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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact de l'acclimatation embryonnaire à la chaleur sur des modifications post-traductionnelles des histones chez le poulet / Impact of embryonic heat thermal manipulation on histone post-translational modifications in broilers

David, Sarah-Anne 12 December 2017 (has links)
L’altération de l’environnement périnatal peut impacter à long terme l’expression des gènes notamment par le biais de modifications épigénétiques. Une stratégie pour accroitre la thermotolérance des poulets de chair, sensibles à la chaleur en fin d’élevage (J35) est la thermo-manipulation embryonnaire (TM). Lors d’un coup de chaleur à J35, les modifications d’expression de gènes observées chez les poulets TM pourraient être liées à une altération de l’épigénome induite lors de l’embryogenèse et persistante au cours du développement. Cette thèse s’intéresse à deux modifications post-traductionnelles des histones (MPTH) décrites pour être modulées par des variations thermiques : H3K27Me3 et H3K4Me3. Afin d’étudier ces MPTH sans a priori à J35, nous avons mis au point les techniques d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine suivie de séquençage à haut débit dans deux tissus : l’hypothalamus et le muscle. Nos travaux montrent que le traitement semble impacter principalement l’épigénome de l’hypothalamus, en particulier au niveau de la marque H3K4me3, en modulant des voies liées à la morphogenèse et la réponse hormonale. / Perinatal environment changes may alter gene expression throughout life via epigenetic modifications. A strategy to improve thermal tolerance of heat-sensitive chickens is a thermalmanipulation during embryogenesis (TM). During a heat challenge at the end of the rearing period (D35), modifications of gene expression have been reported in thermally-manipulated chickens. These alterations could be linked to epigenetic modifications induced during the TM that persist throughout life. This work focused on two histone post-translational modifications (HPTM): H3K27me3 and H3K4me3. We adjusted two methods of chromatin immunoprecipitation to conduct a whole genome study of these HPTM at D35, in the hypothalamus and skeletal muscle. We demonstrated that the TM has a major impact in the hypothalamus, especially on H3K4me3. These alterations seem to modulate the hypothalamic morphogenesis and its response to hormones, therefore possibly contributing to better adaptive capacities of TM chickens.

Identification de marques épigénétiques chez le nématode à galles parasite de plantes Meloidogyne incognita / Identification of epigenetic marks in the plant-parasitic root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita

Pratx, Loris 04 May 2017 (has links)
Meloidogyne incognita est le nématode causant le plus de dégâts en agriculture. Sa particularité est d'être un organisme à reproduction asexuée obligatoire. Une femelle engendre des clones a priori 100% identiques génétiquement. Pourtant, M. incognita est capable de faire preuve d'une grande plasticité phénotypique lui permettant de répondre à de nouveaux environnements. Un exemple est le déterminisme du sexe, un phénotype lié aux conditions environnementales et semblant impliquer des régulations chromatiniennes. Un autre exemple est la capacité à contourner les résistances des plantes (virulence), un caractère héréditaire mais non-Mendelien. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, j'ai cherché à tester l'implication des mécanismes épigénétiques dans la plasticité phénotypique en absence de sexe de M. incognita. A ces fins, j'ai évalué la conservation des mécanismes épigénétiques chez les nématodes à galles. Cette approche a permis de pointer que les mécanismes connus chez C. elegans sont conservés chez les nématodes parasites de plantes. Puis, une méthodologie de ChIP-seq a été mise en place afin de comparer les profils d'accumulation des marques d'histones chez M. incognita au cours de la réponse aux conditions environnementales. Cette stratégie a permis la mise en évidence 1- de patrons d'histones modifiées marquant le développement du parasite et 2- de régions génomiques comportant plus de 300 gènes dont des candidats facteurs d'avirulence déjà décrits dans la littérature spécifiquement perdue entre M. incognita (a)virulents. Ces travaux de thèse présentent un intérêt fondamental sur la compréhension de l'évolution d'un organisme en absence de reproduction sexuée. / Meloidogyne incognita is the most damaging plant-parasitic nematode in agriculture. M. incognita reproduces in an asexual way by obligatory parthenogenesis. Genetically identical individuals develop from females and form clonal populations. Although these clones share the same genetic heritage, modifications of their phenotype can be observed when they are exposed to unfavorable environments. This phenotypic plasticity is characterized through two phenotypes of interest: sex-differentiation and virulence (i.e. capacity to parasite a resistant crop). Sex-differentiation varies among environmental conditions and was reported to be linked to decondensed chromatin regions. Virulence is an heritable character transmitted in a non-Mendelian way. Our study focuses on identifying the role of epigenome in the generation of phenotypic variability. To this end we detailed the presence of proteins involved in epigenetic regulations in Meloidogyne spp. We also developed a ChIP-seq assay to compare histone modifications between different developmental stages and between virulent and avirulent parasites. Our results allow to detect specific histone patterns associated with M. incognita development. These results lead us to propose a model that could explain sex determination in M. incognita. We also could link virulence acquisition with the loss of some specific genomic regions that contains more than 300 genes including already described potential avirulence factors. This study opens the way for analyzing the role of epigenetic mechanisms at a whole genome scale, and allows to identify novel biological processes involved in phenotypic variation in asexual organisms.

