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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship Between Emerging Adulthood and Communication Patterns

Felt, Eli 01 January 2017 (has links)
Adults who have not developed effective communication skills are at an increased risk of having unsuccessful relationships. Children of divorce are less likely to have communication behaviors modeled to them, resulting in undeveloped communication and therefore a higher likelihood to get divorced themselves. The purpose of this quantitative quasi-experimental study was to determine if there was an association between the successful transition to emerging adulthood and the development of communication behaviors among adults. The research question focused on whether successful transition through emerging adulthood positively discriminates communication patterns among adults, specifically using Gottman's framework of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse when controlling for gender and level of education. The sample consisted of 30 participants ages 25 to 30 years old, recruited from university participant pools. Arnett's definition of successful transition into adulthood (accepting responsibility for one's actions, independent beliefs, financial independence) was operationalized to collect data for the predictor variable. The Four Horsemen Questionnaire was used to garner data for the continuous dependent variable (maladaptive communication patterns). An analysis of variance indicated a significant relationship between maladaptive communication patterns and the transition into adulthood. Findings contribute to social change by helping emerging adults understand the impact of a successful transition into adulthood on communication behaviors. Using the developmental period of emerging adulthood to improve communication patterns may assist in mitigating divorce risk variables and relationship breakdowns.

„Living apart together“ im Kontext von Partnerschaftsbildern, beruflichen Lagen und Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie

Lois, Nadia 10 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die kumulative Promotion befasst sich mit der Lebensform „Living apart together“ (LAT), worunter Paare verstanden werden, die nach Maßgabe ihre Selbstwahrnehmung in getrennten Haushalten leben. Die Arbeit besteht aus insgesamt vier Beiträgen, die in peer-review-Journals erschienen sind sowie einer zusammenfassenden Synopse. Ein erster Schwerpunkt des Promotionsprojektes besteht darin, die Binnendifferenzierung der partnerschaftlichen Lebensform LAT zu untersuchen. Dazu werden mit Daten des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (Befragte zwischen 15 und 39 Jahre) verschiedene Typen von LAT-Partnerschaften mithilfe von Clusteranalysen identifiziert. Hierbei erweist sich eine heuristische Einteilung in drei Idealtypen – die LAT als Vorstufe stärker verfestigter Lebensformen, LAT als berufsbedingte Notlösung und LAT als Beziehungsideal – als weitgehend empirisch tragfähig. Gleichzeitig werden neue Typen wie z.B. die „ökonomisch deprivierte LAT“ identifiziert, bei der eine ökonomisch prekäre Lage und eine starke Betroffenheit von Arbeitslosigkeit die weitere Institutionalisierung der Partnerschaft zu hemmen scheinen. Das zweite Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, die Entwicklung der LAT-Partnerschaften im Längsschnitt, d.h. die Übergänge in den gemeinsamen Haushalt einerseits und in eine Trennung andererseits, zu untersuchen. Hier zeigen sich zum Teil deutlich Unterschiede zwischen den zuvor identifizierten Clustern. Eine niedrige Übergangsrate in die Kohabitation sowie ein hohes Trennungsrisiko können z.B. für jugendliche LAT-Partnerschaften, aber auch für den ökonomisch deprivierten Typ, beobachtet werden. Die Kohabitationsneigung bei berufsbedingten Fernbeziehungen ist dagegen höher und das Trennungsrisiko geringer als theoretisch erwartet. Schließlich wird als dritter Schwerpunkt des Projektes der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie im Institutionalisierungsprozess spielen. Es zeigt sich, dass Jugendliche die für sie typische LAT-Partnerschaft insbesondere dann früh verlassen und einen Haushalt mit ihrem Partner gründen, wenn es sich nicht um Kernfamilien, sondern um alleinerziehende Eltern oder Stiefeltern handelt. Im Promotionsprojekt wird der Frage nachgegangen, auf welche Mechanismen diese Zusammenhänge hauptsächlich zurückführbar ist, wobei verschiedene theoretische Ansätze – ökonomische Deprivation, Transmissionseffekte, soziale Kontrolle, Stress – vergleichend gegenübergestellt werden.

