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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre a possibilidade de uma filosofia do cinema: di?logos entre Gilles Deleuze e Jacques Ranci?re / About the Possibility of a Cinema?s Philosophy: Dialogues between Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Ranci?re

Reis , G?ssica Pimentel 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-07-26T13:11:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - G?ssica Pimentel Reis.pdf: 1144585 bytes, checksum: 2423f8e98e171379e342c33d29c07929 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T13:11:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - G?ssica Pimentel Reis.pdf: 1144585 bytes, checksum: 2423f8e98e171379e342c33d29c07929 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-09 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do RJ - FAPERJ / This research has as subject to justify the possibility of a cinema?s philosophy. Before we get the central problematization, which is given by the dialogue between the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Ranci?re. We begin, therefore, from an analysis about the constitution of a Deleuze?s philosophy, so that we can better understand and argue his proposal of cinema?s philosophy that begins from the influence of the Bergson?s ontology. In order to understand the positions adopted by Ranci?re and, above all, his criticism of Deleuze, we search at his studies of the image and how he understands the cinema from that context. We privilege some concepts and ideas that influenced each of the two authors, so that we could become possible a new way to read the philosophy of cinema, in which it was possible to provoke the thought through the confrontation of concepts by means of the analysis of films and, hence, to raise new hypotheses for possible solutions of the problems posed by both philosophers. / La pr?sent recherche a comme sujet justifier la possibilit? de la philosophie de cin?ma. D?abord d?arriver ? la problematique centrale, dont elle est donn? ? trav?rs du dialogue entre les philosophes Gilles Deleuze et Jacques Ranci?re. Nous commen?ons donc d?une analyse de la constituition d?une philosophie selon Deleuze, afin de mieux comprendre et d?fendre sa proposition sur l?existance d?une philophie du cin?ma qui d?coule, ? son tour, de l?influence de l?ontologie propos?e par Bergson. Ensuite, pour comprendre les positions prises par Ranci?re, et surtout sa critique ? Deleuze, nous avons parcouru, alors, pour sa compr?heension de l?image et pour la fa?on dont il comprend le cin?ma, d?s ce contexte. Nous avons privil?gi? des concepts et des influences sur chaque auteur en vue de permettre une nouvelle lecture de la philosophie du cin?ma qui pourrait susciter la r?flexion ? travers de la confrontations des concepts de l?analyse des films et donc mettre de nouvelles hypoth?ses pour chercher des possibles solutions aux probl?mes propos?s chez tous les deux philosophes / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo justificar a possibilidade da filosofia do cinema. Antes de chegarmos ? problematiza??o central, que ? dada em fun??o do di?logo entre os fil?sofos Gilles Deleuze e Jacques Ranci?re. Partimos, portanto, de uma an?lise da constitui??o de uma filosofia para Deleuze para podermos melhor entender e argumentar a sua proposta de filosofia do cinema que se origina da influ?ncia da ontologia bergsoniana. Para compreendermos as posi??es adotadas por Ranci?re e, sobretudo, sua cr?tica a Deleuze, n?s perscrutamos pelo seu entendimento acerca da imagem e de que forma ele compreende o cinema a partir desse contexto. Privilegiamos conceitos e influ?ncias em cada autor para que pud?ssemos viabilizar uma nova leitura da filosofia do cinema em que fosse poss?vel provocar o pensamento atrav?s do confronto de conceitos por meio da an?lise de filmes e, por conseguinte, levantar novas hip?teses para poss?veis solu??es dos problemas colocados por ambos os fil?sofos.

Traitement d'eaux huileuses par photocatalyse h��t��rog��ne : application �� la d��pollution des eaux de cales

Cazoir, David-Alexandre 13 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Afin de r��duire la quantit�� d'hydrocarbures d��vers��s dans le milieu marin, les navires de la flotte marchande et, depuis peu, les navires militaires sont tenus de contr��ler leurs rejets huileux. Par exemple, seules les eaux de cales dont la concentration en huile (indice hydrocarbure) est inf��rieure �� 15 ppmv peuvent ��tre d��vers��es en mer (Marpol 73/78). Au-del�� de cette teneur, et si le stockage �� bord n'est pas envisageable, un traitement avant rejet devient alors in��vitable. Cependant, les traitements actuels des eaux de cales se sont av��r��s jusqu'ici insuffisants. La photocatalyse h��t��rog��ne, m��thode largement utilis��e dans le cas du traitement d'effluents gazeux et liquides, a ainsi ��t�� propos��e dans ce travail. L'abattement de l'indice hydrocarbure a ��t�� suivi par analyse GC-MS. D��s lors, apr��s avoir mis en ��vidence la faisabilit�� et les limites du proc��d�� batch, un r��acteur photocatalytique �� a��ration diffus��e (DAPR) a ��t�� d��velopp�� afin de rem��dier au manque d'oxyg��ne dissous de l'effluent r��el. Comparativement au traitement dans le r��acteur batch, une meilleure efficacit�� de la d��gradation a ��t�� observ��e dans le DAPR. Cependant, l'analyse parall��le (ATD-GC-MS) de l'��volution de la composition de la phase gazeuse a montr�� qu'une quantit�� non n��gligeable de compos��s organiques volatils (COV) y ��taient alors ��mis. Enfin, les nalcanes ont ��t�� identifi��s comme ��tant les compos��s les plus r��fractaires au traitement photocatalytique et le pentad��cane a alors ��t�� choisi comme polluant mod��le des eaux de cales pour une analyse cin��tique.

