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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza didaktické vybavenosti učebnic chemie pro základní školy v ČR / Didactical Equipment of Czech Elementary School Chemistry Textbooks

Šubová, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the comparison of didactical equipment of Chemistry Textbooks for Basic Schools in the Czech Republic. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the theory of textbooks and their research within it. The next part, which includes comparison of the textbooks, is pursued by the author from the perspective of two methods: the first being The Degree of Didactical Equipment and the second one The Determination of Didactical Criterion. According to the results of this thesis, the Chemistry Textbooks for Basic Schools in the Czech Republic are alike in its didactical equipment. There are similar structural components in each analysed textbook. There were found only small differences between the best didactically equipped textbooks (the textbooks of the publishers Nová škola and Fraus) and those with the lowest outcome (the textbooks of the publisher Taktik), although the time period between publishing the newest and the oldest textbook is more than 25 years. Due to homogeneity of the results and therefore lower possibility of comparing textbooks the method of the Determination of Didactical Criterion was applied. The method does not offer the final account of the most suitable textbook for school education but it presents different view of analysed textbooks, for example the...

Inquiry-Based Student Learning Activities for Upper Secondary School Chemistry

Nielsen, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Läroplanen för gymnasiets Kemi 1 och Kemi 2 förespråkar elevplanerade laboratorieövningar. Men de nuvarande populära kurslitteratur som används för att undervisa Kemi 1 och Kemi 2 beskriver primärt bara elevlaboratorier med fullständiga instruktioner för eleverna att följa. Denna litteraturstudie listar och beskriver 15 undersökande elevaktiviteter för i Kemi 1 och Kemi 2. Beskrivningen fokuserar på elevaktivitet, förutsättningar och läranderesultat. Varje aktivitet hittades i en publicerad referentgranskad artikel. Dessa 15 elevaktiviteter kan sammanlagt användas till undervisning av 11 av de 19 screenade centrala innehåll från läroplanen för Kemi 1 och Kemi 2. / The state prescribed curriculum for the two chemistry courses Kemi 1 and Kemi 2 for Swedish upper secondary school, advocates student planned laboratory exercises. But the current popular course literature book systems used for teaching Kemi 1 and Kemi 2 primarily describe student laboratory exercises with complete step-by-step instructions for the students to follow. This literature study lists and describes 15 inquiry-based learning activities for students attending Kemi 1 and Kemi 2, the descriptions focus on student activity, preconditions, and learning outcome. Each activity was found in a published peer-reviewed article. Combined these 15 student activities can be used for teaching 11 out of the 19 screened core contents listed in the state prescribed curriculum for Kemi 1 and Kemi 2.

Étude des conceptions alternatives et des processus de raisonnement des étudiants de chimie du niveau collégial sur la molécule, la polarité et les phénomènes macroscopiques

