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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A polysystemic study of the translations of modernist fiction in Literary current monthly magazine (1956-1959)

Yau, Wai Ping 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

The Study of Inclusive Education in Chao-Shiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County

Lin, Mei-Nung 06 September 2011 (has links)
The study aims to understand the inclusive attitude by the senior-graders in elementary school toward the classmates of intellectual disability. The study explores that the difference of the inclusive attitudes by the senior-graders in elementary school toward the classmates of intellectual disability under different background variables (such as gender, grade, contact level, whether serving as an officer in the class or not, academic performance, the social and economic status of the family etc.), predicting ability of the inclusive attitude by the students in elementary school toward the classmates of intellectual disability under different background variables, and present viewpoints and make suggestions based on the research results to provide reference for inclusive education development of the elementary school in the future. The study adopts the questionnaire survey method in the research method, develops research framework by referring to internal and external relative literature, and develops ¡§the questionnaire survey of the peer inclusive attitude by the senior-graders in Chao Shiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County¡¨, wherein by ¡§personal basic information¡¨, ¡§the learning acceptance attitude by the peers¡¨, ¡§the support acceptance attitude by the peers¡¨ and ¡§the friendship acceptance attitude by the peers¡¨ etc., the inclusive attitude scale by the students in Chao Shiang Elementary School toward the classmates of intellectual disability, the study understands the sample property and compares the difference of the inclusive attitudes by the students of different backgrounds toward the classmates of intellectual disability after basic information of the subjects is collected. The study makes a sampling survey after completion of the questionnaire and utilizes the unsimplified Chinese version of the statistic package software SPSS FOR WINDOW 10.0 and the statistic package software Excel 2003 to make a statistic analysis of sampling data to present research conclusions and make research suggestions after completion of survey. The study takes the senior-graders studying in Chao Chiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County as research objects and adopts the disproportional stratified random sampling method to test a sampling. The study sends out 210 questionnaires to collect questionnaire information, recovers 207 questionnaires (the recovery rate is 98.57%), and 205 valid samples are finally acquired (the valid recovery rate is 97.62%) after invalid questionnaires are deleted. The study finds: The learning acceptance attitude by the senior-graders in Chao Chiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County toward the classmates of intellectual disability tends to be aggressive and positive. The support acceptance attitude by the senior-graders in Chao Chiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County toward the classmates of intellectual disability tends to be aggressive and positive. The friendship acceptance attitude by the senior-graders in Chao Chiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County toward the classmates of intellectual disability tends to be aggressive and positive. The background variables of the senior-graders in Chao Chiang Elementary School in Kaohsiung County don¡¦t have significant difference, no matter in gender, grade, contact level, whether serving as an officer in the class or not, academic performance, the social and economic status of the family. The inclusive attitude scale in the learning acceptance attitude by the peers, the support acceptance attitude by the peers and the friendship acceptance attitude by the peers does not have predicting ability. Besides, the study also finds that the contact level between the subject students in Chao Chiang Elementary School and the classmates of intellectual disability is very high. Because Chao Chiang Elementary School has implemented inclusive education for a period of time, the subject students are somewhat familiar with the classmates of intellectual disability, which may be also one of the reasons which the acceptance attitude by the students generally tends to be aggressive and positive. Finally, the study makes suggestions to provide reference for the authority concerned, school, teachers, and future research based on the findings and generalized conclusions of the study.

The Study of Chao Pho Politics in Thailand

Fang, Hung-Chun 09 August 2006 (has links)
For many years, election results from the countryside have been a big impact for the whole nation in Thailand. In the country or sub-urban side, Chao Pho (Godfather) manipulates the elections, leaving political parties meaningless. In order to take advantages from the election, political parties have to depend on Chao Pho because they are very close to ordinary citizens. Even though Chao Pho can operate local politics and can make country area for further development, they in the meantime have made degeneration and corruption in Thailand¡¦s politics. In addition, this thesis carefully studies Chao Pho¡¦s impact from both economic and political perspectives. In theory, economic development and political reform should generate impact on Chao Pho. But in Thailand¡¦s economic development, Chao Pho has gained enormous benefits, which in return help Chao Pho to gain political power, this means that Thailand¡¦s economic development is good for the Chao Pho. From point view of political reforms, the 1997 Constitution is designated to eliminate Chao Pho¡¦s influence. In fact, from the two elections after the 1997 Constitution, money politics is still popular in Thailand and Chao Pho is still influential. The Thai Rak Thai Party had successfully echoed the needs of the lower level people, but it still needs supports from Chao Pho during the elections, due to their abundant resources. Finally, this thesis argue that Chao Pho¡¦s political influence has not been weakened by the economic development and political reform, rather, Chao Pho continually becomes the most important political force in Thailand.