Les contes de l'Oikos, cr??ation sc??naristique, suivi de Une ??cocritique de la repr??sentation filmique de l'habitat urbain.

Par??, Denise January 2014 (has links)
La difficult?? des soci??t??s d??velopp??es ?? s???inscrire de mani??re soutenable dans la biosph??re et ?? r??soudre les probl??mes ??cologiques provoqu??s par leur croissance pose un d??fi de taille ?? la civilisation postindustrielle qui s???est, de mani??re illusoire, autonomis??e de son substrat naturel. Motiv?? par le d??sir de r??g??n??rer le rapport entre l?????tre humain et son milieu biophysique, ce m??moire de recherche-cr??ation explore la possibilit?? des ??uvres de fiction cin??matographique de mettre en jeu une pens??e pragmatique et mythique qui s???applique ?? ressaisir l???habitat humain urbain de mani??re ?? assurer la viabilit?? de l?????cosyst??me dans lequel il s???inscrit. D???une certaine mani??re, l???entreprise peut se rapprocher d???une recherche sur les pratiques ??mancipatoires dans le domaine de l???habitation urbaine ??cologique, dont le rapport prend une forme insolite, c???est-??-dire un sc??nario de film. La premi??re partie du m??moire est constitu??e d???un travail de cr??ation sc??naristique : Les contes de l???Oikos. Une biologiste souhaite r??nover, avec l???aide de son compagnon et de leur fille, la maison de son p??re dont elle vient d???h??riter. Son projet consiste ?? concevoir cet habitat urbain et le milieu dans lequel il s???ins??re comme un ??cosyst??me. Elle voit son entreprise mise en p??ril par celle d???un promoteur immobilier. Parall??lement ?? ce r??cit, un conte peupl?? de personnages mythiques, cr???? par les parents pour la fillette, fait ??cho aux motifs r??alistes et offre une interpr??tation onirique des sc??nes du quotidien. La deuxi??me partie tente Une ??cocritique de la repr??sentation filmique de l???habitat urbain. Cet essai retrace l?????mergence, au cours des ann??es 1990 aux ??tats-Unis, d???une nouvelle perspective th??orique issue de la critique litt??raire, soit l?????cocritique. Son d??veloppement et son rayonnement sont examin??s avant de cerner plus pr??cis??ment comment cette approche envisage les th??mes ??tudi??s : l???habitat et la ville. Sur le plan m??thodologique, la recherche explore les possibilit??s offertes par la r??flexion de Bruno Latour afin de conduire l???analyse ??cocritique de deux films qui mettent en sc??ne, dans une certaine mesure, des habitats urbains : l???un, dystopique, Soleil vert, l???autre, eutopique, La belle Verte. Enfin, Les contes de l???Oikos sont reconsid??r??s ?? la lumi??re de ces analyses.

Caractérisation du comportement en traction du béton sous fortes sollicitations : essais de flexion trois points aux barres de Hopkinson / Tensile concrete behavior characterization under highs solicitations

