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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobile Devices in the Hands of the Youngest Children

Jones Thomory, Diana, Mykhailovska, Nataliia January 2016 (has links)
Det har blivit modernt att använda mobila enheter i tidig ålder. Studien syftar till att förstå hur barn interagerar med mobila enheter under de första 4 levnadsåren och hur de kan hjälpa föräldrar att få inlärningsfördelar för de yngsta barnen. För att möta syftet med undersökningen fanns flera formulerade frågor om hur barnens utvecklingsnivå kan påverka möjligheten till interaktion och lärande med mobila enheter, vilka fördelar och nackdelar föräldrarna upptäckt under sina barns användning. Relevanta teorin presenterades om barns fysiska och kognitiva utveckling från 0 till 4 års ålder. Den blandade forskningsmetoden strategi (enkät och intervjuer) var tillräckligt effektiva för att förstå hur barnens användning av mobila enheter skiljer sig för varje år när de blir äldre. Det presenterades också några rekommendationer till föräldrarna. / It has become modern to use mobile devices at an early age. The study aims to understand the way young children interacts with mobile devices during the first 4 years of life and how mobile devices can help parents gain learning benefits for the youngest children. In order to meet the purpose of the research there were several formulated questions concerning how the stage of children’s development can affect the possibility of interaction and learning with mobile devices and what advantages and disadvantages the parents discovered during their children’s usage of mobile devices. The relevant theory was presented regarding children’s physical and cognitive development from 0 to 4 years old. The mixed method approach (survey and interviews) was effective enough to understand how the children usage of mobile devices differs from year to year as they become older. There were some recommendations for the parents that were presented as well.

Elaboração e aplicação preliminar do instrumento para Avaliação da Funcionalidade e Incapacidade na Infância - IAFII

Alves, Cristiane Paiva 23 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:46:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2935.pdf: 12968449 bytes, checksum: dc161498c8c9b6c7e3238872f9eef912 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The early identification problems in the development of physical, psychic and social abilities, in thepreschool phase, can contribute for intervention procedures. The child with physical deficiency faces,daily, challenges for learning in the process of school inclusion. Considering this a reality, the presentresearch aimed to describe the influence of interaction among the components of the ICF-CY. In theevaluation process of functionality and incapacity in children with physical deficiency, originated fromthe sequels of prematurity in the process of school inclusion for the preschooler. For that, it waselaborated a preliminarily called instrument, Instrument for the Evaluation of Functionality andIncapacity in Infancy, for children of 3 until 6 years (IAFII). It was performed a study case, object of thepresent study, to verify the relevancy of the proposal of the instrument and the feasibility of the plan. Inthis study 3 children in process of preschool inclusion were selected, from the feminine sex. C1, 4 yearsold; C2, 6 years old; and C3, 5 years old. Preterm born, diagnosticated with hemiparesy spastic cerebralpalsy. And theirs care givers. The children were taked care in an ambulatorial attendance unit, tied with aUniversity, that gives multiprofessional attendance, in a city of average portage in the interior of SãoPaulo. The present study contemplates the stages of the instrument elaboration as well as itsapplications. Its results were described in studies case. The data of the functionality and incapacityevaluation in the related children, beginning from the functions and corporal structures domains, hadshown that the biggest deficiencies were found in the structures related to the movement. These resultsaccording with the findings obtained from the evaluation in the tasks and general demands and mobilitydomains, which had also indicated the difficulties of the participants in the actions that demanded the useof movements of the superior members, except C3, that presented cognitive deficit. Allied to this, thechildren presented more accented difficulties in the actions that demanded the use of global movementsof the inferior members, also in those that demanded balance and sustentation of these members. Inrelation to another component, the environment factors, in the descriptions of the care givers, disclose tohave positive influence in the lives of the children, emphasizing the emotional and material supportoffered by the family and friends. Analyzing the information that had come from the three componentsof the CIF-CJ, it s possible to affirm that, although exists the structure originated from the environmentsfacilitiers, there is also a lack of equipment which the children could be beneficiated to facilitate theaccomplishment of many tasks, in the house as well as in the school. In function of the acquired results,the importance of the evaluation of the functionality and incapacity of the children with physicaldisability is argued, starting from the interaction between the three components: corporal functions andstructures, activity and participation and environment factors, disclosing in the health condition. Thepreschooler in inclusion process health condition detection showed itself as an important tool tostimulate focused care, resulting in better scholar inclusion results. Finally, on the methodological pointof view, the IAFII proved itself adequate for future studies with larger number of participants. / A identificação precoce de problemas no desenvolvimento de habilidades físicas, psíquicas e sociais, nafase pré-escolar, pode contribuir para os procedimentos de intervenção. A criança com deficiência físicaenfrenta, diariamente, desafios para aprendizagem no processo de inclusão escolar. Considerando essarealidade, a presente pesquisa objetivou descrever a influência da interação entre os componentes daCIF-CJ no processo de avaliação da funcionalidade e incapacidade de crianças com deficiência física porseqüela de prematuridade em processo de inclusão na pré-escola. Para tanto, foi elaborado uminstrumento denominado Instrumento para Avaliação de Funcionalidade e Incapacidade na Infância, paracrianças de 3 a 6 anos (IAFII), composto por um plano de atividades que contemplou domínios deatividade e participação da CIF-CJ e foi construído com base nos roteiros de análise de atividades daterapia ocupacional, além de dois questionários para função e estrutura corporal e fatores ambientais.Participaram do estudo três crianças, do sexo feminino com idades de C1, 4 anos; C2, 6 anos;e C3, 5anos, nascidas pré-termo e com o diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral do tipo hemiparesia espástica e suasresponsáveis. As crianças são atendidas em uma unidade de atendimento ambulatorial, vinculada a umaUniversidade, que presta atendimento multiprofissional, em uma cidade de médio porte no interior deSão Paulo. O presente estudo contempla as etapas de elaboração do instrumento bem como a aplicaçãodo mesmo, cujos resultados foram descritos em forma de estudos de caso. Os dados da avaliação dafuncionalidade e incapacidade das referidas crianças, a partir dos domínios de funções e estruturascorporais mostraram que as maiores deficiências encontram-se nas estruturas relacionadas aomovimento. Estes resultados estão em consonância com os achados obtidos a partir da avaliação nosdomínios de tarefas e demandas gerais e mobilidade que também indicaram as dificuldades dasparticipantes nas ações que exigiam o uso de movimentos dos membros superiores, com exceção de C3que também apresenta déficit cognitivo acentuado. Aliado a isso, as crianças apresentaram dificuldadesexacerbadas nas ações que exigiam o uso de movimentos globais dos membros inferiores, inclusivenaquelas que exigiam sustentação e equilíbrio desses membros. Em relação a outro componente, fatoresambientais, o relato das responsáveis revelou haver um maior número de influência positivas destes navida das crianças, destacando: o apoio emocional e material ofertado por suas famílias e amigos.Analisando-se as informações advindas dos três componentes da CIF-CJ, é possível afirmar que, apesarde haver estrutura oriunda dos facilitadores ambientais, há também a carência de equipamentos dos quaisas crianças poderiam se beneficiar para facilitar a realização de muitas tarefas, tanto em casa, quanto naescola. Em função dos resultados obtidos discute-se a importância da avaliação da funcionalidade eincapacidade de crianças com disfunção física a partir da interação entre os três componentes: funções eestruturas corporais, atividade e participação e fatores ambientais, que resulta no estado de saúde. Adetecção do estado de saúde de pré-escolares em processo de inclusão se destaca como importanteferramenta para estimular cuidados direcionados e proporcionar melhores resultados na inclusão escolar.Por fim, do ponto de vista metodológico o IAFII se mostrou adequado para a realização de estudosfuturos em maior escala.