Petrología y geoquímica de lavas recientes, al noroeste del campo geotermal del Tatio

Martínez Ramírez, Paula Antonieta January 2014 (has links)
Geóloga / Los centros eruptivos Paniri, Cerro Lavas de Chao, Cerro del León y Toconce conforman una cadena volcánica de orientación NW-SE ubicada inmediatamente al NW del sistema geotermal del Tatio, en la segunda región de Antofagasta, Chile. Tienen una edad aproximada Pleistocena y según dataciones U/Pb realizadas en circones, el extremo NW de la cadena sería el más joven (Paniri y Chao, de edades similares), y el extremo SE el más antiguo (Toconce). La cadena está formada por tres estratovolcanes y un flujo de lava tipo Coulée, de composiciones dacíticas ricas en piroxeno y biotita. Estas rocas pertenecen a una serie subalcalina, son metaluminosas y poseen signatura característica calcoalcalina asociada al margen convergente de placas frente a las costas de Chile. La química de roca total, la petrografía y la química mineral permiten respaldar la hipótesis de un origen común para estos centros eruptivos, al observarse en ellos comportamientos y tendencias similares (mostrando el Cerro Lavas de Chao algunas particularidades que lo distinguen de los demás). Se observa una amplia gama textural presente en las fases minerales predominantes de las rocas, sobre todo en fenocristales de plagioclasa. Estas texturas reflejan principalmente procesos de desequilibrio a lo largo de la evolución magmática, evidenciando estadíos magmáticos de composiciones variables, y condiciones termodinámicas cambiantes. Existe evidencia química y textural que sugiere que los magmas de estos centros eruptivos habrían sufrido procesos de cristalización fraccionada durante su evolución, mientras que zonaciones inversas y oscilatorias halladas en cristales de plagioclasa y piroxeno, podrían indicar que algunos fenocristales serían derivados de procesos como cambios rápidos en condiciones de temperatura, pérdida rápida de volátiles en un magma hidratado, o mezcla de magmas. Las condiciones pre-eruptivas calculadas mediante termobarometría para la cadena son: temperatura (con valores entre 818±37 ºC y 927±38 ºC), contenido de agua del magma (con valores entre 5,2±0,4% y 5,3±0,4%), fugacidad de oxígeno (con valores logarítmicos hallados entre -10,3±0,5 y -12,6±0,5) y presión. Para esta última variable se obtuvieron dos tendencias calculadas usando dos técnicas diferentes: la primera, de valores entre 147±16 Mpa y 220±24 MPa, calculados con termobarometría de anfíboles, y la segunda, con valores entre 640±280 MPa y 890±280 MPa, obtenidos mediante termobarometría de dos piroxenos. En función de estos datos se sugiere la idea de que los fundidos de la cadena Paniri-Toconce habrían sido parte de un proceso de cristalización continua a distintas profundidades, con al menos dos pausas en su ascenso: la primera a ~35 km (asociada al cálculo mediante dos piroxenos), y la segunda a ~8 km de profundidad (asociada al cálculo mediante anfíboles). Se propone que el ascenso de fundidos habría sido un proceso cuasi-adiabático. Para la fugacidad de oxígeno se observan también dos tendencias: una asociada a condiciones oxidantes cercanas al buffer NNO+2 (Volcanes Cerro del León y Toconce), y otra con condiciones menos oxidantes que las anteriores, cercanas al buffer NNO (Cerro Lavas de Chao).