Régal, Xavier 12 February 2016 (has links)
Le béton est un des matériaux de construction les plus répandus. Néanmoins son comportement en traction dynamique n’est pas parfaitement connu. C’est afin de mieux concevoir les structures en béton et de prédire leur ruine dans le cadre d’éventuels accidents industriels qu’il est nécessaire de connaître sa résistance. Cette dernière évolue en fonction des différentes sollicitations auxquelles le béton peut être soumis. Afin de caractériser la résistance en traction d’un béton de type R30A7, ainsi que son évolution en fonction de la vitesse de déformation, différents essais de flexion trois points ont été réalisés que cela soit en statique ou en dynamique. Un dispositif conforme aux normes en vigueur en statique ainsi que le dispositif dynamique des barres de Hopkinson ont été utilisés. Ce dernier permet de réaliser des essais dynamiques en mesurant le chargement et la vitesse en entrée comme en sortie. En plus de l’instrumentation traditionnelle, les essais ont été suivis à l’aide d’une caméra rapide afin de réaliser des mesures de champ de déplacement à l’aide de la corrélation d’images numériques. Des outils utilisant ces champs de déplacement ont été créés afin de suivre au mieux l’apparition et l’évolution de la fissure. L’ensemble de ces moyens de mesures permettent, avec l’aide de différentes modélisations, qui prennent en compte ou non l’endommagement des éprouvettes, de caractériser l’évolution de la contrainte de rupture en traction en fonction de la vitesse de déformation. Ce travail a mis en avant le fait qu’ignorer l’endommagement du matériau lors d’essais dynamiques augmente de manière non négligeable la valeur de la contrainte à rupture déduite des essais. / The concrete is one of the most widely used constructional materials. However, its tensile behavior in dynamic is yet not perfectly known. In order to design concrete structures and predict their collapse in the case of industrial accidents, it is mandatory to know its tensile strength. This property depends on the different solicitations to which the concrete can be exposed. In order to characterize the tensile strength of a R30A7 concrete and its dependence on the strain rate, three points bending tests are performed in static and dynamic cases. For this purpose, the most recent standards are used in the static tests. The dynamic ones are carried out with the split Hopkinson pressure bars. This device allows to perform dynamic tests with both the speed and effort loading measurements. Moreover a high speed camera is used to record these experiments in order to acquire full-field displacement measurements with the help of the digital image correlation. Tools using these fields are created to detect the apparition of the crack in one hand, and to follow the crack propagation in the other hand. All these experimental devices and the use of different models, some of which take in account the sample damage, make it possible to determinate the evolution of the tensile strength depending on the strain rate. This work brings forward the fact that ignoring the material damage increases the tensile strength obtain from the tests.

Efeito de uma palmilha com cunha medial sobre a cinem?tica, cin?tica e ativa??o muscular dos membros inferiores e pelve de volunt?rios h?gidos durante a tarefa de descida de degrau

Bonif?cio, Douglas Novaes 11 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-29T17:31:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) douglas_novaes_bonifacio.pdf: 1344470 bytes, checksum: 3296da1067a3fd71e852bfafb7cbef48 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-11-10T11:39:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) douglas_novaes_bonifacio.pdf: 1344470 bytes, checksum: 3296da1067a3fd71e852bfafb7cbef48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-10T11:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) douglas_novaes_bonifacio.pdf: 1344470 bytes, checksum: 3296da1067a3fd71e852bfafb7cbef48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Diariamente, o sistema locomotor humano ? desafiado a transpor diferentes n?veis de terrenos. Subir e descer escadas ? uma atividade comum da vida di?ria, podendo ser um obst?culo quando a fun??o motora est? comprometida. Pacientes com dor patelofemoral se queixam de