Die Entwicklung der medialen Zeichenkompetenz im Vor- und Grundschulalter und ihr Bezug zu bildungsrelevanten Fähigkeiten: Diagnose mittels computergestütztem Online-Test und empirische Befunde

Möckel, Thomas 18 December 2013 (has links)
Unser tägliches Umfeld ist heute mehr als jemals zuvor durch die Präsenz von Medien geprägt. Wir begegnen ihnen in schulischen Einrichtungen, am Arbeitsplatz, im häuslichen Bereich oder in unserer Freizeit und nutzen sie gleichermaßen zu Informations- und Unterhaltungszwecken. Dass sich dieser Trend im Laufe der nächsten Jahre weiterhin fortsetzen und verstärken wird, steht außer Frage. Auch in Bezug auf Vor- und Grundschüler lässt sich diese Tendenz beobachten. Um die jüngsten Mitglieder unserer Informationsgesellschaft vor eventuellen medienbezogenen Risiken zu schützen, wird diese Entwicklung durch eine in öffentlichen Diskussionen vielfach zu vernehmende Forderung nach Medienkompetenz begleitet. Allerdings beruht die Mehrheit von Modellen und Konzepten zur Entwicklung und Förderung von Medienkompetenz im Kindesalter nahezu ausschließlich auf theoretischen Annahmen. Aus diesem Grund sollten mittels des durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts "Der Erwerb medialer Zeichenkompetenz im Vor- und Grundschulalter: Grundlagen und Förderung", welches zugleich die Grundlage der vorliegenden Dissertation darstellt, folgende Forschungsfragen beantwortet werden: a) Wie lassen sich kindliche Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf Medienkompetenz erfassen?, b) Wie entwickelt sich Medienkompetenz im Verlauf der (frühen) Kindheit? und c) Welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen Medienkompetenz und anderen relevanten kognitiven und akademischen Fähigkeiten und der Kompetenz, aus medial vermittelten Inhalten zu lernen? Zu diesem Zweck wurden drei empirische Studien mit Vor- und Grundschülern durchgeführt, die sich mit der Entwicklung der medialen Zeichenkompetenz beschäftigten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sich die mediale Zeichenkompetenz, welche ab circa. vier Jahren erworben wird, förderlich auf den Erwerb von Lesekompetenz und mathematischen Kompetenzen, auf ihre Vorläuferfähigkeiten sowie auf medienvermitteltes Lernen auswirkt. Zudem zeigte sich, dass die mediale Zeichenkompetenz als ein, zumindest partiell, eigenständiger, symbolisch-kognitiver Bereich zu interpretieren ist, welcher zwar gewisse Verbindungen zu Intelligenzleistungen aufweist, aber dennoch als von ihnen verschieden betrachtet werden muss. Aus den Resultaten folgt somit, dass es günstig wäre, mit Kindern zwischen vier bis sechs Jahren ein Training der medialen Zeichenkompetenz durchzuführen.

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