北伐時期國民政府外交政策與對外關係 / The foreign policy and external relationship of national govern- ment during 1921-1931

陳湘芬, Chen, Hsiang Fen Unknown Date (has links)

汪兆銘與國民政府(1931-1936) / Wang Chao-ming and the Nationalist Government, 1931-1936

許育銘, Hsu, Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)

Integrated hydrodynamic and socio-economic damage modelling for assessment of flood risk in large-scale basin : The case study of Lower Chao Phraya River Basin in Thailand

Pumchawsaun, Phat January 2018 (has links)
Thailand has been often affected by severe flood events over the past century. The 2011’s Thailand Flood Catastrophe was the costliest in country’s history, and it was ranked to be the second most damaging natural hazard in the world in terms of economic losses. The Chao Phraya River Basin was noted to be the most vulnerable area prone to flooding in Thailand. The dynamics of flood risk in the river basin have changed drastically over the past fifty years. In particular, flood exposure increased due to rapid urbanization and population growth. Since 2012, integrated flood risk management has been addressed to be the major framework of water-related disasters with the goal of losses and damage reductions. However, there is currently little research in Thailand on how to quantify flood risks and mitigate flood inundation damage on the relation between the occurrence of flood events and their consequential socio-economic implications. In this study, a tradition method in flood risk assessment is implemented by integrating 2D hydrodynamic modelling and the assessment of socio-economic impact of floods into the Chao Phraya River Basin. More specifically, the fully 2D version of the LISFLOOD-FP model code was used to model flood inundation processes. The output of the model was then used to map inundation depth and assess the levels of physical/environmental risk associated to flood hazards on multiple receptors/elements at risk. The European Flood Directive and the KULTURisk methodology were applied to quantify flood risks in monetary terms for residential, industrial, and agricultural sectors. The 2011 flood event was used for model calibration, while a hypothetical flood event with a return period of 100 years was simulated to identify the potential flood losses. Depth-damage functions comprising of JRC-ASIA, the Flemish, and JICA models were used to estimate potential damage for residential and industrial structures. The results showed that LISFLOOD-FP could satisfactorily reproduce the flood inundation extent obtained from satellite imagery in 2011. The model performance (Critical Success Index or F1) was of 56%, with a Bias of 112%. The latter meant the total inundated area was 12% larger than flood extent’s observation. Moreover, the model could simulate flood levels with overall Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 2.03 m a.s.l. and 1.78 m a.s.l., respectively. For the estimation of flood damage and losses, the Flemish model showed the strongest agreement with the reported flood damage in the residential sector, while JICA-ASIA model underestimated flood damage for industrial sector by just 1%. The KULTURisk methodology also well-estimated crop losses in the 2011 event which an overestimation about 21% from the reported value. Apart from that, fully 2D numerical method could not perfectly represent 1-in-100 year flood inundation due to non-consideration of important features such as the precise river channel topography, hydraulic infrastructures, and flood protection schemes in the river basin. Lack of such features results in an overestimation of flood damage and losses for 1-in-100 year flood comparing to the national flood hazard map and damage assessment which are simulated and estimated by JICA’s study. Such features can be better handled by using a coupled 1D/2D numerical method in order to simulate flood inundation extent more realistically and estimate flood losses. This could help the Thai government to better prepare a budget for flood risk prevention. In addition, even if the Flemish model indicates a good representation of relative flood damage to housing structures, the government should establish depth-damage curves specific for Thailand.


LUCIANE MORITZ SOMMER 03 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] O editorial de um jornal de grande circulação faz mais do que emitir uma opinião. Ele tem poder de transformação e, muitas vezes, até mesmo de manipulação das massas de leitores. Motivada por este saber intuitivo, esta pesquisa investigou os processos psico-pragmáticos que o poderiam explicar academicamente. Adotou a Lingüística Funcional Cognitiva como abordagem teórica, mais especificamente o Modelo dos Espaços Mentais de Fauconnier (1994; 1997), assim como a Análise do Discurso (Brown e Yule, 1983). Para fazê-lo, analisou um corpus de 20 editoriais publicados nos maiores jornais do Brasil, à luz dos seguintes princípios norteadores: mesclagem, perspectivação e jogo figura-chão e elegeu as orações subordinadas como foco investigativo. Os resultados apontam que as orações subordinadas substantivas são as que mais tipicamente ocorrem no corpus assim como indicam que elas constituem espaços de referenciação nos quais crenças se colam com o espaço da realidade, projetando opiniões como se estas fossem verdades. Apesar de sintaticamente funcionarem como chão, perceptualmente são salientes e funcionam como figuras. Através da análise utilizada, a pesquisa conseguiu mostrar sistematicamente aquilo que muitos leigos apenas intuem e poderá ser ponte para práticas pedagógicas na escola de jornalismo que envolvam um processo de reflexão crítica sobre o processo cognitivo de mesclagem que ancora a produção dos editoriais. / [en] Editorials published by major newspapers project more than facts. Rather, they have the power to transform and, many times, even to manipulate readers. Inspired by common knowledge of such nature, this research aims to investigate the psycho-pragmatic facts that could explain it academically. It adopts the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, mainly Fauconnier s (1994;1997) Mental Spaces Model, as well as Discourse Analysis (Brown and Yule, 1983). To accomplish its aims, it analyzed a corpus of 20 editorials published in major Brazilian newspapers in the light of principles such as blending, figure-ground, and perspectivization and focused on subordinate clauses. Results indicate that nominal subordinate clauses are highly frequent in the genre and that they constitute a space where beliefs blend with reality as if they were one and the same. Although they function as ground syntactically, perceptually they are figure. Therefore, the research succeeded in demonstrating academically some possible psycho-pragmatic roots for the power of editorials. Programs that educate prospective journalists may benefit from its results.