dor retropatelar agravada por atividades como subida e descida de degraus, sendo a dor maior durante a descida de degraus. A necessidade de controle durante a tarefa de descida de degrau e conseguida atrav?s da contra??o muscular exc?ntrica. Na descida de degrau, os indiv?duos devem transportar ativamente o centro de gravidade para frente e resistir a gravidade durante a fase de descida controlada. Estudos v?m investigando respostas das altera??es dos padr?es fisiol?gicos de movimentos nos p?s, por acreditarem que essas altera??es podem originar compensa??es aos membros inferiores. A prona??o excessiva tem sido relacionada a numerosas altera??es funcionais nos membros inferiores, indicando les?es de uso excessivos que afetam o quadril, joelho, tornozelo e p?. Os cl?nicos geralmente concordam que algumas formas de ?rteses ou cal?ados ortop?dicos especializados podem controlar a prona??o excessiva. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito de uma palminha com cunha medial a cinem?tica, cin?tica e a ativa??o muscular dos membros inferiores e pelve de volunt?rios h?gidos durante a tarefa de descida degrau. O estudo foi dividido em tr?s cap?tulos: 1) revis?o de literatura; 2) artigo cient?fico; 3) considera??es finais. A revis?o de literatura aborda inicialmente a anatomia de membros inferiores e pelve, seguida das fases e subfase da tarefa de decida de degrau. Em seguida foram abordados a cinem?tica, cin?tica e ativa??o muscular de membros inferiores e pelve durante a tarefa de decida de degrau e uma discuss?o sobre o uso de palmilhas com arco longitudinal medial e sua resposta de forma ascendente aos membros inferiores. O artigo cient?fico avaliou a influ?ncia e os benef?cios das ?rteses plantares quanto a cinem?tica, cin?tica e ativa??o muscular na tarefa de decida de degrau. Como considera??o final apontou que as ?rteses plantares podem alterar a mec?nica articular do p? e dos membros inferiores, fornecendo benef?cios funcionais durante a tarefa de descida de degrau. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Reabilita??o e Desempenho Funcional, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / Daily, the human locomotor system is challenged to cross different levels of terrain. Going up and down stairs is a common activity of daily living and can be an obstacle when motor function is compromised. Patients with patellofemoral pain complain of retropatellar pain aggravated by activities such as ascent and descent of stairs, with pain being greater during the descent of stairs. The need for control during the step descent task is achieved through eccentric muscle contraction. In the descent of the step, the individuals must actively transport the center of gravity forward and resist gravity during the phase of controlled descent. Studies have been investigating responses of changes in physiological patterns of movement in the feet, believing that these changes can lead to compensations to the lower limbs. Excessive pronation has been linked to numerous functional changes in the lower limbs, indicating excessive use injuries affecting the hip, knee, ankle and foot. Clinicians generally agree that some forms of specialized orthopedic orthoses or footwear can control excessive pronation. Therefore, the present study aims to evaluate the effect of a limb wedge with the kinematics, kinetics and muscular activation of the lower limbs and pelvis of healthy volunteers during the task of descending step. The study was divided into three chapters: 1) literature review; 2) scientific article; 3) final considerations. The literature review initially addresses the anatomy of the lower limbs and pelvis, followed by the phases and sub-phase of the step deciding task. Kinematics, kinetics and muscular activation of the lower limbs and pelvis were discussed during the decision-making task and a discussion about the use of insoles with a medial longitudinal arch and its response ascending to the lower limbs. The scientific article evaluated the influence and benefits of plantar orthoses regarding kinematics, kinetics and muscular activation in the task of deciding step. As a final consideration it was pointed out that the plantar orthoses can alter the joint mechanics of the foot and lower limbs, providing functional benefits during the step descent task.