Sierra platinum: a fast and robust peak-caller for replicated ChIP-seq experiments with visual quality-control and -steering

Müller, Lydia, Gerighausen, Daniel, Farman, Mariam, Zeckzer, Dirk January 2016 (has links)
Background: Histone modifications play an important role in gene regulation. Their genomic locations are of great interest. Usually, the location is measured by ChIP-seq and analyzed with a peak-caller. Replicated ChIP-seq experiments become more and more available. However, their analysis is based on single-experiment peak-calling or on tools like PePr which allows peak-calling of replicates but whose underlying model might not be suitable for the conditions under which the experiments are performed. Results: We propose a new peak-caller called \"Sierra Platinum\" that allows peak-calling of replicated ChIP-seq experiments. Moreover, it provides a variety of quality measures together with integrated visualizations supporting the assessment of the replicates and the resulting peaks, as well as steering the peak-calling process. Conclusion: We show that Sierra Platinum outperforms currently available methods using a newly generated benchmark data set and using real data from the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Project. It is robust against noisy replicates.

Transcriptome Analysis of MRG-1-deficient Caenorhabditis elegans animals using short and long read sequencing

Blume, Alexander 21 July 2022 (has links)
Das Schicksal einer differenzierten Zelle wird durch epigenetische Grenzen bestimmt und mittels Schutzmechanismen bewahrt, wodurch die Reprogrammierung in andere Zelltypen verhindert wird. In dieser Studie haben wir ein Chromatin-regulierendes Protein, das konservierte MORF4-Verwandte-Gen (MRG) Protein MRG-1, als Barriere für die Reprogrammierung von Zellen in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) identifiziert. RNAi gegen MRG-1 ermöglicht es uns Keimzellen mittels Überexpression des Neuronen-induzierenden Transkriptionsfaktors CHE-1 in neuronenartige Zellen umzuwandeln. Mittels ChIP-seq fanden wir heraus, dass MRG-1 unterschiedliche DNA Bindungsstellen in den Keimbahnen und somatischen Geweben von C. elegans aufweist. Wir konnten zeigen, dass MRG-1 besonders stark am Genkörper angereichert ist und sich hauptsächlich auf Genen befindet, welche die aktive Histonmarkierung H3K36me3 tragen. Die Charakterisierung der Protein-Protein-Interaktionspartner von MRG-1 mittels Co-IP/MS ergab, dass MRG-1 mit der Histon-H3K9-Methyltransferase SET-26 und der b-gebundenen N-Acetylglucosamin Transferase OGT-1 zusammenarbeitet, um die Umwandlung von Keimzellen in Neuronen zu verhindern. Basierend auf RNA-Seq Experimenten in mrg-1-Mutanten und Wildtyp konnten wir weitreichende Veränderungen der Genexpression mit Auswirkung auf Signalwege wie den Notch Signalweg enthüllen, welcher bekanntermaßen die Zelltyp-Reprogrammierung fördern. Mittels Long-Read basiertem RNA-seq in mrg-1-Mutanten und der Integration entsprechender ChIP-seq Daten habe ich die Beteiligung von MRG-1 am prä-mRNA-Spleißen in C. elegans gezeigt, analog zum Säugetierortholog MRG15. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass MRG-1 durch die Regulierung des Chromatins und die Sicherstellung des korrekten Spleißens die Expressionsniveaus kritischer Gene und Signalwege aufrechterhält, um eine ordnungsgemäße Keimbahnentwicklung zu gewährleisten und das Schicksal der Keimzellen zu schützen. / Das Schicksal einer differenzierten Zelle wird durch epigenetische Grenzen bestimmt und mittels Schutzmechanismen bewahrt, wodurch die Reprogrammierung in andere Zelltypen verhindert wird. In dieser Studie haben wir ein Chromatin-regulierendes Protein, das konservierte MORF4-Verwandte-Gen (MRG) Protein MRG-1, als Barriere für die Reprogrammierung von Zellen in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) identifiziert. RNAi gegen MRG-1 ermöglicht es uns Keimzellen mittels Überexpression des Neuronen-induzierenden Transkriptionsfaktors CHE-1 in neuronenartige Zellen umzuwandeln. Mittels ChIP-seq fanden wir heraus, dass MRG-1 unterschiedliche DNA Bindungsstellen in den Keimbahnen und somatischen Geweben von C. elegans aufweist. Wir konnten zeigen, dass MRG-1 besonders stark am Genkörper angereichert ist und sich hauptsächlich auf Genen befindet, welche die aktive Histonmarkierung H3K36me3 tragen. Die Charakterisierung der Protein-Protein-Interaktionspartner von MRG-1 mittels Co-IP/MS ergab, dass MRG-1 mit der Histon-H3K9-Methyltransferase SET-26 und der b-gebundenen N-Acetylglucosamin Transferase OGT-1 zusammenarbeitet, um die Umwandlung von Keimzellen in Neuronen zu verhindern. Basierend auf RNA-Seq Experimenten in mrg-1-Mutanten und Wildtyp konnten wir weitreichende Veränderungen der Genexpression mit Auswirkung auf Signalwege wie den Notch Signalweg enthüllen, welcher bekanntermaßen die Zelltyp-Reprogrammierung fördern. Mittels Long-Read basiertem RNA-seq in mrg-1-Mutanten und der Integration entsprechender ChIP-seq Daten habe ich die Beteiligung von MRG-1 am prä-mRNA-Spleißen in C. elegans gezeigt, analog zum Säugetierortholog MRG15. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass MRG-1 durch die Regulierung des Chromatins und die Sicherstellung des korrekten Spleißens die Expressionsniveaus kritischer Gene und Signalwege aufrechterhält, um eine ordnungsgemäße Keimbahnentwicklung zu gewährleisten und das Schicksal der Keimzellen zu schützen.

Étude génomique des fonctions du facteur de transcription Otx2 dans la rétine de souris adulte