Una ofrenda a la arquitectura monumental precerámica en el sitio los morteros como parte de un ritual de clausura

Aranda Schoster, Kristel Anais 27 January 2020 (has links)
En 2012 comenzaron las excavaciones arqueológicas del Proyecto Arqueológico Los Moteros-Pampa de las Salinas, las cuales demostraron que Los Morteros (5726-5041 cal. AP), un sitio arqueológico del Periodo Precerámico, ubicado en Pampa de las Salinas, valle bajo de Chao, en la costa norte de Perú, es un montículo artificial formado por varias fases de ocupación, que incluían la construcción de arquitectura monumental de adobes fechadas alrededor de 5500 cal. AP. Posteriormente, en la temporada 2016- 2017, en las excavaciones realizadas al interior de un ambiente de características monumentales hecho de adobes, se halló un contexto compuesto por fogones con huesos de animales marinos, moluscos marinas, abundantes restos de carbón, cuerpos y partes óseas humanas, estos restos se hallaban bajo escombros de adobes, arena y una capa de arena con abundantes conchas de choro azul o choro zapato. El objetivo general de esta tesis es analizar contextual y bioarqueológicamente los restos hallados en dicho ambiente de adobes, a fin de establecer una relación entre estos restos y el espacio en el cual fueron depositados y ver si se trata de un solo evento o de eventos sucesivos. Para este fin, nos centramos principalmente en el estudio de los restos óseos humanos, buscando identificar patrones en cuanto a edad, posibles traumatismos y tratamiento funerario, es decir, información que nos permita entender la naturaleza de estas inhumaciones y el tratamiento dado en este contexto. En base a los datos de excavación y los análisis efectuados, la hipótesis de esta investigación es que los restos óseos humanos, así como los restos de animales y la forma en la que fueron hallados, indican la ocurrencia de una ofrenda, que fue parte de un ritual de clausura de la arquitectura de adobes del sitio Los Morteros. La metodología aplicada es un análisis contextual, un análisis bioarqueológico para observar estimar edades, tratamientos funerarios, traumatismos, patologías, así como también intentar aplicar criterios sobre quema de cuerpos, todo ello complementado con fechados radiocarbónicos. De esta manera, se concluye que el contexto analizado es parte de un ritual de clausura de la arquitectura monumental de adobes, lo cual contribuyó a construir la significación social y ritual de Los Morteros al interior de Pampa de las Salinas y el valle de Chao. / In 2012, archaeological excavations carried out by Los Morteros-Pampa de las Salinas Archaeological Project demonstrated that Los Morteros (5726-5041 cal. AP), a prepottery archaeological site located in Pampa de las Salinas, lower Chao Valley, northern Peruvian coast, is an artificial mound formed by several ocupation phases, including the construction of adobe-brick monumental architecture dating before 5500 cal. yrs. BP. Lately, in 2016-2017, excavations inside that adobe-brick architecture uncovered a context composed by hearths containing marine animal bones, shells, abundant charcoal, bodies and several other unarticulated human bones. The main goal of this thesis is to make contextual, bioarchaeological and radiocarbon analyses to the remains found in the adobe-brick architecture to find relations between them and the space where they were placed and see if it has been done in just one moment or in many events, identify age patterns, possible trauma, and funerary treatments. According to the context information and the analyses, the hipothesis of this investigation is that the human remains, the faunal remains and the way all them were found, denote an offering as part of a ritual entombment of the adobe-brick architecture of Los Morteros. For that, the methodology is a contextual analysis, bioarchaeological analysis to estimate ages, see funerary treatments, traumas, pathologies, and try to apply ideas of burning human bodies, all of that complemented with radiocarbon dating. In this way, the conclusion of this thesis is that the context found and analyzed is part of a ritual entombment of the adobe-brick architecture, contributing to construct the social and ritual significance of Los Morteros inside Pampa de las Salinas and the Chao Valley.