Trissoralen um medicamento de baixa dosagem: estudos termoanal?ticos da compatibilidade do f?rmaco-excipientes e determina??o de par?metros de qualidade para c?psulas magistrais

Lima, Naiana Gondim Pereira Barros 04 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2015-11-06T14:05:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NaianaGondimPereiraBarrosLima_TESE.pdf: 13325610 bytes, checksum: 95e6c29855c377a3278b1ca5753ede40 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elisangela Moura (lilaalves@gmail.com) on 2015-11-06T14:25:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NaianaGondimPereiraBarrosLima_TESE.pdf: 13325610 bytes, checksum: 95e6c29855c377a3278b1ca5753ede40 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-06T14:25:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NaianaGondimPereiraBarrosLima_TESE.pdf: 13325610 bytes, checksum: 95e6c29855c377a3278b1ca5753ede40 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-04 / O trissoralen (Tri) ? um f?rmaco de baixa dosagem utilizado no tratamento da psor?ase e outras dermatoses. O objetivo do trabalho foi aplica??o da an?lise t?rmica e t?cnicas complementares para caracteriza??o, avalia??o da estabilidade do trissoralen e dos componentes das formula??es farmac?uticas manipuladas. O comportamento t?rmico do Tri por TG/DTG-DTA em atmosfera din?mica de ar sint?tico e nitrog?nio evidenciou o mesmo perfil com um pico de fus?o seguido de um evento relacionado ? volatiliza??o. A partir das curvas TG/DTG observou uma ?nica etapa de perda de massa. Ao aquecer o f?rmaco na estufa nas temperaturas de 80, 240 e 260 ?C observou-se que o mesmo n?o apr esentou altera??es na sua estrutura qu?mica atrav?s das t?cnicas de DRX, CLAE, MIR, MO e MEV. A partir dos estudos cin?ticos n?o-isot?rmicos e isot?rmicos por TG foi poss?vel calcular a energia de ativa??o e ordem de rea??o para o Tri. O f?rmaco apresentou uma boa estabilidade t?rmica. Estudos de compatibilidade f?rmaco-excipiente mostraram que h? intera??o do trissoralen com lauril sulfato s?dio na propor??o 1:1. N?o se observou intera??o com aerosil, amido pr?-gelatinizado, amido glicolato s?dico, celulose, croscarmelose, estearato de magn?sio, lactose e manitol. A caracteriza??o de tr?s formula??es de trissoralen nas concentra??es de 2,5; 5; 7,5; 10; 12,5 e 15 mg foi realizada por DSC, TG/DTG, DRX, MIR e NIR. Um m?todo de classifica??o PCA baseado nos dados dos espectros MIR e NIR das formula??es de trissoralen permitiu uma diferencia??o bem sucedida em tr?s grupos. A formula??o 3 foi a que melhor apresentou o perfil anal?tico com a seguinte composi??o de excipientes aerosil, amido pr?-gelatinizado e celulose. A energia de ativa??o do processo de volatiza??o do f?rmaco foi determinada nas misturas bin?rias e formula??o 3 por meio dos m?todos isoconversional e fitting. A mistura bin?ria com amido glicolato s?dico e lactose apresentaram diferen?a nos par?metros cin?ticos em compara??o ao f?rmaco isolado. As t?cnicas termoanal?ticas (DSC e TG/DTG) mostraram ser metodologias promissoras para quantifica??o do trissoralen pela linearidade obtida, seletividade, n?o uso de solventes, sem preparo de amostra, rapidez e praticidade. / The trioxsalen (Tri) is a low-dose drug used in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. The aim of the study was applying the thermal analysis and complementary techniques for characterization, evaluation of the trioxsalen stability and components of manipulated pharmaceutical formulations. The thermal behavior of the Tri by TG/DTG-DTA in dynamic atmosphere of synthetic air and nitrogen showed the same profile with a melting peak followed by a volatilization-related event. From the curves TG / DTG is observed a single stage of mass loss. By heating the drug in the stove at temperatures of 80, 240 and 260 ?C, it had no change in chemical structure through the techniques of XRD, HPLC, MIR, OM and SEM. From the non-isothermal and isothermal TG kinetic studies was possible to calculate the activation energy and reaction order for the Tri. The drug showed good thermal stability. Studies on drug-excipient compatibility showed interaction of trissoralen with sodium lauryl sulfate 1:1. There was no interaction with aerosol, pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate, cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, lactose and mannitol.The characterization of three trioxsalen formulations at concentrations of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 mg was performed by DSC, TG / DTG, XRD, NIR and MIR. The PCA classification method based on spectral data from the NIR and MIR of trissoralen formulations allows successful differentiation into three groups. The formulation 3 was the one that best showed analytical profile with the following composition of aerosil excipients, pre-gelatinized starch and cellulose. The activation energy of the volatilization process of the drug was determined in binary mixtures and formulation 3 through fitting and isoconversional methods. The binary mixture with sodium starch glycolate and lactose showed differences in kinetic parameters compared to the drug isolated. The thermoanalytical techniques (DSC and TG / DTG) were shown to be promising methodologies for quantifying trioxsalen obtained by the linearity, selectivity, no use solvents, without sample preparation, speed and practicality.

Degrada??o fotocatal?tica oxidativa do fenol utilizando carv?o obtido da pir?lise de diferentes biomassas

