videos of ciliated epithelia: DDM can successfully probe the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in a sample, measure the direction of beating of the cilia, and detect metachronal waves and read their direction and wavelength. In vitro ciliated epithelia however often do not show perfect coordination or alignment among cilia. For the analysis of these samples, where the metachronal coordination might not be evident, we developed a new approach, called multiscale DDM (multiDDM), to measure a coordination length scale, a characteristic length of the system over which the coordination between cilia is lost. The new technique of multiDDM is employed in Chapter 4 to study how the coordination among cilia changes as a response to changes in the rheology of the mucous layer. In particular, we show that cilia beating under a thick, gel-like mucus layer show a larger coordination length scale, as if the mucus acted as an elastic raft effectively coupling cilia over long distances. This is corroborated by the coordination length scale being larger in samples from patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis than in healthy samples, and much shorter when the mucus layer is washed and cilia therefore beat in a near-Newtonian fluid. We then show how it is possible to employ multiDDM to measure the effectiveness of drugs in recovering, in CF samples, a coordination length scale typical of a healthy phenotype. In the second part I will focus instead on the single cilium scale, showing how we can attempt to link the beating pattern of cilia to numerical simulations studying synchronisation in a model system. In particular in Chapter 5 I will describe our approach to quantitatively describe the beating pattern of single cilia obtained from human airway cells of either healthy individuals or patients affected by Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Our description of the beating pattern, and the selection of a few meaningful, summary parameters, are then shown to be accurate enough to discriminate between different mutations within Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. In Chapter 6 instead I report the results obtained by coarse-graining the ciliary beat pattern into a model system consisting of two ``rotors''. The rotors are simulated colloidal particles driven along closed trajectories while leaving their phase free. In my study, the trajectories followed by the rotors are analytical fits of experimental trajectories of the centre of drag of real cilia. The rotors, that are coupled only via hydrodynamics interactions, are seen to phase-lock, and the shape of the trajectory they are driven along is seen to influence the steady state of the system.

Assessment of corporate governance practices in Jordan : an empirical investigation

Hendawi, Raed Diab Moh'd January 2013 (has links)
Corporate Governance (CG) nowadays is on the agenda of most developed and developing countries, including Jordan, and is receiving considerable attention in the business world as well as in the area of academic research, which is an indication of its importance for business development and society as a whole. The knowledge base about CG in developing countries appears to be limited, but it is growing in size and importance. This study therefore aims to investigate current CG practices and barriers to the development of good CG practices in firms. In order to accomplish the research objectives, a mixed research methodology was adopted. The findings of the study contribute to knowledge by providing empirical data to test and extend the theory of CG. The results suggest that most big and old firms are applying best practice of good CG. Regarding factors inhibiting the practice of effective CG, the results indicate that weakness of the legal environment for firms and lack of knowledge of BODs about CG principles are the most important factors. The empirical results find that constitution, compliance and conscience will affect firm’s performance positively. Separation between the position of CEO and Chairman, the existence of independent NEDs, the use of board subcommittees and a strong disclosure regime also help firms to improve performance. On the basis of the empirical results, the study recommends that the government needs to reform the relevant legislation. These suggestions may strengthen the internal governance of firms, thereby increasing performance and maximise shareholders’ wealth.

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