Adult Children of Divorce : Stress and Well-Being

Olofsson, Emmie January 2020 (has links)
Parental divorce has not only been associated with negative long-term effects for children of divorce (CD), but also for adult children of divorce (ACD). ACD more often have poorer mental well-being than adult children of marriage (ACM). Neurological research further suggests that ACD have lower baseline levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol. However, research of Swedish ACD is extremely sparsely. Therefore, the study’s aim is to examine the possible long-term effects of Swedish ACD. Do ACD have lower well-being and experience more stress than ACM? A sample of 227 Swedish participants (81 ACD and 146 ACM) were included. The majority (75.7%) were between 18-30 years old, 157 females and 70 males. An online survey including the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSWLS), and questions about the parental divorce was distributed via social media. Independent t-tests and one-way ANOVA analysis were performed to compare ACD’s and ACM’s results. The study found that ACD rated their well-being (satisfaction with the past) (p ≤ .001), and stress (p ≤ .019), significantly lower than ACM. Moreover, female ACD perceived more stress than female ACM (p ≤ .010), and male ACD (p ≤ .015). The group between 10-14-year-old at the time of the divorce rated significantly lower well-being (past) (p ≤ .035). In conclusion, the study suggests that Swedish ACD also suffer from long-term effects of divorce. Future research ought to investigate the matter further. / Skilsmässa har inte bara visat negativa långsiktiga effekter för skilsmässobarn (CD), utan också för vuxna skilsmässobarn (ACD). ACD har oftare ett sämre mentalt välbefinnande än vuxna med gifta föräldrar (ACM). Neurologisk forskning vidare påvisar att ACD också har lägre grundnivåer av ”stresshormonet” kortisol. Forskning kring svenska ACD är extremt sällsynt. Därför är det studiens mål att undersöka de möjliga långsiktiga effekterna av svenska ACD. Har ACD ett längre välbefinnande och upplever mer stress än ACM? Ett urval av 227 svenska deltagare (81 ACD och 146 ACM) var inkluderade. Majoriteten (75.7%) var mellan åldrarna 18-30 år gamla, 157 kvinnor och 70 män. En online enkät innehållandes Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSWLS), och frågor kring skilsmässan distribuerades via sociala medier. Independent t-tests och one-way ANOVA analyser tillämpades för att jämföra ACD:s och ACM:s resultat. Studien fann att ACD uppskattade att deras välbefinnande (tillfredställelse med det förflutna) (p ≤ .001), och stress (p ≤ .019) signifikant längre än ACM. Fortsättningsvis, en signifikant skillnad upptäcktes där kvinnliga ACD upplevde mer stress än kvinnliga ACM (p ≤ .010), och manliga ACD (p ≤ .015). Gruppen mellan åldrarna 10–14 år gamla vid skilsmässan uppgav ett signifikant längre välbefinnande (förflutet) (p ≤ .035). Sammanfattningsvis, studien påvisar att svenska skilsmässobarn också lider av långsiktiga effekter från skilsmässa. Framtida forskning bör undersöka området vidare.

Are Children to Divorced Parents Worse at Managing Stress? Task-Switching Performance and Induced Stress for Adult Children of Marriage and Divorce

Olofsson, Emmie January 2021 (has links)
Prior research shows that adult children of divorce (ACD) exhibit higher levels of perceived stress than adult children of marriage (ACM), and thus, potentially lower tolerance to stress. The comparison of ACD/ACM in Sweden has not been sufficiently studied. Hence, the present study aims to examine stress management among ACD and ACM, in terms of cognitive performance under different levels of induced stress, and how it correlates to self-ratings of stress. The final sample consisted of 101 adult participants (39 ACD and 62 ACM), and the mean age was 28 years old (41 males and 60 females). The result showed no difference in stress management between ACD and ACM, and their cognitive performance was not positively correlated with self-ratings of stress. However, ACD had a faster response time (RT) in all tests, even though this difference was not significant. At this time, ACD and ACM experience equally high levels of stress, as the Covid-19 pandemic might have influenced the outcome. Future research should collect more data of ACD in Sweden of other measurements of stress. / Tidigare forskning visar att vuxna skilsmässobarn (ACD) uppvisar högre nivåer av upplevd stress än vuxna med gifta föräldrar (ACM), och skulle därför potentiellt ha lägre stresstolerans. Jämförelsen mellan ACD/ACM i Sverige har inte blivit tillräckligt studerad. Därför har denna studie som mål att undersöka stresshantering bland ACD/ACM, i form av kognitiv prestanda under olika nivåer av inducerad stress, och hur det korrelerar till självskattningar av stress. Det slutgiltiga deltagarurvalet bestod av 101 myndiga deltagare (39 ACD och 62 ACM), varav medelåldern var 28 år, (41 män och 60 kvinnor). Resultatet visar att det inte var några signifikanta skillnader i stresshantering mellan ACD och ACM, och var inte positivt korreleradtill självskattningar av stress. Men, ACD hade en snabbare responstid (RT) i samtliga tester trots att resultatet inte var signifikant. Just nu, upplever ACD och ACM lika höga nivåer av stress, då Covid-19 pandemin kan ha influerat resultatet. Framtida forskning borde samla in mer data kring ACD i Sverige från andra mätningar av stress.