Oliveira, Gislane Pinho de 25 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-03-31T23:01:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GislanePinhoDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2585969 bytes, checksum: 5a2ec44dfa4024c61a2f9bad2b0cc474 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-04T22:09:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GislanePinhoDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2585969 bytes, checksum: 5a2ec44dfa4024c61a2f9bad2b0cc474 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T22:09:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GislanePinhoDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2585969 bytes, checksum: 5a2ec44dfa4024c61a2f9bad2b0cc474 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / O progresso industrial moderno vem incorporando compostos fen?licos entre as impurezas encontradas na ?gua. Por se tratar de uma subst?ncia t?xica e cancer?gena, ? imprescind?vel que a mesma seja reduzida ? concentra??es toler?veis, determinadas pelo CONAMA. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo o tratamento e caracteriza??o de catalisadores oriundos do biocarv?o, subproduto da pir?lise de biomassa (avel?s e p? de madeira), assim como sua avalia??o na degrada??o fotocatal?tica do fenol. Os ensaios foram realizados em um reator leito de lama, com medi??es instant?neas da temperatura, pH e oxig?nio dissolvido. Os experimentos foram realizados nas seguintes condi??es operacionais: temperatura igual a 50 ?C, vaz?o de oxig?nio igual a 410 mL min-1 , volume de solu??o reagente igual a 3,2 L, l?mpada UV de 400 W, press?o de 1 atm e tempo de rea??o de 2 horas. Os par?metros avaliados foram o pH do meio reacional (3,0; 6,9 e 10,7), concentra??o inicial de fenol comercial (250, 500 e 1000 ppm), concentra??o de catalisador (0, 1, 2 e 3 g L-1 ) e natureza do catalisador (carv?o do aveloz ativado e lavado com diclorometano, CAADCM, e carv?o da madeira ativado e lavado com diclorometano, CMADCM). Os resultados de FRX, DRX e BET comprovaram a presen?a de ferro e pot?ssio em quantidades satisfat?rias para o catalisador CAADCM e em quantidades reduzidas no catalisador CMADCM, e o aumento da ?rea superficial dos materiais ap?s a ativa??o qu?mica e f?sica. As curvas de degrada??o do fenol indicam que o pH tem uma influ?ncia significativa na convers?o do fenol, apresentando melhores resultados para os valores de pH mais reduzidos. A concentra??o ?tima de catalisador observada foi de 1 g L-1 e o aumento da concentra??o inicial de fenol exerce uma influ?ncia negativa na condu??o da rea??o. Tamb?m foi observado o efeito positivo da presen?a de ferro e pot?ssio na estrutura do catalisador: obteve-se convers?es melhores para os ensaios realizados com o catalisador CAADCM, quando comparado com o catalisador CMADCM nas mesmas condi??es. A maior convers?o foi obtida para o ensaio realizado em pH ?cido (3,0), com uma concentra??o inicial de fenol igual a 250 ppm na presen?a do catalisador CAADCM a 1 g L-1 . As amostras l?quidas retiradas a cada 15 minutos foram analisadas por cromatografia l?quida identificando e quantificando a hidroquinona, p-benzoquinona, catecol e ?cido maleico. Finalmente um mecanismo do processo reacional foi proposto, considerando que o fenol ? transformado em fase homog?nea e os demais reagem na superf?cie do catalisador. Aplicandose o modelo de Langmuir-Hinshelwood juntamente com um balan?o de massa, obteve-se um sistema de equa??es diferenciais que foi resolvido utilizando o m?todo de Runge-Kutta de 4? ordem associado a uma rotina de otimiza??o SWARM (enxame de part?culas), visando minimizar a fun??o objetivo de m?nimos quadrados para estima??o dos par?metros cin?ticos e de adsor??o. Obteve-se constantes cin?ticas da ordem de grandeza de 10-3 para a degrada??o do fenol, 10-4 ? 10-2 para a forma??o de ?cidos, 10-6 ? 10-9 para a mineraliza??o dos quin?nicos (hidroquinona, p-benzoquinona e catecol), 10-3 ? 102 para a mineraliza??o dos ?cidos. / The modern industrial progress has been contaminating water with phenolic compounds. These are toxic and carcinogenic substances and it is essential to reduce its concentration in water to a tolerable one, determined by CONAMA, in order to protect the living organisms. In this context, this work focuses on the treatment and characterization of catalysts derived from the bio-coal, by-product of biomass pyrolysis (avel?s and wood dust) as well as its evaluation in the phenol photocatalytic degradation reaction. Assays were carried out in a slurry bed reactor, which enables instantaneous measurements of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. The experiments were performed in the following operating conditions: temperature of 50 ?C, oxygen flow equals to 410 mL min-1 , volume of reagent solution equals to 3.2 L, 400 W UV lamp, at 1 atm pressure, with a 2 hours run. The parameters evaluated were the pH (3.0, 6.9 and 10.7), initial concentration of commercial phenol (250, 500 and 1000 ppm), catalyst concentration (0, 1, 2, and 3 g L-1 ), nature of the catalyst (activated avel?s carbon washed with dichloromethane, CAADCM, and CMADCM, activated dust wood carbon washed with dichloromethane). The results of XRF, XRD and BET confirmed the presence of iron and potassium in satisfactory amounts to the CAADCM catalyst and on a reduced amount to CMADCM catalyst, and also the surface area increase of the materials after a chemical and physical activation. The phenol degradation curves indicate that pH has a significant effect on the phenol conversion, showing better results for lowers pH. The optimum concentration of catalyst is observed equals to 1 g L-1 , and the increase of the initial phenol concentration exerts a negative influence in the reaction execution. It was also observed positive effect of the presence of iron and potassium in the catalyst structure: betters conversions were observed for tests conducted with the catalyst CAADCM compared to CMADCM catalyst under the same conditions. The higher conversion was achieved for the test carried out at acid pH (3.0) with an initial concentration of phenol at 250 ppm catalyst in the presence of CAADCM at 1 g L-1 . The liquid samples taken every 15 minutes were analyzed by liquid chromatography identifying and quantifying hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, catechol and maleic acid. Finally, a reaction mechanism is proposed, cogitating the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous phase and the others react on the catalyst surface. Applying the model of Langmuir-Hinshelwood along with a mass balance it was obtained a system of differential equations that were solved using the Runge-Kutta 4th order method associated with a optimization routine called SWARM (particle swarm) aiming to minimize the least square objective function for obtaining the kinetic and adsorption parameters. Related to the kinetic rate constant, it was obtained a magnitude of 10-3 for the phenol degradation, 10-4 to 10-2 for forming the acids, 10-6 to 10-9 for the mineralization of quinones (hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone and catechol), 10-3 to 10-2 for the mineralization of acids.