Cormier, Caroline 11 1900 (has links)
La chimie est un sujet difficile étant donné ses concepts nombreux et souvent peu intuitifs. Mais au-delà de ces difficultés d’ordre épistémologique, l’apprentissage de la chimie peut être en péril lorsqu’il s’appuie sur des fondations instables, mêlées de conceptions alternatives. Les conceptions alternatives sont les représentations internes, tacites, des étudiants, qui sont en désaccord avec la théorie scientifiquement acceptée. Leur présence dans leur esprit peut nuire à la compréhension conceptuelle, et elle peut mener les étudiants à expliquer le comportement de la matière incorrectement et à faire des prédictions inexactes en chimie. Les conceptions alternatives sont réputées répandues et difficiles à repérer dans un cadre traditionnel d’enseignement. De nombreuses conceptions alternatives en chimie ont été mises en lumière par différents groupes de chercheurs internationaux, sans toutefois qu’une telle opération n’ait jamais été réalisée avec des étudiants collégiaux québécois. Le système d’éducation postsecondaire québécois représentant un contexte unique, une étude des difficultés particulières de ces étudiants était nécessaire pour tracer un portrait juste de la situation. De plus, des chercheurs proposent aujourd’hui de ne pas faire uniquement l’inventaire des conceptions, mais de s’attarder aussi à étudier comment, par quel processus, elles mènent à de mauvaises prédictions ou explications. En effet, ils soutiennent que les catalogues de conceptions ne peuvent pas être facilement utilisés par les enseignants, ce qui devrait pourtant être la raison pour les mettre en lumière : qu’elles soient prises en compte dans l’enseignement. Toutefois, aucune typologie satisfaisante des raisonnements et des conceptions alternatives en chimie, qui serait appuyée sur des résultats expérimentaux, n’existe actuellement dans les écrits de recherche. Plusieurs chercheurs en didactique de la chimie suggèrent qu’une telle typologie est nécessaire et devrait rendre explicites les modes de raisonnement qui mettent en jeu ces conceptions alternatives. L’explicitation du raisonnement employé par les étudiants serait ainsi la voie permettant de repérer la conception alternative sur laquelle ce raisonnement s’appuie. Le raisonnement est le passage des idées tacites aux réponses manifestes. Ce ne sont pas toutes les mauvaises réponses en chimie qui proviennent de conceptions alternatives : certaines proviennent d’un manque de connaissances, d’autres d’un agencement incorrect de concepts pourtant corrects. Comme toutes les sortes de mauvaises réponses d’étudiants sont problématiques lors de l’enseignement, il est pertinent de toutes les considérer. Ainsi, ces préoccupations ont inspiré la question de recherche suivante : Quelles conceptions alternatives et quels processus de raisonnement mènent les étudiants à faire de mauvaises prédictions en chimie ou à donner de mauvaises explications du comportement de la matière? C’est pour fournir une réponse à cette question que cette recherche doctorale a été menée. Au total, 2413 étudiants ont participé à la recherche, qui était divisée en trois phases : la phase préliminaire, la phase pilote et la phase principale. Des entrevues cliniques ont été menées à la phase préliminaire, pour explorer les conceptions alternatives des étudiants en chimie. Lors de la phase pilote, des questionnaires à choix multiples avec justification ouverte des réponses ont été utilisés pour délimiter le sujet, notamment à propos des notions de chimie les plus pertinentes sur lesquelles concentrer la recherche et pour mettre en lumière les façons de raisonner des étudiants à propos de ces notions. La phase principale, quant à elle, a utilisé le questionnaire à deux paliers à choix multiples « Molécules, polarité et phénomènes » (MPP) développé spécifiquement pour cette recherche. Ce questionnaire a été distribué aux étudiants via une adaptation de la plateforme Web ConSOL, développée durant la recherche par le groupe de recherche dont fait partie la chercheuse principale. Les résultats montrent que les étudiants de sciences de la nature ont de nombreuses conceptions alternatives et autres difficultés conceptuelles, certaines étant très répandues parmi leur population. En particulier, une forte proportion d’étudiants croient que l’évaporation d’un composé entraîne le bris des liaisons covalentes de ses molécules (61,1 %), que tout regroupement d’atomes est une molécule (78,9 %) et que les atomes ont des propriétés macroscopiques pareilles à celles de l’élément qu’ils constituent (66,0 %). D’un autre côté, ce ne sont pas toutes les mauvaises réponses au MPP qui montrent des conceptions alternatives. Certaines d’entre elles s’expliquent plutôt par une carence dans les connaissances antérieures (par exemple, lorsque les étudiants montrent une méconnaissance d’éléments chimiques communs, à 21,8 %) ou par un raisonnement logique incomplet (lorsqu’ils croient que le seul fait de posséder des liaisons polaires rend nécessairement une molécule polaire, ce qu’on observe chez 24,1 % d’entre eux). Les conceptions alternatives et les raisonnements qui mènent à des réponses incorrectes s’observent chez les étudiants de première année et chez ceux de deuxième année du programme de sciences, dans certains cas avec une fréquence diminuant entre les deux années, et dans d’autres, à la même fréquence chez les deux sous-populations. Ces résultats permettent de mitiger l’affirmation, généralement reconnue dans les écrits de recherche, selon laquelle les conceptions alternatives sont résistantes à l’enseignement traditionnel : selon les résultats de la présente recherche, certaines d’entre elles semblent en effet se résoudre à travers un tel contexte d’enseignement. Il demeure que plusieurs conceptions alternatives, carences dans les connaissances antérieures de base et erreurs de raisonnement ont été mises en lumière