„Living apart together“ im Kontext von Partnerschaftsbildern, beruflichen Lagen und Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie

Lois, Nadia 28 May 2014 (has links)
Die kumulative Promotion befasst sich mit der Lebensform „Living apart together“ (LAT), worunter Paare verstanden werden, die nach Maßgabe ihre Selbstwahrnehmung in getrennten Haushalten leben. Die Arbeit besteht aus insgesamt vier Beiträgen, die in peer-review-Journals erschienen sind sowie einer zusammenfassenden Synopse. Ein erster Schwerpunkt des Promotionsprojektes besteht darin, die Binnendifferenzierung der partnerschaftlichen Lebensform LAT zu untersuchen. Dazu werden mit Daten des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (Befragte zwischen 15 und 39 Jahre) verschiedene Typen von LAT-Partnerschaften mithilfe von Clusteranalysen identifiziert. Hierbei erweist sich eine heuristische Einteilung in drei Idealtypen – die LAT als Vorstufe stärker verfestigter Lebensformen, LAT als berufsbedingte Notlösung und LAT als Beziehungsideal – als weitgehend empirisch tragfähig. Gleichzeitig werden neue Typen wie z.B. die „ökonomisch deprivierte LAT“ identifiziert, bei der eine ökonomisch prekäre Lage und eine starke Betroffenheit von Arbeitslosigkeit die weitere Institutionalisierung der Partnerschaft zu hemmen scheinen. Das zweite Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, die Entwicklung der LAT-Partnerschaften im Längsschnitt, d.h. die Übergänge in den gemeinsamen Haushalt einerseits und in eine Trennung andererseits, zu untersuchen. Hier zeigen sich zum Teil deutlich Unterschiede zwischen den zuvor identifizierten Clustern. Eine niedrige Übergangsrate in die Kohabitation sowie ein hohes Trennungsrisiko können z.B. für jugendliche LAT-Partnerschaften, aber auch für den ökonomisch deprivierten Typ, beobachtet werden. Die Kohabitationsneigung bei berufsbedingten Fernbeziehungen ist dagegen höher und das Trennungsrisiko geringer als theoretisch erwartet. Schließlich wird als dritter Schwerpunkt des Projektes der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle Eigenschaften der Herkunftsfamilie im Institutionalisierungsprozess spielen. Es zeigt sich, dass Jugendliche die für sie typische LAT-Partnerschaft insbesondere dann früh verlassen und einen Haushalt mit ihrem Partner gründen, wenn es sich nicht um Kernfamilien, sondern um alleinerziehende Eltern oder Stiefeltern handelt. Im Promotionsprojekt wird der Frage nachgegangen, auf welche Mechanismen diese Zusammenhänge hauptsächlich zurückführbar ist, wobei verschiedene theoretische Ansätze – ökonomische Deprivation, Transmissionseffekte, soziale Kontrolle, Stress – vergleichend gegenübergestellt werden.:1. Synopse 2. Lois, Nadia 2012: "Living apart together": Sechs Typen einer heterogenen Lebensform. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 24: 247-268. 3. Lois, Daniel; Lois, Nadia 2012: "Living apart together" – eine dauerhafte Alternative? Zur Bedeutung von beruflichen Lagen und Partnerschaftsbildern für das Leben in getrennten Haushalten. In: Soziale Welt 63: 117-140. 4. Lois, Nadia 2014: Einflüsse der Herkunftsfamilie auf den frühzeitigen Auszug aus dem Elternhaus und die Kohabitation – Ein Test vermittelnder Mechanismen. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 34: 71-88. 5. Arránz Becker, Oliver; Salzburger, Veronika; Lois, Nadia; Nauck, Bernhard 2013: What narrows the stepgap? Closeness between parents and adult (step)children in Germany. In: Journal of Marriage and Family 75: 1130-1148.