Samuel, Alexander 20 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Pour comprendre comment les gènes du développement exercent de multiples fonctions temporelles, nous prenons comme modèle le facteur de transcription Otx2. Celui-ci est impliqué dans la gastrulation, le développement de l'œil, du système olfactif, de la glande pinéale, du thalamus et de la région cranio-faciale. Dans la rétine adulte, deux tissus distincts expriment Otx2 : l'épithélium pigmenté (RPE) et la rétine neurale, contenant les photorécepteurs. L'ablation globale du gène Otx2 entraîne la dégénérescence exclusive des photorécepteurs alors qu'elle modifie l'expression de gènes surtout dans le RPE. Ces faits suggèrent un mécanisme non autonome, confirmé par des expériences de gain et perte de fonction restreintes au RPE. Pour approcher les fonctions de la protéine Otx2 dans la rétine neurale et le RPE, une étude à grande échelle de ses cibles génomiques a été menée. Les profils distincts d'occupation du génome du RPE et de la rétine neurale suggèrent des fonctions différentes d'Otx2. Dans la rétine neurale, ce profil est très proche de celui du facteur paralogue Crx, indiquant une redondance fonctionnelle entre Otx2 et Crx. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'une combinatoire de partenaires protéiques différents permet de moduler l'action d'Otx2 en sélectionnant des cibles génomiques distinctes. Pour identifier cette combinatoire in vivo et la corréler aux fonctions exercées par Otx2, nous avons créé une lignée de souris exprimant une protéine de fusion Otx2-TAP-tag à un niveau physiologique. Cet outil permettra la purification des complexes protéiques Otx2 in vivo et leur identification par analyse protéomique.

Development of algorithms and next-generation sequencing data workflows for the analysis of gene regulatory networks

Shomroni, Orr 02 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis, Visualization, and Machine Learning of Epigenomic Data

Purcaro, Michael J. 12 December 2017 (has links)
The goal of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has been to characterize all the functional elements of the human genome. These elements include expressed transcripts and genomic regions bound by transcription factors (TFs), occupied by nucleosomes, occupied by nucleosomes with modified histones, or hypersensitive to DNase I cleavage, etc. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) is an experimental technique for detecting TF binding in living cells, and the genomic regions bound by TFs are called ChIP-seq peaks. ENCODE has performed and compiled results from tens of thousands of experiments, including ChIP-seq, DNase, RNA-seq and Hi-C. These efforts have culminated in two web-based resources from our lab—Factorbook and SCREEN—for the exploration of epigenomic data for both human and mouse. Factorbook is a peak-centric resource presenting data such as motif enrichment and histone modification profiles for transcription factor binding sites computed from ENCODE ChIP-seq data. SCREEN provides an encyclopedia of ~2 million regulatory elements, including promoters and enhancers, identified using ENCODE ChIP-seq and DNase data, with an extensive UI for searching and visualization. While we have successfully utilized the thousands of available ENCODE ChIP-seq experiments to build the Encyclopedia and visualizers, we have also struggled with the practical and theoretical inability to assay every possible experiment on every possible biosample under every conceivable biological scenario. We have used machine learning techniques to predict TF binding sites and enhancers location, and demonstrate machine learning is critical to help decipher functional regions of the genome.

Genome-Wide Studies of Transcriptional Regulation in Mammalian Cells

Wallerman, Ola January 2010 (has links)
The key to the complexity of higher organisms lies not in the number of protein coding genes they carry, but rather in the intrinsic complexity of the gene regulatory networks. The major effectors of transcriptional regulation are proteins called transcription factors, and in this thesis four papers describing genome-wide studies of seven such factors are presented, together with studies on components of the chromatin and transcriptome. In Paper I, we optimized a large-scale in vivo method, ChIP-chip, to study protein – DNA interactions using microarrays. The metabolic-disease related transcription factors USF1, HNF4a and FOXA2 were studied in 1 % of the genome, and a surprising number of binding sites were found, mostly far from annotated genes. In Paper II, a novel sequencing based method, ChIP-seq, was applied to FOXA2, HNF4a and GABPa, allowing a true genome-wide view of binding sites. A large overlap between the datasets were seen, and molecular interactions were verified in vivo. Using a ChIP-seq specific motif discovery method, we identified both the expected motifs and several for co-localized transcription factors. In Paper III, we identified and studied a novel transcription factor, ZBED6, using the ChIP-seq method. Here, we went from one known binding site to several hundred sites throughout the mouse genome. Finally, in Paper IV, we studied the chromatin landscape by deep sequencing of nucleosomal DNA, and further used RNA-sequencing to quantify expression levels, and extended the knowledge about the binding profiles for the transcription factors NFY and TCF7L2.