Levantamento e avalia??o de crit?rios para a amplia??o de escala da produ??o de biossurfactantes utilizando mela?o como substrato

Bezerra, M?rcio Silva 24 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioSB.pdf: 589464 bytes, checksum: cac3e38c1369c38cc7a32c6797a2f465 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Biosurfactants are amphiphilic molecules synthesized by microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast or filamented fungi cultivated in various carbon sources among sucrose and hydrocarbons. These molecules are composed by a hydrophilic and hydrophobic part. They operate mostly at interfaces of fluids of different polarities. Because of this characteristic, they are potentially employed in numerous industries, such as the textile, medical, cosmetics, food and mainly in the petrochemical ones. Therefore industry has interest in developing new biosurfactant production processes in high scale, in order to become them economically competitive when compared to synthetic biosurfactants. This work aims to evaluate the biosurfactant production applying a non-conventional substrate sugar cane molasses proceeding from the sugar industry thus reducing the production costs. The strain identified as AP029/GLIIA, isolated from oil wells in Rio Grande do Norte state and used in these experiments belongs to the culture collection of Antibiotics Department of UFPE. The fermentation were carried out using different conditions according to a factorial planning 24 with duplicate at center point, in which the studied factors were molasse concentration, nitrate concentration, agitation and aeration ratio. The experiments were performed in a shaker at 38?C of temperature. Samples were withdrawn in regular periods of time of up to 72 hours of fermentation in order to analyze substrate consumption, cellular concentration, superficial tension, critical micelle dilution (CMD-1 e CMD-2) as well as extracelullar protein production. The results showed a production of 3,480 g/L of biomass, a reduction of 41% on superficial tension, 67% of substrate consumption and 0,2805 g/L of extracellular protein / Biossurfactantes s?o mol?culas anfip?ticas sintetizadas por microrganismos como bact?rias, leveduras ou fungos filamentosos cultivados em v?rias fontes de carbono, entre as quais destacam-se a sacarose e os hidrocarbonetos. Estas mol?culas, compostas por uma parte hidrof?lica e outra hidrof?bica, agem preferencialmente na interface de fluidos de diferentes polaridades. Devido a esta caracter?stica, s?o potencialmente utilizados em in?meras ind?strias como a t?xtil, a farmac?utica, a de cosm?tico, a aliment?cia e especialmente nas ind?strias petroqu?micas. Por estas potenciais aplica??es ? de interesse industrial o desenvolvimento de processos de produ??o de biosurfactante em grande escala que os tornem economicamente competitivos com os surfactantes sint?ticos. Esta disserta??o tem como objetivo avaliar a produ??o de biossurfactante utilizando um substrato n?o convencional - mela?o de cana - proveniente da ind?stria a?ucareira, reduzindo os custos de produ??o. A cepa identificada como AP029/GLVIIA, isolada de po?os de petr?leo do Estado do RN e utilizada nestes ensaios, pertence ? cole??o de cultura do Departamento de Antibi?ticos da UFPE. Os cultivos foram submetidos a diferentes condi??es utilizando um planejamento fatorial 24 com duplicata no ponto central, no qual os fatores estudados foram concentra??o de mela?o, concentra??o de nitrato (fonte de nitrog?nio), agita??o e raz?o de aera??o. Os ensaios foram realizados em shaker a temperatura de 38?C. Amostras foram retiradas em tempos regulares de at? 60 ou 72 horas completadas de cultivo para a an?lise do consumo de substrato, da concentra??o celular, da tens?o superficial, da dilui??o micelar cr?tica (CMD-1 e CMD-2) e da produ??o de prote?na. Os resultados mostraram que nas melhores condi??es de cultivo foram obtidos 3,480 g/L de biomassa, uma redu??o da tens?o superficial de aproximadamente 41%, 67% de consumo de substrato e a s?ntese de 0,2805g/L de prote?na