par cette recherche. Ces problèmes dans l’apprentissage mènent les étudiants collégiaux à faire des prédictions incorrectes du comportement de la matière, ou à expliquer ce comportement de façon incorrecte. Au regard de ces résultats, une réflexion sur l’enseignement de la chimie au niveau collégial, qui pourrait faire une plus grande place à la réflexion conceptuelle et à l’utilisation du raisonnement pour la prédiction et l’explication des phénomènes étudiés, serait pertinente à tenir. / The difficulties found in learning Chemistry are mostly ascribed to the fact that it comprises many complex and counter-intuitive concepts. But beyond these epistemological challenges, learning chemistry can be in jeopardy when it relies on learners’ unstable foundations mixed with alternative conceptions. Alternative conceptions are tacit internal representations that students hold in disagreement with scientifically accepted theories. The presence of alternative conceptions in students’ minds might harm their conceptual understanding leading them to wrongly explain the behaviour of matter and to make incorrect predictions in chemistry. Alternative conceptions are recognised as widespread and difficult to identify in a traditional educational setting. Many alternative conceptions in chemistry have been identified by different groups of researchers in international settings, but such an operation has never been carried out with Quebec college students. As Quebec’s post-secondary education system represents a unique context, a study of the particular difficulties of students in this system was necessary to draw an accurate picture of the situation. Furthermore, researchers presently suggest not only to list such alternative conceptions, but also to explore by what processes they lead to wrong predictions or explanations. Researchers indeed argue that mere lists of alternative conceptions cannot be easily used by teachers, who should be the target audience for these results if they are to take into account alternative conceptions in their teaching. However, no satisfactory typology of reasoning processes and alternative conceptions in chemistry exists today in the research literature. Several researchers in chemistry education suggest that such a typology is needed and should render explicit the reasoning processes involving these alternative conceptions. Explicitation of the reasoning used by the students while performing a task in chemistry would be the way to identify the alternative conception on which this reasoning is based. Reasoning is viewed as the process that proceeds from implicit ideas to explicit answers. Not all wrong answers in chemistry come from alternative conceptions: some come from a lack of knowledge, other from logical errors. Since all types of wrong answers from students are problematic during teaching, it is relevant to consider them all. Thus, these concerns have inspired the following research question: What alternative conceptions and modes of reasoning lead students to make poor predictions in chemistry or to give wrong explanations of the behavior of matter? This doctoral research was conducted to provide an answer to this question. In total, 2,413 students enrolled in Science programmes in Québec’s college (postsecondary pre-university) system were involved in this research, which was divided into three phases: preliminary phase, pilot phase and main phase. Clinical interviews were conducted in the preliminary phase to explore chemistry students’ alternative conceptions. During the pilot phase, multiple-choice questions with open-ended justification were used to delimit the chemistry topics to be studied and to highlight ways of reasoning that students use. The main phase, for its part, used the two-tier “Molecules, Polarity and Phenomena” questionnaire (MPP) developed specifically for this research. The questionnaire was distributed to students via an adaptation of the Consol Web platform, developed by the research group of the principal investigator of this doctoral study. The results show that Science students hold several alternative designs, some of which are quite widespread among the population. In particular, a high proportion of students believe that evaporation causes the breaking of covalent bonds of the molecules (61.1 %), that all atom groups are molecules (78.9 %) and that atoms have similar macroscopic properties as the element (66.0 %). On the other hand, not all bad answers in the MPP show alternative conceptions. Some of them are rather explained by a deficiency in prior knowledge (for example, when students show a lack of knowledge of common chemical elements, 21.8 %) or an incomplete logical reasoning (when they believe the mere possession of polar bonds necessarily makes a molecule polar, which is observed in 24.1% of them). Alternative conceptions and reasoning that lead to incorrect answers are found among first-year and second-year students in the Science program, in some cases with decreasing frequency between the two years, and in others, at the same frequency in both subpopulations. These results mitigate the statement generally found in the research literature, that alternative conceptions are resistant to traditional teaching: according to the results of this research, some of them seem to actually be resolved through such a teaching context. The fact remains, however, that several alternative conceptions, deficiencies in basic prior knowledge and reasoning errors have been highlighted by this research. These learning problems lead college students to make incorrect predictions about the behaviour of matter, or to explain this behaviour incorrectly. In view of these results, a reflection on the teaching of chemistry at the college level, placing a greater emphasis on conceptual thinking and the use of reasoning for the prediction and explanation of the studied phenomena, should be considered.