Factores contribuyentes y limitantes del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma en la nutrición infantil y logros de aprendizaje de estudiantes de 6to grado de primaria de las I.E. Nº 81770 María Inmaculada Concepción y Nº 80782 Abelardo Gamarra Rondo del Distrito de Chao - La Libertad, período 2013 - 2019

Vereau Reyes, Reymi Katerin 15 November 2021 (has links)
El Programa de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma en el Perú, se viene desarrollando desde el 2013 y beneficiando a cerca de 271651 estudiantes de 3659 Instituciones Educativas públicas de primaria de todo el País. En seis años de experiencia, el programa ha ido perfeccionándose en sus diferentes componentes, sobre todo en el servicio alimentario que facilita a los estudiantes de los colegios públicos, tanto de primaria como inicial en todas las regiones del país. El presente estudio, es un estudio de caso, de tipo descriptivo, ha analizado los factores contribuyentes y limitantes del PNAE Qali Warma en la nutrición infantil y logros de aprendizaje de estudiantes de 6to grado de primaria durante los años 2013 – 2019. La investigación se ha centrado en dos Instituciones Educativas: La I.E. Nº 81770 María Inmaculada Concepción y la I.E. Nº 80782 Abelardo Gamarra Rondo; que comparten aspectos socioeconómicos, demográficos y culturales similares al encontrarse en el distrito de Chao – Provincia de Virú – La Libertad. Los resultados muestran que el Programa contribuye significativamente en la mejora de la nutrición infantil y logros de aprendizaje pues tras seis años de haber consumido los alimentos; los estudiantes mismos reconocen que han mejorado su salud y su rendimiento, situación que fue validada por los demás actores involucrados. Así mismo se identificó los factores que contribuyen en el éxito del programa: el modelo de cogestión, el consumo de alimentos fortificados, la participación de padres y docentes y la institucionalidad. Y a la vez, los factores que todavía lo limitan: la rotación de personal, consumo limitado de productos frescos, Infraestructura y Hábitos alimenticios. Finalmente, la investigación ha procesado las diferentes opiniones expresadas por los actores involucrados sobre aspectos del programa, base sobre la cual se ha elaborado y consolidado una propuesta aplicativa como contribución de la Gerencia Social para la mejora del PNAEQW en los colegios beneficiados objetos de estudio. / The Qali Warma School Feeding Program in Peru has been developing since 2013 and benefiting nearly 271651 students from 3659 public primary school educational institutions across the country. In six years of experience, the program has been perfected in its different components, especially in the food service that facilitates students at public schools, both primary and initial in all regions of the country. This study is a case study, of a descriptive type, has analyzed the contributing and limiting factors of the PNAE Qali Warma in child nutrition and learning achievements of 6th graders during the years 2013 – 2019. The research has focused on two Educational Institutions: I.E. No. 81770 María Inmaculada Concepción and I.E. No. 80782 Abelardo Gamarra Rondo; sharing similar socioeconomic, demographic, and cultural aspects when located in the Chao – Virú Province – La Libertad. The results show that the Program contributes significantly to the improvement of child nutrition and learning achievements because after six years of consuming food; students themselves recognize that they have improved their health and performance, a situation that was validated by the other actors involved. It also identified the factors that contribute to the success of the program: the comanagement model, the consumption of fortified foods, the participation of parents and teachers and Institutionality. And at the same time, the factors that still limit it: staff turnover, limited consumption of fresh produce, Infrastructure and Eating Habits. Finally, the research has processed the different opinions expressed by the actors involved on aspects of the program, on which an application proposal has been developed and consolidated as a contribution of the Social Management for the improvement of the PNAEQW in the schools benefiting objects of study.

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