Interesterifica??o do ?leo de algod?o com acetato de metila por ultrassom

Medeiros, Aldo Miro de 25 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-12T14:40:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AldoMiroDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1734971 bytes, checksum: 889f757c4cc2a5e3660c134b7cf6a984 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-18T14:31:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AldoMiroDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1734971 bytes, checksum: 889f757c4cc2a5e3660c134b7cf6a984 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-18T14:31:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AldoMiroDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1734971 bytes, checksum: 889f757c4cc2a5e3660c134b7cf6a984 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / No presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo do processo de interesterifica??o do ?leo de algod?o com acetato de metila, usando met?xido de pot?ssio como catalisador, na presen?a de ondas ultrass?nicas. Com o objetivo de melhor compreender as vari?veis importantes do processo, foi utilizado um planejamento experimental do tipo estrela, uma metodologia de superf?cie de resposta e t?cnicas estat?sticas. Os experimentos foram realizadas com raz?o molar variando de 1:8 a 1:24, percentagem de catalisador de 0,1 a 1,3% em peso, amplitude do bico ultrass?nico de 30 a 90% (180 a 540W) e pulso de vibra??o de 50 a 90%. No planejamento, a temperatura utilizada foi de 50 ?C, o tempo de rea??o de 30 min e o di?metro do bico ultrass?nico de 28 mm. Utilizou-se o software Statistica 8.0 para otimizar as vari?veis do processo, onde a raz?o molar foi otimizada em 1:14,87, concentra??o de catalisador em 1,17%, amplitude do bico ultrass?nico em 67,64% e pulso de vibra??o em 67,30%. Nas condi??es otimizadas pelo planejamento experimental (98,12% de convers?o de triglicer?deos), foi realizado um estudo cin?tico da rea??o nas temperaturas de 30, 40 e 50 ?C. A rea??o se apresentou com uma cin?tica de 2? ordem, em que a constante de velocidade da rea??o cresce com o aumento da temperatura. A energia de ativa??o foi quantificada em 79,129 kJ/mol. Por fim, foi realizado um estudo comparativo da produ??o de biodiesel por interesterifica??o na presen?a de ondas ultrass?nicas, com uma metodologia convencional (agita??o mec?nica), sendo verificado um aumento significativo de 13% da convers?o de triglicer?deos com a utiliza??o de ondas ultrass?nicas em compara??o com uma metodologia convencional / In this paper we present a study of the interesterification process of cottonseed oil (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with methyl acetate using potassium methylate as a catalyst in the presence of ultrasonic waves. In order to better understand the important process variables, we used an experimental design star type, a response surface methodology and statistical techniques. The experiments were carried out with molar ratio ranging from 1:8 to 1:24, percentage of catalyst from 0.1 to 1.3 % mass, amplitude of the ultrasonic nozzle 30 to 90 % (180 to 540 W) and pulse vibrating 50 to 90 %. In planning, the temperature used was 50 ?C, the reaction time 30 min and the ultrasonic nozzle diameter of 28 mm. Statistica 8.0 software was used to optimize the process variables, wherein the molar ratio was optimized in 1:14.87, catalyst concentration of 1.17 %, amplitude of the ultrasonic nozzle 67.64 % and vibration pulse of 67.30 %. For the optimized by experimental design (98.12 % of triglyceride conversion), we performed a kinetic study of the reaction at temperatures of 30, 40 and 50 ?C. The reaction was performed with 2nd-order kinetics in that the rate constant of the reaction increases with increasing temperature. The activation energy was quantified in 79.129 kJ/mol. Finally, we conducted a comparative study of the production of methyl esters by interesterification in the presence of ultrasonic waves, with a conventional method (mechanical stirring), with a significant increase of 13 % of triglyceride conversion with the use of ultrasonic waves compared with a conventional method.

Prevalence anální HPV infekce u pacientek léčených pro těžkou dysplazii děložního hrdla a její vztah k sexuálnímu chování / The prevalence of anal HPV infection in women with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and its relation to sexual behavior

Sehnal, Borek January 2015 (has links)
Background: More than 90 % of anal cancers are caused by high-risk human papillomavirus (HR HPV) infection and a history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer is established as possible risk factor. The aim of this study was to demonstrate relationship between anal and cervical HPV infection in women with different grades of CIN and microinvasive cervical cancer and to determinate potential risk factors for concurrent cervical-anal HPV infection. Methods: A total of 272 women were enrolled in the study. The study group included 172 women who underwent conization for high-grade CIN or microinvasive cervical cancer. The control group consisted of 100 women with non-neoplastic gynecologic diseases or biopsy- confirmed CIN 1. All participants completed a questionnaire detailing their medical history and sexual risk factors and were subjected to anal and cervical HPV genotyping using Lynear array test (Roche). Results: Cervical, anal, and concurrent cervical-anal HPV infections were detected in 82.6 %, 48.3 % and 42.4 % of women in the study group, and in 28.0 %, 26.0 % and 8.0 % of women in the control group, respectively. The prevalence of the HR HPV genotypes was higher in the study group and significantly increased with the severity of cervical lesion. Concurrent infections...

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