Chemické vzdělávání na českých waldorfských školách a možnosti využití žákovského portfolia při výuce chemie / Chemistry education at Czech Waldorf Schools and possibilities of student portfolio work in chemistry teaching

Ševčík, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on aspects of education at Waldorf schools. It deals marginally with some general aspects of Waldorf pedagogy, on the other hand, the Waldorf school teaching plan, especially in chemistry teaching context is described and discussed in detail. Educational approaches and procedures at Czech Waldorf schools (especially Prague schools) are described and discussed, based on a personal experience. The second part of the thesis is focused on evaluation of key competences through the Waldorf portfolio work. Many inspirations to chemistry teaching on Waldorf schools (and common schools) are included, which are mostly verified in my praxis. Appendix includes examples of students portfolio works and methodical commentaries to chemistry teaching at Waldorf schools of secondary level.

Příprava a testování nových materiálů pro výuku chemie v elektronické formě / Development of new educational materials for chemistry education in a form of webpage

Kraus, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on design and preparation of a new educational material focused on the theme of chemical bond. The material has been prepared with regard to content and with approaches based on results of analysis of secondary school textbooks and internet sources which deal with chemical bond and current curricular documents valid in the Czech Republic. First part of the thesis deals with specification and determination of necessary terms and arbitrary content of theme of chemical bond based on the content current curricular documents, especially FEP G (Framework educational program for secondary general education), Katalog požadavků ke zkouškám společné části maturitní zkoušky pro rok 2011 a 2012 (Catalog of requirements for the common part of mature examination for yers 2011 and 2012), four selected School educational programs (ŠVP - školní vzdělávací program) and on evaluation and term analysis and didactic content analysis at most common secondary school textbooks and selected internet sources focused on theme of chemical bond. The results of the evaluation and analysis also showed the incompleteness of the analyzed materials with regard to didactic content and/or specialized content. On the basis of results of the analysis and the evaluation, a new educational material in the...

Nástroje pro tvorbu vzorců organických sloučenin a možnosti jejich využití ve výuce chemie / Tools for Creating Organic Compound Formulas and Possibilities of their Use in Chemistry Education

Stárková, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
The thesis explores suitability of software for drawing formulas in organic chemistry and its preparation in elementary and high schools. It uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods and notes that this kind of software could be a practical teaching aid if it was properly placed in the educational process. The thesis represents essential functions of these programs with respect to their technical demands. It also examines the current status of the use of software for drawing formulas from the teachers perspective in primary and secondary education. Presented is an overview of the functions of software for drawing formulas with regard to their use in organic chemistry. The findings of this research indicate that organic chemistry is the topic where the editors are most commonly used. It was also found that respondents use software for drawing formulas very rarely, especially to prepare for teaching, less in the school. In today's digital age, this condition cannnot be accepted. It is necessary to examine various options for the use of information and communication technologies and to promote their effective integration into chemistry education as many researches have shown.

Prática de ensino de química e metodologia investigativa: uma leitura fenomenológica a partir da semiótica social.