Functional Studies of Genes Associated with Muscle Growth in Pigs and Hair Greying in Horses

Jiang, Lin January 2012 (has links)
Domestic animals have become very different from their wild ancestors during domestication and animal breeding. This provides a good model to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying phenotypic variation. In my thesis I have studied genes affecting two important traits, leanness in pigs and hair greying-associated melanoma in horses. In the first part of the thesis, I focused on an intronic mutation leading to more muscle growth and less fat deposition in domestic pigs to identify a transcription factor (TF) that binds to the regulatory element overlapping with the mutation. The aim has been to further study the function of the previously unknown TF in mouse myoblast cells and in insulin-producing cells (Paper I-III). We discovered a new TF ZBED6 binding to intron 3 of the IGF2 gene, in which a single nucleotide substitution in pigs abrogates the binding and causes increased leanness in domestic pigs. Silencing of ZBED6 expression in mouse myoblasts increased Igf2 expression, cell proliferation and migration, and myotube formation. This result is in line with the increased leanness phenotype in mutant pigs. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) using an anti-ZBED6 antibody identified 1200 ZBED6 target genes besides IGF2 and many are TFs controlling fundamental biological processes. In the first follow-up study we found ZBED6 mainly affected the expression of muscle protein genes by directly regulating Igf2 and Twist2 expression, in agreement with our previous observation of faster myotube formation in ZBED6-silenced cells. ChIP-seq with antibodies against six different histone modifications revealed that ZBED6 preferentially binds to active promoters and modulates transcriptional activity by a novel mechanism rather than by recruiting repressive histone modifications. The second follow-up study revealed that ZBED6 affects the morphology and insulin content and release in pancreatic ß cells. In the second part (Paper IV), we investigate the functional significance of an intronic duplication in the Syntaxin 17 (STX17) gene causing hair greying and melanoma in horses. We found two Microphtalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) binding sites within the duplication and showed that the duplicated sequence up-regulates reporter gene expression in a melanocyte-specific manner both by reporter assays in mouse melanocytes and in transgenic zebrafish. These results established that the intronic duplication acts as a melanocyte-specific enhancer that becomes much stronger when it is duplicated.

Genome-wide profiling of H1 linker histone variants in mouse embryonic stem cells

Cao, Kaixiang 22 May 2014 (has links)
H1 linker histone facilitates the formation of higher order chromatin structure and is essential for mammalian development. Mice have 11 H1 variants which are differentially regulated and conserved in human. Previous research indicates that H1 regulates the expression of specific genes in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). However, whether individual variants have distinct functions and how H1 participates in gene regulation remain elusive. An investigation of the precise localization of individual H1 variants in vivo would facilitate the elucidation of mechanisms underlying chromatin compaction regulated gene expression, while it has been extremely difficult due to the lacking of specific antibodies toward H1 variants. In this dissertation, I have generated a knock-in system in ESCs and shown that the N-terminally tagged H1 proteins are functionally interchangeable to their endogenous counterparts in vivo. H1d and H1c are depleted from GC- and gene-rich regions and active promoters, inversely correlated with H3K4me3, but positively correlated with H3K9me3 and associated with characteristic sequence features. Surprisingly, both H1d and H1c are significantly enriched at major satellites, which display increased nucleosome spacing compared with bulk chromatin. While also depleted at active promoters and enriched at major satellites, overexpressed H10 displays differential binding patterns in specific repetitive sequences compared with H1d and H1c. Depletion of H1c, H1d ,and H1e causes pericentric chromocenter clustering and de-repression of major satellites. Collectively, these results integrate the localization of an understudied type of chromatin proteins, namely the H1 variants, into the epigenome map of mouse ESCs, and demonstrate significant changes at pericentric heterochromatin upon depletion of this epigenetic mark.

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