The use of clay therapy in young children from divorced homes in Klein Windhoek, Namibia

Dannhauser, Martha Jacoba 06 1900 (has links)
I became aware of the frequency of the traumatic effect of parental divorce on the lives of the children involved. My research intervention is investigating what value working with clay as therapeutic medium could have for young children from divorced homes. I used non-directive instruction to see whether it enabled children to relate and express their personal experiences more easily . Some children seemed hesitant about projecting their own emotions onto the clay models but, in the end, rich information and spontaneous communication was achieved. The analysis and interpretation of the data from the therapy sessions clearly showed the value of using clay as a therapeutic medium when working with children from divorced homes. By expressing and sharing feelings and emotions experienced during and after parental divorce, the participants indicated that it helped them to work through guilt and other issues, and to come to terms with the reality of the changes in their lives. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

The use of clay therapy in young children from divorced homes in Klein Windhoek, Namibia

Dannhauser, Martha Jacoba 06 1900 (has links)
I became aware of the frequency of the traumatic effect of parental divorce on the lives of the children involved. My research intervention is investigating what value working with clay as therapeutic medium could have for young children from divorced homes. I used non-directive instruction to see whether it enabled children to relate and express their personal experiences more easily . Some children seemed hesitant about projecting their own emotions onto the clay models but, in the end, rich information and spontaneous communication was achieved. The analysis and interpretation of the data from the therapy sessions clearly showed the value of using clay as a therapeutic medium when working with children from divorced homes. By expressing and sharing feelings and emotions experienced during and after parental divorce, the participants indicated that it helped them to work through guilt and other issues, and to come to terms with the reality of the changes in their lives. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Recasamento : percepções e vivências dos filhos do primeiro casamento

Daniela Heitzmann Amaral 00 December 2010 (has links)
O recasamento tem ocorrido com bastante frequência, principalmente, como decorrência do número de separações e divórcios. A adaptação entre os diversos membros, nesta nova família, pode trazer-lhes muito sofrimento, dada a necessidade de conhecimento, tempo e flexibilidade que tal configuração demanda. Os filhos, especialmente, podem sentir solidão, abandono, conflitos de identidade e de lealdade, entre outros, e desenvolver sintomas ou dificuldades que precisam ser compreendidas e enfrentadas. Pela presente pesquisa buscamos compreender a percepção dos filhos ante as mudanças ocorridas em suas vidas devido ao processo de recasamento de um ou de ambos os genitores no âmbito da convivência familia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, da qual participaram quatro adolescentes e jovens adultos, com idades entre 15 e 24 anos, solteiros, de camada média, que responderam a uma entrevista conduzida de forma semidirigida, composta por questões referentes aos objetivos do estudo e a dados sóciodemográficos dos participantes. As respostas à entrevista foram analisadas com base nos seguintes temas: relacionamento dos genitores antes e após o recasamento; convívio com o(a) padrasto/madrasta; organização do subsistema fraterno; peculiaridades do relacionamento fraterno; nova família, novas regras; expectativas dos filhos na família recasada. Pode-se concluir que, apesar das dificuldades iniciais devidas às alterações na estrutura física (perda de privacidade), na rotina (novos hábitos e regras) e na dinâmica da casa, com a introdução de novos personagens (padrasto/madrasta, meio-irmãos e irmãos políticos ou de convívio), os participantes relataram mais aspectos positivos do que negativos nesta configuração, exceto em um caso que apresenta dificuldades na interação e no convívio com a madrasta. Espera-se poder contribuir no sentido de ampliar a compreensão e a visibilidade dessa configuração familiar, como também proporcionar subsídios para o trabalho de profissionais que lidam com famílias, adolescentes e jovens, uma vez que pesquisas relacionadas ao tema são escassas na realidade nordestina / Remarriage is occurring with great frequency, mainly due to the number of separations and divorces. Adaptation between the several members, in this new family, can bring them a lot of suffering, due the need of knowledge, time and flexibility that such configuration demands. The children, especially, can suffer loneliness, abandonment, identity and loyalty conflicts, among others, and develop symptoms and difficulties that need to be understood and faced. The present research has investigated how children understood and experienced the changes that occurred in their lives in due to remarriage of one or both parents. It is a qualitative research attended by four adolescents and young adults, aged between 15 and 24 years, single, middle-class, who have answered a semi-directed interview, composed of questions referring to the study goals and socio-demographic data of the participants. The answers to the interview were analyzed based on the following themes: parent relationship before and after remarriage; living experience with the stepparent; organization of the fraternal subsystem; fraternal relationship peculiarities; new family, new rules; children expectations in the remarried family. It can be concluded that, besides initial troubles due to changes in the physical structure (loss of privacy), routine (new habits and rules), and house dynamics, with introduction of new characters (stepparent, stepbrothers and political or convivial brothers), the participants referred more positive than negative aspects in this configuration, except in one case that presents troubles in interaction and living with the stepmother. It is expected to contribute in a way to broaden the understanding and visibility of this family configuration, as well as provide subsidies for the work of professionals that deal with families, adolescents and young adults, since research related to this subject is scarce in the northeastern reality