Zuliani, Silvia Regina Quijadas Aro 17 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseSRQAZ.pdf: 1323187 bytes, checksum: 2c07e5414eb44b6e8b04b44da7e179e8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-17 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The Practical of Education, as integrating disciplines between the specific knowledge of Sciences and the pedagogical knowledge for the teaching exercise have become the locus of the quarrel about educational formation. In this work we present the results of a research carried through a project of intervention, made with Chemistry studensts, based in the Investigative Methodology, in the development of the discipline Practical of Chemical Education I and II, at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos. The objective of this research was to search the perceptions of the students about their own learning and its transference to other contexts, useing the referencial considered by the Fenomenology and by Social Semiotic for data analysis. This analysis confirms the potential of the methodology proposal in the metacognitive development of the students and indicates a process in their conceptions. Gradually they perceive the construction of learning strategies as a process of personal construction. On the other hand, a valuation of this construction occurs as professional knowledge that needs to be developed in the pupils through the performance of the teacher (transference to other contexts and applicability of the knowledge). The reflection propitiated for the students took them to recognize the complementarity between teaching and learning, becoming both unassociable.The pupils were capable to construct and to reconstruct the meaning of learn with the final point in the perception of the responsibility for the own process of learning and in the necessity of applying these knowledge in new contexts, including the professional activity. / As Práticas de Ensino, na qualidade de disciplinas integradoras entre o conhecimento específico das Ciências em geral e os conhecimentos pedagógicos para o exercício docente, têm se tornado o locus da discussão sobre a formação para o ensino. Neste trabalho, apresentamos o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada através de um projeto de intervenção, levado a termo com licenciandos em Química com base numa proposta que utilizou a Metodologia Investigativa, no desenvolvimento das disciplinas Prática de Ensino de Química I e II, na Universidade Federal de São Carlos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi buscar as percepções dos sujeitos de pesquisa a respeito da própria aprendizagem e sua transferência a outros contextos e utilizou-se o referencial proposto pela Fenomenologia e Semiótica Social para a análise dos dados. Esta análise confirma o potencial da metodologia proposta no desenvolvimento metacognitivo dos sujeitos e indica um processo evolutivo em suas concepções. Gradualmente, eles percebem a construção de estratégias de aprendizagem como um processo de construção pessoal. Por outro lado, ocorre uma valorização desta construção como conhecimento profissional que precisa ser desenvolvido nos alunos através da atuação do professor (transferência a outros contextos e aplicabilidade do conhecimento). A reflexão propiciada pela sujeitos levou-os a reconhecer a complementaridade entre ensinar e aprender, tornando-se ambos processos indissociáveis. Os alunos foram capazes de construir e reconstruir o significado de aprender com o ponto de chegada na percepção da responsabilidade pelo próprio processo de aprendizagem e na necessidade de aplicar estes conhecimentos a novos contextos ação, ou seja, na atividade profissional.

Produção e análise de mídias sobre o tema aquecimento global para a divulgação e o ensino de química

Pianheri, Anieli 08 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:37:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5613.pdf: 18811692 bytes, checksum: b90ea4db52fad030cce8c9b976ea643c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-08 / The scientific concepts learning process associated to currently and relevant themes provides a better understanding by the individual, and especially by the students whose knowledge is associated to school program. Therefore, the pedagogical role development associated to high school chemical structures studies in school curriculum for science popularization in different kinds of media such as video, simulations, images and games becomes very important especially in places focusing non-formal and informal education, considering a large number of students and visitors of the science centers. In this sense, were developed and evaluated didactic-pedagogical chemical contents towards climate change into Complexo Integrado de Educação, Ciência e Cultura (CIECC) of São José do Rio Preto (SP), using qualitative research methodology. The medias produced fun shows and interactive / educational issue, through which visitors (especially students from public and private basic education) can reflect on human activities and their contributions as well as to know and discuss the role paper of chemistry in this issue, in addition to learning chemistry concepts using references such as virtual medias. The results obtained related to global warming concepts showed the student and visitor´s interests who claimed to be a properly way to promote scientific literacy. / O aprendizado de conceitos científicos, associados a temas relevantes e atuais, proporciona maior interesse e entendimento destes por parte do indivíduo, principalmente pelos estudantes que associam o conhecimento adquirido ao conteúdo programático escolar. Assim, o desenvolvimento de materiais didáticopedagógicos associados aos conceitos químicos, estudados nas estruturas curriculares obrigatórias do ensino médio para a divulgação científica, dispostos em diferentes mídias, como vídeos, simulações, imagens e jogos, faz-se de grande importância, principalmente em locais voltados à educação não formal e informal, com vistas a atingir um grande número de estudantes e visitantes de Centros de Divulgação de Ciências. Nesse sentido, foram desenvolvidos e avaliados materiais didático-pedagógicos de conteúdos químicos, voltados às mudanças climáticas, nas dependências do Complexo Integrado de Educação, Ciência e Cultura (CIECC) de São José do Rio Preto (SP), utilizando a metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa. As mídias produzidas possuem caráter lúdico e interativo/educativo, por meio das quais os visitantes (especialmente os estudantes da rede pública e particular da Educação Básica) puderam refletir sobre as atividades antrópicas e a sua contribuição, ou não, para o processo de aquecimento do planeta, bem como conhecer/discutir o papel da Química nessa problemática, além de aprender conceitos químicos utilizando referências, como as mídias virtuais. Os resultados obtidos frente à abordagem dos conceitos relacionados ao aquecimento global expressaram o interesse por parte dos visitantes e dos alunos, que afirmaram a adequação da proposta para a promoção da alfabetização científica.

O PIBID e o papel das trÃades formativas na formaÃÃo inicial e continuada de professores de ciÃncias: a formaÃÃo de professores de quÃmica em questÃo / The PIBID and the role of training triads in initial and continuing training of science teachers: the formation of chemistry teachers in question

JOYCE MELO MESQUITA 18 March 2015 (has links)
O Ensino de CiÃncias/QuÃmica apresenta uma importante funÃÃo no desenvolvimento da sociedade contemporÃnea, pois possibilita uma leitura de mundo necessÃria para a melhoria da relaÃÃo do homem com seu gÃnero e o meio ambiente. Neste sentido, destaca-se o papel do professor de CiÃncias/QuÃmica, sua funÃÃo social na construÃÃo do conjunto de saberes necessÃrio ao exercÃcio da cidadania. à contramÃo da importÃncia do referido ensino e de seu profissional encontram-se os cursos de formaÃÃo inicial de professores de CiÃncias/QuÃmica que, de forma deficiente, impedem uma formaÃÃo afinada Ãs urgÃncias da educaÃÃo bÃsica, pois trabalha no tipo ideal de uma sala de aula desejÃvel, ignorando problemas e desafios de um saber que cada vez mais se complexifica para fazer frente Ãs demandas do mundo contemporÃneo. DaÃ, a formaÃÃo inicial de professores de ciÃncias tem se apresentado deficiente para assumir tal desafio, pois ainda està ancorado na ideia de que a atividade docente à simples, requerendo tÃo somente um conjunto de saberes especÃficos de um campo de saber para executÃ-la. Tal diagnÃstico tem colocado duas teses como campos antagÃnicos da consideraÃÃo da formaÃÃo de professores de ciÃncias, a saber: a racionalidade tÃcnica e a racionalidade prÃtica. A racionalidade tÃcnica à marcada por uma visÃo reduzida do processo de formaÃÃo de professores ancorada na combinaÃÃo de conhecimentos do conteÃdo e de algumas prÃticas pedagÃgicas. Jà a racionalidade prÃtica compreende o professor como um pesquisador de sua atividade que, atravÃs do diÃlogo com seus pares, à capaz de orientar suas aÃÃes futuras em um constante processo de aÃÃo-reflexÃo, logo um professor autÃnomo e crÃtico/reflexivo. Neste contexto, este trabalho buscou investigar o papel do PIBID e das trÃades formativas em aÃÃes de formaÃÃo inicial e continuada para professores de CiÃncias/QuÃmica da rede bÃsica de ensino da cidade de Sobral (CE), professores formadores da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraà â UVA e Licenciandos do subprojeto interdisciplinar do PIBID/UVA. Para tanto, reuniu os trÃs atores citados em atividades de formaÃÃo (oficinas e grupos de estudo) visando o desenvolvimento de uma racionalidade prÃtica. A investigaÃÃo se pautou pelo uso dos mÃtodos dedutivo e indutivo. O primeiro à caracterizado pela pesquisa bibliogrÃfica. O segundo se referiu à pesquisa de campo. As anÃlises utilizadas se referenciaram por uma abordagem qualitativa. Quanto ao nÃvel a pesquisa se caracterizou como descritiva e com uso das tÃcnicas da pesquisa participante. As tÃcnicas de pesquisa utilizadas foram questionÃrios, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e o uso da observaÃÃo participante e sistemÃtica, atravÃs do registro em diÃrio de bordo. Os resultados evidenciam (a) o potencial das trÃades formativas, inseridas no contexto do PIBID, para aproximar a universidade da escola; (b) potencializa a formaÃÃo inicial a uma perspectiva mais afinada à realidade da educaÃÃo bÃsica; (c) fortalece nas instituiÃÃes (Universidade/Escola) parcerias formativas que tomam o empÃrico da sala de aula como espaÃo formativo e reflexivo. / The teaching of Science/ Chemistry present an important function in the development of the modern society, so it enables a necessary world reading in order to improve the relation between men and its gender and his environment. In this sense stands out the role of the Science/Chemistry teacher, his role in the building of necessary knowledge with the purpose of putting the citizenship. On the other hand of the importance of the referred teaching and his professional it can be found the initial Science/ Chemistry teachers training courses that, in an defective way, impedes a well made training at the urgency of basic education, since it works in a desirable classroom, ignoring the problems and challenges of a knowledge that is getting more and more difficult to the modern world demanding. So, the initial science teachers training has been presented defective to face that challenge, since it is still based on the idea that the teachers role is simple, requiring just a specific group of knowledge field to put it into practice. This diagnostic has put two theses as opposite fields in the understanding of the science teachers training: technical rationality and practical rationality. The technical rationality is characterized as a reduced view of the teachers training process anchored in the knowledge combination of the contents and some pedagogical practices. Then the practical rationality understands the teacher as a researcher of his practice, that through the dialogue with his workmates, he is able to guide his future actions in a reflection-action, so a reflexive/ critical. On this context, this project looked for to investigate the PIBID roll training triads in initial and continuing training activities for teachers of science/ chemistry teaching basic network, educators from Vale do Acaraà State University (UVA) and undergraduate students from PIBID\\UVA. So it got together three actors, which it was mentioned (workshop and learning circle) aiming the development of rationality practice, the investigation used the deductive and inductive. The first one is characterized by the bibliographic research. The second one is related to field research. The analyzes used made reference to a qualitative approach. Related to the research level it was characterized as descriptive and using techniques of the research. The researches techniques used were questionnaires, interviews and the use of active observation and systematic, through a registration in a boarding agenda. The results shows the potential of training triads, which are inserted in the PIBID context, in order to bring closer the university and school; (b) enhance the initial training to a better perspective to the basic education reality; (c) strengthen in institutions (university/school) training partnership which understand the classroom as a formative and reflexive space.