Recasamento: percepções e vivências dos filhos do primeiro casamento

Amaral, Daniela Heitzmann 22 June 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Central (biblioteca@unicap.br) on 2017-11-16T22:18:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_daniela_heitzmann_amaral.pdf: 1298561 bytes, checksum: 6b609e81cfc6789b95a26447fd08fefc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-16T22:18:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_daniela_heitzmann_amaral.pdf: 1298561 bytes, checksum: 6b609e81cfc6789b95a26447fd08fefc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-22 / Remarriage is occurring with great frequency, mainly due to the number of separations and divorces. Adaptation between the several members, in this new family, can bring them a lot of suffering, due the need of knowledge, time and flexibility that such configuration demands. The children, especially, can suffer loneliness, abandonment, identity and loyalty conflicts, among others, and develop symptoms and difficulties that need to be understood and faced. The present research has investigated how children understood and experienced the changes that occurred in their lives in due to remarriage of one or both parents. It is a qualitative research attended by four adolescents and young adults, aged between 15 and 24 years, single, middle-class, who have answered a semi-directed interview, composed of questions referring to the study goals and socio-demographic data of the participants. The answers to the interview were analyzed based on the following themes: parent relationship before and after remarriage; living experience with the stepparent; organization of the fraternal subsystem; fraternal relationship peculiarities; new family, new rules; children expectations in the remarried family. It can be concluded that, besides initial troubles due to changes in the physical structure (loss of privacy), routine (new habits and rules), and house dynamics, with introduction of new characters (stepparent, stepbrothers and political or convivial brothers), the participants referred more positive than negative aspects in this configuration, except in one case that presents troubles in interaction and living with the stepmother. It is expected to contribute in a way to broaden the understanding and visibility of this family configuration, as well as provide subsidies for the work of professionals that deal with families, adolescents and young adults, since research related to this subject is scarce in the northeastern reality. / O recasamento tem ocorrido com bastante frequência, principalmente, como decorrência do número de separações e divórcios. A adaptação entre os diversos membros, nesta nova família, pode trazer-lhes muito sofrimento, dada a necessidade de conhecimento, tempo e flexibilidade que tal configuração demanda. Os filhos, especialmente, podem sentir solidão, abandono, conflitos de identidade e de lealdade, entre outros, e desenvolver sintomas ou dificuldades que precisam ser compreendidas e enfrentadas. Pela presente pesquisa buscamos compreender a percepção dos filhos ante as mudanças ocorridas em suas vidas devido ao processo de recasamento de um ou de ambos os genitores no âmbito da convivência familia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, da qual participaram quatro adolescentes e jovens adultos, com idades entre 15 e 24 anos, solteiros, de camada média, que responderam a uma entrevista conduzida de forma semidirigida, composta por questões referentes aos objetivos do estudo e a dados sóciodemográficos dos participantes. As respostas à entrevista foram analisadas com base nos seguintes temas: relacionamento dos genitores antes e após o recasamento; convívio com o(a) padrasto/madrasta; organização do subsistema fraterno; peculiaridades do relacionamento fraterno; nova família, novas regras; expectativas dos filhos na família recasada. Pode-se concluir que, apesar das dificuldades iniciais devidas às alterações na estrutura física (perda de privacidade), na rotina (novos hábitos e regras) e na dinâmica da casa, com a introdução de novos personagens (padrasto/madrasta, meio-irmãos e irmãos políticos ou de convívio), os participantes relataram mais aspectos positivos do que negativos nesta configuração, exceto em um caso que apresenta dificuldades na interação e no convívio com a madrasta. Espera-se poder contribuir no sentido de ampliar a compreensão e a visibilidade dessa configuração familiar, como também proporcionar subsídios para o trabalho de profissionais que lidam com famílias, adolescentes e jovens, uma vez que pesquisas relacionadas ao tema são escassas na realidade nordestina.

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