O ensino de quÃmica: a relaÃÃo teoria-prÃtica como estratÃgia pedagÃgica de uma aprendizagem significativa / The teaching of chemistry: the relationship between theory and practice as a pedagogical strategy in a meaningful learning

Leiliane Lopes Lima 30 March 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta pesquisa analisou o potencial pedagÃgico da relaÃÃo entre a teoria e a prÃtica no ensino da QuÃmica atravÃs de prÃticas laboratoriais no ensino profissional de nÃvel mÃdio. Teve a seguinte questÃo de pesquisa: de que modo o ensino da QuÃmica, aliando teorias e prÃticas laboratoriais, potencializa a melhoria na qualidade da aprendizagem? Este estudo partiu da hipÃtese de que tal associaÃÃo contribui positivamente na melhoria do ensino de QuÃmica, bem como na relativizaÃÃo da assertiva de que a referida disciplina à de difÃcil compreensÃo por parte dos alunos. Esta pesquisa se caracterizou pelo uso dos mÃtodos dedutivo e indutivo, sendo uma pesquisa de campo de cunho bibliogrÃfico e de carÃter descritivo, utilizando-se a tÃcnica de pesquisa atravÃs de questionÃrios. A amostragem teve como base as turmas dos cursos de Enfermagem, InformÃtica e ComÃrcio, do 1 ano do ensino mÃdio da Escola de Ensino Profissional Manoel Mano, localizada no municÃpio de CrateÃs, no SertÃo dos Inhamuns, no Estado do CearÃ. Trata-se de uma amostragem por conveniÃncia. Teve resultado mensurado por critÃrios relativos à melhoria da qualidade da aprendizagem, pautada num rendimento acima da mÃdia, bem como na manutenÃÃo da regularidade dessa qualidade no decorrer do ano letivo. / This research examined the pedagogical potential of the relationship between theory and practice in Chemistry teaching through laboratory practice in professional education of high school level. It had the following research question: in which way the teaching of Chemistry, combining theories and laboratorial practices, enhance the improvement in the quality of learning? This study hypothesized that this association contributes positively to improve the teaching of Chemistry as well as relativizes the assertion that this discipline is difficult to understand by students. This research was characterized by the use of the deductive and inductive methods, being a field research of bibliographical and descriptive aspects, using the survey technique through questionnaires. The sampling was based on some classes of the courses of Nursing, Information Technology and Trade, in the first year of High School in Escola de Ensino Profissional Manoel Mano, in the city of CrateÃs, a small city in SertÃo dos Inhamuns, in CearÃ. It can be defined as a convenience sampling. Its result was measured by criteria related to the improvement in quality of learning, based on above average income, as well as the maintenance of this quality regularity during the school year.

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